Gay Erotic Stories

Purgatory Games, Part 1

by MarkJames
04 May 2005

Interracial Leather HOT Action Men In Prison Older/younger S/M

Inside the cell, on the top bunk, a heart shaped box of pink mints lay on the naked stained mattress. A note next to the box said, “Be my girl”. The guard looked from the note to Kyle’s pretty face. Kyle knew he was in trouble.

“Welcome to Purgatory, boy,” the guard said with a smile fit for Hells’ gatekeeper. He slammed the heavy cell door, leaving Kyle to the cruel hands of the twisted God who ruled this place.

Democracy raged across the globe in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and North Korea. The warriors who did battle on baseball diamonds, footballs fields and basketball courts were gone, overseas waging war for a Democratic Utopia. With police forces across the country depleted by war, the Department of Homeland Security desperately needed a new flavor of electronic heroin to soothe the jaded masses.

Back in 2025, the Monastic Reform Law blasted through Washington and came down on prisons like the devil’s hammer, bringing prisoners to God in a rough way. Purgatory was the first prison to offer redemption under the new Monastic Reform Law. Soon, the public redemption and punishment of prisoners became a spectacle, second only to the Roman Coliseum.

The public couldn’t get enough of televised whippings of unrepentant prisoners. Prisoner gladiator games, the newest concept in reality television, became the biggest money maker since boxing in Las Vegas. Now, years later, every prison in the country brought cutthroats, thieves and reluctant soldiers to God on live television, the ultimate electronic heroin high.

Kyle slumped down onto the bottom bunk. The bedding under his arm slipped to the floor. He sat with his head in his hands, letting his dark brown hair fall across his face like a curtain. Behind his closed eyes he saw the Call to Service card that had turned up in his mailbox two weeks ago, one day after his nineteenth birthday. Kyle’s mad dash to the Mexican border was a nightmare of days without sleep and hitching rides on dark highways from men who demanded payment from Kyle on his knees.

Kyle’s capture came in the middle of the night. The border patrol swooped down on him, grabbing him up into the metal jaws of the Unpatriotic Actions Law. When he refused to sign his service papers, they said they’d give him a year to think it over. After his year in Purgatory, they’d be back with their papers. If Kyle refused to sign again, he’d get five more years.

At nineteen, Kyle was the hottest piece of ass in Purgatory. Slavery might be over on the outside, but here in Purgatory, pretty boys like Kyle were handed out to gladiators like first prize trophies. The Father Confessor who ran Purgatory had assigned Kyle to JT’s cell, as a reward for JT winning the Statewide Gladiator Games.

On the outside, Kyle used his slender body and sweet boyish looks to get what he wanted. One look into Kyle's sultry brown eyes and men understood the promise of pleasure his soft pink lips offered. Before this nightmare started, he wouldn’t be with men who liked fucking ass. Now, Kyle looked around glumly at the dark red brick walls of the narrow cell. He knew his days of sucking cock and saying no to more were over. One look at JT, and everyone knew his bitches took it up the ass. Hard. Loud footsteps and harsh voices echoed in the narrow hallway. The gladiators were coming back from training in the yard. Kyle steeled himself, and tried to get ready to meet the man who now owned him.

JT slid the heavy cell door back with a bang and walked into the small cell. His dark chocolate skin glistened in the light of the single bulb that hung overhead. His bare chest and arms rippled with hard, sleek muscle. Sweat beaded on the flat toughness of his sculpted belly. A dark tattoo of a screaming skull rippled and writhed on the bulging bicep of his right arm. When JT turned and looked at Kyle, there was a dark hunger in his black eyes that made Kyle shiver inside.

“Hey boy,” JT said in a deep voice that rumbled with bass. He slid the red bandana off his head and rubbed sweat from his bald head. “What’s up?”

Kyle wasn’t sure if he should answer. The hardness in JT’s eyes made Kyle feel like he was thinking about doing something cruel. Something that would make him scream. To avoid saying anything, Kyle shrugged and reached down to get his bedding. But JT stopped him, leaning his six foot three inch frame on the top bunk.

“You’re even prettier than I thought,” JT said quietly, looking down into Kyle's light brown eyes.

Kyle looked at the swelling bulge between JT’s spread legs and pressed himself further back on the small bed. JT reached out to stroke Kyle’s cheek, but the boy flinched as though he’d been slapped.

“Take it easy baby,” JT said with a low laugh. “I ain’t gonna hurt you. You’re gonna suck my dick and I’m gonna fuck you. But you ain’t in no danger with me.”

Kyle tried to hide the fear that jolted his heart. No one had ever taken his ass. JT seemed to read his thoughts.

“You still a virgin, boy?” JT let his eyes crawl greedily over Kyle's slender body. When Kyle turned brilliant red and didn’t answer, JT chuckled a soft, low sound that sent chills down Kyle’s spine. “I got you a present.” JT offered Kyle the box of candy from the top bunk, looking down at him with hard eyes that promised no mercy.

Kyle knew what it would mean if he refused the box of pink, heart shaped candies. An image of Jimmy’s face, battered and bruised, rose in his mind. Kyle took the pink box from JT’s big hand, nearly snatching it in his haste to accept the gift.

“You’ll do alright with me,” JT said quietly, seeing how Kyle’s hand trembled when he took the candy.

JT grabbed the boy’s slender arm, pulling him off the bed. “Come here baby,” JT said softly, wrapping Kyle in a steel embrace. JT ran his calloused fingers slowly along the softness of Kyle’s mouth, looking at the way his pink lips came together in a pout. “These lips feel good wrapped around a man’s cock?” JT stared into Kyle’s soft brown eyes, unbothered by the fear he saw in the boy. JT pushed Kyle gently, sending him reeling into the corner between the bunk bed and the wall.

A picture of Jimmy’s face rose in Kyle’s mind again, in grim detail. He spun and faced the wall, spreading his legs, his ass out. Better to let JT have his way without a fight. A heavy hand fell on Kyle’s shoulder. He tensed, squeezing his eyes shut, promising himself he wouldn’t scream when JT’s cock tore into his ass.

“Damn baby,” JT’s deep voice said behind Kyle. He sounded slightly amused. “I ain’t gonna do you like that. Turn around. Get on your knees for me like a good girl.”

Kyle turned and faced JT, slipping to his knees. He looked up at the big black man standing over him, his legs spread. JT’s bulging crotch was inches from Kyle's lips. His cock looked big enough to ream Kyle’s ass with just one stroke. “I’ll do what you want,” Kyle blurted. He looked up into JT’s eyes, pleading. “Just don’t make it bad for me, please?”

JT’s black eyes were twin pools of dark hunger, like an animal on the prowl. “I like my bitch to blow me after I train in the yard. I get relaxed like that,” JT said, ignoring Kyle’s plea. JT had unzipped his jeans and was reaching in to take out his dick when a voice stopped him.

“JT, we got to talk,” a man’s low voice said at the cell door.

“Fuck that,” JT said without turning around. “I’m trying out my new girl.”

“It’s important,” the other man said, “about the game next week.”

“It better be important,” JT said, zipping his pants, keeping his dark eyes on Kyle. JT stroked Kyle’s cheek, and pursed his lips in a silent kiss. “Later baby,” he said, and turned away, disappearing through the cell door.

Kyle sprang to his feet the moment JT left and went to the cell bars. JT stood at the far end of the tier, talking to another man. For a wild moment, Kyle thought of escape. But to where? Nobody fucked with a gladiator. He got his bedding from the floor and started putting sheets on his bunk, thinking of the coming night.

