Gay Erotic Stories

The Valet, Part 1

by Jettero
06 Jun 2012

First Time Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales Of A Houseboy

Ryan was looking through the want ads trying to find a job. At 22, he just graduated college, but the economy was bad and he had no real experience. He was getting desperate and stopped looking for a career and started looking for a job, any job.

He was answering any ad he thought he might have even a slim chance at getting the job. One ad was for a valet, and it showed a website. He went online and filled out the application. It also asked for a recent photo, which he thought was odd and illegal. Needing a job, he attached the photo and sent the application. He already forgot about that application as he went on to complete another one. He had completed so many, he had no idea where he had applied.

A few days later, he received a call to schedule an interview. By that point, he didn’t know what the job was anymore. It was one application in a sea of many. He arrived on time to the interview, which was in a hotel conference room. He was wearing a sport coat and tie, but even still his well-built physique was apparent. He exercised regularly and maintained a healthy diet. He was not a muscle man, but he bulged in all the right places. His blonde hair was neatly cut and combed, and he tried to put on an appearance of confidence.

The man interviewing him was slightly older than Ryan, but not by many years. They were about the same height, around 6 feet. He was wearing a shirt and tie, his jacket was hung on the back of his chair. It was obvious he worked out. “Hi, I’m Chris,” he introduced himself.

“Ryan,” was reply with a firm handshake.

“Have a seat,” he said and began the interview. The interview had all of the standard questions. A review of Ryan’s education was good; Ryan did well in college. The work experience was lacking, and Ryan knew that is what was hurting him. “I mostly look at work experience to see a work ethic. Given your age, I can understand that you have not had a chance to prove that yet. But I can look at your education and see how committed you are, and then take that into account. So don’t worry about your work experience.”

That eased Ryan’s mind.

“The job you are applying for is a valet, and I don’t mean parking cars.” Ryan nodded in understanding. “You will be my valet, which means you are picking up after me.”


“You will live at my house. I will pay you, plus give you room and board.” Ryan was liking the sound of that deal, so far. “But you will be on call 24/7. That means no more friends, family, or social life. Think you can handle that?”

Ryan took the time to think, that was a lot to give up.

“I promise, you will enjoy the job. I am an investment banker, and if you take this job, I can make you rich.”

“I think I can handle that.”

“Good, the job is yours if you want.”

Ryan looked shocked, “Really?”

“You are my last interview, and I like you the best.”

“I’ll take it!”

“Fine. You have two weeks to tie up things in your life. Find a place to put anything you want to keep, but I recommend not keeping anything. Say good bye to friends and family, cancel the lease to your apartment and sell your car.” He told Ryan the date and time someone would pick him up at his old address. They shook hands and Ryan left. His world was turning upside down. He went home and immediately started working on what he needed to do. Over the next two weeks, he packed up all of his stuff. Most of it he gave away, but a few things he decided to save at his parent’s house.

He told his parents about his new job, and that he would be out of touch for a while and he would contact them as soon as he could. He gave his younger brother his car. He notified the leasing office he was leaving, and at the appointed time, he was waiting at the curb. He trembled as he realized at that moment, he had absolutely nothing but the clothes on his back.

His fear turned to disbelief as a Bentley pulled up in front of him. The driver got out and said, “Master Ryan, I presume.”

Ryan nodded dumbly as the driver opened the door for him to get in the car. He was reveling in the opulence of the car, as he was driven to his new job and home. The drive took about an hour, and they pulled up to some massive gates, which opened to let them in. They truly were on a driveway, because it took another 10 minutes to reach the house.

It was more a mansion than a house. Ryan couldn’t believe that one person owned this as his home. It looked like it could be a hotel. He saw tennis courts in the distance, and stables and horses in the other direction. The driver opened his door and led him to the front doors.

Chris greeted him in the foyer with a huge smile and a strong handshake. Chris was wearing shorts and a polo shirt, and it dawned on Ryan how rich this guy was, and he was only a few years older than him. “Welcome, welcome.”

“Wow,” was all Ryan could manage.

Chris looked around the expensively decorated foyer, as if seeing it for the first time, “Yea, you’ll get used to it.”

Chris led Ryan upstairs to Chris’ bedroom. The room was bigger than Ryan’s old apartment, not counting the attached bathroom and walk in closet he had yet to see. “Do you have the paperwork I told you to bring?”

