Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Day 3 Conclusion: Part A: The Flight

by Controlone
05 Nov 2003

Arm Pits Bondage Discipline Fetish Hairy Hypnosis Jockstraps Romance Straight Men, Gay Sex

The Flight

C took his boy for a change of clothes. If they were going to travel together he had a specific idea in mind and for that the kid needed different clothes. Once they got into James’ room C turned the young man around.

C said, “Let’s see what we’re going to do with you. You are a fucking mess.” The kid was covered in sweat from head to foot and he reeked of spunk and sex and the locker-room. James’ platinum mane was damp and clinging to his head. Several curls were hanging down and stuck to his forehead. His chest was a wet mass of gold and silver swirls. And the boy stunk. C wanted to eat him with a spoon. Instead he decided to change the boy’s nipple rings. The ones he was wearing (captive rings) were the size of quarters with ¼ inch gold balls hanging off the bottom. (In James’ perception the rings were many times larger than they actually were. The concept of body dismorphia was well known to the Organization centuries before the birth of modern psychology. Some of the principles used in subject conditioning and training for the Organization had been developed in Egypt, Middle Kingdom, a couple millennia before the birth of Christ. So in the candidate’s mind the rings were much larger, much heavier and far less attractive than they actually were. James’ tongue piercing was pretty much the same, and he could speak quite competently if only he was given the freedom to do so.)

So C opened the boy’s top drawer and took out two smaller captive rings (the size of dimes). He carefully took hold of his charge’s right nipple and slowly began the process of removing its adornment. Meanwhile James was using every ounce of his control to keep from dancing from one foot to the other. His cock was in danger of exploding and it kept bouncing and spooging wildly. C realized all this and delighted in prolonging the boy’s agony of pleasure. As C turned and slid the ring around in it’s hole James was quietly moaning and praying for all he was worth that he wouldn’t shoot all over his master’s shirt. Once C had removed the right look he moved onto the left, and James wanted with all his heart and soul to purse his lips and give his master a kiss before he exploded; but he knew better and he stood there and trembled. C could see the sweat forming on the kid’s upper lip.

He realized he’d tortured the kid long enough so he moved more swiftly. Once he’d removed both large pieces he diddled with the boy’s nipples some more trying and testing and threading the new, smaller rings into the nipple holes. It took some doing to find each hole and thread the leading edge of the loop through it. James began a kind of high pitched humming without even realizing he was doing it. His entire brain was focused on the tip of his boynip and the head of his extremely erect kidpecker. C had redressed the boy in his kilt before they left the training room and James felt his warm spunk bubbling out his pisslips and leaking down his shaft, soaking into the material of his kilt, which was already heavy from all the sexual etceteras the evening had provided. Finally both rings had been replaced and C let go of James’ nipple. For a moment the boy wanted to place C’s hands back on his boypecs because they felt cold and lacking now that his touch was absent.

C gave James a hearty slap on the ass and said, “You stink boy. I’m going to give you two…no better make that five minutes to get into your shower and put yourself back in good order. No time for fancy ablutions, just a quick soaping and a quick rinse. Got that boy?”

James responded gleefully, “Yessir, master, sir.” and he almost skipped out of the room and into the john.

Once he was out of the shower and toweled dry C sorted out a change of clothes for him. The pussyboy was at a loss. He had been handed a pair of boxer shorts and chinos, as well as grey wool socks, his loafers, and a long-sleeved Cornell sweatshirt. The cunthole hadn’t worn underwear in many months…he hadn’t worn regular man-pants…he hadn’t been dressed except in true pussyslut style. He was confused. Had he done something wrong? Why didn’t his master want his boycunt pussyhole at the ready? Was his master telling him he didn’t want to fuck his boy anymore? Cunningham started to choke up.

C said, “Don’t worry boy. These clothes please me. I want you to wear them because I like them… I like the way you look in them.”

In that moment the boy felt his heart grow and he heaved a sigh of great relief.

