Gay Erotic Stories


by Troy Wells
06 Jul 1998


Disclaimer: The story account that follows is a FANTASY and for entertainment purposes only. Non-consensual acts between individuals are not condoned, nor encouraged. Neither are unsafe sexual practices. This account is fiction and for entertainment purposes only: Dr. Theo Flanders sighed, checking his watch again. The six-one, well-tanned and athletic psychiatrist stood restlessly, stretching his tight muscles. The sandy blond hair that he wore in a neat professional cut was slightly mussed; he had been in a hurry that morning. His meticulously pressed, conservative business suit was flattering but formal enough to mute his attractive physique, and his careful grooming habits inspired-he hoped-both trust and respect. Theo felt that it was important to present an image that helped his patients to confide in him and listen to him without reservation. Most of them did, but Gabriel was something all together different. The young Latino was not so much disturbed as undisciplined; his lack of positive role models, coupled with the stress of his immediate family's extremely adverse reaction to his homosexuality, had produced an aggression that had landed him in trouble. Dr. Flanders sighed, wondering why the boy's parole officer had seen fit to send Gabriel to him. He glanced at the clock. Late again. Gabriel didn't want therapy, and Theo didn't think he needed therapy so much as a strong, balanced, healthy relationship-which he wasn't likely to build if he didn't learn to keep his impulses under control. Dr. Flanders sighed. He always made sure that Gabriel was the last patient he saw so that his constant tardiness didn't throw the rest of his schedule off; he had even told his secretary not to wait for him on Fridays. She had a family to take care of, after all, and there was no reason to penalize her for his own dedication to his practice. Theo thought of the nearly deserted office building with annoyance. Everyone else had long since gone, and he envied them. He looked at his watch again. He turned casually as the door opened-Gabriel leaned against the doorjamb dressed in jeans, an A-shirt, and a leather jacket, all attitude, muscle, and smoldering good looks. "Late again, Gabriel," Theo sighed, taking his seat. "I missed my el-train," the Latino replied, his manner devoid of apology. He dropped a backpack on the floor by the couch, took off his jacket, and flopped down. "Have classes started already?" Theo asked approvingly, nodding toward the book bag. The grunted, noncommittal answer didn't surprise him. "What would you like to talk about today, Gabriel?" The young man brushed his shoulder-length black hair out of his face as he rose up on one elbow to face the psychiatrist. His dark eyes narrowed slightly as he looked over the seated doctor as if seeing him for the first time. Dr. Flanders, his light green eyes on his notebook, didn't notice the intense gaze. The young man, at five-seven, was dwarfed by his doctor, but the Latino's muscular broadness made the other man seem slim as a reed in comparison. The couch he rested on barely contained him; its seat was deep and its frame was sturdy, thick oak. It was comfortable enough, and it gave a correct impression of being nearly indestructible-Gabriel had surreptitiously tested its strength and solidity several times during previous sessions. Its legs were bare, its back and seat were cushioned, and the armrests were open but padded and just as impregnable as the rest of the piece. "How do I come off to other people, doc?" he asked abruptly, arching one eyebrow cynically. Dr. Flanders looked him over quickly, then sat back. "You give the impression of a thug, Gabriel, and you know it. You've said yourself that you do it on purpose. It's obvious that you're intelligent, but you try for too much machismo. Other people can tell, and it makes you appear superficial, fake." "You know, doc, I've never seen you out from behind that desk before," Gabriel remarked. "Do you always keep it between you and your head-cases?" "Gabriel, we're here to help you, remember?" Theo pointed out. "I don't see how my desk has anything to do with resolving your aggression problems. And I've told you before that most of my patients aren't any crazier than you." Gabriel rose from his sprawling position on the couch with one fluid motion and stalked across the room, circling the large desk as he did so. Dr. Flanders turned his chair calmly to face his young patient, raising his eyebrows questioningly. There