Gay Erotic Stories

Skater's Streets, Chapter 3

09 Mar 2001

Coming Out

Chapter 3 Instant Replay Again I crossed the trolley tracks following Dart up a small dirt embankment about a hundred yards up from Grossmont station and behind the last business that bordered the tracks there. He seemed to know where he was going, as we moved into a small clump of trees not more than a few feet from the tracks. He stopped in a clearing that offered the only flat ground on the hill. He turned to face me with the front of his pants showing he hadn’t forgotten why we were there. I watched him as he dropped the same shorts he had on the night before. He stepped out of them, using his toe to flip them up in his hand. I looked at his legs and up to where his erection poked holes in the air but I didn’t go the steps to get to it. He pulled off his shirt while he waited, standing inspection once more. His chest was smooth with a nice shape to it. He wasn’t muscular but he was well defined. His right hand pulled at his well-rounded balls. His dick had darkened and stood almost straight out of his dark brown hair. He didn’t ask me to take it but we both knew it was the reason I was there. I turned my board upside down and kneeled in front of him, taking his balls away from him as I leaned on the inside of his thigh and looked up at the dick. The first thing that drew my attention was the moisture at the tip of his dick. He watched me checking out the hair, the size at the base of his dick, and the size of his legs, the hair that grew on the inside of his thighs. I used my hand to experience each change in his body I could identify. By the time I’d felt up between his legs and back onto his behind, his dick was pressing against my cheek. He stood fast letting me have my way. He knew he would eventually get what he so badly came to need. "Let's do it sitting down so I don't fall on my ass," he said, standing is cool one time. "Sure," I said, waiting for him to pick the spot. He tossed the ripped and stretched out yellow San Diego Padre T-shirt onto the ground and planted his back end on it. He leaned back on his elbows. I slipped up beside him, sliding my crotch up against his thigh in a way that pushed my cock firmly against him. I took his dick in my hand, turning it so I could see how it tapered, how the head flared, and the way the veins ran through it. I could feel his excitement as his belly twitched. He had no complaints about me wanting my money’s worth. Even before I devoured him my own dick was throbbing out of control, and like the night before, I pointed it out of the leg of my shorts to prepare for the inevitable. I leaned over his thigh to get his attention on my mouth. As I put my lips down on his hot flesh it took me all of two strokes to get off from there. Beside slobbering and gasping on his dick a couple of time, there was no way for him to know how quickly I’d lost it to him. For some reason that was a secret I wanted to keep for myself. He hadn't offered to touch me and I didn't want him to see me doing it to myself. I didn't see Dart as a cocksucker. It just didn't seem like something he'd do voluntarily. He was most comfortable with his hands behind his head while he watched another guy sucking on him. Just my proximity to his dick had my heart feeling like it was bursting on each beat. I didn't need or want him to do anything but be there exposed to me like he was. He might only need me for this but it was better than not being needed at all. There was little or no possibility of discovery this time, and I didn't keep an ear out for one of the guys to suddenly decide to come out of the tube. I didn't need to listen to them encourage Stan onto their dicks or the sounds they made when he'd chosen theirs. I did wonder what it would be like being Stan with all those dicks pointed at me. It was Dart and me that second time, and I was tuned in to only him. The intensity was about the same but this time he took longer to get ready. I gripped the base below the bend, studying the head and the way it swelled when I squeezed, watching the drops leak out of him when I did. Hearing the way his breathing changed when I touched him helped me to understand what he had invested in my touching him. He squirmed, making our legs rub together more vigorously. He gulped some air leaning back on his elbows not watching me any longer, looking at the deep bluing in the sky between the treetops. Night was closing gaining ground on the day. The sucking sounds I made was all there was to distract us from the silence. I remembered to take some deep breaths each time I came up to the tip and then I would let my lips move back down on him. Each time at the tip I made sure to lick off the drops I knew would be there, waiting for me. It was electric when my tongue washed his tip, mixing my spit with his leakage as I became wed to the head about the third time I came up for air. With my lips slipping just over the ridge and connecting with his shaft, I let my tongue lick it as it pulsed in my mouth. He was wiggling more