Gay Erotic Stories

Boss Rags

09 Apr 2014

Black and Beautiful Mature Older/younger

Boss Rags

I will begin with my first experience with an older man. I grew, through the years to appreciate the way older men physically feel, the way they smell after rigorous labor, their natural, unsoaped, unperfumed animal body odor. More importantly the way a man tastes after sucking my dick or eating my ass.

As a native Chicago youth, I was a shy, scrawny, kid with pop bottle bottom glasses, a wild imagination and even wilder curiosity. I was a loner, who sometime would explore the back alleys and passages where men, particularly older men would hang out fixing cars, smoking cigars, discarded cigarettes and drink wine, beer or anything to get drunk. Afterward they'd talk loud and long about the old days, famous boxers, other athletes and the women they'd had or wanted. I'd noticed this one older man; the kids would tease and called him Boss Rags. He was a massive, husky, hairy black giant. His real name was Charles. He'd do odd jobs around the neighborhood. He'd gotten the name Boss Rags because people would give him old clothes that didn’t quite fit and were often oddly colored. I noticed him on my way to school in the spring of 1968; he was working with a building demolition crew. The crew of men were scavenging whole bricks from a downed building and stacking them in neat chimney-like piles. The crew was a mixture of men, young and old, mostly black with a few white laborers. I was mesmerized by Boss Rags and his massive body.

My parents had hired him to do a few choirs and fed him during the winter. I was told to keep my distance from him, because he drank. They relaxed their concerns when during a break period from unclogging frozen pipes; he threw snowballs and laughed with some neighborhood friends and me.

He seemed to drop out of sight until that spring day in 1968. He looked up that morning and saw me looking his way; he waved his huge gloved hand, smiled and said "hey” in that booming voice of his. Other neighborhood kids were around, laughing and teasing the other workers, but I knew he had especially noticed me. I smiled, yelled "mornin’" back and kept walking, a little faster. I was excited, scared and completely consumed by the vision of him. I didn't know why this over six feet, husky alley bum made my heart beat faster, uncontrollably, my dick became hard as a brick.

All day I was distracted. I couldn't wait until lunch to get back down to the site to see him. The bell for lunch finally rang and I raced out of school. I went directly to the demo site, my eyes searched only for him. The crew had all scattered for lunch to various bars, cafeterias and lunch trucks. I was heartbroken when I didn't see him. My classmates had caught up to me and started asking why I'd left school so fast. I mumbled something (I don't remember what) and said I'd see them later. They persisted and wanted to know where I was having lunch. I said, "Home, see ‘ya later," they insisted on walking with me. I had to ditch them, I wanted Boss Rags all to myself, I'd never felt like this about anyone before and I wanted to figure this out without schoolmates or anyone around.

All I wanted to do was to find out where Charles was and to see him. His ripped t-shirt, dirty brown corduroy pants with a piece of rope tied as a belt around him, his "nasty" thick, unkempt mustache around meaty lips, his wild, partially combed hair and matted body hair showing over the top and through the holes of his dirty, once white sweat soaked t-shirt.

I finally made my move, I ran up the stairs of my building. Finally I was rid of my classmates and ran past my second floor apartment, and then triple stair leapt up to the third floor to Mrs. Helen's apartment. She had left me in charge of feeding her dog while she was visiting her sister in Mississippi. I frantically pulled out her key and opened the apartment door then raced to the front window to see if the kids had gone. They had, I ran back and closed and locked the door, raced to the kitchen, grabbed a can of dog food, open it, unbolted the backdoor, greeted Truffles, petted her and unloaded the dog food in her dish, checked her water dish, tossed the can for a perfect basket into the trash, closed the backdoor, launched myself over the fence and ran down the back stairs to the alley where I could begin my search for Charles.

I had thirty minutes for lunch, getting away from the kids and feeding the dog left me ten minutes, according to Mrs. Helen's wall clock, to search and get back to school before the bell. The closest diners were on Oak Street, one near Orleans, the other near Wells Street, I was in the alley between the diners. I was about to choose the closest, when I heard a familiar laugh; above the screeching traffic, kids laughing and playing, over the roar of the el trains, within a crowd of men, I heard his laugh. My heart exploded.

