Gay Erotic Stories

James Bond!

by It was a fww
31 Mar 2003

Super Heroes

Wearily James Bond moved down the corridor away from M's bureau. He was tired, disgusted and angry. The mission had ended in a disaster through no fault of his but because of the stupid mistake of a quite green Company-agent. But M had still considered it prudent to take out some of his irritation on Bond as if he could have saved the situation despite everything that had suddenly gone wrong. The death of the young attaché and the two guards still bothered him, so useless, such a waste - but he refused to dwell on it.

The tension of the last two-and-a-half weeks’ undercover work was still coiling inside him and Bond knew that he'd have to do something about it before he'd be able to finally relax and sleep. There were several methods for that and sex was the quickest and most pleasurable method. And after tonight he needed to feel alive, that there was still a tomorrow and that he was still here, still living, breathing, feeling. He needed the warmth and presence of another person.

Just thinking about the machinations necessary to find a willing female made Bond inwardly groan with trepidation. He was not in the mood for all those games right now, felt too impatient, too close to the edge of his temper. It would take too much time, too much energy. But he didn't seem to have any choice in the matter and resigned himself to it, already thinking about where he would start in his search for a willing bedmate.

When he saw a familiar figure ahead of him, he wondered if something finally had decided to go right for a change.

He moved towards the slim, blond man and smiled slightly when the other turned and smiled in greeting.

"Well, hello James. It's good to see you."

"Alec." Bond greeted his old friend. "When did you get back?"

Alec Trevelyan had been gone for over five months and only now, seeing him again, did James Bond realise that he'd missed his friend. And looking at him, he felt a quickening of his pulse. Dressed in his favourite black, comfortable clothes that showed off his slender and graceful build he looked seductive and dangerous, but his blond hair and mischievous smile made him look like a schoolboy.

Their friendship had always been special and unique. Sometimes Bond wondered if their superiors knew although he ultimately didn't care.

The younger man inclined his head slightly, studying Bond carefully. They had worked together at lot, knew each other better than anyone else did and Bond knew that Alec could read him better than anyone else, would recognise the signs.

"I got back just this morning. And spent most of the day with debriefing." Alec's mouth twisted slightly, showing his disgust. Bond nodded, they both were men of action and debriefing was an ordeal.

"Have you made any plans for tonight?" Bond asked while they walked down the corridor towards the lift that would take them downstairs to the building's exit.

"Not, yet." Alec drawled and smiled at Bond, indicating that he was aware of Bond's tension and his need. The blond man inclined his head slightly, letting Bond know that he would be there and James felt a touch of relief. Tonight he wouldn't have to search for a stranger, tonight he would have someone much more fulfilling.

* ° * ° *

Bond passed the glass of whiskey to Trevelyan and sipped at his own Vodka-Martini. Now that he felt certain he'd get what he needed he was willing to take his time. He looked at the man, sprawling on the couch and couldn't suppress a smile. The blond hair slightly disheveled and the slender, muscular body showed off by black clothing, Alec presented an almost irresistible sight. Almost irresistible. To see who could outwait the other was also one of their old games. Bond settled into his chair and leaned back to watch his friend and allow the tension to build.

This was most probably the strangest aspect of his relationship with Alec Trevelyan. They both normally preferred women but on certain occasions turned to each other, sometimes after a tedious mission when searching for feminine company looked like too much trouble, and on those occasions when one of them needed to let his guard down totally, when they wanted, needed the closeness and the intimacy of someone who knew the demands of the job, knew the good and the bad days, someone who could be trusted without reservation.

It was Bond who reached the end of his patience first. He swallowed the last of his vodka-martini and then moved to the other man. A slow smile spread over Alec's face when Bond took his shoulders in both hands, pushed him back into the cushions and kissed him hard. With his tongue he forced the other's mouth open, moaning satisfied when he met no resistance but hungry complacency.

Bond had his hands buried in the soft, blond hair to hold the other man in place while he kissed him deeply, taking his mouth like he intended to take the body. Alec kissed back wildly, sucking and biting at Bond's mouth and tongue, challenging him. James knew that in the end Alec would give him what he needed but he'd also make him work for it, make him fight. Just what Bond needed. But then it wasn't a real surprise, Alec had always been able to read his moods perfectly. Just like he was able to read Alec's moods. The benefit of long acquaintance.