and shifting his weight from elbow to elbow as he moaned. I thought I was getting the hand of this cocksucking thing but I was becoming too good for my own good. "You'd better let me," he said, grabbing it out of my mouth yet again. What’s wrong with this guy, I thought. Watching him handle himself. He frantically masturbated, cumming all over our legs and on my shorts, moaning and gasping air as it leaped out of him in long powerful streams. He collapsed onto his back on the leaves, panting for air. I took his dick from him and massaged more liquid down over my fingers as his hands held my forearm. It softened as I felt it, exploring his balls, and regions behind them. My fingers became the windows to his world catching a feel of his other secrets until he caught his breath. "That was the best," he said, standing with his dick swinging near my face. Once we were dressed we both had places to go and things to do. Unfortunately the shorts I’d managed to keep clean with my careful aim, he’d managed to stain with his errant cum. I went down the short slope to the tracks where the trolley had passed just twenty feet from where we'd done our thing. There, not fifty feet from where we had been, Paul stood leaning on the concrete border of the business that came right up to the tracks just short of Grossmont Station. There was no doubt in my mind how long he’d been there or what he was doing. "Hi," he said, sounding so unlike Paul it wasn't even funny. "Hi. You're a long way from the tube," I said, not being able to think of anything clever to say. "Yeah, you too. Dart have to go," he said, letting me know he knew. “Doesn’t take long does it. I knew he wanted something.” "I guess not," I said. "I'm going for a Coke. Want to go?" "Sure," he said, making me happy and pissing me off at the same time. “I guess you need to get the taste out of your mouth.” I was sure I knew what he was after. I wasn't sure why he just didn't come out with, "Blow me or I blow you away with the guys." It could have been worse. It could have been Tiny or String Bean. Paul did not impact me the way Dart did. Dart was tall, dark, handsome, and exciting for me to be near. Paul was, well, Paul was Paul. Paul was hair that went everywhere. He mainly stayed in the background, said little that wasn't bluster or self-promotion, and he thought everyone was a little weird, according to Paul. Now I was stuck with trying to get away from him but with what he knew I had to find a way to keep him from running his mouth if I could. That might mean doing to him what I was so anxious to do to Dart every time I saw him. It didn’t excite me much but it was surprisingly easy for me to conclude I would do it if it came to that. We crossed the highway and went to the Quik Stop for large Cokes overflowing with ice. I was surprised when Paul paid for them. He didn’t say anything to me but as we approached the cashier he tossed a five on the counter and said, “Both of ‘em.” I'd never seen him so subdued. It was obvious he had something on his mind and I really didn't want to know what it was. We sat out at the end of the curb line that ran along the front of the store. Cars came and went with their milk and bread. He hung his cup down between his knees; mostly he stared down at the pitted black asphalt. Passing traffic and car doors opening and closing furnished the background noise and an occasional stereo blared for an instant before the driver turned off its engine. When he didn’t say anything, I figured I’d get the ball rolling.” “Thanks,” I said, shaking the ice around in my Coke. “Oh, yeah, sure.” "It's been nice weather," I said. "A little hot," he said. "What I did wasn't cool," he said, sounding like it wasn't. “Sorry!” Okay, we were getting to it. He was admitting he shouldn't have followed us, and now if he just says he won't say anything about what he saw me doing, I'm out of here, I thought. Besides, just how far is the blower from the blowee when you come down to it. They are sharing the same dick for a few minutes. Besides fucker and fuckee, I didn't think it got more intimate, but I was still pretty new at this stuff. "Shit happens," I said, after a long uneasy drink of coke before he shook his ice. "Yeah, but there are certain things you don't let get around," he said. Oh fuck, here it comes, I thought. Now just what have I got to do to keep it from getting around, Paul, and when do you want this service? "Well I don't say nothing about nothing," I said, taking the only neutral ground I could think of. Paul wasn't as big as he looked. Beside me he didn't seem that much bigger than I was. He had broader shoulders and all that freaking curly hair that made him look way tall but he wasn’t close to as tall as Dart. His hair wasn't blonde, or brown, or red, or.... Hell, I didn't know what it was. It was different. It was frizzy. He had light skin with freckles that didn't really look like freckles because of how lightly they were colored. He had big arms and thick legs, but in all that baggy material, he just looked way big to me. He didn't