Gay Erotic Stories

Working Stiff

by Don bellew
10 Dec 2004

Straight Men, Gay Sex

I was staying late one evening at the office, just hanging around to use our great system to surf the net. My home PC is okay, just slow. The boss is cool. He knows what I’m up to. I don’t get paid by the hour so he doesn’t care how long I stay. He actually benefits because I answer the phones and take messages until I leave, maybe eight o’clock on a good net night. When the crew of janitors show up, I usually sign off and get out of the way, but this one night I’ve got into a long “instant” conversation with a guy out in San Francisco and I stayed awhile as the guys swept and cleaned up around me. I noticed this one guy who kept hanging around my desk, watching over my shoulder. He’s okay looking, not intimidating. I felt a little creepy, wondering just how much of our short notes he’d read. When I looked at him he grinned, pointed at the screen. “You surfin’ the net, huh?” He was obviously shy about talking to me, glanced at the door to see if any of his co-workers were noticing. They’d all moved down the hall.

“Yeah, right. Just checking my e-mail, doing a little chat.” “I heard a lot about that stuff on TV. They always talking about porno and stuff; makes me wonder what’s it all about.” He laughed. “Guess I ought to buy me one of them computers, see what’s happening in the world. Just don’t know shit about ‘em. Makes me feel like a idiot, you know?” He stepped a little closer. I doubted he’d read much of my correspondence. He was just curious about the process, not interested in my friendship with the hairdresser in California.

“Porno? Yeah, probably more of it on the net than anything else. I hear the profits keep the net alive. It’s the biggest money maker in the industry.”

“No shit?” He scratched at his head, stood in a slouch and propped on his mop handle. He was prepared to stay awhile. “Must drive the Baptists crazy, huh? We had a little book store down the street but the church folks shut it down. Hell, I liked the place. The prices were too fucking high but I’d go in and look around. Bought some magazines and shit... They show everything on the computer? You know, like real triple x rated stuff? or just that cable TV kind of crap ...?”

Okay, I could see where this was going. He was a porno lover and he wanted me to show him something, right? He had a little nervous twitch in his cheek and his voice sounded tighter than it should. He was risking embarrassment by asking me about it. I got the feeling porno was very stimulating for him. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, not for a blue collar, working stiff. He’s got that white trash, rough trade look going for him. Bad haircut and poor posture, god awful clothes and shoes, you know. He had a slender, tight build and a cute crooked grin. If he had a better self image he’d be able to pick up all the real sex he could handle. Nice eyes, too, with pale lashes that showed up well against his tanned face.

I checked his basket, of course, but there was nothing to see. He wore baggy grey work pants that concealed everything. His hand flew down to check his zipper when he noticed the direction of my glance. Yeah, he was nervous. It was amusing. A straight guy asking me for a quick thrill! What a trip!

I shoved up my glasses. “Oh, it’s hard core, alright. Anything you want to see, they’ll sell you. They’ve got movies, video, magazines, any style and any color. What do you like? Leather and high heels ... or blonds with black men? Young girls or big tits? Cum shots and blow jobs? Anything you want, they got it!” This was kinda fun! Hell, I’d talk about sex with a straight man, anytime!

“You mean it? You get pictures of that stuff right on the screen?” One hand went into his big pocket. I hoped he was feeling of himself, getting turned on. He was almost begging for a peep at some hot shots! Now I’m slow on the uptake at times but I could see the erotic possibilities here immediately! I’m really into straight guys, you know? So my mind is churning a mile a minute and a plan of action starts to shape up.

“Right here on the screen. Pictures of lesbian dykes, transsexuals, butt-fucking, farm animals, you name it they got it. I wish I could show you right now, you’d really trip out!”

His eyes were big and his mouth hung open. Cute! The hand in his pocket was moving around and I didn’t hear any keys rattling! Disappointment slowly dawned on his face. “You can’t show me any of it?” His whine sounded like a kid.

“Hey, they have ways of tracking where I go on these computers. Don’t get me fired, okay? Anyway, you have to join these adult check clubs, with a credit card to prove you’re not a kid, and I have to enter my pass word from my home computer.” I was losing him; I could see him back off, mentally hanging up. “Shit, uh, let me do a quick search, see what I can find, okay? But we can’t stay on long. They’ll catch me.”

“Yeah? You can find something that fast?” He stepped closer, getting his hopes up.

“I think so. Long as we don’t have to enter, just free samples. Here’s the search engine ... what do I type in? What do you want to see?” His face was twitching again.

“I donno, naked ladies? Porno?” “That won’t do it. You got to say exactly what you want ... rim jobs?” I grinned. “Open pussies?” I dropped my voice to a whispery level. He leaned closer. “How about orgies--or big dildo fucking?”

“Maybe lesbians?” he whispered, too. “I like two girls together, you know?”

“Me too.” I entered, “cunt eating lesbos.” I heard his breath catch.

“Can you write that in?” he was amazed.

“I think we just did!” We giggled together like school boys. God, I loved this!

I made a selection from the sixty eight sites listed and the first choice got us a terrific picture of a blond licking a wide open wet pussy with a long page of ads and banners. My janitor buddy was knocked out! “Damn! Right there in living color!” He forgot to whisper, glanced around at the door. His crew had to be missing him. He turned back to stare at the screen. I clicked the picture, got a larger version. He licked his lips. While he stared, I sneaked a peek at his pants. Sure enough! The pocket pool game was in motion! He sighed, stood back, and watched the door... “Thanks, man! Shit. I got to go back to work or get my ass fired! Wish I could see some more, but ...”

