Gay Erotic Stories

Meeting Mr Driscoll Part Two:A New Vista

by Omofineboy
23 Feb 2018


I did not call again as promised. In fact I avoided meeting with Moses or his father. Many times Moses would come over to talk to me but I would find one excuse or another, all in a bid to avoid being close to that family. Truth be told, I was afraid of the prospect of developing feelings for Eric Driscoll.

One day, I spotted Moses with a crowd of guys his age, near the Hydrangeas Park. I was so pleased that he had finally bonded with some of his schoolmates and from the delight written all over his face, he was clearly in a better place.. He left the group upon spotting me and came towards me grinning widely.

“Hello Mr. Hartley. You have been, like, pretty busy all summer. My dad wants to know if you could come over this weekend,” he said. “Ah, Moses. I have so many papers to grade, don’t think I can make it,” I evaded his eyes. “Please, come. My dad and my mom are, like, back together again. I am sure she would be mighty glad to like meet you." He pleaded.

That piece of news partially made me relieved and partially annoyed. I was really conflicted. Eric had made it clear that even when they were swinging with other couples, they were careful not to fall for them. But the feelings I was having, I never had that for another man before. My fear was if I got close, I might get burnt.

Yet I could not lie to Moses So I assured him that I would call his dad. He seemed happy and scampered off to be back to his friends.

A week passed. I didn’t call. Another week passed. Saturday of the third week, I went to the mall to shop when I came face to face with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Driscoll.

They made a beautiful couple and they were obviously happy from the picture perfect way they appeared. I wanted to duck but Eric saw me. His face lit up and he smiled that killer smile that sent my heart Topsy-turvy. I smiled nervously. He waved and his missus saw me. I 'saw' her too. She was really beautiful. Her ebony skin was flawless. Her face was like porcelain chocolaty smooth with nary a wrinkle to mar the shine! Her eyes were emerald green. Her lips more luscious than Angelina Jolie's

They were both dressed in jeans and white T-shirts. Her -shirt was emblazoned with something about support for breast cancer. Her breasts certainly looked impressive. She reminded me of Amber Rose, without the bald head. This one here had a well groomed, brown dread locks that gave her an exotic look. .

“Hi there, stranger! Long time no see!”His handshake was firm. His green eyes penetrated right through, me I felt as if he could read my soul. “Been busy with school work. Wow, Eric, nice to see you. How is Moses?" I babbled nervously. I was overawed by his sheer magnetic masculine aura and his wife’s feline beauty. She was slim and had all the right curves in the right places. “Eric, introduce me to your friend,” she said in voice akin to the softness of summer rain. “Sorry darling," he said ruefully. "This here is John. John Hartley. He is Moses’ school teacher, ” he said casually. “Nice to meet you, John,” She extended her hand for a hand shake. She didn’t have any problem easing into a first time basis. The way she called my name made my heart somersault. Shaking her very soft and warm hand, our eyes met, I felt a slight twinge in my groin. Suddenly my dick wanted to burst. I had not had sex in a coon’s age and I had no interest in jerking off since the made Eric, the real deal. “Moses had been telling me a lot about you. I think my son had a man crush on you John," She teased.. I blushed but smiled to hide my discomfort. I didn’t like the direction her train of thoughts was heading. “Why not come over later to the house? This wife of mine cook the best short rips,” Eric said proudly. “Er, I have papers to grade – ” I started. “We shan’t take no for an answer, John,” she said in that soft, seductively sonorous voice of hers. My dick was now nodding like an Agama lizard but thankfully, I had my trench coat to hide its obvious raging state.

Suddenly her phone rang. She opened her purse and picked it.

“Excuse me. It sis the office,” she said apologetically and moved to a corner to answere the call. “I f I didn’t know better I would think you were avoiding me and also hitting on my wife with your eyes,” he boomed. “Come, on. You are wrong on both counts,” I lied.”Your wife is gorgeous, no doubt.” “But?” he prompted “But she is your wife.” “Were you avoiding me because of our little tryst the other day?” He prodded. “We didn’t have any tryst. We only kissed – "l protested. “Whom did you kiss, John,” I didn’t know she was behind me. “John and I kissed and he ran away,” Eric proffered coolly. I felt like dying! How could he? But I was more flummoxed because the wife just smiled and gave us a knowing look.My pulse raced. "Look, while you guys are reminiscing about your kisses and the short ribs, I have to go to the office. “But today is Saturday,” Eric protested. “I won’t be long. Just to give my boss some documents from my safe,” she said, giving him a perfunctory kiss on the lips while winking at me.

Suddenly I felt like bursting a nut. I watched her swaying her Kim Kardashian hips as she hurried away. I caught Eric watching me with hooded eyes and a lazy smile playing on his luscious lips. The desire to kiss him there and then overwhelmed me. I noticed there was a restroom near the staircase so I bolted right in. I went to a cubicle and release a long stream of piss. It relieved all the sexual tensions building in me. When I finished washing me hands, as I was about to turn, I felt a massive body behind me. I turned and I was face to face with Eric.

“What – ” Before I could finish the sentence, his lips descended and devoured mine. I became weak in the knees. My heart thudding wildly, but impulsively, my arms drew him closer to me. His arousal was very obvious. I could not take any more. I kissed him right back. We moved into the last cubicle.

He sat on the toilet seat while I straddled him. We kept on kissing as if the world was coming to an end. Our hands were all over our bodies. His taut musculature of a body was simply great. I moaned with sweet ecstasy. Then we stood up and unzipped our trousers. I was not small inn the dick department since I had a proud eight incher there. We played with each other’s cocks till we oozed precum.

Then the inevitable happened. He knelt and took me in his mouth. He licked my joystick like a lollipop. I groaned and he picked up speed swallowing my whole length. He sucked my dick and in few minutes I released a long stream of cum inside his wet mouth and he slurped and swallowed every creamy bit. I caught my breath. He stood up and leveled with me. Then he kissed me again. I felt my cum in his mouth. His dick was ramrod stiff. I held it with both hands and the thing was breathing like a raging bull.

“No. Let's save the best for the last,” he said hungrily and tucked away his big balls and the veiny dick in his boxers, much to my chagrin.

He kissed me one last time and exited the cubicle. I longed for that kiss to last forever. A few seconds later, I also exited. I washed my hands again and as I was about leaving, a middle aged man came out of the cubicle next to the one we occupied. Our eyes met. He smiled broadly and winked at me. i smiled back, rather boldly.

Hurriedly, I went out and paid for my purchases and drove home. I couldn’t wait to meet the Driscolls tonight.

A new vista is opened…


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