Gay Erotic Stories

Going Down On The Farm

by Jack Mioff
28 Feb 1998

Sex On The Ranch

Stetson Evrett was a farmhand for James Hilton, a big-shot farmer in Southeast Iowa. At twenty years old, Stetson -- or Stallion, as the local girls referred to him -- stood at a lean six feet, three inches, tipped the scale around 200 or so, wore broad, muscular shoulders, a body to absolutely die for, and dirty blonde hair that, when the wind was right, would cover his sea- green eyes. When he would walk the narrow sidewalks in town, every girl around would get near to stare down his tightly packed ass and smell the stench of sweat on his brow. Unfortunately for them, Stetson didn't feel the same way about any one of them. On the contrary, his eyes might be caught following the rear of another young fellow on occasion, or heard casually mumbling erotic comments to himself as he passed a rather attractive young man on the street. Yessir, that was good ol' Stetson for ya. Far from a lady's man. Polite and all, but didn't give a fly on horse shit about impressing the swooning young ladies around him. Which, naturally, would explain his excitement when he overheard Mr. Hilton telling Mrs. Hilton that their oldest son, James Jr., would be arriving at the airport downtown the following week for Thanksgiving from college in upstate New York. Stetson always had an eye on that James Jr., ever since he happened across his naked, adonis-like body in the hallway all but two years back. What happened was, James was stepping out of the shower when he saw that the towels were missing from the rack. Thinking that no one was in the house at the time, he darted out of the bathroom and into his room. He would have made it, had it not been for him dropping his boxer shorts in the middle of the hallway almost halfway there. He bent over to pick them up, and, as he was coming up, caught sight of Stetson's dirt-clad boots at the top of the stairs. Scared stiff (not to be taken literally, of course, given the situation), James froze in place. He swore that Stetson was eyeing his package as he stood there in his birthday suit, but Stetson politely dropped his eyes away, trying not to seem too obvious. James finally found the courage to turn and flee to his bedroom, once again leaving his soiled boxer shorts behind. Several minutes later, after dressing and applying an adequate amount of cologne to his neck and face, James left his bedroom and headed toward the kitchen downstairs. He immediately noticed that the pair of boxer shorts he had mistakenly left behind were no longer on the floor where they were dropped a second time. Being a rational young man of all sorts, James deduced that Stetson had simply picked them up and dropped them in the washroom, being the nice farmhand that he was. After all, he retorted, he's not *gay* or anything. With that, James walked briskly downstairs to eat Mom's fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Snapping out of his flashback, Stetson shook his head and looked into the sky. The hot July sun was doing a number on him, and he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of boxer shorts, with which he used to wipe his forehead and neck. He glanced down at his watch, seeing that it was almost five o'clock, and turned toward the barn. Before he could take two steps, a voice called out from behind him. "Stetson!" He turned to face the house, seeing Mrs. Hilton at the porch in her apron. "Stetson, could you run up here quickly, please? I have a favor to ask of you!" Not wanting to make her yell anymore than she had to, Stetson darted in her direction, arriving just under ten seconds. "Ma'am, what can I do for you?" he gasped quietly. "Stetson, I have something to ask you. If it's not something you're up to, just let me know right away and I'll find a replacement. I won't be upset, but it is something I would be very grateful of you if you were to do it for my husband and I." "Anything at all, Mrs. Hilton. Just name it." He flashed her his million-dollar smile, his white teeth sparkling in the hot sun. "Thank you, dear," she said, returning the smile with a beauty of her own. "Mr. Hilton and I have a convention out-of-town this coming week, and that means we won't be able to pick up James Jr. at the airport. Would you mind driving down there and getting him for us? I hate to ask, but as you can see, we're desperate here." "Say no more, Mrs. Hilton," he assured her. "You can count on me to do it." She leaned over the railing and kissed his dirty brow. "You really are an angel." She turned back toward the house, stopped herself, and turned back. "Stetson?" She caught him returning to the barn, but he immediately retreated. "Stetson, you've worked really hard today. Why don't you come inside and shower up? Mr. Hilton and I are going out to dinner tonight with some friends, and I'd be so happy if you could join us." "Thank you, ma'am." He blushed, once again flashing her that smile that could stop the earth's rotation. "I'll go ahead and put everything away right quick, then I'll be ready in a jiffy." He turned and ran toward the barn once again, his eyes glowing, his mouth cutting his face in half. The week passed by quickly, and all too soon it was time for Stetson to hurry into town and pick up James Jr. from the airport. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton had left the previous day, and wouldn't return for another four. Stetson showered twice before leaving that morning, to be absolutely sure of smelling nice for James Jr., now nineteen. He dressed in his nicest clothes (a blue Dockers shirt, khakis and brown leather shoes), borrowed some of Mr. Hilton's best cologne, and combed his hair just right before walking out the door. The day before, Stetson had washed, waxed, and vacuumed his car, then washed it again the morning after. Everything was perfect. Now it was time to leave. James Jr.'s plane arrived at one-thirty sharp, and all the while he was in the air, he had been contemplating some serious thoughts. In the last month or two at school, he was sensing a rise in his latent homosexuality to where it became very apparent at certain intervals. With no one at school to talk to about it (he didn't have many good friends he could trust), he was feeling very concerned. It was odd, though, that he was just realizing this within himself, after years of dating beautiful girls and having magnificent sex with all of them. A sense of relief overwhelmed him when he saw Stetson Evrett's beaming face at the terminal when he got off the plane. Strange as it was, he was beginning to find Stetson very attractive. For some reason, he felt as if he could tell him everything that was on his mind and not have to worry about social repression or his parents finding out. Stetson was always a good, honest man, and he'd never betray him...or would he? Putting aside all doubt in his mind, James Jr. told him everything on the ride home. "Do you see what I'm saying?" he asked him finally. For twenty minutes non-stop, James had been spilling his deepest thoughts, feelings and concerns to Stetson, a man he saw all of three times out of the year. Twice he almost cried, feeling the burning sensation of tears welting behind his eyes. Scared and confused, James finally realized what fear really was. "Absolutely," Stetson told him. "We all have a feeling of not belonging, or being different than everyone else. No matter how we find ourselves different, we're all the same in the long run. Does that make any sense?" James nodded his head slowly, still fighting off the tears. "Don't worry about it." Stetson took his eyes off the road for a moment and gazed deeply in James blue eyes. He reached over and patted his knee, trying to keep it in the comfort zone and not the intimate zone. (At least, not just yet.) James settled down after that. He didn't say a word the rest of the way home, his eyes staring out the window. Stetson knew what he was thinking. He kknew exactly what he was going through. Late that night, just before midnight, Stetson heard a knock at his door. He had been reading a Stephen King novel in the nude, out from any covers, when James startled him. He quickly pulled a bed sheet over his midsection and invited him in. "Come in." James opened the door slowly, peeking his head inside. "I'm not disturbing you, am I?" he asked politely, noticing Stetson's tan, well-formed chest and chiseled abdomen. "Not at all," Stetson replied, holding up the book in his hand. "Just catching up on my reading before I went to bed, that's all." "Mind if I talk to you for a little bit? I promise it won't be long." "Go right ahead. I've got all night." He smiled at James, laying the book on the nightstand next to him. James closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of the bed. He was wearing boxer shorts and a lightweight cotton tank-top, allowing Stetson to peek at his smooth chest and structured biceps. He found a comfortable position, took a deep breath, and started to talk. "I had a weird thought a few minutes ago. I don't know that I'd call it a dream, cuz I haven't been able to get to sleep at all tonight. But it really got me thinking. If I did turn out to be gay, that would mean I'd have to suck dick and take it up the ass, right?" Stetson almost laughed when he asked the question, but didn't. "Not necessarily. You could just hug and kiss and...I