Gay Erotic Stories

You Got Played!

by Studiesinbrown
31 Mar 2004

Best Friends Black and Beautiful College Days Exhibitionism First Time Gay Erotic Stories Romance Surprise

You Got Played!

By Chris Carr

Copyright ¨ 03/17/2004

"D, What was that?"

Awakened, D’von lay quietly, feigning sleep. Cory remained, his attention rapt on his roommate’s face. D’von listened to his quiet breathing, wishing this moment could go away. He heard a door close, further down the hall and imagined a student stumbling toward the bathroom. Was he holding his breath…and would that help?

"D?" Cory’s voice startled him. He accepted that he wasn’t going to leave. Cracking one eye open, he gazed into the darkness at his ro’dogg. There was a time when Cory was but a nuisance with his loud colognes and posters of divas. Those were the early days when they all but avoided each other. Shared room space, small enough to be intimate, it was the true proving ground.

"Yo, what you doin’?"


"Damn nigga, you know it’s 3:00 in the mornin’?"

Alarm clocks and rap, played at mind numbing levels. Push-ups were at 7:00, the funk of week old socks and cologne, strong and pungent.

"Hey, can you turn that down?"

"… nigga what the hell is that shit and why got to put on so much?"

"… you through? Well then when you gon’ be through? ‘Cause I need ta type this report…"

The door closed down the hall, the student on his return trip breaking the awkward silence. Cory’s eyes averted, glancing for an instant towards the sound, but soon returned to observe his roommate. Glancing at Cory’s pensive eyes, he suppressed the images that immediately surfaced. Reeling, he slowly closed his eyes, hoping to silence them.

"Did you know?"

"Know what?" D’von finally spoke.

"That he was…like that?"

D’von closed his eyes again. Following a prolonged silence he muttered, "Dunno…not really."

He sensed Cory’s presence on his bed, the warmth from his body and how close he was. Had they ever sat on each other’s bed? Yeah nigga, he insisted, had to. But he couldn’t recall an instance.

Cory’s gazed never lessened. He was searching, his eyes probing D’von’s face for an answer.

"You think I’m mad, huh?" D’von studied his face, hunched his shoulders and looked away. He’d started to sweat. Not profusely but just enough to make it uncomfortable beneath the covers.

He’d learned to operate under the covers, not long after Cory had arrived. Sweat trickling from his hot armpits, he’d stare at the ceiling, squelching moans and squeals, his long hard spigot clutched in his fist. There were times, he swore Cory was listening but couldn’t be certain. Privacy, what he’d pay for just a little right now.

"It was an accident, man, a’ight?"

Cory nodded assent, finally relinquishing his stare. In the distance, they heard the clock tower sound, two slow clangs pealing into the darkness. They’d have to get to sleep soon if either of them expected to make their 8:00 O’clock.

"You think he did it on purpose?" D’von said nothing. "Probably why he was so free with all them drinks," Cory prattled. Despite himself, D’von couldn’t help studying the youth’s features. His rich, coffee brown skin, punctuated with the last traces of acne. And those eyes, those sultry, hazel eyes and the way they penetrated.


"Li’l closer… D’von, turn just a bit to your right… Li’l more…. Great!"

Light…bright light captured them, held them.

Looking down, D’von glimpsed another flash of Cory’s well-toned physique. A coat of oil glistening on his bare torso, D’von could literally see his inhalations and exhalations, his chest slowly rising and falling. He could see sinewy muscles of his pecs, the faint imprint of his ribs, his dark, pointy nipples.

Cory licked his lips, his gaze trained on the camera. D’von could hear his respirations they were so close. Smell his breath. Feel his heat.

"How ‘bout you touch ‘em together?" Arthur suggested.

It was just like Arthur, with his mints and brown Kenneth Cole oxfords. The black leather tote bag should’ve been a dead ringer, but D’von was desperate. He needed cash and needed it fast. Arthur was offering $100 to start and said it could go up to as much as $1,000. A couple of hundred was all he needed. But, it wouldn’t be any fun if his homey couldn’t have some. So, he’d invited Cory.

