Gay Erotic Stories

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 3

by Rusty
28 Mar 2003

Interracial Older/younger Straight Men, Gay Sex

It was a beautiful-as-usual Mexican morning and I was sitting on a bench in the town square, enjoying the fresh air, beautiful flowers and cute Mexican boys.

Tommy came walking up. "Buenos dias, Rusty."

"Buenos dias, Tommy. I thought you were going to show up at the hotel last night."

Tommy sat down beside me. "I couldn't go. Had to spend some time with my parents. They are going to go up to Mexico City today to see the museums and other boring stuff. Wanted me to go too, but I'd rather stay here. I was thinking maybe, if it’s cool with you, I could move in with you since you have two beds in your room. I could help with the rent. You see I don't have enough money to rent a separate room."

"Your parents won't get mad?"

"No, they're cool. Besides, I'm 18, old enough to do what I want."

"Sure, Tommy. I'd love to have you as a roommate, especially if you bring one of your amigos up to the room once in a while. You know what I like, right?"

"I think so. Like that dude across from us?"

"You've got it." The boy was really cute, which is why I sat there in the first place. He was watching a girl go by, swiveling his head like a radar dish locked onto a target. In fact, several other boys were locked onto her as well, their heads swiveling like a whole array of antennas.

"If you want," says Tommy, “I'll go talk to him and see if he wants his dick sucked now."

I could tell Tommy was going to be real useful. "No, not now. I was thinking about hiring a boat to take me out to the island in the middle of the lagoon. Do you want to go?"

"Sure! Let's do it!"

We started walking toward the pier. "Hey, Rusty. How come you like to suck dicks?"

"I don't know, Tommy. Just do."

"Do all gay guys like to suck dick?"

"I think so. Everyone I ever knew, anyway."

"Do you like to suck white guys or do you like Mexicans more."

"Well, usually I prefer Mexicans, but you are an exception."

"Do you think I'm nice looking or something?"

"I think you're cute as can be, Tommy."

"Cute. Yeah, some girls think I'm cute. That makes me feel like a little kid. A cute little kid. I wish I was taller and had lots of muscles. People always think I'm a little kid."

"Ah, Tommy, just be happy to be what you are. Besides, you will put on more muscles when you get older. And you already have great legs and butt from all of that soccer you play."

"Rusty, I notice you swallow the cum when you suck a guy off. Don't you worry about getting AIDS?"

"Well, I guess it’s a little risky, but not very I think. You wouldn't want to do it if you had an open sore in your mouth. If I'm going to have an ongoing relationship with a guy, I'll take him in and get him tested. But that's one reason I stick with young guys -- less chance they're infected. And I never let them fuck me without a rubber unless I'm sure they're okay."

"Wow! You let them do that? That must hurt bad!"

We walked along quietly for a while. I noticed Tommy was checking the guys out. Was he looking for one for me? Or was Tommy gay and didn't know it? It’s hard to tell with a boy that age.

"Rusty, what does cum taste like?"

"Like your own, Tommy. Haven't you ever tasted your own?"

"No. Never have. Sounds gross."

"Well, actually, it has a very nice taste. I can't describe it but I like it."

"Do white guys' cum taste different from Mexican guys'?"

"Well, I can't tell much difference. The individuals vary a lot though. Like Raul and Marcelino have sweet cum, but Beto's is a little bitter. Still good though."

"And my cum?"

"Yours is sweet and delicious, and I hope you will give me some more of it today."

"No problem."

I was liking this conversation. My dick was swelling in anticipation.

"I noticed that Raul, Marcelino and Beto all have uncut dicks. Couldn't their parents afford to get them operated on when they were born?"

I laughed at that one. "No, Tommy, its not that. It's their custom to leave them natural."

"You mean all Mexican dudes are uncut?"

"Everyone I've had the pleasure to suck."

"Aren't foreskins just some useless flap of skin left over from our pre-historic past? And don't they get dirty underneath? Seems like they would be better off without them."

"Well, really, Tommy, foreskins are very useful. They protect the glans and keep it sensitive. Actually, they work quite well; they are not an evolutionary relic at all. Next time I suck off a guy, check out his foreskin, see how it works. I, myself, love foreskins, although some gay men are turned-off by them. And as far as the cleanliness issue goes, it’s like ears: If you don't wash them, they get dirty."

We were approaching the dock. Mexican men were unloading their boats and fish were everywhere. We walked past a big shrimp boat, Mexican men, naked from the waist up, looked down on us. I felt a surge of hormones. I took out my digital camera and took their pictures. They loved it.

"Let's look for a small boat or canoe to take us over to the island," I said.

