Gay Erotic Stories

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Dark Side

by Sidekick1985
01 May 2008

Athletics Bathhouse Tales Bathroom Tales Best Friends Black and Beautiful Bondage Discipline Gay Erotic Stories Gym Workouts Interracial Jockstraps Masturbation Muscle S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Locker Room Tales Of A Houseboy Underwear Action

I could hear a commotion going on outside in the gym room. I could hear them walking around room and moving things around. I heard a loud clacking of the latch snap shut on the running machine as it was folded up. I could hear them still talking about the football game as well as their experiences shoving their manhood’s down what I heard Louis calling it a snake pit. Something told me he used that a lot. The overhead shower lamp blazed to life and filled the room with blinding light. My eyes didn’t have time to adjust to the light. They were still used to the room being pitch black.

I could feel my irises closing up as they adjusted to the light. They didn’t sting as much now as they did when I first got into the shower. If it wasn’t for the fact that Wayne was making me tear up so much, they could have been more damage from Louis. My eyes could finally see again like they were normal. I looked around the room.

By my feet was a big brass drain where the toilet used to be. Water and soap suds swirled around it like a little tornado. The floor was covered with perfectly lined up black and white checker pattern tiles. The walls were covered with large white shiny tiles. A boarder of red, white and green tiles ran along the top of the walls all around the shower room. The ceiling was also covered with large white tiles. To the sides along the walls were two-tiled bench’s that doubled as shelves. A parade of shampoos and body soaps lined the wall on the back of the bench to the right of me. On the back of the shower room were three large showerheads that swiveled in any direction. All of the knobs were under the center showerhead. This way Tony could have total control no matter how many people were in the shower with him. There were also two more showerheads mounted into the ceiling, one over each of the benches. On the walls next to the doorway were two glass door cabinets sunken into the wall.

Inside the cabinets Tony stored some scented candles, body oils, lubricants and glass jar of condoms. The gym and the shower room were Tony’s new playrooms, only a few weeks old and fifteen women got a slam and ram workout session by this time. The mirrored door to the shower room was still shut. There was some kind of coating on it so that the steam could not build up on it. He had the door installed at the last moment because he knew he would want to look at himself as he showered. It was originally going to be a clear glass door, but Tony figured while he was in the room with some women he didn’t want the outside world distracting them from him.

The door also sealed the room off to keep in the steam it was also going to be a steam room but at the last minute he had to cut it out because he nearly went over budget with the custom mirrored door. He felt watching he was bending a woman over while he fucked her doggy style was more bangs for the bucks, no pun intended. Well maybe just a little bit intended.

The door swung opened and the cold air disrupted the steam and it came rushing into the shower. Tony stood in the doorway wearing nothing but his black jockstrap from Under Armor. The white logo predominantly centered right over the crotch. He looked tough wearing them. His shoulders were so wide they nearly touched the sides of the doorframe. He was wearing black workout sneakers that matched the jockstrap. He must have owned at least ten sets of sneakers for working-out alone, all to match his outfits he would wear to the gym. In his hand he held a big white towel.

“Turn off the shower! It’s time for a workout,” he said to me as he tossed me the towel. My closet used to be right across from my bathroom. It was an odd design because it looked like my bathroom was in the closet. Tony redesigned it to look like a locker room. He even installed metal lockers. There was a long wooden bench up alongside the wall across from the shower. A row of cross trainers, basketball sneakers, running sneakers and wrestling shoes lined the floor underneath the bench. It looked like a marching parade got up and left their shoes behind. On the wall above the bench he had pictures of himself at bodybuilding contests. Tiny even some artistic nude photos of himself that he took for a European magazine. On the back end of the wall he had some metal lockers installed to complete the locker room look. It really did look like a locker room.

He reached into one of the lockers and pulled out a small blue Speedo. He hung it on the door handle and told me to put it on after I dry off. Then I was to join him and the other guys in the gym right away. I dried myself off and hung the wet towel up on a hook just outside the door in the locker room. I took the Speedo off the handle and put it up to my nose and sniffed it. It had Tony’s sent, it was worn but it wasn’t dirty either. He wore it a few nights ago when he was posing for three girls he met at the gym. Let’s just say it wasn’t on that long, but the girls did have a good workout with him.

