Gay Erotic Stories

Father Finds Fulfillment 3

by Poutama
22 Mar 2004

Doctor Family Fun Fetish

“Simon Horniman?” asks the nurse behind the hospital’s admission desk. “Simon Peter Horniman?”

If Dad’s surname doesn’t crack people up, its combination with those two “holy” personal names usually does the trick.

“Yes,” sighs Dad. “That’s me.”

“The Doctor will see you in a minute. Please take a seat.”

That’s easier said than done. Dad is packing a special load this evening, which is making it a tad uncomfortable to sit down. And it is all the result of his fixation with his business partner’s penis.

As weeks passed in the evolving, three-way relationship between Dad, me and his partner, Alex, my Father began to dream up new ways to bind himself closer to Alex’ enormous wang.

First he took a cast of that throbbing monster and had a rubber dildo made of it. He arranged to have a foam-lined hole put into it so he could stick his own cock in and walk around with a replica of this lust-object attached to his dong.

Eventually, this wasn’t enough for him – so he had another cast made in heavy, latex foam so he could walk around all day with his lover’s cock buried deep in his asshole. In theory, this was the fulfillment of Dad’s big dream: permanent, excruciating buggery.

In reality, it didn’t quite work out the way it was planned. Sure, it was simple enough to have Alex work the giant dildo up Dad’s rectum but the problem is that, when it was in it wouldn’t come out. He’d neglected to have the blunt end of this massive tool tapered so it could be more easily excreted. Once the blunt end of the dildo disappeared into his asshole, the lips of his anus snapped shut over it and – try and try as he would – there was no way it would come out through simple bearing down.

So here we are the local hospital waiting for a Doctor to have a try at removing it without doing any permanent damage.

Eventually, a young intern comes into the waiting area and calls Dad’s name, one eyebrow lifted archly at the sound of it. Since Dad is still standing there, he simply walks across to the Doctor and presents himself.

“Come with me, Mr. Horniman,” says the young Doctor. “My name is Daniel Lipschitz.”

“He’s got no reason to sneer at the other people’s names,” I thought to myself as they disappear into a private examination room, leaving Alex and me gazing after them.

Inside the private room, the Doctor asks Dad what seems to be the problem. My Father had already decided that it was pointless trying to be delicate about the situation so he came straight out with it.

“Doctor, I’ve got an especially large dildo up my ass and I can’t get it out.”

Apart from a slight widening of his eyes, Dr. Lipschitz didn’t make a single wrong move.

“I see,” he said. “And how long has it been there?”

“Just since tonight,” said Dad. “I’ve tried trying to shit it out but it just won’t budge and I’m beginning to worry about a bit of traffic congestion building up behind it, so to speak.”

“Quite right, quite right,” says the Doctor. “Well, I guess we’d better take a look, eh? By the way, it isn’t made of anything breakable, is it?”

“No, its solid latex,” says Dad.

The Doctor has Dad take off his clothes and crawl up on the examination table with his head and torso pressed against the vinyl surface and his ass sticking up in the air, aimed squarely at the Doctor’s face.

“You’ve got a fine looking ass there, Mr. Horniman,” says the Doctor.

“Gee, thanks Doctor,” says Dad – though, it has to be said, with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

My Father hears the Doctor snap on a pair of rubber gloves and then gently probes apart the cheeks of his ass, pressing slightly on the lips of his anus.

“Try pushing out for me please, like you were trying to make a bowel movement.”

Dad tries, but nothing moves.

“There’s no external damage that I can see, which is good. What we have to do is relieve you of this problem without hurting you too much. And I’m afraid we’ll need to go into theatre for that because we have to fully dilate your sphincter so the object can be extracted without causing any major harm. I’ll also need to have you sedated and put under a local anesthetic because, otherwise, the pain would be considerable, I’m afraid.”

This is deadly news to Dad’s ears. He’s all for being honest and straight-up with the Doctor but he doesn’t want an operating theatre full of nurses see him being pried open using some bizarre set of gruesome metal instruments. And then the general merriment when the replica of Alex’ dong finally emerges in view from his poor, butchered asshole.