Ryan handed him his bank statements and all of his bills, including his student loans. Chris flipped through them, “Give me your cell phone.” Ryan fished it from his pocket and handed it over. Chris put it in his pocket and pulled out a fancy new smartphone. “This is your new phone. Do not give out the number to anyone.”

“What if there is an emergency with my folks?”

“Fine, you can give it to them for emergencies only. No one else.” Ryan nodded. “I will cancel your old phone and take care of these bills for you. Your pay will be deposited into an account that I will manage for you. If and when you decide to leave, the money will be yours. Until then, you are living here rent and expense free. ”


“I appreciate the trust and commitment you gave me in giving up everything to come here.”

“Yea, that was scary.”

“This is my bedroom. You and I are the only two people allowed in here. None of the other staff, who you will meet, are allowed in here. If anyone says that I said they could come in, they are lying. I will tell you if anyone else is allowed in, understood?”


“That means that you keep this room clean. You will change the sheets every day, and you will bring my dirty clothes to the laundry and pick up the clean clothes and put them away. When I am home, you are in this room. If I am away, you have the run of the house, and can use any of the facilities, after your work is completed. There are several pools and a gym for you to use.”

“Okay,” Ryan didn’t know what else to say.

“You will know my schedule, so you will know when you can leave.”


Chris led him to another door in the bedroom. “This is your bedroom, and you are to maintain it every day as well.” He opened the closet, “These are your uniforms.” Ryan saw several pairs of khaki pants and white t-shirts hanging in the closet. There were some shoes on the floor, and Chris showed him his socks and underwear in a dresser. “You can put your laundry with mine when you take it down every day.”

Ryan’s head was spinning from all the information and the size of the rooms. His own small bedroom here was larger than any he ever had.

“If you need anything, you ask me. If I feel it is warranted, you will have it.”

“Got it. Um, what do I call you?”

“Chris,” he said flatly. “You work for me, but we can be friends too.”

“Thanks, Chris,” he said as he offered his hand to shake.

Chris shook his hand, “Welcome home. You start tomorrow. Take the rest of the day to explore the house and meet the staff. Find out where the laundry is. Go to the kitchen and tell them any special diet needs you may have. From the looks of you I am guessing you eat healthfully, and they will accommodate you. You can eat during your free time as I mentioned earlier.”


“Tomorrow morning, you will wake me up at 6 a.m. Not 5:59, not 6:01. 6. The first few days, I will show you how I like things done. Once I show you something, I expect you to do that without being told.” Ryan said he understood, and Chris dismissed him to go explore the house.

Ryan got lost repeatedly as he made his way around. He introduced himself to the rest of the staff, and they all seemed friendly and happy to be working there. He gathered that they had a similar arrangement that he had in regards to pay. It was getting late by the time he found the kitchen, and the cook prepared dinner for Ryan. The cook told Ryan that he knew he couldn’t leave the room when Chris was home, so he will send meals up for him. Ryan thanked him for his help.

After dinner, the cook directed Ryan to the laundry. There he learned that he not only had to drop off the dirty clothes, but the linens and bath towels as well. He hadn’t thought of that. When he dropped off a load, he would pick up the clean stuff from the day before. Again, he was told if he couldn’t get away, to leave the dirty laundry outside the door and call down, someone would pick it up right away and deliver the clean clothes. He learned that Chris was a great person to work for, he was friendly and kind, but he wanted things done his way. If he didn’t get what he wanted, Ryan was told he would hear about it and it better not happen again.

Ryan made his way back to his room. He had to go through Chris’ room to get to his own, but he didn’t see Chris at all. He went to his room and shut the door. He didn’t have anything to put away, he brought nothing with him. He saw a new toothbrush in the small bathroom attached to his room. Great, that was two bathrooms he would have to clean. He took inventory of the clothes, and tried a pair of pants on to make sure they fit, which they did.

He saw that he had an alarm clock, and he peaked to see that there was not one in Chris’ room. He set the alarm for 5, and made sure it was a.m. He didn’t want to be late his first day, and he laughed at the length his commute was going to be. There was a flat screen television in his room, and he turned it on with a low volume. He had to learn his boundaries.

He remembered the phone Chris gave him and he started to check it out. He could get internet on the phone, and Chris didn’t say he couldn’t send email. He thought about calling his parents, but thought better of it. He had told them he would be out of touch for a while. He better get settled into the new job before calling them. He put the phone down, shut the TV, and tried out his new bed.