----------------------------- The Flight

The interior of the private jet was expansive. The room dividers had been removed so it was now one large compartment. There was a sitting area with several overstuffed chairs around a central round table. On the other side of the aisle was a large tan suede sofa that could be made into a king sized bed by pulling on the top layer of cushions. At the end of the compartment was a wide screen TV.

Two flight attendants doted on C. They did everything possible to make Control One, their absolute commander, comfortable. They got him seated in one of the chairs, brought him a snifter of his favorite brandy, and asked if he wanted anything, anything at all. C waved them away, and they made themselves scarce in the back compartment of the plane. As C relaxed with his drink, Cunningham at his feet, the pilot and copilot boarded the plane. Of course they made every attempt to impress their boss with their absolute devotion and total regard. C let them know he wanted privacy in order to think and they went about their business.

Once the jet was in the air C looked down at his pussyboy, curled up at his feet, waiting adoringly for any request from his master. The boy looked a little strange dressed up like he was on his way to college. C was having mixed feelings about what he was contemplating. He reached down and took the pussyslave’s arm; he lifted him into the chair opposite C’s.

C gave his candidate a stern look and said, “James, hear my words. I am speaking directly to your subconscious mind; directly to the controlling mechanism in your brain. Boy, I am about to release you from primary control. It’s time for you to begin the process of conscious bonding; bonding as the man James Cunningham. This is going to be the first time in fifteen months that you will not be bound by your training and my control. I am about to free you from your conditioning for a short while. Boy, I want to fuck you. I’ve fucked you many times as my boy, my pussyslave, but now it’s time for the man in you to begin his journey; his journey back to conscious control; back to his life; back to his manhood. James, I am speaking directly to your subconscious mind, but you understand me on many levels; you understand that you are ready; ready to begin the conscious part of this learning process. So James, I am about to free you from all restraint. I know that you are terrified James. I know how scary it is to have to take back your whole mind, your awareness; to be responsible for yourself. Don’t be frightened; I am here for you and whether or not you realize it, you have been given enormous command over your physical body and your psyche. You’ve been trained for fifteen months how to manage every muscle in your body; how to direct your thoughts; focus your consciousness. James soon you will be able to accept the mantle of great power, but we will speak more about that later. For now all you need to know is that I am about to release you and that your subconscious mind will know exactly how long to continue this freedom and exactly when to return your mind to its training and control. Don’t be scared James…because your mind is now free!” and C snapped his fingers.

James Cunningham had been sitting and listening for all he was worth. When C snapped his fingers there was no change for a moment and then the young man’s eyes seemed to refocus and dart from one point of attention to another, coming to rest on C’s face. James Cunningham stared at C for a minute, then his eyes moved across the controller’s face and in the next second James was up and attacking C for all he was worth. The young man was all fists and elbows as he lunged across the table onto his master causing them both to land on the floor and roll around like two wrestlers locked in combat…but in another moment the boy was crushing his master’s lips to his in a violent impatient demanding kiss. Meanwhile his head was swimming. What the fuck was going on? Why the hell was he kissing this man? Why was he kissing any man? James was straight; the gayest thing he’d ever done was to jerk off in a room with five or six other boys at sleep-away camp when he was twelve. As quickly as his mind posed the questions, the answers came. He was a candidate. He was on a road, a course that would lead to his becoming everything his potential would allow…but why was he lusting over this…very handsome, strong, beautiful man? He searched inside his mind for some kind of trickery, post hypnotic suggestions, drug induced thought; and although he discovered literally thousands of very strong post hypnotic suggestions he knew instinctively he held the control; it was all up to him…he also realized this whole deal was an all or nothing proposition. Take it or leave it…everything or nothing. It was true that he could not pick and choose which suggestions to follow; he had to accept them all or leave the Organization. As he was passionately sucking C’s mouth James realized the strength of his feelings for this man. He wanted this guy…his body…his mind. He wanted him, but there was more; his feelings were by no means simple. The bond he felt, his connection to C was so strong that it scared him. He realized he would do anything for this man, to have him, to be his…but Jesus; that seemed so damn gay. James was concentrating so hard that his head began to hurt. Searching his psyche he found his attraction to women still in tact, still strong, but what he felt for C was completely different. He wanted more than anything, for C to want him back; he knew he would be happy if C felt for him even a fraction of what James held for this man…his man. And suddenly he didn’t care if it seemed gay…he couldn’t have cared less. So he continued to press his lips to the lips of the man he loved with all his heart and soul.

