Gay Erotic Stories

Sacking Jason, Part 1-4

by Cicero
12 Jan 2001


Lee glanced over his company’s notes on the man he was to meet. Jason Crawley, height 6’2’’, weight a bit over 200 lbs of well-defined muscle, age 28 yrs, hair brown, eyes green. Formerly star football player in Air Force Academy now top NFL player and America’s matinee idol. Military record Jason was highflying hotshot jet pilot during service awarded various medals for bravery. Pluses: extremely handsome with a Midwestern all American look--catnip to women worldwide. Negatives: thinks he walks on water, rumors that his sexual conquests are sometimes less than consensual and always treats women like objects for his sexual pleasure. Lee closed the folder and sat back in the cab. The flight from London to NYC had been tiring but this was an important meeting, his company wanted to break into the US market and, a celebrity endorser would do the trick for them especially a hot shot lady killer like Jason Crawley! The cab let Lee out at Jason’s condo and Lee was quickly buzzed up. As he entered the front door he saw Jason standing there in a tight white ‘t’ shirt that clung to his powerful frame like a second skin and emphasized the players built chest and hard pecs. He was also dressed in a pair of light blue football uniform pants that had those cross string ties up the front. They were been cut off at mid thigh giving Lee a good view of Jason’s taunt muscled legs. Lee gave a quick glance at Jason’s bulging crotch which strained strings on the tight cutoffs. Jason looked at Lee in confusion? “You’re the London dude?” He inquired using his trademark ‘dude’ phrase that young Americans repeated incessantly now? “Yes is there anything wrong?” Lee asked. Jason smiled, his perfect white teeth seemed to sparkle. “No. it’s just...well I was expecting an English guy it being a London’re Asian” “Chinese to be precise,” said Lee. A problem?” Jason laughed deeply. Sexy voice thought Lee as he watched the player turn to go into the living room. Lee followed gazing at the player’s bubble butt in motion. The ass muscles rippled as Jason walked. The effect was intoxicating. “No dude none at all sit down”, replied Jason. “ Did a tour in Japan love the place. “cracked a few Asian pussy there !” he smiled and winked at Lee. “Those oriental girls go crazy for a solid American cock especially a nice 10 incher slipping up their small holes !” Lee felt anger rising but remembered the company and just smiled weakly. “Saw your contract and decided to give you boys a break and sign,” Jason rambled on . “Just two conditions ok or no deal” “And they are,” queried Lee. “Any tours the company provides me with a ‘ night companion’ and they better be a virgin cause I like to cherry pick if you get my drift, “ Jason chuckled, “ oh and no faggot photographers taking my pix for the ads.” “You have a problem with gays?” asked Lee gravely. “Fucking faggots.. You bet I do,” stated Jason warming to the topic. “Some guy licking a guys butt and cock...shit dam fairy perverts...hell one night some queer made a pass at me....I beat him good... that will be the day some punk gets to ride my ass like I was some bitch!”As Jason spoke he made a fist and threw an imaginary punch in the air for emphasis. Suddenly, he pulled his arm back, grimaced in pain , and began to rub his shoulder.. “Anything wrong? “ asked Lee. “Damn shoulder, “ grumbled Jason. “Still stiff from practice.” Lee looked at Jason and, in that instant , formed a plan. “Maybe I can help, being Chinese I know some muscle relaxation techniques”. “Hell ... yeah that’s right you Asian guys are into that weird exotic crap,” Jason retorted. “I’m game dude” “Good “ answered Lee, “just close your eyes and concentrate on my voice”. Lee watched as Jason complied by closing his eyes. “Listen only to my voice,” Lee stated in a clear tone to the player. “I hear you dude ,” Jason responded. “Just you.” “Hear only my voice.... hear nothing else.. Breathe in deeply..” Lee continued as he watched Jason inhale and then slowly exhale. “Mmmmm...”, Jason sighed as he breathed in and out in compliance with Lee’s order. “Again” commanded Lee. Jason did his chest expanding so tight against his shirt that Lee could see the outlines of Jason’s round firm nipples. The room filed with the sound of the jock’s deep breaths. Lee realized that Jason was, for all his arrogance and macho posturing, an easy subject for mental manipulations. “Breathe in deeply and exhale...hear only my voice. You are drifting away on my