Gay Erotic Stories

Barry Watson's 7th Heaven Curiosity

by FrogdagUler
10 Feb 2004

Celebrity Fantasy Chance Encounters Crush First Time Man Meets His Man Outdoor Sex Public Places Sex On The Road Straight Men, Gay Sex

As a fellow actor on the Warner Bros. Lot, I have a casual relationship with Barry Watson. We usually say hi to each other. A posse of his friends typically surrounds him. Since my show's shooting schedule is similar to his, we often see each other at the studio gym late in the evening. Even there, he is usually with at least one of his posse who is there to work out with him. Last Monday, Barry was at the studio gym alone. So, I asked him where his friends were. He told me that they were playing basketball. But, he didn't want to miss his workout.

I asked him how his workout was. He said it was great. He added hat he was taking supplements and thought they were helping. He then asked if it looked like he was getting bigger. Barry was just pulling up his pants when he asked that question. I wanted to reach out and stop him, if not turn him around and sink down to my knees in front of him. But, I kept it together and told him that his workouts were coming along great.

Man, did I want that boy bad. Little did I know I would have my dream come true that night. I didn’t shower at the gym that night. Neither did he. However, he did seem to take a great deal of time getting dressed. In particular, he seemed intent on admiring himself in the mirror. I can't say I can blame him. Heck, I took every opportunity to check him out. But, I thought if he took one more look at his ass in those jeans I would grab it myself.

Barry was the boy of my dreams; from his hairy chest, to his smooth slim stomach, to those square hips and firm round ass. If only he wasn't so straight.

Barry turned to say good night.

"Hold up," I said. "I will walk you to the parking lot. I’m finished here, too."

Barry said he didn't have his car there. It was in the shop and he was going over to the admin building to get one of the pages to drive him home.

"That's silly," I replied. "I can drop you."

"If you don't mind," he said with a grin. "If all of my friends hadn't bailed to play basketball, I could have gotten a lift from one of them."

We left the gym and walked into the parking lot talking to each other as we walked across the almost deserted lot.

As we strolled through the night air together, Barry looked and me and grinned. "If Robby was here now," speaking of one of his posse, "we’d be lighting up right now."

I mentioned that if he wanted to smoke weed, I had some stashed in the car.

After we’d driven a block away from the studio, I reached into the glove compartment to get a joint for us to smoke. My hand accidentally brushed against his thigh and I said I'm sorry. He did not comment. But, he did kind of grin again.

Barry sat back and spread his long legs apart in the passenger seat. He asked if he could play the radio while we smoked. I thought to myself, 'you can do anything that you want.' But, I simply told him okay.

He put on K-Rock and turned the volume up way too high for my taste. But, I didn't care. I was just glad to have him there with me in the car. He began singing with the songs. Between sharing hits off the joint, he began kind of dancing and gyrating in his seat.

I was getting very high from the smoke. And, I was getting excited at the thought of having this straight teen actor alone in my car. I would be lying if I said I thought anything would happen when I offered to give him a lift. But, as the pot filled my horny brain, I began to think that I might have a chance. I couldn't take my eyes off of Barry and I knew that he could tell that I was checking him out. In my stoned mind, I felt that Barry knew the score. Before I made any moves, Barry broke the silence.

Over the din of the radio, I heard him ask, "Are you gay?"

I thought I heard wrong and asked him what he had just said.

"Are you gay?" he repeated.

He was grinning in that boyish mischievous way of his. But, I could tell he was serious. As high as I was feeling and as much as I really wanted this dude, I just had to say something.

I looked straight into his eyes, smiled and said, "Yeah."

He laughed aloud and said, "Damn it. I thought you were checking me out. What do you like to do with other guys? Take it up the ass?”

He was so charming that I didn’t feel threatened in any way by his question. I decided that the truth might work to my advantage. "Actually," I began, "I prefer to take it as far down my throat as I can. When I'm high or something it's sort of a weird challenge."

With the final word, I made sure I was looking towards him again with a slight smirk on my face. I did it more for the fun of seeing his response than anything else.

As the radio played on, neither of said anything for several moments without breaking the stare between us. Finally, he broke the silence. His comment came with that shy, yet bad boy smile

"No shit?" he said in a low voice as he nodded his head slightly.

The tunes played on. His question answered. So, he picked up what was left of the 'J' and took another hit. I noticed this time he inhaled just a little more than he had been.

He offered it to me. Although I needed no more, I took a small hit, just because. He finally exhaled his long held hit of smoke. He let his head relax against the window. His eyes were barely open.

He looked so hot at that moment. So many thoughts went through my brain. I'd ever dare act upon any of them. Sex-drenched thoughts filled my brain. I noticed he had his hand against his crotch.

From what seemed only a thought of mine, he said in a soft, yet very manly voice, "I got 8 inches, you up for a challenge?"

His hand never left his crotch and was in fact massaging himself at this point. He could just be bullshitting me, because he's high or just wanted to see what I'd say. As high and horny as I was, I had to find out if he was serious.

I locked eyes with his and said a simply as I could, "Sure. But, would it be a challenge? That's the actual answer to find out. Isn't it?"