I slipped on the Speedo and it was a snug fit. The crotch was a bit loose though. It was definitely stretched out from Tony wearing it. As I was stepping out I looked at my self in the mirror on the door. It was the first time I saw myself after the halftime show. My eyes were red from the man juice Louis ejected into them. My throat was slightly swollen from the workout Wayne had given it. I opened my mouth and saw my entire throat was a bright red. Also I could see deeper down into my throat than I was able to before. I looked like I was mangled. I still could taste them both inside of me. Every time I breathed in or out I got a whiff of their man juice that still was lingering inside me. They put so much masculinity inside me. They showed me so much power and I could still taste their strength on my tong. Even though I was in so much pain, I would go through it again in a heartbeat. It was such an honor for them to do that to me; besides the pain made me feel alive and the healing made me stronger. In a sense they made me more of a man then I was before.

I walked out into the gym and there they all were all three of them were standing in front me wearing nothing by a jockstrap. Tony had on his black jockstrap and Wayne was wearing Tony’s white Under Armor jockstrap. It was just the same style as Tony’s but only white. The logo on the crotch was silver. It was bulging so much it looked like it was going to pop out from the sides. was wearing Tony’s red jockstrap. It was an extra wide band; it made him look tough. Wayne looked even more bad-ass than he did before. He looked amazing. His legs were so freaking muscular they looked liked the legs of a racehorse. They were rippling and his dark black skin just made them look even more intense.

His abs was an eight pack and amazingly sculpted. His shoulders were so wide. Now that he was practically naked, I really could see that he was a magnificent specimen of the black man. He was the perfect black man I had ever seen in my life. It seemed that the release of his man juice down my throat gave him back his full raw and mighty attitude.

He looked right at me and gave me the most intimidating glare I have ever seen in my life. “You know I was holding my self back on you boy! The only reason I didn’t go full throttle on your ass was because you belong to my boy Tony here. You just better pray that he doesn’t sell you to me, because I would go so full fucking throttle on your tiny little white ass I’d put you in a fucking comma!”

Wayne finished his speech to me by slamming his right fist into his left hand. A thunderous clap echoed threw the room. Wayne put a shiver up my spine. I knew it was just his doing a lot of barking and boasting, but it wasn’t what he said about himself that gave me the shiver, it was what he said about Tony. I did read that contract and it referred not to Tony as my master but it said the contract holder. The contract holder could be anybody and at any time the contract holder could hand the rights over to a new holder and the new holder can determine the new time period of my servitude. So in a nutshell Tony could sell me to anyone at anytime he wanted to.

Now my biggest fear was Tony-getting board with me. I looked over at Louis and he also looked amazing his olive skin looked hot and was so smooth. He was naturally smooth. His calve muscles were so large they had muscle formations I had never seen before. His thighs were long and plump with muscles. He had a narrow waist but that made him look even more powerful. He had huge delts under his arms and they looked like wings they were so wide. His arms were just as thick and muscular as his legs. He looked like a human He-Man action figure.

Now that he was wearing nothing more then a jockstrap I could see his tattoos in their full glory. He had the tribal band tattoos that went all the way around and connected. So many guys just get it and don’t finish it on the inside of the arm. He did. Not only that but also he had matching tribal band tattoos on his legs that went from the back of the calves and draped around to the ankles. He also had on his back the Puerto Rican flag and the word” Latën hasta que muero” written above it. I found out later it read “Latin till I die”. I saw in the mirror behind him that he was wearing the jockstrap in a way I never had seen it worn before. He took the straps and wedges them up between his butt cheeks.

Tony was still better looking than them, he looked iconic! He looked like a Greek statue of Hercules in my eyes. He was a super stud among studs. I walked over to him and stood in front of him. I got down on one knee and lowered my head like I was a Roman solder kneeling down before his emperor.

“Rise!” Tony said, playing along.

I rose to my feet and stood before him but I kept my head down.

“So what is this new workout plan you’ve been talking about? When are we going to see it?” Louis asked Tony.

Tony put his hand on my shoulder with a firm slap. “This is my new workout!” he said.

“We already got a workout from that” Wayne said about me.