“Doctor,” says Dad. “I don’t think I can do that. Isn’t there some way of getting the goddamn thing out without putting me on general public display?”

“I’m afraid you lost that option when you put that ‘goddamn thing’ in there in the first place, Mr. Horniman,” he replies.

Dad eases himself off the examination table and, stark naked, confronts the physician.

“Look Doctor,” he says, “I’m no expert but wouldn’t it be possible to grease up your hand and slowly insert it so you can get a hold of the thing and pull it out? Like – you know – fist fucking. That sort of thing.”

My Father expected he would get hammered with the full fury of the Doctor’s professional outrage. But it didn’t happen. Instead, the Doctor looked thoughtful and gazed steadily at Dad’s face.

“I really don’t know, Mr. Horniman,” he said at last. “It might work – it just depends on whether you are physically capable of coping with such an exercise. Would you tell me, please, if you have ever had any experience with, er, um, fist-fucking in the past?”

“Here goes nothing,” Dad says to himself and tells the Doctor: “Yes Sir, as recently as last week, as a matter of fact.”

The Doctor looks thoughtful again.

“We could give it a try, if you feel up to it,” he says. “I will give you a local anesthetic so you won’t feel the pain and we can try doing it here in my examination room. But I have to tell you, I am putting myself at risk here because, if anything goes wrong, it will be the end of my career.”

“And the end of my sex life,” says Dad.

“No, Mr. Horniman,” says the Doctor. “The end of your life is what I’m talking about.”

Dad looks shocked, but he is determined. Once you’ve had a fist and a length of forearm rammed up your date you know that you can survive anything. And he tells this to the Doctor.

“OK then, Mr. Horniman,” the Doctor tells Dad. “Let’s give it a try.”

“And Doctor”, says Dad, “don’t you think you might call me Simon? It sounds a bit odd being addressed as ‘Mr. Horniman’ by someone who’s about to put his hand into your crapper.”

“Sure, Simon,” laughs the Doctor. “And you should call me Dan. Dan, Dan the fist-fuckin’ man!”

This makes Dad laugh too, until the effort of laughing makes him aware again of the giant lump of rubber that’s lodged in his asshole.

“The thing is, though,” cautions the Doctor, “this sort of thing is really a team effort. I should have a couple of theatre attendants in here to help me – and help hold you down too.”

“How about my son, who’s waiting outside – and maybe my . . . my friend too, who’s also in the waiting room.”

“Your son?” asks the Doctor with some amazement. “You want your son to see…this? Does he know about what the problem is?”

“I’m afraid so,” says Dad. “He was there when it happened.”

“Oi vey,” says Dr. Dan – and then thinks better of saying anything else. “Well, let’s get ‘em in here.”

The Doctor goes back to the waiting area and recruits Alex and me to help with the unorthodox procedure that’s about the take place in his examination room. When we get to the room Dad has already climbed back on the vinyl-covered table and is again pressing his face to the surface with his rear end facing the world. We’d already introduced ourselves outside so we get straight to business.

“The first thing I need to know is what position you were in, Simon, when this, er, object was inserted into your bottom,” says the Doctor.

“It was more or less like this, Dan,” comes Dad’s muffled voice from the tabletop.

“Yeah, it was just like that,” chimes in Alex. Dr. Dan gives Alex quite a look, as if to say: “So, you’re the guy who shoved this into his bowels.”

“OK, so the first thing I need to do is have you two guys wash your hands thoroughly at that sink in the corner while I prepare to give Simon a local anesthetic in his spine.”

This does not appeal to my Father.

“If it’s all the same to you, Dan,” comes Dad’s stifled voice, “I’ll pass on the anesthetic.”

Doctor Dan just shrugs. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” he says. “Alex, take hold of Simon’s shoulders will you and do your best to keep him rigid. Michael, if you’ll just kneel by the side of the table and do your best to hold onto your Father’s feet so he doesn’t start flailing around when I begin the procedure.”

