Gay Erotic Stories

Work It Out Together

by Iainlthr
02 Nov 2001

Leather HOT Action

The very next afternoon, Pete and Steve met up again at the gym after work. Since their schedule for the week had been thrown out of whack, they decided to make their next session the Thursday evening instead of their usual Wednesday night slot. As they headed for the expanders, Steve nudged Pete, pointing. Already there, sweating against a heavy load on a leg curl machine, was Mike. “Hi,” he called when he saw the pair. “I wondered if you’d be back tonight.” Steve looked around the room quickly. “Where’s Neale?” he asked. “Tonight’s his usual riding session,” Mike answered. “He’ll be on his bike somewhere along the cycle track in Centennial Park.” Steve looked a little disappointed, but said nothing. The three men settled into their routines, working out and pushing themselves, sweating and pumped. As they did they spoke quietly about the eroticism of the previous night, and how good they had felt showing themselves off. They had shared a unique experience and it had left a lasting impression on all of them. Mike confided that he and Neale had been incredibly horny when they got home, and had fucked like madmen as they poured out the built up desire of the night. Steve looked at him as he spoke, imagining the powerful fucking Neale would have enjoyed at the hands of his Master. His cock twitched with envy and anticipation. Pete lowered his voice and spoke seriously with Mike as he described how intense had been his lovemaking with Steve after Steve had begged to be used and controlled. Mike smiled knowingly, and looked at Steve, then back to Pete. “He’s a good man, Pete. Don’t let him get away!” Pete stopped and thought, knew Mike was right, and nodded as he took the advice to heart. The three finished their workout together, and hit the showers. They laughed and joked, enjoying the company as they washed off and toweled themselves dry. As they left the gym and Mike began to head off home, Pete caught him by the arm. “Mike, we have something to ask…” he hesitated. Steve stepped up to offer moral support, seeing Pete felt uncomfortable there on the street. Mike looked questioningly into his friend’s face, glancing to Steve, then back again to Pete. “What is it?’ he responded, concerned that the two could possibly be uncertain after what they had discussed together. Steve maneuvered the three of them back from the throng on the footpath, finding a quiet doorway where they could speak more easily. Pete coughed and screwed up his courage again. “Steve and I want to give the master/slave role playing thing a try. The thought of it gets us both really excited.” “I know,” butted in Mike, grinning. Pete ignored him, staying serious. “We also think that after the other night in the steam room, and the display we all put on last night at the bar, that we would like…” he paused, stammered, and rushed on, “… we wondered if you and Neale would be interested in joining in with us; the four of us, getting together. You know, going the whole way together.” He finished quickly, looking to Mike for a reaction. Mike’s cock twitched, and his heart beat faster, as the meaning of Pete’s words sank home. He looked at Pete, then at Steve. Both were watching him closely, anxiety on their faces, mixed with hope and maybe even a little excitement. It occurred to Mike that it must have taken a lot for them to even ask, and he started softly, gently as he replied. “Guys, I’m flattered, truly I am. And I know Neale will be too. But we couldn’t. We took a long while to find each other, and we took a lot of risks to get the relationship we have now, and I’m not going to jeopardize it. We love each other, and we pledged total commitment, trust and love to each other. I meant every word of it when I told him that, and I still do, and I know he feels the same.” Pete shrugged, a look of disappointment on his face. Mike hurried to reassure him. “Pete, I hope we can still be friends. Neale and I both felt a real bond with you guys. This won’t come between us will it?” “Of course not,” Pete said. “We figured we’d never know unless we asked. In a way I respect your decision, and your commitment to each other.” Steve butted in at that point. “Mike, Pete and I want to stay close friends with you two. We wouldn’t do anything to hurt your relationship with Neale. But think about this: we’re not asking either of you to cheat, or to stop loving each other. What we had in mind is pure horny sex, the logical progression from the last two nights. Having said that, if you still aren’t interested, then we stay best friends, and keep talking about what happens.” He smiled a reassuring grin at Mike as he finished, taking Pete’s arm in his hands. “Thanks again for the offer, guys, but no.” Mike smiled at them, made his good-byes, and headed for home. As he walked, the offer they had made raced through his mind over and over again. He could not deny it was exciting, damned hot in fact. But he and Neale were a couple; they had made promises to each other. And he loved Neale more than anything in this world. When he got home, Mike found Neale already relaxing, having showered after his ride, stretched out on a sofa, his favourite music up loud: ‘Affirmation’ by Savage Garden. It was Neale’s creed, and Mike smiled as the lyrics rolled on: “I believe you can’t control or choose your sexuality… “I believe that trust is more important than monogamy…” How appropriate, thought Mike, as he leaned down to kiss his partner square on the lips, breaking Neale’s concentration and eliciting a big grin from his man. “Hi there, stud,” Neale greeted his man. “How was the gym?” “Okay, I guess. Steve and Pete were there again tonight.” “I wondered if they might have been back again,” Neale said. “How was the steam room then?” he flashed an evil, teasing look at Mike as he said it. “I didn’t go near it,” Mike said, pretending to be hurt by the veiled accusation. Then his face became more serious. “They did ask me something very personal, though.” “Yeah?” Neale’s curiosity brought him upright on the lounge as he looked at his mate. “Pete wanted to know if we would be prepared to join them in a ‘foursome’, an orgy I guess. He mentioned the session in the sauna the other night, and said they were going to try out some master/slave fantasies, and wanted us to join in.” Even as he said it, Mike felt the stirrings of arousal in his crotch, and the guilt in his brain. “I told them ‘no’, but Steve said they didn’t want to lose our friendship, so it was okay to decline, just that they thought it might be a really hot sex session.” Mike’s eyes turned to Neale, searching for his reaction. Neale sat quietly for a moment, thinking hard. The idea of a hot, group session was very exciting, but wouldn’t it mean that the work he and Mike had put into their special, private relationship would be lost? He couldn’t imagine not having Mike by his side for the rest of his life. But the image of Mike fucking him while Pete stood beside him, which had spurred Neale to a huge climax last night, returned, and it made him feel so horny. He cleared his throat and looked into his lover’s eyes. “Mike, I love you so much; more than I could ever put into words,” Neale began. “Please remember that, when I tell you that last night, just before I blew, I had this image of you fucking me, and Pete was there as well, fully geared, and it made me so incredibly aroused, imagining him watching, maybe even joining in. I don’t love him, I don’t have any feelings as such for him other than friendship, but I have to admit that the idea is very hot.” Mike looked at his man, surprise on his face. “Well, since it’s time for confessions, I will tell you that after we had finished last night, I wondered to myself what it would be like to be using you as a slave, and to have another slave ready to service me at the same time, and the one I thought about was Steve. I don’t want Steve as a lover; I only want you. You’re my man, my lover. But in a purely sexual situation, the thought was very arousing.” They looked at each other carefully, and the serious concern on their faces slowly melted into grins. They held each other tight in a long hug, and both knew their love was secure, their trust well founded. Neale broke the contented silence of their embrace. “So, if we were to say yes to their offer, it would be purely for the sex. No strings attached, no emotional involvement. Just incredibly hot male lust, getting off together. A bit like sharing a drink.” He laughed at the final joke and Mike joined in. “And if we did agree, there would have to be some serious rules about who did what to whom,” he added as he held Neale tightly. After a few minutes as each sat silent with his own thoughts, Mike asked the question. “So what do you think, yes or no?” Neale stirred in his seat. “If you understand that I love you totally, and that it would be pure sex and nothing more, then I would be prepared to try it, if you’d feel comfortable,” he said, his eyes fixed on Mike. “Ditto,” grinned his partner. Having accepted that they would give this a try, both became quite excited at the prospect. Mike suddenly voiced a thought. “Do you want to do it here, tell them about our fantasy room, let them see it? Or should we find somewhere neutral?” “Do you think we can trust them not to tell the world about our room?” Neale asked as he thought on this new development. “I’m sure I could trust Pete,” Mike replied. “And I think Steve would abide by our request as well.” “Then I think we ask them over for dinner tomorrow night, show them the room, set our conditions, and see what happens,” Neale said firmly. When Mike phoned Pete the next day, he simply said that he and Neale would like it if Pete and Steve would have dinner with them since there were some things they wanted to discuss. After the conversation the previous evening, Pete wondered if the friendship they had been forging may have suffered some damage, but quickly agreed. He arranged to collect Steve after work and meet Mike and Neale at their home around 8.00 pm. Sharing a meal of pizza and beer, the four laughed and joked easily, chatted as though they were simply a group of friends, and the mood remained relaxed and pleasant. As the evening went on, Steve became fidgety, wanting to get the air cleared, after the offer they had made, and the subsequent invitation to ‘discuss some things’. He waited for a lull in the conversation, and took his chance. “So, guys,” he tried to sound casual although his heart was pounding, “what was it you wanted to talk about, seriously.” A quiet descended on the group, and Mike and Neale swapped knowing looks. Mike took the lead. “It’s about your suggestion of a group sex session.” He held Steve’s gaze, as Pete looked from Neale to Mike and back again. “We’ve talked about it, and decided that it might be fun after all.” Steve broke out in a huge grin, and Pete hissed quietly, “Yesss!” Mike went on: “There would have to be some understood rules and limits. Neale and I have unprotected sex, because we’ve tested and stayed