“Hey! What time you get off? If you come by my apartment I could really show you some shit! I’ve got a couple of memberships; we could download some good stuff. I’ve even got some porno tapes, too. It’s Friday night, man! We’ll drink a few beers, sit up and watch fuck movies all night!”

“For real? Man, I’d love it! You’d do that? Let me come over? Hell, you don’t even know me!” He laughed. He liked the idea but thought it was odd I’d be that friendly--too friendly, maybe.

“Well, I was hoping you’d furnish the beer. I’m about broke... and you know, but forget it. It’s a crazy idea.” I grinned, tossed a hand dismissing the invitation.

“Yeah, I could buy the beer, sure.” That was the hook he needed. I was only hustling for a few free beers, right? No pervert motives. He warmed to the plan. “By the way, I’m Frankie Dolan ...?” He put out a hand. The same one he’d had in his pocket. I grabbed it. Shook it with enthusiasm but dropped it without making a big deal of it.

“I’m Don Bellew and I’ll drink any kind of beer long as it’s cold--the cheaper the better.”

He laughed. “My kind of friend! Where you live, Don?”

We made the arrangements quickly. I wrote down my address and my number. It felt almost like he was picking me up. “I guess I ought to go home and change first, huh?” He wondered aloud ... , “but I got a long drive, live way out in the county ...”

“Nawh, you’re fine. Who cares?”

“My pants are pretty dirty, I really should ...” he thought it over.

“Forget it. I’ll loan you some sweat pants or something.”

“Hey, all right! You a nice guy, Don! I’m sure glad I run into you!” It was a sudden burst of natural warmth. He made me feel terrific. I let it show. I slapped his shoulder, grinned like a kid.

“Glad to meet you, too. Don’t stand me up, okay? I’ll be looking for you!”

“Hell. I wouldn’t miss it. See ya later, man!”, and he rushed off with belated haste.

Two hours later I was pacing the living room floor. Would he show up? Why didn’t I get his number? Maybe he had to work late... no, I checked the time, he didn’t even get off until ten, fifteen minutes away... he’d need twenty minutes to find the apartment... Ten thirty at the latest, then I’d start to get depressed.

I hadn’t even changed. I grabbed a quick shower, shaved and put on a pair of flannel shorts I sometimes slept in. No, too obvious ... he’d get defensive. I added a tee shirt and white socks so I didn’t look so naked. Better. I’m hungry. Did I ever eat dinner? Hell no. I’d forgot all about it. Frankie would probably be hungry, too. I flicked on the TV and checked the fridge. I pulled out ham and some cheese, stood there with the mustard in my hand when he knocked.

“Hey, Frankie! Come on in. You found me okay?”

“Yeah, no sweat. Boss let me off a few minutes early and... you want to put these in the box?” He held out a grocery bag.

“Thanks ...Damn! It’s heavy! What’s this? A whole case?” I laughed.

“Yeah”, he grinned. “It is Friday night, right?”

“Right! Shit, I love Fridays! Man, you’ve made my weekend! Come on back... you get anything to eat? I was making a sandwich...”

“I’m starved, man. Is that ham? I wondered what the mustard was for. Cheese, too? All right! I should have got some chips.”

“On the counter behind you. You like wheat or white?” I held up the bread. He was a pretty cool guy, really. He made himself at home, was relaxed and mellow. I’m cynical about men and expect the worst, but this time got a nice surprise. Frankie seemed like an old buddy, some guy from my high school days. We both liked wheat bread--good. We both put chips on our sandwiches and laughed about it. Lots of mustard, it was fun to eat with somebody; I’d had too many meals alone and forgot how company improves the flavor of everything.

“Well, you ready for another one?” I opened the fridge.

“Yeah, please.” He turned up his bottle and finished off the last of his beer.

“You want another sandwich? There’s plenty left ...”

He looked at the ham with a sideways grin. “Yeah, I want but I better not. I been working out, doing some running. I’m trying to keep in shape.”

“Yeah? I thought so. You look like you’re in great shape. Well, baggy clothes and all but I thought your arms looked pumped.”

“Can you tell? Really?” He lifted his arm to flex the bicep. “I donno, seems like I’m wasting my time sometimes. I don’t get any bulk. I used to be kinda chubby. Just started working out since, uh, last summer? I cut back on eating to lose the belly but now I guess I need to bulk up if I want bigger muscle. I don’t know much about nutrition, that stuff.”

“You in a gym? I joined Ballard’s but I don’t go much. They have trainers who tell you what you ought to eat. You could go in with me. I’d enjoy going if I had somebody to go with. I don’t know anybody over there.”

“Yeah? That’d be cool. I’ve been thinking about joining somewhere, I didn’t know a good place. When you wanna go?” He was sold on the idea immediately.

“Tomorrow’s Saturday. How about we go early in the morning?” I’m thinking sleep over, you know? I held my breath.

“It’s a date!” He laughed. “Hell, we ain’t even finished our first date and we already set on the second. You work fast, man! We’ll be picking out china, next!”

It was funny, yeah. I laughed but he laughed real loud!

“Come on. This chair is hard on my butt. Let’s take it to the couch.” I got up and started putting stuff away and he joined right in, handing me food ... wiping off the table. He was at home in a kitchen. We got fresh brews and moved to the living room. He paused, looked down at his pants.

