Gay Erotic Stories

Gender Gap, Part 2

by Delandv
13 Apr 2004

Sci-Fi Fantasy

The captain had a beautifully furnished room. I was chained by my collar to the headboard on the captain’s bed and I quickly discovered a mirror facing down from above and another large mirror on the wall behind the bed. The bed had four posts and a canopy overhead. The above mirror was on the inside of the canopy. “How vain,” I thought. The guard then left without any comment or instruction, so I just lay on my side facing away from the door. It was such a relief to be away from anyone, to have just a few moments of privacy that the chains didn’t really bother me. I stayed awake this time. Eventually I heard the boots of the captain and I sat up.

“I bet you don’t feel so uncomfortable being alone with me now, do you?” he asked.

“You wanted that to happen last night, didn’t you? You knew what would happen.”

“I must admit, I was curious how a bunch of slaves who hadn’t seen a woman for weeks and knew they never would again, would react to you.” He smiled broadly. “Now be glad that you have the luxury of serving me. If you disappoint me we can always put you back on general slave duty with the rest of the common slaves. You would be good for morale, I’m sure.”

He said this as if slightly angry, perhaps just for emphasis, but his next statement was completely without emotional expression.

“Slave 1392, release.”

The moment he said it, there was a beep and I felt the chains come loose from both my collar and my shackles. One chain was still attached to the headboard now hanging loosely, and the one attaching my collar to my shackles fell into my lap. I looked at my shackles and saw that they were somewhat complicated devices just like my collar, and they each had the number “1392” clearly printed on them. That must be the same number as my collar.

“Slave 1392, shackles, lock.”

When he said this I saw a short metal bar protrude from a raised section on the backside of my left shackle, and four little wings extended out from it.--it was clearly meant to be inserted into a similar hole where it would fasten.

“See the hole over your wrist on the right shackle? Put your hands behind your back and connect them.”

I reluctantly did as he said, and after a little feeling around I felt them snap together and my hands were secured behind my back.

“Aren’t those nice? Not everyone gets those, you know? Now observe this, Frank. If I don’t state a slave number, the computer automatically chooses whichever one is closest to me. Slave sleep.”

I was startled by a sharp sting in my neck underneath the collar, like a bee sting. Then a heaviness rushed over my body and I felt myself falling forward. I was thankful that I was on a bed, because I was helpless to prevent my fall as everything blackened around me. I was nearly out when I hit the bed.

“The captain was rubbing the back of my neck as I opened my eyes. It took a few moments to even remember who I was; where I was; what had just happened. It seemed like I had been out for only a brief completely oblivious moment, though the captain explained that I had been out for about twenty minutes.

“You were injected with a fast acting drug. The effects wear off quickly. In just a few minutes, the grogginess will wear off. I just wanted to give you a little demonstration so you’ll have an idea of how helpless you are. That never has to happen again. A lot of slaves have gotten nasty bumps on the head, broken arms, broken noses, from falling flat on their faces. All a guard has to do is push a panic button on his wristband and every slave in the vicinity gets the exact same effect.”

I felt that my arms were no longer restrained. They rested at my sides. He had released me while I was passed out.

“Turn over Frank.”

I did as he asked, with some effort. I lay on my back looking up into the mirror overhead. I saw my hard muscular naked body lying next to the captains. He was as tall as me. He had a beautiful body, though not as muscular as my own, and he retained his body hair. Just a little dark blonde hair on his legs, arms, and chest, but next to me it seemed like an abundance. He was stroking his member and his testicles hung low in a large sack between his legs. Again, seeing my body next to his, with nothing but a hairless slit between my legs, made his cock seem that much larger.--everything about the image suggested contrast. Him, with an engorged cock and sagging balls, long hair on his head, a trim mustache and goatee. Me with a completely smooth body, short hair, no cock, and manacles on my neck and wrists. A sense of being conquered washed over me and I just didn’t care anymore.

“Are you good at sucking cock, Frank? Lift up a bit, Frank.”

He slapped me lightly on the cheek a few times to wake me up a bit more. With effort, I fought off the drugged feeling and propped myself on my elbows.

“Do the balls first.”

He pushed my head down towards the base and I started licking his balls and taking them into my mouth one at a time. They were musky from a long day of being trapped in his clothes. He guided me up the shaft with his hands and I licked the musky scent away. When I reached the tip, he pulled the foreskin back a little and I cleaned the area underneath with the tip of my tongue. It had a stronger flavor than the rest. Soon it was clean and he pushed down on my head, signaling that I was to suck it now. The act was helping me to rise out of the stupor from the drug as I concentrated more on what I was doing.