Laughing, C pulled slightly away and said, “Easy does it James we have a couple hours.”

The boy nuzzled his man’s neck and said, “Please call me Jamie.”

C answered, “You want me to call you Jamie?”

“Yes please, it’s what my parents called me as a child and my high school girlfriend started using the name and she was my first…lay…so being called ‘Jamie’ has always kind of turned me on. So David, please call me Jamie.”

C was startled that the boy had just called him by his given name, David. Almost no one called him David any more…only his family and some of the guys who were candidates with him ever got that familiar. C couldn’t even remember the last time someone had called him David in Jamie’s presence. Maybe it happened two or three times, but even so, the boy was in training, totally under deep, deep hypnolock control. It took an act of enormous will and great defiance for the kid to be able to pick up and hold onto his given name. The boy’s bond with his control was so strong that his subconscious had taken hold of and held onto a piece of information that would normally never, ever make it through the kind of absolute mind control and constant debriefings candidate’s are given. Cunningham had a very strong connection to his controller, strong enough to disobey his training.

By this time Jamie was sucking on C’s neck and grinding his hips on C’s leg. C half dragged the boy over to the couch which they quickly converted into a bed and in another second they were once again wrestling and rolling, this time with a decidedly hot vibe replacing the aggression. The pair indulged in a long slow sucking kiss, their tongues searching and exploring each other’s mouths. C pulled the boy’s sweatshirt off while Jamie kicked off his shoes and shucked his chinos and boxers with one motion. When he was naked he pushed his master-man back down onto the bed.

Jamie said, “Please David, let me make love to you. Let me show you all I’ve learned.”

So C laid back and let the boy go to town. Jamie removed the man’s shoes and nuzzled his warm slightly damp wool sock covered feet with his face. The boy inhaled deeply, feeling totally overwhelmed by the sexual cloud surrounding him. He wanted to linger for hours over every single action, and each little gesture was a sex act in and of itself. He slowly uncovered the left foot and took three toes into his mouth. He sucked and licked and traced every line with his tongue. He played and lapped and attended to each toe, then licked and rubbed his face over the sole of C’s foot; then he removed the right sock and got to savor every part over again. Jamie could have stayed and worshiped those feet for the rest of the night but his cock was screaming for attention so he moved on. He moved up to C’s torso and asked with his eyes for permission to remove the man’s shirt (he’d already shed his jacket in the move off the floor). C gave the boy a broad smile and Jamie’s fingers flew to the tie; he pulled at the collar, got his fingers under the material and tugged apart the tie, pulling one end through the knot, finally throwing the dark silk cravat across the room.

Jamie sighed when he opened C’s top shirt button and saw the first bit of brown chest hair. He wanted to walk barefoot through that field of dark swirling strands. In fact C had a hairy chest but not all dense and woodsy; his chest had the dancing underbrush round and round his nipples and up under his Adam’s apple but just below his pecs the hair abruptly narrowed into a single row of curls that traveled down his chest and disappeared under his belt. Jamie pushed his head into the open shirt and under David’s arm. He put his tongue back into service licking and sucking on that pit hair. Here the growth was dense and there was a strong masculine scent made of pure male, testosterone generated, hard-on inducing musk. For a moment Jamie thought he might swoon from his unabated sexual pique.