“See? That’s what I was talking about. I should’a went home to shower and change. I can’t sit on that couch Don, my pants are dirty as hell.”

“No problem, man. I’ll loan you something. You can take a shower if you want...”

“Yeah, that’s what I need! I must smell pretty rank.” He kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt, pulled the tails out of his belt. I wanted to stay and watch the strip act but figured it was a bad plan. I went looking for him some clothes.

When I got back he was standing in front of the TV, running through the channels. He had stripped down to a pair of white jockeys. “Hey, Frankie! You’re in great shape, dude! Wow. With you for an example, maybe I can get into this fitness stuff. I always want to but I lose the momentum. Shit. You look terrific!”

He liked the praise, preened under my flattery. He stood taller, sucked in his belly. “Not bad, huh?” He relaxed and laughed at himself. (Dammit, even his briefs were baggy!)

“Not bad at all! Here, can you wear this stuff?” I held up a pair of boxers and sweat pants and a black tee shirt. He took the underwear, waved off the sweats.

“Too hot. These will be great. Thanks. Cool shirt!” He held up the tee to look at the WFL logo. “I love wrestling, man! This is cool!”

But he showered with the door tightly closed! Well, hey. He’s straight, right? They have their limits. I liked this guy, I really did. Not every guy has to be a lover. I can have friends, right? I got my lap top and settled back on the couch. I signed on and checked out one of my favorite gay spots first... quickly! I didn’t need stimulation with Frankie around ... then I surfed a few straight sites, looking for the best I could show my new buddy. He came out drying his hair.

“Hope you don’t mind but I used some of your shampoo. Smells like peaches! Ain’t that a girl’s shampoo? Did your girlfriend leave it over here?”

“Uh ... not really. I’ll admit it. It’s mine. I’m crazy about peaches. I love the smell of it.” Okay, let him think I’m a little bit sissy, what’s the harm?

“Do you have a girl friend? I guess that’s what I was trying to ask ...” he flopped down beside me. It always comes down to this, right? It’s the straight guy’s polite way of asking if you’re gay--careful.

“No, not a steady. Do you?” He was looking at the screen in my lap. He maybe didn’t hear me.

“Mother Fucker! Now, that’s hardcore, ‘fer sure!” He stared at the picture of a girl sitting astride a huge black cock. She looked like a sweet teenaged prom queen except for the leather restraints cutting into her tits and the silver ring in one of her nipples...

“Well, it’s a little beyond our communities standards, huh?” I grinned at his wide eyed stare.

“Damn. She’s beautiful! Usually all you see in this stuff is hard looking old whores and dopers. That girl is like a model or something!”

“Yeah. I guess the pay is getting better and better. I’ve noticed the men and the girls are getting younger and better looking.” His eyes flickered to my face. He caught the slip. I should not say I’d noticed the guys, bad sign.

“Is this one of those membership places you told me about?”

“Yeah. It’s a photo gallery. Let me back out ... Here’s the list. Pick one of the little pictures and I’ll click on it and make it full screen.”

“That one.” He pointed to a pic of two girls together. It seemed to be a favorite theme of his. I clicked it.

“Woah! Look at that! Are those tits for real?” He leaned closer, his shoulder pressed on mine. “Go back to the list ..”, his voice got that tight, nervous sound,

“Hit that one!”

Another picture of two girls, this time kissing with open mouths, hands fondling each other. “Check out the size of that tit ring! That’s gotta hurt!”

“Maybe she likes pain. She’s got a nose ring, too,” I pointed out.

“Uhg, I don’t like nose rings or studs, either. They look stupid! Go back to the list.” “That one,” he chose a straight couple. The girl was sucking his cock. I blew it up.

“Mmm, good one! I think she’s done that before!” he grinned. We laughed.

“Go back, let’s see if there’s a wet shot of the finish.” Back to the list, no wet shot.

“Damn, he didn’t cum? I would have, in about a second!” He bumped my shoulder in emphasis. His hand was in his lap and it moved gently. I opened another picture, my choice this time. It was a close up of a cock penetrating an ass. The veins stood out in high relief and the grease glistened. Frankie didn’t turn away. “He’s gonna kill her, man! That thing is thick as a beer bottle! Look, he’s got one like this…” He put his own beer bottle down at his crotch like a big cock and used his other hand to stroke it. We laughed but I saw the big lump under the bottle. Frankie was turned on, big time!

I reached over and gripped the neck of his bottle... “Gee, Grandma, what a big sausage you’ve got!”

“All the better to feed you with, my dear!” Frankie growled in his big bad wolf voice. I pressed down on the bottle. He looked down and his laughter faded. I rubbed the bottle around in a tight circle. For a second or two he let it go on, and then he laughed again and pushed my hand away. “Get your own beer, man. I can handle mine!”

“Okay, okay.” I laughed it off. “I thought you was really gonna feed me for a minute!”

“There, click that one,” he let my comment pass.

We went on with the smut surf and I showed him how to navigate. I moved the laptop to his knees and the back of my hand managed to brush the hard ridge under his shorts. He ignored it. “You drive,” I told him, “I’ve got to take a leak.”

“Sure.” He went to it immediately. He hardly seemed to notice I’d touched his cock. Was he immune to the thought or just repressed as hell? I couldn’t figure him out.

I stood at the toilet waiting for my hard-on to droop so I could piss, then I thought about the momentary brush with his cock and my erection bounced up, interrupting the flow. I waited for it to go back down. Frankie pushed the bathroom door open. “Hurry up, man. I gotta piss, too! You whacking off or what?”

