Gay Erotic Stories

The Doctor Is In

by YogalBeara
09 Feb 2004

Bisexual Doctor First Time Gay Erotic Stories Hairy Mature Romance

Steve became a nurse, in part, as his ticket out of a small town where hiding his homosexuality was vital and a general big pain-in-the-ass! He had studied hard and had done well in nursing school and had stayed on for his Master of Science in Nursing. That accomplishment made his landing a job at Boston General fairly easy; his apartment in the Back Bay provided proximity to like-travelers in the world. The gay bars, bookstores and restaurants were close and he enveloped himself in his new found freedom as a gay man.

His steamy good looks, youthful vigor, masculine swagger (a survival technique back home, but a real guy- magnet here) and his mesomorphe body-type, generously adorned with thick, blonde hair made him totally desirable in the gay scene. He tricked often, but very selectively. His looks often cast him in the role of top, sexually, but he was very versatile in bed. His thick nine-incher and muscular bubble-butt thrilled all of his tricks, regardless of their sexual proclivities.

At the hospital, Steve was enjoying the liberal atmosphere in Boston concerning gays; hell, the SJC had just ruled in favor of gay marriage! While it certainly was not his style to be “flamboyant,” he was open and relaxed about his sexual orientation. Soon after he started, Steve developed a strong interest in (and crush on) a doctor whom he considered the most handsome and virile “nice guy” he’d ever met. Dr. Ron Livesay was 41 years to Steve’s 29, about six feet, two or three inches tall (a little taller than Steve) with broad shoulders and an athletic build. While their relationship developed at the hospital (and in his fantasies), he was very disappointed to find out later that Dr. Livesay was married and a father. Steve was cool about the fact; he really enjoyed Ron’s company, intellect and wit, and the feeling appeared to be mutual. Ron praised Steve’s skills as the charge nurse on the unit with regularity; they spent a great deal of time together reviewing patients and the workings of the medical team.

When Steve made the decision to continue his schooling with an attempt to get into medical school, Ron was exuberant! He had grabbed Steve in a bear hug when he heard and offered to help in any way that he could. The bear hug may have been innocent but it served to further fuel Steve’s fantasies about this gorgeous man!

Steve said that if he were serious, he could use some help studying for the entrance exams. Ron and he had made a study date for 4:30 the next morning in the residents’ staff room. Steve stumbled, bleary eyed into the room at 4:35. The sight that greeted him smacked him to full attention and caused a pool of saliva to appear in his mouth; Ron was seated at a table, leaning back in his chair, with his sleeves rolled up exposing forearms covered in thick black hair. His hands were clasped behind his head with his eyes closed; Steve stood surveying the gorgeous sight before him. Ron had discarded his tie and the black fur flowing out of his open shirt was dense and luxuriant and more beautiful even than in any of Steve’s fantasies.

Steve closed the door, “Hi, Ron. Sorry if I’m late.”

As Ron’s eyes opened, their blueness was striking with the frame of black hair around his handsome face! “Oh, hi, Steve. I don’t think you’re late; I just left my shift and was relaxing and clearing my head for our study session.” He smiled and Steve melted a little more. “Pull up a chair and let’s get started. I called home and left a message that I would be later than expected.” His right hand had mostly disappeared into his chest hair as he absently scratched his chest.

That was the first of several study sessions at the hospital… all were innocent in every way except in Steve’s enhancements of fantasy in the intervals between. After wearing a tie all day, Ron was always eager to get it off and open his shirt buttons. Steve, who always wore a T-undershirt in the winter, was glad that Ron did not subscribe to that convention. And, as spring arrived, and Steve stopped wearing the undershirt, Ron noticed at once and reached over to open Steve’s shirt a little further.

“Hey, Steve, that’s pretty Nordic! I would never have guessed that you’d have such a hairy chest. I guess because I am so hairy, I’m curious about other men. A lot of guys shave it off and buff up their bodies, but I never gave a thought to doing that; guess I prefer being natural… and this is natural for me!” He spread his arms so that his shirt opened and showed off not an inch of bare flesh. Steve feared that he might be drooling.