For a while they just kissed, Bond fed on that wonderful mouth, tasted the whiskey Alec had drunk, got reacquainted with it, made it his again.

When his mouth was finally released and the insisting lips moved towards his throat Alec laughed softly, arching into the caress of Bond's lips on his throat. "Was it that bad, James?" he asked, his smooth voice sounding husky and amused at the same time, his chest vibrating with a silent laugh.

Bond looked up into half-closed blue eyes, saw the understanding and an arousal, that matched his own. Alec reached up and dragged him down to be kissed again. "Ah, let's go to bed, James," he whispered against Bond's mouth, the movement of his lips sending a shiver down the other man's back.

With some effort he managed to untangle himself and to get up. Without a glance at his partner Bond walked into his bedroom, secure in the knowledge that Alec would follow. He unbuttoned his shirt and draped in over the back of a chair, at the same time slipping out of his shoes. The rest of his clothes followed quickly. He turned around when the lamp on the nightstand was turned on and soft light filled the room. His breath caught in his throat when he took in the sight of the man now waiting patiently for him on the bed. He knew Alec's body almost better than his own but its beauty always touched him. For a moment he just stood there and looked at the slender but muscular, pale body spread out on the white sheets. His for the taking tonight.

"What is it, James? Do you intend to stand there and stare for the rest of the night?" Alec's voice drifted over to him and shook him out of his reverie.

"Why not? After all you are a remarkable sight, Alec," he answered and allowed his gaze to move over the pale body presented to him.

"Okay, watch all you like," Alec returned. Settling back in the pillows he began stroking himself, his long, elegant fingers rubbed lightly over his nipples and then moved downwards, stroking over his belly until they reached the edge of his golden pubic-curls.

Bond took a deep breath to regain some of his control but it was difficult with that tempting body so close and the tension still twisting his insides. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and moved to the bed, pressing the other deeper into the mattress, taking his mouth hungrily again. He swallowed Alec's moan and captured the strong wrists in his hands, pushing Trevelyan's arms down on the mattress. James nipped the lower lip, biting it lightly before he began to explore the blonde's face with lips and tongue. Bond kissed first one and then the other eye, tracing the fine eyebrows with his tongue, tasting the salt of Alec's skin. Moving downwards, he outlined Alec's jaw with his lips, licked an earlobe, suddenly biting hard and afterwards soothing the sting with gentle swaths of lips and tongue.

Until then Alec had just accepted his ministrations but now he took the initiative and rolled them over so that Bond was lying on his back and looked up into amused blue eyes.

"Patience, James. We have time," he whispered while he leaned down and began to drop a line of kisses on Bond's jaw and then down his throat. "All the time we need."

James groaned and closed his eyes when Alec's mouth touched his right nipple. He kept his eyes closed while Trevelyan nipped, licked and sucked first at his right and then at his left nipple, sending pleasure coursing like fire through his body.

Then that tantalising mouth moved deeper, over his stomach. Bond groaned when the teasing tongue dipped into his navel and sharp teeth lightly grazed it. James had one hand buried in Alec's hair and urged him even deeper towards his cock which was by now rock-hard. But Alec resisted him and instead dropped a kiss on the soft skin of an inner thigh.

"Alec...." Bond protested, trying to direct the blond head towards his aching erection. He could hear Alec laugh and then felt a tongue flicker briefly over the head of his cock. "Damned tease." He murmured more to himself than to the man still reclining between his legs who was now nuzzling his balls and still ignoring his erection.

With a low growl he grabbed Alec, pulled him up and rolled him on his back. He kissed Alec again deeply while his hands roamed over the slender body, one hand moving down to the muscular buttocks, the other buried in the soft blond hair.

After another deep kiss he put his mouth against one of Alec's ears. "Roll over, 006." He whispered and licked along the outer edge of the ear, before dipping inside, making the other man shiver.

"What for?" came the innocent-sounding reply. "Alec!" Bond hissed in exasperation, only to be rewarded with a soft laugh.

"Come on, James. I want to hear you say it. Or is that so difficult?"