“Huh?” I looked around, startled, and laughed. “No. Just can’t pee while it’s hard. I was trying to get it to go down.”

“Shit! I can’t wait for mine to go down. I gotta go so bad it hurts! Can I piss in your shower? I’ll wash it down.”

“Yeah, sure. Go ahead.”

He slid the door back and let it rip. His stream of urine arched up and hit the back wall. He grinned at me over his shoulder. “Ain’t you ever done this before? When I got a hard-on I always piss in the shower. Come on, try it.” He moved to the side and left me a space. I stepped up beside him and let my piss hit the same place as his. I hadn’t peed with another guy since I was a kid. It was fun. He wasn’t shy about checking me out. He just plain looked at it. So I felt free to get a good look at his, too.

“God, Frankie! You’re big as that guy on the picture! I’ve never seen a white man with a cock that big! Damn!”

“You ain’t no shorty, yourself! I had you figured for a little nubbin; you got that shy kind of thing. But you got a real dick, that’s for sure.” He shook his off and pushed it back in his shorts, he didn’t button up. I finished, too, and he watched me while I stuffed it inside. “Now move and let me turn on the shower. Still can’t believe you never peed with a hard-on before.”

“Well, I don’t usually stay hard this long. I have sex or I jerk off. Tonight I think I’ve had a hard-on for an hour, at least.”

“I like to make it last a long time!” He turned off the water. “I like the feeling of being turned on, it’s like being high, keyed up, you know? Once you get a nut it’s all over. I try and keep the good feeling as long as I can.”

“That sounds like some Chinese shit. Zen sex or something,” I made a face.

He laughed, “Yeah, sort of like that, I guess. Cumming really feels fantastic when you wait a long time, you ought to try it.”

“Guess what?” I rubbed at my cock, “I think I’m trying it right now!”

“Yeah, you are, aren’t you?” He grinned. “And when you finally cum you gonna damn near pass out, I guarantee!”

“Are we going to cum, tonight?” I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“Well, shit! I sure as hell am!” He looked down at my crotch; “I think you will too” and he bumped my shoulder again, meaningfully. He gave me with a sly grin. My hopes floated towards the ceiling.

We got back to the couch he asked, “What about your videos? Give the computer a rest and let’s watch some action. How many you got?”, He laid back in his corner of the couch, one leg came up beside him so I couldn’t sit close.

“About a dozen. I just got LA Under Cover. It’s kind of new”, I pulled it out of the rack and plugged it in. I took my end of the couch and felt kinda lonely. The computer was better because we had to sit close.

He got back up, “Hey, you want another beer? I’m getting one... where’s the light switch in here?” He looked around the room.

“Beside the door,” he hit the switch on the way to the kitchen. Shit. Now I wouldn’t even be able to watch his reaction. Some light spilled in from the kitchen, not much. He came back with our beers and paused beside me while the credits were still rolling. His fly was split open and his cock standing straight up in the gap. Goddamn, it was all I could do not to grab it right in front of me. I took the beer and he moved back to his end of the couch.

“Thanks. You want a smoke?” I lit one and tossed the pack to the coffee table in front of me.

“Yeah. I quit but I sure miss ‘em.” He slid over beside me to reach the smokes and the lighter. Only the one ash tray so he stayed near me but his leg didn’t touch mine. We were both kinda leaning forward, to reach the ashtray. I brought it to the cushion between us so we could lean back. Better. I could see his fly, now. Let him watch the flick about call girls, I wanted to watch his crotch! I put my feet up on the table and slid down low. I could glance sideways and see pretty good. His shaft was peeping out the fly in the middle. I still had the remote in my hand. I reached over, “Here you go, replay or fast forward, whatever you want. I’ve seen it once,” and I laid it in his lap. This time my hand brushed naked cock and I moved very slowly! He didn’t flinch but his hand came down to take the remote, blocked my hand away almost like an accident. Then he giggled, glanced over at me... “Look but don’t touch, okay? I’m kinda sensitive--might shoot off all over your hand!”

“Hey, that’d be cool. I’d like to see you shoot.” I caressed his thigh.

“I ain’t ready yet. Ruin the movie, you know?” I sighed, stubbed out my cigarette and settled back to watch, tried to forget the building frustration. So I made a mistake. Frankie liked sex but not with me. I just needed to chill, enjoy his close proximity and forget about any possibility of mutual satisfaction. He wasn’t into it. No surprise, he was straight. I knew that all along.

As the movie progressed to a graphic orgy scene, Frankie made comments about the tits and the asses and the dullish acting. I didn’t respond. I was getting depressed, thinking I sure could pick the wrong guys! Why didn’t I just go find another gay man and get it on? Do I like frustration or what?

“Whoah. I’m getting hot!” Frankie growled. Then he leaned forward and stripped off the tee shirt. “You want to get naked? I don’t mind... I’d like it, you know? If you would, too.”

“Oh. More of your ‘Look But Don’t Touch game?’ Sure. Why not?” It came out more sarcastic than I meant it.

“What’s a matter? You pissed at me or what?” He sounded really concerned.

“Sorry, Frankie. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m not used to making it last like you. I guess I’m sort of impatient. Cut me some slack, okay?” I stood and stripped off my shorts and shirt. “Okay?”