“I agree, Ron! It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature! And besides, I think hairiness is pretty sexy and most of my sexual partners have been pretty exuberant in their agreement. Why would you mess with a good thing?”

Ron was looking somewhat serious. “Yea, we’ve never talked about sexual preference or anything, but since it’s kind of come up… one of the nurses was joking around and commented that it was too damn bad that you ‘play for the other team.’ Not that I have any concerns; I think you are one hell of a guy… I like you a lot…”

“But you’re wondering if I’m gay? Of course I am, Ron! Did you really not know or just not think about it?”

“To tell the truth, I have thought a little about it, recently… You know, I grew up in a working class family in a time that didn’t understand about homosexuality. My best friend and I experimented with mutual masturbation, then nervous touching and finally oral sex. My mother walked in on us and that ended that friendship! I know my parents worried about it and I worried too, until I started dating in college and we announced our engagement… Jeeze, I didn’t mean to tell you my life story, Steve.”

“No, Ron, go on… please.”

“Not much more to tell actually… Lindsey and I got married when we were both just 20 and had a little girl seven months later. Lind and I are still best friends and we love Allison for all we’re worth!”

“Are there any ‘buts’?”

“There haven’t been for 20 years… Spending this time with you has been really fun and has lately begun to stir up some questions… thoughts… Not worries,” he seemed anxious to assure Steve. Ron sat pensively quiet for a couple of minutes. Steve was at a loss; not wanting to open any cans of whatever might prove problematic, he waited.

“Well, my friend, we’re not getting you ready for those exams like this. What are we reviewing today?”

Steve smiled and reached over to squeeze Ron’s hand. Ron looked up and they gazed empathetically at each other. Steve released Ron’s hand, “I believe we’re ready for the circulatory system, this morning.” Steve immediately kicked himself, wondering if that was a missed opportunity, but knowing that it had to be Ron’s move or nothing.

A week later, they were back on the same shifts and he kept running into Ron throughout the day. Ron always had a beautiful smile for Steve and often found an excuse to touch him, or was that Steve’s imagination? Either way, Steve loved the touches and casually found opportunities to rub against Ron’s hairy arm or pat/stroke his back (and feel the crunch of hair under his shirt!). One afternoon, Ron sought Steve out to tell him that they would not be able to use the residents’ room as they had planned for studying that evening.

“How would you feel about coming by my apartment this evening? I’m off at 3:00; I could prepare a dinner.”

“Sounds good, Steve. Let me check with Lind and get back to you.”

Ron caught up with him just as he was going off shift, “Steve! I’ll see you about 5:30, okay?”

“Looking forward to it.” Steve hurried home and took a long, hot shower before starting preparations for dinner. He ran to the corner for fresh fish and vegetables. Having lost track of the time, he arrived back at the apartment to find the gorgeous doctor ringing his doorbell!

“Come in, Doc!” Ron turned to see his host coming up the steps. “I hope you like scallops! I found the most delicious looking sea scallops for our dinner… and some fresh asparagus, sound good?”

Steve opened the door and hurried up the stairs to the apartment. Ron was right behind him and as he paused at the door, he could have sworn that Ron was reaching for his buttocks but then changed his mind! Once inside, Ron handed Steve a bottle of Pinot Grigio and asked if he might fix them some drinks before dinner. Ron gave Steve his drink and sat at the bar overlooking the kitchen as Steve went about the meal preparations. Once all was ready, Steve put the fish in the oven and joined Ron at the bar.

“This is really nice of you, Steve. I mean, I usually get home before Lind and we end up eating prepared dinners. So a home-cooked meal is a treat.” He draped an arm over Steve’s shoulder and Steve reached out and picked up Ron’s other hand. He caressed the hairiness of Ron’s hand and wrist and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“I hope I’m not being too forward… I just really appreciate all the time you’ve given to helping me get into medical school! You are a hell of a good friend!”

Ron wiped a tear from Steve’s cheek and leaned forward to kiss him gently on the mouth. “I love helping you with this… I really like being with you, man.” Steve’s mind was trying to sort out what had happened, but just then the timer rang alerting that their dinner was ready.