Ryan was awake before his alarm. He was nervous and excited about his first day. He showered and shaved, then got dressed in his new uniform. The t-shirt was form fitting and showed off his upper body very well. He sat, watching the clock. At 5:59, he put his hand on the doorknob. When it changed to 6:00, he took a deep breath and went through the door.

“Chris, time to get up,” he called. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to go about waking him up.

“Open the curtains,” Chris said. Ryan pulled the curtains open, and light flooded the room. Now he knew how to wake Chris. “Pull the covers down.”

Ryan removed the covers and he saw Chris was naked. “Oh, whoa, sorry,” Ryan said as he looked away.

“Get used to this. I sleep naked. You will be seeing me like this often.”

Ryan looked back at Chris, trying to just look at his face. Chris had a light covering of black hair on his chest, and a dark trail leading from his navel to his pubes. His 6 inch soft cut cock rested on descent sized balls. The dark hair was slightly thicker on his legs and arms, but not too much.

Chris got out of bed. “Come on,” he said as he headed to the bathroom. Ryan followed as ordered, and he saw Chris’ ass was firm and slightly hairy. Chris turned on the shower, “Watch how this works.” There was a digital reading for the water temperature. “From now on, you will have the shower going before you wake me. This is the exact water temperature I want, no more, no less.”

“Got it.”

Chris stepped into the large shower and stopped to look at Ryan. “I’m not going to wash myself.” Ryan’s eyes got wide as he processed what Chris said. Chris certainly didn’t seem gay, and Ryan was definitely straight. He hesitated, not knowing what to say. “Take off your clothes and get in here.”

“I’m not…I don’t…I…”

“Yea, I’m not either, but you are going to wash me. Don’t make me tell you again.” Chris was clearly getting upset at Ryan’s hesitance. I can do this, Ryan thought as he shakily began to remove his clothes. “Be prepared for this from now on,” Chris said, obviously meaning Ryan should not have his uniform on in the morning either.

Ryan’s chest was smooth, and his pubes were neatly trimmed, unlike Chris. Chris took note of Ryan’s six pack abs and broad shoulders. His 6 inch cut cock was similar to Chris’, and it was starting to swell. Ryan nervously stepped into the shower with Chris.

Chris had his back to Ryan, he stuck his head under the water to get it wet. “Shampoo.”

Ryan found the shampoo and cautiously applied it to Chris’ scalp. He was trying to stand as far back as he could, to avoid any other kind of bodily contact. “Harder, massage my scalp,” Chris ordered. Ryan gave Chris a good scalp massage, but had to move in a little closer to do it. Chris bent over and his ass almost bumped Ryan’s crotch. “Rinse.”

Ryan had to get closer now to rinse the shampoo from Chris. He moved to the side, and Chris could see Ryan’s cock was continuing its expansion. Satisfied the shampoo was all out of his hair, Chris stood again, “Conditioner.”

Ryan found the conditioner and repeated the process. “Make sure this is always stocked.”

“Okay,” Ryan said, the nervousness coming through his voice.

“Wash my back, start from the neck, and go down.”

Ryan found the body wash, but there was no cloth or sponge. “There’s no…”

“You have hands.” Ryan lathered up his hands and started to wash Chris’ neck. “Harder,” Chris said again, “Make it more massage like.”

Ryan increased the pressure as he worked the soap onto Chris’ neck and shoulders. He continued washing his back, kneading the muscles there. He noticed that Chris was actually more defined than he was. As he got the Chris’ lower back, he slowed down, “Keep going,” Chris said.

Ryan had to kneel down and Chris’ hairy ass was staring him in the face. He quickly ran his hands over the mounds of Chris’ ass, and then picked up the massage-washing on the backs of his legs. “You missed something.”

Ryan steeled himself and started massaging Chris’ ass cheeks. Ryan’s cock was also as hard as steel, and he didn’t know why. “Between the cheeks,” Chris said. Ryan closed his eyes as his hands cleaned the crack of Chris’ ass. “Good enough, this time,” Chris finally said. He turned around so the water ran over his back. Ryan stood up and used his hands to rinse Chris.

“Now the front, same way,” Chris said. Ryan was embarrassed because his cock was rock hard and it was quite obvious to Chris. Chris had his cock under control, but it was taking some effort. He didn’t acknowledge Ryan’s aroused state.