faithful. If we do this, we won’t agree to any exchange of fluids between either of you and either of us. No sharing toys either. And you have to understand it will be pure sex, no strings, no attachments, no emotional involvement at all.” Steve nodded, thoughtful. “Absolutely,” he agreed. “The last thing we want is to come between you two. If anything, we’re copying you, modeling ourselves after you.” “Yeah,” added Pete. “I guess you could say that what Steve and I want, is what you have. For ourselves. It’s almost like we’re taking lessons from you so we can build our own relationship.” He took Steve’s hand, held it tightly as he did, and Steve smiled with delight at Pete’s words. “We also need some kind of cut off,” chimed in Neale. “If any one of us at any time wants to call the whole thing off, back out, he can, and the others will all respect his feelings. Like a ‘time out’ that ends the game.” “That’s it!” declared Steve. “Time out. If anyone feels in any way uncomfortable about what’s going on, just say the words ‘time out’, and we all stop.” A general agreement went between them, and all four fought with thoughts of hot sex and anticipated arousal as they reflected on what they were consenting to do together. Steve looked up suddenly, and around at his fellow conspirators. “Where and when are we going to do this?” he asked, eager to make some definite plans. “Neale, are we ready?” Mike said in response to Steve’s question. Neale grinned a huge smile, and nodded his head. “As for when, well I guess that depends on a convenient time. Where? Well, we have something we’d like to show you, but we would ask you to agree to keep what you’re about to see just between us.” Pete and Steve looked curious, surprised, but quickly agreed to maintain their silence. Mike and Neale stood, and Pete and Steve followed their lead. Neale had earlier made sure the dungeon was looking its best, its most erotic, and Mike led the others into a bedroom. As Neale began to undress, Mike said to them in a deep, serious voice, “We have a rule which we have followed, and you have to also. You’ll have to trust us on this but only for a few moments – take off all your clothes. You have to be completely naked unless you’re in leather.” As he said it, he too quickly shucked off his street wear. Pete and Steve looked at each other, and back to their hosts, but said nothing, their curiosity now almost unbearable. Doing as they were told, they stripped. With all four men now nude, Mike beckoned them from the bedroom, to stand at a door opposite. Neale dimmed the rest of the lights in the house, and without a word, Mike opened the door of his and Neale’s fantasy room, pushing it wide and stepping back for Pete and Steve to see what lay within. As the vista opened to them, both Steve and Pete fell silent, mouths agape in awe and delight, cocks hardening with anticipation. Over the window in the room heavy black curtains were hung, blocking out all light. The walls and ceiling were painted a matte black as well, the floor a black vinyl. On two of the walls forming a corner were fixed huge mirrors. On the floor in one corner lay an old double mattress, covered with a leather sheet. The light fitting was removed, only a bare bulb socket hanging down, from which a low wattage red globe gave the entire room a reddish dim light. On the side wall that wasn’t mirrored were long shelves, and several hooks, all painted black. Against the remaining wall, beside the door, was a freestanding clothes rack of black steel. Around the edge of the room stood six individual candle holders made of black steel, which stood about a metre and a half high. Dominating the centre of the room, hanging down from the ceiling and attached to lengths of metal chain, was a sling, smooth and black. Foot stirrups hung from two of the supporting chains and a headpiece snapped onto the other end of the leather platform. A mirror was fixed to the ceiling, directly above the sling itself. Different harnesses and chaps were hung on the clothes rack, boots lined up below. Caps, hoods, various pouches and jockstraps were hung on hooks on the same wall. Gauntlets, armbands and gloves were arranged on one shelf, cockrings and nipple clamps, different nipple accessories and ball straps and separators were placed on another, all within easy reach. Other shelves on the longer wall looked like a toy chest. Dildoes, butt plugs, latex balls, paddles, collars and other ‘toys’ were placed where they could be effortlessly found and grabbed quickly. Black candles were set in the candleholders, lit. Flickering candlelight and dull red glow reflected from the mirrors and the shining black leather. Wisps of smoke drifted through the air. The room was black: dark but inviting, promising incredible and erotic experiences for its occupants. “Holy shit!” hissed Steve, finding his voice. Pete simply stood and stared, his imagined leather paradise come alive in front of his eyes. The two slowly, tentatively entered the room, almost afraid it would vanish before them. Pete eyed the shelf of toys enviously. Steve made for the sling, carefully reaching for it, his fingers trailing over the leather and up along the supporting chains. “Mike and I agreed that we would never come into this room unless we were naked or dressed in leather. No street clothes allowed within these walls. This place is purely for sexual pleasure in hot leather. That’s why we made you strip off to come in here.” Neale looked at their visitors as he finished. Both nodded absently, still silent as they continued to admire the dungeon they had been shown. Neale went on, ‘So, if you guys agree, then we thought this would be the ‘where’.” Steve suddenly came alive. “Fuck yes!” he declared. “This is just incredible, guys. So unbelievably hot.” Both he and Pete were tingling with excitement, their cocks hard and throbbing, yet there was no thought of having sex right then. They wanted to do this properly, to come back prepared and ready to use this wonderful room properly. Tearing themselves away, Pete and Steve followed Mike and Neale back out again, and Neale carefully closed the door of their dungeon room. All four dressed again, and returned to the lounge. Mike and Neale grinned and relaxed as they watched their friends, still stunned with what had been revealed to them. “So, guys,” Mike said, “the question is, when?” “As soon as possible!” Pete breathed out quickly. Steve nodded. “Whenever you guys want to, just say the word.” Mike looked thoughtful, raising his eyebrows in Neale’s direction. “Well, it is the weekend. Tonight’s a bit unreasonable, so what do you say to tomorrow?” Neale nodded, and Pete looked at Steve, grinning. “You bet,” enthused Steve. “I want to do some ‘shopping’ tomorrow, and then we’ll be here and ready to go.” Their plans were finalized, a sense of satisfaction settling as they anticipated the coming evening. After a few more drinks, Steve and Pete took their leave, and Mike and Neale crawled into bed, holding each other close, reassuringly, silently confirming their love and trust, and acknowledging their shared excitement and anticipation. Not one of the four slept that night without dreams of hot, powerful leather sex filling their minds. When Pete and Steve returned the following evening they were already ‘dressed’ for the occasion. They had leathered up at Steve’s place, carefully choosing the hottest gear and making themselves prepared for the evening as best they could. Steve had that morning purchased a leather hood after seeing one in the dungeon room, as well as a collar for his neck, and metal leash. He carefully settled both into place as Pete drove, and stepped inside the house only when Pete told him to, trying to fall into his planned role as Pete’s slave boy for the night. Mike opened the door to them quietly; Neale was not to be seen. There were nodded greetings and a handshake between Pete and Mike, but few words. They all acknowledged that this was no social call, and a sense of male sex was heavy in the air, excluding pleasantries and small talk. The enormity of what they were about to do was plain, and the anticipation almost physical. Mike led the way along the corridor to the fantasy room, opening the door and stepping inside, Pete following him and drawing Steve along behind by the lead attached to his collar. As they walked into the dungeon, Pete caught his breath and Steve moaned a soft sigh. Neale was already there, lying in the sling, his wrists handcuffed to the metal supporting chains, his booted feet fastened in the stirrups, a hood and collar almost identical to Steve’s on his head and neck. Mike spoke only to Pete, treating Steve as though he were nothing but a toy. “Welcome, my friend,” he said quietly, seriously. “Remember our agreed restrictions. Other than that, do as you please, whatever gives you and your boy pleasure.” Pete gulped, his heart thudding in his chest. He was dressed in chaps and boots, a harness around his torso of leather and studded metal. On his head was a police cap, and armbands around each bicep. The black leather gleamed, contrasting with his white skin and blond hair. His cock throbbed and pushed against the leather of a codpiece at his groin, the shape of his manmeat clearly defined and visible within the shining hide. Mike looked at him, his own cock twitching with excitement, admired the physique of the man before him, and felt a common purpose. They were both here as masters of their respective boys. Mike was geared in similar style to Pete, his harness a little more elaborate as it was tailored to sit over and frame his pierced nipples. Instead of a codpiece, Mike’s cock jutted proudly from his body, its root disappearing into a hole in the leather pouch he wore which gripped and hugged his large rolling nuts, the orbs contained in polished black leather. Pete stared back, growing more and more aroused by the sight of his friend. Together they turned and looked down at Neale, suspended on the platform of black leather. Pete’s cock throbbed and his breath quickened at the sight of Mike’s slave, restrained in the sling, a full harness of black leather wrapped around his upper body, his dick and testicles filling a tight leather posing thong between his upturned legs. The black chaps he wore framed his arse and edged the firm round cheeks, in the centre of which his pink cherry twitched and flexed invitingly. From rings through his tits, Neale wore a chain of silver and attached to that chain was a leather cord, which lay along his gut. Mike looked at his boy, then at his mate, the eroticism of having hard sex in front of his friends taking hold. Smearing lube over his cock, he stepped forward and placed his prong against Neil’s waiting hole. Neale felt the pressure, looked to his master, and caught sight of Pete beside him, staring down. The picture of two dominant, muscled studs standing over him, ready to use him sent chills through his body. Finding his voice, he hissed up at Mike, “Please, Sir, fuck me. Ram that giant fuckpole of yours into this warm wet body, Sir, please.” Mike smiled