don't know, do other stuff together. I doubt it's about only that." "Yeah, I know, but...wouldn't it be a big part of my life then?" "I guess so," Stetson agreed. "But it would hurt!" he almost yelled. "What would?" "Getting fucked up the ass!" "No, it doesn't." He tried to stop himself from saying it, but it was already out of his mouth by the time he caught it. "I mean, I doubt it does." James watched Stetson closely now, curious about his last remark. He wanted to get all his questions answered before asking him about that, so he continued. "But what about putting a dick in my mouth? How the hell could I ever do that?" Stetson was sure to keep quiet this time. He just shrugged his shoulders and let him go on. James looked away to the window momentarily, obviously thinking of what to say next. "I came to a conclusion, though. About all that stuff." Without proceeding into what his conclusion was, James again looked away. Meekly asking, Stetson urged, "What conclusion was that?" James wasn't sure that he could just come out and say it. What would Stetson think? He would tell his dad that he was a fag, then he'd be banished from the family forever. He couldn't face up to that. Not in a million y -- -- then something caught his eye. There, in the corner of the room, next to Stetson's neatly laid-out clothes for the morning, sat a pair of James's old boxer shorts. They didn't appear to be washed. Instead, they looked as if they'd been used time and time again. It didn't take him long to realize that that was the pair he dropped that morning two years ago, the pair he thought were graciously thrown back into the wash after he'd left. But they weren't. So that meant meant that Stetson had kept them all this time! For what reason, he wasn't sure. That wasn't the issue, however. Stetson kept something of his for over two years, never once washing it, and now James knew he could tell Stetson. "James?" Stetson finally broke the silence, gently tugging on James's sleeve. He didn't see what his friend at the end of the bed was seeing. "What conclusion?" he repeated. James shook his head, looked away from the boxers in the corner and up into Stetson's magnificent green eyes, saw them twinkling in the dim light behind him. "I decided I should somehow try it, just to find out." Now that he knew the feelings for each other were mutual, anything could be said between the two of them. "How would you...?" Stetson began, but stopped quickly at what he saw next. James was reaching across the bed now, toward Stetson's crotch. He slowly pulled the bed sheet down, revealing Stetson's smooth, tan cock. No words were needed after that. Stetson got the message instantly, and his eyes turned to joy. His beautiful smile once again captured the room, knowing that all his wet, wild dreams were soon to come true. James leaned in toward Stetson's heaving body, covering his mouth over the now-stiffening dick that rested between Stallion's thighs. The initial taste he picked up was nothing short of delicious. The sweet aroma of sweaty nut sack rose into his nose, causing his eyes to water. No other feeling could compare to the one that was surging through his body right now. Stetson allowed a deep sigh to escape his mouth once he felt the warmth of James's mouth wrap around his tool. His nipples were hard now, standing up on his muscular pecs. When James used his tongue to raise Stetson's shaft a bit, he almost let out a yelp. Instead he moaned: "Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh! Mmmmmmmmmm, yes!" Feeling somewhat guilty about not doing anything for James during his first intercourse with another man, he licked his middle finger and slowly brought it to James's asshole, sliding it in gently underneath the pair of boxer shorts he was wearing so handsomely. James's scream of surprise, mild pain and pleasure was stifled by the slab of meat in his mouth, now grown to its fullest of eight inches. The hard, smooth texture wiggled its way around his mouth, its tip grazing the back of his throat with each thrust that Stetson's hips put out. His tongue lavished the cylindrical shape before him, plucking the strings of erotica found with- in Stetson's penis. Stetson's finger continued to penetrate James' tight ass, forcing squeals from the other end and a stiff erection of just under seven inches. "You ready?" Stetson asked under a deep breath. "You ready for it now?" "Ready for what?" a puzzled James returned, removing the cock from his mouth momentarily. His hand replaced it, feeling the wetness he'd left behind. "To get fucked," Stetson put out simply. James didn't realize it just yet, but there were now two fingers shoved up into his ass, loosening the