My eyes fell to the sight of his gigantic frame, covered by a dirty ripped t-shirt. My guess was he'd gone to the bar and grill on the corner of Franklin and Oak streets. I began to run across the street directly in his path, all I could see was his monstrous body and dirty sweat soaked t-shirt covering part of his coarse hairy belly. I was about to say hello as the school bell rang. I looked directly at Charles and said "hi". I then noticed his fly was opened and pointed. The other men had noticed my pointing and joked "guess the kid knows what he wants." I was mortified! I turned and began walking hurriedly toward school, returning my gaze to Charles's face. He laughed and zipped his pants and said to my tormentor, "So does ‘yo ole' lady" and he winked at me.

I was late getting to class; the nun was not pleased and decided to keep me after school to make up the time. I didn't care, I had a protector. At 5:00 I was released and told not to be late for class again. I agreed to my mortal sin, bade her forgiveness and gathered my books and bolted the classroom, still thinking about Charles' wink. He was my protector. I walked over to the demo site and noticed the men were gone; I hurried home and was questioned about why I was so late getting home. I lied and said I'd gone to the library and lost track of the time. I changed from my school clothes, washed for supper and ate. Everything seemed so slow, I couldn't eat fast enough, clear the dishes and empty the garbage fast enough. I wasn't sure how I would, but I was determined to see Charles again, that night. I asked to go out and was told to be in by 10.

My first thought was that Charles would be in one of the nearby taverns. It was Friday, pay day and taverns seemed to be where everyone went to cash their pay checks, watch baseball games, drink and play the jukebox. Judy's Lounge on Franklin and Walton streets was my first check point; I saw a few of his demo crew buddies and my tormentor watching the White Sox game as I passed the opened door of the lounge. I stood for a moment thinking maybe Charles went to the toilet, but he never appeared. So I walked over to Wells Street to Mrs. Rose's store and bought some Jolly Rancher wine candy and strode north on Wells. It was getting dark and everyone seemed to be on the street, everyone but Charles. I walked up to Oak and Wells and decided to walk east to LaSalle Street. I noticed in the alley behind the old Zenith factory, someone leaning on the electric pole, with their back to the street.

I began to walk slowly down the alley, I saw a stream of piss hitting the wall of the factory. As I got closer, the figure next to the pole stepped back and staggered over to the dock and sat down. It was Charles! A bit drunk, but still my protector. He looked up and smiled and said, "Hi, what are you doing over here?" I was so enraptured by the sight of him; I couldn't come up with an answer and just kept walking closer to him. Standing less than a foot from him I finally mumbled something about "just walking." I had to repeat it because he didn't hear me the first time. I looked down and noticed his cock was still hanging out of his pants. It was soft and still dribbling piss. His dick was the first and largest I'd ever seen and was almost the size of a sixteen ounce pop bottle, only thicker. I was excited and scared at the sight of this massive man seated before me. I was close enough to get a full view and get a whiff of this working man's scent and day dreamed about what he might look like naked. I was swooning.

He'd been talking to me and I was so wrapped up in day dreaming that I'd only heard him say, "...out the alley..." And then he asked, "You okay? Cars come fast thu'ere, you betta get ou' th' alley 'fore you get run over."

Still in a fog at the sight of the man as he stood I said, "Your pants are opened and your thing is out." The words flew out of my mouth without a thought. I kept my eyes focused on Charles' cock.

He smiled saying his dick needed a little air. His massive body turned and his foot rose to go up the cement steps of the loading dock. He stopped and looked down at me saying, "It’s about time for me to lay down and get some rest."

I asked, "Do you live here?"

He said, "Sometimes.

“Can I see?" I asked.

"Yeah; why not? Follow me and watch where ‘ya step, there's a lotta broken glass and shit in here."

My heart was racing, I couldn't seem to force my feet to move fast enough up the cement stairs. He bent down and grabbed a piece of cord and raised the tinny, steel dock door, held it up for me and lowered it after I passed underneath. It was pitch black inside the factory, it felt much cooler and smelled dank and of machines.

Charles told me to hold on to his back pants pocket. I did and my hand slid down his back pocket, there was no inside pocket, he wasn't wearing underwear and I felt his skin with the back of my hand. We carefully weaved through the main floor of the old factory. We went up a ramp and some stairs to the third floor where there were several offices. The street lights came on and reflected through the dirty glass windows. Still following Charles, he led me to the door of an office with a glass partition which read, “EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR” in fancy script; he opened the door and said loudly, "Honey, I'm home!" Then he laughed.

