Gay Erotic Stories

My Uncle The Electrician

by Scorps
09 Mar 2008

Family Fun

Disclaimer: all participates are over 18, this is a work of non-fiction email and remarks are comments..

My Uncle the Electrician

Hello this Ted yet another saga of my sexcapades continues, it was six months later since I spend that unforgettable night with Hank and Jake and my father, Jake has since went to college. Hank and my father Josh moved on with their lives, often hank and Josh still hooked up, dad tells me the details.

As for me I got a job at an advertisement agency, I purchased a home not to far from dad. Just the next town over (out in suburbia) I took some time off to get my house together, the house was a fixer upper, it is a rancher was looking good on the outside but, interior was for shit. I think Helen Keller, painted the rooms. The colors were just ghastly and the house suffered from some electrical problems, outlets were not grounded, and some of the ceiling lights did not work at all. I was at wits end when I decided to call dad. Of course the fucking phone did not work, so I hopped into my Volvo and drove to my dad’s house. It was about 7 pm when I pulled up to his house.

I knocked on the door,

He answered it and said,”Hey Trooper what’s new?”

I told my dad I needed some advice.

Dad said, “Well come on in let’s talk.”

I entered the living room and had flashbacks with Hank on the couch; I drifted off for a few when dad said, “Trooper what’s wrong?”

I told him the situation with the electrical problems and the painting, dad I am over my head in work for just two weeks.

Dad asked, “Trooper, how are you on money?”

I replied, “I’m okay dad, but I need to hire a contractor to help me with these problems.”

That is when dad came up with a brainstorm. He said, “You know your uncle Mike just got out of jail and needs to show probation that he has employment or he goes back to jail.”

I was thinking fucking great I have a felon helping me. Mike is Dad’s younger brother; he is only 28 and was wasted or arrested most of his life.

I told dad of my concerns. However, Dad said ted mike is a damn good electrician when he is on his game; the only thing is you might have to put him up for awhile. I was reluctant because mike and I never had a great relationship.

Dad said, “Let me give him a call.” The phone rang a few times before mike answered it, Dad said, “Mike it’s Josh. I have a solution to your little problem…” Dad and Mike talked for a half an hour explaining to Mike what I needed from him and his living arraignments, and then Dad hung up the phone.

Dad said, “Ted agreed to do it and he will see you tomorrow around 9 am.”

I said, “Great…” I started to go home I walked up and gave my dad a hug and a goodbye kiss. After he kissed dad did not break his hug. He asked, “How are things with you and Jake?”

I told him it is very hard to get close when the one you love is miles away. Dad said, “I understand,” and gave me a quick peck. He then un-did his hug, I told dad I love him and headed to my car.

I got back to my darken house and went in, I was tired for the days event, so I set the alarm clock for 8 am and went to bed.

It was about 1 am when I heard someone knocking on my front door, I jumped out of bed and put on my robe, I answer to door only to find mike dressed in his jumpsuit resting his head on my door. He was a little drunk when I said to him.

Hey, what the fucking is going on. He managed to say sorry Ted I got in a fight with an old girlfriend, she was sucking my dick but she kept biting it with her teeth. I told her to stop that and she got pissed off and then she put me out, I had to other place to go. I told mike fine for the night you can sleep on the couch, we can deal with the bedding tomorrow its late and I am tired.

Mike said thank you for understanding, see you tomorrow morning and good night. The next morning I beat the alarm clock so I shut it off and headed to the kitchen. I went to turn on the coffee maker when I smelled smoke. I went it the living room to find Mike sitting up and smoking a cigarette, I was going to yell at him until I saw the tattered me he was in. his socks were dingy and his sneakers were filthy and had holes in them, the jumpsuit was denim but badly faded. He saw me and said

“Morning Ted; sorry did I wake you?”

I replied no Mike I was up, I then asked him when the last time you had a shower was, he said about three days ago, I suggested to him to go get another one.