“No, that was just we having some fun. Now the real workout is us using its body weight during out workouts. It isn’t a new technique; I just perfected it. I use him as my weight.” Tony showed them his workout routine. He hosted my up on his shoulders and started to squats with me on his back. His body heat and the touch of his skin made me feel relaxed. We did push ups me laying on his back and bench presses. We even did ones Tony didn’t have a name fore.

After three weeks Tony came up with dozens of workout routines. Wayne even came up with some Tony didn’t even think of. Wayne threw me on his back and started doing power jumps with me. He carried me on his shoulders and ran on the running machine with me. He called it a rescue runs on the count that he looked like he was carrying me away from danger. Then they even got to use me like a ball in a three-way catch. Three hulking muscle-bound bodybuilders tossing me around the room like a rag doll was exciting.

Louis had another idea. He asked Tony how limber I was. Tony didn’t know, because he never did that many stretching exercises with me. Louis got on the floor and stretched his legs out to either side of him. His head was at 12 o’clock, his left foot was at three, and his other was at nine. Everyone was amazed at how flexible he was. Louis was more of a Zen fitness guy he did yoga as well as bodybuilding.

“Oh that’s it I am getting Gymboy that flexible!” Tony shouted out.

I stood there looking at all three of them. They looked right back at me like I was food and they were hungry animals about to pounce. They had evil in their eyes and I knew I was in trouble. Know I knew that stretching was one of the most painful exercises out there. I remember in high school that it was painful and I always never really did it that much in gym class. I was an art nerd I was more concerned with looking edgy and being deep than being strong and limber.

They knew I was frightened and it seemed to get them more excited and one thing I know about bodybuilding fitness trainers, they love see people in pain when they workout. I started to creep towards the gym room door. All three of them leaped at me and pulled in and I was wrestled to the ground by three muscle men and I could not move.

Wayne had his back to me and he sat on my chest. He latched onto my wrists with a relentless vice like grip. I knew I was going to be in pain I had an idea of what they were going to do. I pictured that old Chinese guy in that Van Dam movie pulling his legs apart to make him more limber. I cringed every time I saw it. At that point I didn’t care I was Tony’s slave. I was going to fight this torture as much as I could. I tried to pull my hands free, but that just made Wayne more exited and he squeezed even harder.

I kicked and wiggled my body, as much as I could, but it was useless; there was no way I could get free from this. I looked over in the mirror to the right of me and I could see Tony and Louis moving all the weight plates over to me and putting them to my side. Tony was picking up 50 lbs weight plates like they made out of cardboard. Louise was picking them up and flipping them into the air like a giant coin and catching it like it was nothing. This was in fact his most used exercise. He did plate flips whenever he was sitting down and relaxing. It built up his grip and strength in his wrists and hands. I once heard that this helped give him such great dexterity that he was able to give women multiple orgasms while he fingered them.

He mastered the technique by the time he was seventeen and he was always finding ways to do it around people without them knowing he was doing it. He always enjoyed seeing the women trying to hold in their ecstasy. This was more like a game to him. He loved to see how long they could hold it in…eventually they always did end up screaming their heads off. He once did it at his brother’s wedding to his date. Then he did it to two bride’s maids later that night on the dance floor. By the end of that night he had three women in his hotel room.

A few minutes later five hundred pounds of weights rested by my side. I was still pinned under Wayne; his back was to me while he sat on my chest. His back was shaped like a giant triangle of muscles. Watching the muscle under his smooth, ebony skin was almost hypnotic. His large muscular bubble butt was sitting on my chest and was just inches from my face. His butt was so rock-hard and he was so heavy I found it hard to breathe. By him just sitting on my chest took the wind out of me. Louis and Tony grabbed both of my legs by the ankles, Tony on the right and Louis on the left. They were whispering to each other what they were going to do.

I couldn’t see what they were saying due to the fact that Wayne’s hulking muscle-bound shoulders blocked my view. I tried to pull my legs away, but their grips clamped down even harder. Wayne repositioned my arms and pinned them to my sides with his legs. I could not move a muscle. I was struggling so much that the fight was wiped completely out of me. I lay there on the hard black rubber mats and waited for what was to come next.