Inside the office I saw a mattress in the middle of the room, on a darkly carpeted floor and a pile of clothes, half empty Bulldog 50/50 wine bottles, some newspapers, magazines and a couple of large jars of Ultra-Sheen hair oil. There was also an old overstuffed, high-backed executive chair with a hole in the seat, at the far corner. Charles told me to stay put and don't go too close to the window because someone might see me, he'd be right back. I said okay and walked toward the window, staying just far away that I could see out but no one could see me. My heart hadn't stopped racing, the smell of this office was like the gym locker room, but danker and more like the way sweaty, hard working men smelled. I called out to Charles and told him I had to pee. He yelled back to come into the next room where he was, I nearly ran. I entered the room illuminated by the streetlight below, I could barely see, my eyes hadn't become adjusted to the darkness of the room. I figured out this room was the executive bathroom and vandals had ripped down the partitions, broke the windows, urinals and toilet bowls. I heard Charles' muttering, and then I saw the outline of Charles, his pants down around his ankles, squatting over a hole in the floor. I unzipped and began to piss with my back to him. There was piece of old mirror and I could see Charles's massive outline in its reflection. This massive man looked like a line-backer in a set position before a play. It was quiet enough I could hear his breathing and eventually a grunt which produced a loud fart and softer plop sound. I finished pissing and turned around and saw Charles wiping with some newspaper, he then pulled up his pants and held them with one hand as he gradually stood in a full standing position. What a giant!

He walked over to me, bent down, reached out and nuzzled my dick and said, "Now yo' pants are open and yo' thang is out." We laughed, my cock was still dripping, his massive hand engulfed it and gently rubbed it, and then he licked his fingers. I was amazed and shocked, I stood frozen unsure of what to do next, his pants were open, only tuffs of hair were showing. He turned me toward the door of the bathroom with his free, freshly piss licked hand, by my shoulder and guided me back to his "home". This giant man led me back to the carpeted office and released his pants, letting them drop to the floor, while pulling up his t-shirt. He must be Hercules! I thought. "Get yo' shit off" he said, somewhat muffled by the shirt. He said it not in a mean way, but firmly, I knew he meant business. His chest and body was encased in coarse, nappy hair. I'd never seen any man, giant or otherwise naked before. I was about to unbutton my pants when I saw his body from the side, he turned toward me as his shirt cleared his face, I was transfixed! He was huge! I was being paid attention to by this giant! My mind and heart were racing. Charles was talking to me, yanking me from dreamland. "...get that shit off, yu he'r me?"

I unsnapped my pants, pulled the zipper down and began to finish unbuttoning my shirt, all with fingers that seemed too clumsy and slow to be so small. Charles bent over and undid his boot laces, then walked over to the mattress with his pants down around his ankles and flopped down and began to remove his work boots. I just put my glasses on the window seal, finally taking off my shirt, pulling down my pants and underwear, kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks, carefully placing my clothes in a neat pile on a Herald American newspaper on the carpet. I was now naked in front of this giant man. I carefully walked over to the side of the mattress opposite Charles who struggled a bit with his left boot. Eventually he pulled and his foot was released. Charles said, "Go ahead and lay down." The mattress had a couple of old sheets spread across it and a large pillow near the head of the mattress. I knelt down and climbed up the mattress toward the pillow and lay on my back looking at this massive husky black giant's back. He'd just shook out his socks and tossed them over his boots then he rolled onto the mattress, on his side, facing me and began to gently caress my legs and chest. I nearly jumped out of my skin! My heart was beating loud enough to drown out the ambulance siren approaching Henrotin Hospital across the street. He then put his other arm under my back and pulled me toward him and gradually, this giant rolled on top of me and put his lips on mine, his mustache smelled like cheap wine, he put his tongue in my mouth, I objected at first, then he growled, "Open yo mouth."

I did, still very startled and wondered what was next. He was heavy, but not unbearable, I didn't mind his body heat, the way his giant frame seemed to wrap around me then absorb me. His massive body started to gyrate and pump, he reached down and repositioned his big dick between my legs, just under my balls near my ass crack, all while kissing me, sticking his tongue in my mouth and rubbing his tongue to mine. He was heavy and still a little drunk, so he drooled as he kissed me, so rather than swallow his spit, I'd turn my head and spit his drool out, and he in turn would kiss my neck and tongue my ears, then resume putting his tongue in my mouth.