Cory was hesitant at first, despite the glowing spin D’von had put on the prospect. And, he was understandably so. Hell, he’d no doubt invited his friend along to avoid being alone, the idea of stripping in front of a total stranger unnerving.

The session had started a little awkward, both boys finding more inhibitions than anticipated. Cory didn’t want to undress first and D’von was loath to do the same. Arthur offered them a drink and it took the edge off enough to get things started.

"Why don’t you both strip?" he offered, popping a mint in his mouth.

"You know, do it together?"

He offered them another drink.

By the third drink, Cory and D’von were in front of the camera, nervous smirks on their faces, their well-toned torsos exposed. Closer and closer they moved, all under Arthur’s orchestration. So close until D’von observed a birthmark, just right of Cory’s right nipple. Why hadn’t he ever noticed that before?

Turn this way. Lift this. Move that. Don’t move.

Warmth came from the glaring lights, off their glowing bodies.

A fan, circulated hot air and the faint smell of testosterone, permeated their redolent perspiration.

Arthur’s coaching, extracting their very sexual essence, heightening the escalating sensuality.

Cory’s dick, astonishingly hard while D’von’s edged closer…closer, until…


Quiet. He’d never heard it so quiet before. Stirring just slightly, he changed positions under the covers. Glancing at Cory, he quickly closed his eyes again when he noticed him still staring.

"What kinda magazine you think he shoots for?"

"Fo’ sho it ain’t what we thought," D’von cracked.

"So…that means…"

"Yeah, we probably played ourselves." Cory shook his head.

"What was the name of that magazine again? ‘Stroke…Stroking…"

"It had ‘boys’ in it, I know that," D’von said, his words dripping with sarcasm.



D’von didn’t want to think about it. He’d straight played himself and wondered was it worth it. He could only hope the magazine’s circulation was small and limited…hopefully, in another state.

A long silence passed, D’von listening to Cory’s quiet respirations. How much time had passed since the clock tolled 2:00 he wasn’t certain, but he wasn’t sleepy. He couldn’t stop the pounding in his chest, despite his exterior display of indifference.

"Did…you…know?" Silent, D’von lay very still. "I mean, ‘cause it ain’t no big thing. ‘Cept for when all that shit started shootin’ out on my…"

"Yo! Cory! Yo!" D’von finally sat up. His eyes a pair of saucers, he stared at Cory. "Like I said, it was an accident."

"But did you know?" Silence. Dropping his head, D’von rubbed his hand through his wooly hair. Looking up, he gently gnawed his bottom lip.

"Maybe it was the drinks. Or all them hot lights or somethin’ but…" He dropped his head again.

"You ever did that before?"

"No. You?"

"Naw, I’d have to be really hot to make that much."

D’von rolled his eyes. "No. I was talkin’ ‘bout…‘bout…with a guy." Cory shook his head no and for the first time that night, broke his stare. Studying the covers, he picked at lint balls.

"Never?" D’von pressed. Cory shook his head no. "Nikka. C’mon, not even, ‘show me yours and I’ll show you mines’ wit yo’ peeps?"

"Came up in a li’l town," Cory explained. "Ain’t had no peeps my age."

D’von lay back, his arm tucked beneath his head, staring at the ceiling. Rising slightly up, he glanced at the clock. The numbers lazily informing him it was just past 2:12, he slid under the covers again.

"Guess you did," Cory said.

His eyes blinking from beneath the covers, D’von spouted, "Yo, don’t get it twisted. Like I said, me and a coupla my peeps did the ‘show me yours’ shit and that’s it."

"Damn nigga, I was just askin’." D’von eyed him suspect then allowed a reluctant smile. Cory shook his head.

"Should’ve seen yo’self," He chuckled, "Eyes all crossed and sweatin’ like a pig and shit. When you started doin’ all that huffin’ and blowin’, I thought you was ‘bout to have a heart attack or somethin’." D’von snickered nervously. "’Til you let loose on my leg. I was like, ‘what tha fuck!" Retreating further beneath the covers, D’von couldn’t resist a chuckle.

