Gay Erotic Stories

Xander Harris Undead Boytoy

by Thefirstevil
05 Aug 2005

Celebrity Fantasy Fantasy

All references to celebrities are purely fictional and have no truth or validity in real life. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters are copyright and trademarks of WB, David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and others.

Angel, currently known as Angelus: Vampire cursed with a soul by a gypsy clan, real name Liam, currently evil due to experiencing a moment of bliss, that being having sex with Buffy Summers, on her seventeenth birthday, who he loves. Sired by Darla, herself sired by the Master, Heinrich Nest, founder of the Order of Aurelius. Sire of Drusilla, and grandsire of Spike.

Drusilla: Clairvoyant vampire who is somewhat insane, sired by Angel, lover and sire of Spike. Was born clairvoyant, and later turned by Angelus, after he had tortured her by killing all her family and slowly driving her insane with taunts, and then turned the same day she became a nun.

Spike: Vampire, real name William, also called William the Bloody, known as Spike because he enjoyed torturing his victims with railroad spikes, sired by Drusilla, whom he is also lover to. Currently in a wheelchair due to a fight that broke out with the Slayer after Spike had completed the du Lac ritual to bring Drusilla back to full strength.

XANDER HARRIS left the Bronze, Sunnydale's one and only nightclub, and headed home. He walked quickly, nervously scanning the dark streets around him. It was a dangerous time to be out and about in Sunnydale after dark, now more so than usual, what with Buffy's undead creep of a boyfriend Angel going all evil after one night of nookie. He knew that Buffy would definitely disapprove of his deciding to go to the Bronze solo at a time like this, but he had needed to get out of his house, away from his parents who never seemed to notice him, or anything else for that matter. Head down, caught up in his own thoughts, he failed to notice the dark shadow quietly trailing him. He woke up a few hours later, head pounding. He sat up abruptly, and almost blacked out again. Holding as still as possible, he waited for the dizziness to pass and for his mind and body to adjust. Opening his eyes he looked about, and then quickly shut them. Fervently, he hoped it was just a dream that he hadn't just looked at the vamped out faces of Angelus, Spike, and Drusilla.

"Oh, look who's finally decided to join the party," Drusilla said in a crazed, sing-song way. "I don't think he deserves any cake or tea for ignoring us so long." Chuckling, she leaned over and began to lightly trail her nails down Xander's cheek and throat, almost hard enough to draw blood.

Xander quickly opened his eyes and jerked away from her, less than comfortable with her undead nails upon his very much so alive skin. He looked down, away from them, and realized that he was only wearing his boxer shorts. That was it, no ropes, tape, etc. Then again, three vampires against one average, almost naked high school guy?

"Dru, Dru, Dru. You needn't be so anxious to punish him. He'll get what's coming to him soon enough," Angelus said, chuckling as Xander's head whipped up, and a look of sheer terror rolled across his now sweaty, pale face. "Speaking of which, Dru, sweet, could you excuse us. I believe there might be a handsome, if not necessarily intelligent, young man waiting for you in the other room. Xander, Spike and I have men's business to discuss," Angelus said in a coddling tone as he lightly stroked Drusilla's cheek, ignoring the look of utter hatred he was receiving from Spike.

Drusilla pouted, but left the room. A few moments later the sound of screaming filled the room. Xander shuddered, not wanting to even contemplate who was in the other room, whether or not he knew this guy, or if he'd meet this guy later, after. And then, well, he wouldn't be the same guy, he wouldn't even be alive. Abruptly, the screaming stopped, and Xander paled some more.

"Can we get on with this, I'm getting bloody tired of waiting for the bloody game to bloody well begin," Spike muttered from his wheelchair. Looking over at Xander, he grinned, vampiric features distorting.

Angelus looked over at Spike, and they morphed to their more human appearances. They then both looked over at Xander, grinning again, their grins seeming even more hideous and monstrous then before. Angelus began to take off his shirt, black silk as always, and Spike took off his leather jacket, and then ripped off his tight white tee shirt showing his ivory pale, chiseled chest, with light rosy nipples. Xander couldn't take his eyes of the two men. Angelus was now down to just a pair of black silk briefs, with a very noticeable, very hard bulge. He walked over, his bubble butt bunching in the briefs, to help wheelchair ridden Spike with his boots and leather pants. He was commando underneath it all, his rock hard seven inches slapping against his taut, hairless stomach.

Angelus walked over to Xander, yanked him up, and then ripped his boxers off of him. "Well, look what we have here," Angelus said as he put his hand over Xander's erect eight inches. "Looks like someone liked the show."

"I, I, I...," Xander stammered as Angel continued to stroke him, cupping his balls with his other hand.

Angelus laughed, stopping with his hands, and then dragged Xander over to Spike's chair, forcing him to his knees, guiding his virgin lips to Spike's cock. "C'mon Xanman, let's see how those pretty lips of yours look wrapped around Spikey's rock hard cock."

