Gay Erotic Stories

Dear Teacher

by Kevin
06 Mar 1998


I'm 21 year old good looking guy. I'm in 4th grade in my college. I have a handsome face that all girls like. I like go to the gym, and I like jogging in the morning. In college, I have one favourite teacher, name Mr.Franz. He's a 32-year-old beefy guy, has a great body, and cute. He is my favourite teacher not because I like his lesson, but because I like him and always dream to have wonderful sex with him. For you to know, he lives in a same block with me.. So every morning when I am jogging, I can see him in his room. His room has a big wide window, and never has curtain on it. I don't know why, but because he is a single, I guess he like to show off his macho-body to chicks passed by his house, or maybe guys. If I lucky, I could see him half naked, with just his briefs. I could see his perfect body with a sexy, very sexy tan. He has great muscle that could make me to die for. Well, I know I'm just wasting my time by just see him naked or something, because I want more, much more. I want him to touch me, to kiss me all over my body, and I like to suck his cock. Sound fantastic, isn't it? But I know that it won't happen if I am just sneaking around, secretly admiring him. So, one day, in my jogging time, I encourage myself to visit him, just to fool around. My plan is I go to his house and say I'm just passing by, and could look his sexy body , and maybe he would invite me to I don't know, maybe breakfast or chitchat maybe, just to be closer. So, here I am at 6 o'clock in front of his house. I know that he would be wake up that time, cause he isn't a lazy man like most people. I rang the bell . In a minute, the door was opened. I saw him just like I always see every morning, with just a white brief. His chest was so near to me. My cock was getting harder. He said hi, and I replied that I just passing him by. He looked happy and don't mind if I fooling around in his house. He invited me to come in. he was watching TV that time. Well, not porn but the boring news. I asked him why he like the news, cause it's very damn boring to me. He said, just to know the situations, and he even added that he likes porn too. Wow, I think that's a good start. I said that I like them too. We talk and talk, about the college, lesson. First it's so boring, because I don't like the topic. So I change the topic, and start talking about his personal live. I asked him why he hasn't have girlfriend yet? He look uncomfortable with my question, and I said sorry for that. He said it's all right, actually I'm a gay. WOWWWWWWWWW, That's the answer I really like to hear from him. But I still secret my sexual status, cause I don't want him to know me that I came to his house just to have sex with him. He told me that he had broke up with his boyfriend. Well, he's a very honest man, I admitted So, feeling bad, I told him that I'm a gay too. He surprised, seemed happy. He said that I knew you were gay. I often see you sneaking around me, aren't you? I got red, but I admitted everything. Hearing my confession, he hugged me and started kissing me. French kiss, that's so great. My body got hot , and my cock start to raise again. I can feel his cock is raising too, I could feel the biggest dick I ever seen. His brief made a tent, and I opened it. I saw a 10 inches uncut cock full with brown pubic hair. I never have sex with uncut cock before, and I like it. I saw his precum , and it tasted greattttt. I started sucking him, deep and deeper. Usually, I could have all the cock in my throat, but this time I couldn't, because it's too long and too thick. He groaned, feeling great, and start opened my t-shirt and my running pants. My blue brief made a big tent that time. Feeling wanna cum, he told me to stop, and started to kiss my 7 cock. He kissed my pubic hair , and asked me if he could have some? Sure I said. Then he pulled some of my pub hair with his finger. Auchhhhhh it's really hurt, I told him. But it made me more horny than ever. I do the same thing with his pub hair. I smelled the hair, ahhhh it smelled so sexy. Then he sucked my cock, my entire cock were playing in his throat. He is a great sucker. And not in 10 minutes I cum in his mouth. Then he kissed me and give some of my sperm to me. He shared my sperm in my mouth. Uhhh, it's the first time I tasted my own cum. After that, he fucked me. Ahhhhhh, his 10 cock fill in my ass. It's really, really hurt but I be more and more hot. He push and push, harder and harder. Then he cum in my ass. He gasped, ahhhhhh. He put out his cock and put his finger in to take his sperm out from my ass. His finger was full with his cum, then he lick it, and give the rest of the cum to me. It tasted different from mine. But it's so sexy too. Aaahh, fresh from the ass he said. After that day, we become lover till now. I move to his house. It's great. Do you like my stories? Want to know me better, give comments, e mail me :


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