After dinner, Kyle trudged back to his cell; sure that JT was there, waiting to ream his ass. He was relieved to find his cell empty. Kyle lay on the top bunk, thinking about JT. Before he realized it, Kyle was thinking of how it felt to be on his knees, with JT’s hard body towering over him. Kyle's cock surged at the memory of JT's dark, sleek body pressed close, and his unzipped jeans inches from Kyle’s lips.

The breathy sound of men fucking came from the next cell, echoing down the narrow tier. Kyle closed his eyes and imagined himself on his knees between JT’s legs, letting the harsh sound of the men screwing become the sound of JT while Kyle sucked him off. Kyle undid his jeans, took his hard cock in his fist, and was about to jack off when a low voice said, “I don’t like my girls doing that when I ain’t around.”

Kyle sat bolt upright at the sound of JT’s voice. He shoved his cock back inside his jeans, a flush of embarrassment rising to his face. JT walked into the cell and leaned against the top bunk.

“Were you thinking about my cock in your mouth or up your ass?” JT caressed Kyle’s hot face softly. The lights out warning buzzer saved Kyle from answering; just after JT walked into the cell, a guard came down the tier, locking cell doors and doing last head count. A few minutes later, a loud buzz signaled final lights out, and near total darkness fell.

“Come here baby,” JT said. “You take care of my cock every night after lights out.” Kyle slipped from the bunk bed and knelt in front of JT, anxious to show him that he would have him without a fight. The last thing Kyle wanted was for JT to get angry. “No,” JT said quietly. Kyle looked up at him; fear bright in his eyes, afraid he’d done something wrong. “Over there, in the corner,” JT said. “I know you bitches don’t like nobody seeing you with a man. Guards can’t see you there.”

Kyle got up and wedged himself into the shadowy privacy of the corner between the bed and wall. A dim ray of light fell across Kyle’s face in the darkness. JT caressed Kyle's face, feeling how he trembled. “You scared of me?” Kyle nodded, knowing he couldn’t hide it. “You suck my cock and get fucked like a good girl, and ain’t nothing gonna happen to you.”

Kyle knew he should have kept quiet about Jimmy, but he couldn’t. Jimmy had been JT’s boy until two days ago, when he’d been shipped to the hospital, with his right arm broken in three places and his jaw shattered from a bad beating. Kyle had seen them taking him. His face had been swollen like a water balloon, both eyes blackened and purple.

“What about Jimmy?” Kyle said quietly. “He wouldn’t be a good girl,” JT said softly. “But you ain’t like him. You’ll be a good bitch for me, won’t you?” Kyle nodded, looking up into JT’s glittering eyes in the darkness. “Good. Then I won’t have hurt you like that,” JT said, unzipping his jeans. JT unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down his hips. He stood with his legs spread, his thick cock jutting straight up, and well past his navel. “You gonna suck my cock like a good girl?” JT said, stroking his hard meat.

Kyle nodded, nearly mesmerized by the sight of JT’s fat cock. “Get to it bitch.” JT pulled Kyle by the hair and forced the boy’s face into his crotch. “Show me how good those lips feel on a man’s dick.”

Kyle closed his eyes a moment to steady himself, then he started at the base of JT’s impossibly thick cock, licking around his low hanging balls. Kyle ran his slick tongue up and around JT's hairy balls, taking his time, letting his whole tongue slide along JT's nuts. Then Kyle slid his tongue down the length of JT’s cock, feeling how the hard flesh was veined, nearly all the way out to the thick head.

“I been thinking about your hot mouth all day,” JT said, pressing his crotch into Kyle’s face. Kyle let his tongue linger on the head of JT’s cock, circling the thick head slowly, before sliding his hot tongue all the way back down to his heavy balls. “Oh yeah bitch. Open your fucking mouth. Suck my cock,” JT said. He leaned on his powerful arms against the wall.

Kyle opened his mouth wide and JT slid into the pretty boy’s hot mouth, feeding him his thick ten inch cock, moaning softly. The sight of his dark chocolate cock sliding between the boy’s pretty pink lips drove JT crazy. JT slid his cock deep down Kyle’s throat on every stroke, nearly gagging him, then he held himself inside Kyle's mouth, enjoying the way the boy’s gag reflex made his throat massage the head of his cock.

“I can’t wait to try that virgin ass,” JT said, fucking slowly in and out of Kyle’s mouth. He took the boy’s pretty face in his hands, feeling the softness of his cheeks, watching how Kyle’s pink lips stretched tight against his dark, thick cock.

“You look so fucking hot baby, on your knees with my fat black cock stretching your pretty lips,” JT said. JT tossed his head back and pumped his hips in a slightly circular motion, speeding up as his throbbing cock came close to exploding in Kyle’s mouth.

“Get ready to swallow my cum, bitch,” JT said, driving his hips into Kyle’s face.

Kyle struggled to take JT’s cock deep down his throat, gagging, feeling how his own hard cock strained at his jeans. Choking on a man’s cock drove Kyle crazy. He ached to take JT’s load down his throat. Kyle grabbed JT’s cock near the base. When JT didn’t slap him or make him stop, Kyle started jacking him off, tightening his fist around JT's slick, throbbing cock rhythmically.

“Oh fuck, yeah,” JT said, pushing his cock into Kyle’s grabbing hand. JT wrapped his fingers into Kyle’s hair and held him still while he fucked his face. “Oh yeah bitch,” JT said, breathing hard. “You fucking suck bitch. Take it. Take my fucking load.” JT slapped Kyle's hand away and pumped Kyle’s mouth harder, choking him on nearly every stroke, breathing hard, moaning deep in his throat. JT jammed his throbbing cock down Kyle's throat again and again, hard and fast, until finally he crammed his dick deep down Kyle’s throat, groaning in pleasure. His cock exploded and sent hot come shooting down Kyle's throat.

“Swallow it,” JT said, looking down at Kyle with hard eyes. Kyle swallowed, working his throat, looking up at JT. “Good, bitch,” JT said. “I make my girls swallow. Or I beat their ass.” He wiped the corners of Kyle’s lips where cum had leaked from his mouth and slid his fingers into the boy’s mouth, forcing Kyle to lick and suck until his fingers were clean. “How you like sucking my dick, boy?” JT said, zipping his jeans.

Kyle shrugged, unable to make himself meet JT’s eyes boring down into him. Kyle's need to suck cock and be a bitch for a man like JT always embarrassed him. “Don’t be acting like you didn’t like it, boy. I know a cock sucking bitch when I see one. Come here,” he said, pulling Kyle to his feet. He was more careful this time, so Kyle didn’t feel like his arm was ripping out of its socket. “Turn around,” JT said.

Kyle faced the wall and JT pressed real close to him and reached around to cup Kyle's bulging crotch. “Damn,” JT said. He massaged Kyle’s dick through his jeans. “Look how fucking hard you are, bitch.” Kyle moaned softly. He was aching to cum. “Take your jeans off,” JT said.

Kyle slid his jeans down his slender hips, shaking loose of them almost immediately. Now he stood with just his shirt on and his jockey shorts with an embarrassing bulge in them. JT unbuttoned Kyle's shirt from behind, while he kissed his neck softly.

