Gay Erotic Stories

Furlong Four Play Part 1

by Furlong
06 Jun 2016

Family Fun Friends Masturbation Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 1 by Robert Furlong



It was nearly teatime on Saturday afternoon and my cousin and I were sitting on his bed with his mate Marcus from university. Marcus had come to visit from Surrey where his parents lived, and even though he'd only arrived on the train that lunchtime, things were already getting pretty sexy between the three of us.

For a start he was drop-dead cute with lovely curly blond hair and a broad muscular physique which filled out his tight-fitting clothes very nicely. Second up, although he talked about some girl called Stacey he said he had the hots for, like my cousin he also had no qualms about hooking up with guys when opportunities presented themselves.

And I got the feeling that opportunities were going to be falling at his feet while he was staying in my Uncle Rob's house!

On the drive back from the station - Jake putting his foot down and driving his dad's car like a nutter - Marcus asked in a roundabout way if I was into boy-fun like he and Jake were.

"I wasn't back in Brisbane," I told him, gripping my seatbelt tightly because Jake was driving so fast. "But since I've been stayin' with my Uncle Rob and Jake, I've figured out I'm probably more into guys than girls."

Marcus beamed back at me from the front passenger's seat, and said, "Your Aussie accent is so fucking cool, mate!"

Jake chuckled. "When he says he's probably more into guys than girls, d'ya wanna guess how he chose to express that preference last night?"

"I dunno," Marcus grinned. "Been having a sneaky peak at your cousin's big wang in the bathroom, maybe...?"

"Just a touch less subtle than that," Jake grinned over at him, doing fifty round a bend he should have hit at thirty.

"Have you been having a looksie through Jake's porn collection?" Marcus asked. "Jerking off over the dude stuff?"

"I think I made it a little bit more... er... obvious," I told him with a naughty smirk.

"I dunno then," Marcus said, clearly unsure about how far he could push the sex talk with a stranger in the car. He turned to Jake and asked, "Come on, then, bud... what's your cousin been getting up to?"

"How about fucking my butt and shooting his nut so hard that his jizz was flinging out all over his pubes?!"

"Faaark!" Marcus roared with laughter and then, clearly both pleased and impressed, said back to me, "Is that for real? Did you give Jake a spunk-gusher?"

"I'm afraid so," I nodded, pretending to look sheepish. "I just sorta got carried away!"

"He fucking filled me right up," Jake smiled, flooring it again now that we were back on a straighter road. "And you know full well, mate, that my arse can take a big load of cream!"

"Yeah, but your hole's getting pretty loose these days," Marcus teased him. "All the cocks you've taken have given you a slut-butt!"

"Fuck off!" Jake laughed and the two of them threw each other really cute, affectionate smiles.

Marcus turned back to me and said, "Well, I think it's pretty safe to say you're into dudes, Shane."

"Is that the tell-tale sign, then?" I asked. "Makin' your cousin do a jizz-fart?"

"It's one of them," he chortled. Then more quietly and with a really cheeky smirk, added, "I can show you a few others later on if you like...?"

I nodded eagerly and Jake cut in with, "Come on then, Marky-boy - let's hear what you've been up to. It's been two fucking weeks since I saw you, bud."

"This and that," Marcus replied, trying to think of something interesting he'd done to tell his friend about. "Oh yeah - you'll like this - I had a threesome with my mate Kiernan and his brother!"

"His brother?" Jake laughed. "How d'ya manage that?"

"We were over at Amsterdam on a bender," Marcus explained. "Pissed as arseholes and sharing a room, the three of us!"

"What was the occasion?" I asked him.

"Kiernan's brother's getting married in a few weeks to some girl he met on one of those speed-dating evenings."

"So the brother's straight?"

"We all are," Marcus smiled back at me. "It doesn't stop us having some fun together!"

I grinned and nodded like I was totally in on it, but I have to admit that I was a bit confused. It was hot, in a way, to think of all these guys who called themselves straight and had women in their lives but who also took every opportunity to play around with their mates in the sack. But I knew that for me, the dude stuff would always outshine anything a girl could offer me and if that labelled me as 'gay' then I'd soon get used to that.

"You so better have footage," Jake said across to him, accelerating alarmingly towards a queue of traffic at some lights.

"Of course I have," he grinned. "Our phones were all lined up on top of the drawers, all of us filming the bed with the three of us on it!"

Jake laughed as he slammed his foot down to bring us to a screeching halt inches behind the last of the waiting cars. What the fuck was going on with my cousin's driving?


"So which one's Kiernan and which one's the brother?" I asked Marcus, the three of us sitting on Jake's bed as Marcus showed us the movie on his tablet.

We'd been out for the afternoon with Uncle Rob to stare at a big hole in the ground on account of Marcus studying archaeology at uni. Uncle Rob was now downstairs cooking us tea and Jake had wasted no time in getting Marcus to load up the Amsterdam footage.

"Kiernan is the scrawny one, his brother's bigger and more worked-out," Jake explained, sitting to the right of Marcus who was in the middle of us both.

"I've known Kiernan since school," Marcus told me as the three figures on the movie drunkenly undressed. "We started fucking in sixth form. I'd only met his brother a couple of times before the Amsterdam trip and he'd always struck me as -"

"Whoa... back up a bit!" I cut in, laughing. "You and your mate started fucking in sixth form... how old did that make you guys? I still haven't figured out your form names over here..."

"I dunno... it was A-Level year so about eighteen, I guess..."

"And both of you were straight... how the hell did you end up pokin' each other's chuggers?"

