Gay Erotic Stories

Football Frenzy

by Griffin
26 Dec 2005

Best Friends Bisexual First Time

I have to blame it on the football game, because before that moment, after that game, I had never given thought to sex with another man. Unlike most opponents, my attitude was not one of total hatred and damnation. I figured if a guy wanted to be with another guy, so what, just as long as it wasn’t being forced upon me. Now, about this incident caused by the football game…

My team had been in a slump early in the season, and like other fans, I felt the pinch. My buddy and I were die-hard fans and had seen the team through thick and thin without wavering. The pinch was felt from other guys because our team was coming off a winning season the year previous. Now here they were, lagging in the early season. After a few bad press releases, they began to get their act together, win and win big. When four home and three away games were swept by them, the press and the pinch certainly turned around.

My buddy and I were eager for the deciding upcoming game that was the following week. The problem being that we weren’t sure if our schedules could coincide and we could get together. By mid-week everything was set; we were to meet at his place an hour or so before the game for a little pre-kickoff party. Due to a slight emergency, I arrived late and was only able to celebrate for half the hour, but regardless, I was there with my buddy and we were gonna see the deciding game for the playoff spot.

Our guys not only took the lead early in the first; they kept the other team from scoring. Boy were we feeling excited. By halftime, they had the lead by two touchdowns. My buddy and I could barely shut up about it all. Personally, I could feel the excitement roll through, seemingly harder with each drink of beer. But that was how it always happened; the excitement of the game was all over me. And from the look in my buddy’s eyes he felt it too. We spent Halftime drinking and discussing what we’d seen and what we hoped for and expected for the second half. After hearing the end of the last halftime commercial, we high-fived and settled back into the game.

What an amazing third quarter! Our team rolled out like a flood on the open plains. Completed pass after completed pass, major yardage on those passes which led to two more touchdowns! The home crowd was in frenzy in the stadium, and we were in the same frenzy in his living room. Jumping up and down, dancing around, and all the normal slap-happy behavior that goes with a winning team. The beer I splashed on us made me realize how intoxicated I’d become, but hell, it was during the game!

During the fourth quarter, the squeeze was on. The opposing team scored two touchdowns, one due to a fumble recovery. My buddy and I were sweating it, on the edge of our seat with a hand on each other somewhere…

We sacked their quarterback, recovered the fumble and run it right through to the end zone for the win. I remember the feeling, the accentuation to the high I already felt. I had to hug my buddy in congratulations, for it was part of it all. But as we hugged in the middle of our jubilation, our lips somehow brushed. Though I followed through with the hug, something inside me exploded like a ten megaton warhead. First in my head, then it surged through my six foot form and burned hot in my loins. I released my buddy and stepped back from him. Like me, he had ceased celebrating and had a look in his eyes as hot as the feeling that burned through me. We didn’t speak a word as the crowd continued to roar, but I could hear him breathing. I stared over his chest, then back into his hazel eyes. I felt the light sweat form all over me, and the hair on the back of my neck jumped to attention. We licked our lips at the same time, and then he called me a blue-eyed bastard and stepped right face to face with me. The explosions continued when we touched. I didn’t know what I was doing; yet it seemed so natural to touch and hold him the way I was. I felt every line and fingerprint of his big hands on me, and just as I was about to say something, he touched my left nipple. I heard myself gasp from the hot flash of lust that bolted through, yet it sounded like someone else’s voice. When we got close enough for our moustaches to mesh, I knew it was as real as it could get.

I held back at first; just stared at his moustache, for I expected his mouth to taste as manly as my own. In mere seconds I fell into and moaned loudly about the juicy joy of kissing his mouth. It was nothing like mine, yet it was exactly like it. The kiss was tender, yet it stood as a competition for force of dominance. I couldn’t get enough of that thick tongue, and loved being able to suck on his, then push mine into his hot mouth. As the kiss carried, every image I thought I knew of homosexuality rolled through my brain. At the time I knew not why, but afterward, in thought alone, I came to understand fodder.

We carried on the mutual seduction without words. There seemed no need for them; hell, they probably would spoil the moment as we kissed our way to lying on the sofa. As my buddy pulled me atop his burly form, the roar of the crowd faded from my ears and our rough moans took their place.

We went at each other in a wild, strictly male manner. We humped and ground cock to each other like I had never before. Groped and pawed each other’s bodies with wild abandon and force. Damn I adored the way he pressed himself to my chest, made me tighten my body in response. I found myself wanting to feel more of him, see what made him such a different man than I.

