Gay Erotic Stories

Rookie Downed by Punks

by Vt_atlarge
28 Jul 2000


Another story featuring Rookie Cop Nate PART I Finishing up his 3-hour session at the gym, Nate stood before the mirror and admired his body. He had reason to be proud. After a short 1-½ years on the local police force, he was still committed to maintaining his body in top shape. As a high school football, baseball and track team member, and a college track and baseball player, Nate wanted to make sure he kept that competitive edge. These days, the odd shifts and fast food, mean at the least a three-mile run four times a week, and a good workout on the nautilus and freeweights three to five times a week. Not a smoker or drinker, never using drugs, Nate thought the occasional fast food infraction could be made up for with some extra gym time. Once home, Nate readied himself for another long night shift. Slipping on his jeans and boots, Nate paused to give himself the once over in the mirror, turning from side to side, just making sure his trim hard body wasn't showing any signs of age or weight. At 25, 5'11 and 175 lbs., Nate was probably the only one with any thought at all about his body deteriorating. He slipped on his tee shirt grabbed his gym bag and headed on to work. PART II The bruise under Nate's right eye was swelling and throbbing as he finished up the paperwork from what turned out to be an exciting shift. Nate lived for nights like this, catching two skinhead punks breaking into cars at the Interstate Motel, making the chase, and apprehending the perps. Wow, the adrenaline was still pumping as he started entering his report into the computer. Across the room, he saw the two punks, still staring him down, he just gave a quick "yeah, I got you" grin and went back to his report. The two punks were known for trouble and both had long police records. Problem was that their families had money, a lawyer who would get his mother's murderer off on a technicality for a buck, and a judge who was more interested in the next day's round of golf then dispensing anything resembling justice, they were usually out within a day or so. Justin, who went by the name "Slash", was perceived to be the leader. Known to carry a knife and be willing to use it, he developed a reputation in JR High as nothing but trouble. One of his earliest rap sheet entries as a juvenile was in the 7th grade; he beat up a 9th grader for not having enough money for him to buy something for lunch. Even though the 9th grader was half a foot taller and 30 lbs. heavier (a jock in good shape), Justin beat him mercilessly until he passed out and had to be taken away by ambulance. Now, at 20, his 5'9", 160-LB frame concealed the strength and anger contained within. Everyone hoped he would have grown up and changed his ways after 2 stints in the county workhouse, but nothing seemed to phase him. Looking into his eyes was like looking into two rusty barrels of cold, brackish water. No light, no emotion, no soul…. just a sort of hatred and emptiness. Sort of a frightening contribution to the local gene pool, considering he had fathered 3 children in town, and has probably never seen a one of them. Justin's cohort in crime, at least on this night, was David, alias "Snake" or "Viper". David was a new kid in town who made his mark at 17, by breaking into a liquor store. Turns out it was his first and supposed to be his only, night in town. His parents were asleep in their motel room when Nate had the pleasure of bringing him to them at 4:00 am. They fought and argued and apparently Mom and Dad decided to leave without him the next morning because he's been here almost a year since then. His second day here he got busted for stealing a purse (from the Mayor's wife, of all people). He was chased down, arrested, and while in lockup, he met Justin. Both were out the next day, David moved in with Justin and the town hasn't been the same since. It seems that anytime Dave isn't in jail or committing some type of crime, he's in the gym, which accounts for his big arms and chest. He's a 6' 180lb powerhouse and will make sure that you know you had to work to get him cuffed. Once cuffed, he'd usually smile and say "good one". David wasn't quite the same as Justin; he would change moods and talk calmly to you at any time other than during an arrest. Once in the patrol car, he'd talk your ear off, telling jokes, talking about other people he knew who'd been arrested, and his workouts. He'd even invited Nate and a couple other officers to join him for a workout. Nate thought more than once about going, maybe giving him someone else to be around, maybe mentor him and make a difference in his life, but the next day it was cuff time again, and it just never happened. It must have been a new record, before Nate finished typing up the report, Justin and David were being released to their lawyer. Nate looked up and saw Justin staring again. Justin made a gesture hitting the back of his right fist into his left palm, then pointed to his right eye and then directly at Nate and grinned. The one punch