I was hoping this might help me figure out how I could hook up with other dudes back in Brissy.

"The usual," Marcus shrugged like everyone knew how two straight eighteen-year-olds end up with their dicks wedged up each other's brownies. "We were both horny lads... we started jerking off together, then moved onto sucking each other's cocks. Then one night after a couple of girls we were trying to make the moves on were total bitches with us, we went back to his place and... maybe it was some twisted way of getting one up on them or something... we took turns on his bed fucking each other up the butt."

"Wow!" I gasped, marvelling at their inventive form of revenge even though I couldn't see how this might help me with my predicament.

"Come on, move it on a bit," Jake urged his friend impatiently. "I wanna see you guys doing each other... not pulling your skanky boxers off..."

Marcus swiped the cursor forwards and the three of them were now on the bed, all on their knees with Marcus in the middle. He and the brother were snogging while Kiernan, kissing the back of Marcus' neck, rubbed his long cock up and down the tight groove between the blond's two solid buttocks. I'd always though I had a cute bubble butt, but Marcus' buns were as round and squat as a couple of melons!

"Do the two brothers get it on?" I asked him dry-mouthed, praying he was about to tell me that they did.

But he shook his head. "It was better for me that they didn't because they both had to focus on me completely!"

"Yeah, normally when you're in all-boy threesomes," Jake cut in, "you try and share your attentions pretty equally between the two other dudes. I'm just telling you that in case... you know, as unlikely as it may seem... you ever find yourself sharing a bed with a couple of horny lads!"

Marcus and I laughed. We all knew what we were going to be getting up to later.

Earlier on, after he'd carried his rucksack upstairs when we'd got back from the station, he'd paused uncertainly in the corridor between Jake's bedroom and the spare room and had asked Jake which of them he should dump it down in.

"In my room, of course," Jake had answered him gruffly.

"So am I sleeping in your bed?" Marcus had asked.

"Where else?"

"I dunno... where's Shane sleeping?"

"In my bed too," Jake had said with a small smile.

"And where are you sleeping?" Marcus had asked, now smiling himself.

"Also in my bed," Jake had grinned more broadly.

"Cool!" Marcus had declared and looked over at me to check that I was okay with sharing a bed with two scorching fit twenty-year-old guys.

I smirked back at him, eager to show him I was well up for it, and joked, "Don't worry, mate... I don't fart!"

"You probably won't be able to stop yourself after we're finished with you!" Marcus had laughed, causing Jake to guffaw too. And I think the three of us all had grown instant boners at the thought of what we were going to be getting up to later in Jake's double bed.

We watched the movie for a few minutes and saw the brother duck down to suck Marcus' cock while Kiernan crouched down behind him and started having himself a taste of butt-pie.

"Aw yeah!" Jake laughed. "I didn't know he was into licking dude-ass!"

"Me neither," Marcus chuckled. "I think it's a trick he's picked up playing around at uni."

"Nice!" Jake grinned, his eyes glued to where Kiernan's face was feasting between his friend's round muscular cheeks. I could see that my cousin was getting increasingly horny and he kept adusting the crotch of his jeans where his big mongrel was growing.

On screen, the brother pulled his mouth of Marcus' cock and pushed himself upright with his own big schlong curving upwards from what looked like a very hairy bush. He gestured for Marcus to get his nosh around the huge thing and then moved back on the bed to give the blond lad space to bend down onto it. Once Marcus' lips were devouring the brother's thick meaty pole, Kiernan fed more hungrily on his bunghole now that his cheeks were splayed open.

"He's so gonna fuck you," Jake said, now blatantly squeezing his hard-on through the fabric of his jeans. "He's gonna get your little boy-cunt nice and wet with his tongue, then he's gonna shove his cock up it and bum you dead hard while his brother watches!"

"Am I really that predictable?" Marcus laughed.

"I'm gonna need to wazz off," Jake replied, already unbuttoning his jeans and pulling down his fly. "You wanna join me, cuz?"

"Fuck yeah!" I chortled, reaching to unzip myself too.

"Well if you guys are gonna jerk off," Marcus pitched in too, "I'm sure as hell not gonna just sit here and watch you."

Jake pushed his jeans and boxers down around his thighs and his huge chopper curved upwards, the shaft thick and veiny and the length about ten inches. He jerked his foreskin back so his fat bell-end popped out and its slit wept with a thick ooze of clear liquid. Marcus both sniffed at the sharp whiff coming from its sticky round head and then giggled together at how sour and sexy my cousin's jeb-stink was.

I yanked my daks and undies down too so my own fat cudger stood up, looking maybe slightly longer.

"Oh my God!" Marcus chortled, looking at my big manhood. "You hide that well, mate!"

I laughed and pulled my own skin back to show off my broad purple mushroom with its long dribbly slit. Both lads leaned in for a sniff of my slippery cock-head and then murmered appreciatively at how hot my helmet-odour was.

Then Marcus pulled his jeans and stripy shorts down to release his thinner eight-inch hard-on which he yanked the foreskin back from to reveal his own shiny red clanger. His strong male musk was much more potent than ours and Jake laughed as he inhaled great nosefuls of it, calling out, "Aw fuck yeah! That's one hell of a slit stink!"

We all grinned at each other with our big boners poking upwards and I said, "I dunno what girls smell like, but dude smells are sure fuckin' sexy!"

Jake agreed with me. "You can't beat a bit of bell-whiff! Especially when the guys have big dongers which are all shiny like ours!"