was something in the Latino's eyes that made him vaguely uneasy, but he was careful to give no indication of it. Gabriel darted forward abruptly, seizing the psychiatrist by the shoulders and pulling him out of the chair. Dr. Flanders gasped as the muscular young man wrestled him to the ground and pinned him there easily. "Gabriel!" Theo hissed, terrified at the surprising strength of his opponent but determined to retain his composure. Panicking did nothing to get a person out of trouble, he had learned. "Gabriel, this is not a proper way to deal with any- situation, least of all this one. Now let me up." "Not for all the devils in hell, doc," the Latino replied seriously, wrapping his thick arms around Dr. Flanders' torso and locking them there. The psychiatrist struggled to free himself, but his eighteen-year-old assailant had muscles like steel cables. Gabriel panted slightly, challenged, as he dragged his captive to the couch and manhandled him onto it. Dispensing with ceremony, Gabriel snatched the bag he had brought with him and put a knee on Theo's chest, pressing him against the firm cushions. His arms freed, the doctor scrabbled for a handhold by which to free himself only to feel Gabriel's entire weight come to rest on his ribcage. The doctor's breath was forced out of his lungs in a groan. One hand was seized in a vise-like grip. Gabriel's expression was intent as he wrapped a leather cuff around the taller man's wrist and used a small padlock to secure it. The cuff was then bound firmly by attached ropes to the couch's arm. Gabriel repeated the process with the psychiatrist's other hand. Dr. Flanders tested the bonds frantically and found them unyielding. He sincerely wished that he hadn't invested so much money in his office furniture as Gabriel got up and moved down to his legs. The Latino manacled the doctor's feet in a similar fashion, then stood back a moment to admire the results of his work. "You know, doc, I've been wanting to do this for a long time." "Do what, Gabriel?" Theo asked evenly, forcing himself to maintain a facade of control. "Commit several felonies in the space of five minutes? Let me go now, and there won't be any need for this ever to be mentioned to your parole officer. I'll recommend another doctor for you, someone more equipped to handle your problems..." "Like hell you will, doc," Gabriel growled, pressing his mouth roughly against the helpless psychiatrist's in a harsh kiss. He forced his tongue into Dr. Flanders' mouth as his hands gripped either side of his captive's face to keep him from turning away. When Gabriel finally disengaged, he smiled gently and began caressing Theo's smooth face. "What's your first name, doc?" he asked quietly. The doctor remained silent, his entire body trembling as one of the Latino's hand found its way to his jacket's buttons and began unfastening them one by one. Gabriel knelt at his psychiatrist's head, nuzzling his neck. "You're shaking, doc," he whispered, pulling the jacket wide open. "You're not afraid of me, are you?" "The situation seems to justify fear," Theo murmured tensely. If he called for help, he reflected, not only would no one hear him, it would anger Gabriel, who had him at his undisputed mercy. "How's that, doc? What I'm planning won't hurt much at all," the young man soothed. "Not unless you're really tight, anyway." Dr. Flanders groaned. "Shhhh." Gabriel moved down along the couch, pulling the white dress shirt out of Theo's trousers and slowly unbuttoned it, loosening the tie gently when he came to it. He was in no hurry-they both knew that the building's janitors waited until Saturday to clean the offices. Gabriel placed the tie on the floor, neatly, before running his hands over Dr. Flanders' well-defined abdomen and chest, kneading and stroking the tight muscles beneath the undershirt. The psychiatrist closed his eyes, fighting back tears. The very lack of violence with which he planned to carry the attack out-even the initial struggle had been bloodless and comparatively gentle-gave him the rationale for it. "Please, Gabriel, don't do this," he begged as the young man's deft fingers tugged at his belt. "I don't want this. You're not a rapist, Gabriel. Don't do this, please." The Latino paused, then shifted back to Theo's head. The doctor turned to look at him, his eyes pleading. Gabriel kissed him again, deeper and more tenderly this time. He drew back with a placid smile. "You're wrong about that, doc. I take what I want, when I want, where I want. I'm just