Justin got in during the arrest did make its mark under Nate's eye and Justin just wanted to remind Nate of who contributed to it. Nate had half an hour to finish his paperwork and get off his shift and just go home. PART III It had been almost six weeks since Nate's last encounter with his two favorite skinheads, and finally here it was the day of the trial. Everything was going smoothly, the prosecution practically had the chair plugged in for Justin and Dave. The last prosecution witness, one of the other officers involved in the arrest was on the stand. Then it hit…. The officer was asked to identify a piece of evidence, a car stereo/CD player, which he did, then asked to read the serial number, which he did, then the bomb blew. The prosecutor provided a warranty registration on the same stereo in Justin's mother's name. Another piece of evidence, read the serial number, apparently two numbers had been transposed on the evidence tag and log, so the numbers didn't match. The defense moved that the evidence was corrupted, and primarily the property of the defendant's mother, who wasn't pressing charges and moved for dismissal. SLAM, down came the gavel, it was all over. Out in the hallway, Justin passed Nate, intentionally bumping shoulders as he walked by. Dave came over to talk, he apologized to Nate and the other officers, he said he's really going to change his ways and make something of himself. Trying hard to believe it Nate acknowledged his pledge and shook Dave's hand when it was extended. Dave kept talking and gradually increased the pressure on his grip. Just smiling and talking away, squeezing and shaking Nate's hand, beyond the point of being uncomfortable, but just below the absolute threshold of pain. Nate pulled back his hand and Dave let go. Still smiling, Dave winked at Nate and waved as he left, putting his arm around another young skinhead friend's shoulder, giving a quick "guy hug" as they walked away. Nate half-smiling back massaged the blood back into his almost crushed hand. PART IV Another two months had passed since the trial. A lot of cases had come and gone, most prosecutions stuck. Nate was pleased with the way things had been going; his girlfriend had just returned from a business trip to Europe and gave him one heck of a "welcome me home" present the night before. His partner was on his vacation and he was given the "boring" warehouse district to patrol, as it usually required only one patrolman on at a time. The last three nights the district met its reputation, boring. Being his last shift in the rotation, and only 20 minutes to go, Nate decided to make one last cruise through the warehouses. He'd just stopped by the precinct an hour ago, and unless something happens, the desk assumes he's off and he just takes the cruiser home for the weekend until the next rotation starts. At about 2:00 am, Nate saw someone run out from between the warehouses. Nate flipped on the blue flashers and the guy started running to him, waving his arms. "Help me man", the young man cried out. "Me and my buddy were just messing around back there when he fell, I think he's dead." Nate got out of the patrol car, grabbed his flashlight and nightstick and radioed back to the desk. No response, he knew there were a few dead areas around the warehouse district, this must be one of them. Nate eyed the young stranger, he looked familiar but he couldn't place him. Adam was the stranger, also known as "frogger" because he was said to jump anything. Just turning 18, Adam wasn't widely known among the local cops. He stayed out of trouble and at least never got caught breaking the law. Adam and Justin became friends a year ago when Justin tried to steal Adam's wallet, only to get caught and kicked a few times. Turns out Adam likes to fight too and is pretty good at street fighting. Strange how friendships form. Adam had that skinhead attitude and was happiest when he was around his buds, Justin and Dave. But Nate still didn't recognize Adam. "Hurry man, he's unconscious and I can't wake him up" panicked Adam. In the distance, the moonlight showed a body lying out in the middle of the alley between two warehouses. Barrels and crates laying about indicating they may have been trying to climb to the roof to break into the warehouse. As the two ran up and approached the body, Nate began to recognize the figure on the ground, it was Dave. That bald head and big chest weren't easy to mistake. As he kneeled down next to Dave, he remembered the other guy, in the courtroom hall, "weren't you with Dave after that trial a couple months ago?" "Yeah" came the reply. "Is he gonna be alright?" Nate felt for a pulse and saw Dave was breathing. He tried again to radio the desk but still no response. "Damn dead zones" Nate cursed. Just as he finished, Dave moaned and stirred slightly. "Dave! Dave, can you hear me?" Nate asked. Dave opened his eyes slightly, fluttering his lids and rolling his eyes back. He muttered something but Dave couldn't understand. "Dave, hang on buddy, I have to go back to the car and call for an ambulance