Gay Erotic Stories

Jacks Are Wild!

by Roof Raiser
17 Dec 2001


EIGHTEEN--nine little letters that were to shape my future. I was certainly not a kid anymore, but not yet a man. I was well on my way to manhood with my body changing in delightful ways. Hair in the pits, the beginnings of a beard and the deepening of my voice all were adding to my physical appearance and what I would look like as a grown man. I have to admit that I was shaping up quite nicely! One of the changes that fascinated me the most was the transformation of my puny, adolescent pecker. It was definitely changing! Dark curly pubic hairs grew at the base of my growing cock and covered my balls with a furry fuzz. And the erections! They were out of control as hormones raged throughout me, the boners growing bigger by the week. I hadn't measured my growth for fear that it would disappoint me. It certainly looked big. I could wrap one fist around its base and almost fit the other on top of that, like choking up on a baseball bat. No big deal if you have little hands, but my hands (and my size 14 feet) were by no means puny! Other things were happening too. 'Kiddy fat' was turning into 'Man Muscle”. I wasn't tall --about 5' 6". While my body might not be growing upward, it was definitely growing outward. I guess I was becoming what you would call 'stocky'. My shoulders became broad and my thighs and calves were becoming massive. I had not an ounce of fat on my body. As an adolescent, exercise kept me lean and healthy. Now exercise made my muscles grow and ripple. Just looking at myself in the mirror made me horny! Emotionally I was an absolute wreck. Society was telling me what I should and shouldn't like or desire. But my mind and body wouldn’t conform. Society whispered, "Get the girl" buy my inner voice shouted, "I WANT MEN!" Not guys my own age, but full-grown, testosterone dripping, hot masculine men! I'd have wonderful graphic dreams about being with a real man and wake up shouting and crying out in desire. Unfortunately the whole house could hear me, and my parents became worried, thinking I was actually having nightmares. Mom carted my off to our local Doc who prescribed strong sleeping pills that knocked me out completely. They didn't stop my dreams though. They were even more graphic and sexual. I just didn't cry out anymore! I was also impossible to wake up. My Dad would actually have to pull me up into a sitting position in bed and shake my shoulders roughly. I always woke up with a smile! It was summer and it had been arranged for me to work at my uncle’s wilderness explorer business up in Canada. The camp was so remote that the only way to get there was to fly in on a small Cessna equipped with pontoons. My Aunt and Uncle lived in the main cabin while I slept in the "bunk house" where the guests slept. It was my job to be on hand for them with whatever they might need during their visit. The maximum we could accommodate was 6 paying guests. They would come 'up north' either for the fishing or the hunting. We rarely had women. Most were men looking for adventure and a much needed rest. Most were also just too damned hot and sexy! Show me a man dressed in 'cammo' with a 3-day beard and carrying a shotgun and I'll show you an eighteen year old with a 'cocked pistol' in his pants! I was going insane with pent-up sexual desire. I couldn't fathom actually doing anything with them: the risk was too great, but I just had to find a way! We were mid-way through the season when a 3-man group flew in for a 4-day stay. They had booked all 6 spaces so that they could have the place to themselves. It would be the 3 of them and me in the bunkhouse. As they clamored out of the plane and jumped for the dock, my heart also jumped. These were 3 of the most handsome, husky, hunky men that I'd ever seen. As I shook their hands and welcomed them to camp, I noted the size of their hands and the firmness of their grip. These were 3 aggressive, masculine guys who reeked of testosterone and walked with slight swaggers, as if trying to accommodate their manhood swinging between their legs. Wow! I got them settled in the bunkhouse and showed them around. They immediately welcomed me into their group and I felt completely at ease with them. (I had to un-tuck my shirt so that it concealed my hard-on). I wanted these guys--all 3 of them--and I had to think of a way to get them. Later in the evening, after dinner, they sat up late playing cards and drinking. As the drinks flowed, so did their testosterone. At about midnight they started playing strip poker and needed a '4th' to play the game. Underwear was set as the limit. Five card draw-Jacks were wild. There would be no cocks to be seen tonight, much to my disappointment. As the hands of poker progressed, we each lost one form of clothing or another. I nearly creamed my jeans as each of their T-shirts came off. Hard, muscled, hairy torso's sat across from me at the table. Large, dark nipples poking through forests of blond, brown and jet black hair. They all had chiseled pecs and washboard abs that I would love to be able to do my laundry on. We were all down to just our pants. I drew 3 jacks (an omen! That's what I'll call them from now on. Jack #1,2, & 3!). I had the winning hand! The 3 Jacks each stood up