When he’d thoroughly pushed and prodded and licked and sucked both of C’s pits Jamie went to work on his nipples. Over many months the candidate had been trained in the ways of loving men. He knew twenty different ways to nibble on every part of the male anatomy from the glans, to the perineum, to the anal sphincter, to the earlobe to the bellybutton, but Jamie had special ability when it came to nipple work. He licked and sucked and nibbled and chewed and tongue-sucked and tongue-suck-nibbled each nub till it was fully engorged and totally stimulated. The boy had a reputation; on more than one occasion Jamie had used his special ability to super-sexually overcharge a restrained pussyboy to the point where he shot his load…all from Jamie’s tit work. By this point C was moaning softly, a testament to the kid’s skill. C had thousands of hours of sexual experience with the best of the best from all over the world. His control was almost absolute, but he was moaning because James Cunningham was showing just how devoted he was to his controller.

Jamie was growing impatient; he wanted that big dick shoved up his butt, fucking him to kingdom come. When he had licked and caressed every hair on C’s chest he went for his crotch. With animal abandon he tore at David’s belt pulling it out and throwing it across the room. Both men were beginning to succumb to the enormous sexual energy they were generating; they were headed toward that mindless, animalistic fuck-state that is without control, without boundaries, without thought. C’s zipper gave way to Jamie’s efforts and a second later his pants and boxers were halfway across the room hanging from one of the overhead compartments. Jamie was momentarily transfixed by what he found. David was sporting a large Prince Albert. It was as big around as a silver dollar and Jame studied it intently. He gently touched it and traced the silver circle with his finger and then he just had to tongue it. Jamie loved the way it sprouted from between C’s pisslips, out his pisshole, and then curved under and seemed to plunge through his shaft. Jamie spent several seconds toying with this accoutrement; this fascinating new toy and he knew instantly that he wanted David’s cock to shove the thing up his ass. He could feel his hole vibrating in anticipation. After giving it one last tongue-lashing he tore off David’s shirt and both men were naked, sexual nerve ends. Jamie devoured David’s prick and immediately deep-throated it, PA and all.

It felt kind of neat. He forced his esophageal muscles to swallow and swallow and swallow on David’s prick; he knew it would feel like he was jerking off C’s cock with his throat. Jamie had learned well how to hold his breath; how to maintain a dick down his throat cutting off his air till just before he would pass out. Then he would back off a bit and catch some air. When he came off C’s cock it was coated with a thick layer of Jamie’s saliva; strands of which still hung between C’s prick and Jamie’s mouth; then the boy was back on his controller’s prong, sucking and licking and swallowing. He paid special attention to using the barbell that pierced his tongue. Jamie’s tongue was very muscular from months of training. He could push it through a man’s anal ring and tongue fuck his ass with ease. With the ball attached to his tongue he could provide an added sensation; there was his strong velvet tongue AND the second feeling of that hard round marble popping back and forth past a man’s anus, or into his pisshole, or all over his glans, or under his shaft as he sucked cock. Meanwhile he was tracing all around David’s rosy pucker with his index finger. When the time was right Jamie pushed his middle finger deep into C’s ass. At first he moved it around searching, searching, searching for the man’s prostate. When he found it David began a leisurely massage of his man’s love nut.

Every time C tried to sit up and take part in this man to man action Jamie would continue whatever he was doing, but still manage to put his hand on David’s chest and push him back down onto the bed.

C smiled, “You’re really getting off on this man to man parlance you’ve got going. You’re having a ball asserting yourself.”

As he continued to tongue C’s cockhead Jamie said, “Yeah sure, but in a few minutes you’ll be fucking my brains out. That is the plan, right?”

David smiled and settled back down. In a second James was up and flopped by C’s left side. He was staring intently at the brand on C’s upper bicep. It was a large triangular burn scar with the symbols for man and infinity floating in the center. Everyone who made it to senior controller had a similar mark of supremacy, which served as evidence to the world that its bearer was a member of the largest most powerful society on earth. James traced it first with his index finger and then he bathed it with his tongue.