"Naah," said Marcus, shaking his head. "I much prefer sniffing a warm, wet pussy... right before I eat it out!"

Jake nodded, accepting that there was something to be said for more girlie smells, something I was unable to give an opinion on.

Then Marcus went on, "I really love how you two have such big cocks, though!" He looked at Jake's huge hard-on and then at mine which was throbbing more prominently even though the shaft was less veiny. "I dunno which one's more awesome... they're both so totally amazing!"

I beamed back at him, loving how much he liked the look of my big Aussie dong even if he prefered soft feminine aromas over my punchier dude-smells. I said, "Jake reckons we're both big because we've got the Furlong gene!"

"Well whatever it is, you're both as hung as fuck! There's a bit coming up on the movie a bit later which there's no way I could manage with you two guys' massive boners!"

"Oh fuck!" Jake laughed, grabbing his cock and starting to jerk his foreskin up and down. "You so didn't!"

"I so did!" Marcus beamed back at him, wrapping his fingers around his smaller organ and joining in with his friend's steady rhythm, "I told you I was gonna do it when I found two guys who were up for it and it took a hell of a lot of lube, but they both got up there in the end!"

I wasn't totally sure what they were talking about, but I figured Marcus had somehow managed to get both guys' knobs up his arse at the same time. The thought of doing that made me tingle with excitement - I hadn't even suspected it might be possible - and I grabbed my own woodie and started wanking it in time with the two other guys' wrists.

When I'd arrived at this house, I hadn't been that sure if I liked girls or not. At home in Brissy, I would try to jerk off thinking about girls but I didn't enjoy it much and often found my dick going limp so I'd usually turn over and go to sleep. Now here I was, barely a week later, pounding away at the mother of all hard-ons at the thought of being able to get two dicks up my butt!

I realised it was fun stuff like this that had been missing from my fantasies and I was grateful to my cousin and his buddy for helping me discover it.

"What do you reckon to that, Shane?" Jake asked me with a leer.

"Pretty hot!" I told him, making him smile more broadly. "Double the fun, kinda..."

When Jake had said that three of us were going to play around after bedtime, was that the kind of thing he was thinking of? I sure as hell hoped so... and hoping so made my cock swell even bigger!

Just then, Uncle Rob walked in, stopped what he was about to say and beamed brightly across at the three of us sitting on his son's bed. We smirked back at him, amused to have literally been caught with our pants down, all sitting alongside each other and merrily wanking our big horned-up pricks off.

"Do you need help shaking the salad dressing, Mr Furlong?" Marcus asked him, his hand bashing quickly up and down his shaft. "I'm very good at doing stuff like that... I don't know if you noticed..."

Uncle Rob chuckled. "I was about to tell you boys that dinner would be about twenty minutes. I had no idea you were busy working up such an appetite!"

"Marcus is showing us a movie of him and his mate and the brother, all on a bender," Jake told him. "I reckon you'd like taking a look at some of this for yourself!"

"I'll just turn down the potatoes," Uncle Rob informed us. "Then I'll be right back up to enjoy an aperitif of my own with the three of you!"

When he'd gone and as we all kept wanking our cocks off, I asked the two of them, "What's an aperitif?"

I was wondering if it was some kind of sex thing he was going to do with us, hoping he might be going to take turns fingering our three butts while we jerked ourselves off.

"It's just my dad being a numbo," Jake said. "He thinks he's so funny!"

"I really like your dad," Marcus retalliated. "I think he's dead cool, actually!"

"Me too," I agreed. "Uncle Rob's gold!"

"Fuck!" Jake chortled. "And I thought I was messed-up!"

Uncle Rob soon came back upstairs and hurried into Jake's bedroom, unbuckling his belt and pulling down the zipper on his trousers. "Come on, budge up, boys! Make room for a little'un!"

We moved along the bed up to make room for my uncle's hefty arse and he squeezed in next to me, pulling his trousers down. His white Calvin briefs were already bulging prominently upwards with Uncle Rob's large manhood leaking goo and making a damp patch up near his left hip.

I grinned at Marcus who was staring at my uncle's thick raised-up package and said, "Nice, huh?"

He laughed and replied, "I've stayed here before, Shane - I know full well what your uncle's packing!"

Uncle Rob chuckled. "Yes, you've had quite a few fun stopovers with us!"

He yanked his briefs down and his long cock bounced upwards, thick and solid and with its plump purple head already fully exposed. The smell of it hit me full-on - it much stronger and cruder than the three of us lads' dicks. It was ripe as fuck if I'm totally honest and before I could stop myself I'd blurted out, "Oh Jesus, Uncle Rob, your big cock-plum stinks something chronic!"

He sniffed at it curiously and agreed, "Yes, it is rather whiffy. It must still bear traces of where I... er... used it last night..."

I smiled at Marcus and explained, "Uncle Rob had his dick up his friend Guy's stinky butt!"

Marcus' eyebrows raised with interest at that and I saw his cock grow harder and the head of it swell taut. "Oh wow! It's always great fun when Guy comes over!"

I chuckled back, "Yeah, don't I know it!"

Uncle Rob peered at Marcus' tablet and said, "Come on then, what have I missed? Fill me in on the story so far..."

"Okay," Jake started. "Marcus is in Amsterdam with his mate Kiernan and his brother. They've just got back to the hotel they're staying at, and now they're having a nice little threesome on one of the beds!"

"I just had my butt rimmed by Kiernan," Marcus went on, "while his brother was sucking my cock. Now I'm sucking the brother off while Kiernan is fucking me up the arse!"

