Gay Erotic Stories

In love With A Farmboy...

by Jon
24 Feb 1999

Sex On The Ranch

It was the Fall of my 20th year. I was living with my friend Tim in a farmhouse which used to be occupied by his Grandmother. The Grandmother had recently passed away and Tim’s parents allowed us to live there until the estate was settled. My friend Tim and I were close, but there was no romantic interest. Actually, Tim had no idea that men even interested me. I was in the closet. Another thing Tim didn’t know was that I was becoming interested in his little brother Jeff. At the time, Jeff was 18 and was nearing his prime. Jeff was about 5’11 and was slender. He had beautiful dishwater blonde hair and was trying his best to grow a goatee. His slender build made the essence of manhood apparent in the faded & torn blue jeans he always wore. The farm was a fully operational family owned business. My friend Tim worked full time on the farm. I helped out as much as I could when I wasn’t working my other job The farmhouse we stayed at was nestled in the midst of 800 acres of tillable farmland. At this time of year, the place was magical. It was Autumn and in the midst of prime harvest season. On this particular Thursday, Tim, Jeff and I were all working late. We were hauling grain out of the fields. Their father was running the huge John Deere combine which was harvesting corn. We were returning from one of many trips to the local grain storage facility. We were in a huge diesel grain truck and could tell from the looks of things, that we had arrived just in time. We approached loading position in the grain truck, the combine neared us in an enormous cloud of dust and noise. We would wait as it unloaded a full load of grain, and then it was off to the grain storage company again. Tim drove the truck, which left Jeff and I free to laugh and cut up. The cab was very small so we were packed in like sardines. Jeff sat in the middle trying to keep out of the way of the gearshift lever. I was not thinking about anything except being so near to Jeff. I could feel his warmth radiating through his flannel shirt into me. We were so close to each other that it felt like being in his arms. Occasionally, I would let my arm rest on his leg. Every part of Jeff’s body appeared erotic to me. I was completely under his spell. When I was not near Jeff, thoughts of him consumed my mind. When I was near Jeff, I felt more fulfilled and satisfied than I had ever felt in my life. This was the last load of the evening and I knew we would be returning to the farmhouse soon. I had been wondering whether Jeff had planned on staying the night with us on this particular night. I needed him so badly that I prayed to God that he would. You see, when Jeff stayed the night at the farmhouse, he slept in my room. There was a queen sized bed which we were forced to share. You see, Jeff and I had slept in this bed together on several other occasions, but he had no idea that inside, I was yearning for him. He had no idea that I wanted more than just a friendship. I laid awake on those nights watching him for hours, memorizing every detail of his sweet lips, taking in the essence of his breath, and on occasion feeling the warmth of his strong hairy legs when he would roll over. As we pulled into the lane and approached the barn, Jeff spoke up, “Do you guys mind if I stay the night here tonight since it’s already so late? I don’t feel like driving home tonight.” “Jeff, you don’t even need to ask. Whenever you need to stay here, It’s all right with Jon and I”, Tim added. I was immediately filled with thoughts of elation. Jeff would be sleeping in my bed with me tonight! We parked the grain truck and locked up the barn before returning to the farmhouse. Tim grabbed the key from above the door and unlocked it. We were all eager to get in, me for my own unique reasons Tim threw some burgers on while Jeff and I would get in line for the shower. Jeff told me to go first since I already was half way outta my clothes as I neared the top of the stairs. The hot shower felt so good after a hard day’s work. As the water cascaded down my back, it sent chills down my spine. Thoughts of Jeff soon filled my head again. As I caressed my chest with the soapy lather, I imagined Jeff standing there in the shower with me. I thought about how I would kiss and caress his wet body. I saw my hands gently exploring every ripple of flesh on his stomach. I imagined him holding me in his arms. My thoughts suddenly turned to the events which were yet in store for the evening. Suddenly I saw the bedroom, and the bed we would soon be crawling into. I saw Jeff standing there in his white briefs. I saw his muscular legs and the sparse bit of hair which was beginning to grow on his chest and down under his