He pushed his shorts down and kicked them off. “Hey. You went soft already? For real, what’s a matter?” He reached over and took a grip on my cock. Shook it in a friendly but causal way, dropped his hand. That’s all I needed, that touch. It went back up to max in about two seconds. He grinned. “Better?”

I laughed. “Hell, Yeah! Guess I was getting lonely over here. I like real sex better than pictures!”

“Yeah. Me too but we’re two guys, right? I’ll jerk off with you but I don’t go in for no gay stuff, you know?” His attention went back to the flick.

I watched for a while but my lust was getting the upper hand. Once he touched me it was like saying yes and no at the same time. Shit! What did the guy want, anyway? I watched him slow stroke his big boner. He used just his fingertips, teased himself. He closed his eyes and rocked his head back and forth. God, he was SO ready!

“Frankie ...” I murmured, quiet, “I want to suck your cock so bad. I want to make you cum in my mouth. I want to taste your hot balls and slide my tongue up your root, lick your ass, man! You don’t have to be gay; I’m gay enough for both of us. I could make you cum so good, man! It’d be just like one of those girls in the movie with the big tits. They love to suck cock, Frankie. They would suck you if they were here. Jeeze, it’s so fucking big! I wanna suck it... ”

He kept his eyes closed but his grip on his cock got tight and desperate; his hips began to rise off the couch. His voice came out in a low whisper ... “My cousin sucked me one time. He thought I was asleep and I just laid there and let him do me. It was too good to stop him. It was like a dream, I must have cum a quart. I never told him I was awake. I was afraid he’d think I was queer like him. I’m not really queer, Don, I’m not ... I just ...”

I put my hand on his hip, slid my fingers to his bush and teased the hairs ... his hand stopped it’s jerking and moved off his cock. He relaxed, laid back and was still. His breath came in short, tight gasps. I touched him, put a gentle fist around him. He slid down on the couch away from me, his head came to rest on the far arm and his legs came up onto the couch and parted for me. I leaned down between his thighs. I was afraid he would shoot it all too fast, like he warned, so I kept my lips away from his sensitive head. I kissed and licked the entire shaft, the heavy balls and got a hand down there to cup his ass and probe into the tight crevasse with a wet finger ... I wouldn’t stick it into him, just teased at his puckered hole.

His legs came wide apart ... A hot spot? I pressed at his hole in rhythmic pulses, put my lips over his cock and went down in a sudden and deep throat plunge. He jerked up off the couch, his pelvis slammed against my face and he moaned with fierce need. I backed off, went back to kissing the incredibly long shaft, using my tongue to slide up and down his length in time to the pulses I made on his ass, hard enough to stimulate his prostate. He began to writhe on the couch and one hand came down to grip my head, pull me to his cock. I crawled up between his legs and moved my lips higher to kiss his wet and slippery head. I tracked higher, to his navel, then to his chest and his nipples. He took it only a minute then both hands urged me back to his cock. I was high enough on him, now, to let my own hot cock bump against his balls. I was subtle, not insistent, but he didn’t cringe away. He just pushed my face down.

His feet lifted and went over my shoulders, his thighs got a vice grip on my cheeks. I took him in my lips, again and he moaned. I shoved forward and my cock slid under his balls to glide into the crack between his legs. When I felt my dick head press into his pucker I slammed my lips down, forcing his cock into my throat and he bucked against me. He gripped my face and would not let me back off. He fucked my mouth in hard jerks, his ass hole bouncing on my dick. When he came it must have been a painful release, he’d stayed hard for damn near two hours! His chest racked with coughs and he breathed in deep, ragged breaths. He still held me down, would not let me up until he began to relax.

I rose up, propped on my elbows, and watched his face smooth out from its harsh mask into a smiling and soft pile of dimples. “Mmmmmm,” he moaned.

“Nice. Verrrrry nice!”

“I thought you were sound asleep!” I laughed.

“Yeah, right!” he finally opened his eyes. “A fucking statue couldn’t sleep through that!” He grinned. He was content to lay still. He didn’t even try and get my still hard cock out from under his ass. He just smiled at my face and seemed content. “So maybe I’m a little bit queer, huh?”

“Not especially. You’re just normal, Frankie. I’ve had sex with enough straight men to know they don’t change. You still like women best. No big deal. Your balls won’t fall off or nothing.”

“But if a guy has sex with another guy then he’s queer, right?” He was confused.

“Hell no, man. Where’d you get that idea? If I fuck a woman will that make me straight? It didn’t! I’ve tried it.”

“No shit? Did you like it?” he raised up and I backed off. We sat together, side by side. He lit a smoke.

“Sure. I liked it. I got a nut and everything. But I’d still rather be with a man. I donno, it’s hotter, more exciting. I’m gay and that ain’t gonna change no matter what I do. Just like you gonna be straight no matter what you do with me or what you did with your cousin. If a girl walked in right now, you’d toss me aside like a used rubber!” I laughed.

“Shit. If a girl walked in right now I’d be embarrassed and tongue tied! I can’t talk to girls very good. Not good looking ones, anyway. Some ol’ cow, maybe. I never had a girl do me like you just did!” He sighed, grinned, gave me a sheepish sideways look. “I started out thinking about a girl but I knew it was you all the time. Anyway, I never had a girl stick a cock up against my ass!” He laughed. “Scared me at first but I knew I could trust you.”

I laughed, “I wondered if I could trust myself! One minute I though about shoving it inside! I wanted to nut so bad!” I glanced down at my boner, still standing at attention.

