Gay Erotic Stories

Down and Out In Silicon Valley, Part 4

by Mgw2
10 Dec 2004

Bisexual Coming Out Crush Gay Erotic Stories Men At Work Sex On The Road Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Workplace

I called Danny Yamoto over the weekend to offer him the job as a contract programmer in my new group. Danny was an ace. Fast, accurate and imaginative. I needed him to straighten out some critical code in a lagging project and to provide a role model in the dysfunctional group I was handed. If I was lucky, he might also distract my boss and get him--quite literally--off my ass.

My boss had used the job prospect to maneuver me into a sexual relationship. It was constant and excessive. I had no sexual relationship with my wife anymore. She was loosing patience with my excuses of "work pressures" to explain my lack of desire. Damn it! I was straight as an arrow before I got myself into this trap, and I was going to be thoroughly straight again as soon as I got myself out of it. Danny was unabashedly gay. It had never been an issue between us at our old, now defunct, company. He was also stunningly good looking and a fanatic fitness buff. Even straight guys gave him the once over when they met him. I was hoping, praying, that Steve Marks could not resist such a hot piece. I could be pretty sure that Danny would not turn him down.

When Danny arrived that Monday morning, I spent about a half hour describing the situation in the group. I showed him where I thought the code was fouled up and explored with him ways we might get this bunch of losers working together effectively. I also told him that a good outcome might lead to a permanent job because the CEO, Steve Marks, was keeping close tabs on what was going on down here. I emphasized how important it was to cultivate a good relationship with Marks. After that, I sent him up to Kate Dancer, Marks' executive secretary for processing.

I then called in Frank Barron and gave him his walking papers. I explained that he would get six weeks pay in lieu of notice, but that I wanted him off the site as soon as possible. I gave him the option of coming back later that evening to clear out his desk without all his co-workers watching him. He exploded with a string of expletives. He had been here for four years. How could I know his record well enough in just one week? Yada. Yada. Yada. I said nothing and looked through my email while he ranted. Then he sneered that that the only reason I got my job was because I was fucking the CEO. That hit too close to home. The company grapevine was fast and (unfortunately) accurate. I cut Barron off and quietly explained that, if he wanted his six weeks pay, he should leave quietly, sit through his exit interview and get off site. We would pack his personal belongings and have them delivered to his address of record.

When Barron left, I announced his firing to the group, quite unnecessarily, given that he could have been heard in the next building. I explained that I had no further firings in mind but that group performance had to improve or we would all be out of jobs. I told them that Larry Daniels, who they knew and respected, would be joining the group temporarily and that Danny Yamoto would be coming in as an outside consultant. They should regard Yamoto as my second in command. I regretted that as soon as I said it, since Danny's personal demeanor bordered on the flamboyant. I could imagine what the grapevine would make of that. When I finished, I wandered over to "A" Building to see what had become of Danny.

Kate Dancer was alone in the outer office. I asked if she knew what had become of Danny and she said yes. She went to the outer door and threw the bolt. Then she motioned for me to come around her desk. On her computer screen was the image from the four hidden video cameras that Steve had distributed around his office. There was Steve, shirt unbuttoned, trousers around his ankles. Danny was on his knees, completely naked. His frame was slighter than Steve's or mine, a runner's build: no fat, clean, defined musculature. His head obscured Steve's crotch area. It was moving. Kate tapped the keyboard and a side shot, from a different camera, showed Danny's mouth on Steve's thick, generous member.

I was very familiar with that tool. I had been taking it up the ass once or twice a day for the past week, but I had failed miserably to take it orally in its entirety. After all, it took little skill to get fucked but quite a bit to take a cock that size down the gullet. I took comfort that I lacked the necessary experience. Strangely though, I felt inadequate. Steve made no bones about his disappointment with that aspect of my sexual performance. It was clear that he would not be disappointed today. Danny's nose was buried deeply in Steve's bush. With a few further keyboard strokes, Kate had the action framed in tight close-up.

She looked up at me and said, "I thought you'd want to know."