“I’m gonna give you a taste of what little bitches like you need,” JT whispered into Kyle’s ear. He slipped the boy’s briefs down and slid the shirt from Kyle’s slim body, passing his hands gently over Kyle’s tight round ass. “You got a pretty ass boy,” JT whispered into Kyle's ear. “Soon I’m gonna put you on all fours and fuck this tight little bitch hole.” JT ran his rough hands slowly over Kyle’s smooth chest, paying special attention to the boy’s nipples, ignoring the way Kyle trembled in his arms. “Start jacking off,” JT whispered into Kyle’s ear.

JT’s promise to fuck his ass terrified Kyle, but he was desperate to shoot his load after the way JT had fucked his mouth. Kyle grabbed his cock and started jacking off. “Not so fast bitch, enjoy it, go slow.” JT put his big hand over Kyle’s to show him the slow rhythm he wanted him to use. “I only make bitches out of men who want it up the ass,” JT said into Kyle’s ear. “But you don’t want it up your ass, right?”

JT lubed two fingers with Vaseline and held them up so Kyle could see. “I ain’t gonna hurt you. Don’t do nothing stupid like trying to fight me,” JT said. Slowly, JT pressed one lubed finger to Kyle’s ass. The boy tensed immediately. “Relax bitch or I’ll make you get my cock hard again. You want me to ream this virgin ass?”

“Sorry JT,” Kyle said in a low, scared voice.

“Keep working your cock,” JT said.

Kyle tried to relax as he felt a long finger press slowly into him. JT kissed the side of Kyle’s neck softly, while he worked his finger into Kyle's ass gently. The feel of something inside his tight ass was new to Kyle. It felt good. His hand sped up on his hard cock, but JT slapped Kyle's bare ass, hard. “Slower,” JT said. “You better not come ‘til I let you, boy.” Kyle slowed down, even though his cock throbbed crazily in his slick fist. “You ain’t no bitch. You don’t want it up the ass, right?” JT whispered into Kyle’s ear.

JT felt Kyle’s tight hole open to him and he slid all the way in. Slowly he started easing another finger into Kyle’s tight ass while Kyle worked his cock in the slow rhythm JT had given him. When both fingers were inside him, JT leaned close to Kyle and said, “I’m gonna fuck this hot little ass with my fingers. If you don’t come like a moaning bitch after I finger your ass, I’ll give you back. I won’t do nothing to you.”

Slowly JT worked his fingers in and out of Kyle’s ass, matching the slow rhythm of him jacking off. At first, Kyle held himself still against JT’s long fingers, tightening his ass. But his ass loosened up and JT worked deeper into his tight hole with every stroke, until finally his long fingers massaged Kyle’s prostrate.

“Oh fuck,” Kyle said, pressing back into JT’s fingers, moaning softly.

“Yeah boy, that’s it. Show me how much you hate taking it up the ass. Show me you ain’t no bitch.”

JT wrapped his muscled arm around Kyle’s waist and pulled the boy close, keeping his fingers deep inside Kyle's ass. Then he slapped Kyle’s hand away. JT grabbed the boy’s cock in his strong hand and started jacking him off in a slow rhythm that made Kyle writhe in his grip.

“You liking it up your ass, bitch?”

“It feels so fucking good,” Kyle said, moaning.

“Yeah, that’s right. Look how hard your cock with my fingers up your ass.” JT slid his fingers slowly in and out of Kyle’s ass, matching the rhythm of his hand on the boy’s cock. “Only a bitch likes it up the ass. Ain’t that right boy?”

Kyle rocked his hips, caught between the double pleasure of JT’s fingers up his ass, and his strong hand on his cock. “Yeah,” Kyle said, breathing hard.

“Say it,” JT said, sliding his fingers in and out of Kyle’s ass real slow. “Tell me.” He kissed the side of Kyle’s neck, licking up and down his soft pink skin. “Tell me how you’re gonna be my bitch and take it up the ass,” JT said. Kyle moaned in helpless pleasure. “You want me to stop boy, and handcuff you and make you sleep like this?”

“No,” Kyle said. “Please. Don’t stop.”

“You know what you got to say boy,” JT said.

“I’m your bitch,” Kyle said, pushing his ass back to meet JT’s fingers.

“I’ll be your girl JT. Let me come, please,” Kyle begged.

“Oh yeah, I’m gonna let you come just like a bitch, on your knees.” JT pulled his fingers out of Kyle’s ass, and spun him around. Kyle looked up at him in confusion, his hard throbbing cock jutting up between his legs. “Down,” JT said. “I’m gonna watch you jack off on your knees, while you tell me what a bitch you are.”

Kyle slipped to his knees, grabbed his throbbing cock and started jacking off again, moaning and panting softly. “Look at me boy,” JT said, standing over him. Kyle met his dark eyes. “You’re my bitch now,” JT said, while Kyle jacked off on his knees. He slapped Kyle's face lightly. “You understand?”

“Yeah,” Kyle said, sliding his fist up and down his hard cock.

JT grabbed Kyle’s chin so he could look down into the boy’s eyes. He loved seeing the need and shame in Kyle's eyes. “You’re gonna suck my cock and get fucked up the ass. How come?” JT said. Kyle tried to turn away from him, but JT slapped his face again, harder. “How come you’re gonna suck my cock and take it up the ass?” JT said.

Kyle was panting and moaning, looking up into JT’s hard, merciless eyes. “ ‘Cause I’m a bitch,” Kyle said. A moan of pleasure escaped him.

“Please JT,” Kyle begged. “Please.”

“Yeah, cum on your knees like a bitch. I wanna hear you say it. Tell me you’re my bitch, over and over, ‘til you shoot.”

“I’m your bitch,” Kyle said.

JT watched Kyle jacking off wildly. Nothing made JT hotter than forcing a man to make a bitch of himself for him. “Louder,” JT said, giving Kyle’s face a rough shake. “Don’t piss me off.”

“I’m your bitch JT,” Kyle said, loud enough for it to echo in the small cell.

“Keep saying it ‘til you cum,” JT said, holding Kyle’s face and looking straight down into his eyes. Kyle slid his fist up and down his slick cock madly, panting and moaning, saying over and over that he was JT’s bitch.

“Yeah boy, come on,” JT said, when he saw Kyle was close. “Shoot your cum on your knees for me.” Kyle tried to throw his head back, but JT held his face, looking down into Kyle’s eyes. A final groan of ecstasy escaped Kyle and he exploded all over his hand. “Lick it off your hand,” JT said, standing back.

JT watched Kyle lick the sticky mess from his hand, enjoying the way the boy’s face flushed with shame, thinking about what he’d done. When Kyle had licked the last of his come from his fingers, JT turned his back on him and got into his bunk. “Go to sleep,” he told Kyle. “I’m busting your cherry tomorrow night.”

He heard the boy climb into the top bunk. JT fell asleep to the soft sound of Kyle crying in the dark.


Kyle sat next to JT at the table in the drafty stone room that was the prison cafeteria. Voices echoed all around them, bouncing off the high ceilings. Morning sun streamed through high windows, glinting off the dull steel of the tables bolted to the floor. All the men at the table had the lean, cruel look of men who’d spent a long time in prison. Their hard bodies, bristling with muscle, spoke of a hunger for violence that gave them the look of predators on the prowl. They were all gladiators. If they weren’t in prison, they’d be rich from all the money they made for Purgatory.

“Hey JT, heard you enjoyed your new bitch last night,” Terence said. Terence, a black man with thick arms ridged with muscle, sat across the table from JT. He looked at Kyle and ran his tongue across his lips.

