Gay Erotic Stories

Summer Camp Out

by Cliff
19 Aug 1999


This is a true story that happened to me as a teenager. We had lots of kids in our neighbourhood that would hang out together on weeknights, because most of the kids would either go family camping or to their cottages on the weekend. There were about eight of us around the same age who - if parents permitted would sleep out at someone's house - either on their huge front verandah, or in a pitched backyard tent, or in the case of one guy, Colin who had a trailer. But we tended to head towards the person who had a big verandah. We'd stay up for hours, talking, about girls, about school, about the neighbourhood, parents - and all that stuff. But somehow, we'd always get talking about sex - even though none of us had experienced it. There were only three of us who had fully reached puberty, hairy armpits, pubes and our cocks had grown a lot bigger than the other boys, and the hair on our legs was good and furry. Usually in our sleep-outs, we'd be in our underwear, and once in awhile we'd be playing cards or another game where the loser would have to take off his underwear and run around the person's house stark naked. It was always a treat to see how the person reacted - but there wasn't much sexual stuff happening. It was just great fun. At one of our camp-outs at Colin's house, his two older brothers were around - old enough to drink beer (probably late teens or early twenties), hang out and make fun of the kids. I think that night there were 4 of us at the sleep-out and we all started goofing around, teasing each other, and the older guys kept making fun of the 4 younger guys - telling us we were weaklings. The older brother in particular - when he got really annoyed with us - would use his favourite phrase - "suck my cock". Every time he said it there'd be that nervous boy laughter and everyone would start cracking more insults. This particular night, we were particularly insulting to the older guys and we started to play wrestle. Two 18-year-olds with a 19 and 21 year old. We were all over each other trying to get these guys. Suddenly I was on the bottom with Randy straddling my chest. He had on a pair of loose jogging shorts, and there staring me in the face was this huge prick just bouncing around inside the leg of his shorts. I remember looking at this huge thing, gasping and with my mouth open looking up at him. He looked down at me and said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "You'd probably like to suck on that wouldn't ya" I screamed "fuck off" and threw him off of me and ended up sitting on his chest - but with a hard-on that was really noticeable. "What's this", he said reaching his hand up and giving my cock a quick squeeze. "You can finally get a hardon". "Fuck off" I yelled again, and got up off of him. We continued talking and fooling around that night, but I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't get that image of Randy's penis out of my head and I think I stayed hard all night. About 2 weeks later, Colin asked if I wanted to go camping and fishing up at the lake with him, his older brother and his buddy. My parents had to think about it for awhile, but they finally let me go. I thought it would be great just to hang out with Colin and his brother - they were undoubtedly the best looking guys on the neighbourhood - and were real sexy jocks. Randy's buddy's name was Ron, and I had met him a few times, very quiet, but pleasant. Also a fun guy, and we all got along okay. So, we all loaded up in their Chevy and headed up to the lake. We had left late on Friday so had to set up the tent in the dark. As it was chilly, and dark, and we were really tired, we just crawled into our sleeping bags and went to sleep. Next morning, Randy and I were awake first, went outside to take a piss and then started the fire. We tried to get the other guys up but they wanted to sleep a little longer. Randy and I decided to go for a shit, shower - and him - shave - to start the morning off. We got to the public showers which was a standard camp-ground public shower, with about ten sinks, and 4 public stalls with two shower-heads. There were a couple of other dads with their young kids there, and Randy said, "well, I guess you and I can use this one." I was a little nervous, and not as anxious to show off my body as he was. Well, he was nicely developed, had a nice lightly furry body - dark hair, and lots of dark hair on his legs. He stripped off his clothes and jumped in the shower, and I took a little more time getting undressed with my back to him. When I got in the shower, I stepped in with my back to him, and we started to chat about - whatever. Then - I turned around. He had a really beautiful body, and there, hanging out of a really hairy bush, was a perfect, thick, cut penis. It was just beautiful. There I stood again with my mouth open, but this time looking right at his naked cock. "Holy shit, you are really big - look at this"- as I made him look at my cock. I just turned 16 and I was developing well, but nothing like his. "Don't worry", he said, "You'll get there someday