I smiled. This was exactly what I had hoped for--and a lot sooner than I had expected. Kate Dancer hiked her skirt up, reached beneath her panties and began playing with herself. Soon, she was keening softly. She was fixated on her boss but could only get off by proxy because he never fucked women. She had complete access to his cameras and edited the output into private porn movies for Steve to watch later. I had no reason to stay, but I did anyway. I found myself becoming hard, and I told myself it was because Kate was masturbating next to me.

I fumbled with my zipper and extracted my cock, at nearly full extension. I was blessed with a cock that was a near twin of Steve's. She glanced over at me and I raised my eyebrows in a "you wanna?" inquiry. She grabbed my hips and eased me around until I was sitting with my ass against the edge of her desk. Kate rivaled Danny in technique and took me into her throat with ease. Her eyes were not on me, though. They were averted, watching the two men on the screen. I turned my head to see for myself. Kate mimicked every thing that Danny did. If he swallowed, so did she. When he came up for air, she did as well. I was Steve and she was Danny. Ersatz or not, it was a fantastic blowjob and it seemed to go on forever.

I continued to watch the screen instead of Kate. Danny had his hands on Steve's ass, but Kate's were busy. One was in her panties and the other fondling her now exposed breasts. This would ordinarily have had my undivided attention, but I continued to watch the two men in action on the screen. Instead of imagining Danny's hands on my ass, my own hands flexed in memory of Steve's glutes. I put my hands on Kate's head and tried to match the movements of Steve's hands on Danny. Kate murmured her approval. The last time she had given me a blowjob it was to train me for Steve. It was competent but dispassionate. Now, however, Kate was in her fantasy world. Her mouth was on "Steve's" cock, and she gave it all her attention. Her eyes never left the screen--nor did mine. Her mouth, tongue and throat worked my cock furiously as she eased it in and out. When she went deep, her throat opened fluidly to accept my big cockhead.

I could take it no more, and I began pulsing straight into her stomach. This was the last thing she wanted. The two studs on the screen were still going strong and she would not let herself cum until they did. No did she want to swallow my spunk. She had made that clear yesterday, when she spit it back after drawing me out. She tried to pull away, but I held her head firmly until I was done.

When I released her, she said, "You can't even take a decent blowjob, Jake. No wonder you can't give one. And your cum tastes like piss." Fuck her! We watched together, while the dudes in the next room ratcheted up the action. Kate tiled the pics from all four cameras on the screen. She moved the side cam to a shot of Danny wanking off and used the overhead shot to capture his mouth action. Not to indulge in a racial stereotype, but Danny was, well, modestly endowed, but seemed to function okay, though. He came in six or seven large glops, which landed on the carpet and Steve's trousers. Kate worked herself furiously as Danny turned his full attention to Steve. He grabbed Danny's head and launched his hips into the Amerasian boy's face. At the last second, he pulled out and spewed long ropey streams of jism over Danny's face and hair. When he was done, he licked Danny's face clean and planted a huge kiss, which Danny reciprocated enthusiastically. Kate shuddered and moaned as she came, her face flushed.

Noises. The other girls were coming down the hall, returning from lunch. Kate killed the monitors on the screen and ducked into the records room to gain her composure. I unlocked the door and nodded to the girls as I exited. When I returned to my office, I found my group hard at work. (An occasional firing does wonders.) When Danny returned, I called him into my office.

"That took longer than I thought it would," I said.

"Mr. Marks was there," Danny replied. "He wanted to interview me."

"That's great! Did you get everything straightened out with your contract?" I asked.

Danny smiled, "Not quite. Mr. Marks hired me outright, Special Projects Programmer. I report simultaneously to him and to the group leader of whatever project I'm assigned to. I'm detailed to your group for the next six months. I'll have some other minor projects as well, though." Yeah, Right! I'd seen one of those already. Hell, I'd been one myself!

I thought about the implications for a second and said, "Steve's put a spy in my group."

"I'd only be a spy," Danny said, "if we kept my status a secret. Don’t worry, John. We've worked together before. We'll do fine." He was probably right. In any case, I was in no position to complain.

