Gay Erotic Stories

Playing The Ponies, Part 3

by Chris at Virginia Tech
07 Nov 1997

Best Friends

Playing The Ponies, Part III *************************PART 3************************** Taylor and I continued to walk hand in hand down the paddock trail toward the stables. There were grooms moving busily about, and frantic owners yelling instructions at them. Here and there you could see trainers whispering to jockeys, jockeys whispering to horses, and nervous big-time betters whispering to their handicapping sheets. We were completely ignored. The jockeys weren't in their colors yet, but you could always pick them out by their small stature. It was a human circus. No wonder racehorses were so high-strung! The first stall we came to housed "Sultan's Pride", an entry in the second race. When I looked in, the lone horse stared back at me with huge, brown, liquid eyes. I was reminded of the owl that had so stealthily watched while Taylor had pleasured me the previous night. I couldn't help but imagine how thrilling it would be to fuck Taylor with this chiseled equine for an audience! "Do you think he's a winner?" "What?" I asked Taylor. "I wasn't paying attention." "I said, do you think this one's a winner?" Taylor repeated. "Uhh. No. His record's not too good, according to the sheet." "What do you look for in a horse, to know if its a winner? Besides having a good record I mean." "Well, it needs to have a long sleek body, good firm legs, focused intelligent eyes, and gracefully curved hips that flow naturally into tightly bunched rump muscles. Kind of like you Taylor, now that I think about it!" "Ha ha, very funny Chris. Tightly bunched rump muscles indeed!" "Hey! Ask my tongue if you don't believe me! You almost severed it!" "You and your tongue! That thing is sinful, you know that? Nobody should be allowed to have a tongue like that! You could scratch an ice cube with that thing." "But you love it don't you." And with that, I pulled Taylor to me and kissed him. I thought he would pull away because of all the people around, but he just kept on kissing. His lips parted and we frenched each other. I tickled the top of his mouth with my tongue. He was pushing against me so hard that I was afraid I was going to fall backward into the stall with Sultan's Pride. I wondered if the Sultan was watching us. As I held him I slid my hands up through the back of Taylor's untucked t-shirt and played them across his back and shoulder blades. Sinful tongue my ass! The silky smooth texture of Taylor's skin is what was sinful! How could anyone still be that smooth at 20 years old?!!! The passion of the kiss was building, but exchanging oral fluids was not enough for either of us. If it had been possible, I'm convinced we would have melted together into a single being right there on the spot. I had lost myself in the purity and love of our kiss when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I remember thinking "Oh shit, we're about to be thrown out of the park." I opened my eyes and grudgingly pulled away from Taylor. Imagine my surprise when I found that it was Sultan's Pride who had done the nudging. I looked around and the horse's tremendous face was right beside me. It scared me at first and I jumped back. "Its all right Chris, he just wants a little love too," Taylor said as he stroked the soft velvety nose of the animal. "Maybe you ought to try out that tongue of yours on him." "Now who's being funny? He scared me half to death, not to mention the fact that he interrupted one of the best kisses of my life!" "I must be a damn good kisser!" Taylor laughed. "That's not the only thing you do well my friend, " I shot back. Suddenly Taylor blurted out, "Let's bet on him, Chris! I don't care what the fucking sheet says. No horse that can appreciate our kiss, and want a piece of the action himself, can possibly be a loser!" "Okay lover boy! We'll do it! How much money do we have?" Taylor checked his pockets. "About seventy-five bucks." "Let's put ten bucks on the favorite in the first race, and then we'll bet fifty on Sultan's Pride in the second. That'll leave us with fifteen for gas if we lose it all." "What about the Derby?" Taylor asked. "Who gives a shit!" We practically ran all the way to the betting window, still riding the adrenaline of our kiss. It was only after we had bought the tickets and taken our seats in the terrace that we noticed Sultan's Pride's odds were 38 to 1. We had bet fifty bucks on a long shot! To make matters worse, the favorite lost in the first. We were really starting to feel stupid. The call to post sounded for the second race. Sultan's Pride was the 6 horse. He went calmly into the starting gate and Taylor and I glanced nervously at each other. The flag is up. And they're off! Red Trumpet is fast out of the box Sacred Flower goes inside ........he's ahead into the first turn Junkyard Dog is making his move ..........Sultan's Pride in fourth .Junkyard Dog pulls to the lead on the far corner three furlongs its still Junkyard Dog .........Sultan's Pride is gaining .Sacred Flower falling back Victory's Cousin is on the inside ..............Victory's Cousin challenging Sultan for second Junkyard Dog appears to be fading ..............And down the stretch they come! ...............Junkyard