voice”. Lee observed the rise and fall of Jason’s chest. His breathing was slow and steady. A sigh of complete surrender escaped from the player. “Drifting...drifting...” Jason stated weakly in a fading voice. “What do you hear”, inquired Lee. “Your voice,” mumbled Jason in a monotone. “That’s right my voice...its in your mind. It’s taking control..” whispered Lee.. “Taking control,” replied Jason as his voice grew weaker. “I control you now correct,” asked Lee? “Yes... control me.,” Jason muttered “How does it feel,” asked Lee. “ It..feels so ...”, Jason answered . “Feels so right doesn’t it”, Lee prompted for the critical point had been reached. If Jason felt that it was right he would yield to anything. “Yeah...”, Jason answered slowly exhaling, “soooo righttt!” Lee reached over to massage Jason’s crotch. He hoped the stimulation of Jason’s vaunted manhood would further drive the message into his hypnotized jock. “Fuuuuccckkk.....oohh rightttttttt.....its fuckkkkkkinggg ssoooo rrriighhhhtttttt,” Jason moaned nodding in assent to the suggestion. Lee laughed silently as he felt up the jock. Yes, he had crossed that point of control now, the next stages! “My voice will.. You cannot resist. Yield to it and feel so calm.” Lee retorted. “Your voice ...your will.....oohhh...yyeeaahhh...dudeeeee,” Jason moaned as the last part of his brain yielded under the mental suggestion coupled with the crotch massage stimulations. “You must obey because...” Lee teased. “Obey you...” moaned the sexually overheated stud...” must obey you ...ooooooohhhhhhhhh ............never resisttttt,” Jason chattered as his mind was racked by the power of the hypnotic suggestions. His mind felt them taking over even as his pleasure centers were programming in overtime just how sexually hot the suggestions were. Lee stared at the once powerful player now a swaying docile vessel for Lee’s wishes now squirming under Lee’s crotch rubs. “Stand up and open your eyes you mother fucker,” Lee commanded as Jason instantly complied. Lee noticed that Jason’s, now open eyes, were completely glazed in an hypnotic trance and sexual heat. The football god, ace American air force flyer was his ! Time to teach this arrogant jock some needed lessons. Lee walked up close to Jason who stared straight ahead in total oblivion. “You love men you understand. !” “I love” Jason asked in an unsure voice. “Yes, you do,” Lee insisted. “Repeat it!” Lee ordered. “I,” Jason replied firmly to a grinning Lee. “Say it again.” Lee commanded “I LOVE MEN!” Jason yelled firmly. Lee had the young stud repeat that phrase over and over (remembering to continue his hand job on Jason’s semi hard rod) in a sort of cheerleader’s chant for a few minutes until he was certain that the thought had lodged deep into his victim’s inner mind. “Yes, you love cock, women do not arouse you,” Lee stated to his receptive jock who was now mere putty mentally. “Love cock. Women don’t arouse me!” Jason agreed. “You know men’s cocks are hot,” Lee said firmly “Men’s ...fucking hot!!!” Jason replied in agreement. “Your mouth waters at the thought of sucking guys off. You understand!” “Love tasting cock,” murmured Jason as he smiled and licked his lips lewdly! “Your cock needs a man’s touch.” Lee suggested. Look down see how you need that. Jason glanced down to see his cock being fondled. He gazed back up at Lee with a goofy puppy dog look of joy. “Need a man to touch my cock.....aaaahhh..” Jason’s hand took Lee’s and pushed it harder on his meat. “ Do it dudeeee.” Lee’s heart leaped in joy at his progress with Jason. The macho football stud was getting off on it now. Your butt hole itches to get a cock inside it.” “Love cock,” Jason smiled even more broadly as he self programmed that thought into his pliable brain cells , “my chute burns to be fucked by hot men!” At that Jason released Lee’s hand and reached behind himself to rib his ass with both hands. “Oh my yes,” chuckled Lee as he rubbed Jason’s basket while the stud massaged and probed his own muscular butt!! “And you love being their slave-it gets you aroused the more you are used like shit by men!!” said Lee. “Hot. It’s fucking hot to be used like a slave....YEAH!!!” yelled Jason as Lee noticed the players crotch expand more at the thought. Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head. He was turned on and ready to be turned out! Lee smiled as he reached down to unlace Jason’s blue pants. He slipped his hand in and felt Jason’s tools stiffen more. A long deep moan came from Jason’s lips as the stud squirmed in pleasure. Time to play laughed Lee as he watched Jason wiggle in heat under his massaging. Yeah, got a lot of plans for you. Big stud huh, thought Lee, by tomorrow you’ll learn humiliation, discipline, and service!! “Okay boy, let’s go to the bedroom”, Lee commanded as he pulled his hand from out of Jason’s pants. Lee watched as his stud toy turned and went to the room. Those crazy butt muscles drove Lee wild. Looks like the cherry picker is going to get picked himself tonight, Lee hooted. But first, it was time to “clean up” Jason a bit. Lee reached into his travel bags and pulled out some shaving cream and a new razor. “Nothing like a clean shave to make a new man out of a person”, Lee smiled . “Oh, Jason” he called.............. PART 2 Lee stepped back to admire his work so far. He had shaved Jason’s (who fortunately was not hairy to start with) arms, armpits, chest and legs quite nicely. Jason had stayed still, as ordered, his arms extended and eyes , though glassy, fixed straight in front of him as he stood in the tub. Lee foamed up the hypno zonked players crotch area. As Lee took hold of the stud impressive tool Jason emitted a gasp. Immediately the jock’s dick firmed making Lee’s job all the easier. In a few strokes good old Jason was clean crotched like a new borne. That should make for interesting locker room talk snickered Lee! Lifting Jason’s ball sack for its ‘unveiling’ Lee lathered the low hangers up taking time to roll the nuts in their sack and causing Jason to shudder in delight. “So you are sensitive there huh”, inquired Lee as he fondled the squirming player. “Oooooo..yes...”,Jason replied squirming more under the assault. Lee noticed that a grin had broLee out on the stud’s face. “Like that boy,” Lee asked as he rolled the jock’s nuts in his hand as he gently scrapped away Jason’s manhood. “Love it ...oohhh fuuckk duuuudddddeee,” moaned Jason his knees beginning to buckle. Lee stood up, “turn and bend jock boy like you do on the field for a play. Jason instantly complied putting one hand on his thigh the other, on the ground in front of himself bending in that classic football crouch. His head was straight, his eyes focused in front on an imaginary player. Lee casually came up behind Jason. He opened the player’s cheeks exposing the tiny hole . Lee lathered the opening and then, for fun , inserted his finger inside the ring tickling the straight boy’s prostate for the first time. “AAAAAAAAHHH. .... SSHHIITTT......” groaned Jason “Fingering your cherry huh,” Lee joked. “Fingering my cherry.... man.........ddduuuuddee..oohhh..ooooohhh...ffuucckkkk!!!!”, growled Jason in a voice that welled deep from inside him. Lee began to tickle inside the zonked straight boy faster causing Jason to moan louder. “Owwww...mmmyyy asssss...feeellllssss hhooottt...” While Lee continued to finger fuck his new toy he finished scraping away the ass hairs around the , until now, undefiled chute. Almost finished he withdrew his finger and scraped away the hairs he missed in the center. As the cool metal hit the moist sensitive spot Jason expelled a gulp of air, shuddered and, ejaculated! His juice splattered on the bathroom wall tile. “AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH...........” , the jock cried as he came. Lee howled in amusement. The hypnosis was in full control! That boy’s ass was one newly sensitized erogenous zone. And one Lee intended to explore to full effect! PART 3 “Go to your bed and lay down on it jock”, Lee commanded, “but first clean up that mess you made on the wall!” “Yes master,” Jason replied in a monotone (Lee had previously directed him to use master or sir whenever Lee was addressed). Jason bent forward and began to lick his own cum from the wall tile.” This tastes so good master,” Jason stated as his tongue slowly ran up and down the tiles. Finally he finished and went to his bed lying face up. “Legs up boy,” ordered Lee, “lets see you play with that hole of yours!” Jason smiled and lifted his legs giving Lee a sexy view of those powerful thighs and that football player’s butt. Jason began to suck on his thumb looking like a little baby and causing Lee to crack up in amusement. After getting his thumb nice and wet the macho jock reached down between his powerful legs. Lee watched as the highflying former straight boy rubbed his thumb along his puckered asshole. The stud emitted a low growl as his powerful finger slowly inserted itself in his chute. “ARGHHHH.....,” Jason gasped as he felt a million new sensations engulfing him! “Feeling