"Oh what fun!" Uncle Rob chuckled, peering at Marcus receiving dick from both ends on the device he was holding. Then he added, "That reminds me, I must get a leg of pork for the spit roast we're having next weekend..."

Marcus guffawed but Jake was more interested in the action going on and told him turn the sound up a bit. He did and we all heard, sounding tinny through the small speaker, the hotel bed creaking and Kiernan's hips slapping against Marcus' two lovely round buns.

"Let me have a go on him," we heard the brother say. "You come out front and I'll bum him for a bit!"

As they swapped places, our four hands slid quickly up and down our four flagpole dicks. Uncle Rob smiled over at the three of us younger men jerking off together with him, and sighed, "This really is so nice... enjoying pleasuring ourselves along side each other! I think males enjoying masturbation in each another's company is hugely under-valued as a form of sexual expression."

"I dunno about that, dad," Jake grinned over at him, "but I reckon dudes can have a lot of fun whacking off together!"

I had to agree with my uncle - this really was so great! I loved peering back and forth along the row of our four upright dicks as we wanked them off, far more than I was enjoying looking at the movie. There wasn't a pussy in sight and yet this was as horny as hell. It had never occurred to me how much fun and how versatile our cocks could be. We could jerk them off together, or better still jerk off each other. We could suck on them like drinking down the dribble from a big leaky siphon. We could even stick them up each other's tight little poopers and fuck each other boy-on-boy. There was no end to what a few guys could do together with their dicks boned-up and their arses well-lubed!

We kept wanking ourselves, all sitting butt-to-butt together a row, watching the brother's big cock pushing its way up between Marcus' peachy cheeks. Jake said to his friend, "Angle it this way a bit... I wanna see Kiernan chowing down on your knob!"

"He doesn't suck it!" Marcus triumphantly declared. "He backs onto it with his arse so I get to fuck him while his brother's shagging me!"

"Oh my God! That is so cool!" I called out. "I have so got to try that!"

Like the two dicks up one butt idea, the thought of three guys fucking each other in a row had never occurred to me.

"Dibbs to being the one at the back!" Jake called over.

"And dibbs to being the one out front!" Marcus smirked.

"That rather leaves you as being the one in the middle, Shane," Uncle Rob said.

"Sounds good to me guys!" I chuckled back at them, hoping that after bedtime this would be the first position we'd get ourselves into.

We watched the three of them fucking, Marcus behind Kiernan and then the brother behind him, and I saw how Marcus as the middle-player was doing most of the work. He was thrusting his cock in and out of his mate's bent-over backside and the bucking of his hips was making his own muscular arse wank the brother off as he squatted behind him.

"It's a very pleasant position, being the man in the middle," Uncle Rob told me as we all beat our dicks off watching the movie. "The first time I did it, I was surprised at how very different the sensation was compared with other sexual experiences I'd had."

"Was that with Guy?" I asked him, wondering who the third man had been.

"No, it was with two strangers in a rather seedy public toilet," he replied nonchalantly as if merely remarking on the weather.

Ignoring my surprise, he went on, "I was copulating with the behind of a young taxi driver when an older bearded man let himself into our cubicle, unzipped a very large member through his trouser front, slid a condom down it and then worked it up my bottom. We had sex like that, the three of us standing one behind the other like three blokes queueing up at the post office, culminating in what was, for me, a very copious climax."

"Wow!" I said. "That sounds kinda hot! Not the threesome part - although that sounds pretty amazing too - but meeting guys in public dunnies."

I'd known stuff like that went on - I wasn't going to pretend I didn't - but I'd always thought it was dirty old tramps who did it, not respectable and attractive men like my Uncle Rob.

"Yeah, toilets can be fun," Jake agreed, "as long as you take in plenty of johnnies! There's one in Leeds I use pretty regularly when my balls are busting!"

"You cruise for guys in bathrooms?" I asked my cousin.

"Yeah!" he chortled. "Don't be so shocked, cuz!"

I didn't actually mean to sound shocked by the way I said it - I was just thinking that maybe this could be a way for me to hook-up with guys back in Brisbane. Especially if dudes like Jake went in there looking for kicks.

"Could you show me how you do it sometime?" I asked him. All the times I'd used a public dunny in Brissy, I'd never noticed any obvious way of meeting up with other lads.

He grinned at my interest in following in his footsteps. "Yeah, 'course I could, bud!"

Back on screen, Kiernan and his brother were both lying down on their backs with their bodies facing opposite ways. Their ankles were on either side of each other's chests so that their cocks were pressed together and their nutsacks were touching. Marcus squatted his arse over the thick phallus tube of their two upright dicks and then slowly lowered his splayed hole down onto it so that both lads' choppers slid up into his innards.

"Aw yeah, fucking take their two porkers, dude!" Jake eagerly called out, jerking his big schlong off quickly. "That is steaming, that is!"

"Wow!" Uncle Rob chipped in, grinning broadly too and bashing his own meat just as fast. "You've certainly got a commodious behind, if you don't mind me saying so, Mr Cunningham!"

"He shits tree trunks, this guy!" Jake chortled across to his dad as their two wrists pumped up and down their cocks.

I didn't like the sound of that but before I could query it, my attention was transfixed by the Marcus on screen make landfall onto the pubic bushes at the bases of the two brothers' pushed together cocks. He started working his butt up and down the paired organs pointing upwards and the three of them gasped over the speaker as their bizarre double-fuck got underway. I noticed that Marcus' dick, which had gone limp from the size of the intrusion to his bowels, quickly lengthened and thickened again and rose up between his legs. Soon his lovely pecker was back up on full mongrel and he started wanking it off as he bobbed his arse up and down the length of the two brothers' shafts.