“Yeah,” Tyrone said. He sat across from JT next to Terence. He looked like he spent his life pumping iron. Even his face looked angular with muscle. “I’m your bitch, JT. I’m your bitch,” Tyrone said in a high falsetto, pumping his hips on his chair. Kyle dropped his eyes to his plate of oatmeal, his face turning a brilliant scarlet. The whole table of black men laughed.

“Look at that bitch,” Calvin said. “He’s turning all red and shit. What’s wrong boy, you didn’t like JT’s fat cock pumping your faggot mouth?”

JT glanced over at Kyle beside him, taking in the boy’s red face and the way his light brown eyes were bright with unshed tears under his long lashes. “Leave him alone,” JT said quietly.

“Come on man, tell us,” Terence said. “Did you fuck the bitch? He got a tight ass?”

“Nah, he didn’t fuck her,” Tyrone said. “Ain’t nobody heard no screaming.”

The men into laughter again; to Kyle they sounded like hyenas fighting over a fresh kill. He fought back tears. It would just make things worse. “I said, leave him alone,” JT said in an even quieter voice. Kyle looked up at JT, surprised at the anger in his low voice. He loved the way mood at the table changed. The other men suddenly looked scared. Kyle was glad.

“Hey man,” Tyrone said, “he’s just a bitch. What the fuck do you care?”

The table fell silent. All eyes turned to JT. “You know what your problem is Tyrone?” JT said.

“What?” Tyrone said, loud and cocky. “Bitches can’t get enough of my dick?”

“No,” JT said, looking at Tyrone mildly. “You’re too stupid to know when to shut your fucking mouth.”

Tyrone opened his mouth to say something else, but Calvin said, “Leave it alone Ty; shut up.”

“Stay away from my bitch,” JT said, looking Tyrone in the eye. “I let it go last time ‘cause I owed you. Don’t start no shit with me!”

“Come on, JT, forget it, alright?” Terence said.

After that, Kyle ate his oatmeal in the new, uneasy silence at the table. In a little while, the men started talking about the coming games on television. Soon the ugly sound of a buzzer filled the stone room, and all the men filed out to their work details. Kyle hurried out, nearly pushing past JT and the other men.

“Looks like your new bitch ain’t saying bye,” he heard Tyrone say. Kyle pushed his way through the men, heading for his job at the library.

“Hey boy,” Kyle heard JT saying behind him. But Kyle kept walking, as if he heard nothing. He’d be safe once he got to the library. He hoped.

JT’s long strides caught up with him. He grabbed Kyle’s arm, just outside the men’s room. A uniformed guard stood by the door. No one was supposed to go in the bathroom before reporting for work detail. JT walked by the guard, dragging Kyle along as if the guard were invisible. The man in uniform watched, but said nothing. Kyle could have sworn he saw a look of fear pass briefly across his face when he met JT’s eyes. Inside the bathroom, JT pushed Kyle into one of the brick walls. “What the fuck’s wrong with you bitch? Walking out on me like that?”

Kyle knew what JT meant. In prison, it was a show of disrespect when you belonged to a man to get up and walk off, leaving him sitting at the table the way he’d done. But Kyle tried to play dumb.

“I didn’t do anything,” Kyle said, looking up into JT’s black eyes. He tried to push past him. “I have to get to the library. I’ll get in trouble.”

“Fuck that,” JT said, grabbing Kyle's arm hard. “You’re in trouble now bitch!” JT spun Kyle around to face him, and pushed the boy into the wall. He tried not to hurt the bitch, but Kyle hit the wall so hard, it knocked the breath out of him. “What’s wrong with you? I told them to leave you alone, didn’t I? I could have made you get on your knees between my legs and stay like that. You think any guard in here’s gonna stop me?”

Kyle tried to control his rising temper, but he couldn’t. All the anger, the frustration, the humiliation of the way JT’s friends had treated him came flying out with his words. “You did it on purpose,” Kyle yelled at JT. “You wanted them to hear me last night.” Kyle looked up into JT’s black eyes and saw a dark fury that filled him with cold terror. Too late, Kyle realized he’d made a bad mistake. “JT, please, I didn’t mean…” Kyle tried to say, but JT slapped his face, hard.

“You’re lucky I like you boy. You’re real lucky I don’t take you down to the machine shop and share your virgin ass with my friends,” JT said in a soft voice that chilled Kyle to the bone. There would be no arguing with that soft, implacable voice if JT decided to do that. Kyle did the only thing he could think of that might calm JT.

“I’m sorry.” Kyle slipped to his knees, and ran his hands gently over JT’s crotch. “You’re right. I’m your bitch. I shouldn’t have done that.” Kyle kneaded JT’s crotch softly, feeling his thick cock stir to life.

“Why you bitches get all embarrassed and shit?” JT said, stroking Kyle’s cheek. Kyle was relieved to see that JT's mood had suddenly changed. “You live in my cell now, everyone knows you’re sucking my cock and getting it up the ass. I put you in the corner where nobody could see you, didn’t I?”

Kyle nodded, trying to put on a look of gratitude he didn’t feel. “Yeah,” Kyle said, pressing his hands against JT's bulging jeans. “You’re right. Let me show you I’m sorry.”

“That’s better bitch,” JT said, undoing his jeans.

Kyle reached for JT’s hard cock like he was desperate to suck his dick. But inside he trembled. Kyle was sure that if he didn’t suck him off real good, JT would take him to the machine shop and share him with his friends. JT grabbed Kyle’s hair and slapped his face lightly when the boy didn’t open his mouth fast enough. His cheeks stinging from JT’s heavy hand, Kyle stretched his pink lips around JT’s dark chocolate cock. It wasn’t like last night. JT was impatient, driving his cock hard on every stroke, choking Kyle, looking down into his scared eyes.

“Don’t make me mad boy,” JT said, thrusting his hips into Kyle’s face, “or I’ll make it bad for you bitch. I’ll rent out your ass and make money off you.” He fucked deep into Kyle’s mouth, choking him again and again until tears slipped down his soft cheeks. JT twined both his powerful hands into Kyle’s hair, holding him still while he pumped his hard cock in and out of his soft pink lips. “Tonight, I’m fucking that pretty virgin ass real hard,” JT said. Kyle looked up at JT, his light brown eyes full of fear. “That’s right boy, I’m busting your cherry tonight,” JT said, stroking in and out of Kyle’s hot mouth.

He pumped his thick cock into Kyle’s mouth, changing his rhythm to short, hard strokes, rocking his hips, grunting low in his throat with pleasure. He watched his dark, veined cock sliding in and out of Kyle’s mouth, seeing how his hard cock stretched the boy’s lips tight against his throbbing flesh.

“Oh yeah, boy” JT said, breathing hard. He let go Kyle and leaned on the wall, pumping his mouth hard JT grabbed Kyle’s hair again, twining his strong fingers deep into the boy’s silky hair, and stroked into Kyle’s mouth in a desperate rhythm, panting and grunting, his mouth pulled back in a grimace. “You’re gonna be my girl after tonight,” JT said.

He fucked Kyle's mouth hard, holding him still and helpless in his iron grip, cramming his hard cock meat down Kyle's throat again and again. “Cock sucking bitch,” JT said, panting hard, “Oh fuck,” he said between clenched teeth. “Take it bitch. Take my fucking cum.”