He smelled like sweat, cheap wine and something I couldn't easily place. He rose up and looked at my face, then kissed and bit my nipples, not hard, but with accurate, pin prick bites on the nipples, one at a time. He shifted and lowered his massive body, then put my cock in his mouth and sucked and licked it. It was the first time I'd ever had anyone do that and I didn't want him to stop. I held his head, trying to guide his every stroke; he then licked my balls and gently went below my balls to my ass crack. He lifted my legs, bending me like a pretzel and stuck his tongue around and eventually inside my asshole. I heard myself moan. He'd tongue my ass, and then cough as though clearing his throat, then plunged his spit-filled tongue in my asshole. He shifted again, my eyes were closed in anticipation of more of his tongue, and he stuck one of his huge fingers in my ass. It surprised me and hurt; I tightened my ass and began to squirm. He held me by lying down between my legs and said, "Shut up bitch! You're gawn b' mines t'night!" he growled.

I looked at him, at first in shock, then his features softened and he relaxed his weight on me. He then rose up and repositioned himself on top of me and forced his tongue in my mouth. Then he began to grind his massive dick between my ass cheeks. He raised his body and gradually brought his massive black dick to my face. "Suck ma' dick." He ordered. I put my tongue on his dick head and began to timidly lick, he reached down and grabbed the back of my head and roared, "Open yo mouth and suck th's dick!" I opened my mouth wider, at the angle my head was held didn’t help matters, his dick head was too fat to fit in my mouth. He persisted and he managed to get the massive head in, but scraped against a sharp tooth and quickly retreated. I began licking his retreating cock, then pubic hair around his massive cock, then to tongue massage his balls. I licked and sniffed this giant's balls; I could feel stirring in my own balls, my dick was so hard it hurt. His moans rumbled through his body like trains in a subway. His massive body shook, I had raised my arms and felt his coarse body hair and smelled his manly scent. All the while licking and sucking his balls and drowning my mouth in his pubic hair. His cock was hard and the shape of a sixteen ounce Nehi pop bottle, its head the size of a black plum. My tongue began to ache; my face was soaked with sweat and my own spit from licking the giant's balls. Charles began to shift backwards, pulling away. I looked up to Charles' face and he at mine, he rolled over and laid down on top of me, still looking at me, wrapped his massive arms around me and pressed his lips to mine. This time, I put my tongue in his mouth, found his tongue with mine and coaxed it into my mouth, where I sucked on it. He rolled over still kissing and hugging me till I was on top of him. I wanted him to be on top of me and unsuccessfully tried to roll him on top of me. He relaxed his hug and I rose up and looked at the giant man beneath me. He raised his arms and locked his hands under his head and smiled. I scooted down and nibbled on his nipples, then I felt his dick between my ass cheeks, I began to rub his dick with my ass moving back and forth. His hand caressed my head, his dick head was atop my ass hole and poked the opening to go in, but my asshole wasn't as wet and slippery as it had been. I began to lick his armpit, all that hair, his sweat intensified my senses. Charles moaned as I devoured his giant left armpit. Then his hand guided my head to the other armpit. I ate it like I was starving. Anything to hear this giant's moan, do anything to feel his body vibrate and sway, anything to feel his body and cock rub against me.

He lifted my head away, pulled me up to his lips and put his tongue in my mouth; I swallowed and sucked on his tongue. I forced my tongue in his mouth this time and he sucked on it. He rolled me over on my back and lay on top of me. This time positioning his dick between my spread legs, under my balls and between my ass cheeks. He moaned and started to grind his cock near, around and over my asshole. He rose up his massive body and scooped up my legs putting them on his massive chest. He started rubbing his dick near and on top of my asshole. He leaned over and grabbed one of the jars of hair grease and put the open jar on his dickhead and twisted the jar back and forth, only half of his dick head would fit. The tip of his dick had a large glop of grease; he then put two large fingers in the jar to get more grease and rubbed it down the shaft of his throbbing dick and pulsing with each heartbeat. I could only watch and wondered why he was doing this; I liked watching him do it. He then put down the jar, rubbing the remainder on his hair, then reached over and picked up a bottle and drank from it and offered some to me. I resisted, he said, "G’on and take some,” I accepted the bottle and took mouthful. I swallowed it, forgetting to breath. It was though I'd swallowed gasoline, I choked, coughed and then my mouth and throat began to burn. L couldn't see his expression through my tears, but he sounded soft and worried. I gradually made the okay sign and finished coughing. He then raised me up and gave me a few open handed blows to the back. My breath came back to me and I lay back down. Charles slowly shifted his body to again suck my dick, before too long, my eyes were closed and this giant's massive hands, tongue and body were massaging my body. His massive features were now illuminated by street light, and once again he began to stroke his enormous cock. He repositioned himself again, again raising my legs to his chest. His dick now looked as massive as he was, he gradually put the head of his dick on top of my asshole. He slowly pushed his dick head against my tight asshole. The tip of the head of his dick began to enter, I tightened and it slipped out. He tried again, this time using his finger and tried to open my ass that way. His large finger hurt, I squirmed and winced in pain. He stopped his probing finger and pulled it out saying, "Sshh." He lowered my legs and sucked my dick to calm me, then my balls, and then he ate my asshole. I started getting hard, and he went back to my dick. He stopped sucking my dick and reached for the wine bottle saying, "Take s'mo." I wasn't too anxious to relive the earlier thing. He drank some, then pulled me up and clumsily guided the bottle to my mouth. In order to keep from spilling it, I took the bottle, held it then slowly raised it to my lips.