“You didn’t get off, did you?” He put his hand on me and slid the soft skin up and down. “Jerk it off. I want to watch you get it.”

“You doing a good job, keep it up ...” I leaned back away from him. He stopped and put out his cigarette, took a long swig of beer. I closed my eyes and waited. His hand came back cool from the bottle. He fondled me gently, cupped my balls. “I donno, Don. I never done another guy before... it feels funny.”

“It feels good. Just give what you can. You make me happy by just touching me.” I kept my eyes closed, gave him privacy. His grip got tighter and faster. I felt him lean over me and his breath was warm on my belly. He lay his head down on my hip just a few inches from his fist and kept up the pumping action. Then he slowed and sat up. Left me feeling chilled where he’d been. “Sorry, Don. I get squeamish. I can’t ... you know, suck it.” He laughed. “I’ll need a few more beers for that!”

I grinned. “Didn’t really expect you would, but thanks for thinking about it!” I sat up, tried to take the pressure off him. Go slow.

“You do it. Go on. I wanna see you shoot, really.” He was about semi hard, again. He was getting turned on. The movie was still playing but he was watching my cock.

“I don’t know if I can do it while you’re just watching. It makes me a little nervous. Can you hold my balls? Touch my legs? ...turn me on, I’m gay, remember? A man touches me and I’ll shoot big time!”

“Yeah, go ahead... close your eyes, again.”

I leaned back and tried to relax, to get into it...still felt like a sideshow but... his hands went up my thighs, slid down in between, under my balls. “Go ahead, get it!” He whispered. Fingers teased at my balls, stroked through the hair alongside my dick... I clenched harder, jerked faster ... “Get it, get it!”, he encouraged. One hand stayed to caress my balls and squeeze them, the other moved up to slide over my chest and pinch a nipple. That did it. I let go and my cock spewed long squirts of milky jizm up my belly and onto my chest. He was right. Waiting a long time had its effects. My balls were aching and my prostate throbbed with relief. Felt like a ten pound weight shifted around down there. I could breathe, again. I opened my eyes. He was grinning.

“That was pretty hot, man! I never seen a guy shoot off before, except in a movie, you know. It’s like I could feel it.” He chuckled. “Weird!” He gave my nipple another little twitch and sat up. “I’ll get you a towel.” We put our shorts back on and changed the channel to David Letterman. He got us fresh beers and I lit two smokes. “When did you get that from, about waiting a long time. Something you read?”

“Naw, not really. I donno, just been doing it all my life.” He gave me a grin, “Okay. My older brother used to scare me, alright? He said if I cum too much it would weaken my seed or something like that. Shit, I donno. But I used to tell myself I wouldn’t. I’d just play with it and everything but not shoot off, you know? Only, after a while I’d be squirming around in the bed and couldn’t go to sleep ’cause it was so hard and the pressure was so tight and then he’d tell me, shit! Just do it! Get it over with!”

“You slept with your brother?”

“Yeah, both of them ... one older, one younger, I’m in the middle, see?”

“Didn’t your older brother ever jerk off?”

“Not where I could see him, no way. I doubt he ever did it.”

“Oh, come on! Every guy does it. He must have!”

“I guess. But he never let nobody see, anyway. He said we was supposed to save our seeds, for when we got married. I just figured I’d never get married so what the hell? You know?” He laughed. “Guess I was right about that part!”

“Your younger brother? Didn’t he jerk off?”

“Aw, he was just a little kid, he couldn’t…do it, you know. He played with it, sure, but no seeds. He couldn’t cum.”

“But when he got older?”

“He went to a different foster home from me. Our mom died and Jim, my older brother? He went to Viet Nam and they put us in foster care. Ben got adopted but I didn’t. I lived with this old couple until I was seventeen, joined the Navy and they moved. I lost track of them.” He smoked quietly, his eyes glazed.


“Yeah.. huh?”

“Thanks, man. It was a great date!” I grinned. “Come on. We gotta get some sleep if we’re gonna work out tomorrow.”

“Yeah. What time’s it, anyway? How about you? You got brothers?”

“I’ve got brothers and sisters, too. I want you to meet them. I think you’ll like them. They’ll like you, too.... maybe not as much as I do!” I grabbed his dick and he laughed. “But they gonna like you just fine. Come on!” I stood and pulled on his arm.

“Wait... it ain’t that late. I got time for ’nother beer, don’t I?”

“You can bring one to bed with you. Get the smokes, too”

He stood up but pulled me back, “Hey, Don…we gonna sleep together, right?”

“Yeah. Is that alright?”

“Sure!” He hugged me, “sfine by me. I think I had enough, now…”

“Had enough beer?”

“Yeah, had enough so’s I can do I told you.” He pulled me this time." Come on, okay?”


