Gay Erotic Stories

And He Smiled...

by Keefen Gordon
17 Nov 1997

Sexual Identity Discovery

And he smiled... By: Keefen Gordon [A young man finds love and realizes his sexuality] Author's Note: I plan to make this a continuing series, not just a sex story, but something with purpose. In which case, I feel it would make sense to introduce the main characters, those you will find in most chapters of this series: Eva Svensson: A tall, beautiful blonde girl, with European roots. With long blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth and 'pronounced' features, she's a gorgeous friend, and an intelligent, strong influence. She's known Rankin her whole life and can tell things about him others can't. She's observant, and understanding and makes only the best of a friend, and companion. Rankin Moore: A fit, active dark, haired stud. He's young, and confused, and needs the help of his old, and new friends, to help him discover his sexuality, and himself. Despite his fears and inhibitions, he dives headfirst into a new lifestyle, and receives both the benefits and disadvantages, significant and not. Donovan McCartly: The new guy. He's a gorgeous, muscular young man a few years older than Rankin. He's an experienced gay with much to teach, and, despite himself, much to learn. He is sensitive, and caring, and a dedicated partner. The type who always ends up on the painful side of a break-up. ________________________________________________________________ Rankin blinked his dark, deep-set eyes and rolled them around under his eyelids, setting his contacts in place. They accentuated his sky blue eyes, despite their clearness. Carefully he adjusted the collar on his jean jacket and headed to the porch of his large, two story home in Eulem, where he lived with his parents, Martha and Rob. He pulled on his boots and checked himself over one last time in the mirror before he left. Rankin, a beautiful eighteen year old, was the definition of gorgeous. His short, wavy hair fell upon his forehead with a wondrous grace, and the way he placed it back behind his ears so gently was beyond seductive. He was tall--over six feet tall, and fairly thin. He excelled in many sports, and it showed. His broad, lofty shoulders crested on well defined pecs and hard, hairy abs. His thick thighs and calves ended at average sized feet, and he knew just how perfect his legs were. His ass was unbelievably tight and his jeans rounded at the bottom of his buttocks arousingly, no woman (or man, for that matter) could possibly withstand it. And, last, but far from least, in fact, best of all, his dick. Although he rarely used it, and was relatively inexperienced, it was sssooo fucking big! He had never measured it, but he could tell. He had as big a buldge in his pants normally as most men his age had with a raging hard-on. It filled his tight boxers, and it attracted admirers to him. Having left the house, he walked quickly down the street, Breathing the freezing around him and creating graceful puffs of white 'smoke'. He had his hands in his pocket, and the wind blowing against him made his shirt cling tightly to his chest, showing every curve and definition through the thin fabric. Pulling his jean jacket across himself, and doing it up, he passed one of his neighbours, Eva, and said, "Hey Eves, that's up?" "Not much..." She replied, "Just heading to the cafe for a while, you?" "Same. I'm supposed to meet Daniel there." "Ah, Daniel," Eva joked, "Your boyfriend!" Rankin laughed, and denied the accusation, secretly thinking about how much he wanted it to be true. No one knew Rankin was gay, not even Eva, one of his best friends. He had fantasized about men all his life, sure he dated girls. He liked women, but he lusted over men. Soon enough Eva and Rankin arrived at "Mucchelini's", one of the local cafes. Eva pulled her long, blonde hair out of the braid it had been crushed in all day and let it rest lovingly upon her delicate, fragile shoulders. Rankin glanced for a second at the cleavage that would have entranced any straight man for days, then looked away, casually eyeing the waiter serving in the far corner. Eva took notice, and smiled... but said nothing. "So, Rankin, Daniel here anywhere?" Eva glanced around. "Not yet, anyhow." Rankin replied, still staring at the waiter's cute ass. Soon, a small group of two men and one woman stepped into the cafe. It was Daniel. Rankin and Eva waved to him, but he had brought two new companions; One, a muscular, slightly older college man, and the other, a slender, gorgeous vixen of a brunette. Rankin glanced back to the new guy. He was No, sexy, Rankin couldn't describe him, he just had this flair. His features matched perfectly and his beauty was radiant. "Hey Ranks!" Daniel shouted, "Meet 'me friends, Donovan and Ashleigh." Ashleigh