and some help. Just stay with us man, OK? Adam, come here and stay with him, keep talking to him, I'll be right back." Just as Nate began to rise, Dave again muttered something. Nate leaned forward, "What was that Dave?" Again Dave muttered, almost clearer but not loud enough to hear. Dave held his hand up, and motioned for Nate to come close. As he leaned in, Dave reached his hand up to the back of Nate's neck, sending an immediate defensive warning signal to Nate's brain, which he unfortunately ignored. Dave again muttered "your bine dow". "Huh?" Nate thought, then leaned closer, just inches from Dave's face, looking him in the eyes, straining to hear him. Dave looked up, his eyes open wide and clear, a grin came across his face, "You're mine now!!!" With that he gripped tightly on Nate's neck and quickly raised his head to meet Nate's. A tremendous head butt sent Nate staggering back and falling, landing flat on his butt on the concrete. Dave jumped to his feet; him and Adam started walking toward the stunned officer. He looked up at them just as another hand reached in front of his face, placing a cloth over his mouth. Nate began to struggle, and reach for his gun but he was met with a hard kick to the gut from Adam. That knocked all the air out of Nate, precious air that was now being replaced with the noxious smelling stuff from the rag. Getting a little light headed, Nate still struggled to get free. Hearing the voice behind him, "just accept it Officer Nate, you're going to go to sleep on the job". Holding him tighter, shaking his weakening body. The last recollection was the laughing as the black tunnel started closing in around him. PART V The loud punk music was blaring when Nate started to wake up. Laying face down on an old mattress in the middle of a big room. Starting to get up on his hands and knees, he saw he was in the middle of a lot of old mattresses, in what looked like one of the old abandoned warehouses. Shaking his head he began to straighten up, recollections of what had happened just beginning to come back to him. He reached for his gun but it was gone, the nightstick, the radio, cuffs, anything. All his gear was gone. He stood up and looked around, no one in sight. He turned as he heard a Tarzan yell behind him. Just in time to see Dave swinging down from the upper walkway, feet up, crashing into Nate's chest. Nate was flat on his back, gasping for breath as Dave walked up, standing over him. Dave was stripped down to his boxer shorts. Nate tried to scoot backwards from Dave, his huge biceps and chest all pumped up and sweating. Dave was smiling at Nate. "Yeah, you're mine, all mine!" Those words sent a panic through Nate who managed to get to his feet and turn to run, but Dave was quicker. Tackling Nate and holding him face down on the mattress; Dave grabbed a handful of Nate's ass cheek, forcing his fingers as far into the crack as the uniform fabric would allow. Clenching Nate's buttock with one hand, he whispered to Nate, "You've got one fine ass for a cop, I want to play with it later, but first." He turned Nate onto his back, pinned his arms to his side and straddled his waist. Nate looked up at Dave, "what are you doing this for, quit now, let me out of here, I'll make sure they go easy on you." Dave's savage grimace softened into a compassionate smile, he looked around, started to get up (Nate was fooled again) and suddenly drilled a fierce punch into Nate's chest. Dead center on the sternum, then another one, then a third, Nate cried out, "No, stop!!" But Dave kept on, landing another five solid punches on Nate's chest. Dave raised himself up and slid to Nate's chest. Now was the time to panic, Nate watched as Dave slid his boxers down, exposing a huge cock. Not even fully hard yet it was at least 7" long and going for Nate's face. Nate shook his head "No, please Dave, don't do this". Dave said "Shut up, its time to really meet the boys" as he rubbed his cock around Nate's mouth and face, "now you're gonna find out why they call me Snake!" and he began to push the now fully hard, 9" mushroom headed, circumcised hot-blooded snake against Nate's lips. Placing both hands on either side of Nate's face, he buried his thumbs into his jaw, forcing his mouth open, "I better not feel teeth either". As he shoved his love snake into Nate's mouth, Adam and Justin approached, applauding, calling Nate's name, (and oh no!!! taking pictures!!) Dave leaned forward, doing push ups over Nate's face, burying his huge monster deep into Nate's virgin mouth, backing out only occasionally to let Nate catch his breath or to quit gagging. As his mouth was being ravaged, Nate felt other hands unbuttoning his shirt, removing his belt and unzipping his pants. As he felt Dave plunge deeply into his throat, and quit pumping, Nate began to gag as he felt the hot cum spurt from Dave's meat and down his throat. The entire time, hearing the unmistakable sound of a Polaroid camera motor advancing the film. Dave finally pulled his half hard, wet cock out of Nate's mouth, rubbed it all over his face and