evilly, and pushed forward, sliding his throbbing powerful rod smoothly and easily into Neale, forcing himself in to the hilt and slamming up against Neale’s butt as he reached his full length. Neale gasped with delight, and Pete, standing beside him, almost came just from watching. Mike realised that Pete was a little overcome by the scene, still unsure and leaving his boy Steve standing and unattended. Still buried deep inside Neale, Mike turned to Pete. “Why don’t you play with this slave’s tits? He enjoys having them worked. Give me that leash for a moment and get your hands on my boy,” Mike said to Pete in an inviting voice, hoping to get his friend motivated. As if a spell had been broken, Pete became animated, handing Mike the metal lead attached to Steve’s neck, and moving to stand over Neale, his hands falling to first tentatively touch at, and then more confidently pull the circles of silver through the slave boy’s tits. Mike remained joined to Neale, his cock being slowly worked in and out of his boy in a leisurely fucking motion, and took the lead from Pete, pulling it firmly, and drawing Steve over to the other three. Steve was trembling with anticipation and excitement at what was starting to happen right before his eyes, and Mike reached to him when he was within range, one hand going to the back of his head, pressing against the leather of the hood. Mike’s other hand let go of the leash for a moment, and groped and squeezed at Steve’s thick hard tool encased in the leather pouch. “Get on your knees and lick your Master’s boots, boy!” Mike commanded. “Get that tongue of yours working, slowly, all the way from his toes to his cock.” As he spoke, Mike directed Steve’s head toward the floor, next to where Pete stood, his hands now playing over Neale’s chest and torso, working toward the bulging groin of black as he became bolder. Hearing what Mike said, and looking at Steve as he kneeled in beside his Master, Pete began to step into his proper role. “Yes, boy, get down here and service me, now!” he said confidently. One hand stayed on Neale’s abdomen, the other drifting to grip at the back of Steve’s leathered skull, and pull his boy’s head against the gleaming hide enveloping Pete’s legs. As Steve’s mouth licked and sucked its way up the black leather towers rippling with Pete’s muscles, Pete’s fingers traced their way across Neale’s abdomen, plucking at the harness straps and feeling the texture of the skin and hide. Mike continued to fuck Neale slowly, his hands now on Neale’s leather bound thighs, gripping and massaging at the ridges and bulges of his boy’s legs through the gleaming chaps. Watching his friend thrust his long cock slowly in and out of Neale, Pete found himself getting extremely aroused. As Steve’s mouth found Pete’s bulging tube of black, Pete pulled his slave’s head hard against the throbbing heat of his leather-encased manhood, feeling Steve’s mouth bite and gnaw at the rock hard pole. His free hand drifted to the inviting groin of the submissive Neale reclining in the sling. Looking to Mike for approval, and receiving a smiled nod, Pete slid his fingers down and over the clearly visible cock emphasised and accentuated by the gripping black hide. Squeezing firmly, Pete caressed and massaged Neale’s prick within its leather case, rolled Neale’s balls around in his hand and groped at the shining pouch eagerly. His other hand remained on the leathered hood over Steve’s face, pulling Steve hard against his groin and grinding his hips forward, pressing his raging hide covered prong at the eager lips of his boy. As he humped toward Steve, Pete’s fingers continued their exploration of Neale’s groin, working down toward the boy’s arse. As they did, they came into contact with the pistoning, heated flesh of Mike’s rod. With his palm resting against Neale’s nuts, Pete spread his fingers so that Mike was pumping into Neale, his cock rubbing between Pete’s digits as he did. “Oh yeah,” Pete moaned long and low. Mike shuddered as he felt the touch of Pete’s fingers against the shaft of his cock where it penetrated Neale’s hole. He found the experience more than just a little arousing, and despite his measured, leisurely insertion into his boy’s body, he knew he would reach his peak soon if this continued. Slowly, he pulled back and out, his moist raging prong slipping from Neale quietly. Pete’s fingers were still in place, and with the removal of Mike’s weapon, Neale’s pucker was open and inviting. Pete slid his finger into the slave’s sphincter, exploring the ring of muscle, then curling and pulling at Neale’s arse from within. Neale had watched with rising excitement as Mike brought Pete and Steve into the room. He had groaned happily as Mike pushed his long thick cock into the welcoming arse. He had throbbed with anticipation and arousal when Pete had stepped up and begun playing with his nipples, and run his hand down and across Neale’s torso. When Pete’s hand closed over Neale’s cock, squeezing it through the envelope of black leather, Neale trembled with delight. His senses thrilled as his Master slowly filled him, and Pete groped and played with him. As Pete’s hands slid down to touch alongside Mike’s cock at Neale’s arse, Neale moaned softly, and the disappointment as Mike withdrew was quickly banished as Pete’s finger replaced it, pulling and tugging at his inner ring while his Master, Mike, stood over him possessively. He ached with the eroticism of the situation he found himself in, and glanced to Steve, kneeling beside the sling, slurping and mouthing at the inviting black gleaming bulge of Pete’s manhood. As Neale looked, Mike stepped away from the back of the sling and came up behind the kneeling Steve. Neale’s master stood over Pete’s slave even as Steve concentrated on Pete’s crotch, and reached down, taking the rings through Steve’s nipples in each hand and squeezing firmly, pulling the brown nubs of skin up and twisting them. Steve lifted his mouth from Pete’s leather clad prong involuntarily as the twinge of painful pleasure shot through his chest when Mike pulled at his tits. He moaned with delight before sinking his lips back onto the throbbing envelope before him, his hands sliding up the back of Pete’s muscular thighs, feeling the textured hide beneath his fingers. With both Pete and Mike standing over him, he enthusiastically sank into his submissive role, his own cock throbbing and his body tingling with excited arousal. He heard Mike speak above him. “This boy needs some discipline, Pete!” Mike hissed, his hands leaving off their twisting at Steve’s nipples. Suddenly a light sting at Steve’s shoulders was accompanied by a deafening crack of sound, and Steve gripped even tighter at Pete’s legs. Mike was wielding a leather paddle, letting it fall onto Steve’s shoulders and back. Again, and again, the instrument landed on the skin and leather of Steve’s upper back. There was little pain. In fact, the sting sent shivers of passionate electricity through him, and the thought of being whipped turned him on even more. Pete watched as Mike reached for the paddle, and let it fall onto Steve’s body. The sound it made was loud and sharp, but Steve made no complaint. Instead, the boy doubled his efforts at Pete’s groin. Pete’s heart raced at the sight of his boy being punished, tingling sensations running through him at the sight of the black leather paddle landing on the brown skin and dark hide of Steve’s back. Pulling his hand away from Neale’s rear, he reached to Mike. “Let me do that, Mike,” he said. “I want to be the one to train this boy.” Mike handed the double blades to his friend, explaining that the noise came from the two arms clapping together, and that it only needed a soft slap, no reason to use any real force, and therefore no need to inflict real pain. Pete ordered Steve to stand, then pushed him firmly forward and bent him over the side of the sling, across Neale, so that the two slaves were in contact, their upper bodies rubbing against each other. With Steve’s butt pushed out and back, Pete delivered a series of short, soft blows with the paddle to his boy’s firm round cheeks, the leather instrument landing with resonating slaps on the bare skin and black leather of the framing chaps. Mike watched in fascination as Steve was bent over Neale, and Pete rained down careful blows on his slave’s arse. Mike’s cock twitched with aroused excitement at the sight of the two subs pushed against each other, both of them below him and Pete. Taking a butt plug from one of the shelves, he smeared lube over it quickly and slid it into Neale’s arse, pushing and wriggling the toy into place as Neale’s ring closed over the wide flange and vacuumed the rubber dong into the slave boy’s gut. Mike gripped the base and rotated it, pushing as he did, and eliciting a series of gasps from Neale, still lying in the sling with Steve’s body weight pressing down on him. Leaving the plug sunk into Neale’s arse, Mike walked to the other side of the sling, so that he stood opposite Pete, watching as his friend continued the punishment being meted out to Steve’s rear. Steve lay face down across Neale’s chest, his head hanging over the side of the sling where Mike stood, and with each blow he let out a quiet “unnhhhh.” Mike stepped up to the slave, waving his steely prong in front of the boy’s face as he watched Pete work on the its rear. Pete looked up, saw Mike standing there and hissed an order to Steve. “Suck his cock, boy!” Pete commanded. Steve hmmphed an obedient acknowledgement, his mouth opening. Mike pressed forward and Steve’s lips closed over his rampant prong, licking and slurping at the fleshy dagger. Mike humped at the wet mouth enveloping him, his hands falling to the leather covering on Steve’s head as he felt the slave’s teeth scrape along his throbbing shaft, and delighted to the sensation of Steve’s throat closing around him. He pulled at Steve’s hood, holding firmly to the hide as he face-fucked the boy while Pete snapped the paddle at Steve’s butt. Pete wielded the paddle against Steve’s bare flesh, and each crack of sound as it landed sent jolts through his system as he stared at his new slave accepting the punishment he gave out while sucking on Mike’s long meaty cock. His own prong responded by pushing out against the restraining leather, eager to be free. Pete placed the paddle aside, pulling the codpiece he wore aside and rolling a black latex condom down over his rock hard prick. Smearing himself and Steve with lube, he advanced on the twitching pink target of Steve’s hole as the boy’s body rocked back and forth on top of Neale, both of them held up by the leather platform. Nudging himself up to the puckering sphincter, he pushed his cock into his slave, sinking it deep inside as he took possession of Steve’s body. Feeling Steve clench at and then accept the invading weapon, Pete began a steady pace of withdrawal and insertion, fucking his boy and pulling back to shove inwards again, letting the pendulum motion of the sling add to his own thrusts to achieve almost full removal, and deep hard attacks on the warm