Gay Erotic Stories

Turning Point

by Newwriter
28 Aug 2006

Outdoor Sex

I just finished a post on my recent conversion to ladyboys and realised that my story wasn’t complete without describing the incident that changed all of my thinking on sex again. Read my two stories on gay sex to get a feel for what I have been up to for the last 18 months and the read this to understand why I was susceptible to the ladyboy lure. I guess I’m not especially proud of any of my sexual exploits but I admit to enjoying being fucked and sucking cocks and, at the time it is happening, I am as enthusiastic a participant in proceedings as it is possible to imagine. I am not so comfortable that I would tell anybody I consider a friend about it however – workmates, ex-schoolmates and family. I just accept that when I see a big hard cock I go a little crazy. Can’t explain it – I just accept it I have been penetrated by cocks, dildoes, fruit, fists and other assorted items. I have sucked up to 20 cocks in a single session. I have begged to be fucked. I have begged men to cum on my face. I have drunk glasses of cum from gangs of men. I have spent hours on fuck horses, unable to move whilst being fucked and sucking huge cocks. I have been fucked in slings. I have been pissed on. I have swallowed men’s piss.

Does it sound like I have any shame? I guess not but it turns out I may have a breaking point. I am going to keep this story short because it is a difficult for me to admit how I felt at the time. What isn’t difficult is to admit how I feel about it now – totally ashamed. My first blow job is a phenomenal sex machine. A 60 year old with a 9” cock and a seemingly limitless imagination. He had convinced me to do all of the things I mention above and, at the time it was happening, he read me perfectly – I loved it. I was a total slut who wanted to be fisted and pissed on. Afterwards may have been different but I had kept coming back for more so there was something there.

We scheduled a weekend down in the Southern Highlands where I would have two professional studs to fuck me. It wasn’t the first time we had been to the location – it was a smallish farm owned by my first blow job and offered total privacy and a chance to do some of the bizarre fucking we had done in house in Mosman out in the open air.

The weekend went much as planned through until Saturday afternoon – I had been fucked senseless by my first blow job and the two prostitutes on Friday night. We had consumed copious amounts of Viagra, cocaine, amyl and alcohol. I had been fisted and pissed on. All in all, a pretty good night. I came at least four times.

Saturday brought a new and different perversion however. The prostitutes hung around (which was unusual in itself) and we checked out a new fucking horse that we talked about using that night. It is like a saw horse used by tradesmen except tilted slightly upwards, covered in leather and with a hole cut out so that my balls and cock can hang down and not be crushed against the leather. It also had a restraint in it that kept me firmly in place – something I was not entirely comfortable with but that I had used before and enjoyed.

We checked it out in the barn. The boys joked about whether I wanted to give it a try out. I said it could wait until that night but my first blow job ordered me to strip and lie down. I don’t think we have a master / slave relationship – he rarely orders me to do anything. It is usually just a suggestion and I go in with my eyes wide open but this time was different.

I didn’t feel good about being ordered around – I liked to think I was doing what I wanted when I was being degraded in our fuck sessions. And in most instances (at the time) that was true. Anyway, I stripped down – I do look pretty good nowadays after I trained for three months for a fierce gang bang a while back – and set myself up on the horse. I wasn’t hard but pushed my cock and balls through the hole and relaxed.

Strangely (not really), the moment the boys started to take their clothes off and their cocks started to get hard (they were both huge, over 10” and thick as hell) I got hard also. I asked one of the guys to come over - I wanted to suck his cock. The beauty of the design of the horse was that it supported me from my hips to shoulders and allowed me to move my head around freely for giving blow jobs whilst keeping my arse nicely in place for fucking and fisting.

A few toots of amyl, a Viagra tab, a snort of coke and I was in cock slut heaven. Middle of a clear country day, I went from being tired and sore but nicely relaxed to horny as a rat devouring a huge cock. I amazed myself sometimes.

It doesn’t need much imagination to guess that the other guy then started fucking me and I was getting double-ended by two huge dicks – and loving it. My first blow job disappeared but that didn’t bother me – I was engrossed in the servicing I was getting. I don’t want to pretend I didn’t like the fucking – I did. In fact, I loved it. Big cocks, a nice mix of drugs and I was a total slut – wanted to be fucked over and over again. Don’t feel any sympathy for me – I was in cock slut heaven.

