Gay Erotic Stories

Hired Hand

by Dubnium Up
15 Apr 1998

Sex On The Ranch

It was going to be my last summer on the farm. I'd graduated from high school and managed a scholarship at the state university about two hundred miles from the small farming community where I lived with my folks. I was looking forward to going away to college, but I also knew I'd miss the rhythms and cycles of the farm labor I'd done since I was a kid. I had acted as my Dad's hired hand since I was twelve years old. Now, with me going away in the fall, there was no way the folks could handle the place by themselves, so my Dad was busy interviewing men to find a replacement for me. It wasn't an easy process. One guy came over to the house reeking of booze. Another was over sixty-five, looking for some light chores to supplement his retirement. Most of the others were college-age guys like myself, looking for summer work. Dad was getting pretty discouraged by the time that Jack Pomerantz finally came along. Jack had owned a farm in Iowa until his loans had been called in by a failing bank, when it was taken over by a big East Coast banking concern that evidently believed vegetables grew in the bins at the supermarket. He'd tried life in the city, but said he was totally miserable away from the land. My Dad liked him immediately and hired him on the spot. I was going to help him get used to the routines here on the farm--my Dad was very particular about how things were done. I was happy as hell about the whole thing, because it gave me an assistant--and someone to talk to. Jack was a dedicated worker, treating the place like it was his own. Between the two of us, chores got done in record time and we had the opportunity to start on my Dad's long wish list of improvements. It didn't seem to matter what we did--setting fence posts, clearing brush or building an addition to the barn--Jack was fast and meticulous. I liked him a lot. He was somewhere between thirty-five and forty, tall, dark-haired and built like a man who's done heavy manual labor all his life. When he'd strip out of his shirt during the heat of the day, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. His arms were huge, his biceps and triceps jumping and knotting--every time he lifted something or pounded a nail or sawed a board. His broad chest was covered with long silky hairs that were usually plastered flat with sweat to the bulging mounds of his pecs. His gut curved out slightly when he was at rest, but I'd seen it snap into a wall of ripples many times while we worked together side by side. I was in pretty good shape myself, even though Jack outweighed me by about forty pounds. Years of wrestling with bales of hay and all the other work associated with life on the farm had sculpted a body that I was very proud of. My only regret was the fact that I was doomed to be hairless. I had about six hairs on my chest and a fairly respectable bush above my prick, but other than that I was smooth as a baby's butt. "It shows off your muscles, Tom," Jack had said philosophically, when I brought up the subject while we were mucking out the stalls in the cow barn. "No use hiding a build like yours." "Thanks. I just wish I had a chest like yours." "You like that, huh?" he asked reflectively, rubbing his hand over his ächest, making the sweat-damp hairs stand up in little spikes in the valley between his pecs. "I never thought much about it, one way or the other." "Most people don't spend time worrying about what they've got," I chuckled. "Damn, it's hot today. You interested in going for a swim after we knock off for the day?" "That sounds like a first-rate idea, Tom. You're on." I had a special swimming hole that I hadn't shared with anyone, not even my good buddies at school. It was way down at the back of the north pasture, hidden by a thick growth of wild plum trees, so you couldn't see it until you were damn near in it. It was really just a wide spot in Jackson's creek, but it was a good eight feet deep in the middle and the water was always refreshingly cool. The bank was grassy and the breeze seemed to blow there, even on the hottest day. One of the main reasons I'd never shared it with anybody else was because it was my favorite place to jack off. Oh, the bathroom will do in a pinch, or even the bed, but nothing compares to lying back in the late afternoon sun, soaking up the rays while you're choking your hog till it blows off, leaving you all relaxed and dreamy and sort of tingling all over. I'd usually swim a little first, just to get rid of all the sweat and grime accumulated during the day, then sprawl out on the bank and take matters in hand. I was always so damned horny that I'd be hard by the time I climbed out of the water, my boner poking me in the belly. I'd point it straight up in the air and work the juice tube running up the underside till my honey would start to ooze. Then I'd smear the sticky liquid all over the fat head of my cock, till it glistened in the sun. Usually, by that time, my old