Gay Erotic Stories

Tha Kiss

by NPhillydogg
25 Feb 2007

Black and Beautiful

pt-1 Yo, this shit was off the chain. Me (Kenny), my girlfriend (Patrisha), my boi (Q. -short for Quincy), and his girl (Karma) were all sitting round playing cards one night, -the guys against the girls. After a few hands, we decided to up the stakes some. Q suggested we play a truth or dare round. Everybody was eager at first, all of us picking the "truth" over the "dare" for fear that we might have to do some nasty out of the ordinary type shit. That is until certain questions were being asked that no one wanted to admit, came along. Q started off by asking my girl if she "spit or swallowed" when she gave me head. We all laughed at the question, but Q and Karma was really expecting to hear a truthful answer. Reluctantly Pat looked over at me for support, then nodded her head to the second option. "Eeeeewwwww gurl, you be swallowin that mess?" Karma gagged, as if it were the nastiest thing she'd ever heard. "Well fuck, its MY man hoe!" defended Pat (my girl). "Sheit, Q's MY man too, but I wouldn't swallow that nasty mother fucker's cum if it was laced with Bacardi Rum!" promised Karma. "You'd be swallowing Kenny's nutt too bitch, if I ever allowed you a taste." answered Pat, rolling her eyes sarcastically. "Doubt it hon." said Karma, rolling hers rite back. Karma lost the next hand, and it was Pat that got to ask her a question. "Have you ever ate another woman out?" asked Pat, referring to a rumor she had once heard about Karma a few years back. The shocked expression on Karma's face was -priceless. "Did I ever what?" "Eat pussy bitch, don't front like you deaf." repeated Trish. Karma looked around the room nervously, like she was wondering how Pat found out. We could all see her trying to form up a lie. "Tell the TRUTH bitch. Don't be a lying hoe ALL your life." Karma looked Pat dead into the eye. "Yeah -it's true, you fat slut." she admitted, painfully. "I ain't kno' that, babe." Q said, staring at his girl like she was a total stranger. "Why ain't you told me that before?" "It was years ago...," explained Karma, before looking back at my girl with a snarl. "...and I only did it once!" "That we KNOW of..." mumbled Pat, but we all heard her. "Oh, I'm a get YOU back, bitch." warned Karma. "Whatever." "Ok." said Karma, her foot kicking eagerly a mile a minute under the table as if she had a nervous condition. She lost the next hand. "I'll take the DARE." she said, fearful of another truth. Q thought carefully, as winner of the last game, he got to tell her what to do. Anyone refusing to do a dare had to pay a 50 dollar to the other players. He smiled at his girlfriend, mischievously. "I dare you to grab Pat's titties, and squeeze 'em for one whole minute." he laughed. "Fuck that!" yelled my girl. "Yo, you haf'ta. If you don't, you own us fitty bucks." warned Q. Pat looked over at Karma. "Fuck that! That bitch looks like she might like that shit too much!" "Fuck you, you fat hoe!" said Karma, referring to Pat's voluptuous figure. "I'd rather be a hoe than a SPLIT-LICKER, anytime." said Pat, vehemently. "It's just a game Trish." I encouraged, knowing who'd have to be the one to pay the 50 dollar. When Pat no longer protested, Karma got up, and grabbed two hefty handfuls of my girl's fat titties, squeezing them like she was kneading dough. "Bitch, he said TOUCH my titties, not PLAY with them!" snapped Pat. After the minute was up, Karma moved back to her seat. "You liked that, didn't you hoe?" Pat smiled. Karma didn't answer. She merely smiled quietly to herself. The next round I lost. Pat dared me to reach my hand between Q's legs, and feel his meat until it got hard. "I ain't trying to feel that mother fucker's dick!" I protested. "You HAVE to." warned Karma. Q didn't protest, he just quietly lit a joint. "Look at him, he probably already hard just thinking about me touching it." I said jokingly, looking him over suspiciously. Reluctantly, I reached my hand down under the table. But instead of grabbing his crotch, I stroked his leg, -Q played it off by moaning like it felt good. Karma looked under the table. "He cheatin!" she cried. Busted! Pat got up from her seat. "His dick, NOT his thigh." she ordered, standing over me like a school teacher. Slowly I inched up until my hand was feeling his soft pud. Q still ain't say anything. He just sat there, with a funny look on his face like he was about to throw up or something. I