Another kiss and my hands were on his shoulders, he sat up a bit so I could I slide them down his back, slowly. I first was amazed at how wide he was. Then the sheer thickness of him came to light as I slid a hand to and applied grip on his ribs. The kiss ended and we locked eyes; damn! I could see the heated lust that welled up within him. It made me feel a slight bit of fear, because of the amount of man I dealt with. Yet the unknown made me surge with lusty energy. I pushed myself to him and slid both hands to the small of his back. I felt pure muscle in the state of heated intensity, and the roughness of the hair patch residing there helped keep my curious fingers roaming.

Evidently for the feel of more hair, because my left hand made its way up his back to the nape of his neck, then into the thickness of his brown hair. As he lazed tongue expertly down the side of my neck, I gripped a handful of his hair. He seethed and let his teeth sink a bit into my flesh. I lay my head more to the side, gripped his body tighter, and heard myself say ‘yes’, but again it didn’t sound like me. I didn’t know who the guy was, but he sure made me sit up and take notice.

There was also a state of wonder there; my buddy unfastened and pushed his jeans down. As I eased a hand over his ass, I wondered why I had never done it with a guy before. It sure felt good, all soft yet so hard muscled and hairy. He moaned when I gave a cheek a good squeeze, so I repeated the action on them both to really get a reaction.

“Do it!” He whispered hard into my ear. I suddenly felt stupid to think what he was asking me to do. Yet my hands seemed to know and my fingers spread his cheeks and eased down the crack of his ass.

Better make that the warm and furry crack of his ass. For that was what I felt and wanted to feel more of. Mine was hairy, but not like this. I slowed my fingers up and down that space for as long as he let me, then things began to change when he rolled me from himself, Stared into my blue eyes with a heat I felt in his breath, and then kissed me while he removed his shoes and jeans.

After which time he helped me remove all of my clothes, and then we sat and just stared over each other’s body. My mouth was so full of words to speak, yet not one fell as I sat there and stared over his hairy and rather well-built body. I touched the hairiness of his chest with slight hesitation at first. My hands again knew what to do and groped his chest flesh with a bit of force and pull, especially around the nipples. I was so amazed at how favorably he reacted, I wondered if I’d have the same reaction. I took one of his hands into mine, and stared over his face as I brought it closer…

The universe as I know it exploded a second time, and I was flying along in the debris field. There was nothing more than the feeling of flying, well, along with a pleasure that washed through my body like nothing I’d ever experienced. I opened my eyes to see his face and there was more pleasure. My football buddy smiled at me in a way I’d never seen as he manipulated my existence through my nipples, in a way I’d never felt.

He then furthered my pleasure and surprise when he moved down my chest and licked my left nipple with a bit of force. I seethed and placed a hand on his head to hold him where he was. The electricity surged through with such pleasure. He instead interlaced his fingers with mine and pinned my hands down. I did nothing to fight him, though I wanted my hands free to roam over his manly form. He licked, bit and sucked over both my nipples till I was on the edge of oblivion. Then without warning, it all ceased.

I know my stare was as hard as my wonder to why he had stopped. Yet my football buddy smiled and coaxed me from the sofa to standing. I closed my eyes because I knew he saw the uncertainty in mine. To prove the point, he kissed me softly on my jet black moustache, put his hand in mine and led me toward the stairs.

By the time we got to the top of the stairs, my apprehension had waned, all thanks to his kiss on every other stair, with each fresh one lasting longer than the one previous. Just before the door to his bedroom we stopped and he pinned me against the wall. Where he frottaged his bear hairiness slowly over my smooth medium build, but with a masculine force I adored. My hands went back to his ample ass and a finger lodged itself in the cleft. My burly football buddy seethed words about man sex into my ear, nibbled my lobe and told me to touch his hole.

My mouth began to water when I did touch that hairy spot again and I found myself curious. Enough to kneel before him, get a quick sniff of his thick, uncut cock, then turn him slowly around till that ass was in my sight. I watched my hands ease over the lightly haired cheeks and really liked the feel of all the hair. I spread his cheeks a bit and peeked at his hairy hole.

My lips curled inward as I watched my finger ease over it. My tongue dragged over my lips and my breath went shallow. I swallowed hard and knew that all the while, my face moved ever closer to…mmm!

“That’s right! Get that fucking hole!” My football buddy called. I simply responded by following the hot wave that rolled through me. It drove me on at the task of getting my tongue ever further into his hairy hole. I’d only seen it done in a flick one time and it didn’t appeal to me at all. Or so I thought.

