Gay Erotic Stories

Atlantic City Bus Ride

by NPhillydogg
10 Dec 2006

Black and Beautiful

I spotted homeboy in line when I was getting my Atlantic City tickets from Greyhound. He was alone, and so was I (since my best friend stood me up again for yet another trip). But I really needed to get away from the city for a couple of hours, so I said "fuck it", and purchased my own tickets. Dude was about 6 people behind me in line, and sat right next to me while we waited for the bus to board.

"Sup?" he said, flopping down in the seat beside me.

"Wusup." I spoke back, surprised someone so handsome was traveling alone.

"Which resort you heading to?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"None-" I replied. "-I'm goin' to go soak up some sun." I replied. And with my pale light-skin and dirty brown locks (my Moms was white, my pops-black), I needed it.

"Cool." he said. "My name's Kevin." he added, extending his hand to shake.

"Tracy." I said. "Tre' for short."

"Nice to meet you Tre'. I'm gonna go to the tables, I gotta feeling I'm gonna hot streak tonight." Kevin predicted with a smile.

"Yeah?" I said, trying not to look into his piercing brown eyes.

"Yeh. My girl hadda work today-" he whispered, leaning into me. "-she's my good luck charm. Usually, she'll give me SOME before I play the tables, and sure nuff, I'll start winning."

"Yeah?" I repeated, fishing through my backpack for my walkman.

"Happens every time." he said, still grinning.

"Did she...give you some today?" I asked, intrigued.

"Late last night. She was gone this morning when I woke up." he said regrettably. "She hadda be to work early."

"Is it gonna work that way?" I asked.

"I dunno." he said doubtfully. "But I'mma try anyway."

"I hear you." I said, hearing the name of our bus being call over the loud speaker. "Thats us, we better get going." I said, putting on my headset and saying "goodbye".

Once everyone fought their way onto the bus (which consisted mostly of older folks), I found myself seated in the far back alone when Kevin walked up.

"Looks like we got the whole back of the bus to ourselves." he said, sitting directly opposite of me. The closest person was seated 4 seats up from us.

"Yeah, looks that way." I said, trying to concentrate on my music, and relaxing. Kevin was nice, but I could tell he was just interested in talking, he had a lotta energy to burn since he didn't get any sex this morning and he was excited about the casinos. I didn't want to waste time on him, getting my hopes up like usual. I always fall for straight guys.

The bus pulled off 5 minutes after we boarded, and we were on our way. Kevin talked the first 20 minutes non-stop (despite my walkman), then he must've noticed I wasn't contributing much to the conversation. He quietly looked out the window, his shoulder length dreads laid un-organized around his board shoulders. I watched his hands squeeze his crotch, nursing an obvious erection.

Suddenly, I was interested in conversation. "Where do you and your girlfriend usually do it when yall on your way to the casinos?" I asked curiously.

"On the bus?" he said simply.

I perked up. "On the bus?" I repeated. "Ain't you scared of getting caught?"

"We be quiet." he said, simply. His turn to act uninterested; my mind raced.

"What kind of sex?" I asked, just being plain nosey now.

"All kinds." he answered nonchalantly.

"Which ones get you the biggest win fall?" I inquired.

"Fucking," he answered quickly. "The first time we fucked on a bus, I won $1000.00. Tasha's been fucking me on a bus ever since." He laughed.

I laughed too. What a vision. "So what are you expecting to win today, with no sex at all I mean?" I asked, the wheels in my head spinning non-stop.

"Hard to say; I'm hoping to at least break even." he said, looking back out of the window as if in deep thought.

I thought for a minute. I knew what I wanted to say, I just didn't know what his reaction would be. I had to word it carefully.

"So is this lucky sex only good from your girlfriend? Or can sex from anyone be considered good luck?" I asked. Kevin thought for a minute. "I dunno, I never tried it with anyone else."

"So say a...blowjob, from someone other than your girl might be just what you need right now?" I asked boldly.

Kevin smiled. "Yeah, but who would I get to blow me? Ain't nothing but old peeps on this bus." he said sadly.

"There’s one young hottie on here." I dared say.

Kevin looked around for a minute, scanning the bus for the young hottie, it wasn't until he looked over at me somewhat confused, did he suddenly caught my drift.

"I dunno about that Tre'. I never did that before."

"First time for everything," I argued. "You wanna go home a winner or not?"

Kevin looked out of the window again. He took a whole 45 seconds to make up his mind.

"Okay-" he said, looking back in my direction. "-but I wanna win big money, a blowjob might not be enough."

That one took me by surprise. "Then what do you want to do?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well, remember I told you how I won $1000.00?"


He smiled. "If I win, I'll pay you for the help." he offered, thinking I might turn him down.

"I don't know Kev'-" I said, "I mean, I don't know you like that man."

"I know-" he agreed. "I wouldn't even be asking man, believe me...but I gotta good feeling about tonight. I think I could make a killing!" He still saw doubt in on my face. "What do you say to 30% of whatever I win?" he suddenly offered.

"It’s not the money..." I said, seriously considering.