and slowly undid their belt buckles. They popped the top buttons of their jeans and as if in slow motion and then, in unison, began to slowly run their zippers down. Zippers down, they grabbed the flaps and spread the front of their jeans wide open. Two wore white jockeys and one just a jock strap. As they stood there they swayed a little, the whiskey having its effect on them. As if on cue, each hooked their thumbs into their waistband and peeled their jeans off. Jack #1 in his drunkenness had snagged his jockeys and brought them part way down exposing just the base of a meaty cock and a jungle of jet-black hair. His jeans kept falling as he tugged his jockeys back up. All 3 stood before me, their pants at their ankles. Jack #2's white jockeys were stretched out at his thighs and one large hairy nut poked out at me. The bulge in his underwear was large but not defined. Jack #3, the blond one, stood in his jock strap, hands on his hips. The strap barely contained the raging erection straining to get out. I tried not to gape at the sight before me. They seemed oblivious to me and to each other. Each poked at their baskets, scratching an itch or re-arranging their meat. Just then the lights went out. I'd forgotten that the generator was on a time clock and had shut down automatically at 1:00AM. So much for living in the wilderness! One of them stated the obvious: "Time for bed." We all shuffled about in the darkness bumping into each other as we searched for our beds. Each time I bumped into one of them, it was head-on, chest-to-chest, cock-to-cock. Mumbled apologies. Finally we were all in our beds; the only sounds were exaggerated yawns, beer farts and fingers scratching at hairy crotches. Within minutes they were all snoring, sound asleep. I reached for my bottle of sleeping pills in the darkness at took one dry without water. I didn't want to wake these macho gods up in the morning with my squeals of sexual delight as I dreamed. I fell asleep holding my raging cock with both hands. The alarm went off at 7:00AM, the agreed time that they all wanted to get up to get an early start at a day of fishing. I shut the alarm off a made a beeline for the bathroom, hoping to hide my morning hard-on. As I relieved myself, there was a banging on the door: deep, husky voices pleading with me to hurry up. My erection now gone, I opened the door to 3 disheveled hunks, each clutching their baskets trying to pinch the flow of urine from their bursting bladders. I was pushed out of the way as all three headed for the toilet. They stood circling the toilet, their backs toward me, denying me a peek. They were dying to piss but their hard-ons made it impossible. There was no apparent modesty. They were all men and had apparently seen each other’s equipment before. Each one was finally able to start a hot, steamy stream aimed at (or at least toward) the puddle of water in the toilet bowl. 3 streams of hot piss hitting the water sounding like a boiling waterfall to my ears. The sight of the 3 as they stood at toilet was almost comical. 3 pairs of hairy thighs touched as they stood together. One ass cheek was hanging out of its holster, blond, furry and firm. Blond, brown and jet black hair stuck out in every direction from their heads. A chorus of sighs signaled their relief as their bladders emptied. I quickly stepped out of the bathroom just as they were finishing. I didn't want to get caught being a voyeur. After breakfast I led them to the trout stream about a mile from camp. My Uncle was the hunting guide while I handled the fishing part of the business. The 3 Jacks fished to their hearts content. Jacks #1 & 2 seemed to be pros at fly-fishing, but blond Jack #3 was a total klutz. He sure looked like a pro though. He wore a red plaid flannel shirt, and tan hip waders. His mop of blond curly hair spilling over his shirt collar in the back and a matt of curly blond chest hair sprouting out above the neck of his white T-shirt in the front. His shirtsleeves were rolled up to reveal massive forearms covered with fine blond hairs. The fishing rod looked tiny in his large hands as he whipped the rod back and forth. The hook would never go where he wanted. He'd hook leafs in the trees, grass from the banks and once even his own ear. But he never did get a hook into a trout. He gave up in disgust and was wading back to where I was sitting on the riverbank. His foot slipped off a boulder and he fell forward, dropping to his knees and letting the water into his hip waders. He successfully managed to keep his rod (fishing rod!) out of the water, but he was soaked from the waist down. Every obscenity imaginable escaped his lips as he made his way towards me. I built a fire to dry his clothes out as he struggled to get the waders off. After freeing his legs from them he tipped them upside down to pour the water out. Believe it or not one beauty of a trout flopped out on the ground. He dove for it and caught it in his big hands before it could hit the water. Applause and hoots of laughter sounded through the woods as he claimed his right to having caught the biggest fish so far. He had the biggest grin plastered across his face as he brought the fish over for me to put in the bait box. I shook his hand as I congratulated him. The others went back