Dog is off the pace Sultan's Pride the longshot is vying with Victory's Cousin for the lead! ...............its going to be close folks ..............Victory's Cousin is in front by a nose Sultan's Pride! ..................and at the wire ...............its ...........Sultan's Pride by half a head!!! We jumped up from our seats and hugged each other fiercely. "Taylor, you were right! By God that son of a bitch did it!" "Was there ever any doubt?" "I love you Taylor! I love you I love you I love you!" I screamed. Everyone in the terrace could hear me. But they didn't care. It was a natural reaction for someone who had just won the longshot. "How much did we win?" I checked the tote board out on the track. A $50 win ticket on Sultan's Pride paid......... "Nineteen hundred dollars, Taylor! Nineteen hundred dollars!" We jumped around hugging and kissing and yelling until an usher walked up and snootily said, "Everybody didn't win you know. Please try and show some decorum, sirs." We couldn't help but laugh and kiss each other again, but we realized that we were pissing off our neighbors so we did finally calm down some. We raced each other back to the betting window and claimed our prize. And believe you me, $1900 is Fort Knox to a pair of college sophomores. "Let's go celebrate somewhere!" Taylor suggested. "We can be back in time for the Derby. Its still hours away." "Where should we go?" "I want to drink!" Taylor and I sprinted to the car and tore off down the highway. In no time at all we saw a little joint by the roadside right next door to the Marriott Hotel. We parked and went inside. The place was crowded as hell, but there were still two seats at the bar. The bartender asked me what I wanted and I told him 'two whiskey sours please' as I slipped a twenty into the tip jar. He smiled. Taylor and I sat there tossing back the stuff throughout races 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, which we watched on the grimy bar television. For some reason, the names of the horses got funnier and funnier as the day wore on. Finally I told Taylor I'd had enough and that if I drank any more I wouldn't be able to walk, let alone drive. He was in no condition to drive either, and we felt kind of bad that we were going to miss the big race. But what the hell, we had already had a wonderful day! Now all we needed was a place to crash. "Hey bartender, do you know of anyplace with a vacancy for tonight? We don't have a hotel." "Are you kidding? On Derby day? You boys are shit out of luck. Although..... how bad do you want the room?" "Badly!" Taylor and I both answered at the same time. "Well, " the bartender replied, "If you two still have plenty of that money you've been flashing around, I think I know a way to help you." "We've got the money. What is it you have in mind?" I asked him. "I've got a friend who works at the Marriott next door, and I happen to know that they always keep one room vacant just in case a celebrity shows up unannounced. You never know what Hollywood superstar may show up on Derby day and want to shack up at your hotel, and its real bad P.R. for the Marriott to tell them they're all full. I believe my friend would give you that room..... for the right price. Say $300? $100 for me and $200 for him and the room." "Make it $250 and you've got a deal," I answered, glancing conspicuously at the overflowing tip jar. "I'll call him and tell him you're coming." Taylor and I got very excited when we saw the room. It was very fancy, with an honor bar, a tremendous king sized bed, and a jacuzzi in the bathroom. I made drinks for myself and Taylor, though both of us were still quite inebriated. I heard the sound of running water and knew that Taylor was turning on the jacuzzi. When I got into the bathroom with the drinks, Taylor had already stripped bare and was preparing to get into the jacuzzi. "Here you go, sexy. One Jack and Coke." "Thank you very much Chris. Now why don't you take off those clothes and join me in the hot tub for a swim?" Taylor didn't wait for my answer. He just unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them straight down. I set down my drink and Taylor lifted my shirt off over my head. Then he slowly pulled down my briefs to expose my half-hard cock. "Chris, you say I'm beautiful, but you know.... you're not half bad yourself." "Oh you're just saying that because you're drunk. I'm okay I guess, but I'm nothing compared to you." "That's not true Chris, and you know it. Look at your chest... those pecs are just luscious! And your legs, those muscles are perfect! And that butt! Its like the ass of a god! Your sweet face is irresistible with those high cheekbones and sexy lips! And I love your short hair and big hands! And that cock! Every bit of eight inches! And let's not forget your long, scratchy tongue!" "I'm glad you approve Taylor. You don't know how good it makes me feel to hear you say those things." "Come on! Lets get in the water before it gets cold! I've had enough cold water for one day already." "Hey now, that last cold shower didn't turn out so bad did it?" "You're right! It sure didn't!" "You're drunk off your ass, Taylor." "Oh, and you're not?" We hopped into the tub, Taylor at one end and me at the other. It didn't