wet cavern of Steve’s gut. As Pete and Steve locked together, and Steve continued slurping at Mike, Neale ached. His arse was still filled with rubber, the butt plug firmly embedded within him. Steve was lying across him, their chests and upper bodies mashing together, the leather creaking as it rubbed. His Master was fucking Steve’s throat, while Pete fucked the fellow slave on top of him from the rear. Neale struggled and pulled at the cuffs on his wrists, and Mike noticed, leaning forward and undoing the locks on each in turn. His hands now free, Neale reached up to either side, his left hand finding and pulling at the ring through Mike’s tit, while his right fingers closed over the erect nub of Pete’s nipple, pulling at it firmly. Both dominant men groaned with delight, and increased their pounding at the prone form of Steve lying against Neale’s tingling body. Mike shuddered with pleasure when Neale’s finger grabbed at his piercing. His eyes took in the sight of Steve’s mouth on his cock, while Pete plunged in and out of the boy directly opposite. Below them, his slave writhed, and Mike could hardly believe how aroused he was, being serviced by two willing subs. His entire body tingled with passionate joy at the erotic scene before him. He called to his friend, “Pete, I think it’s time your boy got laid in this sling, don’t you?” Pete nodded, pulling his long hard cock from Steve’s arse. Mike moved quickly around as Steve straightened up, and helped Neale off the leather platform, pulling him by the collar and drawing him down onto the mattress where he ordered him to kneel with his butt in the air, the base of the plug sticking up and out of Neale’s body. Hearing the comment, Steve tingled with anticipation as Pete withdrew that wonderful invading prong from his body. Mike’s cock slipped from his lips and he stood up, Pete pulling at the lead attached to his neck. Steve stood and watched as Mike lifted Neale out and marched him over to the floor alongside the sling, then followed Pete as he was led to the back of the black leather platform. Pete pushed him back gently, and Steve felt the supple hide hold him as he lay back into it. His booted feet were lifted into the stirrups, and his wrists shackled to the supporting chains just as Neale’s had been. His cock ached and throbbed as Steve relaxed, his arse exposed and open to inspection by his Master, with Mike standing alongside and watching intently. He felt the wonderful invasion as Pete re-inserted that glorious love rod into Steve’s body, and clenched his sphincter around the heated pole as Pete began to pound him yet again. Pete humped at his slave’s hole, sank his aching dagger into Steve and buried himself to the hilt within the warm wet scabbard of his boy’s innards. With his hands groping and squeezing at Steve’s groin, Pete was so turned on by the sight of the submissive man below him garbed in black leather and writhing on the swinging platform of leather and metal. This new world of control and mastery over the two willing slaves, one his own and one that belonged to his mate Mike, was exciting and incredibly erotic. Not wanting to peak yet, he had an idea, pulling himself out of Steve again, and removing and discarding the condom. Turning to the shelves of toys along one wall, he caught sight of a string of anal balls, and quickly scooped them up, dangling them in front of Steve’s face. “How would you like these up your arse, boy?” he hissed. “Well that’s what you’re gonna get!” The look of anticipation on Steve’s face delighted him, and Pete began to smear lube on the spheres and the connecting latex cord. Taking his time, Pete slowly inserted each ball into his slave’s hole, massaging Steve’s abdomen and letting the boy adjust to the feeling of the black orbs filling his gut. Eventually the entire string of hard round shapes was fed into Steve’s hungry hole, and Pete’s cock twitched at the sight of the looped end of the cord hanging from that filled chute. At Mike’s suggestion, he snapped a silver chain over the loop, and attached the other end of the chain to the waistband of his chaps. Pete was in paradise as he set to playing with his slave, jiggling the balls within Steve’s rectum, pulling at the piercings through the slave’s nipples, squeezing and teasing the hard throbbing rod encased in shining leather just in front of him. Remaining where he was on the leather covered mattress, Neale could hear the comments from Pete, and the gasps of joy from Steve. Mike stood over him, and the leather of Mike’s chaps pressed against his bared butt cheeks, as his Master played with the plug buried in his arse. Neale ached with excitement, his cock so hard it felt ready to burst from the envelope of black hide around it. As Pete pushed the solid black anal balls into Steve’s body, Mike found a soft leather whip, and began to land its tail all over Neale’s back. The stinging pain was not hurtful at all, the jolts it caused sending a rush of adrenaline through Neale as he reveled in the sensitivity of his nerves, and the involuntary clenching of his sphincter around the bung with each light blow. Mike wielded the soft whip over Neale, thrilled to the twitches and gasps of pleasure it brought from his slave. He stared possessively at the quivering body encased in black leather, and his own frame tingled with excitement. Feeling the need within himself growing again, he put the whip aside, and knelt behind Neale, grasping and pulling at the butt plug filling his man. With a slight effort, the toy came free, leaving Neale’s hole open and puckering before him. Mike could not resist, and plunged himself into that inviting ring, moaning with pleasure as Neale’s muscles clenched at him then gave way as he ploughed his rock hard pud into the hot squelching arse. Pumping at the slave boy below him, Mike fought hard against the urge to step up his pace and fuck his man until he shot the litres of cum building up in his balls. He looked to the amazing view of Pete playing with Steve’s body, the silver chain running from the slave’s butt to Pete’s waist, while Pete’s long shaft dangled in the air, his cockhead leaking pre-cum. Mike lifted himself off Neale’s body, drawing his mighty prong from the clenching sphincter with a slurping hiss. “Look at my friend, with his prick just hanging,” Mike hissed at Neale. “Get over there, under that sling and suck his cock for him!” Neale jumped to obey, crawling under the floating, rocking platform and lifting his face to Pete’s groin. As he got into position, Pete happily thrust his hips forward, sinking his long dick into Neale’s welcoming open throat, rejoicing in the warm moist gullet that wrapped around him. Neale sucked and licked, massaged Pete’s shaft as he nibbled and bit at the pole of flesh pushing into his mouth. While Neale crawled under the sling, Mike walked to the head. He reached and held Steve’s hooded face in his hands, then slid his palms down along the boy’s body, pulling at the silver chain connecting his tits. As he leaned forward to play with Steve’s nipples, Mike ground his raging erection into the top of the slave’s leathered head, feeling the soft hide against his hot flesh. Pete watched with delight as his friend’s long cock bobbed against his boy’s head, pulled back at the string of balls dangling from Steve’s arse, and humped his meat into Neale’s constricting throat. He shook with aroused desire, every part of his body alive and on fire. Horny as hell now, Pete kept one hand on the throbbing black bulge of Steve’s groin, feeling and groping the solid prick enveloped in leather. With his free hand he began to pull firmly at the cord protruding from his slave’s hole, and one by one the anal balls popped from Steve like corks from a bottle. As each sphere pushed open the ring of muscle and shot out of him, Steve gasped with delight. Pete whipped his cock away from Neale’s hungry mouth, rolled another condom down over himself and thrust his steely prong into Steve’s already lubed and opened hole. His boy moaned with the pleasure of the invasion as Pete shoved himself hard and deep into Steve’s anus, pounding at the prone body and making the leather sling rock backward with the force. As Pete set to fucking Steve hard, Mike left his position at Steve’s head and pulled at Neale’s chain, dragging him out from under the sling and over to the leather covered mattress again. Pushing Neale down onto his back, Mike grabbed the slave’s legs and hoisted them up and over his shoulders, exposing his puckering arsehole. Kneeling into his man, Mike plunged his cock downward and into that pink eye, feeling the warm wet body give way to his assault, and hearing the breathy moans of pleasure as Neale succumbed to the joy of Mike’s thick meat filling his gut. Pete and Mike humped and thrust at their partners, shoving themselves into the moist warmth of accepting bodies. As they fucked, they looked at each other, and soon their rhythms fell into synchronization. They ploughed inwards at the same time, then pulled back in time to pound forward again. Watching each other rut and spear at their respective slaves, the two friends were so aroused they built up tempo and excitement, fucking and heaving as their boys gasped and clenched and begged for more beneath them. Pete felt his peak approaching as he continued to stare at Mike’s powerful frame thudding against Neale’s upturned arse and saw his own cock shafting Steve’s hot wet hole. Pulling back, he let himself slip from that wonderful cavern and tried to catch his breath. He stood and watched Mike and Neale, almost absently letting his hands play over Steve’s body, pinching his tits and squeezing his cock as he did. Leaving his boy in the sling, Pete walked to the two humping on the mattress, and stood over them, his legs astride Neale’s head. As Mike continued to fuck his boy, Pete lowered his body to the floor, ripping off the condom and sinking his cock into Neale’s open panting mouth. Neale trembled with delight as Pete’s fleshy dagger pierced his throat. His sphincter clenched against the hot rod of Mike’s invading penis and his lips and tongue slurped and licked at Pete’s long prong. His body ached, every nerve aflame as he serviced two Masters at once, his cock throbbing and pushing up against the encasing leather pouch he wore. Seeing his boy suckle at Pete’s dong while he plunged himself into the gripping body, Mike tingled with arousal. He was close, and he knew it, but he did not want to blow yet. Reluctantly, he pulled himself from Neale’s arse and sat back to enjoy the view of Pete’s fit muscled frame, clad in shining black leather, hovering over Neale as his long meat pistoned in and out of Neale’s throat. He looked up to notice that Steve remained cuffed to the sling, neglected for the moment. Standing and moving to Steve’s side, Mike began to pull and twist at his nipples, tugging at the silver rings through the slave’s tits. Steve gasped out with the pleasure and begged for more. Pete, hearing the pleas of his boy at the hands of Mike’s manipulation, stood again and returned to the back of the