JT threw his head back, arched his back and pulled Kyle’s face down on his cock, moaning so low it was almost a growl of pleasure. Suddenly his driving cock jetted hot come down Kyle’s throat. Kyle swallowed JT’s heavy load of thick come, then ran his tongue along his cock and balls, licking him clean.

“Don’t beat me up,” Kyle pleaded, licking JT’s cock, looking up at him. Kyle slid his tongue around JT's balls, licking at the sticky mess of his drying cum. Over and over Kyle saw Jimmy in his mind, both eyes blackened, one swollen nearly shut, his lips split, his arm in a splint. “I’ll do what you want,” Kyle said, licking JT’s balls softly, looking up into dark eyes.

“That’s what you said last night, bitch,” JT said, zipping his jeans. “And by breakfast you was already pissing me off!”

Kyle was horrified to hear the anger that had been in JT's voice before he sucked him off coming back. “I’m sorry,” Kyle said, in a trembling voice almost too low to be heard.

Kyle looked down at the floor, sure that JT was about to make him into Jimmy’s twin. He remembered the scared look on the guard’s face outside the bathroom. Kyle knew that nobody would come help him, no matter how loud he screamed. Kyle flinched when JT grabbed his face. He squeezed his eyes shut, tried to be ready for the first fist that would come driving into his face. “Look at me boy,” JT said, bending over Kyle.

Kyle’s eyes flew open. JT’s face loomed large over him. “The last thing you want in this world is to be on my bad side. Jimmy, he got on my bad side,” JT said in a soft voice that carried more menace than the loudest threat. “Next time you think about fucking with me, don’t do it.” He turned and walked out, leaving Kyle on his knees, as scared as a man walking a high wire with no net.

When Kyle got to the library, he expected the guard to ask him where the fuck he’d been, why he was so late. But Victor, the CO on duty, only nodded to him, and then went back to the paper he’d been reading. Later, when Tyrone walked into the library, all the prisoners stared at him. Gladiators never used the library. His big body was outlined under a tight t-shirt that bulged with hard muscle. Kyle found the darkest corner between stacks in the big library and hid.

“Hey boy,” Tyrone said, when he found Kyle’s hiding place. He’d sniffed him out like a tiger hunting down raw meat. “How come you’re back here in the dark?”

Kyle shrugged, looking up at Tyrone. He was trapped in the narrow aisle between stacks. Tyrone’s huge body blocked his way out. Kyle’s mind raced. He felt trouble heading for him like a screaming freight train.

Tyrone came closer to Kyle until he was only inches from the boy. “Did JT fuck your little bitch ass yet?” Kyle swallowed, and shook his head, no. “When he gets a new boy, he fucks ass the first night, to try him out--except virgins. He likes to take his time with virgins. You been fucked up the ass before boy?” Tyrone was pressed close to Kyle in the darkness. His voice was low and intimate, like lovers having sweet talk.

“No. I’m a virgin.” Kyle was too scared to look up into Tyrone’s greedy eyes.

Tyrone ran his hand over Kyle's crotch, felt the growing hardness there. “You’re hard boy. How come? You need that little virgin hole fucked real hard?”

Kyle had gotten hard sucking off JT, but he hadn’t jacked off. He’d been afraid JT would know somehow. Now, with Tyrone’s muscled body pressed so close to him, Kyle was hard again. “Please…” But before Kyle could finish, Tyrone grabbed him and spun him around to face the wall. He undid Kyle’s jeans and pulled them down along with his cotton briefs. He pressed his big hand over Kyle’s mouth, muffling the boy’s cry of surprise.

“I wanna see what JT's getting,” Tyrone whispered into Kyle’s ear. “I’m gonna see how tight this virgin ass is.” Tyrone stuck a finger in his mouth, then found Kyle’s hole. He shoved his finger in hard, and then jabbed in and out of Kyle’s hole cruelly, making Kyle groan in pain. “You’re a fucking tight bitch,” Tyrone said, pulling his finger out. He rubbed his hard cock against the boy’s ass roughly.

“You’re lucky you belong to JT. ‘Cause if you was my bitch I would of raped your virgin ass already and made you scream real loud.” Tyrone spun Kyle around to face him and pushed the boy to his knees. Without saying anything, he took out his hard cock and grabbed Kyle’s hair. “You better open your mouth for my cock, bitch. Or I’ll tell JT you came to me and begged me to let you suck my cock. You think he wants his bitches sucking cock when he ain’t around? Remember Jimmy?”

Haunted by the horrifying memory of Jimmy’s battered face, Kyle opened his mouth.


At lunch, Kyle sat at the table with JT and his friends, expecting the worst. But Tyrone ignored him, as if the library had never happened. The men at the table talked about the game last night and coming bad weather. This time, Kyle waited for JT to get up from the table, like he knew he should, then followed him out of the cafeteria. JT pulled him into the bathroom again, but his mood was different this time.

“Hey baby,” JT said, once they were inside. He pressed Kyle up against a dark brick stone wall. His palms rested against the brick, beside Kyle’s head. His heavily muscled body pressed close against Kyle, making him feel like he was trapped in the shadow of a giant. “You sucked me off real good this morning.” JT rubbed his crotch against Kyle, looking down into his eyes, running his hard fingers along Kyle’s soft lips. Kyle didn’t know why, but the way JT fucked his face without caring if he wanted it or not, made Kyle hot for his cock. JT's hard, muscled body felt good pressed up against him. The scent of his sweat, made Kyle's cock surge. But Kyle couldn’t get Tyrone’s words out of his mind.

“What’s wrong baby? How come you’re shaking like that?” JT said. Kyle tried to hide his fear by dropping his eyes, but he JT didn’t let him. He took Kyle’s chin in his hands and made him look up at him. “Somebody say something to you? Somebody scared you?” JT said, his voice suddenly low and cold.

Kyle licked his lips, avoiding JT’s hard eyes. “No.”

“Nobody said nothing to you?” JT said, grinding his hips softly into Kyle. The boy could feel JT’s thick cock rising already.

“No,” Kyle said again, and dropped his eyes to the floor so he wouldn’t have to meet the raging hunger in JT’s dark eyes.

JT shook Kyle’s face and looked down into Kyle's eyes. He saw a fear that ran deeper than getting his ass fucked. Something had spooked Kyle, and he was scared that JT would hurt him real bad. “I don’t like it when my bitches lie to me,” JT said quietly. Kyle gasped, a short whimpering sound, and JT knew he was right. Something had scared Kyle badly. Or someone. “Tell me what happened to you boy,” JT said.

He was suddenly different. Instead of pressing close to Kyle, he stood back, his arms hanging at his sides, studying Kyle. “Don’t hurt me,” Kyle said in a low, unsteady voice. “He made me do it.” “Who made you do what? Talk to me boy.” Before Kyle could stop himself, the story of what happened with Tyrone came pouring out of his lips. He told JT everything.

“After he came in my mouth, he said he’d be back whenever he wanted to,” Kyle said, looking up at JT. “He said if I told you, he’d say it was me who came to him. But I didn’t JT, I swear. It happened like I told you.”

For long seconds that were an eternity to Kyle, JT stood as still as a statue carved from ebony marble. Then, without warning, JT exploded in rage. He kicked the bathroom stall behind him hard enough to dent the solid metal. He heaved a metal garbage barrel at the polished metal mirror that hung over the sink, scarring the metal with an ugly scratch. He knocked over the other two garbage barrels and kicked them all over the bathroom, making a horrible racket that was terrifying.

