Gay Erotic Stories

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 5: Conclusion

by JohnanymousDoe
31 Mar 2003

Super Heroes

Hours later they awoke feeling slightly lightheaded and nauseous. As they untangled themselves from each other, they noticed that their skin was covered with a painful, red rash. Some had open, oozing sores on their penises and groins.

They looked in horror at each other’s bodies and then noticed that the Man of Steel lay still and quiet. A deathly gray pallor had replaced the healthy, vigorous glow of just hours before. His closed eyes were dark-ringed and sunken, as if the very life had been sucked out of him. They temporarily forgot their own sorrows as they ringed around the unmoving hero.

“Is he…?” gasped Seven, afraid to finish the question.

“No, his heart’s still beating,” reported Ten as he listened to Superman’s chest despite the agony that bending over caused his painfully scabby skin.

“He looks so much smaller than he did just a few hours ago,”said Four.

“He looks so sick. I didn’t think this would happen so quickly. I guess I didn’t think at all about this part of our plan,” said Eleven.

“Yeah, isn’t it funny. A week ago I was creaming for this. Now…I don’t know. I’ve changed. Everything’s changed,” said Three.

“Well, what are we going to do about it?” inquired Twelve who had, at some point, re-clothed himself in Superman’s skin-tight costume.

“What do you mean?” asked Two, his blistered cock causing him to grimace. “This is what we came to do, to destroy Superman. This is what we paid for, assholes! Remember? Think of the possibilities this opens for us!”

“What possibilities? His death doesn’t mean that there still aren’t cops and when the world finds out he’s dead, all hell’s gonna break loose!” admonished Ten. “This whole idea was stupid and wrong and I’m ashamed to be a part of it. I deserve this fucking rash for what I’ve done!”

“You fucking pussy!”

“Shut up, Two, or I’ll punch your face in!” screamed Eleven.

“Try it, you fat fuck!” yelled Two as he lunged at Eleven. Before he could strike he was tripped and quickly hog-tied by Four, Ten and Three. Superman’s ball gag was placed roughly in his mouth.

“Thanks, guys,” said Eleven, scratching and clawing at his blistered skin. “This fucking rash is killing me. What do you think it’s from?”

“I don’t think it’s from him,” Seven pointed at the unmoving Man of Steel. “It seems to be on the outside of my body. I don’t have a sore mouth or throat, but I do feel weak and sick to my stomach. Maybe it’s that drug that was in everything.”

They all agreed on those points.

“What do we do now? What about Luthor?”

“Is he still here? I haven’t seen him for quite some time.”

“I know. Let’s get Olsen. He knows Big Blue better than anybody does! Maybe he can tell us what to do, you know, how to help him,” suggested Four.

A short while later, Jimmy was shown into the room. His mouth was puffy and bruised but he held an ice pack in his hand. The blood had been cleaned off his body but he still wore the crotch-less chaps and fishnet sheath around his penis and balls.

He looked at Twelve and thinking it was his hero restored to his full powers, he brightened considerably, then sunk again as he recognized Twelve’s face and saw Superman lying on the table. Horror-struck, he ran to his hero’s side.

“What have you done to him?” he screamed and started to cry as he hugged the limp form, his tears spilling all over the clean-shaven chest. “How could you do this to him? He has a mission and you guys are so selfish you want him all to yourselves. He belongs to the world, not in this stupid room!”

Superman opened his eyes. His whole body was immersed in pain so intense that he could barely breathe. He listened to Jimmy’s impassioned speech on his behalf and was moved to tears himself. He struggled to speak.

“Don’t be so upset, pal. After this room kills me with the red sun’s radiation someone else will step forward and take my place. Humans can be a great race in that respect sometimes. I can feel myself slipping away every minute. Luthor and these men have won and I’ve lost. I want to thank you for being such a good friend throughout my career as Superman.”

“Don’t give up Superman! Lois and Clark will find us and get you out of here!”

“Jimmy, I AM Clark and no one’s going to save us this time,” he said to the dumbstruck redhead who cried in great, gushing sobs for his friend. He then addressed the men.

“Isn’t there any way you can let Jimmy go? He’s an innocent in all this. It was me you wanted and me you got. You all have your trophies and treasures. You’ve gotten what you bargained for. I’m dying, you don’t need to kill him too.”

Twelve looked at the floor in embarrassment and saw the big red “S” on his chest. He was very ashamed of his actions, as were the rest. They had all been hardened criminals, bent on the Man of Steel’s painful, humiliating destruction at their hands, but now they felt deep regret for what they’d bought with their tainted money.

“The kid’s right,” said Twelve. “I don’t want him to die. I love him,” he said as tears trickled down his face.

“We all do. Let’s let him go!” suggested Eleven.