The weight of Wayne on my chest was now making me feel weak and dizzy. Just to inhale was getting painful to me. I knew what they were planning to do, but I feared if I was wrong that I would be bringing it to their attention. Thye braced their hands on my knees and locked them in place.

“Are you ready?” Louis asked Tony.

“Hell yeah!” he replied.

“One…two… THREE!” Louie shouted.

“Make a wish!” Wayne added in.

Suddenly I felt my legs being slowly pulled away from each other. I could start to feel my thighs being pulled and getting tighter and tighter. At first the tightness was okay, but it quickly started to get more painful to me. It started to feel sharp twangs and it was stinging. Tony and Louis were not stopping from splitting my legs apart. The pain became so much to bear that I scrunched my face and held back my urge to shout out in pain. Then a few seconds later I could not take the pain anymore. I let out a curdling yell. I closed my eyes as I shouted out for help I started to re-think that being Tony’s slave was not worth it.

Then the light in the room vanished from my sight and then I could not breathe. I opened my eyes to see nothing but black. It wasn’t that I went blind from the pain or the lights went out. The blackout was in fact Wayne sliding back and sitting on my face. His strong black butt covered my face. His hole was right over my mouth. He flexed his hard muscular bubble butt cheeks and he pinched my face. I could smell the musky sweat coming off of his smooth ebony skin.

He started to bounce up and down on my face. His body heat was starting to make my face sweat and his butt was slipping and sliding all over my face. Tony and Louis pushed my legs down to the mat and pinned them down with the weight plates. They wedged up some more plates to my knees and pinned my legs down. The pain was so intense I let out a shout. It only made Wayne excited.

“Oh yeah white boy; love that ass! Shout your head off!” Wayne said as his muscle bound butt muffled my cries. After a few minutes my legs went numb from the pain. It didn’t even bother me anymore. I could still breathe, but the air was scented with ass sweat. Wayne squeezed his ass on my face deep and slow. His body weight was crushing my face to the floor. Those two meaty slabs of muscle started to feel good and I was enjoying it. I started to blow on his hole with my hot breath.

“God damn this Gymboy of yours is a freak. It’s blowing up my ass!” Wayne said to Tony.

I knew he enjoyed it, so I had to bring up my game. I stuck out my tongue and I started to lick his manhole. I felt it pucker up immediately on me. I could hear Wayne moaning in delight. I put my lips up to his manhole and kissed it and sucked it.

“DAMN! SUCK IT YOU WHITE TRAILER TRASH SLUT!!!” Wayne growled at me. His fearsome barking commands made me even more energized and I felt stronger. I started to suck harder and harder. His manhole began to quiver as my tong rimmed its edges. I knew there was something else I was forgetting. My mind rushed with thoughts and ideas.

Wayne started to grind his ass and rubbed it harder and deeper into my face. His heat was growing and my face was getting numb from his vice like grip his muscular butt cheeks had on it. I couldn’t even think straight. But somehow through it all, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Humming! I’d hummed when I sucked Tony off and that always made him loose it. I made sure that I had a good hold on his manhole and I made a good suction on it. Then I let loose a hum that was deep and slow. “HOLY SHIT! THIS WHITE BOY IS A REAL FUCKING SLUT! BITCHES NEVER DO THIS SHIT FOR ME!” Wayne shouted out.

He punched my gut and it surprised me. I let loose a gust of hot air and I blew it up into his sweaty muscular manhole. I gained my position again and I started to hum. Then I felt Wayne grab balls and squeezed them tight. It was a sharp pain but my lower body was is in so much pain, it was a welcoming new pain. But there was something else new, something I was unable to see due to the fact that Wayne’s muscular massive slabs preventing me from seeing anything but dark smooth Nubian skin.

I felt something thumping on my chest. I started to hear a fast repetitive slapping noise and was getting faster. I knew what Wayne was doing; he started grunting and pushing down on my face hard, so hard in fact that I could not even breathe. He let out a loud grunt and I felt a splash of hot sticky man juice get dumped onto my skinny stomach. A few moments later Wayne got up and I could breathe again.

I looked around and my sight adjusted from the light and the pressure. I looked down and saw a thick white giant glob of man juice strung out across my belly. It looked like icing covered my stomach. I rubbed it in and it made my skin feel like rubber. I looked up and saw all three of them standing above me. All of them were sweaty and naked. All of them had taken off their jockstraps. Their dicks were hanging long, hard, and low.

