Gay Erotic Stories

Enter A Citizen

by JackFord
10 Apr 2014

Fantasy Medieval Romance Sexual Identity Discovery Very Short Stories

{the opening bit for a book I'm working on ...enjoy)

Strolling along past the Forum I reveled in the sights and sounds of citizens and slaves jostling about as the business of the Empire thronged around me. Heaving a sigh of relief that my sea voyage had brought me safely home, I picked my way past a group of lictors surrounding some grand personage on official duty and trotted up the marble steps to seek out the first of endless clerics that would eventually see me well paid for the shipment that had arrived with me this past week. Just yesterday I had seen my labors safely inspected by one of Emperors’ flunkies whom had deemed it barely sufficient but after much frustration on my part and endless patronizing on his he had finally accepted the parchments on behalf of the most powerful man in the Empire.

Keeping a tight grip on my leather pouch which contained my chit for payment I again chastised my-self for the long months I’d spent in Egypt as a procurer of erotica for the pleasure of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. I had spent far too much time scrabbling about the dusty streets of Alexandria bribing minor officials for access to forgotten chambers to seek out the rare pornographic papyri that Tiberius collected for his own amusement. Stopping just inside the dim corridor, I took a moment to let my eyes adjust and cast about for the correct office.

Clients, citizens and slaves scurried back and forth each giving the appearance that their duty was of the utmost importance to the engine that fueled the power of Rome. Rolling my eyes a bit at the self important little men that rushed here and there I slowed my pace and began to check the lintels for the inscription that would designate the office of Cassius Septimus the official that would pay me for six months work and hopefully authorize a contract for more. After pushing my way through the endless crush of minor officials, well dressed clients and puffed up slaves I located the correct door only to find it closed.

Slumping in defeat I sat on the stone bench next to the door. Oddly it was the only one that didn’t have others waiting patiently for their turn to be granted entrance. Leaning forward I craned my neck past the constant ebb and flow of men and found every other doorway surrounded by men on perched like birds on their benches or standing around shifting their weight as they waited for admittance. I gave a disgusted snort and pushed myself up for it appeared that Septimus was not to found today. A hand snaked out and grasped my elbow as I turned to leave, “Citizen if it is Septimus you seek you have not long to wait.”

I looked down at the boy that blushed at my annoyed expression and released his grip on my arm. He cut his eyes to the door and said, “He is within but occupied and all here know not to waste the morning hours on Septimus.”

With that statement he gave a disgusted face towards the door and scurried off into the crowd. Curiosity has never been my strong point but I was broke, hungry and had no desire to run into the money lenders before I was paid. I’d borrowed heavily to finance this last trip and they would be less than gentle if I failed to pay my debts. Septimus was meant to give me enough denarii to pay off my debts and leave me fairly well-off for the remainder of the year. I had come too far to walk away now. I would see Septimus before the sun set and have my money because I had made plans and commitments that would provide Tiberius with all the erotica he could want without having to set foot in Egypt again.

Without warning the door snapped open and two giants stepped out reeking of garlic. I knew former gladiators when I saw them and these were true monsters. Red-haired, square jawed and sporting scars from the arena they took notice of me but decided I was obviously no threat. They took up positions in front of the door and glared silently at the passing crowds that funneled against the far wall to avoid any physical contact with hulking giants.

A few moments later a tunic clad young man stopped outside the door and waited without making eye contact with the silent hulks guarding the door. He had black curls and had obviously been freshly shaved this morning by a skilled barber. He glanced at me flashing bright green eyes and grinned as if we were conspirators then rapped sharply on the door. Without waiting for a verbal cue from within he opened the door and disappeared. Thoroughly disgusted I hunkered down for what would probably be a long wait.

With a great deal of self pity I felt my stomach rumble in protest and looked towards the door hoping that Septimus would be quick with his business. Oddly the young man had not shuttered the door and a large gap allowed an unobstructed view into the small chamber. Out of boredom and the need to distract myself from the empty stomach that threatened to drive me to a food stall before I had gotten my money I peered into the officials’ office. The young man was standing in my line of sight and whispering something that I could not make out. He flicked his eyes and caught me staring then reached down and grasped the hem of his tunic.