He then said ok but I do not have a change of clothing, I said I could find you something. I headed to my bedroom to get him my spare robe. When I came back he had already toke his sneakers and socks off. I walked in just as he grabbed the zipper tab; he slowly unzipped his until he got to his waist. I was stunned to see how much hair mike had on him. He was much hairier than my father or I. I handed him my other robe, he placed in on the sofa when he said stand back this could get tricky. Without warning, he slipped the shoulders of his jumpsuit down, and then he pulled the remainder of the zipper. He was not wearing any underwear, as the jumpsuit dropped to the floor mike stood in front of me completely nude. Mike had indeed inherited the family dick, he was 3 ½ inches soft, I could only imagine what the full size of that monster would be. Mike grabbed my robe and put it on. He asked which the bathroom I could only point where it is. I grabbed his socks (trashed them) and his sneakers and the musty smelling jumpsuit. I threw them into the washer and went back into the bedroom for a change of clothes. I grabbed him some old jeans, a white tee shirt, and a pair of socks. I entered the bathroom and told mike, the clothes are on the countertop. Mike said thanks as I walked out. I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Mike seemed to be in there for the longest time. I was about to yell for him when he came out, he was wearing my clothes, the jeans were a little tight but fuck it looked hot In them, I told mike let have breakfast and we can go over the plans and what I expect from him.

Mike said Ted do not worry I have changed since the last time you knew me. I asked what do you mean, mike just said I gave up my partying ways and learned to accept faults.

I said, “Okay, I believe you,” I really wanted to interrogate him some more, however, the fucker cleaned up well. He even shaved and threw on some of my cologne. I told mike he can have the spare room next to my bedroom, the only this is I only have one TV. Therefore, if you want to watch TV you are going to have to use the one in the living room.

Mike said no problem.

After breakfast mike said where you want me to start, I said the hallway light next to the bathroom does not work, can you try to fix it, He said I would get right on it. Do you have a ladder ted; yes, it is in the garage. While you do that, I will check on the laundry. While his clothes were in the dryer, I took the time to start another load and removed the old wallpaper that was in the laundry room. I made quick work of the wallpaper when I headed to get a trash bag. As I looked down the hall, I noticed mike was missing.

As I enter the garage I saw mike standing there, rubbing his hand on his crotch while thumbing through and old copy of a porno magazine, I quietly watched as he really got into it, Mike unzipped his jeans and hauled out his dick. By this time, my 8-inch cock was stirring too. So I stroked my cock in my jeans as I watched. His back was facing mine as I watched him stroke, it was hard to see it, I heard him grunt and groan and then he came shooting his load on the garage floor. I was about to cum to but he beat me to it, I quickly left the garage as he looked back. I hope he did not see me. By this time I headed to the bathroom, stroked my cock, I shot my load into a tissue I had in my hand, I came out to find Mike on the ladder and working on the light, he never said a word; the two of us just worked our asses off until it was dinnertime. I had just finished painting the laundry room.

When I asked Mike what he wanted for dinner. He said anything I am not fussy, so I made some spaghetti with meat sauce and a salad. When sat across the table from each other but we said nothing.

I finally asked, “Mike is something wrong?”

He said, “No I just have some issues to deal with, I will be all right,” I asked him if he wanted a beer. He said surprisingly, “No. iced tea will do.”

Mike asked, if I minded if he took a shower and watch some television. I said no feel free, be yourself.

So as I cleaned up dinner dishes I watched as mike headed to the bathroom. It was about a half of an hour when mike came out only wearing the other bathrobe; he headed for the sofa and clicked the remote to turn on the Television. He was watching silently only to let out a little chuckle or two. By this time I thought about getting a shower and did so, I came out wearing the other bathrobe. Mike was still on the sofa.

I asked if he minds if I watch TV with him. His reply was no it is your house so go ahead. He did not speak another word I then asked him, “Mike is there something you want to tell me?”

He said, “Ted you would not understand.”

I said, “Try me.”

He said, “Well why is it you never call me Uncle Mike?”

I told him, “Mike you were always in and out of my Dad’s and my life or in jail.”

Mike then asked, “Do you know why I was co-dependant?”