More Gay Erotic Stories from Don bellew

Adventurous Marine

Adventurous Marine ... don bellew My cousin, James, he was a rounder. He was always chasing after some married woman or getting picked up for drunk and disorderly, some kind of trouble. He was a few years older than me and we never were close or nothing, just politely acknowledged our family connection and not that out in public. I guess I was an embarrassment to him, me being the butt of so

Anybody's Brother, Everybody's Son

Donnie D Bellew Charles got us another beer from the refrigerator. The light fixture over the table was one of those kinds that hang from a retractable cable. He pulled it low and threw most of the kitchen in darkness. When he sat down the light was harsh on his hands, showing up the ridged tendons and blue veins, the thin fingers and heavy knuckles. He tilted his chair back and rested his

As Sailors Sleep

As sailors sleep Bunk beds make strange sailboats yet I float and scut before the draft of your breath. As you lie sleeping, I hover above. Your watcher, your guardian spirit pinned in your sky. You sleep as if my weight were nothing, air about you granted worship. Fine striped blue ticking and tiny downy barbs are my cheek's lover not the tendoned tan hands I watch in repose,

Baby Blue Boxer Shorts

by Donnie D Bellew Something about Rayburn just seemed soft; he wasn’t sissy by any means, but he had that quality of easing past objections and ignoring jibes, you know? Like he didn’t really need disagreements--they made him nervous. He smiled a lot. He was easy company, anyway, and I usually paired off with him when the boss handed out job orders. If you got to work with a man all day then

Clear Cut

One thing I liked about Ralph, he never wore any underwear. His personality sure wasn’t star quality, he was no conversationalist at all but the sight of his heavy meat swinging loose inside thin blue cotton work pants kept me working near him day after day. He was one of those guys who seem completely comfortable with the world, you know? Never complained, never grumbled, just went about his

Cowboy Love

David was half way through his steak dinner, thinking it was likely the best food he’d had in a month, when he noticed the two cowboys at the next table. He was so entranced with the tender and savory meal he’d not even noticed them come in. They were not much older than him but they had the look of experienced wranglers. Kind of similar, both slim and browned from the sun, both faces deeply

Fake It Till You Make It

What? Twenty bucks?… just to see my dick? You shitting me?” “Here it is. I got it right here.” He watched the bill wave slowly. “Nawh, man. I can’t do it. Let me cut your grass or something. I gotta get some money, I owe this guy and he‘s pressing me, you know?” “Look at the yard. I cut the grass yesterday, Fred.” “Ain’t you got nothing else I can do?” I just grinned. “Yeah, I

Kitt and Cameron

donnie d bellew First day on the job and Kitt knew he wasn’t going to make it. When he signed up for the apprentice program he was only thinking about the money. Brick layers made more money than god! What he didn’t think about was the macho bullshit he’d have to put up with. Sure, he knew construction workers were gonna be homophobic and rude. He just didn’t realize how intimidating it

Marvin & Lonnie, Part 1

Lonnie knew Marvin was gay the first time he went into the yard next door to talk. He told the guy right off he was straight. They understood the lay-out. Lonnie must have known Marvin would eventually try something and Marvin had to know Lonnie would protest, right? Lonnie liked going over there. Marvin had a big screen and cable, the computer with internet access, the well stocked

Marvin & Lonnie, Part 2

Marvin came out of the hot shower even more depressed than before. He put on his flannel robe and decided to send Lonnie home. He just wanted to sleep off the headache. “Hey, I can’t take the noise, man. Cut it off, okay? I got to lie back down, my head is splitting!” Lonnie didn’t turn it off but he hit the mute. “Dallas just got a first down!” He announced. “I made you some coffee, it’s

Model 4

Model 4 ... donnie d bellew Jimmy is a fireman in Walker County, the next county west from Birmingham. Born and raised in a small town, did two years at a state junior college. History major and a Civil War buff. He’s twenty eight, married seven years, two kids. He’s six foot, one, a hundred and eighty three pounds of lean, lanky country boy. He told me on the phone he didn’t have a long

More or Less ... Part 1

At first Robert was reluctant to work for me. He always had another job when I called. I kept trying to hire him for a couple of reasons. First, he was the only man in our neighborhood that did lawn work on a full time basis, and you couldn’t depend on the high school boys to do a good job or to show up when they promised. But the main reason I wanted him doing my yard was because he looked so

More or Less ... Part 2

I shaved, dressed and put five twenties in an envelope. I drove to his house and pulled in behind his truck. His mother was a tiny woman, with a very put upon expression, a whiner. “He’s asleep! He’s out all night runnin' around with that rough crowd. I can’t do nothin’with him! You need him to work?” “No mam, that’s okay. Just give him this. I didn’t have the money for him the last couple of

Motel Six Morning

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Playing Around

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Red Neckin'

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Reluctant Charlie, Part 1

My all time favorite reluctant lover was Charlie. He was a macho type but not too harsh; just butch enough to get my attention and cute enough to hold it. He was a body and fender man at an auto shop on my mail route. He was temporarily staying at his dad’s house just a couple of blocks from the garage. He was thirty five when we met, an ex-army special forces, parachute jumper, lean and mean

Reluctant Charlie, Part 2

I followed him to the kitchen. He set the bottle on the counter with a loud rattle, almost empty, hand not quite steady. “Get the beer … I’m gonna … uh,” he unsnapped his jeans and shoved them down, “gonna show youse da devil…” He turned half away, pushed his jockeys down off one side of his ass. “See?” he looked over his shoulder, awkward and silly. “Where?” I brought the beers over beside

Silent Life

I’m afraid this ain’t much of a story. It happened too fast, too sudden to develop a long story. I was staying up late one night, with my Uncle Matt. We’d watched the late movie and it was after midnight, the rest of the house was real quiet, everybody asleep. When he hit the remote, shut down the TV, the room went dark, no lamp on … Uncle Matt just kept sitting there. Hey, I was in no

Some Like It Cool

Some Like It Cool ... donnie d bellew It’s Monday and I’ve decided today my favorite flavor is white trash. I may not remember tomorrow so I’m writing it down today. Other times it’s been black street punks and sometimes blond teenage boys (eighteen and over, yeah-right) ... much earlier it was gray fatherly men with shameful pink secrets or tanned pin-up guys with black tank top pecs

Split Seams

“Hi, Craig. How’s it hanging?” “I’m cool.” He shrugged, shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back on the gate to watch me wash the truck. I went on with my chore. Craig wasn’t the kind of guy to expect me to stop for him. He lived down the street and dropped by most anytime of day. We weren’t even good friends, just casual neighbors with nobody else around to talk to, hang out with.