to fishing as Blond Jack started to strip out of his wet clothes. His shirt and T-shirt were dry, but his pants, jockeys and socks were soaked. He peeled of his pants and socks, but left on his wet underwear. I hung the clothes over the fire to dry as he sat on a rock, his legs straddling the fire. His feet were huge and wide with fine blond hair at each knuckle of his toes. I sat on the bait box across from him. It was a warm summer day but in the shade it was a bit chilly, especially if you were wet. The water clung to the coarse blond hairs on his legs, turning them a dark brown, and matted against his skin. The hair became thicker as it approached his crotch, eventually becoming pubic hair that poked out from his wet jockeys. The fire was quickly drying his legs, but the wet jockeys would never dry unless he took them off and hung them over the fire. I was just about to suggest so when he stood up and stripped them off, tossing them on a stick over the fire. He sat back down on the rock with legs spread wide, exposing his nuts to the fire and everything to me. The cold water had shriveled his cock and balls down to their smallest, which was far from small. As the warmth of the fire warmed him, his balls began to loosen and drop and his short, fat cock began to lengthen. The short, fat cock was now a very long fat cock that bobbed between his legs atop 2 very admirable balls. He was still soft but was at least 6" long! I somehow managed to carry on a conversation with him while appearing not to gawk. He seemed perfectly comfortable with his nakedness, but I was extremely uncomfortable! My cock was straining as I held my legs together with my elbows over my knees to hide my erection! His clothes were soon dry and he turned his back to me as he put them on. His ass was superb! I had never dreamed a man’s ass could be so arousing! Later in the day we returned to base camp. The guys were all tired and wanted to take a nap before dinner. Fine with me--I was tired too. As I lay in my bunk it came to me. The sleeping pills that I had brought with me knocked me out cold, but still left me with a very active dream ability. What if I gave it to them? How would I manage to do it? After dinner my Uncle offered ‘The Jacks’ a drink, but they all refused, saying that they were going to lay off the liquor for tonight. They gladly accepted coffee though and drank pot after pot as we all talked. At 11:00PM they begged off the coffee and we went back to the bunkhouse. The guys were to go hunting with my uncle the next day and wanted to get good nights sleep. We all said our goodnights and hit the bunks. There was a lot of tossing and turning going on around the room. The coffee was keeping these guys wide-awake. Soon they were all up and sitting around the table in their underwear, wishing they hadn't had so much java. They thought of having a shot of whiskey to help them sleep, but decided against it. There was silence around the table. Finally, mustering up my courage, I said, "I have some pills that my Doc gave me that help me get to sleep. You guys are welcome to them if you think they'll help. You can't take them with alcohol, but you guys haven't had any tonight, so it should be okay. They all clamored toward me for a pill. They took theirs like good little boys but I held off taking mine. I wanted to be wide-awake if my plan was to work. They had all sat back down at the table as they waited for the pills to kick in. It took about 15 minutes, but eventually they all fell asleep at the table, their heads bobbing as gentle snores echoed about the room. Now I had to figure out how to get these guys into their bunks. ‘Blondie’ was the closest so I decided to tackle him first. I shook his shoulder and called his name. No response. I shook harder but still no response. This wasn't going to be easy. I stood behind his chair and looped my arms under his armpits. As I lifted him out of the chair I turned him to face me. We stood face-to-face, body-to-body. His head hung forward, his chin resting on my shoulder. He was aware enough to let me lead him to his bunk, stumbling along the way. I sat him down on the edge of the bed, and then laid him down, swinging his feet up into bed. Next were ‘Brownie’ and then ‘Blackie’. After moving ‘Brownie’ in a similar fashion, I approached Jet-Black Jack. ‘Blackie’ was sporting a major woody! I hoisted him up out of the chair and turned him toward me, hugging him close. His erection jabbed me in the stomach, throbbing. I got him into his bed and then I rested. It's not easy trying to manhandle 3 huge hunks! What do I do now? I had never actually been with another man. I wanted to try it all: sucking, fucking, you name it. I knew that there was some preparation required. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my bottle of lotion. I squirted a liberal amount in my left hand and went to work on my ass, getting it ready for 3 huge cocks. Would it hurt? I was willing to bear it. I had waited long enough. The first thing I wanted to do was to just lay with them. I wanted to feel them close to me and embrace them. I went to each bunk and joined them in their slumber. Each had his own distinctive snore. One breathed deeply, another very shallow. One twitched in his sleep. Next came the cocks. I wanted to taste each one, stuffing as much in my mouth as I could. Blond Jack was to be the first. I sat on the edge of his bed and admired is body. His chest rising with each breath. I gently laid my hand on his stomach and felt the hard muscles beneath the soft fur. I rubbed my hand in circles, each circle getting closer to his cock, still covered by his underwear. I was anxious. I had seen his cock at the river today and I knew it would be big. I slowly rolled the palm of my hand over the soft bulge. I was touching my first cock. As I massaged the soft bulge, it started to expand. Soon a definite shape was starting to form. A thick, round ‘snake’ began to form and crawl upward towards his belly. I massaged a little harder, paying more attention to his balls. I gently squeezed them and rolled them in my fingers. A soft moan escaped his lips and his groin muscles began to flex. With each flex of his cock, the waistband of his shorts would raise up away from his stomach. I grabbed his cock at its base through his underwear and slowly jacked him. The fat head of his cock popped out of his jockeys, dripping pre-cum. As I pumped his cock, it grew bigger and bigger. It's head reached his belly button and then passed it by inches. He was now fully erect. He shifted in his sleep and brought his left hand down to his cock, laying it over mine, guiding me as I jacked him off. His hips began to grind upward toward my eager fist, thrusting up against it. He would snore and then moan, over and over. I pulled down his underwear with one hand and wrapped my other hand around his now massive cock. I wanted to taste him. I leaned forward and ran my tongue over the head of his cock, tentatively. He must have liked that because his cock throbbed and began oozing even more juice. I wrapped my lips around the head and swirled my tongue around it. This is good! I'm sucking my first cock! I tried to take him into my mouth. This wasn't going to be easy--he's huge! I continued to try, each time his cock going a little deeper into my throat. Each time he would thrust his hips up to meet my hungry mouth. I wanted to take him all, but I could only manage half. He was just too big. Maybe I'll get better with practice. We settled into a rhythm, with me going down and him thrusting up. I felt his hands on the back of my head as he fucked my face, trying to force his cock deeper. Suddenly he arched his back and jammed my head down on his cock as he started to shoot his load. Try as I might, I couldn't swallow it all. Finally the flow subsided and he started to soften. His hands tousled my hair as his snoring turned steady and rhythmic. One down--two to go! While all 3 men were large, Jet Black Jack was the most manageable. I could take him to the hilt, albeit with great effort. Brown haired jack has an interesting cock--very long (11") but thin. Also, as I was blowing him I felt his hand reach down to touch my face. He held it there for a while, feeling his own cock through my cheek. I guess that he thought he must be dreaming about ‘getting head’ and was checking to see if it was true. I felt like goldilocks with 3 bears as I hopped from bed to bed, testing each cock for taste and firmness. They were all "just right" to me! And now for the main event! I was going to be fucked for the first time. I thought I'd better start out with the "most manageable" of the 3 monstrous cocks. Jet Black Jack was to have my 'cherry'. He was lying on his side, facing me as I stood over him. I gently lay down next to him, spooning back against him. It didn't take long for me to sense some interest coming at me from behind. I felt his cock growing up the crack of my ass, pushing my ass cheeks aside as it grew. Jet-Black was a perfect 8-incher: perfectly proportioned. Neither too fat nor too long. Just right! When he was fully aroused, I reached back and guided the head of his cock to my ass. It rested there as I worked up the nerve to go further. His cock was flexing and prodding, anxious to fuck. I pushed back against him as I tried to relax. The tip of his cock-head easily made entry. He gave a short thrust and sent the rest of the head in--so far so good. Not much pain, lots of excitement! I felt his cock start to advance and the further his cock entered me the more it was beginning to hurt. With my left hand I braced myself against his hip to control him. As I rested for a second, the pain subsided. A little at a time I was able to finally take him all in. Then he started to fuck me in earnest. Long deep thrusts again and again and again. Ooooh! This is getting good! I began to meet each of his thrusts, ramming my ass back at him. I felt his arms wrap around my chest, hugging me tight. His speed increased and I sensed a climax coming. He was fucking me fast and hard, deep and dirty. My first fucking! His final thrust was so hard he nearly forced me off the bed. I could actually feel his cum as it squirted within me. I could feel the heat from it. Slowly his thrusts slowed, becoming shallower each time until he finally stopped and resumed his gentle snoring, his cock growing soft within me. Brown haired Jack was up next. He was lying flat on his back and snoring like a chain saw. His blanket was on the floor and his long, lean cock was hard and sticking