"Oh my God!" Jake laughed. "You lucky git... having the two of them stoking you!"

"How did it feel?" I asked Marcus, fascinated to watch him pump the twin cocks off with his tightly stretched ring.

"Really painful at first," he admitted, "but once I'd got into it, it started feeling pretty amazing... well worth covering the backs of my undies with skid marks for the next few days!"

Jake cackled with laughter at the vulgarity of his mate, but Uncle Rob winced with a combination of disgust and amusement.

"Does stuff like this really happen when you let other guys root your chuff?" I asked my cousin and his friend betraying my obvious alarm. "Do you end up shitting massive turds and making a mess of your boxers?"

Now I was worried about my mom finding doodie-stains on the backs of my shorts and my dad complaining that I was blocking up the dunny. The pair of them might put two and two together and realise that their son's hole had been stretched wide open from taking so many other dudes' dicks up it.

"Of course not," Uncle Rob snapped, annoyed that the two of them could be dampening my new-found sense of adventure. "That was just an example of the cruder side of the British sense of humour, wasn't it boys?"

Jake just smirked at me but Marcus nodded. He said, "Honestly, Shane... as long its just dicks or fingers you shove up your bum-hole, it shrinks back to normal pretty quickly."

At first I thought he was just trying to reassure me, until he smiled and added, "I swear to God, butt sex has never given me skid marks... well, no more than usual!" And I could see he was being truthful with me.

The two brothers on screen continued their strange double-fuck, now bucking their hips upwards to meet the squatting lunges of Marcus' relentless arse. The four of us sitting on the bed wanked ourselves off more briskly watching their fun, as the quickening gasps from the speaker told us that butt-stretched Marcus was nearing his orgasm.

"The tea must be ready by now," Uncle Rob panted as we all beat off our cocks. "I suggest we help each other out a bit to hurry things along."

He reached across to me and pressed his hand between my legs. He pushed my ballsack and two heavy nuts out of the way and then found my arsehole and slid two fingers up it. He got to work rapidly frigging me, his hand making wet slurping sounds as he jabbed his fingers back and forth through the stickiness inside my butt.

"Come on, let's do each other," he suggested. "You do me, Shane... Jake and Marcus, reach across to do each other!"

The three of us chuckled and got to work groping between each other's legs. We were soon fondling through our partners' furry arse-cracks and sliding our fingers up the hot chutes nestling inside. The slurpy munching noises grew faster and louder as our four slimy butts were pummelled by the frantic action of our fists.

We looked across at one another, relishing our naughtiness - Uncle Rob smirking shyly at me, Marcus giggling to Jake. I smiled back at Uncle Rob, hoping to show him how much I loved fingering his big stretched man-cunt of an arsehole, and wondered how it would compare to frigging off the younger men's smaller, more tightly clenched puckers.

"Aw yeah!" Jake called out to Marcus. "Frig my arse off, dude!"

The boyish smell of our cocks was soon overwhelmed by the cruder pungence coming from our finger-fucked arseholes. I could smell Jake's earthy stink wafting up from where Marcus' hand was pounding away between his legs, and Marcus too had his own distinctive anal whiff. I kept getting nosefuls of it as I hungrily sniffed the effects of our exertions.

We wanked our cocks off harder and more urgently, loving the stink of our bungholes being stoked. We fingered each other rougher and faster, determined to make the air reek of our wanked-off fudge-pipes and Marcus gasped at me, "Jesus, Shane! Your arse smells fucking lush, mate!"

"First one to climax gets extra cream with his desert!" Uncle Rob gasped, slamming his fist up down his cock with all the intensity and power of a pneumatic drill.

As if on cue my bloated jeb-end started firing long strings of cum into the air, making Marcus cry out and sending his own nuts into overdrive.

Once the Marcus on the tablet had joined the real version in shooting his load over his chest, both Uncle Rob and Jake's fat dicks let rip too, gushering their spunk upwards in long, white arcs. Soon the meaty stink from our piston-pumped butts was enriched with the thick, cloying odour of four big wads of spooge splattered all over us.

Just as I took my hand away out of Uncle Rob's hairy gully, Jake chortled over at me, "Here's your extra cream, Shane!" He flung a thick gob of his jizz over at me to add to all the goop my chest and belly was speckled with.

Uncle Rob withdrew his fingers from my crack with an embarrassing blast from my pooper and stood up, pulling his briefs and trousers up. "I would suggest washing your hands before we eat, gentlemen... especially thoroughly, including under the nails!"

Jake and Marcus pulled their hands out from between each other's legs and I was pleased that both of their arseholes blew out even louder farts than mine had. Neither of them seemed especially bothered by the noise of their butts being vacated and I wondered if maybe such gassy outbursts were just seen as a normal aftermath of playing around with other lads' backdoors.

When Uncle Rob had gone downstairs to wash his hands and and start dishing up our meal, the three of us piled into the bathroom to clean up.

I asked them both, "Now that we've all beaten off and fired our spooge everywhere, are you guys gonna be up for more fun later this evening?"

"Fuck yeah!" Jake laughed, washing his hands at the sink.

"Twenty minutes," Marcus grinned back at me from where he was peeing. "Just twenty minutes and I'm good to go again!"

I chuckled back at them, using the mirror on the cabinet door to comb the spunk out of my hair.