look all that bad when he wasn't ragging on someone, which he always was, and I couldn’t suddenly hear him giving a blow by blow description of how I was up between Dart's legs sucking his dick. Dart would come off as this big stud, and I would come off the fag. I had to try to head that off if possible. "I was way over the top in front of you guys. It's just that I've really been strange lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It's like all I think about all of a sudden. Then I go do something stupid like that in front of you two," he said, sounding so remorseful it wasn't funny. “I guess Dart thinks I’m a real jerk.” "Dart set you up, Paul. He was trying to get you going. He's got this idea that everyone wants it all the time," I said, trying not to say too much but wanting to let the guy off the hook. "He did that?" "He did that. He was hard before you even came up," I said. "How do you know that?" Paul asked. "We were talking about the night before. How you, well, how the guys were so ready to do anything Ace did. You were the first up the tube and he thought that meant you were more desperate than anyone else’s. Then here you come. He couldn't resist proving his point." "I'm not that desperate. I don't have any trouble in that department," he said, looking around while holding his knees from the outside and swinging his coke between them. "I'm just telling you what he said. I have no opinion. I'm too young to have an opinion. I don't know shit about shit. You old guys seem to have it all figured out," I said. "I'm not an old guy. I'm a sophomore too," he said. "You are? You look old," I said, hoping it didn't offend him. “Your hair looks old.” "I go to Special Ed classes. I don't really need them, but they say it helps me concentrate. It's a lot of horse shit you ask me." "ADD?" I asked. "Yeah, some form or version of it with a lot of extra letters so if you aren't confused enough you can really be fucked up. I can’t even remember what they mean half the time and I got it." "Bummer," I said. "I just wanted to let you know you're okay with me and I didn't mean to freak you out," he said. “I didn’t intend to see you…. I was hoping I’d get a chance to talk to you. I don’t even know why now. I didn’t want you thinking I was weird, that’s all.” "I've seen hard dicks before," I said. "Yours is big though." I added, figuring an ego boost might get us both off the hook and out of there. “Thick like. Wide I mean. Fat I guess.” "My best part according to most of my friends," he said, sounding distant. "My brain don't work but my dick sure do. Some times it pisses me off because I can't stop myself. Like you with Dart, I guess. I mean I'm sure he's got his needs, but it surprised me you'd go with a guy like him. I mean he’s, he’s… You’re cute and smart. It just surprised me to see that. You look so damn innocent, Z.” He made eye contact when he made the innocent crack. “Cute!” I said. “I had you pegged as Mr. Clean. To figure you're like me, well I just didn't. I'm cool with it. I liked you even before I knew that. I wanted you to know I liked you before I saw you do that," he said, sounding like he was talking to someone that wasn't really there, and I was certainly wishing I wasn't there. "What are you talking about?" I finally asked, sounding too reprehensible for my own puritanical good. "After last night and then today, you didn't figure it out. I'm sure Dart is telling everyone what a fag I am. I won't say anything," he said, smiling at me with about the warmest smile I'd ever gotten from anyone. "Like I said. I always liked you. I just never thought you were gay. When I saw you and Dart going at it, it just made me think how nice it would be with someone nice like you.” "You're gay," I said, after I picked my chin up off the asphalt. "You're gay? I'm not...." I started to protest, and then I realized he'd struggled with it and knew what it meant to do the things he’d watched me doing. He was trying to let me know he knew what I had done but he was taking me off the hook at the same time. I wasn't going to call myself gay. Hell, I had a long ways to go. There was the stage everyone talked about boys going through when they were around my age. Of course I never knew anyone that admitted they actually went through it. They merely knew lesser boys did, somewhere, if there was such a thing, which they couldn’t be sure because they didn’t and wouldn’t. There was a difference between curiosity and rhapsody. I went directly to being nothing sexually to sucking dick. I suppose having guys like Ace and Dart around could eliminate the middle ground rather quickly. I was just so new at it I didn’t know how any of it worked, but suddenly we were all talking about it. "I'm going to give you my phone number. It's just if you need to talk to someone that understands what you’re going through. I never had anyone to talk to about my feelings. It's better if you don't keep it all inside, Z,” he said. “I tried it that way and it hurts too much thinking you’re alone. Any time, nighttime, day