was massaging his lump back and forth, feeling his limp dick underneath my fingertips. It was embarrassing to say the lest. Occasionally, Karma would reach down to see if Q was hard. After a few minutes, it started to grow and stiffen. "There!" I said, removing my hand as if it'd been contaminated. Karma reached down. "It's hard, alright!" she confirmed, taking her seat. "You're man's GAY." said Pat, dealing the next hand. "YUR man's gay!" Karma countered. "HE's the one feelin on my man's dick, n'shit!" "My man HAD to, it was part of his Dare! But your man LIKED IT, or else he wouldn't have gotten hard!" countered Pat, smiling superiorly as if she's just swallowed the canary. Nobody said nothing. Q's dick had indeed grown hard under my massaging fingers. I was trying to check out the length, but I ain't want him thinking I was getting too into it or nothing so I acted as if it disgusted me. It felt kinda nice, and long, -and thick too. I had to admit, that I kinda liked touching it. The next hand, Karma lost again. This time, Q dared his girl to "GO DOWN" on Pat. Pat hit the roof. "What the fuck kind of freaky shit y'all two into!? Y'all some nas-tee asses!" she yelled, totally turned off by the idea. "You two freaks deserve each other!" she barked. "You refusin?" asked Q, laughing out loud. "Hell YEAH, I'm refusing!" yelled Pat. "I ain't into that lesbian shit! That's YOUR girlfriend's bag, -NOT mine!" "For the last time, I ain't no damn lesbian, -dammit!" protested Karma. "What you call eating another bitch's kootchy?" countered Pat. "A happy meal!" added Q. Pat rolled her eyes in disgust. "Trifflin nicca. You just a FREAK!" Q laughed. "I juss wanna see Karma eat sum puzzy, that's all." he admitted. "Fuck you, Q." said Karma. "You kno I'm down wit that shyt, babee." he said, licking his lips. "So we gonna do this shyt or what?" "Hell NO." defied Pat, defiantly. "50 bucks." reminded Q, writing it down on a sheet of paper under Pat's name. "Get MY mother fucking CHECK BOOK!" Pat yelled, determined not to do it. The next hand I lost. "I pick TRUTH." I said, pouring myself a drink. "You and Pat ever have anal sex?" asked Karma. "Once." I laughed. Pat was mortified. "Dat shyt's da bomb, ain't it dawg?" laughed Q, slapping hands with me. Karma smacked him on the arm. "We ain't never had anal sex!" she screamed. "You ain't the first girl I ever fucked either!" he said, sucking his teeth. "I'd better be the last one, though!" she snapped, taking another drink. Karma lost the next round, and had to show us all how well she gave head by sucking on a cold cucumber we got from the refrigerator, in which she damn near swallowed completely. I congratulated Q on his girl's talents, bringing a nasty look from my girl. Pat lost next hand had to flash her breast, which she did proudly. I could see the look of envy in Q's eyes as Pat's tits were bigger than Karma's, and I knew Q considered himself to be a" breasts man". He looked like he wanted to get his hands, lips, and mouth on my girl's tits something bad. I lost the next round. "I pick DARE." I ventured, knowing that my girl wouldn't pick nothing too weird or raunchy for me to do in front of company. She thought for a minute. "I dare you to....KISS Q on the lips for a full minute!" she laughed, getting a firm chuckle out of Karma as well. "Oh HELL NAW!" protested Q, putting out his joint. "50 bucks!" yelled Pat. "Fuck that!" continued Q, bringing tears of laughter to Karma's eyes. "You think that shyt's funny?" he asked her, irritated. "YOU tried to get me to eat that bitch's nasty pussy!" defended Karma. "Fuck you, HOE...!" snapped Pat. "But you ate puzzy before...," explained Q. "...I ain't never kissed no mother fuckin man!" "Then this oughta be a brand new experience for you." smiled Pat, devilishly. "For BOTH of you!" "I ain't kissin no niggah." stated Q. "Then you owe us each 50 bucks." answered Pat. Q shrugged his shoulders as if the money didn't mean nothing. "So?" "What about you, Kenny?" asked Karma, wiping the happy tears from her eyes. "You willin to do it?" "Yeah." I lied, knowing Q would never let it happen. Why should both of us have to pay 50 bucks? "See, Kenny's down to do it." smiled Karma, grabbing Q's hand in support. Q looked over at me, skeptically. "That niggah's lyin!" he said, correctly. "No he's not." defended Pat. " MY man's not confused about his sexuality. He KNOWS he's not gay. He can do his dare without fear that it might threaten