He said, “Please David may I see the other one too?” So David rolled onto his left side facing James and lifted his right arm. On the inside of his right bicep was the circular tattoo, an ancient Aramaic symbol of leadership and under it were three chevrons. That mark indicated that C was one of three people who headed the Organization; he had an equal who controlled the Eastern Hemisphere and over them both, the sovereign master who was the Organization’s absolute leader, Pax, whose word was law, who governed by command, who led by example, who was so loved and honored by those he ruled that they would have gladly died for him.

James caressed the tattoo with his cheek, all the while staring deeply into his lover’s eyes…and then he was back on C’s lips; pushing him onto his back; sucking his mouth; and stabbing his abdomen with his hard as marble, volatile as TNT cock-prick-lovestick.

David would no longer be denied some role in their activity; he rose onto his knees, grabbed Jame, pulled him up and fell on top of him. He looked down into Jamie’s eyes for a few seconds, fixing the young man’s face in his mind forever. Then he playfully bobbed his head up and down giving Jamie a series of fast hot kisses; after five or six he lowered himself onto Jame’s body and began the kiss to end all kisses. As he pressed his lips to Jamie’s he undulated and rubbed his whole body all over the boy’s. He stopped using his arms and legs to hold up some of his weight; now he let his body kiss and caress Jamie’s and he used his hands to touch and explore whatever parts of Jamie’s they could reach. David’s tongue pressed and prodded the young man’s lips and teeth and pallet as the two did some fancy tongue wrestling. In a few minutes both men were lost in the heat, their bodies feeling the upper limits of what could be felt. Jamie’s cock, wedged between the men began to fire volley after volley of jism up between their chests. The slimy boyseed gave their bodies further lubrication and it took an effort on David’s part not to slide off. It caught him by surprise when his own prick began to shoot between them, but he couldn’t have cared less. Both men intended to come till they ran dry.

Jamie tonguing C’s ear said, “Please, I can’t stand it. You’ve got to fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me real hard. Plant that ring going through your dick so far up my ass that I will feel it in my throat.”

David didn’t have to be asked twice; he slid off Jamie, flipped the boy’s legs up and impaled him on his rock hard eleven-inch manpleaser all the way to his pelvic bone. And Jamie for his part wiggled involuntarily as David’s PA slid up his insides; it felt like David’s cock was fucking his spinal cord. C was firmly lodged in Jame’s love canal and he began a hard fuck, pounding the boy for all he was worth. As testament to Jamie’s delight his eyes rolled back in his head and he began to shake his head from side to side vigorously. David pulled Jamie’s ass higher so that he could fuck him while he rested on his knees; that allowed him to run his hands up and down the insides of Jamie’s thighs. All the golden hair covering the young man’s legs was wet and matted and dark and slick and the slip slide of David’s hands made Jamie shiver and shake.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Jamie was yelling at the top of his lungs. Sure there were other people on the plane. Sure they could hear what he was saying and they knew he was getting the shit fucked out of him. And Jamie loved it. He wanted the whole world to hear him yell, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” He wanted all his friends to hear him yelling, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” He wanted to call his parents on the phone so they could hear him calling out, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” He was jubilant, and he cried out, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Then he shot another load of spunk all over his chest. A drop of his cum was hanging from David’s beard so Jamie let go of the back of his knees and lifted up his head to lap at David’s goatee. As he got close David intercepted his lips and gave him a hard sucking kiss, all the while ramming his ass. The compartment was filled with the sound of the bed bouncing up and down and the slapping noise of David’s ball sac hitting Jamie’s ass. In the middle of the sucking kiss Jamie could feel David coating his intestines with a load of pure control sperm. David never missing a beat stopped fucking Jamie long enough to change positions; David supine, Jamie riding his cock for dear life; and if it was possible Jamie was fucking himself even harder on C’s giant phallus. Both men were now covered in sweat, their chests streaked with both their cum and still the young man screamed, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

After several minutes Jamie collapsed onto David’s body and the two rolled around for a while, David’s prick always firmly wedged in Jamie’s butthole, and each of the men had another crashing orgasm.


