Gay Erotic Stories

Constuction Guy

by Big Dude
05 Sep 2003

Gay Erotic Stories Men At Work Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Workplace The Trades True Stories

I’ve been an independent homebuilder for about eight years, since I left college. I hire a number of subcontractors over the year to do the more specialized jobs. I hire guys with experience and good references and if they happen to be nice to look at, that’s icing on the cake. I’d hired this one kid as kind of a general laborer. He was going to school at night, needed the bucks, and was a good, hard worker, and always willing to do what ever was needed, big or small. I had him working with a trim guy, learning as he went, and doing a fine job. I don’t hire anyone under 21 due to business insurance reasons, and he had turned that a month before he got the job. He had been a football star where he had moved from and had all the looks and build that went along with it. I really enjoyed having him around. I had about six guys on the job at that time doing mostly interior work.

It was a hot Friday and the crew was really churning out the work. All had taken their shirts off and were trying to keep as cool as the heat would allow. When this kid had removed his, even the straightest of the workers commented about the build and definition of the boy. Puffy square pecs with a light coat of the same blond hair that he wore in a short crew cut, big nipples, small waist, rippling stomach, thick neck, and arms that wouldn’t quit, meaty calves and thighs covered in thick blond hair, he was awesome. I could only imagine what the rest of the package might hold inside those tattered cut-off sweat pants.

The house we were building was on about 20 acres out in the country. So at noon, they had piled in a guy’s Suburban and had gone back to town for lunch. I had stayed to check some paperwork. My mind and crotch had been thinking of this guy all day and a plan was forming. I walked out the door and looked around. All was quiet. The area around the house was wooded and quite a ways from the main road. I walked to where the crew parked and to his old beat up pickup and raised the hood. From the looks of the engine, I was surprised it would run at all. I did some discreet adjusting to his distributor cap, put the hood down making sure no hand prints showed and went back inside to think out the rest of my strategy. The boys soon roared in from lunch and we got back to work. They had been really working hard so I had arranged to have a cold keg so we could knock off mid-afternoon and have some reward time.

About 3ish we called it quits and I began filling big plastic cups with beer from the keg. We had a great time for a couple of hours, just beer and laughs. We were joking about Junior, we called him, really taking full advantage of the free beer. One guy had to leave as it approached 5 and the rest got up and began gathering their tools and clearing out. I caught Junior to ask some questions about the fireplace mantle he was working on. He was already pretty buzzed. I handed him another large beer and he drank while we talked. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the other guys load up, drive off and disappear down the dirt road. He and I were the only ones left. I asked a few more questions and told him he was doing a great job. From his remarks, I could see he was getting really buzzed, so I told him to have a great weekend, take it easy on the road and I’d see him Monday. He shook my hand, gave a big smile, slurred goodbye and walked toward his truck a bit crookedly.

I went back in to get a notebook and wait while peaking out a window to watch. He put his toolbox in the back, threw his shirt across the seat, climbed into the cab, slammed the door and hit the ignition. Of course it didn’t start. He hit it quickly again a couple of times, then a couple of times for a little longer. Then he turned the key and hung on. The engine cranked and cranked trying to start. He tried it several more times before he got out cussing and raised the hood. I came out of the house with my file folders and took them to my truck just next to his. He was peering in at the engine. His sweat shorts pulled snug over his chiseled ass as he bent to look in. His bare back and arms glistening with sweat. He tugged at the battery cables, shrugged and climbed back into the truck. He pumped the gas hard a couple times then turned the key and the old engine labored to start. I figured he hadn’t seen anything unusual.

“Having trouble?” I asked.

“Don’t know what’s wrong. Not much of a mechanic,” he answered.

“Let me take a look” I offered. From his speech I could tell he was really feeling the beer. He hopped out nearly falling and came around to look with me, almost leaning on me as he stood. I slowly looked over this and that and then told him to try it again. He got back in and turned the key and the starter began rhythmically cranking. I acted like I was looking things over then walked around to his door. The door was open; he was leaning back in the seat, his bare chest dripping sweat with his right arm extended to reach the ignition. He had one foot out on the ground and one periodically pounding on the gas.

His legs were spread wide and his full box stretched his shorts tight. I could see the outline of two hefty balls and a good-sized knob rim that would bounce when he stomped the gas pedal. The starter was beginning to slow as the battery weakened. I let him grind it another minute then I told him to stop, maybe it was flooded. He cussed and bitched about driving this piece of shit, hopped out and looked at the engine again, then climbed back behind the wheel, pounded the gas again and turned the key. He seemed convinced it would start any minute, so I just stood back and watched. As the engine turned over slower and slower till barely cranking at all, I finally suggested he come back inside and have another beer. He got out and slammed the door and was all pissy about it, but he took me up on the beer offer. We walked back into the house while he griped and moaned about the truck. He gulped half a beer and sat down. I tried a joke to get him to lighten up and he began to relax. He finished the beer, and I gave him another as I moved the conversation away from his truck and back to the house. He began to calm down and relax more and more. Then said he really had to piss. Since the plumbing was not hooked up yet, the nearest tree had been the rule of the day.