I said, “No Uncle Mike I have no idea.”

Mike said, “Well your father and I never saw eye to eye as kids, when I was just 18 I came home drunk after bar hopping. Your father was about 27; I came home and landed on my bed. Your father came in and saw me wasted. He asked me if I knew what time, it was. I told him fuck you. Then without warning, your dad jumped on top of me with his massive legs pinning my shoulders. He then said ‘hey fucker since you like sucking down on beer, why don’t you suck on this.’ He pulled out his dick and forced me to suck it; he told me if he felt teeth he was going to punch me. He continued to rape my mouth until he blew his load down my throat. That is when I noticed I was wet as well. Secretly I loved it, but I was also torn. The next day your father ignored me and refused to acknowledge what he did. Therefore, I moved out and turned to a life of crime and drugs. I got high cause I could not cope with my feelings. As he spoke tears we rolling down his face. I said to him Mike, it’s okay, I did some unspeakable things too. He then said thanks Ted I feel a lot better, I said great. I then said Uncle Mike I am going to bed; I’ll see you in the morning. Mike said I am going to watch some more TV and head to bed soon. I said okay see you.”

I headed to my room with flashes of uncle mikes story playing in my head. I was thinking to myself what I would give to be in his shoes. I was about to stroke my cock when I slowly drifted off to sleep. It was about 10:30 when I heard the sounds of moaning coming from the TV. I got up put on my robe and headed in. as I approached to the living room I saw Uncle Mike fondling his dick through his robe while watching a porno flick. I coughed and entered so mike could adjust himself.

He said I am sorry did I wake you. No I needed a drink of water, I asked what he was watching, and he said some porno he found on satellite. I asked how it is any good, he said not to bad it just started. I sat down next to him and watched as the scene unfolded. A naked man had a woman on her back with her legs spread opened and in the air; the man was pushing his big cock in and out of her pussy. Then suddenly another naked man sucking and fondling her breast. Mike and I just watched as this went on for sometime. Then the other man got closer and turned to watch the action, then the first man slipped his cock out of her pussy and the other man started to suck on it.

Mike said did you see that, all I could do was say yeah. Then the guy who was sucking his dick turned over on top of the woman and presented his ass. The two were kissing as the person was taking his cock out of the woman’s pussy and into the person’s ass. By this time both of us were hard as a rock, without saying anything I watched as Mike pulled out his stiff cock. His cock was perfect. It looked to be about 10 inches with balls the size of eggs; he kept switching his views to watch the TV and then checks to see what I was doing. By this time, I said fuck it, I opened my robe, and I could see Uncle Mike do a double take. Holy shit Ted you did not get that from your dad. I knew this to be true dad’s cock was longer but could not hold a candle to my girth, so we both just watched each other stroke, I wanted to run my hands in uncle mike chest hair. Therefore, I did. He closed his eyes and he continued to jerk his cock. I was doing my best to keep up with his speed, I was enjoying this moment, when suddenly he announced he is about to cum. I said so am I; almost at the same time, we both blasted a load on our chests. We then cleaned up our mess, I told uncle mike I am calling it a night, mike said yeah me too. I suggested why you don’t just sleep in my room. It is too late to make the bed. He said ok, and we headed to bed, we both took off our robes and crawled into the cold crisp sheets. I laid there and told mike goodnight.

About an hour later, Mike was pressed against my ass. I could feel his cockhead hitting my asshole. I did not say anything I simply bucked backed and mike took the hint. He slowly started to push his cock and slowly pumped my ass. He fucked me ever so gently I was in awl. He then proceeded to unload a stream on cum into my ass; we fell asleep with his dick still planted in my ass. The next morning the phone was finally working, it woke me up. It was about 10 am it was my dad. He asked if the loser uncle mike ever showed up. I told my dad well yeah, he showed up but he a loser no more. In addition, I hung up the phone and dropped the handset on the floor. Uncle mike heard the conversation, rolled over, and gave me a sweet kiss. I was thinking what about Jake…well family comes first.

The End.

If you like this any other story feel free to email.


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