Bond closed his eyes to concentrate on the sensation of strong hands smoothing over his back down to his buttocks, one finger rubbing briefly through his cleft. He swallowed unable to form a word, unwilling to say what Alec wanted to hear.

"Tell me what you want, James," Alec softly taunted him.

"And what if I don't?" Bond returned, sure in the knowledge that in the end one of them would give in. The only question was who would be first.

"I would let you do it anyway." Alec finally said, his voice laced with resigned amusement and then he turned on his stomach, presenting Bond with the view of his long back. For a short while James just sat there and studied the other's backside, looked at the broad shoulders tapering down to the small hips and the inviting, tight buttocks. He noted a new scar on the left side, slightly below the heart and for a moment his heart clenched. Someone had tried to kill Alec from behind. Even though this would-be assassin hadn't been successful, it angered Bond briefly. He traced the scar with a fingertip and then leaned down to trace it with his tongue.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Knife." Alec murmured. "Tell you later."

Bond accepted this and continued with the lovemaking, stroking Alec's back from his shoulder down to his buttocks, knowing how much the blond loved to be pampered.

Finally he opened the drawer on his night table and took out a tube with lubricant. He urged Alec to spread his legs and knelt between them. Carefully he introduced one finger to the tight opening, preparing Alec for the larger intruder that would follow. Soon he added another finger, working them slowly inside and out again, loosening the tight muscle. When he was satisfied that Alec was relaxed enough and ready for him, he urged him up an his hands and knees, then quickly coated his erection with the lubricant and moved into position. But James made no move to penetrate the other's body, he bit his lip and forced the need down, then leaned forward and bit one earlobe.

"For England, Alec?" he asked.

The blond moaned, wriggling his hips invitingly and in the end laughed huskily. "No. For us, James."

He nodded satisfied and moved forwards. Groaning as he slowly entered the other's body, feeling its heat and tightness.

"Gods, Alec. This is so good." Bond gasped while he moved deeper.

"Only the best, James." The blond retorted, pressing back, forcing Bond to penetrate him even deeper.

When he was all the way in he paused, kissing a sweaty shoulder, inhaling Alec's unique scent and tried to catch his breath, to regain his equilibrium.

It was Trevelyan who moved first, arching against Bond, tightening his anal muscles. "Damn you, James," he gasped. "Move! Let me feel it!"

"Patience, 006." Bond admonished him, fighting to keep his control. He intended to make this last and to enjoy it to its fullest. "After all, it's considered a virtue."

A low growl was Alec's sole response and he bucked again, changing the angle of Bond's penetration, making the dark man groan. Unable to stop himself James thrust deep, once, twice then he had his control back.

"Nasty, Alec," he murmured, biting the other man on the neck, smiling when Alec shivered and moaned.

"James...." by now his voice had a pleading sound and Bond couldn't hold out any longer, but then he'd achieved what he wanted. He withdrew almost all the way and then thrust in again, deep and hard, giving Alec what he wanted, taking what he needed. He repeated the movement again and again, groaning when Alec rose to his knees to thrust back against him. Reaching under the other man's body James found his erection and wrapped his hand around it, stroking it in the rhythm he'd developed. They moved together like a well-oiled machine, the tempo increased, Bond's thrusts in the other's body became harder, deeper. With a last thrust Bond buried himself deep in the accommodating body and reached his climax. He wanted to collapse but his consideration for his partner kept him from it and he continued stroking Alec's erection until he felt the other man tense and then jerk while his hand filled with warm fluid.

Panting, they both collapsed on the bed. After another moment Bond withdrew slowly and rolled over on his back, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Now he felt like he'd be able to sleep for the next two days. He turned his head and looked at the man next to him who grinned like the proverbial cat after getting its cream. But then he had, hadn't he?

He dragged Trevelyan close and kissed him again, softly this time, a thank you. Alec kissed back and then brushed some of Bond's dark hair out of his forehead. They curled around each other, drifting off to sleep.

* ° * ° *

With a gasp James Bond sat up in bed and for a moment felt very disoriented. Only after a moment did he realise that he was in his own flat and in his bed.

He felt movement at his side.

"James?" Alec mumbled sleepily and turned slowly, woken by Bond's movement, the fact that he wasn't wide awake, reaching for his gun, was a sign of his trust and that he felt secure in Bond's company. James leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his temple. "Sssh, it's okay, Alec. Go back to sleep."