Slowly like a woman he pulled it up past strong well muscled legs and let free a massive shaft that hung heavy against his thighs. He cast his eyes downward and a secretive look shimmered across his face. One lean hand traced a pattern across his shaven chest and tracked down until he was caressing the fleshy knob. A querulous voice sighed out, “Now?”

The youth held up a free hand and said, “Not yet. You must learn patience.” He stared hard at someone I could not see and continued to stroke himself causing his shaft to twitch and grow hard. A small clear drop of fluid glistened at the head of the shaft and a moan from the unseen man wicked through the air. Straight white teeth glinted in a self satisfied smile and a chortle passed full lips. “Now you may kneel and worship me. Do this well and you shall be rewarded.” I could not help but wonder if Septimus had found this beautiful well hung man on the Tuscany Road during the Fasti Praenestini; the annual festival of male prostitutes. There was no doubt that this man would be well paid by both fellators and any wealthy pathicus that happened upon him. One look at the boon this man had been granted by the Gods would drive both men and women to worship at his feet for a taste of his services.

A happy groan preceded a muffled sound which turned out to be a pillow tossed by unseen hands down at the feet of the young Adonis. A pair of middle aged knees dropped down onto the pillow bearing up a grey haired man that clutched the youth around the hips and gave off more than a hint of desperation with his grasping hands and evident haste. I pulled back a moment in silent surprise not for the sexual act before me but for the fact that it was considered shocking for a citizen to take the submissive passive role and to a slave of all things! This was just not done. While it was fine for slaves of both sexes and free born women to suck a cock or take one in the ass, any free born man on the willing receiving end could be viewed as having lost his masculinity. Even worse he would be considered politically weak and the subject of vicious gossip.

He must be half mad to risk this type of liaison at his place of work. I glanced back into the room and Septimus for it must be him gazed upwards at the slave and shuddered with need. His right hand snaked around and clutched a round bronze buttock as his left lightly stroked the shaft bobbing before his myopic eyes. I briefly considered popping off to a food stall to quiet my aching stomach for I was reaching the point of hunger that would cause unpleasant cramps. I had no doubt I would be in time to return to see Septimus before he scarpered for the day as I had no doubt this encounter could take some time.

There were two potential benefits for me if I remained; Septimus would pay me in full rather than have to worry I would banter about the public baths and regale others with what I had seen or I could use this knowledge to establish a client relationship with him that would see my future contracts for the Emperor turn me into a wealthy man. Rubbing my stomach I decided that food could wait and I turned my eyes back to the crack in the doorway.

Septimus was running his tongue around the swollen head of the slaves prick and trailing his lips back and forth over the raised edge with dark concentration. The slave arched his back displaying smooth rippling muscles that vibrated under skin to the ministrations of the hungry mouth that worked with dedicated concentration. Septimus mouthed the slaves’ testicles pulling at the wrinkled sack with his lips while his hands gripped and flexed into the smooth skin of well muscled thighs. The slave murmured something I could not hear and gripped his shaft slapping Septimus against the forehead with it. Septimus moaned with delight and pressed his lips against the large blue vein that hummed under the taut skin along the exposed underside then he pulled his head away to gaze with rapture at cock that swayed before him.

His eyes glazed over with lust just before he smiled and lowered his head to gag his way to the wiry curls at the base of the shaft. Drool ran past his lips and dripped onto the grey hairs of his chest as he worked diligently thrusting his mouth back and forth. The slave suddenly pulled back and smacked away the gaping mouth with his cock smearing Septimus across the face with a wet smear. He barked out, “Enough!”

The slave took a step back and his shaft thrust up rhythmically slapping his belly button. He swirled his hips causing his cock to sway back and forth while Septimus kept his eyes locked on the glistening fleshy sword that danced before him covered with spit.