smiled a little too big for a first introduction, but Rankin was too interested in Donovan. Holding out his hand, they gently shook, "I'm Rankin," he said, and it seemed like Donovan brushed Rankin's hand along his crotch on purpose as the handshake came to a close. Rankin dismissed the thought and carefully pulled over a chair for Donovan, conveniently, right beside himself. Their knees touched from the moment he sat down. Rankin's crotch exploded with a massive hard on. Donovan, spying the huge buldge in Rankin's jeans, cautiously placed his hand well up Rankin's thigh, and he smiled. Rankin reached down, and, clasping Donovan's hand in his, slowly slid it up his body until it rested firmly on his crotch. For a second Rankin's mouth opened and his eyes rolled slightly back in pleasure. But he quickly remembered himself and looked ahead, "So, Eva...umm...ah...what movie is...ah...playing tonight....or maybe tomorrow, or whatever, I just mean...umm....anything good?" Eva looked puzzled, and she distinctly noticed a tone of nervousness in Rankin's voice. She smiled slightly and explained that she didn,t know which movies were playing but she would check. Donovan was slowly massaging Rankin's hard buldge though his jeans and Eva noticed the movement in Donovan's muscular arms. Quickly, all in one moment she dropped her fork and picked it up, spying the action going on between the two before they had a chance to react. Rankin looked at her, deathly pale, but Eva smiled and reassuringly said, "Rankin, I suspected you would wanna know which movie was playing. Don't worry, I'll find out for you, perhaps I can get you a ticket?" Rankin was confused by the blunt realism, but couldn't help think that Eva was secretly telling him something. He shook away the thought and placed his hand, once again, upon Donovan's. It was obvious they could go no farther in a cafe so they stopped their youthful games and talked, amongst their common friends, for the rest of the evening. Rankin learned that Donovan, like himself, was good at sports and lived only a short distance away. He also learned that Donovan worked out at a gym connected to Rankin's high-school. And, best of all, it somehow got mentioned that Donovan's dick was ten inches long. He couldn't quite remember how it came up, something to do with Ashleigh and this old boyfriend she used to have or something like that. But that wasn't important, what was important was that he had found a man with a dick big enough to rival his own, and it excited him. It really excited him. That night Rankin and Donovan patiently waited until all their other friends had left and then looked at each other, "So," Rankin said, "You...umm...wanna come and see" Donovan smiled, "I wasn't going to go home before I did. Or, maybe I won't go home anyways..." Rankin and Donovan both smiled. Two sly smirks of knowledge no one else knew. As they burst into Rankin's house his mother shouted, "Rankin, anyone with you?" "Yes!" Rankin yelled back, "A friend." "Who?" His mother asked. "That's not important Martha," his father pleaded, "Come back to bed!" "Bill, I have to know, okay!? Who is it, darling?" "Donovan..." "McCartley." "Donovan McCartly!" "Who!?" "A new friend, Mom, it doesn't matter, anyhow, he's staying the night." "Umm....okay dear, but we'll talk about this tomorrow." "Sure, Mom, whatever, g'night!" "Yes darling, loves ya!" "Loves you too, Mom." Rankin and Donovan bounded up the stairs like a couple of kids. Slipping into Rankin's bedroom, they locked the door and melted into each other's arms. Kissing passionately, Rankin rubbed his lips against Donovan's stubly chin and next, then caressed his broad shoulders with his mouth. Donovan clenched Rankin's tight ass in his hands and pressed their crotches together, hard, and it was arousing, despite the layers of clothing. Tumbling onto the bed they struggled to remove each other's clothes. Donovan swiftly ripped Rankin's shirt away, exposing his unbelievably well-developed, and hairy body. Rankin pulled Donovan's gray tank-top over his shoulders and began to kiss his chest, and nipples lovingly, sliding his tongue own through the hair of his rock-hard abs and licking the button of his jeans. Donovan started to undo the button and slide off his jeans when suddenly there was a knock at the door, "Rankin? You guys here?" Rankin gasped. It was Eva, she had come over unexpectedly. A stab of fear shot through to his heart and he jumped off Donovan, trembling. Donovan quickly adjusted his tank-top and pulled on his jeans. Rankin snatched another shirt from the closet and put it on, then, cautiously he opened the door. Eva's beautiful blue eyes stood there, peering innocently in the room as she spotted Donovan, "Oh, you guys came over here after, eh?" Rankin smiled, she knew nothing, "Yup. I