Gay Erotic Stories

Texan Dad

by Boxerslover
11 Dec 2003

Coming Out Crush Family Fun Fetish Gay Erotic Stories Older/younger Straight Men, Gay Sex Underwear Action

The sound of birds woke me from my sleep. I could sit in this bed for hours. I wished to wake up every day just like that. The soft sun beams hit my face with beauty in every ray. It was Saturday morning, the day that dad and I would be spending time together. He was my only family at the time. I was visiting for Thanksgiving.

I slowly stood up and stretched my body to loosen up. It felt good to get 12 hours of sleep. The carpet felt good when my feet hit it. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and take a shower. My muscles reflected nicely in the mirror. I didn’t mind going across the hallway to the bathroom wearing only in my boxers, .

My dad’s door was still closed. So, I decided to take a look in his room to see if he was really sleeping. The door swung open. I saw him with his arms on his chest wearing only his boxer briefs with the waistband showing above the sheets. The elastic band read “Polo Ralph Lauren.”

He was breathing quietly. I decided to take a chance and explore the package poking through his boxer briefs. I slowly slid the sheet down, revealing the bulging morning wood poking out of his boxer briefs. I went to feel it. Dad quickly grabbed my arm and threw me onto the bed next to him.

“Good morning son!” he said.

My heart was beating out of my chest. I was so startled.

“What are you doing in my room so early?” he asked. “Did you want to be with me that much?”

I responded slowly, “Umm...I...was wondering if we could go to a Target. I need some new boxers.”

He looked at me with such love. He really did love me. I was his only son and my mother had died when I was really young.

“Sure, we can do that,” he offered. “I thought you had enough boxers, though.”

I loved to talk about underwear with him.

“Well, they are so old and I need so new ones because I’m growing more and more,” I explained.

I really was, because I was seventeen.

“Well, you have these great Joe Boxer ones on,” he said, while reaching down and snapping my waistband. I nearly went crazy and started to get an erection.

“Are those good? Do you like them? Do they have enough room? he continued. You know how the teenage erection can get.”

I was embarrassed and pleaded, “Dad, stop!”

He had grabbed my cock, which was now fully erect.

“Son, not to worry,” he said soothingly. “I’m your father and you are my son. We are both men and I have felt it before. Besides I have one too. Morning wood is natural.”

He stood up and went for the bathroom. I kept my hungry eyes on his sexy muscular body. He was a god. His hair was cut short, in the style required by the Army. He had a Roman chest and his legs were like Hercules. I wanted this man.

“I’m going for the shower...or were you going?” he inquired.

We had only one bathroom and that was good. It meant I could see his cock more. I had seen it plenty before. But it was so sexy seeing it a lot.

“Well, no,” I replied. “You can go. I have to take a leak.”

Dad began to take off his boxer briefs and asked, “Do you want to shower together? We could get out of the house faster that way. And, the water bill wont be so high.”

He was really a cheap guy. I can’t imagine what he is going to do at Target.

“Yeah,” was my answer as I took off my boxers. We both walked in to the bathroom and I couldn’t keep my cock down. I knew he was going to ask why I was so aroused. We both stepped in to the shower. He was in front of me and here was nothing I could do about my erection.

“Son, are you still hard?” His question expressed really concern.

“Umm…yeah. I guess I am,” was my sheepish response.

He didn’t buy that answer. The water hit his head and trickled down his face, down his chest and to his sexy cock. I was in heaven. He wanted the soap. So, he bent down and hit my erection with his head.

“Oops! Sorry, son!” he said. He kept soaping himself and went on showering. “Son, I think you should masturbate to get that erection down.” I was appalled that he said that. I just kept showering and he got out. “Son, tell me when you are ready and we can go.” I quickly agreed.

When I got out of the shower he was drying off and putting his towel around his waist. I went in to my room still fully erect. I was so horny and ready to masturbate. I took off my towel and closed my door. I laid on the bed and started masturbating. I thought of my dad in his sexy cowboy jeans. In my fantasy, I was taking them off to reveal his macho BVD boxer briefs. He was my god. He was my man. I wanted him and every bit of his roman muscle body. I wanted him to cuddle and hold me. I wanted so much to give him my love back that it hurt. I rapidly approached my climax. But, I held back. I was almost at the breaking point and decided to go for it. Like a rose opening before the morning sun, I felt so good.

