Gay Erotic Stories

I'm Here To Look

by Eric King
11 Jan 2002

Sex On The Beach

It was quite windy everywhere on the beach. Although the beach had protection from most winds, the nor’easterly was one wind from which no protection could be found. The sun was very hot so the cool breeze was refreshing. I took my position in the middle of the beach beside a lone dune. Although I became a visual target to the surrounding patrons, I could also first see who was coming on the beach. It’s good lying there on a nude beach. There are always heaps of young guys roaming, trying to catch a glimpse of naked people – a sight not so ‘natural’ to some. A watched one guy hit the beach from the rocky headland. He stubbed his toe because he wasn’t watching where he was going. Instead he was watching everything lying on the sand, letting everything hang out. I watched him walk to the end and was now returning. As he neared, I called out to him. “Hey! Come up here!” He looked about as if to say, ‘Are you calling me?’ He walked closer. He looked nice. A strange sight, he was a bit young, a lot younger than the crowd already here, probably around eighteen. “How ya goin’?” I asked to him. “Yeah good!” he replied. I spoke as if I knew him. He was aware of my tone and a bit embarrassed that he didn’t recognize me. “Have a seat!” I said. “Have you come over for a perve?” “Yeah … I thought I’d come over and have a look!” “See anything you like?” “Mmm. Lots!” Our conversation continued for a few minutes before he asked if I knew him. By his answers he gave during our small talk I picked up that he was from my town. “I recognize you from Thorpton. I know you but I can’t remember your name,” I said, lying my arse off. “James,” he said. “That’s right!” I said. “Mine’s Aaron!” “So, James. Do you come here much?” “No, not really. I’ve been here a few times. My family’s over the next beach. We’re having a barbie with the grandparents.” “Right.” I couldn’t help but wonder what his body was like under his clothes. His legs looked nice: long, slender and basically hairless upward from the knees. I had to use my persuasive charm to get him to strip off. “Pretty hot day, isn’t it?’ “Yeah!” he replied, taking his shirt off. His underarms showed a clump of dark hair. His body was hairless right down as low as I could see. Further conversation told me that he was in no hurry to get back to his family. I offered him a towel to lie on if he wanted to sun bake. Reluctantly he accepted. “So do you normally sun-bake here, stripped off?” “No not usually. I have once. But sure as I do my dad would appear and that might be difficult to explain.” “That’s why I pick this spot. I can see everyone coming before they can see who is here. Don’t be bashful. If you want to, it doesn’t worry me.” He looked around and we watched someone arrive. He realized that we had about a minute and a half before they could see us. He stretched out on the towel. I could see him looking at my dick and the rest of my naked body. “At least get out of your shorts. Even your Speedos don’t make it obvious you’re only here for the perve!” He laughed a bit, then said, “I’m not wearing any Speedos. I’ve only got jocks on.” “They’ll do. It just makes it look like you’re not here ONLY to perve.” He acknowledged my suggestion. He undid his buttoned fly then looking about he slinked out of his shorts. I started to get hard. I could see the shape of his cock under his briefs. He had no pubic hair visible, although there was a faint trail of a darkened area towards his bellybutton. It looked like they’d been shaved. How sexy! I thought. “There: doesn’t that feel better?” He nodded his agreement. “How do you lie in the raw without, you know, baring up.” “You get used to it!” I assured him. “I don’t think I could,” he replied. I thought for a while how I was going to reply to this one. I wanted him to think that getting a fat is normal and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. “I get a fat every now and again. If anyone comes I just roll over. See ….the closest person to me here is at least seventy metres. They couldn’t tell if I had one or not!” “Except for me!” he so rightly said. “Yeah but you’re OK. I mean you get one just the same as I do, so that’s OK!” “Yeah, I guess!” He wasn’t convinced. He kept checking his own groin. Between checks he made on who was coming down the hill. I felt the twinge in my groin and knew that I was getting harder. Should I show him or roll over and try to hide it? “See: for no reason at all I’m getting hard!” Both sets of eyes converged on my cock. I could see his dick move a bit which only made mine harder. He was getting hard watching me get hard from watching him get hard, etc. He laughed. “Now I’ve got one too.” “Ooh, it is hard isn’t it?” We were now both staring at James’s. “Imagine if I wasn’t wearing jocks.” Under my breath I was saying, ‘Yeah I could, and wouldn’t it be lovely!’ I decided that now would be a good time to pretend to cover it up. I partially rolled over to my side. I knew from my position he could still see that I was as hard as a rock. He rolled over on his front. He repositioned his dick so that it lay upwards under his body. I immediately changed the topic of conversation to put him at ease. “Did you see that chick up there with the nice tits?” “Where?” “Up there!” I pointed to a woman, aged about 30, lying face up with her boyfriend. She was about 80m away. Her bronzed boobs weren’t saggy but quite upright lying across her chest. Even from this distance I could see that she had enlarged nipples. I recognized her husband lying beside her. It was Terry Hughes. He was a guy that I’d previously sucked off at a previous meeting on this beach some ten years ago. He had a huge cock when he was eighteen. Now, eight years later, he’s older and his dick has just gotten fatter, but still a humongous length. When I first came down he smiled at me. I watched as he rolled over. His mongrel was so fucking hard I wanted to piss the girl off and get friendly with him again. I left him in peace so as not to embarrass him. He kept looking at me and smiling each time. It was unclear if he was showing off that he now had a girl with him or the fact that he had a fat! “Are there any other nice chicks, you know, in the raw?” “I dunno. I haven’t really looked.” I watched his eyes peruse the beach. My eyes perused him. His jocks were just at the top of his cleavage. His arse looked young and slim, like the rest of his body. “How’s ya cock? Has it gone down yet?” He looked over to me almost giving a bad look. “Mine hasn’t,” I added. I rolled half over to him to show him that I still had a king-size boner. He partially rolled over. I could see the cloth of his jocks tented. It looked enticing and I hadn’t even seen it in it the flesh. “Um, no!” he said, rolling back over and burying it under his body. He looked around and checked the track again. “What’s the best part of this beach, James? Like what do you like most?’ “Seeing the chicks in the nude,” he said without thinking about it for more than one second. “Is it really?” “Yeah … why? What do like best?” “Being naked. Lying here without clothes confining you. Having a swim and feeling the exhilaration of your cock as you catch a wave.” “Can’t say I’ve ever felt that!” he said as if he was having a go at me. “You wanna try it?” James was unmoved, either way. “C’mon. Leave your jocks here so they’re dry when you come out!” I got up ready to go. James did a half push-up and then quickly lay back down again. “I can’t go just yet!” he said smiling. “Why not?” “I’ve still got a woody!” he said. I squatted back down. “Show me! Like is it real obvious?” He half rolled over. His cock was that hard he could’ve used it as a butcher’s meat-cleaver. “Ooh that’s all right. As soon as you hit the water that’ll go down.” “But what about getting to the water?” “Who’s going to see? No one’s looking!” He looked around and realized that no one was looking at him at all. He looked at me wondering whether or not I was right. Suddenly he rolled over and stripped off, revealing his stiff cock and minimal pubes and his tiny ball-sac. He checked the track and then stood, his little white cheeks looking a picture. His cock was about 5½ inches long, cut, and pointing straight up. We both ran to the water and dived in getting our erections under the water level. “There now! Did anyone see?” “I guess not!” he said. “Are you still hard?” “Yep. Rock hard!” “So am I. It must be you!” He looked at me with a bewildered face. “Usually the cold water takes away my fat, but I’ve still got it so it must be you!” I looked over at him. We were in about three-foot of water. A bit of high jinx was in order so I tackled him softly before disappearing under a wave of white water. As I surfaced I saw that he was laughing. “You’re it!” I shouted to him. He dived toward me but I wasn’t giving in that easy. I moved. James had to surface for air before going back down again. This time he had to look where I was to come over to me. I made sure he could see all of me. My cock was pointing straight out. I could see him approach. He remained in front of me for a few seconds, wondering if he should attack me with my seven inches of hard meat pointing directly at him. “You’ve got a stiff dick there!” he said, like he made a discovery. “And I suppose you haven’t?” He stood, felt himself, then smiled. All I wanted him to do was grab me; to get into a wrestle so we could grab each other’s cock, hoping that that would lead to some serious feeling stuff, but he hung back at the last moment. Again I had to take the lead. I dived at him. I could see his hard-on that I wanted so much. I grabbed hold. I had a few options available but I hoped he would take hold of me. Thankfully he did. I kept the pretence that I was wrestling with him. I felt him all over: his shaft, head, balls, butt and his pubes. Eventually he started to milk my cock. We slowed our wrestle down to seriously rubbing each other’s bodies. “I’ve still got to feel that exhilaration thing as you catch a wave!” James said. I didn’t want to let go of his stiff cock. I’d worked too hard to get to that position and now we were standing beside each other feeling cocks I was very loathsome