"I know Tre', but I'm desperate man." he pleaded. He looked so sexy begging. I just couldn't resist.

"Okay man..." I said. Kev' was instantly happy. I didn't know if it was because he was about to get some ass, or because he was already counting the cash in his head.

I scooted over to his side of the bus. Kev' made room for me by moving close to the window. "How we gonna do this?" I asked.

"Well, you can straddle me, and sit down on it facing me. That’s how Tasha usually does it." he answered.

I reached down and felt him up. He was immediately hard, and it took a few minutes to get him at total erection. Kev' unzipped and shoved his pants and undies downward, exposing his thick 8 1/2 inch uncut dick. My mouth watered immediately.

"You got any lube?" I asked, knowing full well he probably wouldn't if he wasn't expecting to fuck.

"No." he answered sorrowfully.

"No problem." I said. "I'll just have to improvise." I said, then bent down and sucked him into my mouth.

Kevin gasped as he felt me fully engulf him, my mouth and tongue attacking his vulnerable dick like a mugger on a cold rainy night.

I sucked my mouth up and down the length of his swollen, throbbing shaft, sucking briefly at the fat juicy head before swallowing the shaft whole again. I felt Kev's hand roam down my back toward my ass, slipping into the waist-band of my sweats and gripping my smooth ass-cheeks. His fingers toying with the tiny hairs along the valley of my crack surrounding my hole.

"Man, you sure know how to suck dick." he grunted as I took him down to the balls, his dick throbbed wildly in my throat. "How you learn to suck dick so good?" he whispered. I have to admit, it's a question I'm often asked by guys. I wondered if he was really interested in learning how I learned to suck dick. If he truely wanted to know how I'd been sucking dick most of my life. From the time I was in grade school sucking the older boys off during recess, to the more recent times at the bath house with my best friend, sucking dick after dick until check out time 12 hours later. I doubted he did, so I kept right on sucking.

"'d better...pull off before you make me cum." he warned. I continued to suck. "Don't Tre'..." he said, pulling at my shoulders to get me off his tasty meat. "...don't make me cum this way...I need big money man...remember?"

"Alright, alright." I laughed, reluctantly spitting his dick from my mouth. He was just starting to taste wonderful too. I could taste the sweet nectar from his pee-hole as it leaked onto my tongue. My taste-buds was ready for that spillage too.

I was still looking down at his dark brown dick. It glistened from my spit. I could still see it twitching from the mouth-job I'd given it. It definitely wanted more.

Kevin pulled my face up from his crotch, afraid that I was going to attack it again. He looked me in my face, staring at me through half slits as if he couldn't believe that great blowjob came from another dude. I hear that alot too.

"Where'd you learn to suck dick like that man?" he asked, looking at my pinkish lips which shined with the same spittle that coated his prick.

"Practice baby." I said confidently. "When you come across one as pretty as yours, you tend to suck it with heart." I teased.

"Could you teach my girlfriend?" he joked. "She sucks okay, but not like you do. I almost came n' shit! I hardly ever cum that quick, especially not from head-jobs."

I smiled. Oh how I wanted to take that big pretty dick back into my mouth and throat, and suck it dry....but we had a deal, and a schedule to keep.

"We'd better get started; we gotta make you cum before we reach AC." I said.

"No problem there, if your ass is as good as your mouth, I'll cum in just a few minutes." he complimented. This guy knew all the right things to say. It felt good to be needed. Thank goodness my friend decided to stand me up; again.

I spat into my hand, and ran the slimy contents up and down my ass-crack. I slid the arm rest up out of the way, and had Kev' sit between the two seats. Then I totally removed my pants, kicking them under the seat in front of me, and straddled Kevin's legs. Kev' sat still, placing his hands on my hips to help support me. I lined his big ole dick up with my wet hole, then sat down on it.

"Uhh..." he moaned when he first felt the head enter my fleshy insides.

I sank down on his dick slowly, gritting my teeth to hold back from crying out loud as I took him in completely to the root; sliding down until my smooth cheeks touched his knotted hairy crotch.

Kevin bit into the collar of my shirt to stifle a groan, the sudden shock of my hot moist innards lovingly caressing his thick piece in one fair swoop was almost more then he could bear. His fingernails dug into my waist. I knew he was trying to hold off from cumming at that very moment.

"You not cumming yet are you?" I asked breathlessly, feeling his dick shifting around inside of me.

"No." Kevin answered quickly, his dick pulsing like a sore thumb as he fought for control over his loins.

"Good, ‘cause I'm gonna ride the hell out of this fucker." I whispered, clamping my sphincter muscle around the fat root.

"Oooooo...!" he gasped loud enough to ‘cause attention.

"Shhhh...." I shushed, afraid someone might hear. "...I don't wanna get caught back here." I said nervously.

"Then don't do that. Nobody's ever did that to me before." He responded, referring to the clamping of my asshole.

"Do what?" I pretended. "This...?"

Once again, I clamped my hole around his dick base, trapping it inside like a vice grip. Kevin churned his thick wood around in me, and groaned like we were the only two people in the world. I got nervous and let up.

