Gay Erotic Stories

Choices, Part 2

by Little Boi Blu
12 Mar 2002


Jared awoke slowly as if the whole night had been a dream. He had a dull aching in his jaws as he began to realize that he was seated in his recliner. Worse yet, it was quite apparent that he had been relieved of all his clothes. His discovery of what had become of him since blacking out was a rapid process that can only be described as step-by-step His mouth was wide open, as if caught in an intense yawn, but when he tried to close it, the pain in his jaws intensified. Stretched open to its limit, his mouth was being held that way by devices on each side, separating his jaws. Instinctively, he tried to reach up with his hands to feel what they were and found his situation growing more desperate. His hands were encased in leather bags like bad mittens that a kid can’t make snowballs with. Those coverings were attached to leather bands wrapped around his wrists, and those bands were each secured to a metal ring that had been screwed into each arm of his chair. His left leg was flung over the left arm of the chair and his right leg flung over the right arm of the chair. Each leg was secured in that position by leather bands around his knees, tethered to the rings. Leather cords attached to ankle bands ran back down behind the chair, keeping him from swinging his feet. It effectively left Jared spread-eagled in his recliner, with a hand on each arm of the chair, unable to reach or grab or cover up his most vital areas. Around his neck was a leather collar. A leather cord connected to each side of the collar was wrapped around the headrest of the chair, allowing Jared a limited range of head movement. Jared went into an immediate panic and squirmed and struggled and issued noises from his gaping mouth that would have been words had he been able to close his jaws and bring his lips together. He went on vainly like this for several minutes until, confused and exhausted, he paused to catch his breath. Saliva from his open mouth ran down his chin, adding to the growing stream that crossed his muscular chest and ran down his abdomen and pooled at his navel. “Keep making noise like that and someone will hear you,” a calm voice said from behind the chair. “They’ll run up here and open the door and rescue you. And that won’t be hard, since the door’s unlocked.” Jared tilted his head up as much as he could to try and see who it was that was speaking. It didn’t sound like the pizza kid. This voice was much deeper. This voice was more direct and sure of itself. Jared let out another series of word-like noises and felt his jaws burning with pain from being open so long and so wide. “That’s it,” the voice encouraged him. “Keep making noise. Then someone will run up here and open that door and see you like this. They’ll say something like, ‘What the hell’s going on, here?’ And I’ll say we were just having a little fun. And they’ll see you there, sitting like that. They’ll get a good, long look at you.” Jared glanced down at himself and contemplated what the man behind him was saying. More drool escaped his mouth as he tugged at his collar and examined his position. He looked at himself spread-eagled. His bare ass jutted slightly forward and his penis was shriveled atop his nervous scrotum. Who would he want to see him like this? No one. Absolutely no one. “Well,” the voice said. “I can tell from your silence that you’ve thought it through now. Good. Would you like me to lock the door? Or shall I leave it the way it is?” He paused. “Because, if you want, I have no problem with opening the door to let some air in. Are you hot?” Jared shook his head slowly, moaning a “no” as best he could. “So you think I should lock the door and keep others out?” the voice asked. “Just you and me, then?” Jared thought of Sarah walking in, or any number of his neighbors in the complex that knew him, or his mom or dad. He suddenly wanted that door locked at all costs and reluctantly nodded his agreement. “Good,” the voice said. Jared listened as he heard footsteps cross the room and then the clicking of the lock. “I’m glad you want to be alone with me like this.” A slight shadow passed over Jared’s body and then he saw the owner of the voice step into view. It was an older man in his late 30’s who stood taller than Jared and wore a long, leather coat that made Jared’s nose twitch. He stood right in front of Jared, between his spread legs, and stared straight down at Jared’s crotch with a grin. Jared kept waiting for the man to say something, to explain what was going on, to do anything except stand there and stare at his exposure with that smirk on his face. Jared tried to say “What?” as if to get him to say something. All the while, Jared’s hands strained against their tethers to reach down and