straight up through the slit in his jockeys. I threw my leg up over his waist and sat straddling him. I led his cock to my ass like a Seeing Eye dog for the blind and took him in easily. I wasn't prepared for the length of it though. He was exploring new territory deep inside me. As I adapted to his length, he began to thrust upward. I liked being able to look at his face as he fucked me. Even though he was sound asleep, his face still contorted with pleasure. I ran my hands over his massive chest and gently tugged at his 'silver dollar' nipples. He was thrusting so hard that my head was beginning to hit the upper bunk! That gave me an idea. I reached up and grabbed the slats of the upper bunk pulled my legs up so that I was squatting over him. I began doing squat-thrusts down on his cock, hanging onto the bed slats for balance. It didn't take long before he was shooting his load deep up my ass. I had denied myself any pleasure until I had experienced everything with all 3 of them. I didn't have a choice in the matter. My cock came on its own! Shooting long strings of hot white cum all over his chest. He had stopped his shooting, but his cock was still rock hard. I'd love to have gone again with him but I was exhausted. I decided to take a short nap before the 'grand finale' with Blond haired Jack, a.k.a. Mr. monster cock! Blondie was lying on his side facing the wall as I lay down next to him. I snuggled up next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't stir at all and continued his heavy snoring. I fell asleep, reveling in the feel of holding a man in my arms. I woke up some time later in a fog. We had apparently rolled over in our sleep and now Blondie was spooning against me. His massive arms held me tight to his chest. I felt his soft cock tucked up against my ass. I laid there listening to the sounds of the night. The other two snored softly in their bunks. Blondie’s body began to make little jerking movements as if entering a dream. I could feel his cock start to grow. With each beat of his heart it would grow just a little, the blood engorging it. I could feel the massive 10" cock grow fat and plump against my ass. His hips began to make small thrusts at my ass. My cock was harder than I have ever been before. I leaned slightly forward in bed and lifted my ass. The head of his cock found my ass rested against it. It was now or never, I thought. Could I handle him? I slowly eased myself back against him. If I could just get the head in, the rest would follow. But the head was massive! Just the head resting against my asshole was sexually exciting. Suddenly I felt his hand come between us. His meaty fingers began to massage my hole. First one finger, then two, and then three. He was preparing me. He held his cock in his hand and used his thumb like a shoehorn. His tip of his thumb entered me first, making way for his cock. He entered me slowly, pulling out a little once in a while, before driving deeper. Deeper and deeper he went until at last I could feel his hairy balls against my ass. And then he stopped. Not just for a minute--but he stopped completely! He fell back into a deep, deep, sleep. We stayed like this for over an hour. Nothing I did would arouse him. Occasionally his cock would flex and expand. Its strength would rock my body. I even tried pinching him and it didn't help. His cock remained rock hard, taunting me but not taking me. Finally his snoring became erratic again and he started to come to life. His cock started to withdraw from me very slowly. It seemed impossible that such a huge piece of meat could fit inside me. When all but the cock-head was out of me he stopped. Then with one fell swoop he re-entered me all the way. I cried out, not in pain, but for the shear joy of it. Another slow, deliberate withdrawal and another swift thrust, then another. Now a steady piston was ramming my ass and it felt great! I felt his hand slip down from my chest and wrap itself around my own cock. I fucked his hand as he fucked my ass. Suddenly he stopped again, but only briefly. He rolled me over onto my stomach and pulled me up to my knees and began to fuck me like a dog in heat. I was in heat! I'll be your bitch; just keep giving me you cock! His cock fucked me deep. Just when I was about to come he stopped again. He rolled me onto my back and lifted my legs up over his head. He re-entered me again began to plow into me, face to face. I looked into his eyes. He was wide-awake! He smiled down at me. His lips found mine and locked us together, mouth-to-mouth, and cock to ass. His hand came between us and found my cock. His actions told me he was close and wanted me to come with him. He rammed his cock into me as we kissed, his hand working my cock. A sexy, guttural growl came from him as we climaxed together. His body convulsed and shook as he pumped load after load into me and I pumped load after load onto my stomach. His kiss never left my lips as we slowed and then stopped. His kiss never left my lips as he withdrew and lay next to me. His kiss never left my lips as we lay together and fell asleep. My first kiss! I awoke before dawn I went back to my own bed, leaving him snoring softly, in his. We still had two more days together--what else could happen? Should there be a part two?