I wondered if the two of them really would be so quick to recover their horniness or if this was just laddish bravado and the rest of the night would turn out to be a damp squib. There was, of course, only one way I was going to find out...




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ADAM AND STEVEPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong


AIR BNB by Robert Furlong === === "So first thing next day I knocked on their bedroom door to say good mornin' and one of them called out, tellin' me to come in." "This was one of the gay blokes who owned the house?" Brian asked. "Yeah. I think I was the only one rentin' a room that night." He nodded and I went on.

Awake with Jake Part 1


Awake with Jake Part 2


Awake with Jake Part 3

I got into bed with Marcus, having to push him to one side so that the two of us could fit into the single bed.

Awake with Jake Part 4

AWAKE WITH JAKE PART 4by Robert looked at the clock. It was going on for three. At this rate, I was going to need half a jar of coffee to get me going in the morning.I'd been enjoying having horny thoughts about the first time I'd hooked up with Marcus, and it had been nice to lie here snuggling into his back and

Badly Drawing Boy

BADLY DRAWING BOYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===While Matt Strickson's PowerPoint presentation was unremittingly dreary, the way his arse flexed and rippled in the back of his tight grey trousers every time he turned towards the whiteboard was more than enough to keep me entertained.

Bedtime Stories

BEDTIME STORIESPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Blast from the Past... and from my Son!

BLAST FROM THE PAST... AND FROM MY SON! by Robert Furlong === === Warning: contains mild scat === The night before Jake and I were going to watch Liverpool play Leeds, the tumble drier decided to break down. I had, of course, left the bulk of the laundry we needed until the night before our trip and so we had a large pile

Both Ways

BOTH WAYSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===At first I was convinced my ex-wife was in the bed with me.It was Sunday morning and I was in that half-dreaming half-dozing state I sometimes end up in when I've slept too long and I really should get up. I'd opened an eye to check the alarm

Bunk Buddies

BUNK BUDDIESby Robert fuck-buddy Rob has always been fascinated to hear about my time in prison. I told him early on in our hook-ups that life inside hadn't actually been that interesting – that it was mostly mind-splittingly dull and that the sex, such as it was, was brief and infrequent – but he keeps asking about

By Popular Demand

BY POPULAR DEMANDPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Candid Cameron

CANDID CAMERONPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Carried Away

CARRIED AWAYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Pulling out of the car park after meeting Cameron, I couldn't help but marvel at how much nerve he must have. Imagine going back to a stranger's flat and rimming him while his mates looked on! The idea of doing something like that myself was

Coupling Up

COUPLING UPPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===I was back at the small toilet building tucked away among the trees in the park.Curiosity about what I'd seen there on my last visit had got the better of me and I'd left the office early with the excuse of having a bad stomach and the

Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

DANNY COMES TO STAY PART 1 === As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny." "Sorry for him? You're kidding me!" It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex. He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for

Danny Comes to Stay Part 2

DANNY COMES TO STAY PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === Perhaps it's not surprising that my husband had lost his hard-on while he was watching my ex hungrily rimming my splayed hole. "Just gonna get him nice and slippy," Danny had said before plunging his face into my butt crack and giving me the most intense and satisfying

Doing the Dirty Part 1


Doing the Dirty Part 2

DOING THE DIRTY PART 2by Robert's odd but strangely compelling to watch your own son masturbating right there in front of you. I was fascinated to see how different his technique was from my own – his hand seemed so much more frantic and his fingers more agile – while marvelling at so many physical

Don't Freak Out (Part 1)

DON'T FREAK OUT (PART 1) by Robert Furlong === === For several months, I'd been promising my son that I'd show him how two men can make love very intensely and passionately together using only their two cocks. Jake is young and bisexual but when it comes to other boys, he has made it very clear that his interests are

Don't Freak Out (Part 2)

DON'T FREAK OUT (PART 2) by Robert Furlong === === "I'm not gonna freak out, Rob," Guy assured me. "I'm just surprised, that's all..." I smiled at him again to show that, even though he was quite visibly shaken by what he was seeing, I was more than comfortable to have my son's mouth slurping up and down my large erection in

Doubling Up Part 1

DOUBLING UP PART 1by Robert opened the front door to find Guy grinning at me broadly, his son Simon following right behind. I showed them through to the sitting room, where Jake introduced Simon, who he'd been to school with, to Marcus, his friend from university.While I was busying myself collecting in coats,

Doubling Up Part 2


Doubling Up Part 3

DOUBLING UP PART 3by Robert felt odd for my son and me to be squatting naked together, his back rubbing against mine, but I was sure it must feel even stranger for his best mate Marcus who was lying out on our front room carpet, facing upwards at our two splayed bums and pressing the twinned heads of a double-ended

Driving Home for Christmas

DRIVING HOME FOR CHRISTMASThe epilogue to the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert FurlongContact me for the full series: looked over at me and we grinned at each other.I was desperately pleased to see him and I could see that he was pretty chuffed to see me, even though he hadn't found the time to phone home in over a fortnight.

Dropping the Bottle Opener

DROPPING THE BOTTLE OPENER by Robert Furlong === === So he bends over to pick up the bottle opener, his jeans so far down you can see his arse inside his boxers, and I say, "Fuckin' 'ell, Tyler! Are you deliberately flashin' me an eyeful o' wank-fodder!" He turned to grin at me, still bending over, and reached round to the

Father and Son Moments

FATHER AND SON MOMENTSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===

Football Match

FOOTBALL MATCHThe start of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Considering the impact it was to have on my life, it now seems difficult to believe that it came with no warning. But then, I suppose that's true of almost all of life's most momentous events: they emerge unannounced amidst the most boringly ordinary of our daily routines.