My father opened the door wearing the very same BVD boxer briefs that I had imagined. At the edge of ejaculation onto my boxers, I lay naked in absolute fright.

“Son, I know what you are going to say,” he assured. “But, I’m not spying on you. I am here to see what boxers you have.”

Without hesitation he went for my bedroom bureau. He opened the top drawer and looked inside. There were numerous boxers inside, all very neatly organized. I had color-coded every pair and arranged them by brand.

He was obviously impressed and said, “Wow! Son, you have been busy. I see all sorts of boxers here but only ten. And, why are my Calvin Klein boxer briefs in here?” As I threw my other pair under the bed, I went to grab one out of the drawer. I grabbed the light blue Jockey ones that I have had since I was thirteen. I put them on as he turned around to look at me.

“Dad, I borrowed those because I needed them for running,” I explained. “I’ve had these boxers since I was thirteen. I’m now nineteen.”

He replied, “Okay, son. But, you need to ask me when you borrow things from me. Let’s get ready to go to Target. But, before we leave, tell me which ones do you want to keep and which ones do you want to throw away?”

“I don’t want any of them,” I replied.

He nodded and patted my back with his strong muscled arms. I was aroused by that. That seemed to settle it. I was about to get a whole new wardrobe of sexy boxer shorts. Dad went to his room and finished dressing.

I put on the rest of my clothes and headed to the kitchen. I was only to the stairs when I realized that my dad had his door wide open and was putting on his jeans. He slipped them on and zipped up the fly. He briefly flashed the BVD waistband, but put on his blue collared shirt and tucked it in. He put on the sexy Texan belt he bought in San Antonio. My eyes darted to the package at the crotch of his jeans as he cinched the belt. He reached for his cowboy hat and I shivered from the views of his sexy male body. As he turned toward the door, I ran down the stairs.

“Son, you ready?” he called out.

I shouted, “Yeah, dad.” My torso was nearly drenched in sweat from anxiety and excitement. We headed for the car. I couldn’t wait to see him sit down in the seat. I knew a hefty package would bulge from his Texan jeans. I so wanted to be apart of that man. As he sat down in the drivers seat, I watched his solid butt and his sexy mound as it was revealed. It was amazing.

We drove to the nearby Target store. When we arrived, I watched him move again. I wondered if he could sense my excitement. We entered the store and went directly for the men’s department. My heart was pumping. I could hardly believe that so much fuel was about to be added to my feverish underwear fetish.

“Son, which do you want?” dad asked in his warm sexy voice

“I don’t know until I see all of the brands,” I panted. Where to start? I looked around and spotted Hanes, Joe Boxer, Arrow, Calvin Klein, Perry Ellis, and BVD.

I uttered a list of my favorites, “I think I want two pairs of two pairs of Ralph Lauren, two pairs of Joe Boxer, two pairs of Arrow, two Pairs of Calvin Klein, and two pairs of Perry Ellis.” I was very demanding. But I wanted my drawer to be stuffed full of the sexy garments.

My father quipped, “Only ten?”

I was appalled. It seemed that he wanted me to get more. So, I asked. “Well, do you want me to get more?”

“Well, you should have twenty pairs,” he responded, “because some will always be in the wash or the dirty pile.”

He was very smart and I was very happy.

“Son, you might want to get ten pairs of boxers and then ten pairs of boxer briefs. I think you should, son. You’re still growing. When I was your age, I wore both. They all felt the same after a while.”

I’d never thought about it that way and said. “Okay. I’ll get ten of the same brands, but in boxer briefs.” It was a very good shopping day for me and I was really horny after that.

My dad then went on a spending spree himself and bought ten pairs of sexy Arrow boxers. I loved it. It was great. I couldn’t wait to see him in them.

Acting puzzled, I asked, “Dad, you are getting boxers?”

“Yeah, son. Why?”

I said, “Well, I just thought that you out grew them.”

“No, I always had boxers,” he said, “But, I haven’t over these past two years, because it wasn’t so comfortable with my hernia.”