one-eyed buddy would be twitching and throbbing, demanding more friction than I could give it with just one sticky finger. I'd wrap my hand tight around the thick shaft and start doing what comes so naturally to me. I gotta admit, I sort of get off on looking at myself while I'm beating my meat. I'd tense up my belly and flex my pecs, running my free hand along the ridges of muscle under my tanned hide. Seemed like the harder I'd tense up, the bigger my dick would get, till the head sometimes looked like it was going to explode. That usually meant that I was getting close--real close. I'd pick up the pace, groaning and panting as my fist flew up and down like a speeded-up film. My balls would draw up in a tight knot between my legs and I'd howl as my toes started to curl, scaring the birds out of the trees above my head. Sometimes I can't believe how much juice I pump when I do finally pop my cork. I usually point my dick straight up and watch the thick strings of white goo arc up high in the air before splattering back down across my thighs and belly. I estimate my best shot to be about five feet, straight up--but that's only a guess. By the time the last drops get milked out and dribble down over my fist, I usually look like somebody's poured a bucket of heavy cream all over me. My damned balls must work overtime building up a fresh supply every day. "This is it," I said, standing aside and letting Jack pass me on the narrow path I'd worn through the tall grass. He walked over to the edge and stood there, hands on hips, looking all around him. I'd never paid much attention to his back, but it was quite a piece of work. His äspine was cut in between two deep ridges of muscle, and his shoulders looked a yard wide in contrast to his narrow waist. "Perfect," Jack said happily. "You've found the ideal place, Tom. I appreciate you bringing me here." "Last one in!" I hollered, kicking off my work shoes and peeling out of my pants. I ran past him and dived in, hoping I could keep from springing a hardon. I failed. The thought of being here with Jack had me more turned on than I was ready to admit. I heard him dive in a couple of minutes later. We swam around for a good ten minutes, relishing the cool water and the chance to get clean. I finally scrambled out onto the far bank and rolled over on my stomach to hide my boner. It usually wouldn't go soft till I beat off, but that could be a problem today, considering I had a guest and all. Jack splashed around a bit more, then swam to the shallows and stood there, shaking the water out of his curly hair. The sun was behind him, so all I could see was his silhouette. I'd never seen him without his pants before, and I was glad to see that his legs lived up to the promise of the rest of his body. His thighs bulged out thick and tight and his calves were knotted with muscle. He stretched mightily, then walked to the bank and dropped down onto his knees, right in front of me. I did a double-take when I saw his cock. It was huge, hanging halfway down his hairy thighs, dangerously thick, even now, completely soft. The skin on the shaft was loose, like it had been stretched so far so often that it no longer sprang back tight. Looking down the veiny shaft I noticed that this skin hung down a good inch beyond the fat knob on the end. I'd been cut as a baby, so had never known what it felt like to have a hood fitting nice and snug over the head of my dick. His big balls hung low, swinging back and forth slightly, a few last drops of water from the creek glistening on the individual hairs on his bag. I would have given anything to reach out and touch him, just to see if he felt as good as he looked. "Tom, you still here?" I jumped guiltily and could feel myself blushing. "Yeah, I'm here," I mumbled, looking him in the eyes. "I just said thanks for bring me out here. This is the best." I kept expecting him to lie down beside me, or at least sit over to one side, but he didn't move. I had a very anxious cock poking me in the gut, so I wasn't in any position to move either. It looked like I was stuck staring at his big meat, for the moment at least. "Man, you've got a goodl ooking butt," Jack said out of the blue. I didn't believe my ears at first, but then he kept on talking. "Looks like a couple of ripe honeydew melons, smooth as silk. I'll bet they're hard as a rock." "Yeah," I croaked, "I guess so." Jack leaned over and put a big paw on my left ass cheek and I damn near jumped out of my skin. His callused palm felt good against my skin as he kneaded the mass of muscle with his fingers. When I opened my eyes, his cock was so close to my lips, I could have stuck out my tongue and licked it. I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like all those stretch marks on the skin of the shaft were starting to get smoothed out. By the time Jack straightened up, I was damn near ready to cum, just from the pressure of his hand on my ass. A quick glance at his cock left no doubt that he was getting turned on as well--it was