sling. As Mike watched closely, Pete donned another condom, and this time slowly began to enter Steve’s writhing body, relishing the incredible pleasure of his boy clenching and gripping at his invading prong as he twisted and ground his hips, driving his long pole around the insides of Steve’s rectum, exploring every corner of the slave’s innards with his throbbing weapon. Mike was so turned on by the sight of Pete’s slow reaming of Steve, he moved to stand close beside his friend, to concentrate on the sight. Pete continued his leisurely in and out, up and down motion, as Steve’s gasps of delight grew louder. One hand fell to Steve’s throbbing black leather tube, squeezing and playing, the other hesitated for a moment, then gripped Mike’s mighty cock, as Pete let his fingers close around his friend’s meat and jacked it slowly. In control now, he looked to Neale. “Get up here, slave, and use your teeth on this boy’s tits!” he commanded. Neale jumped to obey, standing beside the sling and dropping his face to Steve’s chest where he bit and nibbled, licked and blew at the metal and skin of his friend’s heaving, gasping upper body. He caught sight of Pete, Mike’s cock in his hand, and Neale’s body shook with desire. Mike shuddered as Pete’s fist closed around his cock, thrills running through him. As he watched Pete’s cock rotate its way around Steve’s arse, he slowly humped at the hand on his prong, and his own hand landed on Pete’s arse, as he caressed the firm orbs of flesh framed in black leather, and let his fingers slide down Pete’s crack to touch and tease at the puckering hole, and explore further to the leather pouch encasing Pete’s nuts. With the two men towering over him, his Master fucking slowly at his cavern while Mike humped at Pete’s hand, Steve trembled with pleasure. He happily submitted to their orders and thrilled to the eroticism of double domination by the powerfully built, muscled leather gods at his rear. When Neale began licking and biting at his nipples, Steve groaned loudly and willed himself to hold back, to resist the urge to writhe and buck his way to climax. As Pete felt Mike’s finger nudge at his hole, then press at the tender, super-sensitive skin below his nuts before prodding and squeezing at his testicles, he moaned aloud and almost came on the spot. After only a few minutes of the combined delights of Steve’s arse wrapped around his prick and Mike’s hands at his arse and balls, while he played with both Steve’s and Mike’s cocks, Pete knew if he didn’t change pace he would lose his control. He pulled back and withdrew his raging meat from Steve’s body. As he did, Steve called out in a desperate plea, “Please, Sir, don’t stop; fuck me, Master.” His hand still wrapped around Mike’s weapon, Pete grinned. Reaching for a condom with his other hand, he faced Mike and looked intently into his friend’s eyes. Pete unraveled the sheath over Mike’s throbbing tool, and keeping his hand on his friend’s cock, guided Mike to the back of the sling and toward Steve’s begging hole. As Mike gave up any resistance to the idea, he stepped forward and pressed his prick to the waiting arse. Pete pulled at the sling, swinging it back and forcing Steve onto Mike’s rampant sword. As he did, his fingers remained in place, holding Mike’s shaft as his mate’s cock sank into Steve’s body, until Pete’s hand was sandwiched between Steve’s butt and Mike’s pelvis. Mike closed his eyes with the intoxicating passion of what was happening. Pete’s fingers massaged his cockshaft and Steve’s sphincter gripped and opened around his cock while Neale leaned and suckled at Steve’s pecs. Looking again, he found the sight amazing, incredibly arousing. He ached with desire as he began to fuck at the open chute of Pete’s boy on the sling below him. Steve hissed and moaned at the new penetration. Mike was not as long as Pete, but thicker, and his fucking was somehow different. Steve’s mind raced as he realised he was being fucked by two different men one after the other, both of them powerful leather clad Masters and he their submissive toy. While Mike shoved and grunted at Steve, burying his huge meat in the willing arse, Pete released the grip on his cock, and moved to stand behind him. Looking over Mike’s shoulder, Pete’s hands played and stroked at his friend’s chest, pulling at the large erect nipples, following the leather lines of his harness, caressing the developed muscles and firm taut skin. Pete stepped closer, his body coming into contact with Mike’s, his chest pressed to Mike’s back, his thighs against Mike’s leathery legs, his cock sliding up and down in the crack of Mike’s arse. As Mike continued to hump at Steve, he also ground his back against the exciting feel of Pete’s body pressed into his flesh. Pete reached down, and pushed his long cock below Mike’s arse so that he was humping at air, the top of his shaft running between Mike’s legs to poke at the leather sack containing Mike’s nuts. At the same time he reached around Mike’s waist, until both hands were on the base of Mike’s cock and playing with the black orbs of his friend’s testicles. As Mike thrust into Steve, Pete’s hands were crushed between his pelvis and Steve’s butt cheeks. Mike shook with restrained excitement as he pumped into Steve while Pete’s cock massaged the tender skin between his anus and his balls. Ordering his own slave off Steve’s chest, he commanded Neale – “Get under here and service me and my friend, boy!” Quickly, Neale was sitting below the double spread of Mike’s and Pete’s legs, leaning up into them and sucking alternatively at Pete’s slippery thrusting prick, and Mike’s leather wrapped testicles, working his lips and mouth over both of the dominant males above him as his eyes beheld his Master’s thick weapon sinking into the wet hole of his fellow slave centimetres from his face. Neale ached with need and desire at the excitement of servicing two Masters at once, and the erotic sight of Pete’s cock sliding and prodding at Mike’s nuts while Mike’s cock penetrated Steve’s puckering anus. All four of the men shook with passion, trembled with aroused excitement as the erotic delight of their connection raced through them. The joining of the group was concentrated in one place, Mike’s and Pete’s cocks competing with each other as Steve’s arse clutched at Mike’s invading spear, and Neale’s lips and mouth nibbled and licked at Pete’s cock, Mike’s nuts, and Steve’s butt. Both Pete and Mike reveled in the thrill of being serviced by two slaves at once, while Steve and Neale each rejoiced as they surrendered to the combined attentions of double Masters. Mike, being the one at the centre of the maelstrom of mansex, felt his body surging to a peak first. He held back as long as he could, not wanting the triple concentration of horny men to end, but soon felt that if he did not break the connection he would topple over the abyss of passion. Pulling back from Steve, he moved to one side so that Pete’s rubbing against him was broken, and Neale slumped to the floor beneath them. Stepping back, Mike unsnapped the cuffs on Steve’s wrists and helped him lift off the sling, then directed him to lie on the floor. Straddling the prone slave, Mike squatted facing Pete and lowered his arse to Steve’s face. “Rim my arse, boy!” he commanded, taking his cock in his hand as he did. As Steve licked upward, driving his pink tongue into Mike’s puckering hole, Mike slowly began to jack at his rock hard meat, leering at Pete as he did. Pete returned the look, and in turn took his own prong in hand, closing his fist around himself and pumping his fingers up and down the long shaft. Finding the confrontation extremely arousing, Neale moved to kneel behind Pete, licking at his butt and forcing his tongue into the crack between Pete’s buns, rimming him while Steve slurped at Mike’s hole. Pete let Neale suck at his rear for some time, but wanted more. Still standing and staring at Mike being rimmed by Steve, Pete pulled Neale up and pushed him back to the leathered mattress against the wall. As Mike squatted and moaned with the invading delight of Steve’s talented tongue, Pete spread Neale’s legs wide and pressed two lubricated fingers into the boy’s rectum, pulling and stretching at his ring of muscle, sending shivers through Neale’s body. Neale groaned quietly, and Mike eyed his slave being fingered by his mate. The sight was incredibly arousing and Mike fought against conflicting emotions; jealousy as Pete played with his boy, and excitement at his friend using his slave. Drawn up in the eroticism of the moment, Mike hissed at Pete “Fuck him, man. Shove that dong of your into his tight little hole!” Pete looked at Mike quickly, then back to Neale, writhing on the black ground below him. Encasing his cock in yet another black latex condom, Pete smeared more lube over himself, then knelt behind Neale, lifting the boys legs to his shoulders and running his hands along the leather clad legs as he did. Leaning forward he nudged his cockhead against Neale’s puckering arse, and slowly slid his long steel rod into the soft opening, surging forward with gasps of delight as Neale responded by clenching at him. Pete soon had the slave impaled on his weapon, and began to thrust in and out as he fucked Neale with the same measured, rotating penetration he had used on Steve earlier. Neale groaned and muttered encouragement, urging Pete on and begging to be used as his Master observed the rutting couple closely. As Pete humped at Neale in earnest, both of them gasping for breath, Mike stood up, lifting his arse from Steve’s face. Pulling Steve to his feet, Mike marched him over to behind Neale’s head. Making Steve kneel just behind the prone Neale, Mike quickly pulled at the pouch on Steve’s groin, exposing his throbbing cock. Reaching for his own boy, Mike slid back the leather envelope over Neale’s prick and pushing it down behind his nuts, taking the chance to run his fingers around the shaft of Pete’s surging prong as it sank into Neale and pulled back to sink again. He then directed Steve to lean over Neale, making Neale suck at Steve’s cock while Steve’s face was pushed down into Neale’s groin. Quickly understanding, Steve licked at then swallowed Neale’s dick, slurping and nibbling at the slicked flesh. As the two slaves ‘69’d, Mike smiled with satisfaction, before moving to kneel behind Pete, copying the earlier actions of his friend by running his slicked cock up and down Pete’s crack, and playing his hands over Pete’s chiseled chest, pinching at his nipples and sliding his fingers down to the connecting penetration where Pete’s manhood disappeared into Neale’s flexing chute. As the two slaves sucked and licked at each other below him, Pete continued to ream Neale’s arse with his prong. As Mike’s hands covered his flesh, and Mike’s cock rubbed at his crack, and poked at his leather-encased nuts, Pete tingled and ached with arousal. Hunching forward at the body below him, then leaning back into Mike, Pete felt the contact of flesh on flesh and leather on leather, his nerves racing and his blood boiling. Feeling