We were sitting out on a patio to escape the heat, so I pointed to the ground and said, “Have at it.” He hopped up and stepped to the patio edge, pulled the sweat pants down at the waist freeing his fat cock and let loose. He talked the whole time he pissed and barely turned away so I had a pretty good view. He was cut, with a nice flared helmet and fairly plumped up like most guys after several beers. He shook it and turned around while still pulling his shorts up. I was throbbing like mad and wondering if my jean shorts could take the pressure. I decided to follow suit. “Guess I’ll drain mine too” I said calmly.

“Might as well, man. Feels a lot better”, he said as he leaned back and stretched.

I got up and stepped to where he had stood, continuing to talk to him. I opened my fly and let my rod free. I was way too hard to piss, so I just stood there a minute and then said, “Shit”.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

I turned around with my cock still out. “A lot of times I get hard when I drink, then I can’t piss even when I’m about to pop,” I said.

He stared glassy eyed at my cock sticking out and angling up as it pulsed. Then said, “Man, you’ve got a nice piece.”

“Thanks,” I said, “but I’m sure yours is nicer. I’m no prize.” I knew I was bigger than normal. Only 8 inches or so long, but super thick with a really fat head. He began to squirm in his chair. He reached down and adjusted himself without taking his eyes off my dick. I just stood there a few feet from him. Then I said, “All right, you’ve seen mine, it’s only fair.”

He grinned that boyish grin, finished his beer and stood up. It was obvious he was having a growth spurt in his shorts. When he stood up he was already beginning to tent his shorts out really well. He stuck his thumbs in the elastic waistband and pulled the shorts down revealing his almost hard cock, about an inch shorter than me with a big flared head. As we watched, it continued to grow till it was standing nearly straight up against his stomach and throbbing gently. I stared at him in full lust. All those muscles in perfect tone and a really nice hard dick too. He pulled his shorts down past his butt and scratched his balls a bit. Nice big walnuts to complete the package. “See, you have me beat,” I said.

“No way, man. You’re a lot thicker than me,” he argued.



“Let’s see” I suggested. I reached over and rapped my hand around his cock. He froze then shuddered as I squeezed and slowly pumped up and down a time or two. “I don’t know. You don’t feel that different to me,” I said.

He hesitated, then reached over and wrapped his hand around mine and stroked twice. A big drop of precum oozed out of my tip. “You’re thicker man. You’re also leakin” he chuckled.

“What can I say. It thinks you’re me,” I answered. He laughed and we both pumped each other a little more. Then I said, “Hey I really need to get this off. It looks like it wouldn’t hurt you any either”.

“No shit,” he agreed.

“Well, you game?” I asked. He looked at his hand slowly pumping my rod, then looked up and slurred sure. We moved inside and stood a little closer and began pumping each other more steadily. I reached down, let my shorts fall and stepped out of them. As I’d hoped, he did the same thing revealing gorgeous cheeks as he thrust his pole closer to me. His bare chest began to rise and fall faster as he relaxed and got into the feel of a strange hand stroking his meat. His hand was doing a fine job on me as well. He obviously had had some practice, on himself I was sure. Of course, what guy hasn’t! He began to ooze quite a bit and I continued to lube his hand with my juice. We were both covered in sweat and I reached out and began to rub his chest and pecs, gently tweaking his large nipples that became rock hard. He moaned and moved closer. He reached around and put his free had on my lower back pulling me closer to steady himself. His breathing was getting harder and more ragged and I could feel his cock swelling even more. I was getting closer as well as his grip tightened and slid on my shaft. He closed his eyes and began to moan and let his head rest on my shoulder.

He was grunting now with each thrust as we both picked up speed. His fingers dug into my back as his thrusting got stronger. Then he let out an animal sound and went rigid as huge globs of cum began bolting from his piston. He gasped and jerked and stiffened as I hung on tight to his rod. I continued to pump him and intensified his climax. His hand still had a strangle hold on my cock and watching him was enough to send me over the edge. Wave after wave of climax crashed over me as I covered his belly with my load and he watched with amazement as wad after wad shot from my prick. We stood there a while not moving, just enjoying the feel of another hand on our spent rods. Then he got light headed and had to sit down and catch his breath.

He leaned his head against the wall, closed his eyes and was snoring in a minute. I stood there and watched him, dick still out, my cum still on his belly, sound asleep from the beer. I almost laughed out loud. I sat and watched him sleep about five minutes while I had another beer. I nudged him a couple of times, then being convinced he wasn’t waking soon, I went back out to his truck, undid my little engine adjustment, and made sure it would start. The battery had partially charged back up. It struggled at first, but finally started okay.

I went back in the house to check on him. He hadn’t moved a bit except that his dick was hard again. I got a towel and tried to clean him up a bit while he slept. His cock bounced all over the place when I tried wiping it off. I did the best I could then gently pulled his shorts back on and up as far as I could get them. I let him sleep about 30 minutes, then woke him up and told him he had passed out in the middle of a piss.

He was so groggy, that made sense to him and he didn’t question. We walked around for a while and talked till his head felt clearer. I offered to take him home if his truck wouldn’t start after letting it rest a while. He was delighted when it did start and I agreed to follow him back to town and almost home incase he had more trouble. He never questioned anything or acted any different while continuing to work for me.


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