Septimus rocked back on his heels moaning in anticipation, his shoulders shuddered while his hands fisted and flexed open in the empty air before him. The slave again locked eyes with me and said, “You have done well. Not as well as I’d expected but you shall not be denied.” He paused and gave a vicious smile, “However because of your failure you will be punished.” Hearing those words I felt my mouth pull down in disgust. It seemed Septimus was not only taking the submissive role but relished his debasement in such as fashion that demeaned him in my eyes.

I could not help but wonder what level he would ultimately sink to and wondered if this poorly kept secret was known to his wife or family. Repulsed I turned away and was further shocked when I realized that for all my thoughts on submission to a slave I felt my own cock twitch and flutter against the fabric of my tunic. I felt a smile crack my lips and remembered my father saying that a stiff cock had no conscience and cared not one way or the other which hole it used. He had three rules, no children, no force and never ever gets on all fours for a slave. Once done the slave would have far too much control. However even my dear Pater was not adverse to periodic drunken submission to another free-man. He just kept those trysts private but I knew.

I had walked in once as a child. Papa was lying on his side while a slave sucked his cock and his business partner grasped his hip to steady him as he thrust his shaft into my fathers’ ass. I wondered then as now if that’s why they took annual exporting trips to Pompeii. Although mother never complained for she scheduled ‘visits’ for herself and her friends from the best looking of the gladiators whenever my father left for his trips.

Reaching down I gently rubbed my now swollen cock against the flat of my hand through the woolen fabric and decided once paid by Septimus I would eat at one of the food stalls near the arena and swing by the slave market. I had heard a new shipment had arrived and a slave was cheaper in the long run than the prostitutes that strolled the market place. Perhaps I could buy something exotic or even a matched set. Just yesterday I had stopped by the house of Catullus and found he had purchased a pair of young women during the months I was away. They were like night and day; a dark rich skinned Nubian and a pearly white Woad stained blonde with icy Nordic eyes. Both were taller than the young Roman girls that frequented the social parties that someone of my social standing only saw as they exited gilt litters on their way into one of the mansions high on the Capitaline hill. While sharing a cup of wine in his ornate garden I found that like Catullus I could not take my eyes from them.

They strode about with haughty smiles and bold glances well aware of their exquisite beauty. He was completely enamored of them and spared no expense dressing them in delicate gold, silver, pearls and jewels which draped their flesh instead of clothes. Shaking my head for it was doubtful I could pay the costly sum that Catullus had parted with for his beauties I drew my attention back to the gap that exuded small gaps of anticipation and longed for this drama to end. The slave raised his arm and pointed to the table. Septimus creaked up off his knees and limped over placing his hands flat on the polished wooden surface.

He looked back over his shoulder and licked his lips panting with need. The slave moved out of view and I leaned forward casting my eyes about; I could see nothing but Septimus leaning over the table, naked, his white buttocks quivering and his head lolling forward as if in a stupor. The slave strolled past the doorway with something in his hand. I had not long to wait for a whistling sound cut the air then the loud thwack of flesh being stuck hit my ears.

Septimus gasped and wiggled his ass like a senators’ mistress. In a moment a large red mark rose up across his skin trailing across both buttocks. The leather strap made several more strikes before it slipped from the slaves hand to the floor. He reached for a wide mouthed stoppered vessel and pulled out an oiled series of leather balls strung together in differing sizes. Prying open the proffered cheeks he exposed the puckered asshole and pushed in the first small ball leaving the rest to dangle, oil dripping from his ass like some kind of freakish tail. Septimus threw back his head and gasped. A larger ball was harshly shoved in. He moaned in response as his back arched and his shoulders hitched in small spasms.

The slave reached down and picking up the leather strap he thrashed Septimus across the back of his thighs, his ass and lower back. Yet I took note that the slave must have been skilled in his art for even as the harsh sounds reached my ears the skin was never broken nor did blood rise in the welts. After some minutes Septimus had apparently taken all the leather balls into his ass for when the slave stepped back only a braided leather rope remained dangling from the reddened rim. The pale moons of Septimus upraised buttocks were striped with red welts that had risen to form an intricate pattern across his skin.