Kyle cowered in a corner, watching JT’s rampage, praying he wasn’t next to get kicked around the stone floor. When the garbage barrels were dented and twisted nearly beyond recognition, JT stood over Kyle breathing hard. Kyle ducked, covering his head with his hands, cringing in the corner. When JT reached down to pull him out of the corner, Kyle yelped like a frightened dog. “I’m telling the truth, JT,” Kyle managed to say through his chattering teeth.

“I know you are boy.” JT’s soft voice surprised Kyle. He risked looking up into JT’s furious face. “Relax, bitch. I ain’t hurting you.”

“You’re not?” Kyle said.

“No,” JT said quietly. He pulled Kyle into his arms and looked down into the boy’s terrified eyes. “You know what happens now boy?” Kyle shook his head, looking up into JT’s cold eyes. “Now me and Tyrone are gonna duel over you. I’m fighting him for you. There’s gonna be a dark game tonight. No lights. No cameras; just us gladiators. I’m gonna carve my initials into Tyrone.”

JT’s voice was soft and calm, as if he were talking about the weather. But his eyes were dark and stormy with rage. “Get back to the library. I got things to do.” JT walked out of the bathroom, kicking aside one of the garbage barrels he’d knocked over.


That night, after dinner, Kyle sat on his bunk, looking out onto the empty tier. In the cell next to him, he heard the breathy sound of a man either fucking or getting his cock sucked. He lay down and tried not to think about what would happen if Tyrone won the fight tonight. Kyle would belong to the man who won the duel. Tyrone’s words came back to Kyle with the frightening clarity of coming doom – “…if you was my bitch I would of raped your virgin ass already and made you scream real loud.”

JT walked into their cell and picked up a black bag. “Come on boy,” JT said, looking at Kyle, “Game time.” Kyle jumped down from his bunk, looking up at JT, puzzled.

“We can’t leave the cell,” Kyle said. “It’s almost lights out.”

JT took his hand. “You’re with me now. Come on. Let’s go.” Kyle followed JT past guards who acted like they were both invisible. One guard nodded to JT and asked him how he was doing. No one tried to stop them. They left the tier, went down old stone steps that smelled of sweat and urine, past the first floor. Kyle counted two flights below the first floor before a big, black iron door blocked their way.

“Where are we?” Kyle said, looking around in the darkness.

“Old part of the prison,” JT said, slipping a key from his pocket. He slid the skeleton key into the ancient looking lock and the door opened with a soft creak that spoke of well oiled hinges; the corridor beyond lay in pitch black darkness. Kyle hung back, looking into the darkness. JT pulled a powerful flashlight from his black bag and took Kyle’s hand again. On the other side, JT locked the big door. Now they stood in near total darkness, except for the narrow beam of the flashlight. The only sound was their breathing and Kyle’s wildly beating heart.

“Where are we going JT?”

“You’ll see boy.” JT led Kyle through dark corridors, past closed doors, deeper into the musty scent of disuse, until finally, they heard the low murmur of voices up ahead. They turned a corner and Kyle saw a giant cell that stood in the middle of a stone floor. Hurricane lanterns hung from top of the cell on iron hooks, casting a shifting yellow glow all around. No one was inside the cell yet. Men crowded around the cell made way for JT and Kyle. Calvin and Terence waited near the cell door.

A blond man who looked as big as one of the original Vikings, came up to JT and clapped him on the back hard enough to send another man sprawling. “You show him what’s what JT. He’s made trouble for all of us.”

“He won’t make no more trouble after tonight, Sven,” JT said quietly.

“Good,” the blond man said, and walked off, trailing a slender blonde man behind him.

“You ready?” Calvin said, taking JT’s bag.

“Yeah,” JT said. “Take care of my bitch. Keep him close.”

“Don’t worry,” Calvin said.

JT took the short handled knife Calvin handed him from the black bag, and then he slid his t-shirt over his head. His body rippled with solid muscle in the flickering light. Calvin pulled Kyle back as JT opened the door to the giant cell and stepped inside.

“Where’s Tyrone?” Kyle asked.

“He’ll be here,” Calvin said. Terence walked through the crowd of men and stood on the other side of Kyle. “You stay close to us boy, hear?” Calvin said.

Kyle nodded, looking into the cell. Men clung to the outside of the bars, making a living wall around JT. He stood in the center of the cell, holding his knife. The crowd buzzed with excitement.

“Where’s the guards?” Kyle said. “It isn’t like this on TV.”

Terence and Calvin both laughed. “Those games are for show boy. This is the real thing.” Silence went through the crowd in a wave, and a path cleared to let Tyrone through. Two men came were with him. He took off his black t-shirt, staring across the crowd at Kyle. He took a curved knife from the man on his left, and then slowly, so that every man there saw what he did, Tyrone blew Kyle a kiss.

Kyle looked at JT standing in the middle of the cell. He’d seen what Tyrone did, but his face showed no sign of anger. The only sign that showed the fury Kyle knew JT must be feeling was a slight tension that made his sculpted muscles stand out even more in the flickering golden light. Tyrone walked into the cell, followed by the blonde Viking that Kyle had seen earlier. When all three men were in the cell, silence fell.

“Tonight is a dark game,” the Viking said in a strong voice that echoed down the dark halls, “to settle a duel between gladiators. The man who frees himself with this key, wins.” The Viking held up a large, black skeleton key. He walked out of the large cell, locked the door with the key, and hung the key beside the lock where it would be easily reached by a man standing on the other side of the bars.

JT and Tyrone circled each other in a low crouch. Both held their knives easily. They were nearly matched in size and strength. JT was only about an inch taller than Tyrone. But he was lithe with hard muscle and graceful on his feet. Tyrone didn’t move with the same grace and ease as JT. Fear made his movements jittery. His eyes flicked behind JT, distracted by noises from the crowd. JT’s eyes never left Tyrone. His face was impassive, smooth, as if he were spectator with nothing to win or lose.

When JT struck, no one, including Tyrone, expected it. JT’s knife came in under Tyrone’s extended arm in a rapid swipe. Tyrone jumped back and twisted away, but not before JT’s knife left a light flesh wound. The crowd hooted and hollered, cheering them on, yelling the names of both men.

“Next time I catch your bitch alone, I’ll fuck him real hard,” Tyrone said in a low hiss that JT heard despite the noise of the crowd.

JT ignored Tyrone’s words, concentrating on finding weaknesses in Tyrone’s defense. Words were for amateurs. JT’s knife did all the talking in a fight. JT came in for another strike, letting Tyrone think he was going for his right flank, but at the last moment, JT twisted back and his knife cut through the tender flesh of Tyrone’s belly again; another flesh wound that stung like hell, but did little harm. The crowd yelled out, calling for more blood. The watching men shook the bars, making an eerie metallic fury that echoed in the darkness.

Tyrone was an amateur. He won in the games because he was matched with men who were stupider than he was. JT won because he knew how to get to a man’s weakness. Tyrone’s weakness was his bad temper. JT played to Tyrone’s weakness, inflicting light, harmless flesh wounds with his razor sharp knife. The crowd hissed and roared with every light wound JT left on Tyrone.

Kyle stood between Calvin and Terence. He grabbed the bars with white knuckles, his face pressed between them, watching JT and Tyrone with unblinking attention. Watching JT’s muscles flex and move in the shadowy light made Kyle remember how he’d felt last night and this morning on his knees between JT’s legs. Seeing the way JT moved, like a warrior in battle, and knowing that JT was fighting over him, gave Kyle a raging hard on that throbbed and ached in his jeans. Kyle wanted JT. He ached to suck JT's cock and hear him groan in pleasure as he shot hot come down his throat and called him his bitch over and over.