Barry raised his eyebrows and looked at me like I was crazy. He looked as if his mind had shut down momentarily. I sort of wasn't sure, now, if I should of said yes or no. Then a big grin spread over his face.

"Dude," he said, "I am not the least bit gay. But, I am so high right now, it would be wild if you sucked my dick".

Now, he was no longer massaging his crotch. He was starting to unzip his pants. The look on his face was a combination of slight flirtation, and the confidence of a guy who WAS going to have his dick sucked.

With a half smile, he seemed to just continue his last thought, "I always wondered what it would feel like to have a dude suck my dick."

"So, why haven't you found out yet?" I asked. "I mean there are probably hundreds of guys who would like nothing better than to kneel down and suck your cock. Ya know what I mean?"

He got an embarrassed grin on his face and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked so fine as he did it.

"When I've wanted some, it's never been a prob,” he remarked. “Getting’ laid, I mean. But, most chicks either won't suck a dick or they just really don't know how. So, it's always just easier to fuck 'em and get off that way."

He kept his eyes downward as he continued his answer to my question. I could swear though, it looked like he so comfortable that he wanted to finish his answer.

"I've wondered, but never thought of actually trying to get it. Know what I mean? How could I? People know who I am and my show is called 7th Heaven. That wouldn't look good for my character." He ended his sentence with a slight giggle at what he had just said and decided to lay back against the window again.

"The seat reclines a little bit,” I offered, “and it's a little more comfortable to the head as well."

We both laughed at the way that just sounded. I released the seat so it would recline. He readjusted himself on the seat, his head back against the head cushion, his legs spread apart for comfort, and his hands resting in his lap.

I really looked at him for a moment. His eyes were closed. Seeing him so high and relaxed, it all I could do to simply look at him. Many minutes passed as the music from radio continued to blare.

From out of nowhere I heard myself say the words, "He is so fucking hot." There was definite emphasis on the word 'fucking'.

His eyes opened and looked at me looking at him. Then it hit me that I said those words without even knowing it. I knew I was thinking it. But, I didn't mean to make my thoughts audible, especially to Barry.

No words came from his mouth. He just stared. His eyes first locked on my eyes. Then as if leading me with his eyes, he brought my focus to look down where his hand was unbuttoning his jeans. He let it be known we wore only his jeans and nothing under them.

For several seconds, all I could do was stare at his now enlarged rod being freed from its confinement. How did THAT ever fit inside those jeans for so long with no discomfort? I now knew that it would be a challenge indeed. But, I also knew that challenge would be met…I think. He slowly raised his eyes up and locked with mine again.

In a voice deeper than he usually speaks, he said, "I challenge you."

He now slowly caressed his exposed cock with less embarrassment than he should have. For only another second, I said nothing as my brain was racing from one end of Nutsville to the other.

"Here is your fantasy for the taking," he urged.

"Do it. Don't do it. This is the moment to do it or not," I thought to myself, as I tried not to lock eyes with his.

This was the last thought I barely paid attention to. My hand grasped his jumbo-sized cock. It felt so big as my fingers surrounded it and motioned for his hand to leave. Now, it was definitely hard. I started to wonder if would win the challenge or not. This made me smile from the corner of my hungry mouth.

Barry still had said nothing and was now starting to relax in the seat. He was ready for whatever it was he was going to experience.

After a few minutes of stroking his cock, I had no thoughts at all running though my brain. I just felt the flow and went with it. Seeing him so relaxed and cool, I instantly took the same road. Taking a deep breath, I let my fantasy become real.

Lowering my head towards his cock, my lips made their first contact with the head of Barry's dick. Starting out small, I let my tongue encircle his cock head and balls. I traced the length of his cock up and down with my tongue. I heard him let out a very quiet moan. I took this as a sign to continue. I was high, horny and wanted to hear moans come from Barry Watson that hadn't been heard before.

I teased his erection for a few minutes by only running my tongue the length of his cock. This gave me the opportunity to estimate the length of his cock. I guessed he had a good eight inches of solid, grade-A meat.

I knew what he wanted and waited no longer. Again, I took the head of his cock into my mouth. This time, I proceeded to welcome even more of his cock, as inch by inch until I gradually was able to take almost 90% of his cock into my mouth. I could feel it knocking at the door of my throat.

His big, masculine hands finally came to life and ran their fingers through hair and around my head. We both enjoyed the pleasure of that feeling for a few minutes. As his fingers explored my hair, I continued taking his cock in and out of my mouth. I contemplated if I should try to take the rest of his waiting cock inside.

His touch helped me relax. I moved my body into a comfortable position. As his fingers ran through hair and touched my face, little moans were heard escaping him. Some were high-pitched. Others were low, long and lingering.

His touch, his moans, this moment all helped my throat and jaw muscles relax. I suddenly felt my forehead touch his stomach as his entire shaft made its full entry into the chasm of my throat.

My gag was almost unnoticeable. Barry’s escaping moans were very noticeable. His rock-hard eight inches hit the very back of my throat again and again. A rhythm was definitely forming between us. Every time I took his entire dick into my mouth, I could see from the corner of my eye his brown hair being flung back as if his hair was doing some of the moaning for him.