too". Then he grabbed his dick and started to wash it and his hairy balls - taking his time while I watched. "Fuck, I can't wait till I have a cock like yours". Ÿeah, it is kind of nice isn't it". "Listen, if this is going to sound weird, just punch me - but I was just wondering (I whispered) if I could just touch it for a minute. It's just so thick, I just want to see what it's going to feel like". He smiled and said it was okay - but only for second. He could see over the cement stall wall, and would keep watch. So, I slowly reached forward, and wrapped my fingers around his cock, and gave it a tug. "Now you know what it's like to have a real man's dick in your hand", he joked - then quickly slapped my hand away and said that was enough. We didn't say anything at that moment, but just finished the showers and got dressed. Walking back to the campground, he asked me how it felt. I told him it was really neat that he let me touch his penis and it felt really cool. He said if I told anyone, he would kill me. I agreed not to, and he put his arm around me and playfully punched me with his other arm. After the other guys were up and showered, we started our day, and Colin and I decided to go fishing which we did for the entire day. Brought back some bass that night at about 6, cleaned and cooked them up for supper. We all cleaned up, and headed down to the beach for a swim. As no one was at the beach, we all decided to take off our suits, and go skinny dipping, with out trunks wrapped around our heads. Randy took Colin's suit and threw it on to shore, and Ron got mine and threw it the other way. So I just had to swim under water for mine, but Colin had to run naked to the shore and get his suit. But when he got there, instead of running back in the water, he stood there with his pelvis protruded and started swaying his hips so his cock swung from side to side slapping his thighs, making sounds like a monkey. Then he stood sideways and pissed in the sand. We all thought this was hilarious, and daring, and really funny when this elderly couple walked up behind him and started scolding him for peeing on the sand. THEN he jumped in the water, and we laughed like crazy. Great night - played cards by the lantern light, and once again hit the sack. The next morning it was Colin and I who slept in, and the other guys had gone somewhere with the car. Colin and I started talking and went for a shower. Somehow started talking about his brother, and Colin mentioned the size of his brother's dick. "Have you seen his cock" he asked. I replied that I'd seen it in the shower yesterday and yeah it was big. Colin said he'd seen his brother jerk it a couple of times and couldn't keep his eyes off it and was hoping he'd grow into a dick like his brothers. We showered together too, but we were buddies and had hung out together naked a lot of times. Nothing sexual there - not like with Randy. I couldn't get him off of my mind. Colin and I went to the go-carts, went swimming, came back to the tent tired, and there was Ron sitting at the picnic table having a beer. He asked us if we'd like to go back down for a swim, but I told him I wanted to have a nap and would join him later. Colin was happy to go back down to the water, so he and Colin went back to the water. Both guys were real car nuts so had lots of stuff to talk about. When I went to get into the tent to lay down on my sleeping bag, there was Randy, with his jogging shorts on, legs spread and that fine cock of his peeking out through the leg. He was half asleep and half awake, and we started some small-talk. Then I told him the other guys had gone back down to the water for awhile and that I wanted to have a little snooze. Well, we got into some small talk, and I started to doze off, but couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about, or staring at Randy's crotch. Suddenly out of the blue, he said, "You want to touch it again don't you"? I shrugged my shoulders with an "I don't know" attitude. Tell you what, you keep your mouth shut, and you can play with it the whole time the other guys are gone okay? I don't care what you do with it, just keep it between you and me". With that, he slipped off his shorts, spread his legs, and told me to have fun. He leaned back on his elbows, raised his ass off the ground a couple of times making his big soft cock jiggle around. Fuck, I was nervous, excited, had a hard-on, and was about to have the time of my life. So I crawled up in between his legs getting as close to his cock as I dared. I let my hands slide up his muscular hairy legs finally resting on his thighs by his ass. I wasn't really sure if Randy was going to let me play with it or if this was just a game. He said, "sniff it first. Tell me what it smells like"? I moved up between his legs, and let my nose move around his balls and up and down his cock and around his pubic hair. "Does it smell good? I don't know, I've never been between a guys legs before, does it smell good?" "Fuck, it smells so good I can't belive it", I said. "Just tell me how it feels and stuff while you're doing it. I want to hear that". Suddenly