Gay Erotic Stories

Good Ole Georgia Makes It Big...

by Kpg111061
03 Jan 2004

Celebrity Fantasy Chance Encounters Fantasy First Time Hairy Man Meets His Man Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex

This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories under; section prolific authors. E-mail is, thanks for all the great e-mail from nifty’s republishing of some of my stories, Kenneth…

Good Ole Georgia Boy Makes It Big…

I was surfing the net the other day when I noticed that on one of my regular music sites that there was a new album out by a new country music star, Billy Currington. Now to tell you that I have been all over these United States and met up with more people than you can shake a stick at would be an understatement. Sometimes I’ll remember a face and sometimes I’ll remember a name; if I’m lucky I’ll remember both. Billy Currington’s face was one of those that I remember from that short time I lived in Nashville. I went to Google to do my usual search and there he was on I checked out his bio and sure enough he was born in Georgia and lived in Nashville a short time while trying to break in to the music business.

Now for my encounter with this hot, curly haired, smile that would melt ice, hairy-chested country boy. Guys for those of you that don’t read my friend Kenneth’s stories, I’m Padgett. He’s my ghostwriter. We are both, now, 42, 5’10,” 190, brn/grn, mustache/goatee and Scorpios. This story takes place some time in the past.

I had just moved up from Chattanooga to Nashville after a messy breakup with my ex-_____(feel in the blank, I have. I often thank him for the move to Tampa). Let me tell you that coming home and finding an empty house plus a note saying will be back for my Grandmother’s bed is not the best way to end a day. Oh well after 6 years who expects more than that, huh?

It wasn’t much longer after that I decided to try some place different; Nashville was the next closest town other than Knoxville and that seemed too much like Chattanooga. So after some light packing, off I went for a week to see if there was some chance for me to find a new life there. After settling in my hotel room, I decided to ride around to get my bearings. I’ve always been a sucker (literally) for thrift shops and pawnshops. I happened on this one that looked a little run down but you never know what you’ll find in one. As I walked in, I heard a bell ring, and a voice say be right with you. About that time, one of the hottest guys I ever saw came out of the back. He was dressed in a button down cotton shirt, unbuttoned down enough to see his hairy chest. He also had the most beautiful curly hair and sparkling eyes. The tight jeans and boots didn’t hurt any at all.

I was walking around and he asks if I need any help. I tell him know that I’m simply looking. After about 20 minutes of window-shopping, I say to him, I do have one question; that album that’s been playing who is it? He smiles and says why? I tell him that it’s pretty good and that I’m always looking for a new singer to collect. He says well, that’s one of a kind. It’s my demo that I’ve been playing for producers, radio stations and all with not much luck. No shit, I tell him. I think that it’s pretty good. Thanks he says. I have an extra demo at my room, would you like a copy? Shit, I’ll even autograph it for you, he says laughing. I tell him sure and that for payment maybe I could take him out to dinner. He says that would be nice. I get off work around 8pm. I’ll be back at that time I tell him. By the way, my name’s Padgett. He laughs and says mine’s Billy. Now I need to get back and clean up (thinking that if I’m lucky, maybe I'll have two showers, one now and one later with two of us).

Over dinner, we learn that we’re both from Georgia, me, Dalton and him, Rincon. Both about the same; little piss ant country places as the song says. We learn that we were both trying to make it in Nashville so as not to have to go back home. We had earlier decided to go with wings and beer for dinner; keeping it simple. Billy didn’t have a car, so when we finished, I offered to drive him home. I told him that if he wanted, my treat, we could hit a few bars for some more beer. I’m game he says. Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th bar, we lucked up on a karaoke bar. I pushed him to sing. He went up and performed an old ballad; the crowd went wild. He loved it. You could see that Billy was made for singing. His heart went in to every word. When he was done, we drank a lot more to celebrate his first concert.

About this time, we both figured that we needed to head back. While driving back to I-24, Billy fell asleep and was impossible to wake up. I tried (really). The only thing to do was go back to my hotel and wait.