Ryan lathered up his hands some more and started to wash Chris’ shoulders and worked down one arm. He had seen a nail brush and he picked it up without being told. Chris liked Ryan’s initiative to clean his fingernails, and he let Ryan know he was doing a great job. After both arms and all the fingernails were cleaned, Chris lifted his arms. Ryan worked the soap into Chris’ hairy armpits. He worked the soap over Chris broad chest, and he became fascinated by Chris’ nipples and hairy chest. Ryan had played with many breasts before, but this was different. He felt the strength in Chris’ body as he worked his way down his torso.

He got down to Chris’ pubic area and had to kneel down again. He was now face to face with Chris’ soft cock. He didn’t know that Chris was doing everything he could to remain soft, even though he could see Ryan’s continued hardness. Ryan washed Chris’ thighs, moving past his penis without touching it. Surely Chris didn’t expect Ryan to wash that too.

He worked his way down Chris’ legs. Chris put a hand on Ryan’s shoulder as he lifted his foot and set it on Ryan’s knee. Ryan washed the foot and toes, massaging as he went. He grabbed the nailbrush again and scrubbed the toenails, and repeated the procedure on the other foot.

“You missed something, again,” Chris said.

Ryan knew what he meant, and became even more nervous. “I never touched…”

“You will be touching me, a lot. Better get used to it.”

“I thought you were straight, why didn’t you hire a woman for this?”

“I am, and I hired you. A woman would not have been….appropriate.” Ryan wasn’t sure what kind of rules Chris had in his mind. How could a woman not be appropriate, but he was.

Ryan still hesitated, and Chris was starting to get annoyed. “If you can’t do this, you are free to terminate your employment and leave.”

Ryan set himself for what he was about to do. He lathered up his hands and started soaping Chris’ pubes, working to the base of his cock. He told himself it was about washing and not sex. He decided to do the best he could, without tying to arouse Chris. He washed Chris’ penis and balls, reaching underneath to wash his taint and the rest of his crotch. Chris was glad Ryan wasn’t playing with him too much, he would not have been able to handle that. Not that he never wanted to get hard in front of Ryan; it wasn’t time for that yet.

Ryan finished washing Chris’ crotch and turned him to rinse off. Ryan’s hands again ran over Chris’ body, including his cock, to remove the soap. Ryan turned off the water and Chris handed him a towel, “Dry me.”

Ryan toweled off Chris’ hair, and then worked his way down drying every inch of Chris. Chris took the towel and stepped away, “Dry yourself, then come to me.”

Ryan dried himself as Chris laid his towel on the seat of a barber style chair that was in the bathroom. Chris sat down naked and waited for Ryan. Ryan wrapped his towel around his waist, trying to cover up his still hard cock, and went to Chris. Chris shook his head and pulled the towel from Ryan’s waist, dropping it to the floor. “Shave me.” Ryan looked at the bush surrounding Chris’ cock. “Not there, my face. But I like how you have yours trimmed,” Chris said as he ran his fingers through Ryan’s trimmed pubes. It was now obvious that Chris saw Ryan’s erection, he was looking right at it, but he didn’t touch it or say anything about it. “I think I might have you trim mine like yours, but not today.”

Ryan found the shaving cream and razor and began to give Chris a shave. He was more nervous about this; he didn’t want to cut Chris. He managed to give Chris a clean close shave, and he didn’t draw any blood. He used a towel to wipe Chris’ face clean.

Chris got up and stood in front of the closed toilet bowl. He looked at Ryan, and Ryan took the hint and lifted the lid. Chris continued to look at Ryan, waiting for something. Ryan bowed his head and aimed Chris penis at the bowl. Chris began to relieve himself as Ryan was holding him.

“What do you do when you are out,” Ryan got the courage to ask.

Chris didn’t seem to mind the question, “I do this myself. But when I’m home, why should I?” Chris finished emptying his bladder and Ryan let go. “Shake.” Ryan began shaking Chris’ penis several times. “More than 3 and you’re playing with it,” Chris said.

Ryan dropped the penis as if he got burned, and Chris started to laugh. “I was joking. Sorry if I was hard on you in there, but we had to get through that,” he said, his tone was starting to lighten up and Ryan was relaxing. “It took a lot longer than it should have, but that’s ok for the first time. I expect you to do the same thing from now on, without being told or hesitating. Can you handle that?”

“I think so.”

“There is no ‘I think so,’ yes or no.”