He stopped me for a moment to stand up. He stayed at the side of the bed and I got on all fours so I would be on the right level for sucking him. I assumed that I should continue what I was doing until he told me otherwise, and he seemed to be enjoying it a great deal because he allowed me to continue for some time. Finally he pulled my head back and his cock plopped out of my mouth. I looked up at him, precum and saliva dripping down my chin. He turned around and spread the muscular cheeks of his ass. I began to lick. After a short while he ordered me to push my tongue in so I began fucking him with my tongue.

He turned around and paused for a moment. He smiled at me. “Look down between your legs, Frank.”

I did. Clear liquid coated my pussy and was dripping onto the bed.

“I think you’re ready for me to move on,” he said. “Turn around and scoot forward.”

He got onto the bed and began fucking me from behind. My own natural lubrication allowed him to slide into me easily and he fucked me doggy style.

I had resigned myself to my situation and was no longer fighting the fact that he aroused me. I decided that I may feel lust for him, but I would never let myself love this man.

He managed to get me turned around onto my back without pulling out, and he was looking into my eyes as he slowly fucked me. Then he pulled out and moved to the side. I kept looking into his face, wondering why he was stopping. He pointed up, and I looked up into the mirror.

“Look at yourself, Frank.”

I felt his hand travel down my chest until it finally rested on my smooth crotch. He rubbed the flat area where my cock was just days before.

“It feels terribly vacant down there, doesn’t it?”

I couldn’t answer. Why was he torturing me with this again?

“You know you’re still a man, right? You still have your testicles. They’re just internalized. Your male hormones will continue to flow, and you will continue to produce sperm.”

“And how long before you take these things as well? Are you planning to change the rest of me?”

“No. I don’t want any women aboard this ship. You’ve lost your cock, Frank, but you have mine now. So tell me. Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Do as you please,” I said.

“No Frank. I’m not going to continue unless I hear it from you. You won’t be in any trouble if you tell me right now that you want to stop. I’ll be fine to just jack off.” He began to stroke himself over my stomach.

“Do you feel violated? Do you want me to stop?”

I didn’t say anything. I just looked at his cock and felt a hunger for it growing. I tried to imagine how it once felt to hold my own fat cock in my hand and just jack off. The silence dragged on. I reached down and felt the tiny little nub, less than half an inch long, my “clit”, the only thing left of my cock. It was just as sensitive as the larger organ it had replaced, but it wasn’t the same. He began to stroke himself a little more vigorously. His eyes closed.

“No! Don’t stop!” I cried. “I don’t want you to stop fucking me.”

The words came out in sobs as I groped for his cock with both hands. He let go and smiled as I ran my hands up and down the length of it. I was on the verge of tears again. He had torn the last shreds of my dignity away. I was asking my tormentor to fuck me. I was no longer the victim of a rapist. Now I was just a slut begging to be fucked. He allowed me great liberties as I sat up and nuzzled his cock and balls with my face. My face became wet with my own juices that coated his cock. Finally I laid back and kept my legs apart for him, inviting him. I suffered from an intense case of penis envy, exactly as he had planned, no doubt.

He stopped smiling and just looked into my eyes again as he pushed back into me. He laid his head on my shoulder and rested himself on me. He wasn’t thrusting. For what seemed like many minutes, his hard cock just filled me motionlessly and I felt at piece for the first time since my loss. I dreaded when the time would come for him to pull it out. Finally, he started to work it around very slightly, in small circular motions. Little moans escaped my lips. My muscular arms were squeezing his frame, small in comparison to mine, pulling him against me, and trying to keep him deeply inside me.

He lifted up onto his elbows after a while and was thrusting harder. He was now breathing heavy through his mouth and I felt his hot breath on my face. Several times, he seemed close, but each time he stopped thrusting and got it back under control. He knew when I was close to climax. My teeth were clinched together and my pussy clamped down hard on his cock. I was trying to wait for him to be close again. I assumed he wanted us to finish together.

“Don’t hold back for me,” he said, “When you’re ready, go ahead.”