good huh stud,” Lee asked. “HEll.....oooooo...yeahhh duuddee,” he replied as a low guttural sound escaped from his throat. Jason increased his ass fingering as his breathing became more intense. Lee noticed that the jock’s cock was rigid and flowing with precum. “If you suck your other thumb the pleasure will be more intensive Jason,” Lee suggested knowing he had programmed the man to believe anything he was told. Jason quickly inserted his other thumb into his mouth. The sight was fantastic. Lee gazed at the once arrogant straight star now laying on his back, legs up, one thumb fucking his ass while the other thumb was being sucked in his mouth! Lee picked up a camera and shot off a few pictures (for his own collection) as Jason, in a sexual heat, furiously sucked and fucked causing his cock to pour out even more precum. “MMMMMMMM”, Jason mumbled as he fucked his ass harder with his thumb. He was close Lee knew as he watched Jason squirming in a frenzy. Lee put down the camera and reached over to Jason’s massive boner. He gripped the rod and squeezed. “AARRGGGGGHHHHH.........FFFFFUUUUUUCCC......”, Jason howled as his thumb dropped from his mouth. Jason’s legs went rigid as he erupted shooting gallons of jock jizz into Lee’s hands. As Jason lay there Lee brought his cum covered hand up to the player’s mouth. In a flash the hypnotized jock opened his mouth and sucked Lee’s fingers clean. “Good boy, “ Lee said as Jason happily sucked the last remaining cum off of the hand . “Love to drink up cum right?” “MMMMM,” a smiling Jason nodded. “Tastes great master may I have more,” he pleaded. “In time,” Lee assured him. “but how about we play dress up” PART 4 New York was a great place thought Lee as he signed for the delivery. Where else could you find a costume store that delivers quickly? Of course mentioning that it was the residence of a ‘famous’ football star probably helped speed things up. The young delivery girl had practically creamed in her uniform when Jason, on instructions to behave ‘normally’, had answered the door She could barely keep her eyes off him especially since he was wearing just a robe loosely tied to show off his hot fully muscled body to its best advantage. Lee was quite proud of his boy who flirted with her much to her excitement. The girl left on cloud nine with visions of Jason and that ‘accidental’ slippage of the robe that had given her a great brief glance of the player’s newly shaved unique private personal charm! She decided to stop by the local drug store to pick up some shaving cream and a new razor for her boyfriend on the local police. If Jason did it he would as well! Lee handed Jason the box and gave his instructions. While the hero changed for his “performance’ Lee set up the video camera--no need not to have a record of what would be a memorable event right! “Ready sir”, Jason called from the next room. “Let’s see some action then,” snorted Lee. A transformed Jason came out. Dressed in a cheerleader’s short skirt, his sweater pressed tight by a stuffed bra, his rugged All American face all powered, rouged, and lipsticked--- the macho jock was a sight! “I would like to thank all of you who are out here to support our team.” Jason exclaimed keeping his hands on his hips and swaying girlishly to an imaginary crowd. “Now, let’s cheer our men on,” he giggled as he winked and air kissed his fans. Wiggling his butt seductively. Jason began his cheer (one furnished by Lee). “Give me an ‘I’,” the hypno-dazed jock shouted. “Give me ‘NEED!’ ,” he screamed as he waived his arms and swayed his hips seductively. As Jason cheered he moved his hands up and down his body literally feeling himself lewdly up for the camera, which caught every girlish move and facial expression. Lee was in tears at the hilarity of this super built macho hero minching before the camera cheering like some oversexed adolescent girl ! “ Give me an ‘A’ ,” Jason continued. “ Give me a BIG!”, Jason tittered as he rubbed his crotch with one hand and his ass with the other obviously turning himself on in a sexual frenzy sure to shock and embarrass even the most jaded viewer. “Give me a DICK!,” Jason implored as suddenly he produced a huge dildo and began to lick it in front of the camera. “What does it that say!!,” the player moaned as he lifted his skirt to show his raging hardon. Jason then turned his back to the camera, bent over, lifted his skirt to reveal his luscious muscular butt and, while gazing between his legs smiling, proceeded to ram the dildo up his butt