"Shit was skeetin’ out like a god damn water hose or somethin’. Damn, you think that faggot was shootin’ that shit?"

"Uh… I wouldn’t know," D’von quipped, laughing now. Cory shook his head.

Then the silence engulfed them once more. Cold and foreboding, like an unwanted visitor, it extended, holding them in its clutches. After some time, Cory quietly inquired,

"Was it me?"

He trained his gaze on D’von who merely looked away, but said nothing. Sweat was collecting on his torso now and it was genuinely hot beneath those covers. Images of the photo shoot rushing in, he saw himself edging closer and closer to his roomy. The heat from the lamps was intensive and served to elevate his temperature but it wasn’t the lights. It wasn’t the drinks either. That they’d acquiesced to the strange man and his suggestions the way they had was a real rush. Their inhibitions had been magically suspended under Arthur’s expertise and when he knew it, they were both naked…both naked, oiled and hard...


It’d snuck up on him. That’s what his mother used to say. "Chile that drink just snuck up on me," she’d titter, grabbing a piece of furniture to steady herself. She wasn’t a drinker, just enjoyed a good "social buzz", as she called it.

D’von hadn’t fully appreciated his mother’s expression until he’d got that statement. Gawking at the outlandish number he tried imagining how a series of simple purchases could’ve accumulated to the ungodly total. A designer watch, a pair of Sean John jeans, that bomber jacket, with the goose down fur he just had to have, it was all there, reminding him, however.

But what was his crime? Didn’t he deserve to look good? Shouldn’t he put his best foot forward when dressing for that philosophy class? I mean, hell, what would the ladies think if they saw him in some ol’ assed jeans?

Money… it haunted him, keeping him up at night, the credit card bill unreasonable. Polling his friends for money, he soon found out no one had that kind of cash. Struggling students like him barely had money for their books and meals.

Aware that a delinquent bill would signal his father, he became desperate. He was at the bank, hoping to extend his credit when he met Arthur. An odd man dressed in a lavender dress jacket and matching pants, he wore an ascot and way too much cologne. Standing behind him D’von not so much as saw him first as smelled him. When he turned to glance at him, the man was staring.

"I’m sorry," he spoke, his voice a rich baritone, "I didn’t mean to stare." Unnerved, D’von felt a myriad of vibes surface yet, couldn’t take his eyes off him.

"It’s just," he took a step closer, "you’d make an excellent model."

Weighted with his own problems, D’von hardly knew what to say. It didn’t matter, Arthur did all the talking, licking him from head to toe with his eyes as he spoke. D’von had the perfect body and the perfect height. He had a face the camera would love, on and on he went, pumping D’von’s ego for all it was worth.

So persuasive was Arthur’s adulation, he eventually talked D’von to his car. Handing him a release form he dropped the piêce de résistance… the modeling fee. It was a godsend, despite the peculiar package and D’von leapt at it.


Pulling the covers further over his head, he tried to disappear. Concluding that smothering couldn’t be worse than his present condition, he endured the suffocating heat, averting his eyes from Cory’s stare.

"So?" shocked, D’von glanced at Cory.

"So what?" Cory’s gaze intensified. "Damn, I told you I was sorry," D’von spouted, pulling the covers higher. Cory shook his head.

"Ain’t got a clue," He muttered. D’von blinked, glancing up at him. Cory gazed cynically at him and shook his head again.

"Think I ain’t knowin’?"

"Knowin’ what?" D’von spat, curling into a ball beneath the covers.

Cory merely shook his head again, irritating D’von even more.

"Damn, why you actin’ stupid?" Nothing. The silence greeting them again, D’von frantically avoided Cory’s eyes.

"D?" Nothing. "D’von?" D’von chanced a glance at him, his knees pulled almost to his chest now.

"Told you…ain’t no big thing."