C must have dozed off for a minute because when he opened his eyes Jamie was no longer beside him on the bed; instead the boy was kneeling next to him on the floor in perfect pussyboy position. Jamie was gone; cuntboy was back.

C said, “Boy, why don’t you scamper up to the cockpit and see if you can help the pilots relax. They worked hard all day and I had to call them away from their homes and their warm beds to come out her and fly us to California. So you go up there and show them your appreciation.”

The boy started to get up off the floor and reached for his pants at the same time.

C said, “Whoa there!!! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Have you lost your mind boy?”

The cunttoy said, “No sir master, I am sorry I thought you wanted me to wear these clothes sir, master.”

“Boy, you’re a pussyslave, a cuntbox, a whoreboy; you have no need for clothes and I don’t want to see you on your feet walking around unless you have your master’s hand on your neck. You know that. Jesus, for every step forward you take two steps back boy. You are such a huge disappointment to me. And where’s that cute little lisp? I want that lisp back.”

And the boy began to weep, “Oh thir, mathter, thir I am tho thorry. Pleathh. mathter… pleath forgiff me… I am tho thorry.” And the tears fell and the boy’s shoulders began to tremble.

C said, “Enough of your sniveling. I don’t want to hear any more of it. You think you can cry your way out of any situation. Any time you’re in trouble you turn on the waterworks. Well shithead, I don’t care. It’s not going to work this time. I want you on your hands and knees. I want you to get into that cockpit and properly thank those men in there flying this plane. Now MOVE!”

C thought for a moment and added, “You may lose the lisp if it really bothers you…but only for the moment.” The pussyboy dropped the chinos, sobbing to himself, got onto his hands and knees and crawled to the cockpit.

C wanted to call him back. He wanted to free James from all his conditioning, permanently, but he was senior control and he knew better. The inside of his mouth was raw from biting down on his cheek every time he had to demean this quite wonderful man, but in his heart C knew what must be done for what was to come. He knew the magnificent person that James was growing into. C could imagine James graduating from candidacy and becoming a senior control; in his mind’s eye C saw himself giving James his first Unit to lead, then his first state assignment and so on till James was ready to have C’s job as Control One. That’s what David saw when he looked at this beautiful young Adonis…but in the far recesses of the man David’s mind there was a tiny piece that wanted James all for himself. There was a small part of, C the man…the man David…and in that part was a growing love for this young man….. So David closed his eyes and put ideas of love out of his head; he swallowed his true feelings and continued James’ training. It is what James wanted.



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And the creeps continued to degrade him at every chance. They slapped his face and punched his balls and tore at his nipples as they fucked his mouth and ass. Then they rolled him onto his back and continued in that position. When these two finished two more came and took their place. Scott was soon covered in sweat with welts and bruises beginning to show everywhere. They went on like this

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[SUGGESTION: This part will make a lot more sense if you go back and skim the last three pieces of this section. ALSO this last bit is EXTREME, so prepare yourself for some rough stuff. If I believed the violence was gratuitous I wouldn’t have included it. It’s not my style. You will get a lot of information about the Organization in this episode. I hope you can see its purpose.] Scott

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BEST ORGASM EVER: Okay guys here’s a page right out of the Organization’s manual on introductory techniques for sexual gratification using only the conscious mind. If you follow these simple directions I can guarantee you a memorable experience, BUT you gotta follow the directions. There are going to be times when you will want to stop this exercise and bring yourself off. You’re going to