hole! “DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!” He groaned as he drove the item home. Lee could barely restrain himself as he thought of how Jason’s trademark phrase “dude” would have a whole new meaning for the stud from now on if the fans of opposing teams ever got to see this tape and then, cried it out whenever Jason took the field! It had been an inspired performance Lee contemplated as he shut off the camera and walked around his ‘video star’ that was busy withdrawing the dildo and straightening his skirt. Yes, one for the books or the local video stores as the case might be provided Lee decided to do so(Jason would sign any contract Lee drew up now for his company he believed in return for a non release of that tape to the public). Lee came up behind the ‘cheerleader’ and leaned in to kiss the soft nape of Jason’s strong neck. Jason groaned and let his head fall back on Lee’s shoulder as Lee moved his arms around the jock and slipped his hands under the bra . As he ‘felt up’ the stud’s nipples getting them hard and pumped (while the room filled with lusty grunts from the ‘star’) Lee looked down to see Jason’s cock was hard as well and sticking out from under the skirt. Hmmm, Lee smiled; let’s see how he reacts to this. Lee took each nipple head and squeezed harder giving them a slight twist and pull .The effect was electric as Jason bellowed and shot his wad on the floor in front of him. “Bad boy,” Lee scolded a red faced young truant. “Now you clean that up and, while you’re at it, go take a shower and clean yourself up as well young man.” “Yes....sir..,” Jason replied as he dropped to his knees to lick the cum off the floor (Lee was able through quick reflexes to shoot that as well getting a great ‘zoom in’ of the cum and Jason’s slurping action). As the player showered Lee wondered if Jason’s unfailing appetite for jizz went beyond his own. Well, time to find out Lee figured. After Jason had showered and cleaned up he returned to the bedroom. Lee let his eyes wander over the muscled vision before him. He got off the bed and, going up to the still slightly moist player, took hold of Jason’s impressive 10 incher which quickly rose to its full glory. “Bet you are proud of this huh ,” Lee inquired as Jason blushed and nodded. “But it is really small boy.” Lee repeated as his eyes locked onto the player’s. Jason’s pupils dilated as he fell again under the hypnotic trance. “It’s small right?” “Small... yes ...sir,” he muttered. “Puny... a regular stub.. Not worth crap,” Lee suggested as he noticed the cock he was holding begin to deflate. “Puny.... crap,” Jason sobbed as he saw, in his mind, a stub of a dick. “Not like my huge monster,” Lee said as he took out his dick. The player let out a gasp as he saw Lee’s meat. In his mind it was all he could ever hope for. His cock retreated further in Lee’s hands. “Looks tasty too…right,” Lee commented. “Yeah ... tasty,” Jason repeated as his mouth watering at the thought. “If I let you suck it , my jizz will make your cock grow,” Lee casually said. Jason’s eyes shot up, his eyes pleading. “Please sir,” he stammered like a shy boy requesting his first kiss. “Please may I suck it sir. Let your man cream fill me inside. Please I want to grow.” “Hmmmmm,”Lee hummed as he pretended to consider the request. Jason dropped to his knees begging, “Make my cock grow sir...Let me suck you!!! A grinning Lee nodded as Jason roared in joy. It was a enthusiastic stud who opened his mouth letting Lee insert his stiff rod down the players virgin and very eager throat. “MMMMMMMM...MMMMMMM”, Jason moaned as he slurped away oblivious to the pictures Lee was taking of America’s hero swinging on an unknown man’s joint. “Smile Jason,” Lee laughed as Jason, his mouth so stuffed with Lee’s dick that his cheeks were bulging, gazed up so the camera could see his famous smiling lips now downing a hard rod. The saliva dripping out of both sides of his mouth really set the proper tone Lee figured ! Jason slobbered away like he was drilling for oil and soon Lee felt the rush of an orgasm engulf him. “AWWWW SHITTTT,” Lee yelled as he came. Jason sucked away like a madman as he heard this. As Lee erupted, Jason ever the team player slurped away not letting a precious drop go to waste. Watching the jock lick his cock clean Lee could hardly wait for the next play. “Hey Jason,” he cooed as he tousled the thick hair of his boy toy, “Time to show you the real meaning of the football term “sacking”! Continued


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