Mike’s thick pole against his skin, Pete whispered to his mate. “Fuck me, Mike. Shove your cock up inside my arse while I fuck your boy, man!” The urgency in his voice was clear, and Mike reached for another of the many condoms left around the dungeon room. Sheathing and lubing his thick manmeat, Mike eased himself up to Pete’s rear, as Pete slowed his humping into Neale. “Keep sucking you slaves!” Pete commanded as he relaxed and backed onto Mike’s prick nudging at his sphincter. Slowly but steadily, Mike forced his entry, sliding his rock hard dong into Pete’s tight hole. Pushing deeper and deeper, he heard Pete gasp as the pain shuddered through him, then moan as his body accustomed to the invading spear and the pain was replaced by pleasure. Reaching his full length, plumbing Pete’s depths with his cock, Mike began to rock back and forth, thrusting in and out of Pete’s body. Pete groaned with delight, and fell into the same rhythm, riding back onto Mike’s cock as he pulled from Neale, then shoving his prick into Neale’s hot welcoming cave as Mike eased out of him, ready to pump forward again. Pete’s arms wrapped around Neale’s leather chaps, his hands gripping at the straps of Steve’s harness while the two boys suckled and licked at each other. Mike’s arms encased Pete’s body, his hands on the pumped pecs and his fingers tweaking at the erect brown nubs of Pete’s nipples. Locked together in this position, the four of them humped and gasped, writhed and trembled with all encompassing passionate abandon. Mike humped at Pete, and felt he was fucking both Pete and Neale at the same time. Pete surrendered to the incredible sensation of fucking and being fucked all at once. Neale moaned with delight as he sucked on Steve’s thick tool, sank his own throbbing rod into Steve’s gullet, and clenched his arse around Pete’s invading tool. He knew what Mike was doing to Pete, and images of his Master’s cock ramming right through Pete and into his own body sent shivers through his brain. Steve groaned and hummed as Neale’s talented mouth surrounded his prick, milked him and swallowed him. He dived onto Neale’s manhood, nibbling and slurping at the heated pole in his throat. Pete’s abdomen occasionally crashed into the top of Steve’s leathered head, and Steve’s eyes feasted on the sight of Pete’s cock sinking into Neale’s arse only centimetres in front of him. He pictured Mike rutting at Pete’s arse as Pete fucked Neale, and his heart raced at the incredible experience rocking his mind and body. As one, they fucked and sucked, sweating and groping at each other, becoming a single heaving animal of pure masculine lust. A roiling beast of passion, enmeshed in shining black leather, moist and heated flesh over taut pumped muscles, the group of men interlocked. Bodies penetrated and penetrating, cocks in mouths and arses, they hunched and rocked together. A symphony of sound pervaded the room, squealing leather and wet squelching bodies, hissing breath and cursed obscenities combined in a crescendo of absolute sex, as their glistening black forms danced in the flickering candlelight, wisps of smoke drifting across the scene. Pete was the first of the four to reach the point of no return. With Mike’s giant cock buried in his arse, pumping up into him, and Neale’s tight hole gripping at his heated throbbing pole, the sensations washed over him, and his body exploded in a tidal wave of passion. His nuts contracted, shooting waves of cum into his prick which spurted load after load into the latex sheath buried in Neale’s body. As he came, he shuddered to stillness, his cock swelling inside the scabbard of Neale’s rectum. Neale felt the twitching and the explosion within him, gave into the delights of Steve’s throat around his pole, and stepped over the brink. His sphincter clamped tight around Pete’s log, making Pete gasp for joy and Neale’s cock pumped creamy jism deep into Steve’s throat, as his own mouth clamped onto Steve’s dick and vacuumed it hard. Steve heard Pete gasp and groan as his climax hit him, felt Neale tense suddenly and shudder, and then he was swallowing Neale’s juice, gulping and swallowing. The taste of Neale’s ejaculate was salty sweet and Neale’s teeth scraped at the flesh of Steve’s rigid member as he arced his back and emptied his balls. Steve felt as though Neale was sucking his entire body into that throat through Steve’s aching cock. The combination of Neale’s suctioning, Pete’s gasping, and the flood of cum in his gullet sent Steve soaring and a strangled wet cry escaped his throat as he plunged his prong downward and forward deeper than ever into Neale’s throat, searing white hot sperm filling the mouth below him as Neale responded by gulping him down and milking him for more. Mike held on as long as he could as the orgasmic shudders crashed through the others. Pete’s sphincter had clamped tight around Mike’s cock, gripping it like a vise. As Pete and then Neale shook with overwhelming passion, Mike felt his blood boiling up, his nerves tingling. When Steve’s muffled shout, throaty and wet, reached his ears, his resolve disappeared, and he humped forward again, hard into Pete, pounding his weapon one last time deep into his friend’s bowel. It seemed like litres of jizz spewed from his cock into Pete as Mike thundered into a hazy paradise of surrendered control, wondering that the condom he wore could contain the load he blew. For fully ten minutes, they shook and trembled as their individual climaxes smashed through them. Almost with a collective breath, the four collapsed, bodies on bodies, leather against flesh against cum. Gradually they felt the tide of passion recede, and began to disentangle their interlocked bodies. Mike sat leaning against the wall, Neale curling up at his feet. Pete stood slowly then leaned against the sling while Steve wrapped his arms around his Master’s leathered legs and sat on the floor, exhausted. “Holy Fuck! That was unbelievable!” whistled Pete after several minutes of silence. The others grinned, then chuckled and Pete joined in until gales of exhausted, relaxed laughter swept them. They had joined together in the most amazing, erotic experience any of them had ever known. As the mirth gave way to sated contentment, they relaxed in a heap, arms and legs thrown over each other on the leather-covered mattress. Twice more that night the four men found themselves swept up in passionate thumping sex, fucking and sucking, groping and heaving at each other. Pete and Mike became more and more masterly, spurring each other on, while Neale and Steve fell further and further into total submission, aching with impassioned arousal as they eagerly serviced the two dominant men. The two slaves tingled with excitement as they surrendered to the orders of Mike and Pete without question. Finally, as the night drew to a close, they collapsed in a state of near complete exhaustion, sated and drained. Finding places on the floor where they could, all four slept, still encased in leather, the sweat and cum drying on their bodies like badges of achievement. Later the next day, Pete and Steve cleaned themselves up and dressed, making their good-byes. The two couples thanked each other happily and sincerely, sharing a secret acknowledgement of incredible passion. As they left, Mike and Neale also washed and dressed, cleaning their precious gear and toys, then lounging in each other’s arms on the sofa. Mike was the first to raise the events of the night. “Neale, that was just so incredibly hot, amazing.” “Absolutely. A few times I just lost track of what was happening I was so turned on,” Neale replied. “And we just seemed to go on forever.” “Yeah,” Mike spoke slowly, remembering. “Fucking unbelievable, but …” Neale looked at him carefully. “But?” “I don’t know that I want to repeat it. I was really aroused when Pete was playing with you, even more when he was fucking you, but at the same time I was jealous, maybe even upset a little. I felt like you were mine, and he was invading something.” “Mike, I love you!” Neale declared, smiling at his man. “And I can honestly say that while it was exciting having two men to serve, and I enjoyed it when Pete fucked me, it wasn’t the same as when you did. There’s no question that you are the best lover, and the most wonderful Master. I’m yours and yours alone forever.” They hugged again, and kissed deeply, lovingly. They agreed that they had enjoyed the night intensely, and were glad they had agreed to it, but that it had convinced them that they were right for each other, and did not really want to repeat the orgy. Besides, a second attempt could lessen the memories of the first mind-blowing passion they had shared with Pete and Steve. Steve and Pete arrived back at Pete’s place, and threw themselves onto the large queen size bed, tired and happy, drained and elated by the evening. As Steve laid his head on Pete’s chest and Pete’s hand played lazily with the ring in Steve’s nipple, Pete took a breath, and addressed his friend. “Steve, I know we haven’t actually discussed this before, but, well, I was wondering how you would feel about living together?” Steve didn’t lift his head, or even move, but a huge grin spread across his face. “Are you proposing to me, stud?” Pete laughed softly. “Yes, I guess I am. Steve, I love you. After seeing how happy Mike and Neale are, and being with you, I want us to have the same. What do you think?” “I think you should move in today,” Steve said without the slightest hesitation. “I love you too, Pete. And I want to spend every moment I can with you. And I’ve been thinking…” He stopped for a moment, took a breath, and went on quickly. “I’m sure we could convert the spare room into a combination home gym and leather dungeon. There’s room for a sling, and the weight bench and workout equipment can go alongside it. I’m sure we can find uses for all of it!” With that last comment he turned his head to look into Pete’s eyes, and licked his lips invitingly. Pete’s heart leapt in his chest, and incredibly, his cock twitched at the last implied suggestion. “Steve, I got really horny with Mike and Neale last night, and everything we did, but the best times were when I was with you. I’m not sure that I want to repeat a group scene with the guys.” Now Steve sat upright, and his arms flew around Pete’s body. “Oh yes,” he whispered, tears forming in his eyes. “It was hot, bloody hot, incredible even, but the most exciting thing was being your slave and yours alone. I’m so happy we tried it, but let’s make it a memory. Let’s get ourselves tested, and get down to some serious, real fucking without the need for condoms, my gorgeous leather stud!” Steve gushed out, finishing with a long wet kiss planted over Pete’s mouth. They settled down again together, arms around each other, smiling and happy, knowing they had discovered their future, and certain their friendship with Mike and Neale would remain strong as they shared that one amazing night and went on together as two separate couples, deeply in love with each other. The End Comments, complaints or compliments? Contact me at