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 1

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === The first night I slept with my twenty-year-old cousin Jake, the two of us snuggled up arms around each other in his double bed, confirmed to me that I was more into guys than I was into girls. It just felt so right to be close to another dude like that, our two big

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 2

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === It was beaut having Uncle Rob's mate Guy over for the evening. He's always up for a laugh and it's great how his no-nonsense way of speaking and brash sense of humour are so at odds with the airs and graces Uncle Rob puts on. It was especially great, though,

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 3

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 3 by Robert Furlong === === "Whoa! I didn't know you guys were playing piggy-backs in here!" Jake called out when he saw his dad on all-fours with Guy squatting behind him. The hairy broad-chested plumber chortled across at his fuck-buddy's son. He always enjoyed a bit of banter with Jake.

Furlong Four Play Part 1

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === It was nearly teatime on Saturday afternoon and my cousin and I were sitting on his bed with his mate Marcus from university. Marcus had come to visit from Surrey where his parents lived, and even though he'd only arrived on the train that lunchtime, things were already getting

Furlong Four Play Part 2

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === I didn't get my threesome with Jake and Marcus after bedtime. It wasn't that my cousin and his buddy didn't recover themselves after the jerk-off we'd had before tea, it was just that by the time the three of us collapsed into Jake's bed, we'd had so much fun with Uncle Rob

Further into the Furlongs Part 1

FURTHER INTO THE FURLONGS PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === "Look, about last night," Jake said, walking into the kitchen. It was the morning after I'd stormed out of his bedroom and he was, no doubt, going to try to make amends. I figured I knew what my cousin was going to say. That he was sorry he'd messed things up by

Further into the Furlongs Part 2

FURTHER INTO THE FURLONGS PART 2by Robert was still a bit offish with me next morning, giving me a wide berth in the house and keeping conversation to a minimum. After lunch we went to meet a couple of his mates and I thought he might be a dork by dissing me in front of them and taking the piss out of my

Getting Together

GETTING TOGETHERPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert.furlong@rocketmail.comFind my older stories at

Giving Smithy a Bum-Job

GIVING SMITHY A BUM-JOB by Robert Furlong === === He kept going on about how hard-up he was. How he hadn't had his cock up an arse for however long it was and how his balls were so blue that a fart would get him off. Me and Biggsy kept laughing at how desperate he was acting but I kind of felt sorry for him in a stupid sort

Go Ahead

GO AHEADby Robert I need to use a public toilet, I invariably go into one of the cubicles even if the entire row of urinals is empty. This used to be because, having had some bad reactions from women at the large size of my manhood, I was self-conscious about exposing my genitals to other people and preferred

Guilty Pleasures

GUILTY PLEASURESPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Jake and Simon were focussed on the afternoon's football game when they emerged from their hotel bedroom and there was no mention of what had taken place between their dads the previous night. Guy was his usual bright and breezy self, but I was feeling more subdued: troubled

Having A Laugh

HAVING A LAUGHby Robert started out with the two of us having a laugh. I showed Reece some photos on my phone of our mates doing stupid shit with their cocks out and he said we should go one better and pretend like we were doing gay stuff.So that's how it started and it seemed really funny at the time. Grabbing

How Do You Like It?

HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?Part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Hypothetical Hitch-Hiker Part 1

HYPOTHETICAL HITCH-HIKER PART 1by Robert lad grinned across at me, pleased for the lift. I wasn't going exactly where he wanted, but I could take him to a motorway junction twenty miles short without too much of a detour. He'd have to sort himself out from there: either stand in the cold with his thumb sticking

Hypothetical Hitch-Hiker Part 2

HYPOTHETICAL HITCH-HIKER PART 2by Robert both positioned our respective underwear in front of us – the outer and less intimate surface of the gussets facing towards us – and Dane lifted mine up to his nose first. I followed his lead, applying the outside of his shorts to my nose even though I would have strongly

Jake's Christmas Present

JAKE'S CHRISTMAS PRESENTThe final part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert FurlongContact me for the full series:>> NOTE TO READERS>> I wanted to add a message to this final part of 'Butt Monkey' to say, firstly, thanks for reading and following my story (especially if you've very kindly messaged me to express your appreciation) and,

Just Like My Dad Part 1

JUST LIKE MY DAD PART 1by Robert met my friend Ivan because I bought my car from him.I liked him because he was so unlike the younger, cockier salesmen I'd encountered in all the other dealerships. I'd been trawling showrooms most of the weekend and had long since grown bored of being pestered by smarmy

Just Like My Dad Part 2

JUST LIKE MY DAD PART 2by Robert I drove Ivan back across town in my swanky new car, I asked him how he'd ended up seeking out men for sex in spite of being married to such an attractive woman and having what he'd described as an 'enjoyable' sex life.

Like Father Like Son Part 1

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON PART 1by Robert first time I felt like I might be developing feelings for another man was the night when we'd gone out for a meal, and Marcus – my son's friend from university – made a joke that it was like I was Guy's boyfriend.We'd all laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion – after all, Guy and I are both

Like Father Like Son Part 2

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON PART 2by Robert stood in front of them, my son grinning broadly at me while Marcus, still kneeling forwards with his hands prizing his arse-cheeks apart, peered over in wide-eyed horror.