After dinner, Ron helped with the dishes and they cleared the table for their study session, the last before the exams. After a couple of hours, Steve was feeling that he had reached the limit and was feeling pretty good. Ron got up to stretch and walk around; he came up behind Steve and began massaging his shoulders and neck. “I think you’ll do just great tomorrow. Just relax and let your knowledge flow onto the test page.”

Steve laughed, “I wish I could carry you in with me in my shirt pocket… I would really feel confident then!”

The hands massaging his neck were slowly making their way down onto his chest, under his shirt. Fingers were pulling through the hair seeking and finding his breasts, his nipples. Hot breath on his neck was followed by soft kisses. Steve rose and turned to embrace Ron. As they kissed, he unbuttoned Ron’s shirt and thrilled to the hairy masculinity of the hard body beneath his hands. Ron’s tongue pushed into Steve’s mouth and their kiss became deep and thrilling. Shirts discarded, they pressed their hairy bodies together in a searing embrace, Steve excitedly exploring the dense fur on Ron’s back.

Emboldened by the loving embrace, Steve reached between the doctor’s thighs to feel the hugeness of his manhood, throbbing for release. His own cock was painfully restrained as well and he urged Ron toward the bedroom. They hurried off with the remainder of their clothes and just looked at each other, lightly touching for a couple minutes, exploring the beauty of the other’s hirsute masculinity.

Steve lay down on the bed and raised his arms in invitation. Ron ran his hands hotly up and down Steve’s hairy legs and then softly caressed his beautiful genitals before he knelt on the bed between the seductively spread legs and slowly lowered himself on top of Steve and kissed his chest and neck and face. Steve writhed beneath him, their hard cocks and balls rubbing… their hairy chests a blend of black and blonde fur. Their kisses were deep and wet. Soon Ron was kissing and licking through the dense, blonde rug to find the sensitive masses of nipple flesh. Sucking the thick, erect nubs into his mouth, he licked and nibbled first one and then the other until he had Steve moaning and spreading his legs and raising them to lock his ankles behind the small of Ron’s back. Ron’s erect rod had slipped down under Steve’s ball sac and was probing between his hairy globes. Steve repeatedly flexed his glutes to massage the invading cock between his sweet hairy ass mounds.

“Steve, do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes. Oh, yes, Ron!”

“I’ve never done this before… I mean with a man… I don’t want to hurt you.”

Steve reached for the lubricant in the nightstand and gave it to Ron, “Just enter me slowly and I’ll let you know when to push in and when to wait.”

Ron knelt with Steve’s ankles on his shoulders, smearing the lubricant on his engorged rod and on Steve’s tight anal sphincter. He pushed his finger against the sphincter and felt Steve push back; then his finger slid slowly inside as Steve gasped and smiled up at him. He leaned over and began sucking Steve’s nipples again as he slowly finger-fucked him. Then he withdrew his fingers and pressed the bulbous head of his cock against the slick, hairy hole.

“Oh yes, Ron,” Steve was pushing back against the thick rod that was now violating his sphincter, “Oh, god, man… make love to me… enter me deeply!” Ron pushed slowly inward until Steve stiffened and gasped. “God, man, you are so big… give me … a second…” Ron held his penetration and leaned over to suck Steve’s nipples and then to kiss his full lips.

Steve stroked Ron’s hips and indicated his need; the thick, hard rod began opening him as Ron pushed in to full penetration and then stopped. “Ron, god, you’re fabulous… make love to me, baby… fuck me now!” Steve was rotating his ass against the violating rod and pulling his man down on top of him in a wonderful hairy embrace.

“Damn, Steve, you are one sweet fuck! I’ve never… felt anything… so exciting! Take me, baby!” Their excitement was building and Ron was stroking Steve’s hairy breasts and then reached between their hairy abdomens to discover Steve’s thick, erect and throbbing cock. Steve’s hands were moving seductively, excitedly over Ron’s torso, alternately pulling at the dense hair and combing his fingers through it.

