Gay Erotic Stories

Boating in the Adirondacks

by Troche_Man
17 Sep 2005

Chance Encounters Outdoor Sex Summer Adventures

Written by Troche Man (, Summer 2005. Emails are greatly appreciated.

One great thing about living in upstate New York is the abundance of lakes for boating and fishing. I have a small 15 foot boat that I bought from my Uncle. My Uncle was an avid fisherman. The boat is a classis (wooden hull), being almost 50 years old. It has a steering wheel and a canvas cover over the part where you sit, to protect you from the sun. The back is open. I don’t care much about fishing, but I love to go cruising around the lakes feeling the wind and the water against my face. Sometimes I like to find a quiet cove to stop in, where I can relax in the sun.

It was a Tuesday in June, and I had the day off from work. I got up early and headed to a lake about an hour and a half away from home. I had only been there once before and was looking forward to going back. I arrived at the launch dock around 9:00 AM. I could tell it was going to be a hot day, because of the early morning haze and the mugginess already in the air. After I had prepared everything for launching, I got into position and backed my trailer into the water, holding onto the rope with my left hand (the steering wheel in my right hand) so that the boat wouldn’t get away from me (The worst part about going boating alone is launching and putting the boat back onto the trailer). As the boat freed its self from the trailer and floated away, I got out of my truck and started to bring the boat to a place on the dock where I could tie it down while I put my truck back in the parking lot. It was one of those days where I was having a bit more trouble than usual, and there were others impatiently waiting for me to get out of the launch area.

I heard a voice call me asking if I needed help. As I looked up to see who was making the offer, I saw this young guy (maybe early 20’s) come jogging my way. He was a little taller than me (about 5’10” I would guess), thin, and good looking. My crotch began to tingle. Again the guy offered his help, and I yelled back accepting his offer. He took the rope and pointed to where his stuff was on the dock. I thanked him, and quickly got back into my truck, to move it out of the way. I had put almost everything I would need into the boat before I launched it. As I was parking my truck, I decided that maybe it would be a good idea if I brought my play kit with me. I always keep a fanny-pack in my truck filled with lube, condoms, and some other toys. Again I was listening to the head in my pants rather than the one on my shoulders.

I walked to the dock where the guy had my boat tied up. I thanked him immensely for his help. He introduced himself as Peter, and I told him my name was Glen. We shook hands. He had a nice strong grip, long fingers, and smooth skin. I gave him a quick looking over and liked what I saw (including the bulge in his swimsuit). I noticed that he had his fishing gear lying on the dock. I asked him if he like to fish, and he said that he did, although it was difficult fishing from the dock. I wasn’t sure if his comment was innocent, or if he was setting me up. I took the bait (no pun intended), and asked him if would like to join me in the boat. I explained how I prefer to cruise around (note my choice of words) the lake, but that I’d be happy to park somewhere so that he could fish for a while. He seemed very excited at my invitation and quickly accepted it. Fortunately I had packed some extra food and beverages. I climbed into the boat and told Pete to hand me his stuff. Two fishing poles, a pail of bait, tackle box, and a cooler. I asked him if he kept the fish he caught, and he said no. I offered him my hand and shoulder, and Pete climbed into the boat. As Pete undid the ropes, I started up the engine, and we slowly began to move away from the dock. I went slowly, as there were many boats in the launching area.

As we moved out into the open waters, we began to talk. I found out that Pete was 23 (ten years younger than me) and just graduated from College. I asked if he was from the area and he told me that he was just visiting the area by himself. He had rented a cabin by himself nearby, to relax for a while before starting his new job in July. Pete told me how he liked to get away by himself every once in a while, and I mentioned how I like to do the same. I suggested that we cruise around for a bit, and when ever he spotted a place he wanted to drop anchor and fish, to let me know. Fortunately, there were not many boats on the lake today. After about an hour of riding around, Pete spotted what appeared to be a secluded cove. He asked if we could head towards it as a possible fishing spot. It was a quiet spot, where a small stream emptied into the lake. I put the boat in neutral and we coasted into the cove. Pete could see fish in the water and said that this would be an excellent place to drop anchor. I thought so too, as there was no hint of human life on the shore. I like being in quiet secluded spots. I handed Pete the anchor and he threw it overboard tying the rope to the boat. I turned the engine off and got up to stretch. Pete set up the beach chairs I keep in the boat (they’re close to the ground and work good in the boat). He began to get his fishing gear ready for use.