Mankini Bearcub Part 1

MANKINI BEARCUB PART 1by Robert couple of months ago a lad called James I know at work pulled me to one side to show me something on his phone. I knew it was going to be a piss-take the way his mates were all sniggering and throwing glances at each other and it turned out it was the stupid mankini video which my

Mankini Bearcub Part 2


Medical History

MEDICAL HISTORYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Online Briefing

ONLINE BRIEFINGPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===I scrolled down the pictures of men's underwear filling the screen, trying to locate the Calvin Klein boxer briefs Jake prefers. If I bought him the wrong ones, he'd wear them once and then that would be it. He'd say they were

Pantomime Cow

PANTOMIME COWPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong=Jake mentioned over tea that the drama department at his college was looking for someone to help out with the Christmas pantomime. It was still early November but rehearsals were already underway.

Pleasant Thoughts

PLEASANT THOUGHTSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong==Debbie turned out to be very nice. A bit giggly, perhaps, but that could be put down to the nervousness of being on a first date. She probably thought me too quiet for the same reason.We'd got on well – better than I'd dared to hope – and I'd suggested that we could meet

Questions and Answers

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Roadside Assistance

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Driving over to Rugby for a meeting with a prospective customer, my car started spluttering on the A4304, and refused to respond when I tried to accelerate. Half a mile on, the engine was threatening to cut out altogether, so I pulled

Silas in the Library

SILAS IN THE LIBRARYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Stain Devils

STAIN DEVILSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===The restaurant seemed a lot more expensive than those I was used to: it certainly wouldn't have been the sort of place I'd have picked if given the choice. The starters alone cost more than I would usually be prepared to pay for a whole meal,

Surprise at Rogerson Shopping Mall

SURPRISE AT ROGERSON SHOPPING MALL by Robert Furlong === === I'd agreed to meet my son Jake in Leeds city centre one Saturday afternoon. He was in his second year of studying at the university there and, as I had most of the day free, I thought it would be nice for the two of us to meet up for a coffee and chat. I was picking

Taking It All In

TAKING IT ALL INThe penultimate part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert.furlong@rocketmail.comFind my older stories at's not every day one gets caught by one's own son being anally pleasured by another man, but that's how Saturday had started out for me.I'd woken rather later than I usually would, a consequence of a very eventful

The Bride's Brother Part 1

THE BRIDE'S BROTHER PART 1by Robert, my partner, unlocked the bedroom door and I noticed Jason peering down the corridor to make sure the three of us weren't being watched.

The Bride's Brother Part 2

THE BRIDE'S BROTHER PART 2by Robert threw our jackets on the floor and then kissed again, grinding our erections together through our open zippers, regardless of the fact we were smearing each other's precum across the fronts of our trousers.Ricky smiled as my tongue entered his mouth and this time he let me

The Halfway Inn Part 1

THE HALFWAY INN PART 1by Robert glanced across at Pete as I took off my shirt. Perhaps because he was a lot younger than me, he seemed oblivious to any sense of self-consciousness or embarrassment that the two of us were having to share a room and get undressed together. He looked young enough to have graduated from

The Halfway Inn Part 2

THE HALFWAY INN PART 2by Robert got on the bed first, kneeling down on the mattress and splaying my legs wide open. Seeing me like that, facing him expectantly with my cock arching upwards, made Pete laugh again.

The Paint Job (Part 1)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 1 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === With the current fashion for newlyweds to have their wedding night nuptials committed to canvas, I have become familiar with sketching hesitant couples alongside their conjugal beds. Painting such tender moments presents a fascinating artistic challenge and I've developed a

The Paint Job (Part 2)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 2 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === "You've obviously discussed the other five paintings of the set in some detail," I remarked to my two clients. "Could you give me a rundown of what you have in mind to give me an idea of context." "Okay, so the first is the beautiful composition of us kneeling face-to-face

The Paint Job (Part 3)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 3 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === "So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch. "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen. Am I okay to describe it like that?" I'd expected Adam to haughtily

The Paint Job (Part 4)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 4 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === After leaving the tea to brew, I went back through to the studio to find Adam and Stephen having what looked like very intense sex together kneeling on the couch. They were both upright and facing forwards. Stephen had one arm around Adam's prominent chest, fondling a

The Right Trousers

THE RIGHT TROUSERSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===On Friday afternoon, after meeting a group of potential clients at their Coventry head office, I thought I'd take a walk into the city centre before the shops closed to see if I could find a new pair of trousers. I'd been wondering what

Troy Story

TROY STORYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Up At The Crack

UP AT THE CRACKby Robert few months ago I met a guy called Edward and it turned out that, among his varied and chequered past, he'd been divorced and has a son in his late teens, just like me.His lad is called Ashley; he's eighteen and at university in Sheffield. My son is Jake who's nineteen and at Leeds.

What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 1

WHAT HAPPENED IN HARVEY'S ROOMPART 1: CIRCLE JERKby Robert five of us gathered round Harvey's laptop, pulled our dicks out and he loaded up the movie so we could all wank off to it.I was new to the academy and I'd never been in a circle jerk before, so it seemed funny and horny at the same time for us

What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 2

WHAT HAPPENED IN HARVEY'S ROOMPART 2: SLOPPY SECONDSby Robert turned out to be totally different from playing around with girls. For a start, we didn't even get on his bed together and there was cuddling each other or anything like that.I just hitched the front of my jeans down so my aching hard-on

What Lurks Beneath

WHAT LURKS BENEATHPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===As I was getting into bed, Guy returned to the room chuckling that the lads had still been on their DS, which he'd confiscated.

Work and Play

WORK AND PLAYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong


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