Gay Erotic Stories


09 Nov 1999

Military Novellas

My stories are loosely based on incidents in my own past but are fictionalized to protect the innocent. They happened in a safer past; only a fool would have unprotected sex today. SOLDIERING BY JIMBO The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or any more near-sighted, he would have been rejected and the "Little Professor," as his friends called him, was certainly not very good military material. He had never been an athlete and was much too gentle to hurt anyone. Basic training was probably the nearest thing to hell on earth that he would ever know. But he didn't lack courage and he was a survivor. He collapsed exhausted into his bunk at night and dreamt sweet dreams of the beautiful young men he shared the barracks and particularly the shower, but he was too tired to do anything about his dreams. The most difficult part of the barracks experience for him was the complete lack of privacy, peace, and quiet. Early on, he learned that there was a service club on the other side of the base that had a sound proof room stocked with playback equipment and a huge collection of classical music. So on Sundays, tired though he was, he walked the several miles to spend hours quietly listening to music, dreaming, transporting himself to another time and place. Very few men knew about this spot and fewer still were interested in that type of music, so the afternoons were spent in the company of three or four at most. The first afternoon there he couldn't help but notice a magnificent Master Sergeant in full dress uniform. The man was tall and solidly built. He was 45 to 50 years of age and had as much gray as brown in his hair. His chest was covered with metals. This was a man who had seen much action. The boy wondered why he was so drawn to this man. Mostly it was the sad, deep brown pools that were his eyes. This was a man who had also known much suffering and pain. The boy noticed the heavy five-o-clock shadow and wondered if it bespoke a heavy covering of body hair. This was something that excited the smooth boyish looking twenty-one year old. Because of his rank, he chose the music and his choices leaned toward the somber and romantic. Sibelius was his choice that first Sunday. On subsequent Sundays the cast in the music room changed except for the boy and the man. After that first Sunday, the man wore civvies. There was very little conversation, but one week when the man caught the boy studying him he said, "Are you scared, kid?" When the boy said that he was terrified of war and what would be expected of him, the sergeant asked his name and company and said, "War is hell. No one should have to experience it. But don't worry. I think you'll be safe." The boy didn't know he had a "C" profile, but it was obvious to the sergeant. The Professor didn't know why, but from that moment, he felt safe and maneuvered to sit near the sergeant whenever possible. Two weeks before the end of basic training the weather was miserable. Several days of hard, cold rain as winter approached. But the boy trudged over to the service club anyway. No one else was there at first. Then the sergeant came in wearing a sweatshirt and sweat pants. He put the Mahler Resurrection Symphony on the record player and they listened to the beginning of this long, somber work in silence. Then the sergeant went to the door of the windowless, padded door, hung a "closed" sign on it, locked it and faced back into the room. He leaned against the door, spread his legs wide apart, looked hard at the boy and began to slowly move his big hands over his powerful body. One hand went under his sweatshirt and as he felt his stomach and chest muscles, he revealed the huge quantity of gray hair on his body. The expression on his face was one of pain, longing, and unbearable sadness. The boy was inexplicably drawn to this older man. A boy who had just come from a period in life when he had been eagerly servicing college fraternity boys, he didn't know what would draw him to this man whose face was prematurely wrinkled by his hard life but still strong and patrician. The boy knew the rules about fraternization with men of other ranks in the military, but he was drawn as to a powerful magnet. Soon he was standing within inches of the big man who strangely enough had dropped his hands to his sides as tears streamed from his big brown eyes. His heart pounding and his limbs trembling, the boy placed his small, almost feminine hand on the man's chest. He felt the heart beneath the shirt pounding. Slowly he brought his hand down to the hem of the shirt and put both of his hands underneath the shirt. The touch of that hairy body thrilled him and he knew his pants would be tenting. Slowly he raised the shirt to behold the awesome, scarred body that attested to the purple hearts on the uniform that first day. He thrilled to the sight of the purple nipples that rose to meet his eager lips as a moan from deep within the sergeant sounded his anticipation of pleasure. The boy encircled the sergeant with his puny arms and drew him close as he lightly kissed the wounded, powerful body. He trembled all over as his fingers slid under the elastic waistband and he realized that his hands were holding the still tight buns of a Master Sergeant. He had gone this far and had met no resistance, so he eased the sweat pants down as he slowly lowered himself to his knees kissing the body that now gyrated and undulated in the time worn rhythm of the sex act. Then he saw the marvelous penis rising from beneath the soft material like a fine obelisk in the desert. His sergeant's manhood was large but not huge. It was the kind of cock the boy loved to give the full treatment to in his mouth. The balls were large and full and covered with gray hair. He licked his way up the shaft to the rim of the hard head and licked around the edge of it. His tongue found a home in the piss slit and the sergeant groaned in ecstasy. This thrilled the boy. The boy's hands caressed the hairy legs, butt and traveled back up to the powerful chest. He swallowed this firm and eager penis into his throat and urged the thrusting pelvis with his hands until he heard the sergeant cry out and realized that the pulsing meat had erupted and his mouth and throat were filled with the older man's essence. The sergeant stooped and lifted the boy to his feet and held him close in his strong arms until the boy realized that he had climaxed in his pants. He was embarrassed. The sergeant looked into his eyes and said, "I'm sorry if I did anything you didn't want me to. Please forgive me." The boy smiled and said, "I'm at your service, sir. I've wanted to be with you since the first time I saw you." The sergeant pulled up his pants and then embraced the boy again as they fell to the floor. He held the boy so close and the boy felt so safe. They lay together for a long time on their sides, and then the sergeant rolled over on his back. The boy's hands went once more under the shirt and soon he was fondling this body that had been through so much. But for that day, there was only this eager boy who loved every inch of that hard body, that firm ass, that marvelously erect penis. The boy dared to bring his lips to the sergeant's and was surprised to feel a reciprocal tongue exploring his mouth. He found himself thoroughly aroused again as the sergeant's big, awkward fingers fumbled with the