So fucked up in the whole thing that didn’t even notice when my first blow job fastened the restraints so that I was strapped to the horse. So fucked up in the whole thing that I didn’t even notice the animals that were now in the barn – two extremely large German shepherds and a small horse.

I did notice them when the guy I was sucking pulled his cock out of my mouth and stepped back however. My first blow job led the dog around to the front of the fuck horse and showed him to me. I was still getting fucked by the other guy and screaming the sort of shit I do when getting a bog cock up may arse and my mouth isn’t sucking on another cock – “Fuck me; fuck me hard; I am your pussy; fuck me; hurt me”.

The dog could sense the sexual tension in the air and had a stiffy that I could clearly see. It was a decent size – about as thick as my cock (average male) and a similar length. A box was moved to the floor in front of the fuck horse and the dog’s cock was at the same height as my face.

I was told “Touch his cock”. I did. He lurched away but came straight back. I touched it again and he stayed still. I rubbed my hand gently over the cock and he started to yelp a little but stayed still. They moved the dog closer to me and I instinctively took his cock in my mouth. The angle made it impossible for me to do any clever cock sucking routines – I just took it in my mouth and the dog fucked my face.

I’m not going to try and explain my thought process at this stage – there wasn’t one. As usual my first blow job had read me perfectly. Hype me up with enough drugs, fill me with enough big cocks and I will do anything to continue the pleasure. They turned the dog around so that its front feet were on my back and my head was under its body. I looked straight ahead and took all of the dog cock in my mouth. He fucked my mouth like a mad thing. What I didn’t know was that at the same time, the second dog was being invited into my arsehole. They told me later they needed to put a scent on my arsehole and then move the dog up close and help him get his cock in.

At no time did I stop and think this was wrong. They were cocks and I love cocks. They were hard and, like all cocks, looked and tasted just a little different from everybody else’s. I kept my mouth still so the dog in front could keep fucking my mouth and the dog in back went crazy on my arsehole. Honestly, it felt good. They were enthusiastic cock wielders and when had I ever been unhappy about having two of them working on me at the same time?

They didn’t have masses of stamina however. The first dog blew a massive load of cum (tasted like a cum / piss mix) in my mouth after about five minutes and, like a good slut, I swallowed the lot. I have heard stories about a ring that dogs get at the end of their hard ons that keeps them in other dogs until they go completely soft but I wasn’t aware of it. When I opened my mouth after swallowing all he had to give he just slipped out. I was offered another toot of amyl and took to it hungrily. The dog up may arse was still going strong and I just enjoyed the fucking – no mind fucking happening yet about what was happening to me. Check that, what I was allowing to happen to me. Check that, what I was enjoying happen to me.

The box was moved away and my first blow job moved up the horse – the real horse. I know nothing about horses but this one wasn’t going to be a Randwick next Saturday or at a small child’s birthday party either. Somewhere between in size. Except where it counted. Down there he was massive – I am guessing I could see 15” of cock and it had to be as thick as a beer can.

I didn’t need to be told what was expected of me – or (shame on me) what I wanted to do. I reached out and stroked the massive cock. It felt slightly rough – not at all like the dog’s pink thing or like a human cock. But it did feel good. You knew it was a cock. It had the smell of sex. I stroked it back and forward for a while and would have taken it into my mouth except that dog number chose that moment to blast a huge load of piss / cum into my arsehole.

For some reason, that gave rise to a huge reality check. There were three people watching this scene (and I am certain it will have been being filmed as all my big fuck sessions are) – two dogs have just shot their load into me and I am contemplating placing a horse’s cock in my mouth. Fuck this for a game of soldiers. Enough.

The calm voice beside me said otherwise however “No, not enough. We’ve just started. You will suck this horse off and then it will fuck you – and you will love the feeling of degradation that it brings. When it is finished we will all go inside to watch the film of it and you will suck each of us off whilst we watch your arse ripped apart by a horse cock”. There was another line of coke. Another few belts of amyl. Damn it, I wanted to try it on for size. They brought the horse back near me and I reached out and took his cock in my hand. It was so long, and not really that hard, that I was able to turn it sideways and put the tip in my mouth.

Like all cocks it tasted good – very different but good. I got a couple of inches in and got comfortable with him. Then I tried to take more. I got about six inches in before it just became impossible to accommodate any more. I have deep throated a ten inch cock up to the balls but this thing just would not go.