Stonegate Ledgers 1

I think the year was twenty-five, I know the month was June with summer quickly burning off the downy spring. Dates grow encrusted and obscure but I hold clear a vision of saturated days, long and fever hot. I was at an interim of life, a milestone mark I wouldn’t soon erase. I’d never been away from home, the fall and college cast a looming shade. I clenched to this, my last toy summer, with the

Stonegate Ledgers 2

When I pulled up to the next spot, Ryan was standing by his upright post and taking a leak with his back turned towards me. I let the truck roll forward, squeaked to a halt just past him. When I got out, in front, he didn’t turn away. “Did you see the storm coming?” I pointed back down the road and he turned his head in that direction. “Aye, been watching ‘em. They moving slow.”

Straight Roommate, Part 1

We had a small yard but the temperature was in the high nineties and the humidity was thick enough to float a steel ball six feet off the ground so Warren was sweating like Niagara Falls. He made the last pass and pushed the mower up by the steps, peeled off his tee shirt and climbed up on the deck with a massive sigh. “You should have let me help. I told you it was too hot …” He waved his

Straight Roommate, Part 2

By late Saturday afternoon I was completely burnt out in Rich’s household accessories. Sometimes shopping just isn’t enough? I also picked up a couple of phone numbers, a clerk and a guy in the parking lot who looked really butch but friendly? So I called it a good day and went home. Warren was asleep on the couch while Wild Kingdom featured the life cycle of a green moth, fascinating stuff.

Straight to a Point

donnie d bellew ........ Tommy stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel just as he heard the front door open and quickly slam shut. “John? That you?” He called. “Well, yeah. Who else would it be, man?” His room mate came into the hall and stripped his tee shirt over his head. “It’s that kid next door, Kevin? He’s been over here twice already since I got home. He wants you to

The Album

With three trunks and several cardboard boxes full of papers, books and junk all smelling of whisky, mildew and pipe tobacco, it’s no surprise that it took me a month to discover the album. Uncle Harold had carefully packed up everything Granddad kept in his room and shipped it to me. I was his sole heir. Uncle Harold wasn’t really my uncle, just a long time resident in Granddad’s house.

The Baptist

I noticed him down at the end of the bar. He glanced up at me but didn’t smile so I didn’t try to talk to him right away. Still, we were both sailors, the only uniforms left in the place. Wouldn’t seem too odd if I spoke to him, would it? It was getting late and I guessed Tod wasn’t coming back. Several patrons seemed to leave at the same time and I looked around, wondered what time the place

The Far Edge of Friendship

I don’t generally announce my sexual tastes to just anybody I meet. I try and keep my private life private. Macall was just inquisitive as hell, though. He started in as soon as we began working together and wouldn’t quit. I kept avoiding his leading questions about who I dated and why I wasn’t married, etc. I actually told him it was none of his business, but that didn’t seem to make much of an

The Grand Obsession

The Grand Obsession ... don bellew It goes like this: He looks okay, not too damn defensive or nervous. He keeps watching your eyes, trying to tell if he reads you right. He’s not sure. You look right at his crotch, again, smile. Now he’s certain and he either grins or he gets the fuck away from you fast as he can. If he takes off then you keep looking, right? So he grins or he laughs … he’s a

Tiger Club Prank

When two guys from the Tiger Club sat down beside him in the library, Darren immediately began gathering up his books and notes. Common instinct for self preservation told him these guys had no good intensions towards him or anybody else. The Tiger Club was the top of campus hierarchy and nerds were down in the nether regions, dregs of the college social order. Darren very carefully avoided

Too Drunk To Go Home

When the poker game broke up Wallace was still sitting there, leaned over his fists. I thought he was about to cry or something. "He's wrecked, drunk as a skunk!" Somebody muttered. "That damn scotch, he was okay with the beer. Never should have started with the scotch ..." "Don't let him try and drive home, Donnie ... make him sleep it off." He roused up about the time everybody

Weak In The Knees

Weak in the knees ........... don bellew It had been cloudy all day, a dull silver sky that was growing dark in late afternoon. July it usually stayed light until nine but here it was only six-thirty and I was yawning. Too quiet, I guess. Quiet was the very reason I’d moved out to the country when I retired. I wanted to get out of the city and away from the sight of constant people.

Working Stiff

I was staying late one evening at the office, just hanging around to use our great system to surf the net. My home PC is okay, just slow. The boss is cool. He knows what I’m up to. I don’t get paid by the hour so he doesn’t care how long I stay. He actually benefits because I answer the phones and take messages until I leave, maybe eight o’clock on a good net night. When the crew of janitors

Writer's Camp

Writer’s Camp ... by Donnie D Bellew He wasn’t spectacular. Not even pretty, just an average face with an interesting ... uh, aura? persona? How do you label it? He was on the large size, not his hips but his long bones. He’d need a double x large sweater just to cover his wrists. Belt too high, shirt too plain for him to be gay. He didn’t have the look, either. Maybe that’s what drew my


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