Danny left after we discussed where he would start. I worked poorly all day, waiting to see if I would get an invitation to Marks’ office. At 5:00, I was pleased that none had come. My plan seemed to be working. Then, just as I was about to leave, the phone rang.

"Mr. Walker?" The voice at the other end inquired. "Zis is Claus. Ve are rescheduling za verkout sessions. You vill come in at ten-zirty from now on."

"Uh, Claus," I said to the executive trainer, "Mr. Marks said that he wanted me to work out with him so we could discuss business at the same time."

"Zat vas temporary," he replied. "Zis is Mr. Marks’ orders. You be zer at ten-zirty."

So much for that, my star had fallen in more ways than one. I preferred to work out early in the morning with no one but Marks in the gym, but I could carve out time at 10:30 for the workout. I couldn't really say that I could actually see any effects of Claus' brutal ministrations yet, but I could sure feel them. I'd be back in shape in a few months-- whether Marks was still focused on me or not, I was determined to keep up the training.

The rest of the week was spent productively. Between Danny and me, we reorganized the team efforts around critical code. We threw away an entire section and rewrote it together from scratch. By the end of the week, we'd have real progress to report. I felt that we had a good chance of meeting Steve's three-week deadline.

I got no more summons to Marks’ office for the rest of the week, though Danny disappeared for an hour every afternoon. He seemed unusually chipper when he came back. For some reason, that irritated me. By the middle of the next week, I was snapping at everyone around me, including Danny. I found myself staring out the window, watching Danny go to and from Building A.

On Thursday, I got a telephone call from Kate Dancer, informing me that I would have to substitute for Steve during the first two days of WinCon in Las Vegas. She had already booked me a flight for Saturday afternoon, to take advantage of the cheaper fare. My wife was not happy when I told her.

There was an hour delay because the plane was late getting in from somewhere in the Northwest. I was booked into coach, so I figured that I was not using Steve's reservation. When I signed into my room at the MGM Grand, the reservations clerk mentioned that the "other gentleman" in the room had arrived about two hours earlier. I smiled to myself. I figured then that this was just a ruse so that Steve could get me alone for an extended period.

My cock tingled as I rode the elevator to the 15th floor. I swiped my key and walked in. The shower was running. I tried the handle of the bathroom door, but it was locked from the inside, an odd move for someone alone in a hotel room, but Steve was, after all, a pretty unusual guy.

The shower cutoff, and a few minutes, "Hey, Jake," said Danny Yamoto, stepping into the room butt naked, drying his face. The bath towel tangled strategically down the front of his body. "Good to see you."

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed. "You're supposed to be working to ensure that we meet the project deadline on Friday. That's life or death for me!"

"Relax, Jake," he said. "I got a call late Friday night, ordering me to come and assist you. I raised the deadline issue and got it extended by one week. Anyway, I think that we'll still meet the original deadline. Larry Daniels understands what needs to happen. (Good call on bringing him in, Jake.) He'll bust ass for us. We can log in from here to review the current status of the code. Besides, Steve has no trouble with you as group leader. That aspect of your performance is not in question."

Staring dumbfounded, at the naked man in front of me, it dawned on me that Danny was using "Jake", a nickname from high school that only Steve knew about or ever used. Clearly, Steve had discussed more than my group's performance with Danny. Seeing the recognition on my face, the gorgeous, exotic programmer dropped the towel and walked lithely over to me. Standing on tiptoes, he put his arms around my neck and planted his lips on mine. His tongue went into my mouth and he ground his hips against me. Fresh from the shower, his hair smelled great. My cocked jumped, and I kissed back enthusiastically. Maybe because of my prior experience or because Danny was so much more feminine than Steve, I didn’t feel awkward kissing him. I reached around and grabbed that bubble butt in my hands. I pulled him tighter to me.

He leaned back and smiled, "In all those years working together at SelPro, you never realized that I had a constant hardon whenever you were around. Hell, most of the gay programmers did. You were such a stud…but oh so very, very straight--completely unapproachable. I couldn't believe it when Steve told me he had turned you."

I let go of him and pushed him back. "Look, Danny. What happened with Steve was pretty close to rape. He knew that I was on my ass financially. I couldn't afford to turn down the job--or him. I haven’t been 'turned". It's just a…a…situation. And I'm very glad that it’s over, that he's turned his attentions to you now."