we heard something outside, and he quick whipped his shorts back on. It was just some other noisy neighbours walking by. "I better keep my head close to the opening, just in case they come back. So he repositioned himself, and took off his shorts again. Opened up his legs and invited me back in. This time, he took my head and started rubbing it around his crotch, asking me how it felt having his cock on my head and nose; how it smelled and how it was when all his pubic hair rubbed against my face. I told him it smelled great, and it was really neat that my best friend's brother was letting me play with his cock. Then the big question - "So, are you going to suck it?" "Do you want me to", I replied."Yeah - I want to see how much of it you can get into your mouth". By this time he was really hard, I have no idea how big, I just know it was big, his balls were big, lots of hair in his crotch, and he was letting me have a feast. So I took the head of his cock, and started licking the piss-slit. He started to laugh, then threw his head back and said it felt great - asking me again how it tasted. I told him it tasted great. Then I started sucking on his head, working down his shaft, trying to get as much in to my mouth as I could. He watched the whole time, smiling away delighting that I was working on his dick. It took awhile, but my lips managed to at least touch the tip of his pubic hair. He asked me to stop moving around, because he wanted to try shoving his cock in and out of my mouth - which he did - and which I loved. The sex smell was incredible and suddenly I started to go wild. Sucking like crazy. Pulling on his balls. Jerking his cock and licking his balls. Diving back down on his huge, hairy cock. He said, "You're not going to need any supper after sucking on my dick all afternoon, are ya', whapping it against my face. I replied, as best I could with his cock in my mouth. Fuck - we started hearing the other guys laughing, walking up the road. "Quick, lay down on your back, I've got an idea". I got on my back, and he worked his way up so his cock was in my mouth, and he was slowly fucking my face. He kept his head, arms and his chest out of the tent, grabbed a book and pretended to read while he was fucking my mouth with his delicious prick. He just kept grinding his hips, his pubic hair, his balls around my face, making me smell everything and ploughed into my mouth again with the great cock. THen he'd lift up, move his cock all over my face, then slowly sink it back into my mouth. I'm sure he was having the time of his life too! Ron and Colin were hanging their towels on the tent ropes, and went to the cooler to get a drink, then sat down on the picnic table. Ron asked where I was, and Colin told him I was still sleeping. From the outside, it looked like Randy just had his head out of the tent reading and was just repositioning himself every so often. So the three guys kept talking innocently while my face was being fucked inside the tent. My mouth and face were soaked with my saliva, the sweat from his huge cock and now wet-with-sweat balls. What happened next was great. They started playing some kind of word game with jokes and stuff. When the punch-line came, Randy would laugh and fuck my face really hard and fast so from the outside-again, you wouldn't know what's happening inside. After about 3 laughing episodes, he started to cum -and cum - and cum. It tasted great, but he only let one jet in my mouth, then lifted his cock out and pressed his groin in my face while the rest of his cum shot out on me. Then he laid there for a minute while the conversation continued outside. He excused himself - said he had to change and would be out in a minute, closing the zipper. He turned himself around, rubbed his cock and balls all over my cum filled face, and told me to lick all the semen off of his cock and balls - just a good finished touch. I did it in a flash, and then he dipped his soft cock into my mouth once more. "Just to see my cock in your mouth once more. Did it taste good?" Incredible, I replied. Incredible. "Any time you want to play with my cock, you let me know and I'll see what I can do - but remember - nobody knows about this right". It only happened a few times after that, one quick time while we were camping that weekend, and another time at his house when Colin was late from football practice and I was told to wait with Randy in his room until Colin got home. While Randy was studying his University paper, I sucked his prick for about an hour. He kept his tshirt and socks on, but was leaning on his elbow reading while I laid down between his legs and played and sucked until he came. He kept on reading pausing every once in awhile to watch his cock going in and out of mouth. Then he came in my mouth, and I kept my mouth on his cock until it was nice and soft. Then he said thanks, asked me if it tasted as good as always - It was - really heaven! The he slipped his pants back on and I waited until COlin came home. No one knew - as This is a true story that happened to me as a teenager. We had lots of kids in our neighbourhood that would hang