Once there, I pulled off his boots, his belt and stretched him out on the bed. I went in and brushed my teeth, washed up and undressed. With Billy on top of the covers and me under them, I went to sleep. Some time in the middle of the night, I hear, oh my head, where am I? I turn over and remind him. He moans and says, man I’m so sorry. No problem I tell him. Let me get you something for your head. I come back with a BC powder and a coke. Once he downed that, he asked to use the bathroom. I could hear him, taking a leak and washing up. When he came back, he says, I don’t have to work tomorrow, do you mind if I crash here? Go for it, I tell him. Billy then unbuttons his shirt and lays it over the chair. Then slides off his jeans; bubble ass is not the word. Those tidy whities were perfect. Then he lies back on the bed. We both doze off again. Some time later, I can tell the room’s AC kicked up and he’s shivering. Ever the gentleman, I work the covers over him and soon he’s there under them with me. As the night moves into morning, I can feel that he has spooned himself back into me where it’s even warmer.

Forgetting that I don’t even know this guy; I run my hand over his thighs, muscular and hairy, then his flat stomach up to that beautiful hairy chest. That’s when I realize that he’s been pressing back into me even more and moaning in his sleep a little. I decide to go for it. My hand has a mind of its own sometimes; down in to the waistband of those tidy whities and cupping a very plump, thick dick that is leaking some hot, slick precum. Now the moaning really starts.

Billy turns over on his back and looks at me and says, I’ve never done anything beyond jacking with a guy before. It was mostly friends from school out camping after some beers. We would play truth or dare and one thing would lead to another. I ask are you up for this? He laughs and says I think you know that already.

He slides his briefs off and then he pulls mine off. Gently but with heat, he and I lean into each other for a kiss. God his lips are so hot and full. His tongue is everywhere in my mouth. I start working my mouth to his nipples and start licking all over that hairy chest. Somehow we are in a 69 so fast--I don’t even remember moving. He is slowly licking; kissing and you can tell enjoying exploring a man’s body. Now I’m no slouch with about 8 inches, but this boy has about 10 and plump/thick/wide. Oh, yeah. I ask him has anyone ever commented on that beautiful dick. He said that in school that some of the guys would stare. Some of his friends during truth or dare would dare him to strip when they knew he was hard; just to see it.

We both lock down with some good ole suction and really get with it. As I feel my nuts churning, I tell him to watch out, that I’m going to shoot. He doesn’t pull off. Then I can feel him tense up and nod a little; I simply hunker down for the finish too. About that time we both start trembling and shaking. “Thar she blows.” The two of us shoot like no tomorrow.

Once we both come (cum) down off our high. I twist around to be back up at his face. He is smiling from ear to ear. That was fucking awesome, he says. I agree, I tell him. We cuddle and drift off to sleep.

Next day, we use my room’s bathroom to clean up and change. Billy says, Padgett…I tell him that I don’t need to hear anything. That last night helped me decide to go home again and see what was there. I did tell him that I would love to have him with me, but thought that his music was going to take him places. He sadly looked down and said I know; I feel it in my bones. Then looking up smiling, he says, but if our paths ever cross, please don’t forget to look me up.

Well, I notice on his website that there isn’t a tour schedule yet. I will be watching for it though. Billy is that song, “Time with you” for me?

Please let Kenneth know what you think? Also, please remember to check out our other stories under prolific authors.


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This story is not intended to be read by minors. If you are, please do not read, and close this window. This story is the property of the author. It cannot be duplicated in any way without the author's permission. A giant thank you all for the e-mail compliments. Toby Keith fans, those stories have not stopped and for the Tim McGraw fans, I'm working on that. So far under Celebrity I have

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This story is not intended to be read by minors. If you are, please do not read, and close this window. This story is the property of the author. It cannot be duplicated in any way without the author's permission. A giant thank you all for the e-mail compliments. Toby Keith fans, those stories have not stopped and for the Tim McGraw fans, I'm working on that. So far under Celebrity I have

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories

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This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with “redneck,” Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person’s sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories


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