The two men circled each other in a slow dance. Tyrone struck out at JT, but JT easily dodged his clumsy swipes. JT weaved back and forth, and from side to side, raking his knife through the air, leaving flesh wounds that stung, but caused no damage. Soon, the constant badgering from JT’s knife and the jeering cries of the men in the audience drove Tyrone to do exactly what JT wanted.

Tyrone lost his temper. He came charging at JT with a loud cry, his knife held high, his eyes wild with rage. JT let him come, and then side-stepped at the last second, tripping up Tyrone, letting his own weight carry him to the floor. JT was on him in an instant, his strong arm wrapped around Tyrone’s throat in a deadly embrace. Tyrone sputtered and cursed, thrashing wildly, but JT rode his bucking back like a sailor on a stormy sea. The men in the audience went wild, cheering JT on. But when JT showed no signs of letting go of Tyrone’s neck to let him breathe, a silent hush fell over the watching men.

In the silence that fell, JT bent low and whispered into Tyrone’s ear, “I ever catch you near my bitch again, I’ll kill you.” He gave one last squeeze, pushing Tyrone into unconsciousness, then he let him go. Before he got up, JT used his knife to carve his initials just above Tyrone’s right shoulder blade. Tyrone would have to someone carve them out or burn the skin to erase it, unless Tyrone wanted to become someone’s bitch.

JT wiped his knife on his pants, and went to the cell door, where the key hung waiting for him outside the bars. Behind JT Tyrone rose to his feet, like a man rising from a drugged sleep. His eyes focused blearily on JT, and he came after him, gaining speed with all the grace of a charging bull. JT whirled to face him, his knife up, ready to carve into Tyrone for real this time. “You wanna die tonight?” JT said quietly.

Tyrone looked around at the shadowy square, seeking a friendly face. Finding none, he looked back at JT. Tyrone held up both hands in a gesture of surrender and dropped his knife at JT’s feet. “I didn’t think so,” JT said, and deliberately turned his back on Tyrone. He’d already decided that if Tyrone came at him again, he’d kill him. No more talk.

Tyrone decided to live and JT reached through the bars and got the key that unlocked the cell. Calvin and Terence met him outside the door. They tried to hold Kyle back, but JT signaled to them to let him go. Kyle ran to JT, running his hands quickly over his sweaty body.

“Are you okay?” Kyle said.

“Yeah boy,” JT said. “Fucking punk didn’t lay a finger on me.” Behind them Tyrone slammed through the open door and made his way through the crowd without a backward glance at JT.

“What about him?” Calvin said, looking at Tyrone’s retreating back. “You want us to do anything?”

JT shook his head. “No. Not unless he fucks with us.” Calvin nodded, but he looked at JT with obvious displeasure in his hard eyes. “Leave him alone,” JT said, meeting Calvin’s hard eyes. “Don’t make trouble where we don’t need it.”

Calvin held up both hands. “I won’t do nothing to his punk ass unless he crosses me.”

JT nodded and grabbed Kyle’s hand. “Come on boy.” Men made way for JT and Kyle, making a narrow aisle in the crowd for them. JT led Kyle down twisting stone corridors, guiding them with the strong flashlight he’d taken from his black bag. The noise of the men had fallen behind them a long time ago.

“We’re not going back upstairs?” Kyle said, peering into the darkness that pressed all around him.

“No baby,” JT said, pulling Kyle along. “I’m taking you on a date.” Kyle fell silent, and concentrated on following JT through the twisting darkness. A few times Kyle thought he heard far away screams. He asked JT about it, but he wouldn’t answer Kyle. When Kyle thought he could stand no more of following JT’s flashlight beam through coal black darkness, JT said, “Stay here.”

Kyle panicked when JT let go of his hand and walked on, until he realized that JT wasn’t going far. They’d stopped in front of a cell that was three times the size of the cells in the main prison. JT walked into the cell, taking a lighter from his pocket. Kyle watched while JT went around the cell, lighting fat midnight blue candles that were already there. He could tell from the way wax had melted down the sides of the candles that this room had been used before. It didn’t have the same smell of disuse as the rest of the abandoned prison.

As JT lit candles, Kyle saw red brick walls emerge from the dark shadows. The candles revealed a stained stone floor, and a strangely new mattress on an old prison cot. A wooden table that had been new when this part of the prison was built stood in one corner. Black handcuffs hung from the iron bars to Kyle’s left, just the right height to handcuff someone to the bars, standing up.

JT lay on the wide cot on his side, one leg up, and patted the mattress next to him. “Come here baby,” JT said softly. Kyle knew he had no choice. There was nowhere to run. Even if he was willing to brave the pitch blackness beyond the candlelight, Kyle would never find his way out of the dark maze. Kyle walked into the cell, and sat stiffly on the mattress beside JT.

“You want me to take off my clothes?” Kyle said, looking down at his hands.

“No boy,” JT said, running his big, strong hands over Kyle’s slender body. “I’ll take them off.”

Kyle swallowed back his fear. At least he knew JT wasn’t going to just handcuff him to the bars and rape him raw. He would have done that already. Wouldn’t he? Kyle heard JT take off his shirt. He turned to look at his sculpted body in the candlelight. His chest and belly rippled with dark muscle. Sweat clung to him from the gladiator fight. Seeing JT fight over him had made Kyle incredibly hot for him. But Kyle didn’t want JT to fuck his ass. Kyle wanted to slip to his knees between JT’s strong legs and pleasure his thick cock while JT told him what a bitch he was. “Come here baby,” JT said, pulling Kyle against him. When he felt how stiffly the boy rested against him, he said, “Relax boy. Don’t make me hurt you.” JT ran his hands slowly down Kyle’s body, sliding up under his t-shirt and caressing his hairless chest. “You’re soft,” JT said, sliding his calloused fingers across Kyle’s sensitive nipples. “I like my girls to be soft like you.”

Kyle slowly relaxed as JT fondled his body, running his big hands down between Kyle’s legs, feeling how the boy’s cock bulged against his jeans. JT pressed his back up against the wall and opened his legs. He pulled Kyle close, so the boy’s head rested on his muscular chest and Kyle's ass pressed up against JT’s crotch. As JT ran his hands over Kyle’s body slowly, he whispered into his ear, “I ain’t had a virgin in a long time.”

JT ran his hands up under Kyle’s thin cotton t-shirt again and found his pink nipples and twisted gently. He kissed the side of Kyle’s neck softly, his breath hot against his neck. “Don’t fight me,” he whispered, while he worked Kyle’s nipples. Kyle, who wanted nothing more at that moment than to feel JT’s thick cock stretching his lips, moaned softly, letting his head fall back against JT’s broad chest. “That’s it boy,” JT said, licking and kissing Kyle. “You’re mine. Give in to it.”

When JT slipped Kyle’s t-shirt over his head, the boy was glad to be free of the thin cotton. Now he could feel the hardness of JT’s muscled chest pressing up against him, skin to skin. Kyle squirmed as JT ran his big hands over his body, down between his legs.

“I’ll be good, JT,” Kyle whispered. “I won’t fight.”