It was still hazy and humid, but by now the temperature had risen. It was a hot day for June. Pete took off his shirt to reveal a very sexy upper body. He had a beautiful overall physique, well toned muscles. Not a muscle man, but just nice. The first thought through my head was how to get my hands onto his hot body. Hot? That’s it I thought. I told Pete that with this haze, it’s easy to get sunburned. I offered to put sun screen lotion on his back for him. He said that that would be great and quickly offered to return the favor. I reached into my bag of supplies and took out my sun block. I stood up and took off my shirt, throwing it onto the floor of the boat. Cautiously, I walked towards Pete, who was also standing. I didn’t want us to tip over, although the likelihood of that was slim. Pete turned away from me, allowing me to put the lotion on his back and neck. I squirted extra out, so that I would be forced to spread it to other parts of his body. I gently worked the lotion over the skin of his back and neck, trying to be somewhat erotic with my touch, but not wanting to make it too obvious. As I finished his back, I mentioned that I still had some extra, and proceeded to coat his upper arms with the lotion. I was sort of giving him a shoulder massage in the process. Not wanting to go too far, I stopped and told him he was all set. Pete turned around and took the bottle of lotion from me. I couldn’t be sure, but I think his nipples were a bit erect and excited.

I turned around and let Pete do my back and neck. In a similar manner, he very gently and somewhat erotically spread the lotion all around. He was braver than I was, because he spread the lotion a bit lower on my back than I did on his, reaching his hands slightly into my bathing suit, touching the top of my ass cheeks and the edge of my crack. I froze, as I was unsure if I should respond to his touch or not. When Pete announced that he was done, I turned to face him. He had a grin on his face and I smiled back. He squeezed some lotion onto his hand and then gave me the bottle, as he began to cover his chest and face with the lotion. I did the same. This ended our little episode of erotic foreplay. I went to my chair and stretched out in the sun. Pete positioned himself in his chair and began fishing. Pete asked if I would mind if he put on some music. I didn’t realize that he had brought a radio, and told him it would be OK. Instead, Pete put on a CD, and I was surprised when I heard classical music. It was the perfect moment: Solitude, relaxing music, and a new friend.

The morning passed. I read a book, and Pete fished away. He commented on how we seemed to have many things in common. Then he made a comment that caught me off guard. He said that it would be interesting to see what else we had in common. Again, I wasn’t sure if he was being polite and making idle chat, or if he too had the same hidden motive that I did: Sex! I must admit, if given the opportunity, I would jump Pete’s bones in an instant. I decided that it was time to maybe give some hints back towards him.

I indicated that I was getting hungry and Pete suggested that we share our food and have a picnic. He also indicated that he wanted to take a break from fishing. We moved our chairs to face one another, and put the coolers to the side. We sat there and leisurely sharing our lunches and listening to the radio. As I sat in my chair, I stretched my legs out, and let my naked foot touch Pete’s leg. I tried to make it look as innocent as possible. Pete repositioned himself in his chair and also stretched out his legs towards me, allowing my foot to remain against his leg, while his foot in turn touched my leg. Pete reached down to scratch his leg, and on the way back, he let his hand also sort of scratch his balls. Was this a signal or not? I wasn’t sure. We sat there talking, taking over an hour to eat our lunch. All the while, we’re both making subtle comments and suggestive gestures. I think we were both afraid to make the first move on the other.

A small breeze had developed, and the sky was quickly getting dark. I pointed this out to Pete and asked him for his suggestion of what we should do. We both agreed that it might be too dangerous to try to cross the lake to get back to the dock. Pete was also worried that if it rained real hard, we might sink. It began to rain, lightly at first but quickly getting harder. I sensed Pete was getting afraid. He suggested that we move the boat to shore and wait for the storm to pass. Pete lifted the anchor and I brought the boat closer to shore, but still in deep enough water so that it would hit bottom. The rain was coming down harder. I told Pete to drop anchor again, and tie the rope tightly to the boat. I dug out another anchor and had Pete do the same to the other side. Then I dug out my storage cover which snaps onto the boat. Although it was difficult putting the cover on while inside the boat, we managed to get it on, leaving us under the canvas where we could stay dry until the storm passed us by. Soon after we had gotten the cover in place, it began to downpour. We just sat in our chairs relaxing, letting the rain roll off the cover into the lake. I could tell that Pete was much more relaxed now. Although the boat was rocking in the breeze, it wasn’t too bad.