out together on weeknights, because most of the kids would either go family camping or to their cottages on the weekend. There were about eight of us around the same age who - if parents permitted would sleep out at someone's house - either on their huge front verandah, or in a pitched backyard tent, or in the case of one guy, Colin who had a trailer. But we tended to head towards the person who had a big verandah. We'd stay up for hours, talking, about girls, about school, about the neighbourhood, parents - and all that stuff. But somehow, we'd always get talking about sex - even though none of us had experienced it. There were only three of us who had fully reached puberty, hairy armpits, pubes and our cocks had grown a lot bigger than the other boys, and the hair on our legs was good and furry. Usually in our sleep-outs, we'd be in our underwear, and once in awhile we'd be playing cards or another game where the loser would have to take off his underwear and run around the person's house stark naked. It was always a treat to see how the person reacted - but there wasn't much sexual stuff happening. It was just great fun. At one of our camp-outs at Colin's house, his two older brothers were around - old enough to drink beer (probably late teens or early twenties), hang out and make fun of the kids. I think that night there were 4 of us at the sleep-out and we all started goofing around, teasing each other, and the older guys kept making fun of the 4 younger guys - telling us we were weaklings. The older brother in particular - when he got really annoyed with us - would use his favourite phrase - "suck my cock". Every time he said it there'd be that nervous boy laughter and everyone would start cracking more insults. This particular night, we were particularly insulting to the older guys and we started to play wrestle. Two 18-year-olds with a 19 and 21 year old. We were all over each other trying to get these guys. Suddenly I was on the bottom with Randy straddling my chest. He had on a pair of loose jogging shorts, and there staring me in the face was this huge prick just bouncing around inside the leg of his shorts. I remember looking at this huge thing, gasping and with my mouth open looking up at him. He looked down at me and said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "You'd probably like to suck on that wouldn't ya" I screamed "fuck off" and threw him off of me and ended up sitting on his chest - but with a hard-on that was really noticeable. "What's this", he said reaching his hand up and giving my cock a quick squeeze. "You can finally get a hardon". "Fuck off" I yelled again, and got up off of him. We continued talking and fooling around that night, but I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't get that image of Randy's penis out of my head and I think I stayed hard all night. About 2 weeks later, Colin asked if I wanted to go camping and fishing up at the lake with him, his older brother and his buddy. My parents had to think about it for awhile, but they finally let me go. I thought it would be great just to hang out with Colin and his brother - they were undoubtedly the best looking guys on the neighbourhood - and were real sexy jocks. Randy's buddy's name was Ron, and I had met him a few times, very quiet, but pleasant. Also a fun guy, and we all got along okay. So, we all loaded up in their Chevy and headed up to the lake. We had left late on Friday so had to set up the tent in the dark. As it was chilly, and dark, and we were really tired, we just crawled into our sleeping bags and went to sleep. Next morning, Randy and I were awake first, went outside to take a piss and then started the fire. We tried to get the other guys up but they wanted to sleep a little longer. Randy and I decided to go for a shit, shower - and him - shave - to start the morning off. We got to the public showers which was a standard camp-ground public shower, with about ten sinks, and 4 public stalls with two shower-heads. There were a couple of other dads with their young kids there, and Randy said, "well, I guess you and I can use this one." I was a little nervous, and not as anxious to show off my body as he was. Well, he was nicely developed, had a nice lightly furry body - dark hair, and lots of dark hair on his legs. He stripped off his clothes and jumped in the shower, and I took a little more time getting undressed with my back to him. When I got in the shower, I stepped in with my back to him, and we started to chat about - whatever. Then - I turned around. He had a really beautiful body, and there, hanging out of a really hairy bush, was a perfect, thick, cut penis. It was just beautiful. There I stood again with my mouth open, but this time looking right at his naked cock. "Holy shit, you are really big - look at this"- as I made him look at my cock. I just turned 16 and I was developing well, but nothing like his. "Don't worry", he said, "You'll get there someday too". Then he grabbed his dick and started to wash it and his hairy balls - taking his time while I watched. "Fuck, I can't wait till I have a cock like yours". Ÿeah, it is