his manhood!" supported Patrisha. "Oh, so since I don't wanna kiss another niggah, I gotta be in doubt over my manhood?" Questioned Q, sucking his teeth. "You the only one protesting." countered Pat. "You did'n do yur dare either...!" reminded Q, referring to the time Pat refused to let Karma lick her pussy. "Damn straight." said Pat. "You wanted me to have SEX with Karma, you only have to KISS Kenny! Kissing someone is completely different from sexing them up!" "Oral ain't sex." said Q. "The hell it ain't!" said Pat. "Oral sex ain't sex." entered Karma, agreeing with Q. "Anytime you enter into another person's body, you havin sex!" said Pat. "That ain't what Clinton said." smiled Q. "Oral sex ain't sex." he continued with the President's backing. "So let me see you suck Kenny's dick, THEN you tell me oral sex ain't sex!" countered Trish. "Now you trippin." said Q, getting angry. "So y'all going to do this or not?" asked Pat, writing down what Q owed the group to date. "Yea...," he said, suddenly changing his mind. "...we gonna do it." I looked over at him in surprise. "Okay then. One FULL minute. A FRENCH KISS. I'll count the 60 seconds out loud." said Pat. Q stood up, leaning over the card table. "Letz do this then, niggah." he said, looking down at me and calling my bluff. I hesitated. I really wasn't trying to kiss another nigga either. "50 bucks." reminded Karma. I stood up too. I wasn't about to have to pay out 150.00 dollars to everybody at that table. Q and I avoided looking each other in the eye. We quickly leaned into each other, then pressed our lips together. It felt strange, kissing another nigga on the lips. His lips were a lot softer than I expected. They felt like fat pillows against my own n'shit. "Hold it!" protested Patrisha, making us break apart. "I said FRENCH KISS, not closed mouth kiss!" "You said KISS!" countered Q. "She said french kiss, baby." corrected Karma, rubbing Q's arm affectionately. Q and I looked at each other, our eyes pleading the same lost case. After a few seconds, we leaned in again. Our lips met a second time. This time, we parted our lips, giving the impression that we were french kissing. It would've worked too, if Pat hadn't moved in closer and saw that there wasn't any TONGUE ACTION. "Stop!" she protested again. Q and I broke apart. "What NOW?" he shouted, frustrated. "Y'all ain't french kissing! Y'all just standing there with your mouths open!" yelled Pat. "We waz too french kissin, waz'n we Karma?" asked Q. Karma shook her head, hunching her shoulders neutrally. "I know a french kiss when I see one!" said Pat. "THIS is a french kiss!" she said, spinning me around and planting her mouth on mines. She snaked her tongue into my mouth, running her hands across my scalp passionately. We kissed hard for a couple seconds, then she pushed me away leaving me breathless. "That's a french kiss!" she stated, spinning me back around to face Q. We looked at each other, then laughed out loud. "That bitch's crazy." he said, licking his lips nervously. Once the laughter died down, we looked back into each other's faces for seriousness. "You still down to do this?" he asked. "Yeah..." I said, tasting remnants of Pat's lipstick on my lips. "Then letz do it rite." he said. We leaned into each other one last time, our lips locking together for the third time. This time, there was no playing, no tricks to be had on either of our parts. Our lips touched, followed by our tongues. His slid his between my lips, entering my mouth like an invited guest. I opened up and let him in. I felt his tongue between my lips, searching for my own tongue just as Pat's had moments ago. I extended mines, they both met for the first time, -slithering together like 2 wet snails. "Make sure its plenty of tongue." instructed Karma, watching closely. Q and I parted lips briefly, our tongues still locked together in plain view outside our mouths, giving the girls a show. The girls could easily see that we were sharing a real kiss. Wasn't nothing fake about the way we were frenching now. "Ewwww..." squirmed Pat, sitting up in her seat to get a better look. "45 more seconds." called Karma. Q's mouth pressed back into mines. He slowly rotated his head to the opposite side, drilling his tongue back into my mouth. Instinctively, I began sucking on the moist muscle, before shoving my own tongue into his mouth. Surprisingly, Q sucked on my tongue too, his lips moving back and forth as if sucking a piece of