not crude about it like most people are. I wouldn't take nearly as much pleasure in torturing you with my cock all night long as I would in making love to you for an hour," he informed his prisoner. "Whether you enjoy it or not isn't really my concern. It'll hurt, of course, but how much it hurts depends entirely on you." Gabriel looked down at him fondly, tousling his hair. "How old are you, doc?" "Twenty-eight," Theo replied softly, his voice catching. "Twenty-eight," Gabriel repeated, running his fingers through the soft blond waves. The doctor flinched as if the light touch pained him. "You know, I couldn't believe my luck when Toby sent me to a shrink so damn handsome," he chuckled. "I wanted you the first time I saw you. I don't like rushing into things like this, though. If you don't plan them well, you don't get anywhere." He stood and walked around the couch to Dr. Flanders' feet and removed first his shoes, then his socks, and placed them next to the tie. He paced around again and rubbed his prisoner's member through the fine material of his pants before opening the fly, loosening the belt, and dragging trousers and boxers both down to the leather cuffs encasing the doctor's ankles. Gabriel produced a key and carefully pinned Dr. Flanders' right leg with his knee before undoing the restraint. He slipped the garments off of the leg, refastened the cuff, and repeated his actions on the left. The Latino returned his attention to Dr. Flanders' torso, straddling the man's waist to immobilize him before removing his shirt and jacket one arm at a time. The undershirt presented a problem but didn't daunt him for long. When Gabriel finally rose to admire his captive, Theo was naked, vulnerable, and defenseless. He was well-muscled-Gabriel had to admit to himself that the psychiatrist's struggles had given him some trouble-and well-proportioned, with an impressive cock. "Ever been with a man before, doc?" Gabriel demanded, massaging Dr. Flanders' taut legs. He shook his head wordlessly. "I still want to know your first name," he murmured, sitting down on the couch at the doctor's side. "Theo," the psychiatrist whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. A tear slipped from the corner of one eye. Gabriel leaned forward swiftly, drinking it in with a kiss, then kissed the doctor's eyelids. "There's no need of that, Theo," Gabriel assured him again. "There'll be pain, maybe quite a bit of it, but I promise I won't injure you. I'm very careful with cherries." Dr. Flanders swore softly as Gabriel stripped, revealing a ten-inch-long, stiffening member that was well on its way to being as thick as a beer bottle. He pulled a long, thick leather strap from his bag and used it to tie down the doctor's hips, then retied one foot to the back of the couch and the other to the bottom of the couch's frame, spreading Theo's legs wide. Gabriel ran his hands over the captive's handsome body-Dr. Flanders might not appreciate the view of his body-builder musculature, but he certain appreciated the leaner build of the bound man. Theo pulled at the restraints desperately as Gabriel took a tube of lubrication out of the bag and began rubbing the jelly over his massive cock. Gabriel shook his head as he knelt between the bent knees-every muscle in the doctor's body tensed visibly. "That's no good, doc," he sighed, going to work on the particularly clenched muscle between Theo's buttocks. The taller man whimpered in despair; Gabriel was too strong for him to stop, and there was no one to help him. Gabriel worked a finger into the virgin hole, and the whimper turned to a cry of pain. "Relax, Theo, relax. There's nothing you can do to keep me out, so you might as well not make it any harder on yourself." He slipped a second finger in, working his clean hand over Theo's stomach and pelvis in a slow, powerful stroking motion. "This isn't so bad now, is it? You know I'm not going to hurt you too much. I don't get off on that." He withdrew his fingers and moved into position, placing the engorged head of his member against the other's tight orifice. Theo, head thrown back, felt the slick, rock-hard heat against him and gritted his teeth in anticipation of the pain that the violation would bring. He tried one last time. "Don't do this, Gabriel. Stop, please." To his relief, the cock's head remained nestled without pressure at the base of his spine. Gabriel chuckled softly. "You know, Theo, you look like a complete whore all spread out like this. It's a big difference from how you look