Alex puts Dad’s body into a wrestling grip while I get to me knees on one side and take hold of my Father’s ankles. I’m looking straight up Dad’s crack with his balls and his asshole in full view. I wonder what Dr. Dan thinks about the fact that Dad’s crack is shaved as smooth as a baby’s behind.

The Doctor has put on his mask and a fresh pair of rubber gloves and is grabbing a huge handful of sorbolene from a jar to ease his path into Dad’s bright pink asshole. Then he stands behind Dad’s crack and stares at it in deep thought, not sure what to do next.

“Er . . . if I might make a suggestion,” says Alex quietly.

“Yes?” says Dr. Dan.

“In my experience, it is usually best to start with one finger and then two, three, four and five and then use all five of them to gently stretch the hole open so your hand and wrist can slip inside.”

“Well,” says Dr. Dan, “you learn something every day, don’t you?”

And with no further delay, he begins to press his fingertips against my Father’s asshole. First one fingertip slips inside, then another, a third and a fourth.

“Alex,” says the Doctor, “I don’t see how best to get my thumb round and into Simon’s sphincter.”

“Make your fingers like an arrow-head or a spear-point with your thumb tucked inside your palm and then just ease the whole thing in a bit at a time.”

“Great . . . thanks,” Dr. Dan says and proceeds to get on with it. By this time Dad is beginning to squirm a bit and his breath is starting to come in short gasps. Normally, he’d love the experience of having some unknown hand shoved up his blurter but there’s standing room only inside his colon and it is becoming pretty uncomfortable. My Father’s feet are twitching -- trying, involuntarily, to pull together. I have to hold on tight to make sure they don’t move.

In fact, I’m concentrating so hard that, at first, I don’t notice a physical change that is occurring inside Dr. Dan’s white physician’s pants, right in front of my face. But, there it is, an unmistakable tenting in Dr. Dan’s crotch as his hand ploughs inexorably into my Father’s fundament.

“I think we’re getting there,” says Dr. Dan. “It can just feel the base of this . . . this . . . object. Simon, I’m about to insert my wrist through your sphincter so hold on tight. You men hold on tight too.”

And we do. Dad gives a huge gasp as the Doctor’s whole hand passes into his bowels and his body gives a shudder. So does the penis that is now straining against Dr. Dan’s pants front and there’s a small damp patch appearing on the white cotton fabric.

“The bastard is enjoying this,” I think to myself. “I wonder if we’re ever going to see what sort of tool he’s got hidden in his pants. And I wonder if Dad is ever going to be capable again of sucking that tool into his vacuum-cleaner asshole.”

“I’ve got it,” says Dr. Dan with a note of triumph in his voice. “Simon, I’m now going to try to pull it out. I’ll be as gentle as I can but it is going to hurt a lot because it isn’t just my hand that’ll be coming out – I’ll be holding on to your dildo as well. Is there something there you can bite on while I’m doing it?”

“He can bite on my wallet,” says Alex. “Here Simon, grab this between your teeth and bite down hard.” Alex puts his thick leather wallet between Dad’s jaws and pats his face to reassure him.

“Here we go,” says Dr. Dan under his breath. “Alex . . . Michael . . . be ready to hold on real tight.”

Millimetre by millimetre, Dr. Dan begins to draw his hand back down my Father’s chute. Dad is making gurgling, strangulated noises now and his face is blazing red.

“I can’t get it out,” Dr. Dan says suddenly. “There’s just too much mass – my hand wrapped around the dildo is way too big. The sphincter doesn’t want to expand any more.”

“Keep at it Doctor,” says Alex. “I’ve never seen that asshole refuse anything, no matter what the size is. And what has gone in has always come out. Until now.”

So Dr. Dan begins to strain mightily to drag the dildo and his hand, which is fastened around it, out of my Father’s hugely distended twat.