belly button. I saw the familiar shape of his manhood which seemed to crowd the confines of his briefs. And continuing downward, were his muscular thighs which were covered by thick black hair. These images of his physique leaving no question in my mind that he was 100 percent MAN. I only prayed that this dream might somehow become a reality. I finished my shower and headed back downstairs to eat a quick supper. Tim was finishing up with the burgers. I got the drinks and set the table when Jeff entered the room with a wet head. He spent all of 5 minutes in the shower. Somehow, this and every other one of Jeff’s quirky habits took on immense erotic meaning for me. Jeff sat down across from me and began to eat his dinner. He had no shirt on which of course made it even more difficult for me to carry on standard dinner conversation In no time, we were finished and had the dinner dishes stashed away in the dishwasher. Tim said goodnight and headed up the stairs to bed. I was right behind him. Jeff said that he had to brush his teeth and would be up in a minute. I proceeded up the stairs and into the bedroom and slipped out of my shorts. This particular night, I was hornier than I had ever been before. It had been nearly a week since Jeff had spent the night. In that week I had time to come to the realization that Jeff was in fact, the object of my passion and desire. I had strong feelings for Jeff all along, but it was now clear to me that I would stop at nothing to be with him. I had done nothing but think of Jeff all week. I had longed for him each night as I crawled into bed alone. I had fantasized that it was his own right hand providing me pleasure under the covers. But, in minutes he would be walking into my room in the flesh. I would bear witness to him unzipping his blue jeans and letting them fall to his ankles. It would be me that would see him casually rubbing his balls through the soft, white cotton that contained his manly jewels. I was now laying in bed trying to appear tired when in fact, I was like a race horse at the starting gate. Jeff walked into the room and saw me already in bed. He whispered, “Are you asleep”? I opened my eyes and answered “No, won’t be long though”. He replied, “Ya, I know what you mean, I’m beat!”. In no time he had undressed down to his underwear and was flipping off the light switch. This was the routine which I had come to know from the several other nights that Jeff had spent the night in my room.. There was only one thing different about this night in particular. Jeff was approaching the bed when I saw him stop and turn to walk back toward the door. For some reason, he chose to slowly close the door. We always slept in the room with the door open, so I wondered why tonight would be different. Jeff crawled into bed and tugged at the covers to bring them up to his chin. He paused for a moment and then I knew something mischievous was brewing. I saw a grin on his cute little face appear just as he quickly looked my way. Next, he moved his COLD feet up to try to rest them on my thigh. He giggled as he knew this would provoke me. Now it was time for the ritual “bed wrestling” session. Every time Jeff spent the night, he always loved to innocently provoke me. Tim, Jeff, and I were used to wrestling around and providing each other a lot of “friendly” physical contact. It didn’t take long before I proceeded to reach over and placed my left hand around Jeff’s neck to pull him my way. Next, I pulled his head down to give him a noogie with my knuckle. He was giggling uncontrollably now. I continued to wrestle with him and savored every bit of his touch. I wrapped both of my arms around his chest and managed him into a body-lock. Then I said, “So, you think you can get out of this one aaaay?” Jeff now breathing heavily and laughing uncontrollably, tried to fidget his way out of my hold on him. I could feel my heart beating wildly as our bodies laid against one another. My own manhood was now becoming inspired. Jeff got an even bigger grin on his face when he remembered his trick from last time, that released him from my hold. He managed to free one of his hands and grabbed my balls. He then screamed “So are you going to let go now??? ARE YOU GOING TO LET GO?” I replied, “Ok, you got me”, and then released him. But as quickly as Jeff realized he was free, I now had a perfect excuse to get a handful of his crotch. I reached under the covers and quickly grabbed Jeff’s dick as he simultaneously uttered a giggle and scream. His hand immediately seized my hand but I squeezed his dick even tighter through his underwear, so he knew I had him. As far as Jeff knew, this “dick grabbing” was purely innocent. By this time, we could hear Tim from the next room telling us to “Shut up and go to