He watched while the other man buried himself deeper into the cushions and succumbed to sleep again, then he carefully untangled himself and eased out of the warm bed. Pulling on his morning-robe he wandered into the living-room, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

He knew he'd dreamed, and even though he couldn't remember any details, the feelings the dream had left were clear. The loss, the pain, the loneliness were still burning in his body, making him shake and cringe with remembered pain. Theresa, he must have dreamed about his dead wife, only the memory of her brought up those feelings. Why now?

It had been some time since he'd last dreamed about her. His dedication to his work, his missions and other women normally kept the memories and the dreams about her death at bay.

He downed the rest of his drink and put the glass down before returning to the bed. At the foot of the bed he stopped and looked at the sleeping man. Alec sprawled there and had shamelessly taken up all of the available space. In the subdued light of the moon and the street lamp outside, he looked strangely vulnerable, fragile, just pale skin and bones.

James noted the marks his fingers and teeth had left on that pale skin and wondered what force, what passion bound them together.

Had his dream anything to do with Alec? With this? They were friends, had been friends for quite some time. Actually Alec was the one person closest to him, no-one else meant more. No other woman would ever be able to take Theresa's place but Alec had a place of his own in Bond's life. Friends since they'd gone through the basic training together - and occasional lovers soon after.

Sometimes the depth of his feeling for Alec Trevelyan scared him. What would happen the day Alec didn't return from a mission? This was something he had to live with, something that could happen every day. Sometimes the loneliness became too much but he didn't dare take the risk of loving again. It would hurt too much. It would be so easy to love Alec and he could loose him just as quickly. And then what?

Bond shook his head and sighed. He should get some sleep and stop thinking.

Carefully he slipped into the bed again and curled up to the other man. With a unintelligible murmur Alec turned in his sleep and snuggled closer to Bond, his face pressed into the curve of James neck.

Bond's hands stroked gently over the muscular back, the soothing rhythm finally lulling him back to much-needed sleep.

*London 1996*

It was raining, just a light drizzling rain, but the sky was gray and hung with dark clouds. James Bond looked up into the sky. It was weather befitting his mood: dark, dreary and melancholic. And it was the perfect weather to pay a visit to the graveyard.

For a long time he stood there and stared at the simple gravestone. Theresa Bond. His beautiful wife, they just hadn't had enough time together and he still missed her, even after all these years.

Finally he put the flowers down, turned and headed towards the exit. Almost inevitably he thought about his last mission and its end. There wasn't even a grave to remember Alec by.

Theresa and Alec - the two most important people in his life, both dead. Theresa's death had been his fault. Alec's as well? What if he'd told Alec that he cared, that he needed him, even loved him. Friendship obviously hadn't been enough to eliminate the hatred and pain of Alec's past.

But after Theresa's death he'd begun to keep everyone at a distance. He couldn't have faced such a loss again, just couldn't. It hurt too much. At that time Alec had already been close, one of his few friends, one of the few people he really trusted. He couldn't have allowed him to become even closer, to mean even more than he already did.

When Natalja had confronted him, he'd managed to keep up the cool facade, to stick to the role of the controlled MI6-agent and he'd lied to her, trying to convince himself as much as her. But it hadn't been as simple as he'd pretended. Until the very end he'd hoped that Alec suddenly would laugh and tell him that it all had been a great plan of triple think, to finally get Goldeneye and to destroy not London but something else, something that threatened the world. But Janus had been real and in the end he'd been forced to kill Trevelyan. Watching Alec getting killed by Ourumow had been bad enough, but having to do it himself was a thousand times worse. He almost wouldn't have done it but he'd had no other choice. No choice? He'd seen no alternative then and he saw none now. But how he wished there had been another way.

He slowly moved on, too lost in his thoughts to really notice the rain. And if asked, James Bond wouldn't have been able to say whether the wetness on his face was from the rain or from tears.


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Wearily James Bond moved down the corridor away from M's bureau. He was tired, disgusted and angry. The mission had ended in a disaster through no fault of his but because of the stupid mistake of a quite green Company-agent. But M had still considered it prudent to take out some of his irritation on Bond as if he could have saved the situation despite everything that had suddenly


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