Danny looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face. "My mistake," he said as he closed in again. This time he slid his arms through mine and reached around my back past my shoulder blades. He cupped his hands over my shoulders. Tilting his head slightly, he looked at me with those slightly almond eyes through those long, long lashes. I was struck again by his almost feminine beauty. Even my wife would have strong competition standing next to this man. My cock rose in my briefs and I leaned down and took his mouth. I cupped his ass with my hands and his body melted into mine. I wanted to fuck him. I had to fuck him.

Danny unbuckled my belt, and fumbled with my pants. He pulled them down as he dropped to the floor. He took my hard tool in his hand and moved it aside as he licked my balls. He caressed the shaft with his mouth then reached the head. His tongue flicked out and just kissed the slit. I moaned loudly. Opening his lips wide, he encircled the head. I grabbed his hair and forced him down onto me. I felt my cock meet the back of his throat. I figured on forcing myself into him, but his gullet opened eagerly and I just slid in. I held Danny tight against my groin, savoring the sensation.

I let go when he pushed back with his hands against my hips and I realized that he needed air. When Danny had the head in his mouth again, he worked it with his tongue. He pulled off completely and pulled me back onto the bed. I rolled him over and exposed that beautiful hard little butt. He rolled back and shook his head. Opening a drawer, he pulled out a rubber device with a flattened disk at one end and a rubber protuberance jutting out from it. He opened a tube of lube and slathered it on the extended part of the device. Danny leaned back on the bed with his knees next to his ears, his puckered hole fully exposed. It called to my cock. He positioned the rubber device against it and shoved it in.

"You don't get to take that out, Jake," he teased, "until you can suck a cock like a pro."

He lay down with his face next to my crotch and wiggled his own groin toward my face. As he took my cock back into his mouth, I examined the member in front of me. It was very different from Steve's or my own, but in its own way quite beautiful. It was about five inches long and slender. The head was nicely crowned, the underside a perfect heart. I hadn’t spent much time admiring men's cocks (though like all guys I always checked out the very largest ones in the locker room). Unlike Steve's fat dong, this one did not intimidate me. I opened my mouth and eagerly took it in. It fit nicely. I teased the head with my tongue as he teased mine. Danny swallowed my cock as easily as he had earlier. He pressed his cock to the back of my throat. My nose was nearly into small downy bush. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me firmly onto his pole. I began to panic and my throat closed up.

"C'mon, Jake," he urged. "You're not going to find an easier cock than mine. Just relax. Hold your breath and swallow. You've been doing it all your life."

Now, I don’t know why I should be embarrassed by my inability to give good head. After all, there was a good reason why I didn't know how and no reason why I should want to. Except that I did want to know how. I wanted it very badly. I always thought that I was pretty good in bed--with women, that is. I didn’t like the idea that any of my partners were unsatisfied. I took a deep breath and relaxed my throat muscles. Danny helped by keeping firm pressure. Suddenly I felt the little knob at the end of his cock, slide past my opening, and I bottomed out with my nose in his sack, between his balls.

The panic hit me again and I began to choke. I pulled off hacking and coughing. When I had stopped, Danny gently pulled me back onto him. This time, when I felt his cock knocking at the door of my throat, I opened readily for him. Because of the smallish size of his member, the head barely got past the opening. I grabbed his ass and pulled him tight to my face, trying for an additional half inch of depth. The tips of my fingers brushed against the plug in Danny's butt. I began to wiggle it with my fingers. Danny's cock jumped in my throat. As I worked the plug more, Danny let my cock slip out of his mouth and moaned. I could feel the cum rising past his balls and gushing into my throat, one, two, three…eight strong pulses. When he was finished, I pulled back to get some air.

Well, Jake," he said, "You learn fast; now for your reward." He reached behind and pulled out the butt plug. I started to roll him over, but instead, he pushed my shoulders down against the bed. He reached again into the drawer and pulled out a rubber. After rolling it down on my cock, he straddled me. His hot little hole was poised over the tip of my sheathed member. He eased himself down and my cockhead pushed against his lubricated opening. The rosette dilated and the head of my cock burst through. Danny showed no pain, but he paused once I was in. From my encounters with Steve, I understood how uncomfortable this could be in the early stages.