cover his embarrassment. The muscles in his legs twitched vainly in attempts to close the gap. But soon, Jared was staring down at his crotch, too. “Embarrassing, isn’t it?” the man finally spoke. He pulled a small ruler from his pocket as if he had been waiting for just the right moment and knelt down. Without any pretense, he took his right thumb and index finger and pinched at Jared’s cowering penis. Jared shuddered and twitched and his hands grasped desperately in their coverings to stop him, but this movement only seemed to please the stranger more. Jared had never had another man touch him there before like that. The man’s two fingers dwarfed Jared’s tiny little member. He pinched at his penis as if his fingers were tweezers and held it up gently and placed the ruler against it. Jared squirmed to no avail. “One and a quarter inches,” he announced. Jared wanted to scream. He wanted to curl up into a ball and make it all stop. His legs trembled and the man ran his left hand over Jared’s smooth ass cheeks while continuing to hold the penis in a pinch. He admired the way those hairless cheeks jiggled when Jared fought. Without any words, the man began kneading Jared’s penis between his fingers. He stretched and tugged and rubbed at it and it responded obediently. Jared tried to fight it, simply because it’s what he felt he should do. It didn’t seem right for another man to be doing that to him. It just wasn’t right. But it was a fight he was losing. As Jared’s penis kept responding to the man’s touch, the phone rang. Jared turned his head towards the ringing behind him with renewed panic, but the man ignored it and continued his work. After the third ring, the answering machine picked up. Soon, he could hear Sarah’s voice. “Well, I guess you’re either sleeping or busy jerking off,” she said. “If you’re sleeping, I hope you’re dreaming of fucking me with that huge tool of yours this weekend.” Jared looked down at the man rubbing his penis. The man glanced up at him with another smirk. His thumb rolled in circles under the glans and sent a tingle down between Jared’s legs. His penis began pulsing and bobbing to the man’s touch with greater intensity and was quickly nearing its peak. “I know I’ll be dreaming of that big monster sliding in and out of me tonight. Just the thought of it is making me hot again.” Jared shook from the sharp, pleasant tingle that brought his erection to a rock-solid state. The man pinched hard at the sides of his shaft to determine that it was now hard enough to measure. “And if you’re jerking off,” Sarah said, “save some for me. And be sure to use both hands. Don’t want that thing to get away from you.” She let out a devilish laugh and wished him sweet dreams and hung up. Sarah’s timing couldn’t have been any worse. Jared watched the ruler placed up against his erection despite every objection his mind and body could muster and waited helplessly until the man announced, “Four and three quarter inches.” Then he released Jared’s “monster tool” and let it bob around at attention, still hard as a rock. The man set the ruler down and rubbed his hands over Jared’s inner thighs. Every so often, he would flick a finger at the penis and send it bobbing back and forth, side-to-side. “You didn’t seem to get your erection going,” he observed, “until your girlfriend got on the phone and started talking about big dicks.” The man looked up at Jared while massaging up and down his bare, quivering legs. “Do you like big dicks, boy?” Jared’s little stick started pulsing and bobbing on its own. He wanted it to go soft now; he wanted it to stop betraying him. But it seemed to get even harder as the man spoke. Jared shook his head as if to deny what his penis was saying. The man stood up with a grin of disbelief and undid the leather strap around his long coat. As the coat slid off, Jared saw a sturdy, solid, muscular body with a fair coat of hair on the chest and upper arms. It seemed that any lower-body hair, however, had been shaved clean. His muscles were far less defined than Jared’s, but it was clear that he was built more for strength than show. There was a slight stoutness to his belly, but even there it seemed to be all muscle. Leather straps crisscrossed his rounded pectorals and connected to a metal ring in the middle. His legs, wrapped in leather pants, were like tree trunks. But the most prominent feature this man had was in the pouch at his crotch, which was made of black nylon. It covered the otherwise opened area of the man’s pants that extended from the low waistline to somewhere down between his legs, leaving his bare ass hanging round and smooth behind him. Like those men in the shower, the whole package dangled there between his legs, swaying with his movement, straining against the nylon. Jared could see the outline of his fat tool pressed up against the mesh, resting nicely over two equally restrained balls. The continuous pain in Jared’s jaws served to inform him that there was a good reason why his mouth was propped open like it was. And the exposure of his ass had meaning, too. But all that was lost on Jared at the moment. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off this man’s crotch. He couldn’t help admiring the size and shape and sway of it all. And in ways he wouldn’t quite admit to himself, he wanted to see more of it. Meanwhile, Jared’s penis was straining to go beyond its four and three quarter inches and the saliva was dripping from his chin to his chest in a puddle like some hungry dog. “I’ve been watching you for months, boy,” the man said. “Ever since you first stepped foot in the gym and I saw you undressing over in the corner of the locker room. At first, I was just admiring your body. It’s a damn beautiful thing! But it wasn’t until I caught a glimpse of your little boy stick, here, that I realized I could have you.” The man rubbed at his bulging sack as if to acknowledge that he knew Jared was staring at it. Jared’s erection continued to pulse against his will. “I remember watching you once last month in the locker room,” the man went on. “You thought you had picked a row to yourself. You just got down to your underwear when these two boys from the pool came right up next to you. They looked like a couple of teenagers. I could see you start to panic. You still had to change from your shorts to your swimsuit before you could get away from them.” The man leaned in as he spoke and tapped at Jared’s solid little stick. Then he began rubbing the collection of saliva around on Jared’s chest and abdomen, making slow, circular strokes until his whole upper body was glazed. “Both boys slipped out of their bathing suits right away,” he said as he rubbed. “And they just stood there talking and joking with each other as they dried off. You sat down on a stool and tried to play it off like you were looking for something in your bag, but I saw you watching them out of the corner of your eye. And they just stood there talking with their towels over their shoulders. They weren’t in any hurry. And both of them were hung. Both of them were bigger than you’ll ever be. They were fatter and longer and perfectly comfortable standing there next to you, letting their pieces dangle in your face.” Jared made eye contact with the man just then. He tried to be defiant but was only stared down until he turned away and moaned at the pain in his jaw, perhaps hoping to distract the man from his locker room observation. But the man just rolled his wet fingers around Jared’s nipples until they became hard and went on talking. “Finally, you couldn’t fake it any longer,” he said. “You knew you had to slip those shorts off, so you stood up and turned your back to them and tried to pull your shorts off as fast as you could. You got ‘em off okay. But when you started to put on the swimsuit, your feet got tangled and you stumbled and bumped into one of the boys. He had to help keep you from falling on your ass. Do you remember their faces when they got a good look at you all sprawled out in front of them? Remember how they held back their laughs until after you walked away?” Jared glanced down briefly at his own body. His nipples were hard. His penis was hard. His jaws ached. His whole body seemed glazed in his own saliva and now the man was stroking his thighs again. And he could do nothing but feel it all and listen, just like he could do nothing but stand in front of those boys with his swimsuit tangled about his ankles and see them smirking at his nervous little prick. And yes, he had been looking at their magnificent tools as they stood there in a sort of confidence that he didn’t know. And he was full of envy. “You wish you had a cock like theirs, don’t you?” the man said to him. “Didn’t you just want to reach out and touch them? Feel them? Know what it was like to hold one that size, just once? Or to know what it would be like to have one dangling between your legs like a real man? I’ll bet you fantasize about it all the time.” The man pinched at Jared’s erect nipples, snapped his fingers on Jared’s little hard-on, and then stood up over him again. He towered over him ominously with his hands on his hips and the nylon fabric on his crotch threatening to split open at any moment. “Now here’s your first choice of the evening,” the man said. “And these are your only choices, so if you don’t choose one or the other, then I’ll choose for ya. Do you understand?” Jared glanced upwards and stared absently. His penis was still the good, little soldier, standing at attention, and the ache in his jaws was making his head swim. “I