Face In The Mirror, Part 2

Day Two-Conclusion My master opened the door and I began to tremble in his gaze. I want more than anything to please him, to be his pussyboy, to serve his needs. He said, “Let’s take a look at you cuntlips. Turn around.” As I turned he gave me instructions, “Arms up! Let’s see those pits. OK. They look OK. Keep turning. Come on boy stand up straight! I need to see that

Face In The Mirror, Part 3

Day Three The minute I heard a sound at the door, no even before that, I knew it was my master. I swear I can tell when he is near. I can feel it in my heart. I can feel it in my soul. I can feel it in my boycock and good god almighty I can feel it in my boypussy; I can FEEL HIM in my boypussy. He is my life. A moment after the sound I realized I wasn’t frozen so I leapt from my bed,

How I Got Under Your Skin

How I Got Under Your Skin Controlone We met one dark night in a loud gay bar just outside Miami. I came to visit you a week later. You were sitting in a chair in your living room watching TV; some insipid program about other people’s lives, movie stars, pretty people. It was a hot, humid Saturday night in June; you had the A/C on low. You were sitting there in a blue pocket t-shirt,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 2: Riff's New Life

Riff Branson was a junior executive at Emperor International Cruise Lines (actually three separate lines with 46 ships). He had a law degree but spent most of his time riding roughshod over the Cruise Line’s advertising department. He supervised six men and women who kept the Company constantly in the public eye. They arranged all the normal advertising, scheduled dozens of events, arranged

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 3: His Return

Chapter 3—His Return On Wednesday morning Riff and Caleb stayed in bed playing till almost eight, then they got up and showered together. They went to Denny’s for breakfast. Before the girl took their order Caleb went to the counter, got three quarts of orange juice and two glasses, and brought them back to the table. He smiled at Riff, “I know how this looks,

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part A

Suddenly Riff was electrified. From the very moment C walked into his life he’d brought only unbridled joy and amazing adventure. Riff felt his empty life suddenly fill to overflowing. He wondered what new exciting exploits C had in store for him. He had no idea… No idea at all. ------------------------------------------ The inside of Dottie’s was fantastic, mirrored balls, go-go boys

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: Dotties, Part B

As Bryce continued to babble C took his foot off the prostrate man’s cervical vertebrae. C turned once more toward the others and pointed one finger at them. They knew instantly to stay put till he was far, far away. -------------------------------------------- C put his arm around Riff’s waist and guided him to Dottie’s parking lot. He led Riff to a stretch limo. The driver raced

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 4: That Night

Chapter 4—That Night controlone It took Riff an hour to calm himself enough to do any work. He was exhausted and happy and very confused. He couldn’t think about anything but C. C was in his head; C was in his heart; C was everywhere. The more Riff thought the more he wanted to be with C; to love him; hell, to worship him. He’d never felt anything like this. He’d never imagined

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 5, Part A: Caleb's Day

controlone As Riff dragged his totally spent body toward his apartment his eyes focused on his door. Outside under the breezeway awning, sitting on the cement stoop, leaning against his door, all huddled up, sound asleep; there was Caleb. Riff didn’t know whether to slap him or scold him or hug him or slug him. Instead he just shook his head. Riff got his key ready and as he came up to

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6, Part A: Caleb's Day--End

Chapter 6A--Caleb's Day--End “Okay boy stand up and spread those legs; time to take your harness off. I’m afraid with all the turmoil I forgot all about it. Oh yes, and try not to piss yourself.” Caleb stood up, glowing red from his scrubbing. He was very worried about what might happen next. He looked spectacular, six feet and three inches of total masculinity, muscles shining from

How I Got Under Your Skin, Chapter 6B Caleb's Day Continues

Chap 6B—Caleb’s Day Continues Controlone With no further ado Riff pulled Caleb up toward the head of the bed. The two men shared a pillow as Riff spooned behind Caleb. When Caleb felt Riff push the length of his cock up between his butt cheeks he wanted to squeal, but he withheld that response; instead Caleb reached behind with his right hand and pulled his butt cheeks further apart, so


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