“Yeah boy,” JT said, rubbing his rough palms against Kyle’s nipples. “That’s right. Be a good bitch. ‘Cause you’re getting my cock up your virgin hole tonight. You can get it hard or easy, up to you. Understand?”

“Yeah,” Kyle said, lifting his hips as JT’s strong hand kneaded his cock through his jeans. Kyle felt JT unzip his jeans, but he wasn’t afraid. He wanted to feel JT’s strong hands on his cock. He was desperate for JT to jack him off. JT reached inside the boy’s jeans and rubbed his hand against the thin fabric of his briefs, teasing Kyle’s hard cock.

“Fuck boy,” JT said. “This cock is so hard. You want me to fuck your ass that bad?”

Kyle moved his hips, pressing into JT’s hand. “No. I wanna suck your dick,” Kyle said, moving rhythmically, wishing JT would close his fist around his throbbing cock. “And feel your come jetting down my throat.”

“Take my cock up that virgin hole like a good bitch and I’ll let you cum like that,” JT said, reaching into Kyle’s briefs and taking the boy’s throbbing cock into his fist. “I’ll let you suck me and jack off.” He slid his fist up and down Kyle’s hard cock, slick with pre cum. “You wanna cum on your knees with my hard cock in your mouth, boy?”

“Yeah,” Kyle said, pumping his hips in and out of JT’s fist. JT slid his fingers into Kyle’s mouth, making the boy lick the sticky pre-come from his fat fingers. Then he slid his hand down Kyle’s body, between his legs, to his ass.

“I bet this ass is aching for something good and hard,” JT said. Kyle tensed up the moment he felt JT’s big finger at the entrance to his ass. “Relax bitch,” JT said quietly. “Don’t piss me off.”

JT circled the outside of the trembling boy’s hole with his finger, kissing Kyle's neck softly, then he rested his finger against the virgin tightness and let Kyle’s writhing ass push onto his finger. JT slid his slick fist slowly up and down Kyle’s throbbing cock, while he fingered the boy’s hot hole. “Oh yeah boy,” he whispered into Kyle’s ear. “This fuck hole’s so ready for my dick.”

Kyle’s grasping ass throbbed around JT’s finger as he slid slowly in and out of the boy. Still jacking off Kyle’s dick, JT slid another finger into his ass slowly. “After tonight, you’ll be my girl,” JT said into Kyle’s ear. JT moved his fingers in and out of Kyle’s writhing ass while he worked the boy’s cock. JT’s thick cock was pressed up against the boy’s wriggling ass, throbbing wildly. He ached to sink into his new bitch’s tight hole. “This ass is hungry for something bigger, ain’t it?” JT said.

JT stroked Kyle’s slowly, fingering Kyle's ass, feeling how the boy’s cock throbbed in his fist, and how his hot ass grabbed at JT's fingers inside him. When JT felt Kyle jerk against his moving fist and knew the boy was almost ready to shoot, JT let go of Kyle's cock, but kept fingering his ass. “I’m ready for you bitch,” JT said. “My cock’s so hard thinking about fucking your virgin ass,” JT said, sliding his fingers in and out of Kyle’s hungry ass.

Kyle writhed on JT’s fingers, trying to get them deeper inside him. He needed to feel something hot and hard up his ass. He needed JT’s cock inside him. “Yeah,” Kyle said, moving against JT’s hard body. “Please, fuck me. I want your cock in my ass.”

“Yeah boy,” JT said, slipping his fingers out of the boy and pushing him away. “I’m gonna fuck this virgin hole real good and make you take it like a bitch.” JT rose from the bed and slipped out of his jeans. Kyle sat on the bed, his back against the wall his legs spread, looking at the way JT’s hard swollen cock jutted up past his navel. Suddenly Kyle was scared again. JT’s cock was so thick. JT saw fear come over the boy’s face. “Get on all fours for me,” he said, standing next to the bed, running his hands over Kyle’s body.

Kyle got on his hands and knees, closing his eyes. JT moved Kyle’s arms out from under him, so his head rested on the mattress, and his ass stuck up high. “Spread your legs,” JT said, caressing Kyle’s trembling ass. Kyle spread his legs wide, exposing his pink virgin hole to JT’s hungry eyes. “Real nice, bitch,” JT said, lubing his swollen cock. JT grabbed Kyle’s hips, felt him tense up. “You best relax bitch, or my dick will tear you in two.”

JT rubbed his hard cock against the entrance to Kyle’s hot hole, pressing the head of his cock against Kyle’s ass, feeling the heat of his tightness. “Oh yeah bitch,” JT said, easing his cock head into Kyle. “Here I come for your virgin ass.”

Kyle gasped in pain as the thick head of JT’s dick went into his ass. He bit his lip, trying to stay still, trying not to make JT mad. JT moaned softly, feeling the way Kyle’s sweet ass grabbed his cock head, pulsing around his hard fuck meat. When the head of his cock was all the way inside the boy, he held himself still, fighting to control himself. He’d won Kyle’s ass in front of all the prison gladiators. JT ached to plunge deep into Kyle’s hot tightness and claim his victory.

“Oh fuck,” JT said, rocking his hips, pressing his ten inch cock into Kyle’s hole slowly. “I forgot how good virgin ass is.” Kyle gasped and groaned in pain as JT’s thick cock stretched his tight hole. JT was so big, it felt like his ass was splitting wide open to take his dick.

“Please JT,” Kyle begged. “I can’t. It hurts so bad.”

“Shut the fuck up,” JT said, inching into Kyle. “You’re my girl now. Get used to my cock stretching your bitch hole.”

Kyle pressed his face into the mattress, groaning in pain, his whole body tense and trembling. The way the boy’s virgin hole quivered around his throbbing cock, and the sound of Kyle’s muffled groans of pain made JT crazy. A primitive part of him took over, driving him wild with lust. His mind filled with the need to sink his cock deep into the boy’s virgin hole and feel Kyle’s pulsing ass grab the length of his dick. With his cock only halfway inside the boy, JT grabbed Kyle’s hips in a harsh grip and pulled Kyle’s ass onto his cock, driving deep into him at the same time.

Kyle cried out, and struggled, but JT was too strong for him. JT drove into the writhing boy’s ass again and again feeling how his sweet virgin hole pulsed around his cock. Kyle fought, bucking against JT, trying to escape the pain in his ass, but it was no use.

“Fucking bitch,” JT said, slamming his cock into Kyle’s ass. “Take my cock.” JT rode Kyle hard, grunting and moaning, like a stallion breeding a mare. The sound of Kyle’s moans of pain echoed in JT's ears, making his cock throb hungrily inside the boy’s hot ass. “You ain’t no virgin no more.” JT pounded the boy’s quivering hole. “You’re my fucking ass bitch now.”

JT fucked Kyle hard, grunting like an animal, his balls slamming into the struggling boy’s ass over and over. Sweat slid down JT's muscled chest. JT gripped Kyle’s hips so hard, his sculpted arms strained in the candlelight. Kyle whimpered in pain, struggling weakly in JT’s hard grip. “Fucking virgin hole’s so good and tight around my dick.” JT threw his head back like a warrior claiming the spoils of victory.

The stone room was full of the sounds of fucking. JT’s low moans echoed off the brick walls. Kyle’s whimpering groans of pain were nearly lost under the harsh sound of JT hammering into his ass, making loud slapping noises as his swollen cock sank deep into Kyle again and again. “Oh yeah bitch.” JT pumped Kyle's ass with a new urgency. “You’re my girl now.”


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