At last, we paid for all our underwear and left the store. Back in the truck, I wanted to jump up and down in my seat. I wanted to jump my dad! I kept wondering how he would react if I touched his sexy leg. Would he get aroused? Hell, I decided to find out.

During the ride, dad made me laugh by tickling me. I was attacking him back but in the knee. He was driving, after all. “Hey, this isn’t fair,” I complained. “You’re driving and I can’t tickle you in the ribs.”

So, I decided to go for his package. There’s no way he could expect it...and I wouldn’t be made out as being gay. I went for his crotch, grabbed it and pinched.

“Ouch!” he yelped and started to laugh. “That was a clever idea to reach there I wasn’t expecting it.”

I was in absolute heaven. Dad’s manly package was huge and touching it made me so horny. I was especially grateful that he never realized I was gay.

After a short drive, I was excited to be home. I hoped to experiment more and asked “Dad, what should we do now?”

He said, “Well son, I think we should just talk and bond. I really want to talk with you.”

My excited could hardly be contained and I said, “Great!”

We both went upstairs. Dad walked to his room and put his boxers away. I did the same with my new treasures. After carefully organizing all my fantastic new boxers, I went to my father’s room and watched him put his underwear away.

I was shocked when dad turned to ask, “Son, can I have your old boxers? I want to see if I fit in them.”

“ If you want them,” I stammered. Was this really happening? Was my father really going to park his cock in the same place my boyish dick had drooled so much during puberty? Oh, my god!

I ran to my room and grabbed the ten old pairs of boxers that I had. I brought them to dad’s room. He was in the process of peeling his tight Texan jeans off his hunky frame. He pulled the worn and slightly-faded denims over a pair of manly feet and removed his BVD boxer briefs.

“Give them to me, son,” he said and held out his hands. “They might not fit. But, you’re a size 31 and I’m still a 32. So, they just might fit.”

Blood was rushing to my head and the room seemed to spin. Dizziness soon followed and I had to take a seat on dad’s bed, only so I wouldn’t swoon from my sexual excitement.

There, at eye level, I could see the penis of so many wetdreams and my own cock shot to rigid attention in my pants. He slipped my old Joe Boxers over his bare torso. They fit tightly. But, they fit. Holy, shit! How could I hide my boner from dad?

“Well, son,” he asked, “What do you think?”

I eked out only one word between panting breaths, “Sexy.” Oh, dad, can you read my nasty thoughts?

He was clearly happy to have my old boxer underwear. So, he put them all into his drawer and closed it. He then returned to his worn boxer briefs and jeans, pulled them back on and zipped himself up.

“Son, let’s talk,” he said softly. He joined me on the bed and we began to talk. We talked lot’s of stuff. He wanted to know how school was going and I wanted to learn how work was treating him. I was continually leaning toward this prefect specimen of manhood, when he abruptly switched the conversation. He wanted to know if I had any girlfriends.

Of course, I said, “No.” But, I couldn’t resist talking to my Texan god of a father about sex and underwear. “Dad, what kind of underwear did grandpa wear?” I wondered aloud.

“Well son, he wore boxers,” dad recalled. “Believe it or not, back in those days briefs were seen as a sign of infertility and my father was not that kind of a man.”

I was fully prepared to seduce my own father. So, I began to ask ever more personal questions and inched closer to him. At whimpered, “Dad...please.” I leaned for him and grabbed his face. I gave him a gigantic passionate kiss and planted my tongue deep inside his sexy Roman mouth.

“Ugh...ahh...jezuz,” dad blubbered. “Son, what are you doing?”

He seemed a frightened by my boldness and I told him, “Dad, I’m gay. I want you so badly and I can’t stand it anymore. I want you to hold me and have sex with me. We’re father and son...we belong together. You are so sexy. I love you and your body. I want to hold you and for you to hold me back.” I blurted my secret desires so fast I could hardly breathe after. I wanted him to take me.

“Dad, take me with your muscled Texan body, please,” I was begging and didn’t give a damn. “I want you.”

Hid reply was as a breathy whisper, “Son…I don’t know what to say. I…I’m simply speechless.

“Dad, please take me totally.” I intoned. “I am scared and so alone. I need someone to love me...I need you!” I could hardly get it all out. It was trapped in an avalanche of raw emotion.