A train whistle sounded in the distance, echoing about the open quad beneath their window. Heading into the last of spring, they’d experienced a sudden heat wave. Cory wore nothing but his boxers. But, even in the cold months, he’d only add a t-shirt.

It’d become so hot beneath the covers that D’von was getting a mild headache. Or at least, that was what he was telling himself. Like all the other lies he told himself. It don’t mean nothin’ if you don’t do it. Or his favorite, everybody has those thoughts, once in a while.

"D?" God! What he’d give to be anywhere else right now!! "D…it’s doin’ it now, huh? D? Ain’t no big thing…"

Cory’s hand snaking beneath the covers, D’von stifled a shriek when it grazed his aching hardness. His eyes squeezed shut, he listened to the distant train whistle as Cory’s hand slipped around his hard inches. Still curled into a ball, he pulled his legs higher, trying to dislodge Cory’s hand but the boy wouldn’t relent. Instead, he lay along side him, his hand firmly around his rigidity.

"Naw, C," D’von protested, pushing Cory’s hand away. Cory rolled toward him, his hand lodged between D’von’s legs. "Naw C," D’von repeated, resisting Cory’s attempts to lay him prone.

"D?" Cory whispered. "D… you ma boy?"

"But it cain’t be like this," D’von resisted.

Cory moved closer, his face right at D’von’s. "D? Look at me." Cory’s hand driving him up the wall, D’von fought his inhibitions, cracking his eyes open. "It’s all good," Cory stated, his hazel eyes meeting D’von’s.

Captivated, D’von stared at him for an indeterminable time, then lowered his eyes. "I… can’t," He whispered. "You can," Cory countered. "You… did." Again Cory slipped his hand up D’von’s anxious growth. Shuddering, D’von fought back the tears, stinging his eyes. "Just do what you feel," Cory encouraged.

Sighing loudly, D’von offered no resistance when Cory pushed his legs down. Sliding beneath the covers, Cory lay beside him face-to-face, chest-to-chest, dick-to-dick. In the darkness, he held him, his hand cupping his balls and roving about his midsection. Worry etched upon his face, D’von stared at him, trying to comprehend. Had he known? Was he for real?

Cory wrapped his legs about him, enfolding him in an embrace. D’von lay lifeless, his eyes staring into the distance then, leaping across the chasm, he flung his arms about Cory, an excited whimper escaping him. They stared at each other for what seemed an eternity, then, Cory moved toward him.

It was a tender kiss, just a peck on the lips really. Enthralled, D’von held him with his gaze, the minutes ticking away silently. This is fo’ real, he hazarded, grinding his hard dick against his boy’s. Echoing his venture, Cory pushed his hips forward, pressing his equally hard post against D’von’s. And then, it was on. Throwing all caution to the wind, D’von entwined his legs about Cory’s and kissed him long and hard.

The years of denied desire coming to bear, D’von writhed against his long time friend, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. His tongue madly reaching for Cory’s tonsils, he could no longer avoid the nagging feelings. The nights upon nights he’d stroked himself, fighting in vain to avoid the recurring images of Cory naked.

Cory held him, returning his fervor with equal passion, as if a floodgate had been opened for him likewise. Pawing at each other, they shoved against each other, groin to groin. Cory’s hand roamed D’von’s back while D’von’s ran through Cory’s hair. His eyes finally opened, he gazed into Cory’s exotic eyes, tongues whipping and lashing against each other.

Of all the times he’d kissed and pawed at the honeys, he’d never felt so alive, so impassioned. Something was awakened and he knew he’d never be able to put it to sleep again. They kissed until finally Cory broke, reaching beneath the covers to pull his t-shirt up and over his head. Stifling another squeal, D’von shuddered when Cory dove beneath the covers and latched onto his nipple. No girl had ever attacked his tender bud with such fervor and the sensations almost ran him up the wall.

"Yeah nigga," He whispered, shuddering once more. Lapping and nipping at his nipple, Cory whipped his tongue about his raw nub, raking it erect. Shaking and wiggling about, D’von clasped Cory’s bobbing head in his hands, jamming him against his sensitive swell. Each whisk of Cory’s tongue electrifying, he shook and trembled helplessly.