He reached over for the hair oil and greased his dick up again. I took a drink, this time I anticipated the burning liquid and took a careful breath before I sipped. Then he said to take another, I did taking a larger gulp and began to feel warm and relaxed, I took still another drink and lay down. I handed Charles the bottle, he took a large gulp and raised my legs, bending them back so my knees were on my chest. He leaned down and rubbed his greased dick and aimed his cock, I felt its massive head on my asshole. I was feeling woozy, but could feel the pressure of my asshole being opened. He got some of the head in and I thought I heard a pop, and then felt a shooting pain.

I squirmed, yelped and tried to pull away. He pulled out a bit, lowering my legs to his sides and repositioned himself so he could wrap his arms around me and laid his massive, coarse hairy body on me and deep tongue kissed me until he felt me relax. After letting me calm down he began to grind his greasy dick between my legs and ass cheeks. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and sucked my tongue; I had hardly noticed he'd repositioned his dick directly on my asshole. He put his greasy dick head in me muffling my protests and wrapped his arms around me in such a way he would push more of his big dick into me as he deep kissed and got deeper dick penetration.

He began to pump more of his thick dick in me, despite my pushing and squirming to get away, he was getting it all in me. This massive, black giant was forcing me to submit to his will. His thick meaty lips, his moustache, his gyrating body, plowing tongue, his eyes first partially opened, and now closed in lustful bliss. He began to breathe hard and say, "U’ mine," and "Give me that ass baby! Give me that boy pussy, bitch!" I could feel his dick in my stomach, his massive dick was ripping me apart, but the man doing it was kissing and squeezing me with a passion I couldn't and didn't want to stop. His pumping dick in my ass and his hairy body rubbing and crushing my dick made me feel alive, it felt like I wanted to explode, but more intense.

His pumping increased, his breathing more shallow, his body had absorbed mine. His massive body was rubbing my dick, his body gyrated his big dick in me faster and faster, deeper and deeper, I could smell his sweat, a man's scent I'd always remember. I felt his body becoming mine; my shit was being churned out of me with each thrust. The combinations of smells, being kissed, hugged and fucked by this giant man, excited me. He was plowing my ass, while deep kissing me. I could feel his dick jerking inside me. His massive, hairy body was soaking us both in sweat. He rammed it deep inside me, we were one, his tongue and mine, drool, spit and sweat became one. He was breathing heavier and fucking me deeper, widening my asshole.

I wanted this man to fuck me, kiss me, and make love to me. His dick jerked, it felt like he was pissing inside of me. He deep kissed me and rammed his massive meat in me, grunted, broke our lip bond and growled, "Oh fuck baby!" again filling me with his erupting, jerking cock. I pulled his head back toward my wet face kissed his lips then plowed my tongue into his as he continued to fuck and shoot inside my asshole. I had never felt like this, I wanted this sweaty giant man this way forever, it felt like my balls were on fire, the smell of being fucked, his smell, and his mammoth black dick inside me, being fucked, hugged and kissed deeply by this hairy behemoth. My mind grew savage, my body tightened as I mentally opened my soul for more of his dick, the smells of men...fucking.

I came for the first time!


More Gay Erotic Stories from GREEN

Boss Rags

Boss Rags I will begin with my first experience with an older man. I grew, through the years to appreciate the way older men physically feel, the way they smell after rigorous labor, their natural, unsoaped, unperfumed animal body odor. More importantly the way a man tastes after sucking my dick or eating my ass.As a native Chicago youth, I was a shy, scrawny, kid with pop bottle bottom

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