“NEVER!” Luthor screamed as he limped into the room, obviously in great pain. “He’s going to die for what he’s done to me!” At that, he revealed his penis, which was blood red with open pustules and sores covering its entire surface. He held a control switch in his good left hand as the right was covered with the same ugly sores.

“That fucking aphrodisiac jelly caused first degree burns on my skin and I’m going to kill him for that! Goodbye, Superman, at least I have the pleasure of watching you die, once and for all!” He flicked the switch and green lights came on beside the red, flooding the room with deadly kryptonite rays.

Superman grimaced with pain; his drained, weakened body succumbing immediately to the sickening effects of the lethal radiation. Within moments he lost consciousness and slipped into a coma. He stopped breathing. The men tried to revive him as Luthor laughed maniacally despite the horrific pain in his groin. He then threw the control against the hard wall and it broke into a million tiny pieces. He laughed harder and harder until he suddenly grasped his chest and fell to the floor.

“Sunshine! He needs the yellow sun,” Jimmy cried. “Let’s get him out of here!”

“Four, go get the elevator, I’m taking him up,” said Twelve.

“We’re all taking him up,” they yelled and placed the prostrate form onto a rolling table.

“He’s not breathing and his heart’s stopped!”

They sped to the elevator and piled in while Jimmy began to administer CPR.

Some were actually praying and begging forgiveness for their evil deeds. Some cried tears of despair as they neared the top and they touched the fallen hero’s unmoving form.

The elevator seemed to take forever but finally it opened and they all spilled out, Jimmy still giving the kiss of life, and ran outside the main entrance. The sun was just beginning to rise. Within minutes the sun rose high enough to fall upon the body of the last son of Krypton. They all waited for any sign of life. Jimmy listened for a heartbeat.

“It’s beating!” he reported happily.

Superman inhaled a huge breath of cool, fresh air and opened his blue eyes.

“What happened?” he asked groggily.

They all clapped and cheered at his miraculous recovery. They all hugged each other and cried as the morning sun bathed them in its golden light.

“Hey Six, your rash is gone,” said Seven.

“So is mine. I feel remarkably invigorated,” Twelve said. “Maybe that red sun was sucking the life out of all of us.”

“It was definitely the red sun,” Superman said, sitting up. He looked at the metal shackles on his wrists and ankles and noticed his chest where he’d been shaved and raised his eyebrows. He then flexed his wrists and the metal bindings flew apart. He tore the ankle bracelets away like paper. Then he stood, letting the sun wash over his naked body and tested his heat vision by melting the metal that he’d so easily torn away. He leaped into the air and flew effortlessly towards the sun. The air on his still-tingling skin felt delicious and the gray pall was soon replaced by his normal, healthy glow.

Superman flew back to the men and noticed that Twelve had removed his costume. He stood naked, looking at the ground.

“I’m sorry that we did those things to you, Superman. I don’t know if you remember, but I apologize and accept any sentence that you impose on me,” he said. They all concurred and stood there awaiting the Man of Steel’s justice.

“I remember each and every single thing that happened. You men had no right to imprison me. Then by kidnapping Jimmy and forcing him to suck me off, you did a great disservice to him as well. His teeth are ruined and you disfigured him with body piercings against his will.”

“Oh, I’m a dentist,” said Ten. “I’ll take good care of his teeth.” He reached for his card and realized he was naked. They all laughed.

“That’s a start,” said the restored hero.

“Uh, Superman?” Jimmy said, “I kinda like the nipple rings. It really hurt at first but now I really like them.” Jimmy blushed only as a true redhead can and continued. “…And they were really nice to me after my teeth and everything and I figured out from this whole experience that I’m really gay!”

Superman shook his head and chuckled as he climbed into his tight costume and pulled on the red briefs. He suddenly stopped laughing and reached down into the red Lycra trunks. His hand came out smeared with Twelve’s cum, which he’d shot into them earlier.

“Sorry!” Twelve apologized profusely.

Superman raised his gooey hand to his lips and licked off the sauce. All were amazed.

“I made a few discoveries about myself, too!” he said and winked mischievously, then looked at Eleven and said, “Nice body!”

Eleven was dumbstruck as he looked down and noticed that his bear-like paunch had been sucked into his body. He was now staring at a ripped, washboard stomach. His chest, arms and legs were also beautifully sculpted and proportioned. Their bodies had all turned into living works of art, magnificent and strong. They wondered aloud at how this had happened.

“I have a theory,” said the Man of Steel. “Three, crush this if you can,” he said and tossed the man a nearby rock. Three caught it and squeezed, causing it to shatter. “You’ll find that you all have special powers now that are similar to mine. You’ll only have a fraction of my abilities but that’s still a force to be reckoned with.

“You mean we can fly, too?”

“I don’t know just how developed your abilities will be. You’ll just have to find out yourselves.”

“But how did this happen?” they asked.