to let his go. “C’mon! Let’s get a wave!” James was excited at the prospect of trying something new. Watching his aquatic antics I knew he wasn’t much of a surfer. I led him over to the wave-forming zone and instructed him what to do. I nearly had to push him onto a small wave but he caught it. I watched him shoot the wave to shore before he turned and ran, dived and swam back out to me. “That was great!” He was excited. “Ya dick sort of gyrates as ya go!” He came back to me, right up to me and slipped his arm back around my waist and the other onto my cock. I did likewise to him. “You beauty. He’s mine!” I thought. “This is so nice. I could stay here forever!” James said, in a dream world of his own. His cock hadn’t died, nor his exploring hand over my groin. I continued rubbing his stiff cock. Being the taller, I stood touching the bottom. James was supported in my arms. I turned him to face me. I brought him in to my face and kissed him. At no stage did he attempt to pull away, but accepted my tongue into his mouth. Soon we were both acting as one out beyond the break. We swam back to the wave zone to crack another. I was now confident I could get James to do whatever I wanted. It took over half an hour to tune him, but now I was pretty sure I could have him in or out of the water. We caught two waves together before deciding we were sufficiently waterlogged and to return to the beach. Only one thing prevented us from going directly to the beach position: our cocks were still erect. I didn’t care. I knew the gay population on the beach wouldn’t embarrass me. James didn’t feel as confident. We came in about 100m down the beach away from anyone before making a beeline for our gear. As soon as we arrived James started to put his jocks back on. “Don’t put them on!” I said. “I want to perve on you some more, au naturale!” He put down his clothes and lay on the towel, face down. I dried myself with the other towel before spreading it out on the sand this time, much closer to James. I took position on my side. The water droplets had formed through my pubes. “Roll over!” I said to him, pushing his hip. As he rolled I saw his erect cock poking upwards. I reached forward and took it in my fingers. James checked about again, his fears returning of someone seeing. “Do you want to come up to the dunes?” I said using my best seductive voice. “What for?” he innocently asked. “So we can finish off what we started.” He looked towards the dunes. “Is it safe up there?” “Yeah, hardly anyone goes up there,” I said, lying my arse off: it’s the biggest beat on the coast. The gays use it openly for sex. If you want a pick-up, that’s where you go. If you want somewhere for sex, that’s where you go. There are that many tracks and they are all well worn. James felt my dry hard-on as I rubbed his. “What do you want to do?” I didn’t want to patronize him so I told him straight out. “I want to suck you and kiss you. I want you to cum in my mouth and I want to feel you all over,” I felt his cock flex and I spoke. “OK!” he said, “Grab your towel and wrap it around you!” I said, doing the same. We headed to the back of the beach. We passed by Terry and his girl. He looked up at me and smiled. James was staring at her cunt as we went by. Over one dune and we were soon out of sight from the beach. I dropped my towel and pulled James into me before taking him by the neck and purging my lips over his. I felt his erect cock push between my legs as I tongued his mouth. My hand reached around him and squeezed his arse cheeks before kneeling and taking his cock into my mouth. James forcefully pushed his hips forward, forcing more cock down my mouth. I licked his tool and his balls. He had no hair on his balls and they were a joy to taste. The salt from the water was prevalent all over his smooth skin. He stood there as I continued licking him, occasionally going back to his cock, keeping it well lubricated with my saliva. He came close to blowing once or twice but I slowed down my concentration on his cock, ensuring that when he did blow, he’ll certainly cum in bucket-loads. “Ooh, that feels so nice!” he said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I came up for air kissing his chest and neck continuing to grope his groin. “When I woke up this morning I didn’t think I’d be doing this,” he added. “What were you expecting?” “The usual. I’d do some perving then I’d probably end up having a wank behind a tree somewhere. Usually my perving is on chicks.” “Are you complaining?” I said to him. “No way. This is heavenly!” “Have you ever done this before?” “What do you mean?” “Like, getting sucked by a guy?” The conversation was limited to one-liners – question and answers and nothing more. I was getting hornier, sensing a fuck was evident. “Me and m’ brothers do it sometimes.” “How old’s y’ brothers?” “One’s two years older and the other’s two years younger.” “And you do it with both?” “Yeah. Not at the same time though!” “Mmm. What are their cocks like? Are they as big as yours?” “No.” he said proudly. “I’ve got the biggest in the family!” “What else do you do?” “Oh, you know. This