A trickle of blood appears in the white sorbolene surrounding Dad’s hole but Dr. Dan keeps up the pressure until suddenly his hand – clutching to duplicate of Alex’ monster cock – flies out of my Father’s anus. There’s a loud ‘POP’ as it appears and I instinctively looks straight at Dad’s quoit to see what the damage is.

Apart from the fact that the hole is now gaping open like the entrance to a subway tunnel, there’s only a tiny rip in the lip of his asshole to indicate any trauma.

Dad’s stifled shrieks have now subsided into sobs as Dr. Dan holds the object up to view. It is covered in shit and slime, as is his glove, but it is intact, so we sigh with relief.

“How do people have the imagination to invent something so incredible,” Dr. Dan wants to know. “What kind of fantasy would induce anyone to create anything so unreal?”

“Excuse me Doctor, but that ‘fantasy’ is a direct copy of my cock,” says Alex.

“Dear God,” says Dr. Dan. “That’s amazing.”

“You wanna see it?” says Alex. The whole process of extracting the dildo from Dad’s ass has obviously turned him on in a big way.

“Sure, why not?” asks Dr. Dan whose own prick is now standing at full salute inside his theatre whites. Poor old Dad has almost been forgotten, it seems.

Alex gently lets go of my Father’s shoulders and his hands fly to his crotch, tugging at the zipper and dragging his mammoth cock and balls into full view.

“Shit – its identical,” cries Dr. Dan.

“And it tastes good too,” leers Alex.

Still clutching hold of my Father’s shit-covered dildo, Dr. Dan falls to his knees in front of Alex and grabs hold of his cock, thrusting it straight into his mouth. The damn thing is so big it is all Dr. Dan can do to get the head into his mouth but he is attached to it like a limpet mine and you can see his throat muscles working furiously as he sucks it for all his worth.

“Mmmmm, mmmm,” moans Dr. Dan.

“Oh fuckin’ hell,” yells Alex, “you fuckin’ little cock-suckin’ faggot. You fuckin’, fuckin’, fuckin’, cock-suckin’ doctor cock-sucker.”

Alex doesn’t mind a bit of repetition in his conversation, but I say nothing. With my father collapsed on the table with his asshole still gaping wide open, I throw myself on the floor and push in between Dr. Dan and Alex, grabbing wildly at the Doctor’s white pants until I free up his straining cock.

At first I think he is wearing a cock-ring of some kind but I soon see it is really a thick rubber band, twisted first round both his cock and balls, then around his balls alone and finally around his cock. The rubber bites deep into his flesh and it clearly keeps him in an almost permanent state of red and angry erection. I grab hold of the cock and suck its purple head straight into my throat. It is a nice, average-size, circumcised prick and it tastes beautiful – a bit like cheesecake, I suddenly realise.

“Maybe he enjoys shoving it in his Momma’s cheesecakes when she’s not looking, I think to myself as Dr. Dan’s schlong twitches and wriggles inside my mouth. My right hand has gone up and grabbed Alex’ big, pendulous balls which I tug and twist and yank so he becomes more and more frantic.

And the more frantic Alex becomes, the more voracious becomes Dr. Dan’s sucking on the head of his mighty cock.

“Ah Jesus, I’m gonna spend,” yells Alex (he prefers saying ‘spend’ to ‘cum’ for some reason). And he reaches out and seizes the back of Dr. Dan’s head, ramming that wicked great monster cock right down his throat. Dr. Dan is gagging and shaking but he won’t let up and goes on furiously sucking until Alex arches his back and sends a bucket load of blazing hot spunk coursing down the good Doctor’s throat. It has just the right effect on Dr. Dan whose own cock lurches wildly, grows suddenly thicker and longer in my mouth and spits out a stream of magnificently creamy, cheesy, cream-cheesy semen into my body.

Despite the fact that Dr. Dan has swallowed all Alex’ cum and I have gulped down all the Doctor’s tool juice, the smell of cum still fills the room.

“Oh this is lovely, this is,” comes a voice from my Dad’s direction. “This is just what a poor old guy who’s just had a steamroller jammed up his fundament wants to see when he comes to.”