Ron’s thrusts were building in intensity; he embraced Steve, pulling him tight and opened his mouth for a deep tongue kiss. Then Ron went stiff for a moment, his eyes were glistening with tears as he looked at Steve, “God, I’m so deep inside you, Steve… I’m fucking you, baby… (His thrusts were building quickly, violently)… I’m going to shoot… I… Steve! Take me!”

Steve felt the massive rod convulse inside his bowels and then felt the heat of Ron’s semen spurting into him. He grabbed tight to Ron’s hairy, masculine body and unloaded his own tortured cock into the dense wool between them.

It just doesn’t get any better than this!!

As his sexual convulsions slowed, Ron combed his fingers through the blonde hair on Steve’s torso and kissed him lightly on the face, slowly thrusting his still spurting cock up Steve’s abused love chute. “You are magnificent, Steve… I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed sex more than just now.” He kissed Steve deeply and lovingly.

“And you, Doc, are one hell of a lover! You so out distanced all my fantasies of you… of us. Just stay inside me for awhile… please.” Steve ran his hand behind Ron’s head and kissed his generous lips. Ron pulled their embrace tighter and increased the depth of their kiss, pushing his cock deeper into Steve’s steamy cunt. Their kissing embrace lasted for several minutes until Ron’s erection finally subsided sufficiently that he slipped with a slurp from Steve’s grabbing ass.

They slowly separated the hairs of their bellies, tangled in the drying cum, and after another kiss, Ron pulled Steve up off the bed. They showered together, soaping each other lavishly. Ron rubbed his soapy body against Steve’s backside and dug his fingers through the thick, wet hair on his breasts to find the swollen, erect nubs. The feeling of thick wet hair against his back was thrilling to Steve, and the intrusion of a swollen member again between his hairy cheeks re-awakened the thick rod between his thighs. Ron’s hand closed around Steve’s cock and Steve leaned against the shower wall and spread his legs. As the butch rod pushed into him again and then slowly opened him with its deep penetration, Steve gasped and bit his lip.

“Is it okay? You turn me on so… god, Steve, you feel phenomenal!”

“You fill me like I’ve never known… it’s so beautiful, Ron.” The feel of his masculine demigod caressing him outside and inside, the manly size of his cock and the hairy masculinity of his body would have been enough to have Steve soaring. The deep emotions he had developed for this man pushed it all way over the top! He was falling in love… in lust and in love. Ron couldn’t remember when, if ever, he had been so stimulated to get his rocks off twice in an evening, but Steve is an enigma… he is so smart, so nice and so seductive and his Nordic good-looks, solid masculinity and blonde hair… everywhere (!!) led Ron to a level of excitement that was sure to see at least a second ejaculation. In fact, he felt it building… His hand was stroking the long, thick shaft of Steve’s cock in time with his thrusts into Steve’s inner sanctum. Steve’s eruption was voluminous and ran over Ron’s hand, dripping in large gobs to the shower floor! Ron reflexively brought his hand to his mouth to taste the hot jism; it tasted as good as he imagined it would, sweet and salty.

Steve’s cock was still convulsing and oozing its thick, white ejaculum as Ron drew him into a tight embrace and increased the depth and speed of his thrusts and… another majestic eruption into Steve’s depths. This time after a few shudders and a final push to the depths, he withdrew rather abruptly and turned Steve for a full frontal embrace and a loving kiss. They re-soaped and rinsed and grabbed towels to dry off.

“So, Doctor, I think I’m in love with you! Well, I know I’m in lust with you… but I think it could be morphing into love… You are the most romantic man I have ever made love with, besides being the hunkiest as well!”

“No rushing, now… this is new and I know I like you a lot! Fucking you is about the most exciting thing I’ve ever done…” He finished drying and snapped his towel toward Steve. “Let’s go lie down and discuss this…”

An hour later, when Ron decided it really was time that he be leaving, through the kissing and hugging, they had decided that they would find a way to keep meeting, even though the excuse of the entrance exams had expired. There was a long, deep kiss at the door and Ron pledged that he would call the next evening to find out how the exams went… and come by to celebrate, if Steve thought he’d done well.

Steve was sure he would ace the exams with that promise hanging in the balance!


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