and that!” “Yeah, do you fuck?” “I haven’t with my brothers but I have with my cousin!” “Gee. You keep it in the family, don’t you? Do you want a fuck?” “You mean me fuck you?” “Whatever,” I replied. “Not here though. We’ll have to go deeper in the bushes!” “Let’s go!” I said. James’s cock instantly got harder. It wasn’t a huge cock so I had no thoughts about not being able to take him. We got to a clearing in a disused track. He really started to come on being most sexual and loving. He started fingering me, making sure I was moist down there. He plied heaps of spit into my hole. “Why don’t you put your tongue up there first?” I was sure he wouldn’t, but I threw it in on the off chance he just might. He bent me over a tree stump before spreading my cheeks and really gave me a good rimming. Then he took aim and slipped his cock inside me. I hadn’t been fucked for a while and even with James’s slender youthful cock, I certainly felt him driving. He bucked and fucked for what seemed like eternity. I closed my arse muscles over his cock and squeezed tightly. James let out a loud moan. By the pulsation of his cock I knew he was about to cum. He asked if I wanted him to cum inside me. I’ve known that warm feeling and being so horny I wanted him to blow his cum up to my gizzards. As he withdrew, it sounded like a rod withdrawing with suction. We both giggled at the noise he made. I stood up and saw the look of relief across James’s face. His cock had begun to recede even though he was still stroking it, trying to milk the last drop of cum from the slit. I was still toey and right now not sure how I was going to relieve myself. I thought James would leave since he’d dropped his load. James was wiping his cock with the towel when we heard a twig crack. We froze and looked around. There was a guy walking towards us but it looked like he hadn’t seen us. I couldn’t see his face but he had a weapon bouncing semi-erect between his legs. “Shit!” the guy cried as he came around a tree and nearly walked into us. “You scared the life out of me!” It was Terry. We exchanged greetings. James was a bit embarrassed as he was still wiping some brown blobs mixed with cum from the eye of his cock. “I can’t guess what you guys have been doing?” he laughed. “Brings back memories, does it Terry?” I said. “Mmm. Good memories,” he said. “Who’s the girl?” “My wife.” Terry looked at James. “Nice cock!” he said. “Great to see you still like ‘em young, Aaron!” He made a grab for James’s cock. James stood there allowing him a feel. “You’re a fraction late, Terry!” I said quite proudly. “Have you guys already blown?” “James has!” “And you?” “No!” I leaned forward and started feeling his cock, which was hard by this point. He had a big cock. I could easily remember that. “Don’t s’pose one of you would like a fuck?” James looked at me, quickly nodding his head, indicating to me to go for it. “Haven’t been fucked for so long, I can hardly remember what it’s like!” he said taking my stiff cock with his other hand. “Bend over Terry!” I said to him. James was at the front of him and Terry kept playing with his cock, which was hardening with each feel. As I lubed my own cock and Terry’s bum, Terry started sucking on James’s rod, which had risen from its dying position. Terry was moaning with delight as he wrapped his tongue around the youthful shaft. I got my cock-head in his tight arse and pushed hard. Terry squealed but bit on his own biceps to muffle his noise. I could remember that Terry liked it hard and fast so I tried to accommodate him. Before he had a chance to complain I was all the way inside of him, humping with gay abandon. James leaned over to kiss me but I wanted to buck into Terry’s arse. “Suck his cock!” I said to James. Quickly James knelt and sucked on Terry’s huge lump of stiffened meat. It was a bit of mayhem down there; they both wanted to suck each other. I didn’t mind. I just wanted to fuck and drop my load. Without asking if he wanted my load inside him I blew a much-needed cannon of jism up his arse. Just as well, too because Terry dropped a load just as quick. He always was a quick blower! “I’ve gotta run! The wife‘ll want to know where I’ve been. See you, guys. Thanks!” As quickly as he came, he left. “Did you suck his cock?” I asked James. “Only for a minute. He wanted to suck me! Isn’t his cock huge!” “I thought you’d like it!” “Do you know him?” “We used to muck about a bit when he was at school. Haven’t seen him for years!” “What about his wife?” “Obviously he still likes getting fucked.” James laid his towel out and we shared it on the sand. He was interested about Terry and me. “To think … he was doing his Leaving Certificate at the time. I can’t remember how many times we fucked the day before he had exams. Then he ended up becoming Dux of his school. Had a score of 99.6%,” I said reminiscing about the past. “Maybe I should see you before my exams.” “What have you got exams for?” “My Leaving Certificate. It starts in three weeks!”


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I'm Here To Look

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