take long for our feet to find each others crotches under the bubbling surface. We fondled each other like this for a few minutes, and then I discovered that Taylor had a wonderful talent. He was able to grab my cock and massage it with his toes, and God it felt good! I relaxed back against the side of the tub and let him have his way with me for a while. Who could have known that a foot could be so seductive! Eventually Taylor stopped and came down to my end of the tub, which was okay. I wouldn't have cum anyway, the water was just too damn hot and I was still too drunk. Taylor laid beside me and rested his head on my chest, absently toying with one of my nipples. I reached down to set down the nearly empty bottle of Jack Daniels We lay like that for what seemed an eternity, the gurgling, swirling jacuzzi relaxing us to the core, me twirling Taylor's long dark wet hair around my fingers. I loved having him there, resting on my chest. For a second I thought that Taylor had fallen asleep, but then he said "Chris, what's the catch?" "What do you mean, 'what's the catch?' " "I mean, we won a whole bunch of money, we got the last hotel room in the city, we drank like fishes and didn't get sick, I've found out that you love me, and.... hell, we haven't even had any fucking car trouble this weekend! There must be a catch! Are you going to turn into a vampire or something and suck my blood?" "I won't suck your blood, but I might get caught sucking something else!" "I'm serious, Chris." "Well Taylor, if there's a catch, I don't know what it is. And I don't care either." "But..... I'm gay then?" "Yeah. So?" "But what about all those women I've been with?" "How many were there?" "Four, total." "And did you love any of them?" "No. I was just getting off I guess." "Do you love me?" He looked at me then, and deep beneath the glossy surface of his midnight blue eyes, I could see the last shred of his doubt being burned away to ashes. "Yes," he said finally. "I do love you Chris. I do." I was going to say something smart, like "There you have it, you're gay all right," but I couldn't. All I could think about was what I had just heard. And it was magical. "Let's get out, Taylor. We've been in here too long already." We got out and dried off. Both of us were so weak from the heat of the hot tub that it was all we could do to stumble to the king size bed and collapse into its deep soft folds. Still naked, we moved to each other and embraced. Then we kissed again, and it was even better than the kiss outside Sultan's Pride's stall. And this time there were no watching eyes but our own. "Chris?" "Yes?" "I want us to make love. To fuck." "You mean...." "Yeah." I kissed his full red lips again, softly. "Oh, Taylor." Suddenly Taylor smiled broadly. "I just had an idea!" He jumped up from the bed and walked across the room. Watching his graceful catlike motion was enough to start my penis rising. The effects of the alcohol and the jacuzzi were wearing off rapidly now. Taylor came back to the bed, and in his hands were all the ten and twenty dollar bills that we had won at the track... about a hundred of them. He laughed as he showered my body with the cash, then he jumped on top of me and started tickling me all over. Being very ticklish, he had me screaming for mercy in seconds. "Stop that! Stop! Taylor!!! Are you crazy?!" "Yeah! I'm boy crazy! I'm Chris crazy! Come here you!" We rolled around together in the money, laughing and kissing and caressing each other's bodies...... and then Taylor reached down for my balls........ Next time: Taylor gets his wish!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Chris at Virginia Tech

Playing The Ponies, Part 1

It was about 2 PM on Friday when we made the decision to go to Kentucky for the weekend. My roommate, Taylor, and I (my name is Chris) were both sick and tired of the all work and no play that is common during mid- semester. Being crammed into the little 10' by 12' box that was the University's excuse for a dorm room had finally gotten to us both, and we needed some fresh air

Playing The Ponies, Part 2

Playing The Ponies, Part II ***************************PART 2************************** ........continuation of "Playing the Ponies"............... We pulled into the truckstop and headed straight for the showers. I noticed that each stall was private and had a frosted-glass door, so I quietly asked Taylor if he wanted to shower together in the same one.

Playing The Ponies, Part 3

Playing The Ponies, Part III *************************PART 3************************** Taylor and I continued to walk hand in hand down the paddock trail toward the stables. There were grooms moving busily about, and frantic owners yelling instructions at them. Here and there you could see trainers whispering to jockeys, jockeys whispering to horses, and nervous

Playing The Ponies, Part 4

Playing The Ponies, Part IV ***************************PART 4************************** ........continuation of "Playing the Ponies"............... "Oh no you don't! You think you can tickle me like that and then make up for it by fondling my balls? Let's see how you like being tortured!" I jumped on top of Taylor and pinned him down, then


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