kind of nice isn't it". "Listen, if this is going to sound weird, just punch me - but I was just wondering (I whispered) if I could just touch it for a minute. It's just so thick, I just want to see what it's going to feel like". He smiled and said it was okay - but only for second. He could see over the cement stall wall, and would keep watch. So, I slowly reached forward, and wrapped my fingers around his cock, and gave it a tug. "Now you know what it's like to have a real man's dick in your hand", he joked - then quickly slapped my hand away and said that was enough. We didn't say anything at that moment, but just finished the showers and got dressed. Walking back to the campground, he asked me how it felt. I told him it was really neat that he let me touch his penis and it felt really cool. He said if I told anyone, he would kill me. I agreed not to, and he put his arm around me and playfully punched me with his other arm. After the other guys were up and showered, we started our day, and Colin and I decided to go fishing which we did for the entire day. Brought back some bass that night at about 6, cleaned and cooked them up for supper. We all cleaned up, and headed down to the beach for a swim. As no one was at the beach, we all decided to take off our suits, and go skinny dipping, with out trunks wrapped around our heads. Randy took Colin's suit and threw it on to shore, and Ron got mine and threw it the other way. So I just had to swim under water for mine, but Colin had to run naked to the shore and get his suit. But when he got there, instead of running back in the water, he stood there with his pelvis protruded and started swaying his hips so his cock swung from side to side slapping his thighs, making sounds like a monkey. Then he stood sideways and pissed in the sand. We all thought this was hilarious, and daring, and really funny when this elderly couple walked up behind him and started scolding him for peeing on the sand. THEN he jumped in the water, and we laughed like crazy. Great night - played cards by the lantern light, and once again hit the sack. The next morning it was Colin and I who slept in, and the other guys had gone somewhere with the car. Colin and I started talking and went for a shower. Somehow started talking about his brother, and Colin mentioned the size of his brother's dick. "Have you seen his cock" he asked. I replied that I'd seen it in the shower yesterday and yeah it was big. Colin said he'd seen his brother jerk it a couple of times and couldn't keep his eyes off it and was hoping he'd grow into a dick like his brothers. We showered together too, but we were buddies and had hung out together naked a lot of times. Nothing sexual there - not like with Randy. I couldn't get him off of my mind. Colin and I went to the go-carts, went swimming, came back to the tent tired, and there was Ron sitting at the picnic table having a beer. He asked us if we'd like to go back down for a swim, but I told him I wanted to have a nap and would join him later. Colin was happy to go back down to the water, so he and Colin went back to the water. Both guys were real car nuts so had lots of stuff to talk about. When I went to get into the tent to lay down on my sleeping bag, there was Randy, with his jogging shorts on, legs spread and that fine cock of his peeking out through the leg. He was half asleep and half awake, and we started some small-talk. Then I told him the other guys had gone back down to the water for awhile and that I wanted to have a little snooze. Well, we got into some small talk, and I started to doze off, but couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about, or staring at Randy's crotch. Suddenly out of the blue, he said, "You want to touch it again don't you"? I shrugged my shoulders with an "I don't know" attitude. Tell you what, you keep your mouth shut, and you can play with it the whole time the other guys are gone okay? I don't care what you do with it, just keep it between you and me". With that, he slipped off his shorts, spread his legs, and told me to have fun. He leaned back on his elbows, raised his ass off the ground a couple of times making his big soft cock jiggle around. Fuck, I was nervous, excited, had a hard-on, and was about to have the time of my life. So I crawled up in between his legs getting as close to his cock as I dared. I let my hands slide up his muscular hairy legs finally resting on his thighs by his ass. I wasn't really sure if Randy was going to let me play with it or if this was just a game. He said, "sniff it first. Tell me what it smells like"? I moved up between his legs, and let my nose move around his balls and up and down his cock and around his pubic hair. "Does it smell good? I don't know, I've never been between a guys legs before, does it smell good?" "Fuck, it smells so good I can't belive it", I said. "Just tell me how it feels and stuff while you're doing it. I want to hear that". Suddenly we heard something outside, and he quick whipped his shorts back on. It was just some other noisy neighbours walking by. "I better keep my head close to the opening, just in