said, ‘do you understand,’ boy?” He said it with a tinge of irritation that made Jared realize he should probably respond. Jared reluctantly nodded. “Good,” he said. “Then your first choice is this.” He then leaned in again and casually stuck a couple of fingers into Jared’s gaping mouth and probed around against the protest of Jared’s floundering tongue. “I can either stick my cock in your mouth…” he said. “Or…” Then he took his wet fingers out of Jared’s mouth and gently laid his index finger down between Jared’s legs, rubbing it down Jared’s smooth, tender crack and over his exposed hole, causing his entire body to shudder. “Or,” he said again, “I can stick my cock in your tight little asshole, here.” After circling his wet fingertip around Jared’s hole enough times to demonstrate to him that there was nothing to stop him from going there at will, the man ran his finger up Jared’s smooth crack and grinned again at the little penis sporting it’s full length. “It’s either one or the other,” the man said matter-of-factly. “I won’t do both. But if you don’t choose now, then I’ll choose for you.” He paused and examined Jared’s ass. The cheeks were smooth, hairless and full, only serving to make Jared’s little penis and balls look all the more boyish beneath it’s mound of curly blonde hair. “And I’ve gotta say,” the man added, “that’s one fine piece of ass you’ve got there, boy.” Jared tried to speak, but his tongue just flailed about as he searched for words or noises that made sense. More saliva spilled to his chest. He didn’t want to make either of those choices. He wanted to deny it all, but he could still taste the man’s fingers that probed his mouth and could feel the wetness on his quivering ass. This man could do whatever he wanted to him. Jared attempted to answer, attempted to make his choice. “Just say ‘mouth’ or ‘ass,’” the man told him. Jared closed his eyes and yielded, gurgling as close as he could get to ‘mouth’ and the man understood. The man was expecting that answer. It was the answer he wanted Jared to make, anyway. “Then mouth, it is,” the man said with a smile. Without any fanfare, the man tugged at some strings near the nylon mesh of his crotch and Jared’s eyes were opened again and staring intently as the nylon fell away and out dropped the man’s heavy package. Jared’s eyes widened. This man’s penis didn’t lean to one side or the other but hung straight down. It wasn’t fully cut, but wasn’t fully uncut, either. It had just enough foreskin to allow the glans to peek out and enough folds to indicate the promise of incredible length. The pee hole was a perfect, closed slit that glistened slightly. And the shaft had a flaccid girth that was already twice the size of Jared’s. The entirety of Jared’s erection could have been hidden completely under this man’s flaccid pole. The man’s balls slid down from their cramped, nylon resting position and dangled like two ripe fruit, one slightly lower than the other but each plump and full. As he moved in closer, Jared leaned back more and more into the chair but never stopped staring. “Now you have another choice,” the man said, as if he were following the plan of some playbook. “I can stroke up my ten inches and ram it straight down your throat and fuck your mouth to my pleasure. Or I can release those dividers in your mouth and you can lick and suck my dick to your pleasure, taking in as much as you can without gagging. But either way, I’m gonna cum in your mouth. You’re gonna taste my cum. You’re gonna swallow my cum. And you’re gonna lick me clean.” There were no choices about being released from the chair or having this man leave his apartment without doing anything at all to him. Jared didn’t want to acknowledge any of the choices he was being given. But he was in no position to argue. “Before you choose, however,” he said with a glare, “let me make one thing perfectly clear.” The man produced one of the steak knives from Jared’s own kitchen and took the point of it and pressed it up into Jared’s left testicle. Jared had no way of escaping it and broke out in an immediate sweat as he felt the steel press against his sensitive flesh to the point where he could feel the possible danger. “If you choose to free your jaws, there will be no biting. If you so much as think of doing any harm to my cock, I’ll rip your balls off with this knife and make you eat them. Do I make myself clear?” Again, he pressed with the knife, just to make sure that Jared knew his position. And Jared understood his situation quite clearly, even more so than before, and so he nodded quickly. Satisfied that Jared was sincere in his understanding, the man set the knife down and asked Jared if he wanted his jaws released to do the sucking himself. Left with only those two options, Jared