In low murmurs, I'd hear things like, "Damn. Oh, fuck. Wow! That's just so…" Each sound encouraged me to again engulf his dick with my warm, wet throat. As much fun as he was having getting his cock sucked by a guy, I was having just as much fun being the guy who sucked his rock-hard dick. Like a piston, up and down my head went.

All of a sudden, the hands touching my hair were holding my head. He wanted me to stop. "Hold on. Wait," he said.

Barry peered around the area outside the car.

"Come on," he said and opened the car door.

The stud pulled his shirt over his opened pants as he stepped from the car. I had no idea what he was doing. But, as I opened my door I saw him reach in and open the glove compartment. He was looking for a half a joint I had left and forgotten about in there.

It was odd. But, I didn’t mind at all. Obviously, this little adventure was moving into another gear. Went right along with it. This night was already a trip-and-a-half. Who knew where the journey would end.

As I followed, I noticed how quiet and peaceful the area seemed. I only had to follow Barry for a few steps until we came to a small alley. It was just the kind a place to be out of view of anyone who might be walking along the street.

He relaxed against the wall as he lit the half joint he’d found in my glove box. The smile on his face as he said this was making me crazy with horny-ness.

"Is this cool?" he asked and offered me the join.

"It's cool," I replied with a grin.

I reached went to take the joint from him.

He pulled it back and said, "No. Wait."

As he took another hit, he motioned to me with his hand to. When the hit had been inhaled deeply into his lungs, he placed his hands on my face and pulled me towards him. As our lips drew closer, he started to slowly exhale his hit. This was my cue. He wanted to share a shotgun hit of the reefer. I’d learned this trick in high school. I begin inhaling as he exhaled the sweet pot smoke. Finally, our lips touched. He didn’t pull away. So, I kept inhaling.

As we ended this exchange, he again pressed his lips to mine and slit my lips apart with his tongue. The kiss didn't last very long. But, for a first kiss, it was certainly long enough. He must have been pleased. He had a different kind of a smile on his face after the kiss.

"That was something else I was always kinda curious about," Barry explained.

He was so honest and sweet. I was hornier for him than before. He relit what was left of joint and inhaled very deeply. All the while, he gazed strongly into my eyes.

He nudged me to come join him in the alley. Without a moment’s hesitation, I clamored from the car and returned to his now limp cock. I urged it my mouth and it began to grow once again. As his cock got back to its rock-hard state, I didn't move a muscle. It grew where it lay in my throat.

This sensation made Barry moan so sexily that it drove me nuts. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. As the gasps left his lips, his hands returned to my hair. He seemed to want to take control of things. I let him.

He pulled his cock almost all the way out of my mouth and slowly slid it in again. He didn’t stop until it was deep inside the walls of my throat. Not once did I gag as the turgid cock drove deeply. He was slow enough to allow my throat to conform to his size. He did this for quite a while. His love-noises filled the compartment of the open ally.

Finally, Barry said, "Damn. If this is what a real cock sucking feels like I'm going to have to treat myself to one at least once a week. If not more!"

His words trailed off as he slowed himself down again. I think it felt so good, he didn't want it end yet.

"Fuck. No chick has ever made me feel so good, no matter what she did," he declared.

Deeper still he drove his cock down my hungry throat.

"Damn, that feels so fucking good, dude," he cried.

His movements were slow. But, they were also very intense. I knew he was very close to cumming for the first time down someone’s throat. He started to rub his hands over my neck very passionately.

He gasped, "Oh, fuck man. I wanna cum down your sweet, throat."

I was able to make eye contact with him as he caressed my neck and looked so passionately back into my face. Our eyes were locked as he began to move a little faster. This told me my guy was going blow some serious Watson juice down my throat. His grip on my head tightened slightly.

"Oh, fuck,” he exclaimed.

"Ooohhhhh, dude!" was spoken in almost a whisper.

His eyes closed slowly as his thrusts became intense beyond belief. I felt him fling his head back. His dick slammed deep into the back of my throat and began to fill me with his sweetest juices.

He had such a tight grasp on my head that I couldn't move for a few seconds. He shot many times down my throat before relaxing his grip on my head. Slowly he released his grasp and resumed running his fingers through my hair

Finally, Barry pulled away a little and leaned head against the wall. Long beads of sweat dripped down his face.

"Dude," he said in slow, but very satisfied breaths, "That was so intense. I've never come like that before, ever."

I finished wiped my mouth with my forearm and looked around at our little hideout.

I responded, "Maybe that one can be topped by an even better one"



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More Gay Erotic Stories from FrogdagUler

Barry Watson's 7th Heaven Curiosity

As a fellow actor on the Warner Bros. Lot, I have a casual relationship with Barry Watson. We usually say hi to each other. A posse of his friends typically surrounds him. Since my show's shooting schedule is similar to his, we often see each other at the studio gym late in the evening. Even there, he is usually with at least one of his posse who is there to work out with him. Last


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