"How about that one?" asked Tommy. Leave it to Tommy to pick a winner. A beautiful, young Mexican man, about 24, was standing in the canoe, bargaining with a woman who wanted to buy his big bag of oysters. He was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and shorts. When he lifted the heavy bag up to the dock I could see his arm muscles strain. He was very strong! Tommy was already over there, asking him if he would take us over to the island. He nodded his head, said 100 pesos and he would do it. Tommy talked him down to 50 (about five dollars), and soon we were under way.

I sat in the middle, taking pictures of the dock and beautiful lake while Tommy and Jose paddled. I made sure to get some pics of Jose, behind me. He grinned. What shoulders and arms! And handsome face, to boot! This guy was not what I would call "cute". He was handsome! Too mature and masculine to be called "cute". I am usually attracted more to the younger, boyish types, but this hombre was an exception. Life is full of exceptions.

We were halfway across the lake when Tommy asked if he could go swimming. Jose said sure, go ahead, so Tommy stripped off his shirt and was about to jump in when I said, "Why don't you take off your shorts too?" I snapped another pic of him as he pulled down his shorts. What a beautiful white boy!

"Now take off your boxers. Get naked!" Tommy looked around. We were all alone. Then, grinning, he pulled them down, and I got another pic of his smooth, tight, little bubble-butt before he dove in, almost overturning the canoe.

Jose kept paddling while Tommy swam beside us. I asked Jose where he gets the oysters and he pointed to some rocks that were not far from us.

"Quieres ostiones?" he asked.

I said sure, why not, so he headed that way. "Is it true what they say about oysters, that they are good for a man's potency?" I asked him (in Spanish).

He smiled and raised his muscular arm up, bent at the elbow, like a big hard dick. "I bet you eat a lot of oysters," I said. Your verga probably gets real hard, right?"

He grinned and made the hard-dick sign again with his arm. One thing I like to do almost as much as suck dick, is seduce straight men. It's fun and exciting. You have to drop hints, being careful not to go too far, watching for the reactions. So far, so good.

He asked me if I eat a lot of oysters. I replied "No, at my age I need something stronger."

"What's that?" he asked.

"Leche de hombre," I told him. He looked me in the eyes and understood. "Leche" means "milk" in English. It's also the word the Mexicans use for cum. Man's milk. Now I had gone beyond hinting.

"You like that?" he asked.

"Yes, very much!"

Tommy scrambled up onto the rocks. Jose threw an inner tube, with a sack tied inside it, into the water, stripped off his shirt and pulled off his shorts while I took pictures of his beautiful body. He had wide shoulders, a narrow waist and a nice flat stomach with an "outie" belly-button. I guessed his height to be about 5 foot, 10 inches. His skin was a medium-brown color, no tan lines showing. There was some hair on his chest and a trail of hair running down from his belly-button into his cotton briefs. His legs and thighs were hairy as well. Yes, this was a man, not a boy. His facial features showed a lot of European influence and his eyes were light brown.

Jose strapped a belt around his waist to hold his knife, threw a rock tied to a rope (the anchor) overboard, grabbed a metal, pointed bar out of the canoe and jumped into the water. He called to Tommy to hold the innertube to keep it from drifting away in the current, and then dove under the water. I stripped down to my underwear and jumped in too. When I got to the innertube, Tommy left me to tend it so that he could follow Jose. They were down a long time. Finally Tommy came back up, out of breath, and then about a minute later, Jose with three oysters, which he tossed into the sack. He held onto the innertube to rest while Tommy dove for the bottom again.

I took this opportunity to feel Jose's crotch. He just grinned and let me do it. I felt his penis swelling inside the thin cotton briefs. Not a bad size for a good suck. I hoped that he would let me do it.

Tommy came back up with another oyster. Jose took out his knife, pried open the oyster, and offered it to me. I used to be real squeamish about eating raw oysters. That was before I ever tried cum. They are very similar in texture. I swallowed it right down. Then he offered one to Tommy, who gave it a nasty look, but then accepted it and ate it.

The boys continued to bring up oysters from the bottom and we ate them right there. Can't get fresher oysters unless you eat them under the water. This was a very enjoyable experience for me. At my age, it is a real pleasure to discover something that I have never done before. The water was so nice and warm, the smooth boy's legs rubbing against my own, the swollen dicks in my hand and the cum-like oysters in my mouth. We were all so happy, so alive.

When we had our fill, Jose brought up the metal bar and we got back in the canoe. Tommy didn't bother putting his shorts back on so I got to enjoy seeing him naked as we continued on toward the island. Jose might as well have been naked because I could easily see his brown, Mexican sausage through the thin, wet bikini. I longed to have it in my mouth.