time, any time. I have a phone in my room. No one else will answer." "Sure," I said as I took the receipt he'd jotted his number on. He stood up, pulling the legs of his shorts down in a way that took my attention straight to it. There it was, as close as Dart's had been before he got dressed. Paul watched eyes too, and he knew what I was looking for. The big knob at the end was outlined in the material that was wrapped around it when he stood. It lacked an inch at most before I could see the real deal, although I could see it in my mind, remembering the details, the veins, the color. "I said I liked you. Sorry, it's like that all the time these days. I must be going through some kind of change. Look, Z, call me. We can be friends. I mean friends or whatever you want. I’d like us to get to know each other." "Yeah, thanks," I said, looking up at his eyes before my eyes went back between his legs where his hand rested on it. He took a quick glance around before he lifted the leg of his shorts high enough to expose the swollen shiny red head. I swallowed hard and enjoyed the view. Mine had been activated in my shorts since shortly after we’d crossed the highway, now I started thinking about sex again. I was sure he was watching me stare at it. What the hell, he’d seen me blow a guy, looking ain’t eating. “Nothing like Dart’s,” he said. “Yeah, a little. It’s got a leak,” I said, noticing the clear drop at the tip. “Yeah, well, that’s your fault,” he said. “You want to touch it. No one’s looking,” he said sounding absolutely wicked. It pressed on his thigh as he he held his hand down on it. I remembered the head and that darkening color that took over the longer he was turned on. I looked at his face with a quick glance but went back to that fat fucker without hesitating after seeing him smile at me. He looked around again and hiked the leg another two or three inches. He pressed his fingers down on the naked flesh. My mind was a flutter with desire for it. I wanted to look away but I didn't. He eased his shorts down over it, forcing me to look at his face again. "You like it?" He asked, knowing the answer by what he'd seen in my eyes. "I'll call," I said. "Tonight. Okay? We’ll talk about it then." "Nothing like an incentive," he said, smiling at me before he dropped his board and drifted on it down toward Grossmont Blvd, staying on an angle so he could watch me watching him the whole way. I sat there for a long time. I was more confused now than I had been when I was blowing Dart. I knew why I did that. I wanted to know what it was like and I wanted to know what Dart was like. When Paul stood there, rearranging himself, I had a hot flash. I'd never liked Paul at all before I saw his dick. Why would that make a difference? Why did that get me going? It made no sense to me at all. Doing something with Paul wasn't learning anything. I'd learned all I needed to know from Dart. Now I wanted lessons from someone else. That wasn’t as easy to explain. Even I had trouble justifying this turn of events. If I was gay then I liked guys the way guys liked girls. Okay, did they then get hot and bothered over girls they didn't necessarily feel attracted to? What did it mean? I felt like Paul, when he was talking about ADD and the other letters that they attached to it just to make sure he was more confused then he'd always been confused about everything. I'd never known anything about sex and the more I learned the less I felt like I knew. Why couldn’t I decide whom I wanted to like? Why was the decision made down between my legs because of what was between someone else’s? It didn't seem fair that he had ADD and this to deal with. Why do some of us get such heavy loads to carry? My life had once been pretty good in Paradise Valley. The only sexuality I saw was in fleeting kisses of young lovers greeting or saying goodbye. Was there a gang of skaters on the other side of Phoenix like the boys in El Cajon, burning with desire and lust for anyone with a mouth or a receptacle that became available? I had grown up believing I was like the skaters in PV, well dressed, well mannered, well scrubbed, and easy to get along with, and now I wanted to experience the raw sexuality of my new friends, smelling, touching, experiencing everything they had to offer. Paul wasn’t so bad. I didn't fit in with the skaters here until last night at the tube, except for that first day when John introduced me to what I was really looking for. I'd thought about it a lot since then. I knew there was a fire burning inside of me that told me I wanted to get into sex any way I could. Until the night before we were a rag tag group of punks who skated together and laid around talking when we weren’t skating. I no longer prided myself on being neat and clean and I looked more like them then the boys from PV. I was now tuned into the sexuality of these boys like I'd never been tuned into anything before. I was always ready for the next time even while Paul was just a little ways down the street.


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