hair, leaned back and slapped Nate hard across the face, "you faggot cock sucking cop, you're a disgrace to that uniform!" Justin laughed and straddled Nate's chest, "round two, and no teeth" as he pushed his sleek 7" cut cock between Nate's lips. With that, Dave and Adam began tearing the shirt and tee shirt off of Nate's beaten body. They then pulled the shoes, pants and underwear off the now, not only battered and vulnerable, but also exposed officer. Getting his mouth fucked with Justin standing, cradling Nate's head at his crotch, as he pumped faster, deeper, harder. "C'mon Dave, get a picture of this fag sucking my dick" shouted Justin, "ohh yeah man, I'm gonna fill you up. Now wrap your lips around the head, don't let any spill now. Ohhh, ohhh yeah, fuck, unnhhh, unnnhhh, man." Justin dumped his steamy, creamy load on the end of Nate's tongue, making sure he has to taste it. Holding his hand over Nate's mouth, rubbing his throat, Justin encouraged Nate to swallow it all and quit gagging. Justin walked away, dropping Nate's head to the mattress, and then Adam approaches. Pulling Nate's head up and pushing a couple pillows under his shoulders, Adam pushes Nate back down, with his head hanging practically upside down over the pillows. Kneeling at his head, looking down at Nate's body, with Dave standing with one foot on his chest, Adam pulls his already stiff cock out of his baggy jeans and starts pressing into Nate's mouth. "One more for the road" he chuckles as he pushes all the way in the hot wet cavity. "Yeah this cop's mouth is better than pussy" as he continues to pump. In less than a minute, Adam is trembling as he shoots yet another hot load of jizz into the rookie cop's mouth. PART VI Nate had been handcuffed behind his back, sitting naked on the old mattress; he was approached by Adam bringing a tall glass with him. "Here, drink this" Adam insisted. "It's grapefruit juice." Nate took the straw in his mouth, took a sip and quickly spit it out, "what's in this, booze?" "No man, no booze, it's Absolute, you have to drink it cause they got a hose and funnel and will pour it down you if you don't." Adam said. Nate relented, he didn't want anything else pushed down his throat, even though the taste of the alcohol almost made him puke. After the glass was finished, Adam returned with another, obviously even stronger, drink. "Sorry, last one" he assured Nate. Despite Nate's protests of drinking it, he managed to drink the second glass full. His head was swimming, he wasn't a drinker to begin with, and although a beer or glass of wine with dinner might cross his lips, he never had vodka before, and he knew why. Adam leaned forward and kissed the somewhat inebriated cop on the mouth. Nate resisted but Adam just grabbed him by the hair and started burying his tongue in Nate's mouth. While kissing, he reached down and started to stroke Nate's cock. Adam began licking and kissing down Nate's mouth, chin, neck and to his chest. Still stroking his cock, Adam noticed he was beginning to respond. Adam began to lick and suck on Nate's nipples. Sucking hard, as if he expected to get milk from them. Furiously, almost violently, he went from left to right nipple. Nate had a raging hard on now. Adam squeezed it as he opened his mouth wide and bit hard into Nate's right pec. Clamping down, Nate yelled out in pain. Adam sat up and went to the other pec, using his hands to gather all the flesh together to make a "tit burger", and he bit down. Dragging his mouth off the tit, his teeth scraping, he stopped at the nipple and bit, pulled, chewed it. More sucking and biting on both nipples, no amount of squirming or shoving could get Nate free from Adam's onslaught. Then Nate felt the pressure of a boot stepping on his balls and cock. It was Justin. "That's enough for now Frogger, "uncuff him." Justin barked. "I told you I was gonna kick your ass, now its time". "Yeah, you gotta fill me up with vodka first though, is that how you have to win?" Nate struggled with his words. "The vodka was for your benefit. First it might not hurt as bad, second, you would have lost anyway, but now you have an excuse." Justin taunted Nate. Standing up, unsure of his footing, especially on the mattresses, Nate held his hands to his chest and looked down, "Oh Fuck!! What did he do to me?" referring to the tooth marked, bruised and slightly bloodied mess that was the chest he was so proud of. "That fucker!!" With that Justin struck, a punch right to the jaw. Nate swung back as Justin circled him. The best he could do was just a glancing blow off Justin's cheek or shoulder, but they were met by solid jabs on Nate's face, chest and gut. Then the assault began, a rapid series of blows to Nate's head staggered him, landing him on his knees. No break there, Justin continues pummeling Nate's face and head until he fell back onto the mattress. Nate started to get up when Adam joined in and started kicking Nate in the sides and chest. Justin took over, grabbing Nate by the hair, standing him up and drilling solid knuckle punches right into the nipples. He