More Gay Erotic Stories from Roof Raiser

A Man's Man, Part 1

I had been working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months and was more than ready for a vacation, when my co-worker Jack mentioned that he was heading up north for the weekend and wondered if I would consider coming along with him. He was building a small log cabin in the woods and needed some help in raising the roof rafters. I gladly accepted and we arranged to

A Man's Man, Part 2

All during the ride home from Jack's cabin, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Is it possible that he really did sleep through what was the most erotic experience of my life? But I then realized that the experience WAS so erotic BECAUSE he slept through it! The feeling of suspense and danger was what had thrilled me. Now there was a chance of a repeat

A Man's Man, Part 3

It was a couple of weeks before we could make it back up to Jacks cabin. We made plans to go up the first weekend in August. It had been a hot summer and I had hoped it might be a little cooler up in the mountains. Jack was to go up on Thursday afternoon in order to order the lumber and materials that we needed for the jobs we had planned. We wanted to make sure that they would

A Man's Man, Part 4

That glorious weekend with Jack and his kid brother Sam had created a dilemma for me. I now realized that I was totally and hopelessly in love with Jack. I don't mean in love with his cock or his body, but in love with the total package including his mind, heart and soul. He was all that I thought about. I wanted to spend every waking minute of the day with him. I wanted to spend

Jacks Are Wild!

EIGHTEEN--nine little letters that were to shape my future. I was certainly not a kid anymore, but not yet a man. I was well on my way to manhood with my body changing in delightful ways. Hair in the pits, the beginnings of a beard and the deepening of my voice all were adding to my physical appearance and what I would look like as a grown man. I have to admit that I was shaping up

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