promised Donovan I'd show him my pad," Rankin said, then muttered, "...and some other things..." The two started to laugh while Eva looked at them, confused, "What?" "Nevermind, anyhow, you over for a reason or just to hang out?" Eva was silent for a few moments, then eyeing Rankin suspiciously, she said, "Ah, yes. I checked with Jennie, and she said she'd go out with you Friday night." Donovan's mouth dropped, and his eyes watered. He seemed to be deeply hurt that Rankin would date a woman, even though they'd known each other only hours. He broke through Rankin and Eva and bounded out of the room, "Donovan, no!" Rankin pleaded, holding out his hand, begging, "...please, stay!" Donovan turned around for a moment, Rankin's eyes met his and a single tear ran down both cheeks. They stared at each other for a few seconds, then Donovan turned. A minute or so later the front door slammed shut. "Jesus, what's his problem?" Eva remarked, "...what an asshole, bursting out like that!" "Rankin turned away, hid his tears, and invited Eva in, "Come on in, Eves," he said solemnly. "Why so glum, it's not like you were 'dating' him!" Eva joked, but then she noticed the seriousness on Rankin's face, "...listen, Rankin, I've been meaning to talk to you. Over the past couple of months I've been noticing, well, I've noticed that you seem a little, can I say this...a little too...a little to interested in, ah, you" Rankin's eyes opened wide, and he turned to Eva, "No, I swear, I'm not!" Eva smiled warmly and gave Rankin a gentle hug, "Come on, Ranks, you can trust me..." Rankin took a deep breath and seemed to be struggling internally with a great conflict. Not something recent, something he had kept bundled up for a long time, a very long time, his eyes watered up and he hugged Eva again, and without words, his answer was confirmed, "Oh, Rankin," Eva began, "Don't be scared. You're not the only one and shit...God, what can I say that you haven't already heard? Well...Rankin, mean, we're best friends, we've been that way for along time, we should be able to share anything, I mean, anything, even something like...well, like this. I have to admit, I've thought it a long time, but I was too afraid to say anything, but then at dinner today I saw you and Donovan...well, you know what you were doing...and then I come over and he's here, so I thought, maybe it would be better for both of us if, well...if I mentioned it and we got it out in the open. Not that it is! Though, I mean, I won't tell a soul, I swear, and I won't pressure you, I'm just here for you Rankin, to...ah...well...I'll help you anyway you want, anything you can do..." Rankin wiped his tears off his face and smiled, embracing Eva once more he whispered to her softly, "Eves...I love you!" Eva smiled for a brief moment, then stood up and playfully slapped Rankin's face, "Come on, now, Ranks, we have a man to catch..." "Who? Donovan!?" "Yes, Donovan, come on, you let him get away now and you might never see him again!" Rankin reluctantly got up and followed Eva down the stairs and out of the house. Soon they were well on their way down the street, walking briskly as they had to the cafe earlier that day. A small crack in the sidewalk snagged Eva's shoe and she tumbled to the ground. She started to cry a little. Rankin noticed and his face looked surprised and worried as he tried to catch her, but she hit the ground, hard. "Oh God! Eves, you okay?" "Ouch, Rankin, it's hurting a lot. Make it stop! Make it stop!" Eva's eyes pleaded with Rankin and it tore him up inside to see his friend in even the slightest pain and not be able to do anything to help. He looked around for a moment and then called out, "Someone help, my friend's in trouble!" "Oh, help me!" Eva cried immediately after. Soon enough, the pitter patter of footsteps on concrete began getting closer and then a man, Donovan, ran around the corner to help him. "Oh God, what happened?" Eva smiled, "I fell down," then, she stood up perfectly as though nothing had happened, "Well, I'll just let you guys talk now..." and with that she turned and began to leave. "Wait a minute, Eves, what about your ankle!?" Rankin yelled. "I'm a fast healer," Eva called back, slipping a secret wink and a smile at Rankin. Rankin also smiled but then turned to Donovan. "Ah, hello again, Donovan..." Donovan turned, inhaled deeply, and faced Rankin, "I'm sorry about the way I took off back there, it just hurt me to find out that..." "I'm gay." Rankin said aloud. " find out that...what?" Donovan squeaked. "I'm gay." Rankin repeated. "But...that girl said you were gonna..." "I had to, no one else knows." "But I...I thought..." "Forget what you thought, the truth is I'm gay, and I like you!" Rankin reached over and clutched Donovan's face in his hands. He brought their heads together