sleep!” I released Jeff, used my whole palm to lovingly pat his chest, and then rolled over to sleep I laid awake still not believing that this man was laying next to me. My right arm was touching his as we lay on our backs. Jeff had no idea of the thoughts that consumed my mind. His contact with me had been totally innocent. I so wanted him to know that I lived for his touch. I wanted to keep scooting closer and closer to him but knew that it would take him a while to fall asleep. The sound of his breathing became so intimate to me. I savored the sound of his breathing. I usually leaned over him when he was asleep to let him breath in my face. I loved to take in the smell of his sweet breath. Every minute detail of Jeff’s being appealed to me. It had been nearly an hour since Jeff closed his eyes. He had stirred several times. I had now strategically positioned myself so that as I laid on my stomach, my left arm was gently resting between his chest and forearm. Suddenly, Jeff was stirring and was now rolling over towards me. He rolled to his left and ended up rolling directly onto me. I was now on my back and Jeff’s face was within inches of mine. He was breathing directly on my mouth. It was obvious that he was in a deep slumber. He was now laying on his stomach for all intents, but was half on top of me. I was suddenly in a dead still. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Was I dreaming or could I really be in Jeff’s masculine embrace? I let his head rest against my forehead and let our breathing rhythms become in sync as I let his exhale become my inhale. I became aware of Jeff’s abdomen resting above my right hand. When I moved my hand, I quickly figured out that by moving my fingers only inches, I could feel the bulge in his soft white cotton briefs. I decided to slowly move in, while paying attention not to awaken him. As my thumb and forefinger met the soft fabric of his briefs, I became aware of a warmth radiating from within them. My heart was now racing for I knew what appendage was giving off the heat. My fingers were now shaking and my blood was pumping furiously through my veins. I could feel an ascent taking place within my own briefs. I was scared that I would awaken Jeff by touching him in this place. I proceeded ever so slowly into this new realm of heightened pleasure. I now had Jeff’s manhood in the soft grasp of my thumb, index and third fingers. It felt soft. It felt large. I gently squeezed the soft flesh as my heart nearly jolted out of my chest. I was experiencing a feeling so wonderful, and so pleasurable that I now knew exactly who I was. I was gay and proud and wanted this man more than ever. I never had an experience with a man before. I had dreamed about men for several years and remembered being so excited when I saw naked men in the showers at the gym. I longed to be with a man of my own, and to explore his body with my hands and mouth. As if my prayers had been answered, I was now living the beginnings of my fantasy. What’s better, is that I could explore the body of the man I was in love with. I continued massaging Jeff in that special place, and realized after about 10 minutes that I needed more. It was difficult to maneuver since Jeff was half laying on me. I wanted to feel and experience the flesh inside his briefs so badly. I wanted all of it to savor. I slowly managed to free my left hand and moved it into position. I had to work ever so slowly because I was afraid that Jeff may awaken and catch me touching him. I inserted my index finger under the waistband of his briefs, and pulled out and down. There was now enough room for me to use my right hand to explore. Slowly, I began to touch Jeff. I had it in my fingers and squeezed it gently. I then moved my hand underneath to feel something very soft and warm containing two massive lumps, his balls. His ballsack was loose allowing his balls to roll around freely. I could also feel the thick black curly hair which provided a nest for this manly treasure. I was trying not to shake but I was more excited than I had ever been about anything in my life. My hands were quivering. My heart was beating almost out of my chest, and I was breathing heavily. I desperately wanted to kiss the man that laid by my side. I continued to massage Jeff in this special way until he stirred once again. I quickly stopped and put my hand back at my side. Jeff rolled over on his back. I thought I was truly in heaven at this moment, but I was wrong. Heaven got even better! The events that unfolded next simply were, a dream come true…. As I laid there in a state of elation waiting for a few moments to pass. I noticed that Jeff was moving a bit under the covers. After reaching down as if to scratch his legs, his movement stopped and he