tight hole. Gulping a rather large swallow of saliva, James nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, go on and do me." Slowly he got up, removing his thin tank-top while doing so. Stetson sat up on his knees, his hand moving in short strokes along his cock as to keep it hard, stiff and ready. Once James was into position, his hands balancing the front side of his body, Stetson pulled his boxer shorts off to his knees, allowing James to kick them off from there. When that was out of the way, Stetson began to penetrate. As the head moved in not quite one inch yet, James screamed bloody murder: "Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Almost laughing, Stetson quickly pulled out. He put one hand behind James' neck, delicately massaging it. "Just relax," he comforted. "Once it's all the way in, you won't feel anything but pure pleasure, okay?" James nodded, still not sure if this was what he wanted to do. Still, Stetson once again aimed his cock at James' ass and slowly worked it in. Stifling anything louder than the first with his fist, James felt the cock enter behind him. Stetson's hand was still on his neck, massaging it in a soothing manner. Once it was all the way in, James was surprised to feel that Stetson was right: the pain became non-existent, and the feeling turned into nothing but pleasure for him. "Oh, yeah..." he managed to say once he was sure everything was all right. Knowing that the pain had left his mate, Stetson removed his hand from James' neck and grasped his cock with it, jacking him off. "Yeah, stroke my cock," James demanded quietly. "Nice and smooth..." Stetson's legs rocked him back and forth, his cock throbbing with each thrust into James' tight, tight ass. He could already feel the cum asking to depart into the cavity before him; he kept it back, though, just for a little bit longer. "Shit, yes, fuck me," James said weakly. "Fuck me nice and hard." Stetson kept the pace slow at first, then picked up speed. He knew it would be hard to keep the cum back for much longer, so speeding it up was the best solution he could think of. "Oh, I *love* your tight ass! Dammit, yes! Feels so fucking good! Oooohhhhh!" "Jack me off faster! Faster, faster, faster! I wanna cum all over you when this is done!" "I wanna cum all over you first!" Stetson replied with a booming voice. "Do you want it in your face or on your back?" "On my face! On my face!" Stetson continued pumping faster and faster, not once ceasing the increase in speed. When he was sure he was going to blow any second, he ordered James to turn around when he pulled out. He did as he was told, opening his mouth widely as Stetson stroked his fat cock in front of his eager face. James continued jacking himself off now, grabbing his balls as he did, stimulating the cum until the perfect moment. "Lick my cock! Lick it now!" James leaned in and stuck his tongue out, frantically lashing it around the thick head and hard shaft. "Oh, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna EXPLODE!!" And he did just that. A tidal wave of hot, white, sticky semen erupted from his throbbing cock, going over James' head as well as hitting him in the eye, on the nose and in the mouth. The river showed no sign of giving up, endlessly flowing from end to end, messing on the bed and in James' hair. "Make me cum," James said to Stetson through globs of cum in his mouth. The shooting had since stopped, now leaving floods of cum on his face. Stetson forced his cock back into James' mouth, allowing him to clean the rest of it up. He leaned over to James' waiting cock, sucked on it for awhile, then jacked him off to climax. The first shot hit him square in the mouth, striking the back of his throat. The second and third both landed on his hand and James' stomach and chest. Once that was all clean, he retreated to James' face, kissing him all over. "Thank you..." James said while Stetson's tongue was in his mouth. "Thank you so much." Later that night, this time in James' bed, the two young men screwed once more. Afterward, Stetson held James in his long, strong arms, close to his warm, muscular torso. "Did you decide yet?" Stetson asked after several moments of silence. "Decide what?" "If you're gay or not. What do you think? Could you ever be with other men now?" He hesitated, then, "No." Stetson sat up, puzzled. "What?" "No, I could never be with another man," he assured him. "Only with you." Stetson laid back down, wrapping his arms around his friend once more. That was the start of a beautiful relationship together. "So," Stetson began, "you comin' back for Christmas?" Copyright (C) Jack Mioff 1997-98


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