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A Long Weekend

A LONG WEEKEND A hand grabbed my forehead, and another twisted my arm up behind my back without warning. I tried to call out but my mouth was instantly covered by the glove of whoever had attacked me. Struggling, I felt warm breath on the side of my neck, the roughness of an unshaved chin, a hissing in my ear… “Don’t try to fight, cocksucker! I won’t hurt you if

A New Beginning, Part 1

A NEW BEGINNING Tim had had a bad day. In fact, he’d had a bad month. His lover of three years had suddenly announced that it wasn’t working any more at the beginning of the month. Not that Tim was particularly upset. They hadn’t been seeing eye to eye for quite some time, it just came as a surprise that he didn’t want to work at solving the problems. Then the landlord had

A New Beginning, Part 2

A NEW BEGINNING, Part 2 Tim woke, startled and confused. Where was he? What was this binding around his chest? And then he remembered, and smiled happily to himself. The horror of the last few weeks, losing his partner, his home, his car and his job had driven him to a labouring job for a removal company. That in turn had led him to discover a treasure trove of

A New Beginning, Part 3

A NEW BEGINNING, Conclusion Together they descended the stairs to the basement. No daylight came here, and the dim illumination of a single globe barely lit it. The two men had come to their basement, their ‘playroom’, after having dressed each other in the most erotic, all encompassing leather harnesses chaps and gear that they loved so much. They had pledged their love for each

Back To A Future

Crunnnchh! Suddenly I was jolted out of the thoughts buzzing around in my head about sales targets, budgets and stock problems. The car came to a grinding halt and a sickening feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. The noise from the motor had sounded very serious, and the way the engine died seemed to spell a permanent stop. “Fuck!” I declared loudly to the empty land around me.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For I had been looking forward to this break for months. Work had been getting me down for a while. It always seemed like there was too much to do and no time to do it in. The pace of life, whilst I usually enjoyed it, had taken its toll, and I needed some quiet time, out of town and away from everything. And that was exactly what I had. Gerry had offered

Blind To Love

Nick was beside himself, jumping up and down with excitement. Not an unusual situation for him to be in. The dark headed, olive skinned young man had a tendency to get carried away over the smallest thing, so when he raced to Ian ready to burst with news, his friend took little notice. “I’ve found him, I’ve found him,” Nick exclaimed as he grabbed Ian’s arm, tugging at his shirt to


BLUE By It was hot. Damn hot. Had to be more than 40 by now and the heat was the sticky, humid heat that you only get in Far North Queensland. Still, this was what I’d come for, the heat and the sun, and to get away from the rush and cold at home. I dived into the pool for the hundredth time, letting the water wash away the sweat and cool me down as I lazily


“Fuck, what’s that?” Terry said out loud to the empty alley. He’d kicked something in the darkness -- something hard -- and almost stumbled as he did. Bending down and peering more closely at his feet, he found a pair of boots. Looking around quickly, he found the place deserted, no one in sight. The boots were tall, black leather, and seemed to be in good condition. Picking them up

Christmas Present

Christmas Present As John’s orgasm ebbed away, he collapsed against me and I wrapped my arms and my legs around his sweaty, shaking, muscled frame. Between us, the remnants of my ejaculation squelched over both his skin and mine and we grinned at each other like kids. Slowly he withdrew his long, glorious cock from my body, and I reluctantly let it go as we stretched out alongside


Continuity I saw him enter the bar, and knew him straight away. Not personally, of course, but I knew his type. Curious, uncertain, knowing he wanted to try something but not even sure exactly what that something was. He wore a pair of snug fitting faded denim jeans and a tight white t-shirt under a black leather jacket. Just enough to almost fit in with the

Dave, Part 1

Chapter One – Catching Up You could have knocked me down with a feather. Standing there, just across the bar from me, was a real ‘blast from the past’. I stood and looked, my eyes drinking in the sight. He was tall, a blond with wide shoulders and the sort of chest you only get from serious exercise during your developing years, and I should know: I’d watched him doing that

Dave, Part 2

Chapter Two – Almost Forgotten Several months had passed since the night I had bumped into Dave in the bar, and gone on to embarrass myself with another man. For a few days afterward, I had tried to examine my feelings that night, had tried to work out why I had called out Dave’s name during sex, given that I had never had sex with Dave, and that my fantasies of him were from

Dave, Part 3

Chapter Three – False start? Steve and I stayed together for another three months after the night that I bumped into Dave again at that bar. We tried, really we did. But as wonderful as our sex life was, outside of the bedroom we seemed to be less and less alike as time went on. He struggled at the small intimate dinner parties I loved so much, did all he could to keep up his

Dave, Part 4

Chapter Four: Absence Makes the Heart…? Dave and I spent most of the next two weeks together. We made love often, passionate rutting sex that echoed the sense of impending frustration at his leaving. We shared our thoughts and enjoyed each other’s company, but overshadowing the whole time was his imminent departure. The weekend of his move dawned bright and sunny. His furniture and

Dave, Part 5

Chapter Five – Long Time Passing “How long since you had sex?” I looked up in shock. Neil was staring at me, having asked his question across the dinner table in front of four other friends. “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I said indignantly. “Yes it is,” he replied, “especially when you sit here at our table with a morose look on your face and refuse to join in the

Dave, Part 6

Chapter Six – How Did This Happen? I looked up at him, and my brain raced. How did this happen? Why was he here? What do I say to him? “Hello, Mike,” Dave said quietly, uncertainly. “It’s good to see you again.” As he did, he handed me the rose. “Uh, hi. Thank you…” I murmured softly. “Do you mind if I sit down?” “Yes. I mean, no. Please, sit,” I stuttered, trying desperately to

Dave, Part 7

Chapter Seven – Don’t Let Go Dave and I spent the following weekend making up for our ‘annus horribilis’, exploring each other’s mind and body, and generally fucking ourselves into exhaustion. Being with him was just so wonderful that I didn’t want to share him with anyone, but Neil’s comment kept sticking in my mind. If we were going to build a real relationship, we had to interact

Dave, Part 8

Chapter Eight – Home “Dave,” I murmured, a whispering softness that only he could have heard. “I…” His eyes opened wide and pierced my soul, a question and a hope written on his face. “I love you.” My heart didn’t race; my voice didn’t quiver. I knew what I was saying and I meant it, more certain of this than of anything before in my life. He looked at me, and instead of surprise,

Dave, Part 9

Chapter Nine – I Do! Dave and I moved into our new home about six weeks later. It sounds like a while, but in reality the time flew as we made arrangements as necessary, notified friends and relatives, and generally got used to the idea. To me, it felt like a passing dream, the thought of being in my own home with the man I loved, and somehow the weeks both dragged and raced at

Dave, Part10: Conclusion

Epilogue – The Lessons of the Past It’s been more than five years now since Dave and I were ‘married’. It is still one of my happiest, brightest memories, that day by the harbour, and the following night in the hotel. We followed it with a marvelous week of lovemaking and sunbathing at a tropical resort, and then came home to settle into our new life together. Despite my

Every Other Sunday

Private Club for Men into Serious Leather, meet last Sunday each month’ said the small, classified advert in one of the gay papers, giving an address. My curiosity was aroused immediately. Today was Sunday, the last of the month, wasn’t it? Yep. Just how private, and just how serious? I decided to give the place a visit and see for myself. Determined to show I was ‘into serious

Fair Day

FAIR DAY BY IAIN - It was a cold Sunday morning. The thought of getting out of bed did not excite him at all, but he’d promised John that they would get together and go down to check out the Leather Pride market day on Forbes Street. Ian didn’t quite get why his closest friend seemed so keen to wander around looking at what he imagined would be just a bunch

Getting Out

“Mitchell, get in here, NOW!” My boss’ voice rang out through the office, and all eyes turned to me. I shuddered, and stood up from my desk as the faces around me looked away. I could hear the muffled sniggers as I made my way to the source of that shout. I tried desperately to think of what I might have done to incur his wrath in the last few days, but nothing would come to mind.

Jim's Closet

Jim’s Closet Jim was gay. He knew it, and it made him miserable. He was still well and truly ‘in the closet’, with the door firmly locked. He lived in a small town community where everyone knew each other and where secrets weren’t easily kept, but he had kept his. Years ago he had realised that he was attracted to other men, but the lewd and often harsh comments

Leather Lovers

It was just another Friday night, same as all the others. Nothing special planned for the weekend and nothing exciting on the horizon. For quite a while I had been feeling as if something was missing, as if there had to be more than the endless round of work Monday to Friday and spending the weekends alternating between bars and beds, always looking for something but never really

Leather Lovers, Part 2

I had drifted off to sleep easily, wrapped in Mike’s arms, feeling oh so comfortable, and so satisfied with our lovemaking. When I woke, it was quite late for me. Around 10 in the morning, but his arms were still there, holding me tight. His harness and chaps, my leather pants, were thrown around the floor, removed after our hot session last night (or was that early this morning?).

Leather Lovers, Part 3

Leather Lovers, Part 3 It was well into the afternoon when we left Mike’s flat. The morning’s lovemaking hadn’t tired me at all. In fact, I felt exhilarated, horny, just being with him. We jumped on a train to take the few stops to my home, chatting the whole time. As he talked, Mike had a habit of touching – suddenly grabbing my arm, or putting his hand on my

Leather Lovers, Part 4

Leather Lovers, Part 4 Over breakfast on Sunday morning, Mike and I reminisced on the events of the day before: the pure exhilaration of showing off in the bar, and coming home to make love urgently, powerfully. We discussed the things we had seen in the leather boutique yesterday afternoon, the clothing and toys they offered, and how much we would both like to

Leather Lovers, Part 5

Leather Lovers, Part 5 Mike and I had gone together to the clinic and both been tested for HIV. Within a week we had the results: we both were clear. We had both expected the result, had both been careful for a long, long while now, yet it was always still a concern during that time between the test and the results, always a worry that at some time a condom

Leather Lovers, Part 6

Leather Lovers, Part 6 Mike and I didn’t make love that night. After rushing around all week moving him in and making all the usual adjustments, we were tired out. Added to that, the stress of the HIV test and the waiting and wondering, even though we expected the good news, had drained us both. When we were both given a clean bill of health, it felt like the

Leather Lovers, Part 7

Leather Lovers, Part 7 Mike and I had been together now for about four and a half months. During that time we had discovered so much about each other, likes and dislikes and yet we still had so much more to find out. We’d moved in together and explored our passionate side, shared our secret fantasies and begun living them out, falling more and more in love

Leather Lovers, Part 8

Leather Lovers - Pt 8 With everything we needed to construct our ‘fantasy room’, Mike and I couldn’t wait to get started on it. We pulled up the carpet in the room easily enough, and found a smooth concrete floor underneath. He wanted to leave it as is and paint it, but I pointed out that the cement would get cold and rough on bare skin, considering what we were