nodded, choosing to at least relieve the pain in his jaws…and perhaps save himself from getting choked to death by this man’s cock. “Okay, then. Let’s get down to business.” As the man reached in and loosened the devices holding Jared’s mouth open, he explained to Jared that he was to do no talking unless told to. He expected complete obedience or he would open the front door and invite all the neighbors up to see the show. He knew this scared Jared as much as the knife to his balls. “There,” the man said as he set aside the two stainless steel devices. Jared slowly closed his aching jaws. It was painful doing that. The man even helped by rubbing Jared’s cheeks up by his ears until his mouth was able to shut. “Remember,” he told Jared. “You only talk if I tell you to. Do you understand, boy?” The knife. The door. His position. He worked his jaw loose and nodded his understanding. He would be quiet and do what he was told and hope at some point he could be released under acceptable terms. “Good boy,” the man said. “Now I want you to call me ‘Daddy’,” he told him. The man tilted the recliner back with the side lever, tightening the pull on Jared’s arms from his secured wrists. The overhead light glared in his eyes. “Look at my cock and say ‘Daddy’.” Jared hesitated, confused by the backwards movement and the light. The man reclined the chair until he was able to straddle his legs over Jared’s chest and dangle his massive member right in his face. “Say it!” he demanded. Jared looked straight at the head of the man’s tool hiding within the folds of skin, waiting to stretch out to meet him. The word escaped his tired lips. “Daddy.” And he realized this was it: he was going to suck this man’s cock. Jared’s ‘Daddy’ raised his flaccid member up slightly with his hand and brought the nub of his cock to within an inch of Jared’s lips. “Do you see my pee hole?” he asked. Jared nodded. “Answer me, boy!” “Yes,” Jared answered with some hesitation. “Yes, what?” “Yes…I…” “My name, boy. Always address me properly. Say, ‘Yes, Daddy’.” Jared swallowed hard, staring at the slit near his lips. “Yes, Daddy.” “Now stick your tongue out and wiggle it around in the hole.” Telling himself that he was only doing it because he had no choice, Jared slowly let his tongue slip from his lips and made his first, trembling contact with Daddy’s massive member, parting the slit. “Get the tip in there,” Daddy instructed. “Good, good, just wiggle it in there. Now lean in and let your lips push back the foreskin. Start sucking the head into your mouth.” With the tip of his tongue lodged in Daddy’s pee slit, Jared leaned his head forward ever so slightly and his lips got their first full taste of it. Daddy’s soft foreskin gave way to Jared’s virgin lips and the cock head crept into his opening mouth like an eager snake. “Now roll your tongue around it,” Daddy told him. “Get it nice and wet.” As Jared did this, he could sense the monster growing. The head of it in his mouth began to swell and Daddy had to scoot back a bit to allow for the growth without gagging his boy. For all the discomfort and violation he had suffered, Jared found the feel of the silky skin in his mouth to be rather pleasant, though he tried not to think about it that way. He swirled his tongue around and around to get it wet the way he was told. He had to keep opening his mouth wider as more of Daddy’s meat slid in and grew. “Tastes good, doesn’t it?” Daddy pulled his growing member from Jared’s mouth and waited for a response. “Answer me, boy.” Jared couldn’t take his eyes off Daddy’s cock as it glistened from its first meeting with his tongue. It was still soft and flexible in Daddy’s grip. It was thick and long, at least seven inches showing, with more to go. “Yes, Daddy,” Jared said. That’s what the answer had to be, he figured. He kept telling himself it meant nothing. It was just something he had to do to save himself from being hurt. Daddy smiled down at him. “Now, you know where the most sensitive areas are. I want you to show me with your tongue.” Daddy let his cock flop around on Jared’s face, wiping the moist head from cheek to cheek. “Come on, boy,” he taunted. “Get that tongue out. Lick the best places.” Jared got his tongue out again and began licking the underbelly of Daddy’s cock, just below the glans. Daddy moaned his approval and seven inches became eight. Knowing where he liked his own penis rubbed, Jared’s inhibitions began to ebb and within minutes, he was licking Daddy’s big cock like a candy stick in all the right places. The size and feel and smell of it against his tongue and lips and face quickly erased the line between what men should and shouldn’t do and what simply felt good. Eight inches became nine, and nine ten, and before long, Daddy had reached the glory of a full