stepped back, watched Nate wobble in place for a moment and ordered the coup de grace. Adam delivered a bout ending round house kick to the back of Nate's head, all three watched in delight as Nate fell slowly forward, arms at his sides, eyes rolled back. Yeah, he was gone before gravity knew it. PART VII "OK Frogger, he's all yours" were the first words Nate heard as he started coming to. He was bent over a barrel, his hands outstretched and tied. Oh no, he thought, this looks too predictable. He looked forward and saw Justin and Dave, naked and sitting on some lawn chairs about 5 feet away. Then Adam walked up in front of him, naked as well and sporting a chunky 6" uncut hardon and a waterhose. He started spraying Nate from head to foot, the spray of the water felt good, washing off the dried blood and whatever was on his body. As he moved behind him, Dave said "yeah, and clean it real good". Then Nate felt that jet of water hit his ass. The water pressure started getting stronger when Nate felt Adam's fingers push into his hole. First one, then another, then a third, spreading his hole for the water to spray in deep. Humiliating was Nate's initial thought but actually on the pleasurable side. "Look he's enjoying it" Justin said to Dave. As Adam stepped away, Dave said, "you better push all that water and stuff out before he fills you again." With that, Nate shot a stream of water and shit a few feet behind him. Adam returned and filled him up again, and then a third time. After hosing Nate and his surroundings off, Adam walked around to Nate's face and started pressing his cock at his mouth, whispering, "I really like your mouth, so you might as well take it, you know it's going to happen one way or another." With that Nate opened his mouth as Adam pushed his cock in just as Nate saw Dave walk behind him. "You better make Adam happy, I wouldn't want anything going on back here to interfere with what's going on up there." Dave said laughingly. With that, he grabbed Nate's cheeks, with both hands and roughly spread them open, Nate prepared for the worst. He flinched at the first touch, not Dave's huge cock, but his tongue, licking up and down Nate's crack. Adam kept pumping Nate's face, encouraging him to lick here, lick there, "suck, harder, yeah you're my cock sucking whore cop." Dave pressed his tongue into Nate's puckered hole. Rolling it up tube like as it went in, spreading it and flexing it once in, a sensation like Nate had never experienced. Nate felt his cock swelling up. Dave's tongue, slipping in and out of Nate's hole was sending goosebumps all up and down his body. He instinctively threw his hips open, trying to loosen his ass, letting Dave to continue working that magic or whatever he's doing. Adam started pumping faster, Nate knew the inevitable load was about to explode so he tried to get ready for it, while enjoying the ecstasy of having his ass eaten out by Dave. He watched as Justin got up and walked over to him, kneeled in front of him, pressed his mouth against Adam's cock and Nate's mouth. Occasionally slipping his tongue between Nate's lips, encouraging Adam to shoot the big load, telling Nate not to swallow it. Quickly, Adam started to spasm, blasting a huge load into Nate's mouth, pulling out and letting Justin lick him clean. Justin then press his mouth to Nate's and share the cum load just deposited. They kissed long and hard, Nate barely flinched as Dave pressed his snake up his ass. Pumping hard, moaning, screaming about "this wonderful cop ass." Dave wasn't long before he screamed out in an orgasmic explosion, his body jerking, hunched over Nate's ass and back, pumping those last couple strokes into Nate, collapsing next to him. All the while, kissing Justin, the ropes were cut bounding Nate's hands. Justin pulled him off the barrel, laid him back and continued to kiss him. Joined by Adam, they worked all up and down Nate's body, alternating on his rock hard cock, bringing him to shoot one load in Adam's mouth, and quickly shooting a second load in Justin's mouth. Dave, still barely able to move, was sucking on his feet and toes. PART VIII All four collapsed in a pool of sweat, blood, spit and cum. Spending the rest of the weekend trying any variations they could. Justin said that if he'd had a cop to spend time with, he probably wouldn't have been in the trouble he was. The other's agreed. Nate and the boys started to meet regularly from then on. Crime went down (on the cops) and Nate started discussing some plans with the boys about how to take care of his new partner.


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Rookie Downed by Punks

Another story featuring Rookie Cop Nate PART I Finishing up his 3-hour session at the gym, Nate stood before the mirror and admired his body. He had reason to be proud. After a short 1-½ years on the local police force, he was still committed to maintaining his body in top shape. As a high school football, baseball and track team member, and a college track and baseball player,


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