With that, he grabbed fistfuls of my hair and thrust his tongue into my mouth. I sucked it greedily as I came. Cum flowed in spurts around his cock inside me for what seemed like the longest orgasm I’ve ever had. When he was sure I was done, he stayed in me a little while longer and then drew out his glistening cock. It was soaked with my cum when he straddled my face and brought it up to my mouth. I gladly licked and sucked it clean. My head and shoulders were propped up on a pillow. He started fucking my face until his breathing picked up again. Then he kept just a few inches in my mouth as he stroked the base and fed me his own orgasm, which I swallowed greedily.

“Keep it in your mouth,” he said, “I’m not done. Get ready to swallow again.”

After a few moments, his cock gradually lost some of it’s rigidity and I felt a warm liquid flowing into my mouth. It was much thinner than the thick, bitter cum I had swallowed a moment before. My face shriveled up as I realized what he was doing, but I forced myself to swallow the foul stuff quickly. He was testing my obedience and I sensed that my reaction right now was crucial to what would happen next. It wasn’t quite as bad as I expected, but bitter and very salty.

I really didn’t mind that he had just filled my stomach with his piss. The only thing I cared about was staying in contact with this cock. It was the center of my world now. Let me hold it in my pussy, my hands, my mouth. Just don’t take it away from me.

“Turn over on your side.” He told me as he guided me with is hand. I faced away from him as he wrapped his arm around my chest and gently squeezed one of my large pectorals. He told me to lift my leg just a moment and placed his flaccid cock between my legs where I held it while we lay there for the longest time. After a while the hand on my chest began to play with my nipple very lightly until it hardened under his fingers. The cock between my legs stirred. I felt it trying to harden despite the pressure of my heavy legs squeezing it.

When I felt him pulling, I lifted enough for him to get it out. He guided me onto all fours again and began to fuck me again. But after a few minutes he pulled out and I felt him trying to push into my other hole. He wanted to fuck my ass now and he had just used my vagina to get it wet. I grunted from the pain but I didn’t dare deny him what he wanted. It had been a long time since I had been fucked like a man and I was now discovering how my vagina was so much better designed for fucking. There was so much more pain this way, though it was subsiding quickly. He persistently pushed into my stubborn insides and gradually began to lengthen his strokes as I was finally able to relax. It soon became clear that my prostate was still intact because he seemed to be rubbing against it making me drip with fluids once again.

“Rub your clit,” he whispered into my ear. “Stroke yourself off. Fuck yourself with your fingers.” I could see the pleasure in my face with the mirror on the back of the bed, and I could see from the captain’s face that he was as well enraptured with his task. He came inside me before I finished and left it softening in me as I brought myself to another climax.

We lay together for the longest time, looking up at ourselves in the mirror. I began to feel more comfortable with him. The hate I felt for him had subsided a bit, at least temporarily. I was sure it would come back after I had been left alone with my disfigurement for a while. I ventured a question.

“You could put it back, couldn’t you?”

“You aren’t supposed to speak.” He said casually and without any real anger. He seemed to be in contemplation.

“I bet you have it somewhere preserved. The doctor would want to keep it, I think. He might have some use for it. You could put it back. You can still fuck me like a man, like you just did. I’ll be good for you.”

“I like to fuck you both ways and I like your pussy better. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s gone.”

“How can you be sure? Are you sure the doctor didn’t keep it?”

I thought about how reluctant the doctor had been to perform the operation. Perhaps he had planned for the contingency that the captain would change his mind.

“I ate it.”

My mouth fell open. Only for a moment did I wonder if he was telling the truth. His face was expressionless. I could tell he wasn’t lying. I stared wide-eyed into the face of the man who had consumed me. My eyes wandered down his body toward his stomach. I imagined a large intact penis in his stomach. Of course it was an absurd thought. He wouldn’t have swallowed it whole and anyway it was certainly digested by now.

“Shortly after the operation, I took it to my room and ate it raw. It took a long time. It was tough, difficult to bite into, but I resisted the temptation to cut it up. I wanted it pure and unaltered.”

“Why?! How could you do such a thing?!”

“For virility.”

I remembered what a superstitious man he was. He refused to have women on board because they were bad luck, a belief that was eons old, from back when ships traveled the seas. He probably did think that consuming a man’s penis would somehow enhance his own masculinity, perhaps even give him some mystical power over the man it was taken from.

I couldn’t help the bizarre thoughts that began to go through my head. I imagined the proteins broken down and distributed throughout his body as I looked his naked body over. It was a part of him now. It was truly gone forever. If I was ever to be whole again, it would have to be some fabrication, or taken from someone else. It just wasn’t going to happen.