erection. Jared had to lick and suck on the areas of Daddy’s cock that he could reach and Daddy had to step back and press down on his shaft to make sure the proper attention was given to every area. Daddy swayed his hips as he fed Jared his tool. “It tastes good, doesn’t it, boy?” Between the loud, wet slurps of his tongue, Jared responded properly, “Yes, Daddy.” “I want to hear you moaning those words over and over as you suck me off, boy,” the man instructed. “I want to hear you moaning, ‘Yes, Daddy. Oh, yes, Daddy’.” Daddy’s monster snake was soon glistening with Jared’s efforts and he began inserting his head back into Jared’s mouth repeatedly until trickles of saliva were running down the shaft and dripping onto Jared’s chest. Jared began moaning the words, “Yes, Daddy,” as the regal head of Daddy’s cock met his lips. “Oh, yes Daddy,” as Jared’s tongue danced and snaked its way up and down along the shaft. And what started out as strict obedience soon became genuine moans and groans of pleasure and desire as Jared repeated those words with greater intensity and desire. Jared had lost all sense of who he was or what position he was in and the only thing that seemed to matter was being close to Daddy’s big cock as it slid all over his face. Daddy’s moans and groans of pleasure encouraged Jared to work harder to please him. “Now I want you to start saying ‘More, Daddy, more’.” Daddy’s massive member slid out from Jared’s wet lips and Jared wasted no time in begging, “More, Daddy, more!” as if that’s exactly what he wanted to say. He quickly lunged at Daddy’s cock and sucked it back into his mouth for another tongue bath and nearly gagged as it approached the back of his throat. His eyes watered as he sucked on the end of Daddy’s pole like a nursing babe. Daddy pulled the dripping head of his cock out of Jared’s mouth again and humped his long shaft slowly up and down over Jared’s face as his boy licked and kissed from below. “It’s a beautiful cock, isn’t it, boy?” “Oh, yes, Daddy,” Jared answered as he kissed. “Yes!” And Jared found himself wanting his hands free to grip the shaft of Daddy’s cock with both hands and control it for himself. It was so big, so thick, so soft and yet so hard and massive. He wanted to know what it felt like to hold it. Yes, he found it to be quite beautiful. Then Daddy humped his way up Jared’s face so that his balls came into range. Daddy’s balls were shaved bare and before Daddy could tell him what to do, Jared licked his way down to them and began kissing them and suckling them and marveling at how full and heavy and smooth they felt against his wet touch. “Pretty soon, I’m going to unload those in your mouth,” Daddy told him as he delighted in the pleasure of Jared’s sudden eagerness. “Mmm…you want Daddy’s cum in your mouth, don’t you, boy?” Jared’s face was smothered in Daddy’s manhood. He was breathing it all in and tasting it and had no real sense of what it all meant, but he was too far gone in what he was doing to think rationally about it. “Yes, Daddy,” he moaned after rolling his tongue across Daddy’s ball sack, which seemed to be rising just a bit. Daddy slid back down and let Jared press the flat of his tongue on the underside of his cock head and roll it around. Pre-cum oozed from Daddy’s cock out onto Jared’s tongue and was smeared around as the licking continued. Finding the new taste strange but pleasant, Jared lapped at the pee slit and sucked more of the warm juice from Daddy’s tool. “Get it all, boy,” Daddy encouraged him as he moaned his approval. Jared was licking that head so passionately now, Daddy was getting ready to explode. He hadn’t had an orgasm in days, saving it all up for this moment. And Jared’s tenacity, though not wholly unexpected, was getting him off faster than anticipated. Daddy also noticed that Jared’s little penis was still bobbing erect below him, further indication that his boy was enjoying his work. Daddy then placed his hands on Jared’s head and Jared, sensing what was next, opened his mouth willingly and accepted the final insertion of Daddy’s monster. Daddy directed Jared’s eyes upwards and told him to prepare for a large gush of cum. Daddy didn’t want him to swallow right away, though. He wanted Jared to let it all collect in his mouth and then wait until he was told before gulping it down. Though his mouth was too engorged speak, his eyes said it all. “Yes, Daddy.” Jared continued to stare up at the hairy, muscular upper body of the man that towered over him and controlled him. His tongue swirled around the huge flesh pole frantically, dancing to the inevitable. Daddy’s moans of pleasure grew more intense until, at last, he placed his hands on the corners of Jared’s jaws and pulled out enough to let the first burst of cream shoot into his