"Damn!" He gasped, prying Cory from his fiery protrusion. Pushing Cory back, he locked his mouth about the boy’s exposed nipple. Quietly, Cory writhed, shuddering to D’von’s ministrations. His boy’s mouth felt incredible and it was with everything in him he fought back the whimpers and squeals.

Like a hungry suckling at its mother’s tit, D’von devoured Cory’s dark nipple, sucking, then nipping and teasing it until it sprouted erect. Back and forth they tossed, Cory pushing him against the small bed to taste of his body, then D’von would leap atop Cory to do his worse.

Their pipes leaking like faucets, both their boxers were soon wet with their issue. At one point, Cory lay straddled D’von, his head lowered to nip and lick at his excited nipple then, to D’von’s great surprise, he continued down. Pausing at his stomach, he nuzzled his exposed belly button with his talented tongue until D’von was a shaking, shuddering mass of jell-o, then moved further down.

His eyes closed, D’von listened to his pounding heartbeat as Cory yanked his boxers off. This time, he couldn’t restrain the audible gasp that leapt from his excited chest. "Ahh shit!" He yelped, thrusting his hips up, Cory’s mouth working wonders on his dick. How he know this shit? He pondered, writhing about until all of the covers lay strewn aside.

Raising his head, he peered into the darkness, his heart thundering even louder when he caught site of Cory gliding up and down his throbbing hardness. Gazing at Cory’s lips, snapped tight about his pipe, he felt his sap rising with each down thrust of his skillful orifice. From his wiggling toes to his churning balls, everything was aglow. Sensations he’d never felt before buffeting him, he shuddered, nearing the moment of release.

"Damnnnn nikka!" D’von cooed, prying Cory off his dick, seconds before he came. "Where you learn to do that?" Cory smiled at him, hunching his shoulders as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Astonished, D’von gripped his ready-to-pop skyrocket in his hand, squeezing it until the urge passed. In the darkness, they both gazed at his wickedly hard standpipe until finally, D’von released it.

"How’d it feel?" He whispered.

"Gooood," Cory enthused.

"Then, lay back, nigga," D’von instructed, pushing Cory prone.

Hovering above his throbbing column, D’von studied it some time. It was, after all, his first dick and he found it most curious. Whereas his dick was thick and stout, Cory’s dick was long and trim, extending past his navel. Like a long torpedo, the head was shaped like an inverted heart, capping his hard shaft.

The few seconds exciting Cory to no end, his dick bobbled and tossed anxiously in midair. When D’von lowered, engulfing his stiffness in his warm cavern, he hissed loudly, his whole body shaking with desire. Within minutes he felt himself about to blow, to his great surprise. He’d never been such a quick ejaculator with a girl.

"Damn, hol’ up!" He yelped, pushing D’von’s suctioning mouth off his pulsing prick. "Lay down," He instructed, pushing D’von back. Fumbling in the darkness, he rifled through D’von’s beside table. D’von watched, his heart thundering in his chest when Cory popped the condom from the drawer.

"Turn over," He whispered, slipping the condom on. Hesitant, D’von stared at the weapon, jutting from Cory’s groin. "Just let me try," Cory petitioned, turning him over. "But…" D’von protested, half on his side, half on his stomach. "Com’on D," Cory cooed, stretching atop him, "I got to get some of that."

He slid his finger across D’von’s button, then darted it inside. Electric fire bolts leaping from his upturned chute, D’von moaned loudly. He’d never imagined his ass giving him such pleasure and soon found himself pushing up on Cory’s finger. Then Cory was on top of him, his anxious boy tool knocking at his back door.

Still uncertain, D’von barked out instructions as Cory mounted him. "Wait… ok, now… don’t… don’t go so fast… wait… wait…" Moaning like a bitch in heat D’von clutched his pillow for dear life. His mouth buried in the fabric, he wailed, riding wave after wave of ecstasy. As each inch sunk home, D’von felt a satisfied fullness like never before. He was one with his homey in a way never imagined and didn’t want it to ever end.