As my eyes wandered down his body I noticed something for the first time. It was very subtle. There was the slightest difference in coloration and skin texture between his cock and the area immediately surrounding it. He didn’t seem bothered when I wanted to examine his groin more closely. Perhaps he thought I was going down on him, but I was only looking. As I got closer and smoothed some of the pubic hair away, the line around his penis was clear. His testicles seemed to be his own, but the rest of his organ seemed to have been replaced.

“This is another man’s penis.” I said with astonishment. I knew it wasn’t mine. It was much larger.

“So what if it is.” He answered flatly.

“One of your captives had an enormous cock and you killed him and took it. These things make you feel stronger, more manly, don’t they?”

No response.

“You’re a very insecure man, aren’t you?” I should have known that would get a response. I would soon regret saying it.

He sprang up and jerked me up by my heavy collar.

“I said you are not to speak! The next time you speak out of line, your voice will be next to go! Do you doubt me?”

“No Sir. I’m sorry.”

“No you’re not, but you will be. Slave sleep!”

I woke gradually, as before. As my senses returned, I couldn’t tell if my eyesight was still recovering or if I was in darkness. I became aware of a presence filling my ass, and a much larger presence in my vagina. The dildos were held in by something like a pair of tight shorts, made of something thicker and tougher than the usual slave bikini. It seemed like leather. My wrist shackles were attached by chains to the headboard and I now seemed equipped with ankle shackles as well, because the range of motion of my feet was also incredibly limited. For hours I lay in the darkness, unable to change my spread-eagle position.

When the light came on, the captain and Daniel entered. Daniel stood next to my bed, naked, while the captain unlocked a small device on either side of my leather shorts, which allowed them to be unzipped at the sides and removed like a diaper. The moment had come. Daniel was going to see what he had done to me, and I hardly had time to decide how to feel about it. The shorts were quickly stripped away and I regretted that I was looking at Daniel’s face. His shock was evident. I saw his eyes glance very briefly down at my crotch as I was stripped, but just ever so briefly. Then I could see the moment when his mind registered the change and he looked back and stared. His jaw dropped a bit and his eyes widened. The captain hadn’t told him anything. The captain very slowly pulled an enormous black dildo from my new hole as Daniel watched enthralled. It clearly showed the capacity of my body cavity. Then the much smaller dildo was pulled from my ass and both implements were tossed to the floor. The captain gave a verbal command that released my ankle shackles from their chains and then gave the confused boy a shove so that his naked body fell upon mine.

“Enjoy him. I’ve had all I need of him today.”

And we were alone. Daniel didn’t get off me. He just changed positions so that he was facing me and put his arms around my back. His small weight comforted me but I couldn’t bare to face him. I stared blankly at the wall while he tried to look into my eyes. Gripping my chin gently, he forced me to look at him just as I did to him when he came back from his first day as a slave. I still avoided his gaze and kept my eyes down as my eyes watered up. There was no sound; just tears flowing down my cheeks.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“What?!” Now I was angry. “You know what’s wrong! You see what he did to me.”

“Yes, I know, but tell me what you’re feeling. That’s what matters.”

“I feel like a piece of meat. They may as well have implanted this thing in a wall. It would give them as much pleasure.” I suddenly realized I was speaking in plurals. Now Daniel must realize that the captain wasn’t the only one to abuse me.

“He ripped away my manhood, and now he taunts me about it. He takes pleasure in humiliating me.”

“What’s it like? Does it work? I mean, does it feel like a sexual organ or is it just a hole? Do you know if you can still feel pleasure there? Can you orgasm?”

“Yeah, I can.” I answered.

“So you have then. You must have. How else would you know?”

I was embarrassed. He had to wonder how I had discovered this. He would know the captain had brought me pleasure.

“Yeah, I have.”

“The captain?” he asked as if it was obvious.

“He uses it to humiliate me. I don’t want to feel it. I’d rather it hurt than feel good.”

“You keep talking about how he took something away, but that’s not how it is. He didn’t just cut your penis off. He changed you. You’re different now, but not less than you were. He replaced one sex organ with another.”

“You have no idea what I’m going through. Do you think you would cope any better had it been you?”

“I admit that I don’t know what you’re going through and I don’t know how I would react. I think it would be devastating, but would you still love me if he had done it to me?”

“Of course I would.”

“But would you still find me attractive? Would you still want to make love with me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then I think I could handle it. I think I’d get over it in time.”