wearing that suit and holding that clipboard." The doctor fought back a sob at the humiliation of being exposed so lewdly. "All these months I've been coming here, talking to you, I've wanted to throw you across that desk and go down on you. I've wanted to pull you down to make love to me on the floor. It's been driving me nuts, Theo, excuse the bad joke. But just think, at least one of my little fantasies is going to come true." He pushed his pelvis forward slowly and inexorably. Theo's back arched from the pain, but the leather strap kept him from evading his rapist and the ropes kept him from fighting the invasion. With one swift thrust, Gabriel breached the defense. Theo screamed hoarsely beneath him and tried to jerk away from the organ with which Gabriel had impaled him. The Latino seized the doctor's hips and pulled him back toward him, gradually sliding the length of the entire member into Theo's intestines. Tears of pain rolled down the sides of his face and his steady stream of quiet curses was interrupted by screams several more times as Gabriel drove his cock into him. Theo felt certain that his patient's thick horn was splitting him in two and choked back a sob as Gabriel's touch made him flinch. The younger man finally eased the last of his throbbing rock into the psychiatrist, ecstasy overwhelming him as he pressed hard against his victim, relishing the feel of Theo's tight virginity as he transfixed him. The helpless doctor emitted a low groan, his hands balling into fists as he tried to twist away from his tormentor. Gabriel held him fast, easily defeating Theo's feeble struggles, and changed position slightly. Theo's cursing grew louder as Gabriel began thrusting slowly; the Latino's depth and power increased with his speed. Gabriel slipped for a moment and his cock struck an organ; Theo's eyes rolled back in his head, and he fainted from the pain. Gabriel caught himself within seconds and noticed his captive's unresponsive state-he kept pumping Theo's unconscious body, letting the doctor's lack of vitality delay his own climax. Theo woke after perhaps half an hour, shuddering as he found himself still being forced by his patient. The pain was intense, and he couldn't help fighting his rapist. "Oh, fuck-I can't-Gabriel, please, stop-oh, shit-please, Gabriel, please," Theo cried, writhing frantically in his bonds. Gabriel groaned, the abrupt tightening of Theo's muscles sending him over the edge. The doctor's face contorted in agony as Gabriel gave one final push, then came explosively, emptying himself into Theo. He pulled out slowly, coming back to himself at the quiet sounds of Theo's sobbing. Gabriel cleaned himself with some of the tissues that were on the doctor's desk, then turned his attentions to the psychiatrist's ravaged hole. Theo winced as the Latino pressed against the abused flesh and felt sick as he saw the Kleenex come away red with his blood. Gabriel stretched and pulled his clothes back on, letting his eyes run over his conquest's well-used body. He massaged every inch of Theo's exposed flesh, reveling in its solidity, then bent to kiss his captive deeply before he unfastened the restraints. The doctor revived quickly, unsure of Gabriel's intentions, but the Latino bound him hand and foot with some extra rope and tossed the leather cuffs and strap back into the backpack. Gabriel cradled Theo in his arms, rocking him slowly until he regained his composure. The shooting pain had faded to a dull ache, but every movement reminded the psychiatrist that he had been raped. "You know that could have been a lot worse, don't you, Theo? Bad as you think it was, it could have been worse," Gabriel murmured. "You're barely even bleeding. Of course, if you happen to mention this to anyone, the next time will be as bad as I can make it, Theo. And trust me, I can go real hard with a man-I learned from somebody who liked it rough." Gathering his things, Gabriel left the doctor lying-naked, spent, exhausted, and still tied-on the couch. Please email comments and suggestions to Thank you.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Troy Wells


Disclaimer: The story account that follows is a FANTASY and for entertainment purposes only. Non-consensual acts between individuals are not condoned, nor encouraged. Neither are unsafe sexual practices. This account is fiction and for entertainment purposes only: Dr. Theo Flanders sighed, checking his watch again. The six-one, well-tanned and athletic


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