As we were sitting there, sort of in the dark, I asked Pete what we could do to keep ourselves amused, and asked for his suggestions. I was hoping that by now, Pete’s hormones were as hot as mine, and that he was anxious to release a load of hot cum as much as I wanted to. There was silence. No answer. Then Pete answered me without saying a word. He reached over and gently began to rub my arm with his hand. Then he moved his leg closer to mine, and began to rub his foot against mine, letting his toes massage my foot. I replied to his gestures by saying that the chairs were in the way, and that it would be more comfortable if we got down on the floor of the boat. Quickly and simultaneously, we moved things around to give us room to play. Spreading our towels out, we sat down, facing one another, our right leg over each other’s hip. Our arms were hugging, pulling us closer to each other. Our naked chests were touching one another, and I could feel the electricity passing between our bodies. The feel of his skin against mine was making me hornier by the second. As we hugged, our nipples touched and our lips were embracing in a passionate and erotic kiss. As we sat there on the floor of the boat, beginning our lovemaking to one another, we could hear the rain pounding on the cover which was keeping us dry.

Our tongues soon began to dance, probing the inside of each other’s mouth. Our heads were violently twisting left and right as our tongues did their mating ritual. We broke our kiss for a moment, and our tongues began to lick each other’s neck and ear. Pete was able to stimulate erotic spots which were making my cock ache for release. I was ready for more, so I began to lean my body to the side, forcing us to lay down on the floor of the boat. Our movements had to be gentle so that we wouldn’t rock the boat too much. I moved Pete onto his back, and sat on top of him so that my ass was above his cock. Although we both still had our bathing suits on, I could feel his hardness against my butt. I leaned over and we kissed again. Slowly, I began to tongue my way down his body. As I licked his neck and ears, Pete moaned with pleasure. Pete was gently caressing my head with his hands, running his fingers through my hair. I repositioned myself so that I could concentrate on his nipples. Ever so lightly and slowly, I let my tongue gently glide across the tip of each nipple. Over and over, to the left, and then the right, I teased Pete into a frenzy. A few times, I covered his nipples with my mouth, letting my lips do the work. All of a sudden “KABOOM!” A loud clap of thunder scared us both.

“Holy Shit” said Pete. We laughed together, and continued our lovemaking. Pete was grinding his cock into my body and I knew what he wanted. I got on my knees and pulled his bathing suit off. There, before me was a gorgeous cock. Pete started grabbing on my bathing suit, so I moved to let him remove me of my clothing. Instinctively, we positioned ourselves so that we could suck each other’s cock at the same time, as the rain poured down outside the boat. I laid there on my side, and began to slowly stoke Pete’s cock with my hand. The tip of his cock was slippery from his precum oozing out. I could feel Pete stroking my cock at the same time. My balls were beginning to tingle and ache.

All of a sudden I felt that familiar warmth around my cock, and I knew that Pete had begun to suck on me. Without wasting any time, I began to suck on Pete’s cock. It tasted so good, and his groin smelled awesome from sweating all morning. Together in unison, we slowly ate each other’s cock. I took my time to gently caress his shaft with my tongue and lips. I could tell Pete was enjoying it by the way his cock would jump from his muscle contractions. As the thunder continued to boom away, we continued to suck away. Pete was awesome at taking my entire shaft into his throat, and at the same time massaging the shaft with his tongue and throat muscles. The feeling of warmth around my entire cock was great. I, on the other hand, was not as good of a cocksucker. I took as much of his cock as I could into my mouth, but it was difficult to make it to the root. Pete’s cock was a bit too fat for me. I was able, however, to take at least three-quarters of it into my mouth. Neither one of us was rushing. Instead, we were slowly stimulating each other, giving each other good feelings rather than trying to make each other cum.

Our hands continued to massage each other’s body, and would occasionally meet where we would squeeze each other’s hand in excited joy. I shifted my body so that I was now on top of Pete, letting my cock flop down due to gravity, where Pete could suck it into his hot mouth. I grabbed Pete’s legs, and pulled them up, exposing his beautiful pink hole. I let a gob of spit drop from my mouth right onto my target. Using my right hand, I slowly began to use my finger to rub my spit all around his muscular hole. As I teased his ass, I could see his muscles contract and relax.

While I’m teasing Pete’s hole, Pete is continuing to suck on my cock, and using his finger to probe my ass. Pete stopped sucking for a bit, and we both took the time to just play with each other’s hole. Pete began pushing on my legs, and I could tell that he wanted me to sit on his face. Obliging his request, I positioned my asshole over his mouth where his tongue would find it easy to probe me. At the same time, I positioned myself so that I could now eat out Pete’s ass. One thing I love is to get rimmed and to eat out another guy’s ass. It is even better when both things happen at the same time. Pete was there clutching my ass cheeks, spreading them wide to give his tongue easier access to my hole. Pete, on the other hand, had his legs spread wide, easily exposing his hole for me to devour. In unison, we ate out each other’s hole, slowly pushing our tongues into each other’s hole.