Alex has the grace to look sheepish. Dr. Dan is just dazed. He’s collapsed back onto his ass on the floor with his legs spread out, his pants around his ankles and his rubber band armoured cods making fitful little leaps and bobs because the blood can’t escape from his engorged cock.

“Jeez, Simon – it was just the heat of the moment,” says Alex. “You have no idea what a turn on it was watching that guy with his arm up your twat.”

“Yeah Dad, I chime in, “we just couldn’t help ourselves.”

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed my pain and humiliation,” says Dad. “Now, who’s gonna close the circle and give me a bit of relief? Its gonna have to be a blow job because trying to slip your cock into my twat at this moment would be like waving a pencil around in the Harlem tunnel. Even yours Alex.”

For the first time I notice Dad’s cock is erect. Despite his gaping asshole – maybe because of it, who knows – he has also been turned on by the little orgy that has occurred in the Doctor’s examination room.

“Let me, Dad,” I say, getting to my feet and stepping over Dr. Dan to get to my naked father, who is now standing (a little unsteadily) up against the examination table.

“Thank you son,” says Dad. “You sure our Doctor friend isn’t up to showing us again how well he sucks cock?”

Dr. Dan seems to snap out of his reverie.

“Sure I’ll suck you Simon,” he says. “Just give me a moment to adjust myself here.”

Dr. Dan dives into his crotch and starts unwinding the rubber band from around his cock and balls, letting the blood flow back into his body and the last few drops of semen, held back by the tourniquet, ooze out of the head of his dick. He kicks off the pants of his theatre whites and bounces up onto his knees in front of my father, going straight to the action by engulfing my Father’s wang in his lips. This time Dr. Dan has no trouble getting the full erection into his mouth and in a moment his sucking determinedly at this rock-hard length of flesh.

He’s not bad, this Doctor guy, I admit to myself. Just 10 seconds into sucking my Father off, Dr. Dan’s prick is beginning to show new signs of life. And he’s making those little animal noises again. “Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm.”

“I suppose it is too much to expect anyone to give a flying fuck about me,” I say to nobody in particular. Alex looks up and makes a move to reach for me but Dr. Dan is too fast. He takes Dad’s cock out of his mouth for a moment and gasps: “No, no – you come over here too, Michael. I’ll do you and your Daddy together.”

So Dad and I stand side by side up against the examination table while Dr. Dan takes it in turns to suck first one, then the other, of our cocks. Sometimes he tries to jam both of them into his mouth at the same time but, what he’s making up in quantity, he’s loosing out in quality so he goes back to giving alternate, separate sucks on our big, thrusting schlongs.

I’m the first to blow my load – right into his throat – while my Dad looks on hungrily. As soon as he’s sucked every last drop of semen out of my cock head Dr. Dan turns his attention back to my Father and proceeds to give him a more leisurely blowjob, pausing to licks his balls, chew his pubic hairs and reach behind my Dad to feel his ass and check out the status of his distended hole.

It’s quite a performance and my Dad is in seventh heaven when he finally blows his wad into Dr. Dan’s mouth.

It takes a while for us all to recover our wits after this cum-fest gross-out but we finally stagger round and put our clothes back on.

“What shall I do with my private version of Alex’ cock?” asks my Dad, holding up the dildo that had so recently been buried in his ass.

“I’m afraid you’re gonna have to make do with the real thing from now on, Simon,” says Alex. “Put the imitation one in this shopping bag and I’ll dispose of it somewhere it won’t hurt anyone else.”

“I’d like to check you out in a couple of days, Simon,” the Doctor tells my Dad. “Just to make sure that crazy hole of yours is healing itself. Just keep it clean and dry and I think it is going to be alright.”

“Well, Doctor,” says Dad, “I wouldn’t mind checking you out at the same time. Do you do house calls at all?”

“In your case, I certainly do,” comes the reply before we say goodbye to Dr. Dan and make our way out into the night.

And, you know, he certainly did.


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