candy and nearly pulling my tongue completely out of my mouth from the root. Changing head positions again, I could feel the abrasiveness of his upper lip against mines. It felt weird kissing another nigga for the first time. It was different from kissing girls. Girls were usually very gentle, Q's kiss was a lot firmer. Forceful even. "25 seconds." yelled Karma. I suppressed the urge to moan. I couldn't believe how intense this kiss was getting, -especially in front of the girls. Q and me was kissing up a storm. Swapping spit as if kissing a girl for real. I could feel my dick starting to react between my legs. Fearful that one of the girls might see it, I started thinking about different shit, trying to take my mind off what I was doing. Q broke into 5 or 6 tiny closed mouth kisses, twisting and turning his head from side to side before drilling his tongue back into my mouth. I kinda got the feeling that he was getting into it too. It didn't feel like he was holding back anything. He was kissing me as real as I had seen him kiss Karma. "10 seconds." Our kissing got more desperate. Q was smashing his mouth into mines. Spit moistened out mouths, causing our lips to slide back and forth easily. I could taste his spit in my mouth. I couldn't tell if the air I was breathing was his or mine. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1...TIME!" yelled Karma, signaling us to stop. I was just about to pull back, when Q's hand suddenly clamped around the back of my head, trapping me in place on his locked lips. I KNEW what he was doing. I KNEW he continued to kiss me to get back at the girls. To give them what they asked for. I knew he wasn't kissing me because he liked it, or because he was caught up in some sort of passionate moment or something. He was giving them a taste of their own medicine. They wanted to see us kiss, now they had to deal with the consequences. I didn't resist. I allowed him to keep frenching me. "Mmmm..." I heard him moaned into my mouth, his voice vibrating on my embedded tongue. His hand tightened on the back of my neck. I could feel his fingers massaging my neck muscles as he worked me over with his mouth. I moaned back involuntarily, giving into his actions. He was a good kisser, and I found myself seriously getting turned on by it. "TIME, I said! TIME!" repeated Karma protesting. I reached up and grabbed Q around his neck as well, pressing my lips harder against his as I burrowed into his mouth deeper. "What the fuck're y'all doing?" asked Pat, grabbing at my shirt, trying to pull us apart physically! Karma grabbed Q. She pulled him in one direction while Pat pulled me in another. Me and Q struggled to keep kissing, our lips never parting as we held tightly onto each other like drowning victims. "Stop that shit!" called Pat, pulling me harder. "Cut that shit out!" screamed Karma, pushing against Q with all her might. Eventually the girl's persistence won out as they succeeded in prying us apart. Laughing at the situation, we resumed our seats opposite each other from across the table. Our mouths shining with each other's spit. "That wasn't funny!" Pat said, smacking me on the back of my head like a Benny Hill skit. "That's what'cha get for trying to get us to do that homo shyt." laughed Q, wiping his mouth off with his hand. "What about that lesbian shit you was trying to get me and your slimy girlfriend to do?" asked Pat, angrily. "That's different." "How's that different?" "Everybody likes to see lesbians fuck." he laughed. "Whatever." said Pat, looking at me angrily for tricking her. "And YOU..." I simply smiled, leaning over to kiss her soft painted lips. She ducked her head in the opposite direction. "You not kissing me with someone else on your lips!" she protested. Q laughed, winking at me playfully from across the table. His wink caused my dick to react. I suddenly saw him in a different light. I wondered what he was thinking. The rest of the game was canceled by the girls. They had had enough of playing around after seeing their boyfriends getting into tongue kissing each other (play or NO play). Apparently, the girls wasn't as secure about Q's and my manhood's as WE were. We thought it was funny that after making such a big stink about us not wanting to do the kiss, now they were wishing we hadn't. I just hoped Q's and my relationship wouldn't change afterwards. We were tight buddies before the game, and I hoped that would continue. Only time would tell, I guess.