I was able to get up a sort of rhythm going though- Six inches in then out and my hands rubbing up and down the rest of the shaft. To my eternal shame it felt good. I just switched off the horse and thought about the biggest cock I had ever taken and, whammo, I was enjoying it.

We kept at this for a few minutes but it was somehow unsatisfactory for all concerned. The horse didn’t get really hard and having so much of the cock not in use didn’t work for me. I am not a stupid person so I knew what the next step had to be – and I was up for it.

They led the horse around to behind me. Then they took a tube of KY and squeezed half of it directly into my arsehole and rubbed it all around. They massaged my hole and pulled it in every direction so that it was gaping open. I have seen close-ups of my arsehole in this condition after being fisted by a small army of big men so I knew the sort of image it must have presented. Wide enough to get a fist into certainly – and thus wide enough to accommodate a horse’s cock.

They placed some blocks under the fuck horse so my arse, instead of being lower than my head, was actually up in the air. They placed a ready made – god knows how long my first blow job had been planning this – structure over the top of me so that the horse could place his forelegs on it.

Then somebody kindly placed the horse’s massive cock at the door of my arsehole and fed a few inches in. There’s no point pretending this did not hurt a bit – but it was no worse than being fisted and I enjoyed that when I was fucked up enough on drugs and sex. What I hadn’t had to deal with when being fisted was the depth that the thing went in. It took a while for the horse to get hard and then again to find a suitable rhythm but when he did, and everybody stepped back to let him go, it was unbelievably painful. When I saw the film afterwards, it was clear that I had something 18” long up my arsehole on the deep stroke. Try that. In fact, try something two thirds of that length. Where is the damn thing going? I don’t know what bits of my insides were being mashed or if it might have done some permanent damage but my response amazed me.

I was screaming. As loudly as I could. Then my first blow job appeared in front of me. Another toot of amyl – that helps. Then he offers me his cock to suck and, believe this, I go for it. Take it all in. Suck it for all I am worth. The horse is fucking me senseless and I am hurting like hell and still sucking the tool of the guy who set this up – like a madman. I held his arse tight and rammed his cock into my mouth. I began to forget about the pain in my arsehole.

The two prostitutes are going crazy. “You are the biggest slut in the world man. Take that fucking horse. You are one sick fucker”.

This scene goes on for ten minutes or so and I keep my level of intensity up for the whole time. Dragging the cock into my mouth and really riding the monster dick in my arse – moving my arse around as much as possible in the restraints to make it feel better and better.

My first blow job shoots his load in my mouth and I hardly notice. I just swallow the lot and concentrate on the fucking. It goes on and on. I start to scream again once my mouth is empty but this time not in pain. “This feels so fucking good. I want my arse fucked. I want the seed. I am the biggest slut in the world. I love being fucked”.

And then it happened. The horse came. My god did it cum. Imagine three blokes pissing together and you have something like the power and the quantity of this orgasm. When he finished, the guys backed him off me and got some shots of my demolished arsehole. Usually, I have a trick that I do when I am barebacking where I keep cum in my arse and let it out later. Forget that. There was cum everywhere. My arsehole was as wide as the Heads and it looked like a blocked up sink, cum running out all over the place. The cheering from behind told me it looked good on film.

They removed the overhead structure and took the blocks out from under the fuck horse (the man made one not the porn star one) and lowered my arse down so the hole was pointing slightly down. Then it really came rushing out. They used a couple of bowls to scoop most of it up and when I had stopped leaking poured what must have been half a litre of horse and dog cum all over my head and back.

I stunk like a barnyard – pretty appropriate. They left me there. That was OK. I would have suggested the same because I could not possibly have walked right then but I would have expected to be OK in five or ten minutes. They left me there for an hour. The cum dried on me. The pain started to kick in. The charge of the sex wore off and I felt totally humiliated. I could not face the two prostitutes again. When my first blow job came to unstrap me I told him to send them home but he insisted that I must suck them off whilst we watched the video to complete the task.

It was the lowest point of my cock-life (the 18 or so months since I first discovered I loved cock). I had been pissed on, fisted, and fucked by farm animals but sucking off the three guys who set it up whilst they were watching the video was the nadir. I went through the motions. I swallowed the cum. I snorted some coke, tooted some amyl and groaned about how much I loved sucking cock but my heart wasn’t in it.

It had gone too far. I was totally ashamed and my life was going to change. I made that promise to myself there and then.


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