and began to wildly kiss Donovan on the lips. Donovan backed away for a moment, his eyes wide in confusion, but soon they closed and he let himself be kissed, even kiss back. Rankin took his lips away but kept Donovan's face in his hands, "You know, I'm glad this happened..." They kissed once more, briefly, and then sneaking their hands together, marched contentedly back to Rankin's home. As soon as they stepped in through the door they could barely keep their hands off each other, touching and feeling, rubbing and caressing each other as they removed their boots and stumbled up over the stairs. Once again they slipped into Rankin's room and locked the door. A wide smile of excitement beamed on Rankin's face as he scratched his hand through Donovan's short, rusty hair, "So, Donovan, what do they call you for short?" Rankin asked. "Don." Donovan said, "and you?" "Ranks." "Ah, that's cute." Rankin covered Don's mouth, "Shut up," he said, "...and fuck me!" Don smiled from ear to ear as he pulled Rankin into his massive arms. Finally, it was happening, finally. Don kissed Rankin's neck, his cheeks, his lips, his eyes, his forehead, smothering his entire face with his fat, moist lips, and caressing him with his tongue. Rankin pulled closer into Don and when they kissed again, let his tongue explore his mouth, and Don did the same to him. They kissed continually as they removed each other's clothing. Rankin pulled off Don's tank-top and Don ruined another one of Rankin's shirts ripping it away. Don started to undo Rankin's belt but slid his fingers up Rankin's side and tickled his ribs, Rankin laughed and pulled away for a second. Don pulled away the belt and then, Rankin's pants, which were already several sizes too big, and they dropped to his feet. Don grinned as he held his hands out in the air, opening himself to Rankin. Rankin ran his hands down Don's muscular body and pulled down his jeans in one mighty thrust. "Whoa, be careful man, crack my dick off!" Don joked. His enormous erection spilled out of the small opening in his underwear and Rankin could resist no longer, clutching it in his hand he carefully peeled Don's underwear and away and stroked him tightly. "Lick it, man, come on!" Don wailed. Rankin, caught up the thrill, let his tongue drop from his mouth and drool all over Don's hard cock. Don's eyes closed, and he looked to the heavens, smiling, "Well?" Rankin threw behind his inhibitions and with one dive, he took Don's pulsating rod fully into his throat, and without gagging, began to slide his mouth over and over Don's piece, sending convulsions of pleasure through him. Don throated deep sounds and groans and within moments splashed a thick, heavy stream of cum into Rankin's mouth. The sheer force of his ejaculation forced cum from the between Rankin's lips and it dripped out over Don's cock and slid down Rankin's neck onto his bare, hairy chest. Rankin smiled as he pulled Don's pleasured face down to his and kissed him, slurping cum from one mouth to another. This movement caused more and more to drip from their mouths and they relished the rich, delicious taste. Don, flexing his massive muscles yet again, threw Rankin onto the bed and jumped upon him, knocking his breath away for a short moment, but then rejoining the pleasure. With a swift 'swoosh' he pulled off Rankin's boxers and flipped him over onto his back. Leaning up against him, Don slowly slid his massive cock deep into Rankin's virgin asshole. After a few moments of pain, Rankin could hardly get enough and he let Don move in and out and in and out until, yet again, he shot a full, healthy load into Rankin's ass. The warm feeling spread throughout Rankin's entire body, warming him up inside and making him want it never to go away. Resting for a few moments, Rankin slowly got up and pulled on his underwear, "Well, wait man!" Don protested, "You never got nothing yet!" Rankin smiled, but assured Don he was perfectly satisfied for now, "I'm not quite ready yet," Rankin explained, "Just bear with me and give me time..." Don smiled, and Rankin laughed. The night was good. They agreed that, after all, Don would not say goodnight and as Rankin helped him with his clothes and out the door, they shared a brief kiss, and a quick pat on the ass, "Until next time!" Rankin cheered. "Next time!.." Don agreed, and he smiled.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Keefen Gordon

And He Smiled...

And he smiled... By: Keefen Gordon [A young man finds love and realizes his sexuality] Author's Note: I plan to make this a continuing series, not just a sex story, but something with purpose. In which case, I feel it would make sense to introduce the main characters, those you will find in most chapters of this series: Eva Svensson: A

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