Troche_Man has 4 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Sex Japan TV
Written by Troche Man (, Summer 2005. Emails are greatly appreciated. One great thing about living in upstate New York is the abundance of lakes for boating and fishing. I have a small 15 foot boat that I bought from my Uncle. My Uncle was an avid fisherman. The boat is a classis (wooden hull), being almost 50 years old. It has a steering wheel and a canvas cover over...
Written by Troche_Man (, Spring 2005. Emails greatly appreciated. Hi. My name is Vince, and I work at Community Hospital downtown. I am an evening desk clerk on the surgical wing of the hospital. This wing is usually quite busy, because this is where most patients come after surgery to recuperate. I like the job because I get to meet many Doctors, Residents, Nurses,...
Written September 2004 by: or Emails and comments welcome. Mike was the last of the Maple Street gang to become 21 and totally legal. Growing up, there were 8 of us, all boys, who lived basically next door to one another. We were all born within 3 years of one another, with Mike being the youngest. For the past year, Mike had promised that we would...
Written December 2004 by: or Emails and Comments welcome. The following story is a true story. Trying to hook up with other men is hard enough when you’re a BiMM (BiSexual Married Male). It is even harder when you’re a 49 year old BiMM. I’m sure there are many of you readers out there who can relate to this. A BiMM only has certain times that he...
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