“Do you love me, Daniel? Is that what you’re saying? Can you love me like this?” I asked.

“I’d never been with a man before I got captured. It never even occurred to me that I could. But I’ve been with women. I can deal with the situation just fine. The question is, can you? You have to deal with it. You have no choice. I already love you but you have to learn to love yourself all over again.”

With that he started fondling the new organ. He was playing with the clit and was just starting to push the tips of a couple of fingers into the opening.

“Stop Daniel! I’m not ready for this.”

“You have to deal with this. You can start right now with me, or you can wait and see what happens with that bastard and his flunkies.”

I stopped protesting as he began to gently probe deeper into me. I let the pleasure show in my face. I could see from the look on his face, that he was loosing himself in the act. His mouth held open just a slit while his breath took on the familiar pattern of inhaling slowly and then exhaling in short hard puffs. His breath warmed my face. He began to probe my mouth with his tongue in conjunction with the probing of his fingers as his cock hardened against my leg. I longed to feel his lithe body with my hands, but they were still chained to the headboard.

He began planting little kisses down my body as he moved his face closer to the hand that was fondling me. When I realized what he had in mind, I tried to clamp my legs together. It was all I could do to stop him. I couldn’t conceive of the idea that someone would want to do go down on me this way!

“Daniel, you don’t have to do that!”

He ignored me.

“It’s not going to be what you expect. It’s not going to taste like a woman. The fluids are male.”

He looked up and his face showed no reaction.

“I’ve tasted your cum before. Don’t you remember? Now relax. This time I’m the one that knows what I’m doing.”

He forcefully pried my legs apart and pushed his face into my crotch, nuzzling it. His light stubble scratched me as he buried his nose in the folds of skin. I wondered for a moment when he had been able to shave. Most of the slaves, except myself of course, had beards or were starting to grow beards. It seemed like he had shaved just recently.

He spent a while nibbling my clit and flicking at it lightly with the tip of his tongue. That alone would have made me cum but he was being careful to just tease me with it before continuing with the rest of his exploration. If he was disgusted by it, he was doing an incredible job of pretending because he seemed so enthusiastic.

He stopped for a moment to turn around so we were in a sixty-nine position and laid his cock on my face. I gulped it into my mouth and started sucking him. He had begun licking my clit more vigorously now and soon I was cumming. I could actually feel some of it squirting out of my hole against his lips. He lapped it up and dug his tongue into me to lick out the rest. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and turned back around to lie next to me and hold me.

“I want to make you cum too.” I told him, frustrated.

“No. Rest for while. I want to fuck you. Do you think you’ll be too sensitive?”

I just shook my head “no” and he laid his head against my chest and kept his arms wrapped around me.

“How did you shave?” I asked him.

“The captain let me use his restroom to get ready for you. Do you know he uses a straight razor? I was terrified I would cut myself. I’ve never used any kind of razor before. I didn’t think they even made them anymore. And have you thought about why he dresses like he does? I guess he’s just fascinated with the past.”

“I guess.”

I fell asleep in a little while until he woke me by getting out of bed. In a short while he was back, the light was off, and I felt his hard member pressing between my legs. He was running his hands over my chest and stomach, kissing and biting my neck, and then he whispered in my ear “Are you ready?”


He used his hand to guide his cock into me and for the first time since the change, it felt right. I felt the muscles inside me instinctively hugging him tightly. His cock seemed harder than usual, like he was really aroused. He stopped for a moment, leaving himself buried deep inside me while he reached for something. I felt the huge black dildo against my chest.

“This was inside you just a little while ago. Do you realize what an incredible thing your vagina is? My cock is tiny by comparison to this dildo, yet I’m fitting inside you perfectly. You’re squeezing me and it feels wonderful.”

“Don’t stop.” I demanded.

He tossed the thing aside. After we came together, he fell asleep on top of me, his cock slowly softening inside me. We were still locked together in that position when the light waked us. The captain was standing by the bed looking down his nose at us.

“So… You’re not as shocked by his deformity as I expected. You’re rested up now, Daniel. You can go back to your post in the hallway.”

Daniel pushed up, looking into my eyes and smiling. His cock had begun to harden a little inside me as soon as we woke, but he finally pulled out. He had been in me for hours.

“We’ll be together again soon.” He whispered.

“Get going! You’re done here!” ordered the captain.

