I went to the Steamworks in Berkeley, CA, my go to when I need sex. I have been a fairly frequent visitor and it is fortunate that I don't live closer and have more time or I might take up residence! This bathhouse is my preferred because there is always something happening and someone for everyone; often two, three, four for everyone. Steamworks has undergone a remodel and while it is about...
I sat on the edge of the vinyl bed and looked at the two naked women grinning at me from the doorway: Mia Mills, whose husband Ron had just fucked me rather artfully, and her lover, Katie Bancroft. If you want to know how I came to be in this situation, read Part 1 of this story, First Time in Jos's Sex Club. There are another three earlier chapters - Hot Hitchike, Introduction to an Orgy...
Pool PartyPart-1-of-1.I made my public debut as a cocksucker in front of seven of my best friends and this is how it happened. My girlfriend, Linda and I were at a pool party with three other couples. Tony and Sandra owned the place. They’d been friends for years with Linda and me, Bruce and Paige, and Gene and Barbara..We had a great afternoon of swimming and sunning. None of us...
I travel for work and am in Chicago frequently. I met up with Derrick, an older guy there who loves to fuck. He is in his 60s and I’m in my 50s, but we still manage to fuck like a couple of 20 somethings. On one recent visit, he asked if I’d be up for a group and I said sure.He invited 2 other guys over to my hotel room. One was a 40 something top and the other was a 28 year old versatile guy...
Brad and I met online a while ago. We had played in his sling a lot and had some awesome 3 and 4 way sessions. He’s a top, really into working an ass over and having his worked too. He had a hot versatile partner named Daniel, who if muscular and cute. We’re all in our 50s, they both have smooth bodies and mine is lightly hairy. When we get together, we always make sure everyone leaves satisfied....
By now, Brad and I had gotten together many times, sucking, rimming and fucking. Brad has a partner who also plays. While Brad is stocky, his partner Daniel is more muscled. Both have nice cut cocks and smooth bodies. Daniel also has a beefy ass that he likes having worked over. He’s versatile so anything goes with him. As for me, I’m in my 50s, like they are, and have a lightly hairy body, 7.5”...
The weekend was coming up and it was Terry’s turn to cover the weekend call and his wife was not working that weekend so decided to take the boys to visit their grandparents. Terry was quite capable of looking after himself. They were all ready to leave when he got home from work so with hugs and kisses saw them off. They would be back Sunday afternoon.Terry was feeling hungry so he popped...
I'm now a straight 58 years old. I have only had one male encounter. I was a rock hard body 23 years old. Just out of the military.My friend sense 7 grade and had ask me over for the evening. It was a very hot day so all I had on was a pair of 505 cut offs a little to short and going commando.It was starting to get dark outside and he let's some candles and put some new age music...
Fünftes Kapitel: Die AbmachungIch weiß nicht wie lange ich mir nun schon meine Füße vor dem Schaufenster des Schuhgeschäfts platt stand. Ich starrte auf ein Paar Nike-Schuhe die es mir ziemlich angetan hatten. Auf dem Preisetikett stand in großen Buchstaben „REDUZIERT, NEUER PREIS: 74,99 EUR“. Natürlich hatte ich nicht genug Geld. Ich war direkt nach der Schule in die Stadt gefahren...
I am a married guy and had always identified as straight; star athlete, homecoming kin; all the fantasy things you see in the movies regarding the All-American male. Well, there was the incident at twelve years old at the sleep over where I convinced my eleven year old neighbor friend to show me his cock and to let me suck it. It was intriguing but I soon buried the experience and continued on...
Just like the first time as the euphoria cloud lifted, I was naked, covered in cum and alone. This time I’m outside in a crummy part of town, and 2 busy African American night clubs are between me and my truck. I called out Horace’s name, but no response. Even the naked homeless guy was gone. I walked slowly through the debris toward the end of the building with no fence across it. The...
Another year has come and gone. I am a little older and a little more horny. I decided that I need to treat myself to some fun. I need to do something that I will remember for ever. Something that I have always wanted to be a part of. Gang bang on me anonymous and no limits of any kind. With my 40th right around the corner I start to plan my birthday party. The plan is to get a room for...
It had been a long day for Christopher. He had started with his company straight out of college and over the past 13 years had worked his way up the ladder. Now at 35 he was the head of his entire department. This was a good thing. But that meant lot of travel, which Christopher hated. So, that was a bad thing. He boarded the plane at 5:00 and made the two hour flight to the home...
I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander...
I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander...
So, 3 days has passed since my sexual encounter with Deimos, we've been texting a lot lately, and I got the chance to know more about him. It was a nice quiet Wednesday night, it was late, but i was still texting him.*****Me: you go to the gym right?D: yup! Every Monday and Thursday :)Me: wow, :D how long have you been working out?D: two years maybe? :)Me: haha, you must get...
June 2003, I had just turned 18 a week ago, I was finally a Man! Legally anyways, but I'd been living on my own for the better part of three years now. I had developed a pretty nasty crystal meth addiction at around the age of 16, which in turn led to me dropping out of school and becoming a full time dope dealer. I floated from couch to couch, was in and out of juvenile...
The Maintenance Man 7Terry’s Latin NeighbourIt was a normal Wednesday night, Terry‘s wife was on late shift this week and had gone off to work around 7pm. Terry had put the kids to bed an hour ago and when he checked they were sound asleep. He was sitting in the lounge watching TV but was getting a bit bored; he quickly ducked into the hallway checking the kids again, leaving their doors...
It was mid-June and the first 90-degree day of the summer in New York City. Sunny and humid in a good way.Around 4 p.m., I headed to a gym in the NYU area that I had walked past many times but never before checked out. It was a gym that had a reputation for having a very cool vibe and very muscular clientele. I had taken a brief tour a few days before. Today was my trial workout.I was...
Letztes Kapitel: Eine vereinte FamilieIch war ganz in Gedanken versunken während ich in Granpas Armen lag und er zärtlich über meinen nackten Körper strich.„Was ist los Patrick? Hat es dir heute keinen Spaß gemacht?“ fragte er besorgt.„Nein das ist es nicht Grandpa. Es ist nur... ich vermisse Dad so sehr“ antwortete ich bedrückt.„Das verstehe ich ja mein Junge, aber denk daran...
You need to know the initial background of this to see how what just happend came to be, so although I'm pretty sure I told you about my gay sauna a few months ago (maybee not all the detail but I am sure I mentioned it like a month ago when we spoke?). If not - basically this is the details ... and you will understand when you read what happened today why its relvant in how I ended up...
Chapter 1I’m obsessed with this man and he’s sitting 7 rows ahead of me. I’m so obsessed that I am following him on this 7:15 train into the city, not knowing where it’ll lead me. I have to be discrete. I’m wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses even though it’s mid November and the sun has long since set. But I don’t want him to recognize me just yet, ‘cause if he does, the game will be over....
I arrived at the party as my job requested, it was an old man's 60th birthday and his friends wanted a young male stripper, for him. It sounded like there wasn't too much going on in the hotel room, unlike the wilder ladies nights I had stripped for.I knocked on the door and waited for the response. A man answered the door. He was was probably in his fifties but not bad looking, as he...
Getting home early, I grabbed a shower and floppedon my bed for a nap before getting dressed to go out. A buddy found me, sat down beside me on the bed, and began playing with my butt. Seeing me stir he lay down beside me.....
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