boy's fatigues, opening him completely down the front. Then the boy realized that the man was slowly turning his body and placing himself in position for something the boy had not yet experienced. He saw the sergeant's throbbing meat approaching his lips and realized that his own cum soaked dick was entering a master sergeant's lips! The feeling was the most sensational the boy had ever experienced. To have a cock slipping easily in and out of his mouth while his own prick throbbed in the mouth of another man was more than he thought he would ever experience. The climax was forceful and very wet for both and they fell away from each other in almost complete exhaustion at the end. But in only a few minutes, the sergeant had gathered the boy up in his arms again and was holding him and kissing his little boy face. It was time to leave. The club was closing. They shouldn't be seen together. But they agreed to meet back here again the following week and left into the drenching, freezing rain with hearts and pricks on fire! The next Sunday several other men were there and one stayed even though the sergeant played Wagner! But that one man left a few minutes early and they sat beside each other, kissed and held each other tightly. The boy thought he might never see the sergeant again, but the sergeant knew better. He told the boy that basic training was over, but he didn't think the boy would be going anywhere and that they would meet at the same place next Sunday. That week the orders arrived and most of the boy's company were transferred for advance training in the infantry or sent to tank school, but the little professor was sent to clerical school right there at Fort Knox. The boy's joy bubbled over as he told the sergeant the next Sunday but the man just smiled wistfully. Clerical school was located close to this service club and the work was easy which left the boy in much better shape for Sunday activity. Several men were in the music room, so the sergeant took them for a little ride around the base in his personal car. The boy slid quickly to the floor and ministered to his sergeant with his eager lips as the sergeant drove. The sergeant reached his first climax that afternoon in front of the entrance to the famous gold depository! When they got back to "their room" at the service club, it was empty and they held each other close and expressed their contentment. The boy mentioned how much he wished that they could get naked and spend a night together. The sergeant smiled and said he thought that could be arranged. He reminded the boy that he would get his first weekend pass the following weekend. The man told the boy to go into Louisville with other members of his company and get a room at the YMCA. Once in his room, he should close the door, lock it and open it for no one. Then at 5:00 P.M. he was to go to the desk at the Brown hotel and ask for Mr. Major. This cloak and dagger business excited the boy even more as he pressed his mouth to the sergeant's and received the deep French kiss that signaled the beginning of the high point of their love making for that day. That weekend the boy did as he was told. He was well aware of the great amount of gay activity in the Y hotel rooms. Even if he hadn't heard guys in the barracks talking about it, the activity would have been obvious. But the boy did as he was told and presented himself in his civilian clothes at the front desk in the lobby of the respectable, conservative, luxurious Brown hotel. The room was very comfortable and the boy was thrilled that he and the sergeant at last could be alone behind locked doors. When he entered the room, he saw a sumptuous feast laid out for them by room service. They ate and the boy eagerly told the sergeant about his week. When dinner was over, the sergeant announced that it was time for the "unveiling." For so long he had dreamt of holding this boy's naked body in his arms. For an equal period the boy had fantasized about the sergeant's body. They had touched in the darkness, but not had the opportunity to look. They undressed slowly in front of each other. The boy was amazed that he sergeant looked even bigger in the nude; he marveled at the abundance of body hair over the large, muscular body. Tears formed in his eyes as he saw the silver streaks of the wound scars. He was pleased that a full erection showed the sergeant had not lost interest. The sergeant smiled at the smooth, boyish body of his little professor. He knew the boy was twenty-one, but he could have been fourteen as he stood there shyly covering his nakedness with small hands and arms. In a moment they were in each other's arms on the bed. It wasn't mad, passionate sex. It was just holding, fondling and loving. It was slow, gentle and quite long lasting. When the boy had brought the sergeant to his usual climax, the sergeant rolled over on his back, raised the powerful legs in the air, and said, "time for something new, boy." The boy knew what was expected. His own precum was more than ample lubrication for his small penis to penetrate the marvelous pucker that was presented to him. He felt the powerful hairy legs on his shoulders as he entered. He never thought he could be so happy. Several weekends more were available to them before the boy finished clerical school. On their last night together before graduation the sergeant asked the boy why he was interested in him. Without a moment's hesitation, the boy responded, "Because you need me sir," and realized something very important about him. More than sex, more than anything else in his life, he needed to be needed. When all of the other graduates of the clerical school were handed orders sending them to company clerk positions all over the world, the professor, who had graduated first in his class, was handed orders to report to post headquarters as part of the secretarial staff of the post commanding general! When he reported for duty the following Monday morning he was amazed at his good fortune. He suddenly realized that he had been going to bed with the Post Sergeant Major, the most powerful enlisted man on the post. He felt warm and safe and secure. It was a good challenging job that kept him near the man he worshipped. But it was not to last for long. In less than two months, the sergeant was transferred to the Pentagon, and the boy's remaining months of active duty service were brightened only by occasional weekend adventures at the Y which were meaningless and quite unsatisfying. He yearned for the person who would need him desperately again. But he had learned once and for all what would satisfy the ache he had felt since he had reached puberty and it certainly would not be a lifetime of soldiering!


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Cement Mixer, Part III

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My stories are loosely based on incidents in my own past but are fictionalized to protect the innocent. They happened in a safer past; only a fool would have unprotected sex today. SOLDIERING BY JIMBO The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or


The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or any more near-sighted, he would have been rejected and the "Little Professor" ,as his friends called him, was certainly not very good military material. He had never been an athlete and was much too gentle to

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