Wringing his tight asshole around Cory’s corkscrew, he howled into his pillow. Finding a rhythm, Cory pulled back, then thrust forward faster and faster until D’von thought he’d pass out from the incredible sensations.

Pushing his face further into the pillow, he yelled like a banshee. Cory’s dick was discovering parts of his ass he never knew existed and loved it. His dick mashed beneath him, it thrust against the warm sheets, heightening his delight. Between his glowing asshole, snapped tight around his boy’s battering ram and his threatening-to-blow dick, he couldn’t tell which one was rushing faster towards oblivion.

Cory likewise was finding it harder and harder to hold his urgency at bay. D’von’s ass felt like undulating velvet around his dick. Every time he rammed it home, it seemed like D’s ass was trying to milk the cum out of his balls. Panting and moaning, he rocked the bedsprings, pounding his boy for all he was worth. D’von squealed into the pillow, but his ass never let go, clenching ever tighter.

Wrapping his arms about the writhing boy, he lowered his mouth close to D’von’s ear. "Feel it?" He panted. D’von yelled something into the pillow, his head enthusiastically nodding yes. "Good?" D’von croaked a strangled ‘yes’. "Ahh shit… ‘bout… to…ahhhhhh!"

They both wailed, Cory doing his best to smother his audible gasps. Holding D’von in a bear hug, Cory whipped his hips ferociously, filling the room with slapping sounds. Like a rushing tornado, he felt the sensations starting at the tips of his toes, coursing up his flexing calves, up his thrusting hips, stopping a split second to ring his quivering asshole, then leaping up from his balls in great torrents of jetting joy juice.

Stars flashing before his eyes, Cory thrust his hips forward with each powerful contraction of his cum squirting dick. Gripped in the throes of the orgasm of a lifetime, at one point, he thought he might pass out. He’d felt his dick releasing inside girls before but D’von’s drum tight ass felt so good, he thought he’d never stop cumming.

Drenched in sweat, the boys became one, Cory’s dick lodged so deep, he thought he could feel D’von’s tonsils while D’von’s ass muscles convulsed, squeezing his nigga’s dick like there was no tomorrow. The instant Cory let fly the first salvo, D’von felt his dick lurch beneath him, gushing like a geyser. His eyes closed, all of his attention was so focused on the dick invading his ass, his orgasm caught him by surprise.

Skyrockets exploding behind his eyelids, he screamed into the pillow, his cum suddenly wrenched from his contorting body. Cory’s dick tickling something deep inside his ass, it seemed as if it was literally thrusting the cum out his dick. Every inch of his body on fire, even the sweat, dripping from Cory’s torso seemed to send chills of ecstasy through him.

Snatching the last vestiges of cum from the bottom of his balls, D’von’s ass drained Cory until finally, no more was left. Collapsing atop his boy, he panted like a marathon sprinter, after the big race. Still moaning and cooing into the pillow, D’von continued squeezing his ass around Cory’s dick. He’d long since emptied his cum supply, but couldn’t stop squeezing, each contraction coursing unbelievable sensations up his spine.

Their heavy breathing the only sound for some time, Cory finally whispered, "Dang, nigga, you make too much noise." D’von chuckled, his head turned to the side, Cory’s dick still lodged inside him.

"Anybody ask," D’von quipped, "I was with my lady tonight."

"What…ahhhh" Cory moaned, D’von’s ass squeezing his dick again. "What I’m supposed to say?" He finally blurted, following another moan.

"Ain’t got to say nothin’."

Cory moved his lips to D’von’s ear and nuzzled it. Speaking in hushed tones, he inquired, "What you think?" D’von responded with another tug of his asshole, eliciting more moans from Cory. They lay like that until both of their dicks softened then hardened again. Just as Cory was about to start thrusting again, D’von raised his head and stated,

"Naw... I got next."


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