Against his own will, Xander leaned forward, face flushed, opened his mouth, and took Spike's leaking prick into his mouth, almost sighing when he tasted the vampire's precum. He licked around the shaft, running his tongue about the underside of the head. Spike grabbed a hold of Xander's wavy black hair, and began to lightly make his head bob up and down. Angelus looked on in bliss, stroking himself through his brief, running one slender but masculine hand over his smooth, toned stomach and chest. Putting his hand into his briefs, Angelus pushed his briefs down past his balls, letting them bunch under, showing off his slick nine inches and egg sized balls, with a nice bush surrounding all.

Xander turned at the sound of the elastic snapping against Angelus' skin, and gazed in what could only be called sexual desire at the turgid rod before him. He leaned over, licked the precum gathering at the slit, and then deep-throated him. Angelus vamped out at the sensation of being taken all the way into Xander's throat, and then began to growl in a contented manner. Spike looked on, hunger sketched across the hard planes of his pale face. Xander continued his assault on Angelus' cock.

Abruptly Angelus pulled out of Xander's mouth, cock shiny from being sucked on. Yanking Xander up, he pushed him backwards and then stopped him right in front of Spike. Xander jumped, feeling something cold and wet on his asshole, along with something hard prodding at it. Spike chuckled, and then continued to lubricate Xander, also trying to enter him and loosen him up with his fingers. He managed to get one in, and rubbed against the prostate, making Xander gasp and moan.

Spike removed the intruding digit, and Angelus pushed Xander down, making him sit upon Spike's hard cock. The head, slippery from lube which Spike had applied while watching Angelus and Xander, began to slip into Xander's equally lubed ass. Xander gasped in pain as the head pushed in, gasped with each inch that entered his ass until he was sitting in Spike's lap, Spike's balls and pubes right against his ass cheeks.

"All right then! Now this is what I'm bloody well talking about!" Spike breathed, as he felt Xander's warm ass against his undead flesh. He used his considerable upper body strength, arms and chest muscles flexing, to lift Xander up and down upon his cock. Xander sighed each time Spike bottomed out, and moaned each time his prostrate was rubbed. Angelus walked over to Xander and stuck his glistening cock into his face, demanding without speaking a word. Xander looked up at his face, and then lowered it back down, opened his mouth, and was rewarded with Angelus' cock thrust deep into his throat.

They continued on for what seemed hours to Xander, but in reality was really only ten or fifteen minutes until Spike vamped out, began to growl, his cock jumping about wildly in Xander's ass, hot cum spurting against Xander's insides.

"All right, enough of that. My turn! Stand up and bend over," Angelus growled to the dazed Xander. Xander immediately stood up, Spike's cock sliding out with a wet slithering sound. He turned over, face to face with Spike's vampiric countenance. Spike grinned, leaned forward and kissed him, his tongue pushing deep into Xander's mouth. Xander moaned around Spike, and then gasped, as Angelus shoved his hard cock deep into him.

Angelus began to slide slowly and smoothly in and out of Xander's cum-filled canal, Xander's face a model of pure ecstasy, more so then when Spike had been topping him, feeling Angelus' longer, and thicker cock inside of him. It was too much for Xander, the second time around, and he moaned out long and hard. Spike, realizing what was happening, leaned down as far as he could and took Xander's leaking cockhead into his mouth. The feel of Spike's oddly warm, moist mouth did it completely for Xander, and he shot his cum one, two, three, five, seven, nine spurts into Spike's mouth. The quivering of Xander's ass muscles then caused Angelus to go over the edge, making him vamp, as he poured so much cum into Xander's already half full ass that it leaked back out onto his own cock.

Angelus pushed Xander away, and Xander landed awkwardly onto Spike, who then pushed him backwards. Xander, weak legged, landed with a smack of flesh onto stone floor. Dazed, he looked over at the two vampires, and realized what had just happened. Revulsion, shame, anger, and horror swept across his face one after the other, but lust still dominated his eyes, the set of his mouth. Angelus squatted, now flaccid cock hanging between his legs, and leaned in close to Xander.

"Unless you want to become our refreshments, I suggest you run. And fast." He smiled, his eyes gleaming yellow. Xander looked around, and realized his clothes were torn, no use, grabbed his sneakers, shoved them on, and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the mansion into the cold night. He only looked back once, hate, revulsion, anger, still stamped upon his face, but his eyes were still full of lust, his mouth still hungry for more kisses from Spike and Angelus, and then turned his face back `round and ran until he reached his house.

Inside the mansion, Angelus and Spike, fully dressed, looked out of one of the windows, watching Xander's body vanish with each step. They looked at each other, and grinned. A shriek of pain made them look towards the other room, and they moved as one towards the door, to join Drusilla in finishing off the unknown victim.


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Xander Harris Undead Boytoy

All references to celebrities are purely fictional and have no truth or validity in real life. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters are copyright and trademarks of WB, David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and others. Angel, currently known as Angelus: Vampire cursed with a soul by a gypsy clan, real name Liam, currently evil due to experiencing a moment of bliss, that being


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