“Good, come on.” Chris led him to his closet, which was bigger than Jason’s room. There was a computer in there with Chris’ schedule on it. “I have an administrative assistant, and she will keep my schedule updated. You are to check the schedule to see what I am doing that day, and have the appropriate clothes selected. You choose what I wear, and if I don’t like something I will tell you and you can swap it out. For the most part, I will wear what you select.”


“I kept today’s schedule light so you can get accustomed to how I like things, and it’s Sunday. You can see I have a tennis game scheduled for this afternoon, but for now casual clothes will be fine.”

Chris showed him where things were, sorted by style and use. Ryan remembered what he was wearing yesterday, so he picked out some shorts, a matching polo, socks, and underwear. The underwear was the hardest, he had so many different styles, and of course they were all expensive name brands. He chose what he would wear under the casual shorts, a pair of boxers. He held up his selections and Chris shook his head. “I have a lady coming over; sorry I don’t schedule that type of thing.” Ryan grabbed a pair of bikini briefs and Chris approved.

He went to hand the underwear to Chris, but he shook his head and sighed. Ryan knelt down and held out the underwear. Chris put his hand on Ryan’s shoulder as he stepped into the briefs. Ryan pulled them up and was about to stop, when he thought about what he does when he puts on underwear. He adjusted the waistband, reached in and pulled Chris’ balls from between his legs so they could hang free. “Good thinking,” Chris said.

Ryan put the rest of the clothes on Chris’ body. He tucked his shirt into his pants, then buttoned and zipped them up. He put Chris’ socks then shoes on. He saw a hairbrush on the dresser and brushed his hair. Chris looked at himself in the mirror, “Perfect, excellent job.”

“Thank you.”

“After you finish cleaning, take some time to go through my wardrobe. Learn where everything is and what I have. I will be back later to change for my tennis game, have everything ready.”


“I am not leaving the grounds; I will be visiting with my lady. That means you stay in here. You will know when I am on the property and when I am not.”


“When you are in here, you can remain as you are,” indicating Ryan’s continued nudity. “The uniforms are for when you have to leave the room.”

“Can I ask, if you’re straight, why do you want me naked?”

“You can ask me anything, but never question me.” Ryan understood the difference. “It is illegal to own slaves, not that I think you are my slave. But this is the closest thing I can get. I am self-centered and I like power. Everything you do is about me, and never about you. You being naked gives me power over you. Don’t get me wrong, I will take care of you and make sure you have everything you want or need. I’m a prick, but I will also be your best friend.”

“I think I understand.”

“You’ll learn more about me as we go along. You’re doing a great job so far,” Chris said and shook Ryan’s hand before he left.

Ryan got busy cleaning the room. He changed the sheets on the bed and gathered the dirty towels. He was about to start cleaning the bathroom, when he heard a knock on the door. He quickly put his pants and shirt on and checked. There was no one there, but he found a cart with food and a note. He wheeled it in, and read the note. “Good morning, and welcome to your first day. Here is your breakfast, made to the guidelines we discussed. Enjoy, Chef.”

He rolled the cart to his room and quickly ate the protein laden breakfast. He put the cart with the dirty dishes back into the hall. He figured out how to use the phone and called the kitchen to thank the chef. Chef told him he would send up lunch when Chris went to play tennis. Everyone in the household knew Chris’ schedule and where he was at all times, so they could serve him best.

Ryan finished cleaning the bathroom and straightening everything up. He put the dirty laundry in the hall and called the laundry room. They told him they had a schedule too, and asked if he could get the laundry to them sooner, when possible. He apologized and said he would do that. They knew if Chris was around, he became Ryan’s priority and the laundry would have to wait. Within a minute of hanging up the phone, there was a knock on the door. Ryan looked out and saw the dirty laundry was gone and the clean laundry took its place.

He put the clothes and linens away, and then realized he was still wearing his uniform. He removed the pants and shirt; he hadn’t put his underwear back on in the rush to get to the door. He remembered he actually sent his underwear down with the rest of the laundry. He put his slightly worn uniform in his closet to go with the next day’s laundry, and then wondered if the laundry people would notice if he didn’t send a uniform down every day.

He inspected the room, and it seemed perfect. He found a closet with cleaning supplies, and he dusted the furniture and vacuumed the floor. He washed the windows, and enjoyed the view of the property. He saw the windows were tinted, and seeing how Chris was, figured no one could see in. At least he hoped so, since he was standing in front of them naked.