seemed to drift back to sleep. I waited for probably another 5 minutes which was like an eternity. Next I proceeded again to slowly move my hands under the covers. I noticed that I was too far toward the head of the bed to access Jeff’s pelvic region. I scooted down in the bed a bit and then proceeded to pull the bed spread down a bit. As I laid on my side, I moved under the covers and moved my left hand toward the place where I expected to find the waistband of Jeff’s underwear. I found it strange that I didn’t find the waistband. I moved my hand down a bit further thinking that maybe I was up too far. To my astonishment, my hand was entering a thick nest of black pubic hair. He no longer had any underwear on! That stirring under the covers had actually been him taking his underwear off! I now knew that Jeff understood what I wanted from him, and he was now offering it to me! I continued to move my hand lower to where I would expect to find that large but soft piece of flesh that I had only minutes ago had the pleasure of meeting. Instead my hand bumped into a very large, hard, moist appendage. I soon found that it was indeed an appendage. It was a mouthwatering and manly appendage. I pulled the covers down so that I could see it for myself in the moonlight coming in the window. There before my eyes was one of the most beautiful of God’s creations. As I touched it, it seemed to throb. Each time I squeezed it and released it, I could feel it tense up and release. I knew that Jeff was awake and was enjoying every minute of it. I no longer worried about waking Jeff up. I was now out of control. I moved my body directly over Jeff’s abdomen and leaned down. I took his penis in my right hand and slowly lowered my face toward it. I had the head in my hand and looked at it for a moment. I moved my grip on it up and down as I studied it. I felt the hard flesh gliding up and down under the skin which moved with my grasp . I could now see some clear liquid seeping out of the head. I wanted everything that it could offer me. I wanted to taste it. I nestled my face in his crotch allowing his penis to rest upon my cheek. I nestled my nose in his pubic hair almost as if I couldn’t get close enough. I licked his balls and continued up to the head of his penis. Now, I simply couldn’t take it any more. I wanted it all in my mouth. I made a mental note marking this moment in time as the first time I would make love to a man. This was the first time I would hold a man’s erect penis in my hands. So I took his penis into my mouth, first meeting it with my tongue. As I swirled my tongue around the head I allowed it to go in my mouth even further. I tasted a slight but savory saline goodness. I now had my lips firmly over the head and holding on tight. I formed a vacuum around his penis and sucked it in even further. Just then I heard a groan coming from Jeff and I felt his hands upon my back and shoulders. Now, I thought to myself, I must be in heaven. I withdrew from Jeff’s penis as his hands pulled me toward him. As I turned around and let his strong arms welcome me. He had my head in his hands as he pulled me toward his lips. Suddenly we were in the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. I wanted his lips, his tongue, and his saliva. I never wanted anything more than I wanted this man at this moment. Our tongues were thrust in the other’s mouths. I held Jeff’s head in my hands as I made love to his sweet face. We were like one, being as we rolled from one side of the bed to the other. Every few moments we would stop just so that we could look at one another. We stared into each other’s eyes and communicated more meaning than could ever be expressed in words. He moved his hands toward my face and slowly touched my face and my forehead. He moved his fingers over my lips and down to my goatee. He again moved in to take my lips in his. I now wanted to please this man in the most special way. I moved back down Jeff’s chest, savoring each ripple of flesh as I went. I licked his firm chest, and stomach, and continued down to his still erect penis. I quickly fell into a sucking and stroking rhythm which was obviously pleasing Jeff according to his breathing and moaning. After a couple of minutes Jeff was thrusting his abdomen up on each of my down strokes. His body was becoming tense and his moans became louder. I knew that if Tim were awake, he would be able to hear Jeff at this point. Somehow it didn’t matter though, and I’m sure Jeff felt the same way. I just kept up with the up and down rhythm which was sure to take Jeff to oblivion within moments. Within 10 seconds Jeff was yelling “I’m gonna cum,,,,, I’M FUCKINIG GOING TO CUM NOW JOHN!!!” Stay tuned for Part-II


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