Danny smiled. No sweat, he seemed to say. I'm made for this. He began to clench his ass cheeks in an oscillating fashion as if to milk me. It was absolutely exquisite! Slowly he eased himself down onto my rod until he was fully impaled. He didn't ride me up and down, but instead continued the internal massage. Time and again he took me to the brink only to stop and let me cool back down.

Finally, I could take it no more. I rolled him onto his back and pushed his knees into his chest. I withdrew part way and glanced down. There it was, my cock up another man's ass. Ten days ago, it would have been unthinkable. Today, though … God, it felt good. No woman--especially my wife--had ever let me do that. I watch my clad shaft disappear as I thrust it into his chute. It swallowed me up, welcomed me, gathered me in. I pulled back and lunged forward again and again. Danny grabbed his cock, again hard, and massaged it frantically. Even through the latex, the heat of Danny's entrails scalded my fuck pole. I arched my back and slapped my hips into his buttocks with increasing force and frequency. Danny matched me, flailing his hand on his little tool. From deep within, my junk welled up into the rubber sheath. Danny shot his own load all over his chest and face. The ache in my balls signaled that I was done, but I didn’t want it to be over. My white spunk leaked back along the shaft and out the ringed end of the condom. Finally, I stopped and lay across Danny's exhausted frame.

"Not bad for a beginner, Jake" he whispered. "Not bad even for an experienced cock hound."

The next day, we spent the morning around the company booth. Since the marketing people seemed to have everything in hand, we went back to the room for lunch. Of course, I was hungry, but not for food. Nevertheless, we ordered for room service. It was delivered by a skinny young blond bellboy in his early twenties. When he had set up the table, he turned and looked from one of us to the other. I was sitting in an upholstered chair. Danny was stretched out on the bed. The bellboy walked over to me and said, "You must be Jake." He unbuckled his belt and dropped trousers. He wore no underwear and pulled out a limp three or four inch cock. "I need some help here, Jake," he said.

Once I had him erect, he sported a decent seven incher, reasonably thick and cut. I was able to take him in stages with relative ease. When I had brought him off, I spun him around over the arm of the chair. He looked over at Danny and said, "That'll be an extra hundred." Danny nodded and pulled two fifties out of his wallet. He tossed me a rubber and said, "Go for it, Jake. You've earned it."

I proceeded to plow the boy's skinny ass. It went on like that for the rest of the week. Twice a day a new guy would show up. Not hotel staff. Trade, I guess. Each was hung bigger than the last. Danny seemed to have done some careful scouting. It became harder and harder to take them orally, but I eventually succeeded with all but the last. Sometimes they let me fuck them. Some fucked Danny. The last guy, though, was a piece of work. He was a black dude and his cock was 14 inches erect. When I put my hand around the shaft, there was still a good inch and a half between the tips of my fingers and my thumb. Not even Danny could down that monster. The two of us worked the shaft on the head from either side with our tongues until he came all over our faces. When he was done, he demanded to be paid and left in a hurry. “On the Down Low,” Danny said.

It was our last night in Vegas, and neither Danny nor I had cum. Who knew what would happen when we went back to California. I pulled him onto the bed, planning to suck and fuck, but instead I found myself just holding his naked body next to mine. As I stroked his back and ass, I thought about the last two weeks.

"What's wrong, Jake?" he asked.

"Danny," I replied. "You're a great kid, but I'm so fucking jealous, I can’t stand it. I miss him."

"You wanted it. You planned it."

"I know, Danny. I know. I told myself that I couldn't stand it, but my real problem was that I liked it too much. It scared me. You were right about me. All I do is think about cock and ass any more, mostly his. I want him, Danny, like I never wanted anyone before.

"Poor, Jake," he said as he reached across me for the phone. He punched in a four-digit number that indicated he was calling another room.

"He's ready, now," Danny announced to the person on the other line.

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