My cock throbbed so hard it was almost painful. Yet it did nothing to cease my tongue barreling up in his hairiness. I dared not touch it for I felt I might blow my load. His cock I stroked easy, for it throbbed so mightily at times I felt he might shoot. That was the last thing I wanted at that point. I found out how strong the urge was for him when he ceased my stroke and eased himself away from me. He took a deep breath, helped me stand then led me into the bedroom, to the bed.

He laid me down, spread my legs, and crawled between them and got grip on my eight inch cock. The glint in his eyes showed off the conceit behind the sweet smile and knowing nod. He knew he had my complete and wide-eyed attention, so deep that as he opened his mouth to go down on me, mine opened in full anticipation.

Then there was another explosion within. Within seconds I realized it was a true m a n that gave me head. It was a suck job like I hoped to experience again. He seemed to know just how much pressure to apply with his lips, tongue, and yes, even his teeth at times, to my surprise. He knew where on my cock I needed those pressures the most and when. I begged for more through my clenched teeth as I writhed on that bed and gripped and groped over all six foot two inches of his manliness.

Never had I been so charged up, so maniacal and willing in my lack of control during sex. As the buzz from the football party waned, I felt glad to have discovered the pleasures of another man. Also I gave in to the knowledge that my football buddy was not a novice at man sex. I realized the truth; who better than someone I did trust and experienced enough to show me the ropes of something so wonderful.

The feel of his cock on my leg called to me. Begged my fingers to again take on a life of their own and caress it. I managed to do more than that. I rolled him off me and turned to facing his uncut cock without him losing mine from his expert oral caress.

I’d seen other cocks in the showers in various places, but I’d never seen an equally thick eight-incher like this--never this up close and personal. I watched it throb a few times before I got closer and felt that cock stab my Adam’s apple as I sniffed that pubic bush. Damn, what a wonderful smell I found there. So fresh yet so manly, it reminded me of being much younger and going to New Hampshire to visit my uncle, Alonzo. To get a whiff of his body on a hug from him always sent a kind of sensation through me. He was always freshly showered yet always full of natural male hormones. To smell something similar in the sweat of my football buddy made me hungry and eager.

Some voice in my head told me to do what I knew I wanted. Yet I resisted a little longer and sniffed that cock more, grazed my whole face in his crotch patch before I deemed myself finished. With the upper quadrant of the area, for I had not gotten to his almost hairless, low-hanging balls.

A single whiff and I was in love with the word. Manballs--how heady, how masculine and just all out fuck-charging they smelled. I groaned and pulled him closer as I went harder at his body. I licked the skin and tasted his salt, oh my goodness! More of that became an immediate have-to-have-more-of. There was nothing like it from that point on for me. Down to the end of his balls I went with my tongue wagging all the while. Once there, I exhaled in triumph and then slurped his balls past my teeth like I’d been doing it for years.

They filled my mouth to the point of a light bite. My football buddy only gripped my head, groaned and begged me to not stop. I didn’t want to and felt there was nothing on the earth that could have made me. I eased a hand between us and got hold of his cock. It had throbbed out enough of that Cowper’s lube to form a small pool. I played the head through it, and then lifted it so I could see it. I watched the drop fall back to my body, my mouth watered and I took that cock in.

Though I’d never given thought to sucking another man’s cock, I sucked that of my football buddy like I’d always known how. I was amazed at how good it felt to have a cock in my mouth, yet I wanted to spit it out. Well, until my cock was again enveloped in the warmth of his manly mouth.

I couldn’t get enough of that moustache as it coursed with a light roughness up and down my shaft. My football buddy seemed to know it and dedicated a long series of oral caress to making me feel it. As he did so, I felt and welcomed the feel of his hands on their way to my ass.

He applied grip to my cheeks like I could have never imagined feeling. He pulled and pushed them roughly; he spread them wide and even slid a wet finger over my hole. I gasped and reached back to pull his hand away, but he gently moved my hand away, then blew a breath over my exposed and wet asshole.

“What are you…?” he silenced me with another breath, except it was hot, moist and made my entire body weak. All I could do was groan with full pleasure, grip the sheet and hope he never stopped what he was doing with that mouth of his. Or did it all add up to a weapon he possessed and knew how to use on me to get me where we were?

Yes, it surely was a weapon, he certainly knew how to use it, and I was damn glad to be where we were. In all of my life, nothing had ever felt so fulfilling in so many ways. I felt absolute freedom of sexual expression there in bed with my football buddy. I didn’t know until then how truly erotic the guttural expressions of another man could be. We filled the room with them as he drove me into blissful insanity with his tongue.