My smart & sexy father took the lead. He was about to become my real-life god “Son, just...relax,” he murmured. Everything will be okay” I had no clue what he was about to do. But, my shuddering body was ready for just about anything.

Dad stood up and walked around to my side of the bed. “Just stay still,” he whispered and my body shivered. He put is Roman hands on my shoulders and pushed me down on the bed. I was lying flat on my back. I didn’t know what might happen next. Who cares? It was so sexy. I was about to truly become my daddy’s boy. My cock was throbbing so very hard out it became downright painful

“Son,” he said with such power. “I knew I would one day have to have this talk with you. Are you gay?”

I replied with no hesitation, “Yes!” I began to gush years of pent up love and emotion, “I have no one, dad. Maybe it’s not the way things were meant to be. But, I need a strong man like you. Dad, please just take me. I love you!”

He was staring at me in dead silence. I had no clue what he was thinking. It felt like a century. Finally, he rose out of his chair and padded slowly toward me. I was now sitting up on the bed. I couldn’t get my thoughts in order and my heart pumped uncontrollably. Dad came closer and closer until he was just two inches from my lips. I could actually feel his heated breath on my face. He was now so close to my lips and whispered, “Son, this is...not…rrr...”

I heard my father take a final breathe before he laid his lips firmly upon mine. My body quivered with. We began to kiss with unleashed passion. He held my face and I held his We rolled on top of each other on the bed and it felt like the hottest porn movie ever filmed.

“...right.” My dad had finally completed his sentence during our long incandescent kiss.

I started to unbutton his blue polo shirt. I got to the last button. He rose up and took it off. I descended upon his Roman chest. I felt it all over. I was in such heaven. He began to moan and suddenly was tearing at the buttons of my shirt. Frustrated, by the silly fasteners, he ripped the shirt off and buttons flew all over the lust-filled bedroom where I was conceived.

“Okay, son…now it’s time to play it my way,” he commanded. “Here is how your father likes it.”

He unbuttoned my pants, stripped me of my boxers and was towering over me. I leaned forward and went for the throbbing bulge in his khakis. He moaned again his pants had trapped his rempant cock.

My nervous fingers at last worked the zipper and his boxer-encased manhood sprang towards me. Nearly transfixed, I moaned, “Oh, god...your boxers are so sexy, dad. I love you! I want your dick. I can’t wait any longer.” I grabbed it in both shaking hands and aimed it toward my drooling mouth. I engulfed my father’s cock deep into my throat in one swift motion. Salty precum was already leaking from the turgid head. There was no way my man could last very long.

He groaned, “Aaahh! Soon! That’s it...okay. Your mouth feels so good.” Dad began to wail like a banshee and buck his rigid meat into my hungry maw. He groaned several more times before going down on me. “Lets taste what your dad made, son.” he demanded.

My dad’s soft warm lips swallowed every rigid inch of my young prong. “Ohh, dad. I love you. I can’t believe this. I need you, dad. Please swallow you boy’s cock.” His slurping and sucking could be heard above my cries. “ all of me!” I gasped. “I belong to you and your my boxer-lovin’ dad.” I screamed and he pinched my nipples. I was in dad-loving, underwear-fetish heaven.

My father grabbed me and flipped me around with all his strength. Dad was about to claim my virgin boyhole. He sent me to get a condom from the drawer. I ripped the foil open with my teeth and sheathed the prong that made me. I spit into my hand and rubbed the hot goo into my twitching and hole. At last. I straddled his masculine frame and he thrust his big Texan dick in to my asshole and watched me try to scream. My face was a rictus of pain and delight.

“Fuck me, dad,” I begged. Our first dad-son fuck couldn’t last long. We were just too damned turned on.

In near unison, we cried, “Ohh, god. I’ve gotta cum. Ohhh, shit. Here it cums.” Dad unleashed load after load into my ass...and I could feel every throb of his orgasm.

“Whew,” I moaned as dad pulled his slowly deflating dick from my cum-filled hole.

“Why did we wait so long, son?” he asked as he pulled me tightly to his sweaty chest.

Nothing would ever be the same at our house. From then on, dad and I always shared our boxer shorts...and our bedroom.

The End


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