Long Lost Lovers

Long Lost Lovers He looked fucking fabulous. I couldn’t take my eyes from his body, as I tried to drink in every inch of his frame, tried to hold the vision in my mind and store it away to be cherished forever more. At just over six feet tall, Ian dominated any group by virtue of his height alone. But he was gorgeous as well; a true hunk. His face was

Lost Needs

It had been a busy fortnight. My company had sent me to Melbourne to sort out some problems in the regional office there, and that had meant two weeks of solid work, but by that Thursday night I had resolved the difficulties and had everything back up and running like clockwork, almost a week earlier than expected. My grateful supervisor had told me to take the following day off, and

Nerd Or Not

Nerd or Not For some reason that had escaped me, I seemed to be the ‘golden-haired boy’ at the firm where I worked. Sure, I had been blessed with good looks, which I maintained by working out at the gym regularly and, modesty aside, I did seem to have the kind of personality that allowed me to mix easily in almost any crowd. But I still had difficulty

Nick And Noah

Chapter One Nick and Noah were an unlikely couple. Both were slender but muscled in build, but that was about the only thing they had in common. Nick was lucky to stand 5’6” in thick socks, while Noah often had to duck his 6’2” frame under low doorways and hanging ornaments. Noah was the embodiment of ancient Viking stock, his impossibly thin waist the base of a ‘V’ of flesh and

Nick And Noah, Part 2

“Holy shit!” declared Nick as he looked around at the mess. “Where do we start?” He began to walk further into the flat, kicking at some of the upturned items as he did, and bent down to pick something up just as Noah called out in an urgent voice. “Nick, don’t touch anything! We have to call the police.” Nick jumped back as if bitten by a snake, and turned to look at his

Nick And Noah, Part 3

First thing Thursday morning, despite their late night interrogation of Lena, the drag queen in the Shift, Nick and Noah were up and about early. They felt they were onto something at last, and they wanted to get to the supermarket where this ‘Geoffrey Renouf’ worked as soon as it opened. Nick seemed convinced it would lead them to Jim, although Noah still had considerable doubts.

Nick And Noah, Part 4 (REVISED)

At the address given on the sheet of paper Noah had 'borrowed' from Geoff's employer, they found a pleasant looking home surrounded by gardens in a quiet suburban street. Noah parked the car outside and turned to Nick, who was nursing an excited Indiana. "I told you: you'll have to stay here with him. Hopefully I won't be long." Nick looked disconsolately at his partner, and watched

Nick and Noah, Part 8: Conclusion

The sound of the doorbell at 3.00 in the morning caused both Nick and Noah to look up, and then at each other in alarm. They were both exhausted after the rigours of the day, and their exertions in their special dungeon with Jim as an audience. Noah had been relaxing on the sofa while Nick worried himself over the absence of Indiana, their dog, when the sound rang out. Jim had headed off to

Opposites Attract, Part 1

Jeff Shaw reclined in his chair, swiveled around and stared at a huge billboard across the street, from which his own smiling face stared back at him. “He’s on YOUR side!” declared the banner below his chin. He groaned inwardly. He had made a living out of exposing rip-off merchants and con men, to the extent that he had been given his own weekly television show, and had developed a

Opposites Attract, Part 2

They relaxed again, and Jeff lay back with his head on Michael’s lap, as Michael ran his fingers over Jeff’s body playfully. Staying there for hours, they chatted easily, confiding in each other, both finding it a strange but welcome relief to be able to open up completely to another person. Finally, around 2.00 am, Jeff began to get restless. “Do you need to be somewhere?” Michael

Opposites Attract, Part 3

The next day Michael was back at work as usual. If it weren’t for the new clothes hanging in his closet, he could easily have convinced himself that the weekend had all been a dream, so far removed was it from his day-to-day existence. Nothing had changed in the ‘real world’, yet he constantly thought of Jeff, of the incredible sex they had had, and of the special man behind the

Opposites Attract, Part 4

They idled away the rest of the morning and the early afternoon lying around the pool, swimming occasionally, or resting against each other and enjoying the view of the harbour. It was wonderful doing nothing, yet doing it together, and they were both completely contented, and so comfortable with each other. Late in the afternoon, Michael was lying stretched out in the lee of the

Opposites Attract, Part 5

Back at work on Monday morning, Michael was still so exhilarated by the weekend, still so amazed at the incredible experience of pure, natural sex and the unbelievable rush of emotion in realising that he loved Jeff and that Jeff loved him that he failed to notice the lack of usual bullying from his co-workers. It was only after lunch, when his supervisor asked him to get some

Opposites Attract, Part 6

The next day Jeff was still rapt with joy at having Michael move in. He planned a dozen things in his head, and excitedly showed Michael the basement he wanted to make into their ‘leather pit’. He started to explain how he would get Phillip to arrange things when Michael cut him off. “No,” he said with a force which made Jeff stop and look. “I don’t want Phillip doing this. This

Opposites Attract, Part 7

The next few days were hectic, to say the least. Jeff threw himself into this project with far more enthusiasm than anyone at the station had seen him exhibit in a long while. And still he was smiling and happy. More than one of his co-workers commented on the change that had come over him, and Suzie began to find herself pressed for more information, but she knew nothing and

Opposites Attract, Part 8

Friday dawned, the ‘big day’ for Jeff’s confrontation with Ken, the bigoted supervisor who had sacked Michael and Tim. As he lay next to Michael in bed that morning, Jeff looked at the sleeping face of his man and a tremendous wave of joy rolled over him. Something made Michael stir, and his eyes fluttered open to find Jeff so close beside him. “Morning,” Michael muttered sleepily.

Opposites Attract, Part 9

Three months flew by, and out of the blue, a letter arrived from the lawyers. Michael opened it with little concern. He had been told right at the start that the law moved slowly, and not to expect much to happen in a short time. As he read, his brow furrowed with confusion, and then his face lit up: The company had admitted responsibility, terminated Ken’s employment, and were

Ships In The NIght

He was a real spunk, the kind of guy you could stare at for hours, and he lived across the hall from me. I had only been living here a month when he moved in, and the day he did I noticed him: noticed the strong legs and wide shoulders, the thin waist and tanned skin topped by a beautiful face with a permanent smile beneath a shock of mousy blond hair. The day he arrived I was on

Take It Or Leave It - Satisfaction

Take It Or Leave It – Satisfaction When I woke again, it was still dark. The candles had burnt out, and I sensed rather than saw that the sky outside was just beginning to lighten. I was still encased in my leather harness, and as I moved a little, I felt the dried remains of last night’s mind-blowing experience scratchy on my skin. My head was resting against his leg, the supple

Take It Or Leave It, Part 1: Arrival

Crunnnchh! Suddenly I was jolted out of the thoughts buzzing around in my head about sales targets, budgets and stock problems. The car came to a grinding halt and a sickening feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. The noise from the motor had sounded very serious, and the way the engine died seemed to spell a permanent stop. “Fuck!” I declared loudly to the empty land around me.

Take It Or Leave It: Discipline

The next morning I woke suddenly, a tingling sensation in my dick irritating me into consciousness. In the first few seconds of waking I panicked, struggled vainly at the chains holding my arms in place and fell back onto the rough blankets where I had slept. He was bending over me, having just finished tying a piece of leather thong tightly around the girth of my cock, just below the

Take It Or Leave It: Rewards

I slept well that night, and woke up feeling surprisingly good. The ‘kennel’ was not cramped at all, and the pile of rags made a passable bed. I was stirring enough to be alert when I heard a whistle from within the house. Responding to his signal, I crawled from my kennel and stretched quickly before hurrying around to the front of the cottage and up the steps, waiting on hands

Take It Or Leave It: Riches

He carefully cleaned, dried and oiled our leathers, and I admired the way he looked after them, as he stood there naked and proud. Finishing, he pulled the chaps back on again, smoothing them over his legs and fastening them into position. With the gleaming leather gripped tightly around his muscled legs, and the bands of leather on his arms, he truly looked a formidable sight, and

The Shopper

The first time I saw him I almost creamed my pants on the spot. Tall, dark and handsome was the usual expression, but that went nowhere near doing justice to the way he looked. He stood at least 6’4”, and had short dark brown hair that looked a little unruly but suited him to perfection. His skin was tanned a deep golden brown and contrasted beautifully with the white T-shirt and

Work It Out

[Note: this story is a ‘spin-off’ from my story “Leather Lovers”, and was inspired by generous comments and a suggestion from Rick, a hot leather muscle guy, and one of my regular and appreciative readers.] Pete had known Mike for years. They had met at the gym, and had become good friends, often going out together for a drink, catching up with a group of others and enjoying the

Work It Out Some More

Pete and Steve had become regular fuck-buddies. Pete’s introduction to the delights of leather sex with Steve’s help had opened a whole new world to him, and he had happily procured his own gear, tailored and fitted to his body so that it looked great and felt fantastic. His curiosity had been aroused by seeing his friend, Mike, leathered and hot, building a relationship with Neale,

Work It Out Together

The very next afternoon, Pete and Steve met up again at the gym after work. Since their schedule for the week had been thrown out of whack, they decided to make their next session the Thursday evening instead of their usual Wednesday night slot. As they headed for the expanders, Steve nudged Pete, pointing. Already there, sweating against a heavy load on a leg curl machine, was Mike.

Work It Out Ultimately

[Author's note: This chapter of ‘Work It Out’ was specifically requested by Rick, a muscle leatherman who is a fan of my writing. Rick came up with the idea for the scene, and asked for a specific position that the guys get into. If you prefer the idea of the four guys staying friends but not getting back together in a group scene again, don't read this story. Otherwise, enjoy!]

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