While my hole was wet and quivering, he eased a thick finger over it and made me gasp, partially from pleasure and partially from the fear of what he wanted to do to me. He looked at me like he was checking my expression, and then withdrew the finger. After a few more minutes of hot oral action, he helped me settle into the mattress face up.

I only nodded gingerly as he stared hot into my eyes. His smile told me he understood and felt my fear laced willingness to be with him, and that he was more than willing to be my teacher in the fine art. Within the next kiss, he climbed atop me and sat lightly on my hips. Then he slid back against my throbbing cock and seethed long and loud. I could never deny; feeling that much pressure against my cockhead from a willing hole felt great. I let out the moan and pushed back, my football buddy groaned, seethed and applied grip to my body. I closed my eyes as I felt his wet fingers touch my cock and his hole. In the next second my world blew into another dimension.

Oh the heat! Oh the fucking volcanic, searing, moist heat I felt. It enveloped my cock almost to the base and warmer, tighter, and more willing than any hole I’d stuck my cock in prior. The man above me used that hole to send me into orbit. He eased it up, down and then to a hold position on my meat. I was in absolute confusion over how to react. I only knew to react and the speed and outright awkwardness amazed me.

Yet my big buddy seemed to fully understand. He told me to just do what I felt, let go and enjoy what he had for me. He confessed to me that he’d held an urge for me for quite some time. Never had another guy pointed those words in my direction. Had they before that moment and I probably would be in a fight. From my football buddy they were like my favorite melody. I stared into his eyes and wished for him to hear me. Feel what I needed and guide me in the passion we shared.

His hands were on my chest and they played ever so lightly over my nipples. As I got more into the warmth of his ass, he applied a slightly harder, slightly longer pass. I mutualized the favor on his nipples, but had a hard time staying on them because of the hair on his chest. I was amazed that I found it so intriguing; yet there was nothing I wanted to do to cease my amazement.

His uncut cock stood out hard and straight over my belly. The precum he coated me with felt real good. Better when he pushed that cock to me and moved it over my belly. I wanted that cock and licked my lips to show it. When I looked into his eyes I saw a look I didn’t want to see. He was far into riding my cock and let me know within that look. I reached down and touched that throbber, wrapped my fist about it then began to stroke it slow.

It was like jacking my own cock but on a higher level. I got to look directly at it, even a bit into it as I stroked it. The blind eye almost winked at me when it opened, closed and showed me more of the pre-drool that only a stiff dick can produce. I found myself jacking his cock with ease, almost as if it were my own. My football buddy only moaned, groaned and rode my cock harder as he told me not to stop.

He knew I had no intention of doing that, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact. Stop, no. But I did make myself slow the pace with which I stroked that cock. The longer I watched my hand use the life it had assumed to stroke that dick, the more relaxed and willing I became. I felt my tongue riding over my lips like crazy. My lips curled into it so agreeably I felt myself strain to move forward to it. With each stroke of him on my dick, I swore we were getting closer. I wanted that cock in my mouth so bad…

My world went into some euphoric haze, I felt my lungs heat up and my body went wild with motion. My cock was free and I switched hands with his to get my left hand on it. His grunt filled the air and I got what I had wanted. Not only did I get his cock in my mouth; I got his big hands on my head. I got many hard thrusts of his manly hips, and I also received ears full of the hottest words I’d ever heard from another man.

I gave in totally, just let it happen. I felt a slight flash of fear at the ferocity, yet could not stop myself from seeing it to fruition. I felt my load begin to blast from my cock, heard it splash against his ass, and then felt it dripping back onto myself. My football buddy called me some kind of hot motherfucker, pulled his cock from my mouth then blasted my nose, lips and points below.

I yelled, I moaned, groaned, seethed, sighed and even whimpered. To feel that hot, strictly male blast of cum seed hitting my body for the first time, wow! The more he shot to me, the more I wanted to feel. When I seen that he was finished shooting, I pulled him to me and moaned as we rubbed his seed into my body.

After exerting that much energy and feeling that much power surge through, a man needs rest. My football buddy and I knew we preferred to shower, but like I said, after all that anticipation, planning, not to mention that I missed half of the pre-game celebration. After surviving such a hard-fought victory for our team, in all aspects, there was one thing left to do. No, I’d never before, but damn it felt great to lie there and curl up with such a burly man and fall into a deep sleep, accompanied by a new clear-headed and welcome understanding of men and their Football Frenzy.



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