The slave leaned over the older man’s shoulder and whispered something into his ear which caused Septimus to tremble all over like a colt saddled for the first time. Then he trailed his fingers around the backside periodically tugging on the black leather but not enough to do more than drag the last ball part way out before using his thumb to push it back in. After each shuddering gasp as the ball disappeared from view the slave would reach between the trembling legs and flick his fingers against the rigid ball sack or give one harsh tug on the engorged shaft peeking out from under Septimus’ belly that would not thrill even a woman. I wouldn’t be surprised if Septimus avoided the public baths for fear his small size would only further cause ridicule. Poor man I thought and began to pity him. Even the temple prostitutes would raise an eyebrow for it is better to be ugly than go through life with an undersized cock.

The slave stepped back and dragged the finger nails of one hand over the marks he’d left while the other tugged at the gloriously large erection which bobbed in front of him. Then he said, “You’d best take the cloth for I do believe you will need something to bite down on.” Giggling in a dark fashion he continued, “After all we wouldn’t want your guards to get the wrong idea and forbid my weekly visits now would we?”

Septimus bobbed his head in agreement and grasped a thick woolen rag clamping his teeth into it. He looked back over his shoulder again but with the bits of rag draping his lips his eyes alone spoke his desire as they feasted on the glistening sweaty skin of the slave. Dark brown orbs tracked the slaves every move as he paced about periodically stopping to dip his hand into the oily residue that he drew from the vessel only to rub along the length of his cock until it was dripping with it. He constantly flexed his abdominal and chest muscles proudly displaying a physique only a high priced trainer can induce.

The tension in the room had reached an unbearable state with Septimus whistling through his nose and his thigh muscles jumping out his skin as he awaited the next level of punishment. The giant brutes at the door could not help hearing what I was but their only response was an occasional exchange of raised eyebrows and silly grins. I could not keep my eyes away for longer than a moment and turned back just in time to see the slave reach out and coil the black braid around his fist. With a forceful tug he pulled and with steady pressure the first large ball began to emerge from the shuddering bum. As it shifted within his dark passage Septimus groaned then the rim rolled and with a light wet sound the ball popped free.

Septimus inhaled sharply through his nose and whimpered in a combination of pain and delight. More pulls brought two small balls to light but once they emerged the slave quickly pressed them back in causing the officials legs to tremble and shoulders to heave. A low chuckle burbled past the slaves full lips and he said, “So weak, yet this is what you need. What you crave as you sit here day in and day out doing nothing but staining your fingers with ink and day dreaming over official scrolls. How has it come to this, hmmmm?”

Receiving no response from his prostrate client he slapped his cock against the shuddering ass displayed before him and laughed, “The great Roman citizen, reduced to begging from a slave. Paying him to fuck him in the ass any way the slave sees fit.”

Septimus whimpered and tossed his head but caught in the throes of his desire could do nothing but wait for the slaves’ next move. I watched as the slave stepped behind Septimus and heard the yelp that shot into the air as the slaves arm pulled the last of the leather balls free only to be left dangling from his fist. His fingers opened and the anal intruder fell to the floor. Placing his left hand across the small of Septimus’ back the slave stepped closer, his buttocks clenching as he slowly pushed the fleshy bell of his cock against the tight ring of flesh that opened as the pressure increased.

Once the head was locked within the tight passage the slave stilled and took a deep breath. He shifted and widened his stance leaving his bag hanging soft and heavy against his legs. Septimus whimpered and rocked slightly as if he both feared and needed what was to come.


More Gay Erotic Stories from JackFord

Enter A Citizen

{the opening bit for a book I'm working on ...enjoy)Strolling along past the Forum I reveled in the sights and sounds of citizens and slaves jostling about as the business of the Empire thronged around me. Heaving a sigh of relief that my sea voyage had brought me safely home, I picked my way past a group of lictors surrounding some grand personage on official duty and trotted up the


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