The boys pulled the canoe up onto the beach as I took pictures. Tommy was going to put his shorts back on, but I asked him not to. We explored the little island, and I got lots of pictures of it and my beautiful, young companions.

When we had made the entire loop of the island, I asked Jose if he would let me see him naked. He grinned and said OK. Tommy sat down on a log to watch the show. I told Tommy in English, "Now pay attention and you will see how a foreskin works and what a wonderful invention it is."

Jose started sliding down his bikini while we stared. A thick bush of wiry, black hair came into view, then the thick, brown sausage, darker than the rest of his skin, was revealed, and then the foreskin-covered glans. I asked him to come over closer because Tommy had never seen a foreskin up-close. Jose got right in front of Tommy with his dick about a foot from Tommy's face.

"See how the foreskin is completely protecting the head of his dick? It has a little built-in rubber band to keep it closed at the end. That keeps it clean."

Then I asked Jose to show Tommy how he takes a piss. Jose turned to the side, cradled his dick in his right hand and pulled back the foreskin about a half-inch, showing the maroon-colored end of his prick. After a moment the yellow piss started to stream down onto the sand.

"See, Tommy, if he hadn't pulled the skin back, the pee would have filled up the foreskin, making for a very stinky dick."

When Jose was through pissing, Jose shook his dick, then faced Tommy again, the dangling dick just inches from his face. Tommy stared, fascinated as the thing started swelling up.

"Good, he is starting to get an erection. Now you will really see how the foreskin works."

The penis started jacking up, about a quarter inch with each heartbeat. The tight little "rubber band" was gradually stretched open as the lengthening shaft pushed the tapered glans through it. The glans was squeezed at that point, being more swollen both above and below it.

"Now see how shiny and smooth the glans is? It's already pre-lubed with the secretions of the gland on the inside of the foreskin. You and I no longer have that gland. It dried up a long time ago. Actually, we still have our foreskins, or part of them, but they are turned inside-out because a section of skin around the shaft of the penis was removed, with the cut edges reattached, making the shaft skin too short to allow the foreskin to cover the end of the dick."

I stopped my lecture and just let Tommy see for himself how it worked. Jose's dick continued to harden and the foreskin was pulled back until only the ridge of the glans was covered by it. It looked now to be at maximum stiffness, standing up at a 45 degree angle. The inside-out foreskin was almost pink, a sort of brownish pink. A drop of urine was pushed out by the pre-lube and fell on the sand.

"Now show Tommy how you jack-off," I told Jose in Spanish.

Jose made a ring (like the OK sign) with his thumb and forefinger and fit it around the shaft of his penis above the glans, Then he started sliding the skin back and forth over the ridge of his glans.

"See how the little "rubber band" is riding back and forth over his glans. That must feel terrific. You and I can only imagine how it feels. He is not even touching the glans -- the foreskin is doing the work. And its all smooth and lubed, no grease or K-Y needed. Do you still think a foreskin is a useless throwback in evolution? Or that it's all dirty and nasty?"

"OK, Jose, that's enough." He stopped jacking off. Now the skin was staying completely back, leaving the entire glans exposed. Tommy was staring at it with a hypnotized look in his eyes. Tommy's own penis was standing up straight and hard.

"Now, Tommy, lean forward and smell it. He is clean. Go ahead and smell it."

Tommy leaned forward and sniffed the end of Jose's dick.

"See? He is clean. What you smell there is the natural fragrance of an uncut Mexican penis. Even when he has just washed it with soap, he will still have that musty, masculine odor, however faint."

Tommy didn't just sniff it and back off. He stayed there, his nose a half-inch from the tip of Jose's dick, taking in the male fragrance. I motioned to Jose with my head to move forward. Jose leaned toward Tommy.

"Tommy, taste it. With your tongue. Taste his pre-cum."

And then it happened. The magic moment. I could almost feel the charge of polarity pass between them. The drop of pre-cum that hung from Jose's dick dissolved into the saliva on Tommy's tongue.

"Go ahead, Tommy. It’s OK. Make him feel good, it’s OK."

I nodded to Jose again. He rotated his hips forward, and Tommy lost his oral virginity.

Afterwards, Tommy wreathed in pleasure on the sand while I knelt between his legs. Tommy had a wad of Mexican cum in his mouth and a newfound identity.

To be continued...

Comments? Suggestions?