“My bodily essences are pure concentrations of my goodness and invincibility and are generated by my super Kryptonian body. You swallowed so much of my essences that you have become super-powered, honest and pure. I knew I was trapped and the only way I was going to get out was to saturate your bodies with my own pureness. I could only hope that you still had enough decency inside for it to be effective.”

“So that’s why Two was still a putz! Are we still human?”

“Absolutely, you’re just enhanced now. These powers will probably serve you for the rest of your lives. Just don’t let anyone else share YOUR essences except each other. Your powers could be weakened and you may become vulnerable.”

“So you just pretended to be overwhelmed by the drug?” asked Seven.

“Oh no! I was truly compromised by the aphrodisiac and really enjoying myself. The drug will probably be in my system for a long time. It allowed me the freedom to be open to things that the ‘sober’ Superman would never permit. Why don’t you guys try out your new powers? We’re far enough away from everything that no one will see you.”

They all took off excitedly and Superman was left alone with Jimmy, who was trying unsuccessfully to crush a rock.

“Jeepers, Cla.... I mean, Superman. How come they can do this but I can’t?” he asked dejectedly.

“They ingested a lot more fluid than you did, pal.”

“Oh,” he said.

Superman stepped over and held out his hand for Jimmy to shake. “Jim, I’ll never be able to thank you for saving my life. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

“Golly, Superman. I would do anything for you. You’re my hero. You always have been. Gosh, but you’re also Clark who’s married to Lois and…hey, does she have super powers, too?”

Superman chuckled bitterly. “Ha! That’s a good one, Jimmy. She really doesn’t know what to do with me. I’m too big, too strong, too slow, blah, blah, blah. But she is my wife and I must go back to her.”

“Yeah, I know. But if you’re ever looking for someone who really loves you, you can always count on me,” he said and turned away. “Oh never mind.”

Superman turned him around and looked deeply into Jimmy’s eyes. He enveloped him in his huge, muscular arms and held him close. Jimmy hugged back with all his might, his head resting on Superman’s massive chest. He would probably never have this chance again. He raised his head and looked into the champion’s dazzling blue eyes. The Kryptonian had never been more handsome then he was at that moment. Jimmy loved his Hollywood haircut and striking goatee. His heart skipped a beat as he gazed lovingly into the Man of Steel’s eyes. A fat tear trickled down his face and the Man of Steel leaned down and kissed it away. Then he moved his lips to Jimmy’s ravaged mouth and kissed him gently but passionately. Jimmy could feel the hot hero’s manhood stir and his own cock strained against the sheath.

“Ow! Jeepers, that fucking hurts!” he said as he tore away the fishnet device that enveloped him.

The moment was lost. They both smiled.

“I love you, big guy,” Jimmy said.

“I love you too, pal, but I have to go back to Lois.” Then he added, “I will never forget what you did for me. Never. I owe you one.”

Jimmy nodded. “Say, I’ve gotta go back down there and get my clothes. I guess those guys can’t expose themselves to the red sun, so I’d better bring their stuff. I can’t exactly go back looking like this, huh?”

“I like how you look. Those chaps show off your cute little bubble-butt!” Superman winked and Jimmy smiled and blushed.

He came back a short while later with a laundry cart full of clothing and gear.

“Luthor’s body and number Two were nowhere to be found, Superman,” he reported. “I wonder what could have happened?”

“I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them, Jimmy,” said the Man of Steel as he scanned the area for signs of the two missing men. “We’ll just have to deal with them if they ever resurface."

“You mean WHEN they resurface,” Jimmy scowled.

The others returned. They were talking excitedly about their discoveries.

“Get dressed you guys. We can’t have naked heroes flying about!” Superman said.

Once they were all re-clothed he gathered them in a circle and addressed them.

“I have a few last thoughts to impart to you. Please don’t tell anyone about your new powers or how you got them. Enough people want to blow me as it is; if they find out they get super-powers for swallowing, forget it! Next, kindly keep my secret identity a secret. The lids probably going to be blown off anyway since Two has apparently absconded and taken Luthor’s body with him.” They all mumbled at learning Two had escaped.

“If you are weakened by the draining of your essences or are ever in trouble, please feel free to call on me. My super hearing will detect your cries for help.”

“You asked my punishment, here it is. You live in different parts of the country. You must use your super powers to aid those in distress or need in your areas. Take my word for it, it’s a never-ending battle. Perhaps the colors of our nation’s flag will evoke stimulating memories of our encounter. Never again expose yourselves to the RED sun. Never forget the pain you caused Jimmy and his pearly WHITE teeth and especially don’t forget that you are who you are now because you BLEW me.”

With that said, the Man of Steel gathered Jimmy in his arms and flew off towards Metropolis.

That’s the end of this story but a whole new group of hard heroes has been invented in this tale. I challenge YOU, fanfic readers, to feel free to use them for whatever stories your devious little minds can concoct. Thanks for reading and thanks for the many great emails I continue to receive. JohnanymousDoe


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