case they come back. So he repositioned himself, and took off his shorts again. Opened up his legs and invited me back in. This time, he took my head and started rubbing it around his crotch, asking me how it felt having his cock on my head and nose; how it smelled and how it was when all his pubic hair rubbed against my face. I told him it smelled great, and it was really neat that my best friend's brother was letting me play with his cock. Then the big question - "So, are you going to suck it?" "Do you want me to", I replied."Yeah - I want to see how much of it you can get into your mouth". By this time he was really hard, I have no idea how big, I just know it was big, his balls were big, lots of hair in his crotch, and he was letting me have a feast. So I took the head of his cock, and started licking the piss-slit. He started to laugh, then threw his head back and said it felt great - asking me again how it tasted. I told him it tasted great. Then I started sucking on his head, working down his shaft, trying to get as much in to my mouth as I could. He watched the whole time, smiling away delighting that I was working on his dick. It took awhile, but my lips managed to at least touch the tip of his pubic hair. He asked me to stop moving around, because he wanted to try shoving his cock in and out of my mouth - which he did - and which I loved. The sex smell was incredible and suddenly I started to go wild. Sucking like crazy. Pulling on his balls. Jerking his cock and licking his balls. Diving back down on his huge, hairy cock. He said, "You're not going to need any supper after sucking on my dick all afternoon, are ya', whapping it against my face. I replied, as best I could with his cock in my mouth. Fuck - we started hearing the other guys laughing, walking up the road. "Quick, lay down on your back, I've got an idea". I got on my back, and he worked his way up so his cock was in my mouth, and he was slowly fucking my face. He kept his head, arms and his chest out of the tent, grabbed a book and pretended to read while he was fucking my mouth with his delicious prick. He just kept grinding his hips, his pubic hair, his balls around my face, making me smell everything and ploughed into my mouth again with the great cock. THen he'd lift up, move his cock all over my face, then slowly sink it back into my mouth. I'm sure he was having the time of his life too! Ron and Colin were hanging their towels on the tent ropes, and went to the cooler to get a drink, then sat down on the picnic table. Ron asked where I was, and Colin told him I was still sleeping. From the outside, it looked like Randy just had his head out of the tent reading and was just repositioning himself every so often. So the three guys kept talking innocently while my face was being fucked inside the tent. My mouth and face were soaked with my saliva, the sweat from his huge cock and now wet-with-sweat balls. What happened next was great. They started playing some kind of word game with jokes and stuff. When the punch-line came, Randy would laugh and fuck my face really hard and fast so from the outside-again, you wouldn't know what's happening inside. After about 3 laughing episodes, he started to cum -and cum - and cum. It tasted great, but he only let one jet in my mouth, then lifted his cock out and pressed his groin in my face while the rest of his cum shot out on me. Then he laid there for a minute while the conversation continued outside. He excused himself - said he had to change and would be out in a minute, closing the zipper. He turned himself around, rubbed his cock and balls all over my cum filled face, and told me to lick all the semen off of his cock and balls - just a good finished touch. I did it in a flash, and then he dipped his soft cock into my mouth once more. "Just to see my cock in your mouth once more. Did it taste good?" Incredible, I replied. Incredible. "Any time you want to play with my cock, you let me know and I'll see what I can do - but remember - nobody knows about this right". It only happened a few times after that, one quick time while we were camping that weekend, and another time at his house when Colin was late from football practice and I was told to wait with Randy in his room until Colin got home. While Randy was studying his University paper, I sucked his prick for about an hour. He kept his T-shirt and socks on, but was leaning on his elbow reading while I laid down between his legs and played and sucked until he came. He kept on reading pausing every once in awhile to watch his cock going in and out of mouth. Then he came in my mouth, and I kept my mouth on his cock until it was nice and soft. Then he said thanks, asked me if it tasted as good as always - It was - really heaven! The he slipped his pants back on and I waited until Colin came home. No one knew - as far as I know. I'm in my early 30's now, but I remember it like it was happening today. Fantastic jerk-off sessions! far as I know. I'm in my early 30's now, but I remember it like it was happening today. Fantastic jerk-off sessions!


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