Now that everything was truly clean, and he hoped clean enough for Chris, he went to the closet. He figured out the system and selected the things he would need when Chris came back to change for tennis. He checked the schedule and saw that the rest of the evening was still casual for Chris, so he selected another set of clothes for after the tennis game. He was correct when he figured Chris would not want to wear the same clothes from the morning.

He was making his third or fourth check of the room, when he heard a phone ring. He realized it was his cell phone in his room. He ran to get it and caught it in time.

“This is Ryan.”

“Hi Ryan, this is Lois. I’m Chris’ executive assistant.”


“I just wanted to welcome you to the team.”


“We will be working together a lot. I will be sending Chris’ schedule to this phone as well, so you will always have it.”

“That will be a big help, thank you.”

“I will schedule a time when I can come over and meet you in person. Just watch your schedule.”


“Until then, if you have any questions, you can call me anytime. I programmed my number into your phone already. And like you, I am on call 24/7.”

“Sounds great, Lois. I look forward to meeting you.”

“By the way, Chris already told me how you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.”

“Thanks for the heads up.” The call ended, and Ryan was relieved that Chris liked his work already. He thought he screwed up with the shower. He thought back and realized that wasn’t too bad. He just had to get his own cock under control; he wasn’t sure why he got hard like that.

Chris came back to get changed for his tennis game, and Ryan was ready for him. He looked around the room, and told Ryan he did an excellent job in cleaning. Ryan was smiling proudly. Chris went to the closet and Ryan followed him.

Chris didn’t have to say anything to Ryan. Ryan started to remove Chris’ clothes, stripping him naked. Both men were now naked, and Chris walked to the bathroom. Ryan knew to follow Chris wherever he went in the room. Chris stood in front of the toilet again, but this time facing away.

Ryan lifted the lid and Chris sat down. Ryan wasn’t sure if he should leave or what he should do. Chris looked at him, waiting, and then looked down to his lap. Ryan realized what Chris was waiting for. He knelt down and pushed Chris’ penis down, so it pointed in the bowl.

Ryan heard urine hitting the water and Chris started to squeeze his bowels. He was getting a little grossed out at the thought of Chris taking a shit with his hand between his legs. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to try and help Chris or not, so he started kneading his lower abdomen. The move surprised Chris, he hadn’t thought of that, and it felt good. Chris indicated that he was done, and Ryan remembered to give his penis a few shakes, but less than three. Ryan flushed the toilet as Chris was standing up; he really didn’t want to see the shit in there. Chris presented his ass to Ryan, “Clean.”

Ryan found some moistened toilet wipes and wiped Chris ass. He was trying hard not to gag, as he spread Chris’ cheeks and made sure he was clean. Ryan was relieved when it was over, and glad that he managed not to get an erection through that.

Chris went back to the closet/dressing area. Ryan quickly washed his hands and followed. He started to dress Chris for his tennis game, starting with a jockstrap. Ryan was continuing to impress Chris with his initiative and pre-planning; he knew he made a good choice this time. Ryan again adjusted Chris’ cock inside the jockstrap, and finished putting on the rest of his clothes. Chris gave Ryan a pat on the back and went out to his game.

Earlier, Ryan noticed he could see the tennis courts from the window. Since his work was done, and he could not leave the room, he watched Ryan’s game. He saw he was playing against a woman, and she held her own against him. Chris actually lost a game to her. Ryan had already tagged him as being competitive, and he knew he didn’t let her win. In fact, it was eating Chris up that he lost the one game. He still gave her a hug when they were finished, and they shared a long deep kiss. Her hands found his tight ass, and he held her breasts as they kissed. Ryan found himself starting to get jealous, not of Chris, but the girl. They broke the kiss and walked back to the house holding hands.

Ryan was barely able to see one last kiss before the girl got into her car. Chris waved good bye and went into the house. Ryan quickly turned the shower on; he could see that Chris was hot and sweaty.

Again, Chris was pleased to see that Ryan was ready for him. He went to the bathroom and Ryan removed his sweaty tennis clothes. Chris entered the shower, followed quickly by Ryan. They repeated the shower from the morning, but Ryan didn’t hesitate at washing Chris. To his dismay, Ryan was hard again. He saw that Chris was still soft, and wondered if he were doing a bad job.

“Who was that,” Ryan asked


“That girl you played tennis with.”

“Just some girl I’ve been seeing occasionally. And before you ask, I don’t bring any women in here. I have a separate room for sex. This is my fortress of solitude.”