mouth. Jared almost inhaled it when he felt the warm stream gush into the back of his throat. But he recovered in time to open his mouth wider to accept the second wave, which produced more than the first. Daddy began stroking his pole with both hands as Jared obediently kept his mouth open to receive one shot after the other. His mouth was soon filled with a pool of creamy whiteness. With each intense spasm, Daddy milked his shaft until the quivering subsided and the last major glob of cum dropped into Jared’s waiting mouth. The pool of cream had risen to the brim of Jared’s lower lip and he held it all there, trembling at the fullness, afraid for what was next, unable to move for fear of letting some spill and upsetting Daddy. Daddy slowly stroked himself down as he caught his breath and admired his handiwork. As his massive tool began to soften, he dipped the head into Jared’s mouth and then wiped it off around Jared’s nostrils so he could breath it in. “Now close your mouth, boy,” Daddy instructed. “Close your mouth and swish it all around.” Jared slowly brought his lips together and winced. He had nothing to compare this taste to. It was warm and gooey and it filled his cheeks as he slid it all around the way Daddy ordered. It was also the pinnacle of his submission. With Daddy’s last instruction, he swallowed it down in gulps. And even after he had finished swallowing, he could still taste and feel it in his mouth, as though it would always be there for him. And perhaps it would. With Daddy’s cum stains drying in his nostrils and the taste of him fully on his lips, Jared felt deliriously owned and used. When Daddy started rubbing his flaccid tool against Jared’s lips again, Jared licked at the last of the oozing cum escaping from the pee slit as if licking from an ice cream cone. Without any instruction from Daddy as to what to do with it, he simply let it glaze his tongue and then swallowed it down with the rest. When the well ran dry, Jared continued to suckle Daddy’s cock head like a pacifier until it slipped away. “Did you enjoy that?” Daddy asked. Jared’s head was drooped in a daze, as if he was about to pass out from either exhaustion or confusion. Daddy grabbed him by his hair and tugged his gaze upwards. “Tell me, boy…did you enjoy sucking Daddy’s cock and tasting his cum?” Jared nodded slowly, like he was in a fog. The smell of Daddy’s cum filled his nose. The taste of Daddy’s big cock and creamy cum overpowered his taste buds. Now that it was all over, now that he had done it, Jared wasn’t sure what to think. Should he feel guilty? Why did he give in to all these demands so easily? Why did he suddenly lose control and behave so passionately? Maybe he should have fought back harder. And why was his own little dick still rock solid? “Yes, Daddy,” Jared muttered. Daddy wiped a droplet of cum from Jared’s chin and smeared in over Jared’s upper lip. “Good,” he replied. “You did a very good job tonight. You’ve been a very good boy for Daddy.” Daddy stepped away and repackaged his tool in the nylon mesh. Then he put on his leather overcoat and walked out of Jared’s view for a moment. Jared thought he heard another voice, but he was too lost in his confusion to be sure of anything at all. Then he felt a tugging from behind the chair and Daddy walked around and tugged at his ankles and wrists. He gave Jared’s little stick a few final strokes and kissed his boy’s forehead. “Pleasant dreams, boy” Daddy said with a smile. And just like that, he walked away and Jared felt a cold gust of wind as the front door opened and shut behind him. It took a few moments for Jared to realize that the restraints on his arms and legs and neck had been loosened and that he was able to close his legs and bring his hands off the armrests. He staggered to his feet and walked around the room with a bent to convince himself that he was actually alone, that Daddy…that the stranger…had left. He had to use both hands to lock the door and then he went to his room and sat on the bed and struggled for a good fifteen minutes before he was able to free his hands from the leather pouches and remove the leather straps. After that, he stood under the shower and washed himself off from head to foot. Still naked and a little wet, he laid himself down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. He could still smell him. He could still taste him. The image of that monstrous cock wouldn’t leave his thoughts. He rolled over and humped his aching erection on the pillow like a desperate little puppy, all the while imagining Daddy was watching, that he was doing it for Daddy’s amusement. He came quickly with those thoughts but continued to rub his little stick in the wet pillow until he fell asleep on it. To Be Continued... Comments and correspondence to:


More Gay Erotic Stories from Little Boi Blu

Choices, Part 1

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part 2

Jared awoke slowly as if the whole night had been a dream. He had a dull aching in his jaws as he began to realize that he was seated in his recliner. Worse yet, it was quite apparent that he had been relieved of all his clothes. His discovery of what had become of him since blacking out was a rapid process that can only be described as step-by-step His mouth was wide open, as if

Choices, Part 3

Jared sat at his desk with his elbows resting near his keyboard and stared blankly at the screen. The day had been like any other. He woke up. He showered and dressed. He ate some toast and drank some orange juice and drove to work. And throughout the day, he wandered around the office smiling and chatting and doing his work as if nothing were out-of-the-ordinary. The girls at work

Choices, Part 4

When Jared arrived home from work the following day, he found a small package at his doorstep and his growing sense of security quickly evaporated. He picked it up and glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Then he ducked inside and nervously examined it. The outside of the envelope had his name printed on it in big letters and under his name, it said: FOR PRIVATE USE

Choices, Part 5

Daddy’s list of short simple instructions for his boy was sitting on the kitchen counter the next morning. Jared had read it several times the night before, wanting so much to crumple it up like the last one and throw it away. But his denial wasn’t as strong as it had been: his mind still searched for some way out of this situation, but the ground beneath his heterosexual feet had

Choices, Part 6

Jared lost track of time sitting there in the recliner with his legs spread wide. Though still apprehensive about Peter leaving the door unlocked, he had at least settled into a mild, sexual stupor with the images flashing before him on his TV screen. Either out of curiosity or attraction, he couldn’t stop watching them. He would try to turn away at times, but it was no use. A small,

Choices, Part 7

The beat was pulsing through his mind. It consisted of heavy breathing and gasps of seeming pleasure and sounds of sticky wetness, like a salivating tongue painting the length of a large candy cane, over and over again without end. Hidden beneath it all was a voice, whispering words he couldn’t quite understand, but he knew they were there. He knew they were speaking to him and

Choices, Part 8

All the way home from work, Jared listened to the tape Daddy had provided for him on his car stereo. It gave him an instant erection, which he sported throughout the ride. At intersections, he would sit at the light and glance around nervously to see who might be watching, unaware of how his hand was stroking at the gearshift. Unable to bring himself to lower the volume, he made

Choices, Part 9

Jared awoke from his sexual stupor the moment his apartment door was opened and he was led out into the cool evening air. Leaving the safety of his own confines, his heart began to race nervously as he followed behind Daddy and his other two boys. They had washed him up and dressed him and now he was being led out in public to places unknown and he was in a panic. The worst thing

Choices, Part I

Jared arrived home from his daily workout around nine o’clock at night and tossed his gym bag in the corner by the TV. He smelled of chlorine from his 40 laps in the pool and longed for a nice, warm shower to melt under. Most men would have just taken that relaxing shower right there at the gym, but not Jared. He had his reasons. Shuffling through his one-bedroom apartment, Jared

Choices, Part10

The Kitty Hawk is an exclusive club on the outskirts of town that was originally constructed under the guise of being a small supermarket to accommodate the nearby college campus. However, once the structure’s skeleton was complete and the walls went up, the supposed investors pulled out, allowing the true owners to developed it as they originally had planned. Issues of zoning and

Choices, Part11

Jared sat in a corner booth of the Kitty Hawk club staring down at the table, averting eye contact with all of the men who had watched him being led in by a leash. There was a pulsating techno beat filling the air. Beyond the tables and chairs, young men were gyrating on a colorfully lit dance floor. Voices were buzzing with conversation and waiters in their white sailor suits were

Happy Halloweenie!

The Halloween partying had started early on campus. It seemed like every dorm had something special going on and there were colorful postings on all the bulletin boards begging students to go to this gathering or that gathering. By the time darkness settled in, Ryan and his new freshman catch, Jennifer, had hopped through five different dorm parties and Ryan was anxious to get to his final

Master Builder, Part 1

I was one of those kids in school who was always making fag jokes and calling other boys gay. I was the bully who made other lives hell. My favorite target growing up was a kid named Sydney. Sydney was a Latino with tanned colored skin and a slim build, one of those kids who was always quiet and shy and tended to have more gentle mannerisms, by nature, which made him look girlish.

Master Builder, Part 2

I didn’t realize right away that the man I was calling Master, the man whose cock I wanted to hold and suck, was Sydney, the same boy I tormented through sixth grade. I had teased him for being gay and ruined him socially. I had called him a little faggot boy and got all the other kids to do the same. Now he was standing over me, holding my balls in his hand and grinning with

Master Builder, Part 3: Conclusion

After Master finally pulled out of my quivering ass, he inserted a very wide plug that my gaping hole eventually swallowed with some effort. I squirmed and bucked as Master’s warm liquids sloshed around inside me, occasionally feeling like they were going to be expelled at any moment, but the plug sealed me up tight and I couldn’t have forced it out even if I had wanted to. Before


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