starting to angle out away from his thighs, the hooded snout pointing right between my eyes. Next thing I knew, Jack had slipped his hands in my armpits and hauled me up off the ground. My belly slapped against his, my boner throbbing between us. "What...what are you...doing?" I managed, my hands gripping his biceps. He grinned at me, but made no move to let me go. "I figure if you weren't interested, you wouldn't just lie there and let me play with your ass. How about a little romp with the hired hand? Feels like your prick's ready to play around." "I didn't...I mean I've...I've never..." I spluttered to a stop, too shocked to do anything but stare at the stubble on his square jaw. True, I'd had more wet dreams about the guys I knew than about girls, but I figured that it was just lack of experience. I'd certainly never considered having sex with a man--at least not until now. Jack's body felt so good and he was such a nice guy that I wasn't getting any of the disgusted feelings that I'd read about in our health class during freshman year. Besides, feeling the broad back of his prong pressing up between my legs sort of made it hard to concentrate on anything else. "Don't worry about that," Jack said, tightening his hold on me. "I figure you can learn the basics real quick. You're a pretty smart guy and you seem to have a definite interest in the subject." I looked up at him for a minute, then nodded. He winked and kissed me all of a sudden. It was pretty weird kissing a grown man with a heavy beard, but his mouth tasted like the piece of straw he chewed on all day, and when our tongues touched I felt like I'd just shorted out my whole system. Jack kissed me for a long time, ramming his tongue down my throat, tickling the roof of my mouth with it. When he finally came up for air, I sank back on my haunches, panting and trembling. "That skin hanging off the end of your dick is so hot," I said, feasting my eyes on it. His prong was stiff now, jutting out from between his hairy thighs, bobbing up and down with his pulse. "You wanna play with it?" he offered, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger and giving it a tug. I reached out and stroked it with a fingertip. "That must feel real good," I mused. It was hot and dry, soft as the belly skin on a new puppy. "Most things wrapped around the end of a man's cock feel real good," Jack laughed, reaching down between my legs and grabbing my dick. "You want to see just how good it feels?" "What do you mean?" "Get up on your knees and I'll show you." I did as he asked. "Now, scoot a couple of inches closer, and I'll demonstrate." He pulled his foreskin out, stuck two fingers into the loose end and pulled it out tight. "Why don't you stick the pretty pink tip of your prick in there?" He hooked the hood over my knob and my meat smacked my gut, leaking like a faucet. "Better hold on to that thing, Tom," he chuckled. I grabbed my cock and held it steady while Jack slipped it on me again. Man, it felt wild! It was hot and soft and I could feel the sticky bulb on the end of his huge dong as we butted together, piss hole to piss hole. "Go on and stretch it back as far as you want to," he growled, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I don't mind sharing." Keeping one hand around my shaft so I wouldn't break contact, I wrapped my fingers around the base of Jack's hog and slowly measured along every throbbing inch. When my fingers bumped against the ridge of his crown, I had enough skin bunched over my meat to cover the head and the sensitive nerve trigger just beyond. I mashed our knobs a little tighter and rubbed the hood around. "Shit!" I croaked. "I'm gonna cum." My body shook and heaved as I blew my wad. It filled the cap we were sharing and squirted out around the edges, dripping onto the grass below us. Jack started pinching my tits with one hand and tickling my nut bag with the other while I continued to shoot him a skinful. After I was done, he scooped a big glob of cum before it dripped off my dick and licked his finger clean. "You ever eat your own cum?" he asked. I nodded and he scooped up another glob. "You oughta try it," he offered, putting his finger to my lips. I flicked my tongue out and got my first taste of jizz. Even though it was my own, it tasted pretty damned good--salty and bittersweet. "More," I grunted, sucking on his finger again. He scooped up another glob and I cleaned that one up as well. "I know where there's plenty more you might want to go after," he said, looking down between us. My dick was still tucked up inside his hood, showing no signs of going soft in the near future. "Feels like I got me a mouthful packed around the end of my dick. You're welcome to check it out." I nodded eagerly, and slowly pulled back till the connection between us broke. Cream started dripping out the end of his meat like he was shooting his load, but it was my cream. I knew he hadn't cum yet. I hunkered down to the level of his crotch and moved in to striking range. Up close his