I could feel my ass muscle relaxing and opening up, making it easier for Pete’s tongue to go further and further inside of me. As I ate Pete’s ass, I could feel his muscle tighten and relax, slowing letting his hole open up more and more for me. By this time, I couldn't hold back any longer. I began pushing my ass into Pete’s face, and began begging him to finger fuck me. I reached over for my fanny pack and pulled out the lube, handing it to Pete. Pete squirted some gel onto his finger, and brought it to my waiting hole. The cold gel sent a short lived spasm through me. I positioned myself away from Pete’s face, to make it easier for him to stretch open my hole. Slowly he inserted one finger into me all the way, gently massaging my prostrate. With each stroke of his finger, my muscles relaxed and my hole grew in size. In no time I was ready for two, three and then four fingers. Pete knew exactly how to get my hole to relax and open up. As he was pushing his hand into me, I responded by pushing my body onto his hand.

Pete then asked me if I was ready to take him. I replied “fuck yes” with a childish voice. Pete removed his fingers from inside of me, squirted more lube onto his already slippery hand, and began to lube his cock. I repositioned myself facing his feet, and slowly lowered my body onto his waiting cock. Even though I was somewhat stretched, his cock was longer than his fingers, and a bit fatter as well. It hurt for a bit, but I pursued and didn’t stop until my ass had taken his entire shaft. I had to pause for a moment to give my body a chance to accommodate his massive piece of meat. As I sat there catching my breath, we noticed that the thunder was gradually getting further and further away. When the pain had subsided, I began to slowly rock back and forth on Pete’s cock, pushing his shaft up against my prostate.

The feel of his warm cock inside my ass was great. With increasing motion, I slowly shifted from rocking back and forth to lifting myself up and down his shaft. Pete began to match my movement and in a few minutes, I was wildly bouncing up and down his pole. After giving this technique a good workout, we changed positions, with me on my back. Pete lifted my legs up to his shoulders and plunged his hot cock back inside of me. His thrusts were deep and strong, and I could tell by his rhythm that he was totally enjoying each and every stroke. Never before had I felt any guy so deep inside of me. Pete’s thrusts were slow and gentle, yet forceful. He was arching his body so that each stroke maximized how his cock was stimulated. For me, the thought of knowing he was enjoying my ass and getting ready to release his load, caused my cock to become hard. Slowly, Pete’s rhythm got faster and faster, deeper and deeper, stronger and stronger. My ass was tingling with pain and excitement.

All of a sudden, without warning, and without help from my hand, my cock began to go into spasms, and the cum began shooting out all over my face and chest. It was one of the most intense orgasms I can ever remember having. Not too often do you get to cum without even touching yourself. As my cock is spazzing and spewing its load, my ass is gripping Pete’s cock tighter and tighter. As I’m finishing releasing my load, I can tell by Pete’s thrusting that he is almost to the point of climax. A few deep thrusts, and he quickly pulls out of me, grabbing his slimy cock and giving it the final strokes needed to release his load. Pete lets my legs drop to his side, and positions his cock over my chest. With a final battle cry, and a final stroke of his hand, Pete catapults his hot jism all over my face and chest. Barrage after barrage of hot steamy cum comes hurling towards me from the tip of his cock. One load lands on my forehead, and the next two into my open mouth. As his orgasm progresses, each load lands further down my chest, until the last few drops land inside of my belly button. Pete is breathing hard, having a difficult time catching his breath. As he kneels above me, our cum is mixing and slowly dripping off my face.

Seizing the opportunity, Pete brings his finger to my face and begins to mix our cum together. Using his fingers, he scoops up some of the cum and licks his fingers clean. In the mean time, I’m still laying there with my mouth open and his jism on my tongue. Pete uses his fingers to scoop up more of our cum into his mouth.

I noticed that he hadn’t swallowed, and as I had hoped, he leaned over and began to kiss me, letting our cum covered tongues dance in our mouths. With our lips tightly locked together, we shared our testicular juice and swallowed together. Pete lay on top of me letting the cum on my chest spread between our bodies. Holding my head in his hands, Pete began to lick my face clean of cum, and then kiss me before cleaning some more. When we were done, all I could say was, “WOW”.

By now the rain had stopped, and we got up to remove the cover off the boat. Feeling naughty, we did this without putting our bathing suits on. I guess in some small way, we were hoping someone would see us and know what we had been doing. Unfortunately, the area around us was still desolate. By now the sun was shining. Using the lake water to wash ourselves, we cleaned up and got dressed. As we headed back to the boat launch, I asked Pete if he would help me get the boat loaded up onto the trailer.

“Only if you have dinner with me and come back to my cabin afterwards,” was his reply. Of course, the answer was a no-brainer.


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