The bathing and drying done, Ryan dressed Chris for the evening. Chris left again, and Ryan cleaned the bathroom, again. He had found a large supply of towels, and it was a good thing since they were going through them.

To be continued....


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Jason graduated high school and was free for the summer. When he showed up at Mrs. Douglas’ house to mow her lawn, he saw she was getting into her car. He walked over to her car and she rolled down the window. “Where are you going Mrs. D, I’m here to mow your lawn,” he said with a wink.She reached out and put her hand on his arm, “I’m going shopping. My nephew is staying with us for

The Escapades of Jason, Chapter 8

With school out, Jason spent most of his free time at his new friend Kevin’s house. Most of the time they were together, they were naked; much to the delight of Kevin’s aunt, and Jason’s client, Mrs. Douglas. While there relationship wasn’t sexual at all, there was plenty of roughhousing and horseplay between the two of them. There was the occasional incidental contact, which Kevin became

The Escapades of Jason, Chapter 9

Author's Note: To all my fans who have been prodding me to publish the next chapter. Sorry it took so long, but here it is. Hope you enjoy it.Jason and Kevin were spending the day at Jason’s house; Jason’s mom was gone for the day and there was more to do there. As usual, when they were together, they were both naked. They never had sex with just the two of them, it was always with

The Lawn Boy, Chapter 1

Jason was an enterprising young man. At the age of thirteen, he started his own lawn mowing business. He managed to secure almost every house in his neighborhood. He created a schedule, and always did a thorough job to keep his clients happy. By the time he was 16, he had saved enough money to buy his own car. Money wasn’t the only thing he reaped. Constantly working outside, plus his

The Lawn Boy, Chapter 2

Jason went home from his encounter with Mr. Tucker and took another shower. He let the hot water run over his tanned body. What was he going to do? He could drop the Tuckers as clients, but then Mr. Tucker might start talking. He had to stay in charge. He decided to lay low, and for the next week, he disappointed his women. He mowed their lawns, but he explained he just needed a break;

The Lawn Boy, Escapades of Jason, Ch. 3

Jason’s businesses continued without any problems. He had Mr. Tucker under control, and that man now sucked his cock better than any of his female clients. Things seemed to be going well for Jason; until his father came into is room one evening. Jason looked up from his computer as his dad entered.“How are things going, Jason,” his dad asked, seeming a little nervous.“Everything is

The Model

As the song goes, on the day that he “was born the angels got together, and decided to create a dream come true.” Steven is perfect in every way; he has washboard abs and is muscles are perfectly defined. While he does spend time in the gym, it doesn’t take much effort for him to maintain his physique; it just comes naturally.While his six foot frame, wavy brown hair and hazel eyes

The Model, Part 2

Another two weeks went by before Steven heard anything about his “interview.” His agent, Mr. Johnson, called Steven and told him that the president wanted to see both of them in his office the next day. He told Steven that this only meant one thing; they were going to offer him a contract.The next day, Steven went to the corporate offices, but this time he dressed a little more

The Model, Part 3

Jordan had composed himself after his sexual experience with his new boss, Steven. It was now time for him to lead him to his first appointment with the fashion design department. Even though Steven had presented himself to the entire staff in the auditorium, this was his first foray through the halls in his underwear. He was a little nervous and more than a little excited. He didn’t have

The Personal Trainer, Part 1

The ad was intriguing,

The Personal Trainer, Part 2

Steven laughed, “I guess you are serious,” as he reached across and shook Peter’s dick. “Time for the tour.”The living room and two of the three bedrooms were converted into a gym. The master bedroom had one queen-size bed.“There’s only one bed,” Peter stammered.“We do everything together, remember? And it looks like you do,” Steven said as he pointedly stared at Peter’s hardening

The Valet, Part 1

Ryan was looking through the want ads trying to find a job. At 22, he just graduated college, but the economy was bad and he had no real experience. He was getting desperate and stopped looking for a career and started looking for a job, any job.He was answering any ad he thought he might have even a slim chance at getting the job. One ad was for a valet, and it showed a website. He

The Valet, Part 2

The bathing and drying done, Ryan dressed Chris for the evening. Chris left again, and Ryan cleaned the bathroom, again. He had found a large supply of towels, and it was a good thing since they were going through them.After he finished cleaning, there was another knock on the door. He found a place to hide a pair of pants and shirt next to the door, so he could put them on quickly.

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