dick looked even bigger, the veins along the sides of the shaft puffed up full and tight. I grabbed on to it, keeping the skin bunched up over the knob and stuck his dick into my mouth. My tongue was soon covered in my own juice, slipping down my throat as I used my tongue to clean Jack up. After I'd sucked out as much as I could, I dug my tongue up inside and ran right into his sticky knob. I could even feel the gaping piss hole against my tongue as I licked away. I sucked his skin up over my tongue, cleaning up the last traces of my mess. After I had finished with that, I became aware of a new taste filling my mouth. It still tasted like man, but it was Jack's honey that was now slicking my tongue. I glanced up and saw that he had his eyes closed, a big grin splitting his face. Knowing that he was getting off on this inspired me to continue. I finally let got of his dick skin and started to explore the rest of his long pole. His knob was red as a cherry when I finally bared it to the light for the first time. It was all slimy with juice and spit, trailing a steady drool of clear stuff down to the ground. His hood ruffled up behind it like a wrinkled collar. I rubbed my lips all over the spongy mass of tissue, getting a rush every time it swelled up tight from the attention. "Go down on it," Jack directed me, putting his hand against my neck and urging me forward. I opened wide and the first few inches slipped into my mouth. "Oh, man, that feels so good. Suck it, Tom. That's it. Suck it hard as you want. It ain't gonna break. Oh, man, you've got a natural talent there, buddy. That mouth was made to suck dick. Oh yeah!" I did everything I could to please him, repeating any moves that made his dick flex in my mouth. I wanted to swallow him all the way down to the bush, but his meat curved up at the end, and there was no way I could manage it at this angle. So, I contented myself with working what I could get at, watching his nuts slowly draw up into a tight hairy knot, almost totally hidden by his thick, curly bush. "Don't let go, but I'm gonna move," Jack said hoarsely. I kept sucking while he laid down on his side, his head tucked between my legs. He kissed the tip of my prick, then swallowed it all the way, kneading my ass while his hot breath made the downy hairs on my balls stand on end. I noticed right away that from this angle, Jack's dick was curved perfectly to slip down my throat. I rammed forward, but came up quick, gagging and coughing. "Take it easy, dude," he purred, coming up off my dick momentarily. "You want to make love to that big old stiff muscle, not cram your own tonsils down your throat. Go slow and easy and you'll get the hang of it quick." I took his advice and on my third try I slipped to within three inches of his balls. I stayed there for as long as I could, working my lips and my tongue and the muscles in my throat, trying to duplicate what Jack was doing to me. When I pulled off to catch my breath, Jack spread his legs wider and I quickly started making my way back down on him. I came a second time, shortly after Jack started blowing me, but he didn't stop sucking and I was still hard, so I redoubled my efforts, determined to make him join me as soon as possible. Sucking him was an incredible turn-on. His crotch smelled like creek water and sweat and...well, like him, I guess. Whatever, it was a smell I'd never forget as long as I lived. I was sucking like a champ now, bobbing up and down on him, pulling off once in a while so I could nip at his hood. His meat was so stiff that there wasn't much skin to pull any more. The dude must have grown at least an inch since I'd been sucking, because there wasn't enough left over now to cover his own knob, let alone mine. He was starting to whimper softly, leading me to believe that he was just about ready to unleash a flood for me. I redoubled my efforts, jacking him while I sucked, rubbing his belly and tangling my fingers in his bush like he was doing to me. I felt his body spasm and I went nuts, determined to drain his balls totally dry. "I'm gonna blow, buddy," he grunted, his head pressed against my thigh. "Better move your mouth unless you want to eat it." I didn't move my mouth. Instead, I rubbed my tongue against his cum tube as hard and fast as I could. His dick started flexing and I felt the jizz tube swelling against my lips, then the first spicy drops oozed onto my tongue. I smeared them against the roof of my mouth, savoring the taste, then the flood really began. His hips bucked against my face and he started shooting thick, creamy cum down my throat. The heat of his juice started a fire in my gut that quickly spread to my cock and balls, making me shoot it for the third time in less than a half hour. I kept my lips firmly around the spout, careful not to spill even one precious drop of Jack's pungent cream. "Damn, I was wondering if I was still all in one piece," Jack chuckled when I finally let his prong slip out.


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