It’s hard to tell exactly what happened. I thought I saw Daniel reach for something between the mattresses. The next thing I knew, he had the captain in a headlock with a straight razor to his throat. Oh my God, no. Daniel, this is futile. I was sure he would be killed now.

“Slave sleep!”

He was helpless with that collar on. There was a high-pitched sound accompanied by a bright red light in Daniel’s collar, but Daniel didn’t seem affected.

A trickle of blood stained the captain’s shirt. Daniel was putting enough pressure on the blade to make sure he was taken seriously.

“No thank you. I’m not tired. These collars have made you overconfident. Don’t say another word except for what I tell you or your voice box and your jugular won’t work any more. Now, we have a lot to do.”

After a few moments, I realized that Daniel wasn’t just fighting off the effects of the drug. He couldn’t have resisted for so long considering how quickly it had rendered me unconscious, and I was much larger than Daniel. Then I saw just a hint of a piece of flat metal underneath his collar and saw that the razor at the captain’s throat had a piece broken from the end. It blocked the needle.

It was hard to believe that I was finally free. It’s taken a while to sink in. I wake up sometimes thinking I’m still enslaved.

“Clean my boots.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Just the sound of the captain’s commanding voice causes my juices to flow. I squatted over one and rubbed my pussy up and down from the top to the toe. I could easily get off just from this if I wanted, but I stopped when it was thoroughly wet from my juices and smeared them in with my face. Then I licked every inch clean and did the same to the other boot. I looked up into my lover’s eyes for approval. He inspected them and seemed content. Precum makes an excellent boot shine. He scooted forward in his seat.

“Now clean my cock and balls.”

I opened his fly with my teeth and licked every inch of his genitals until the musky taste was gone. Then I sucked him until he was hard and he ordered me to climb onto his lap and ride him. My feet rested on either side of the chair as I squatted over and over, easily engulfing his large member with my sex. I came twice before he did. I’ve learned that my surgically enlarged glands make it possible to cum much more frequently. When we finished, I licked his cock clean and he sucked what he could out of my hole. Then I sat in his lap and we held each other. He was still dressed and I was naked, as usual. I looked into my new captain’s eyes.

“I’ll always love you, Daniel.”

He smiled. “You better. I intend to keep you forever. Now bring me your under belt.”

Some of the slaves died in the revolt, but the rest have been freed. Many of them decided to stay on board as employees and they unanimously voted Daniel as their new captain. It wasn’t a tough decision after he gave them their freedom. The only slaves we have on board now are the surviving members of the old crew. There just wasn’t much pity for them.

I brought him the device he had ordered made especially for me. It was a leather jock strap that locks into place. Only Daniel can unlock it. It has a dildo molded from his hard cock on the inside that fills me when I wear it. On the outside is a flaccid rubber penis that mimics my old one. It provides a bit of a bulge under my clothes, not that I really care anymore. It was partly to protect me from unwanted advances by other members of the crew. Most everyone knew about the captain’s unusual consort. But mostly it was just a turn on for Daniel and me. He liked the idea of keeping my parts locked away until he wanted them. The ingenious device even lets me piss like a man by redirecting the stream through the artificial penis, so I can wear it for days at a time if Daniel’s away.

I could have been changed back if I wanted. Daniel offered me the old captain’s dick when it was removed. We agreed that I would stay this way for a few months and let him enjoy me with the vagina, so we kept the captain’s cock preserved. But after a while, I just realized I had no desire. I like myself the way I am and so does Daniel. As a matter of fact, Daniel still thanks the old captain for changing me each time he passes him in the hall. The last I saw the old captain, he seemed resigned to his fate. He was chained to the wall in a busy intersection, completely devoid of hair including his head and his eyebrows, and he had one cock in his mouth, one in his ass, and one in his pussy.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Delandv

Gender Gap, Part 2

The captain had a beautifully furnished room. I was chained by my collar to the headboard on the captain’s bed and I quickly discovered a mirror facing down from above and another large mirror on the wall behind the bed. The bed had four posts and a canopy overhead. The above mirror was on the inside of the canopy. “How vain,” I thought. The guard then left without any comment or

Mutant XXX

Mutant XXX By Deland Vincent ( Note: This is a work of fiction and some artistic license is used in that the characters do not practice safe sex. When it comes to reality, the author is a strong believer in always practicing safe sex. A high kick from Jesse barely missed Brennan’s head. Brennan sprang back with a dodge that looked like a limbo move. He then returned a


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