pt-2 I was seriously concerned about how my relationship with Q might turn out. I mean, we were boyz all up front and through, but I couldn't help but wonder what something like this could possibly do to change the basis of our friendship. I'd never had any homosexual thoughts of getting it on with other guys. I mean, I did do a 3-way once with a friend of mine and his girl a few years back before I got with Trish, but that was a long time ago, -and I didn't even touch dude. We just took turns fucking his girl until we came, after a wild night of partying. Now not only did a touch Q, but we committed one of the most intimate sexual acts one can do with another person by sharing a deep rooted soulful kiss and swapping spit! The next day, we met up with a couple of friends of ours at one of our usual hang outs we gather at to wind down after work. And truth be told, things were a lil' awkward that first time we hooked up n'shit, but Q acted like his normal self and pretty soon the whole incident was behind us. We kicked back with our boiz and smoked some weed, drank a few 40's. and ragged on each other about whose momma was the fattest and whose girlfriend ran our lives. Later on that night Q and I stopped off at his place (he lived alone, I didn't) to hang out for a bit, watch some new bootleg movie he scored, and finish off a joint we had started smoking in the car. We were in the kitchen getting some munchies we knew we'd want to chew on later, when Q started laughing out of the blue. "What's so funny man?" I asked, looking back at him as I reached up into one of his cabinets. "Naw..., nothin man." he chuckled. "I waz juss thinkin bout last night and that stupid kiss the gurls made us do, n'shyt!" We both laughed. "Yeah man, that shit was whack Yo. Trish nearly shit a brick when we acted like we ain't wanna stop." I recalled. "Yeh, Karma said they thought we switched sides on 'em! Said it made her HOT watchin us tho!" laughed Q. "Yo man, your girlfriend's a freak, man!" I joked, referring to Karma's sense of humor. "But Trish ought to know better than to think I'd switch sides like that...," I added pulling down a bag of Cheetos from the cabinet and getting a lil' insulted by the thought of them challenging our manhoods. "...not the way I be putting it on her!" "I heard that!" snickered Q, still looking for the Pop-Tarts he swore he had stashed in the pantry closet. "Ain't like you could handle me anyway..." he added, finding the tarts. "What you mean by that?" I asked, curiously. "Nothin man. Juss that, -if I waz to 'put it on you', you would'n be able to handle it, is all." "Handle what?" I asked, intrigued. "A REAL kiss." he simply stated. "I handled it pretty well last night." I challenged. "That waz'n no real kiss, niggah!" chuckled Q. "The gurlz waz standin there watchin, -timing us n'shyt! I wouldn've been able to get my normal flow on with people standin around watchin. Nah'mean?" "Whatever, nigga." I said, ripping open the Cheetos. "Yo, I'm serious dawg! If I put it on you, you couldn't handle it!" "Is that a challenge?" I asked. "You down?" he asked. "Nigga you crazy! I ain't kissing you again!" I said, sensing a trap. "You scared?" he teased. "Fraid I might beat?" "How will we judge it?" I asked, seeing a flaw in his challenge. He thought for a minute. "How bout..., first one to get a hardon, loses!" he finally declared. "Man, that's sick!" I said, turning it down. "How else we gonna declare a winner?" he asked. "You think you can kiss, I think I can kiss..., only one way to find out who's right! Right?" "Man..., this is crazy..." I said, considering his challenge. "How long we got to kiss for?" I asked, before committing. "Til one of us gets hard." I thought about it. "Okay." I agreed, giving in partly from curiosity, and partly because I was already high. With that, Q took the Cheetos away from me and tossed them with the Pop-Tarts on the table. Then he walked over to me, licking his thick lips as he lined my back up against the refrigerator. My heart was beating a mile a minute with anticipation. I never really looked at Q in sexual way before yesterday, but I started to see him as being very appealing in a thuggish sort of way. What did this mean about me? Was I starting to find Q attractive? These thoughts flashed through my mind as Q tilted his head to the side, then leaned in for the kiss. I held my breath when our lips touched again for the second time in 2 days. Again I was pleasantly surprised at how soft his lips were as they mashed against mine. Being men, we never really think of other's guy's lips as being soft, or tender kissers. However, unlike last night, this time we were alone with no spectators, -free to explore this kiss with no predetermined time limit (other than who gets hard first). It took a moment or so to adjust. I could sense Q starting to take control almost immediately as he slipped me the tongue before I was ready. I could feel his breath on my face as we breathed in each other's air through our noses. I sucked his tongue, tasting his spit as he did mine. We twisted and turned our heads back and forth in opposite directions, committing ourselves to the moment as our body temperatures grew. Ever so often Q would retract his tongue, giving me several soft closed mouth kisses before diving back in for another deep tongue sucking feast that lasted a whole lot longer than 60 seconds. With my back against the fridge, and Q standing right in front of me, our bodies were closely pressed together, leaving no room to move. Instinctively my hands snaked around his waist, as his did mine. I felt his crotch pressed into my crotch, almost in a slow grind kind of pace. I heard tiny moans escape indicating pleasure, then realized it was coming from me! I could feel myself becoming flush as Q got more aggressive. His head snuck around my back, then down to my ass, and squeezed. "Mmmph..." I moaned, trying to break the kiss. Q held me tighter. "Mmmphh...!" I groaned louder, putting my hands up to his chest to push him back. "...your dick's hard!" I mumbled into his mouth, thinking I had won the bet as I could feel his hardon pressing against my leg. Q broke the kiss, allowing our lips to part. A single strand of saliva stretched between us, keeping us connected until it finally broke. I looked into his glossy eyes as he licked his wet lips. "So are you." tHE eND?


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Tha Kiss

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