“Come on, let’s hit the showers! Grab that thing! It smells like ass.” Tony barked out at his buddies.

Louise and Wayne walked over to me and unpinned my legs from the weight plates. As they moved them closer to each other I could feel the stretched out muscles folding back in on themselves. It hurt and felt good as they pulled my legs. They dragged me back into the locker room shower. I found myself once again back in the white tiled room once again. This time I know something more would happen to me than just a nice warm shower.

To be continued...


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sidekick1985

My Workout Buddy, Part 1

My name is Toby. When I was 20 years old I moved to the big city by myself. I got a job designing novelty T-shirts for a company. Now I was not that good looking. I was average nothing special. I didn’t gross girls out but I didn’t exactly get my choice of women. I was a skinny, blond hair blue eye and not that much muscle In other words a run of the mill shy guy. Now my roommate Tony was

My Workout Buddy, Part 10 The Shower Trio

As I was dragged back into the shower room I looked up at Louis and Wayne. Their muscles were rippling and glistening from the sweat. There thick meaty cocks swung from side-to-side like a pendulum of a clock. Their balls were huge and hairy. They had seriously mean looks on their faces. Wayne looked angry about his pure white eyes wide opened and fixed on my like a sniper’s scope. His no

My Workout Buddy, Part 2

Tony pushed me into him and did not stop pushing when I started to choke on his throbbing cock. I felt it plumping up in my mouth. I could feel his heart beat thumping away from the massive veins on his cock. His head was slowly forcing its way down the back of my throat. It was so thick it filled my entire mouth up and now I felt the back of my throat getting tight. It was at this point I

My Workout Buddy, Part 3

I took a step back into my room and I put the note down on my dresser. I thought to my self that Tony was just kidding around. But Tony was the kind of guy that never kidded around. He always meant what he said and never let a person break a promise to him. I decided to overlook that fact and just think Tony was pulling my leg. I had other things to worry about. Last night my entire life came

My Workout Buddy, Part 4

It was late in the morning when I woke the next day. I could hear Tony out side in the apartment moving around. I was lying on the floor of the new gym that was my old bedroom just days ago. The carpeted floor put an imprint on my naked skin. I sat up and a headache rushed threw my head like a hot wave. I took in a deep breath threw my mouth and I could still taste the strong manly juices of

My Workout Buddy, Part 5

I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. The shower hissed as shot out from the showerhead. The steam was thick and hot. The walls were tiled up the ceiling in big white shiny tiles. A big mirror with vanity lights was hung over the sink. I closed the door behind me and found another mirror attached to the back of the door. There was a picture framed in glass of a golden-bronzed

My Workout Buddy, Part 6 The Boys Meet Gymboy

It had been three weeks since Tony made me sign that contract and I became an indentured servant to him. It said indentured servant but we both knew that I was his slave, his property. I read that contract at least twenty times when he wasn’t home. There were no loopholes anywhere in it. He owned me hook line and sinker. For three weeks my cravings for my old life started to fade away. I

My Workout Buddy, Part 7 Party With the Boys

Okay I know I left of with a big cliffhanger and you probably were thinking I read that whole freaking chapter and just when it was getting to the sex it ends. Well let’s just say that last chapter was worth it. I’ll just call if foreplay. Now on with my story! As I sunk my pink fleshy lips on to Wayne’s Wang, sorry I just had to say that, I intently tasted his saltiness envelope my tongue.

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Dark Side

I could hear a commotion going on outside in the gym room. I could hear them walking around room and moving things around. I heard a loud clacking of the latch snap shut on the running machine as it was folded up. I could hear them still talking about the football game as well as their experiences shoving their manhood’s down what I heard Louis calling it a snake pit. Something told me he used

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Latin Snake Tattoo

As I knelt down before this prime example of what a man should look like, I wished so much that I could be in his place Sure Tony was muscular and got women at the drop of the hat. Wayne exploded with muscle and any woman who slept with him would probably never recover from the stretch back to her original shape again, and will be forever looking for a black man for sexual satiation. Louis


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