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Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 1

The following story took place in a town in southern Mexico. Raul and I were eating in a restaurant when a cute young tourist came in. As all of the tables were occupied, he looked around, and seeing me motion to him, came to sit at our table. He was the same age as Raul, 18 years old, and I was attracted to him immediately, although my usual preference is for dark-skinned

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Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 3

It was a beautiful-as-usual Mexican morning and I was sitting on a bench in the town square, enjoying the fresh air, beautiful flowers and cute Mexican boys. Tommy came walking up. "Buenos dias, Rusty." "Buenos dias, Tommy. I thought you were going to show up at the hotel last night." Tommy sat down beside me. "I couldn't go. Had to spend some time with my parents. They are

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 4

Tommy brought his things up to my room that night. I was thrilled that I would have this cute, young man as my roommate. "Here, Tommy, this is your bed. I will pay the main part of the rent -- you just pay the extra that they will charge for your staying here." "Yeah, that's cool. My parents left me a little money for my birthday but I have to be careful with it." "Your

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 5

He wanted his money first. I probably could have backed out at that point by not paying him. But with the intoxicating smell of his penis in my face, and the taste of his Mexican juices in my mouth, there was no way that I wasn't going to go through with this. I paid him. I pulled the loose skin of his brown dick back to completely expose the glans, then rolled a Magnum rubber

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 6

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Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 7

It was chilly in the early morning and Tommy and I were cuddled in the spoon position, his naked back against my naked front, my hand on his smooth, flat stomach. I love cuddling, probably more than sex, especially with a cute boy like Tommy. I felt a dull throbbing in my butt and remembered the fucking that I had gotten the night before. I felt behind me -- my rectum was swollen and puckered out

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 8

Tommy went to the door, naked, cracked it open a bit, and seeing that it was Raul, let him in. Raul had his soccer ball in his hands. "Quihubole (whassup)?" he said. "Quihubole," we answered. "We have to hurry," Raul said. “We're playing the guys from across the river today." Then, speaking to Tommy, "Did you get sucked yet?" "Yeah," Tommy answered, "once." Raul started stripping

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 9

The muchachos stripped down to their bikinis before getting into the canoes. The small flotilla set off for the opposite bank of the river, to the soccer game at Boca Grande. The current was strong, sweeping us downstream, while the young men paddled furiously. I was sitting in the middle of our canoe watching Raul’s shoulder, arm, and back muscles working under his smooth, brown skin. Behind

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part10

(Author’s note: All of the characters in this series are of legal age.) I was sitting on the bank of the river watching the approaching storm when Tommy emerged from the shack and sat beside me. “Well, did you do it?” I asked. Tommy turned and opened his mouth to show me the big wad of Raul’s cum that was on his tongue. “I had him squirming all over the place – he loved it!” “What about

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part11

Like triplets, wet and naked in the womb, we cuddled on the muddy floor of the hut while the storm raged, at last falling asleep in the comfort of our intimate embrace. I was the first to awaken at dawn, and contented myself with the feel of Tommy’s naked backside against my front. My hand rested on his flat, smooth stomach--I let it slide down to cup his sleeping little member. My own cock,

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part12

Raul and his girlfriend were kissing on a park bench while the girl’s younger sister and aunt kept watch from another bench across the way. It was early evening and the town square was alive with kids running and laughing, and teenage boys and girls checking each other out. I was sipping a cold Margarita in a sidewalk cafe, enjoying the cool air, the scent of tropical flowers and the songs of

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part13

Author’s note: The characters involved in sex in this series are of legal age. Caution: The content of this chapter may disgust even the more perverted readers. Skip this chapter unless you have a strong stomach. ……………………… The two naked boys beside me were still asleep when I awoke. They were cuddled in the spoon position, just like they were when Raul fucked Tommy the night before.

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part14

I awoke in the early morning to the sounds of groaning and panting. I opened my eyes and gazed into the face of the beautiful Mexican boy beside me. His face was contorted in that weird expression that he gets when he is about to cum. Another wet dream, I thought. Then I heard slurping sounds. I looked down and saw Tommy, between Raul’s legs and about to take his orgasm in the mouth.

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part15

I filled the enema bag with warm water and had Tommy get on the floor. “Okay, kneel! Put your elbows on the floor and spread your knees wide. Tilt your butt up a little. So you never had an enema, huh? Well it won’t hurt--trust me. And it will get you nice and clean for Raul.” Marveling at the sight of the boy’s cute white butt, I felt my own penis swelling in my pants. Tommy’s ass

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part16

Tommy came out of the bathroom naked and clean from his shower and enema. Raul was reclining naked on the bed, playing with his stiff brown cock while staring at the photo of Tommy’s girlfriend. Tommy stood at the mirror and fiddled with his little hair spikes, trying to make them stand up. “Man!” said Raul, “she looks like a good fuck! Does she give good head too?” “No. We haven’t

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Wrong Side of the Tracks, Part 2

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