"Unless you want me to cum right here and now, I suggest that you don't do that again." he warned, breathing hard from the intensity.

"Well, if you can't handle it, I'll just get up..." I said, acting as if I was about to dislodge. You know damn well I wasn't.

"Naw nicca-!" Kev' said, pulling me back onto his lap by my hips. "- we gotta deal, remember?"

"I remember." I laughed, rotating my hips and grinding his hardon around in my ass, bringing another moan from his lips. 'I'm gonna have to make him cum quick before he has the whole bus back here investigating.' -I thought to myself.

Slowly I began to ride him, swerving my hips up and down, bouncing my ass-cheeks on his lap, and rotating my hips to make his horse dick churn around inside me. I leaned back against him, his chest pressed up against my back. I could feel his heart beating quickly as I took complete control of our sex. I turned my head in his direction, resting my face next to his, his eyes were closed and our lips were less then a 1/2 inch apart. Kevin was still moaning lowly, trying to keep quiet until I drove my hips a little too deep, sending his wood farther up into my bowels. A quick gasp escaped his lips, and I shushed him again, this time by kissing his open mouth.


"Shhhh..." I said, kissing his lips slightly and slamming my ass back onto his lap.

"Uhh!" he went again.

"Shhhh..." I said again, kissing his soft full lips. Kev' didn't seem to know where he was anymore, or who he was fucking for that matter.


"Shhh..." I kissed him again, jamming my hips downward to make him moan some more. "Uhh!"

"Shhh..." I licked his lips, and for the first time he started kissing me back.

I slammed my hips again, squeezing my sphincter.

"UHH!" he gasped louder.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth. Surprisingly he sucked on it. I started pounding my ass down on his upright dick, taking it from tip to base easily.

"Oh, UHH, ARH!" he grunted, his balls tightening in their sack.

I knew it was only a matter of strokes before he came.

Kevin wrapped his hands around my torso, running them along my stomach, rib cage, and up to my nipples under my shirt. He began to pump his hips upward, meeting me match for match, driving that ample dick of his into my male snatch with increasing force.

He was taking control of this fuck now. He sat me upright on his lap, breaking our kiss. He then turned me half way around in my seat but continued to fuck me non-stop. He looked up at me as if for the first time, running his hand up along my neck into the curly hair behind my head. Then he pulled me forward and kissed me passionately, sucking my tongue into his mouth, and his into mine. Now I was the one moaning.

"Uhh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh..."

"Shhh..." Kev' said, placing his hand over my mouth, and picking up his fuck pace.

I licked at his hand as he tried to stifle my moans and groans. His dick was hitting something deep inside me that had my untouched and neglected boner ready to shoot fireworks.

He pulled me back down on top of him, spreading my legs wide with his own, and took hold of my hips one last time. Kevin used his strength to shove me up and down on his prick, impaling me easily on his sausage time and time again.

"Oh, fuck me!" I whispered, lust boiling straight through my loins. "Fuck me Kevin! Fuck me baby!"

"I'll fuck you anytime Tre', anywhere you want me to! Just tell me when and where!" he whispered back, plowing my sugar sweet hole with that delicious dick of his.

Six fast hard strokes later, he slammed himself in one last time, and hosed my innards down with a fresh load of his cum. I felt the hot sticky mixture splatter all over my insides, flooding my bowels with his sweetness. Seconds later I exploded right after him without even touching myself. Just the feel of his jerking prick going off deep inside me made me cum buckets of hot spunk all over my exposed chest.

"Uhh, uhh, oooooo...." Kev' moaned lightly once our orgasms faded.

I climbed down off my new friend, his woody plopped wetly from my worn hole when we heard the horn of a nearby semi-tractor trailer riding close beside us. Kev' and I both looked out at the driver whom had been riding beside us for the past 10 miles enjoying the show. He smiled and waved, then moved on about his business.

Kev' and I laughed. "That was wild." he confessed.

We dressed, and within 10 minutes were in Atlantic City where we shook hands and departed. Kevin promised to meet me back here 6 hours later with his winnings in hand now that he felt he'd gotten his good luck back. Or so we hoped.

I really didn't expect to see Kevin again, as we were allowed to take any casino bus back to the city so long as we had our Greyhound tickets with us. So he could go back home whenever he was ready, tomorrow morning if he felt like it.

I took my bag to the beach, laid out my towel, stripped down to my swim shorts, lotioned up, and relaxed in the sun until it started to disappear. Then I walked the board walk, brought some grub, and then made my way back to the bus.

Sure enough, when the bus driver closed the doors 15 minutes later and began to pull off from the loading dock, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed. Oh well, ce'la vie. Or however you spell it.

Suddenly there was a knock at the side of the bus. One of the elderly people up front yelled to the driver that someone was trying to get aboard. The driver stopped (which is against policy) and let the late comer on.

I smiled widely as Kevin thanked the group of elders, and then made his way to the back, towards me. He flopped down in his seat and wiped his sweaty brow.

"Didn't think I was gonna make it!" he said with a toothy grin.

"You almost didn't." I said. "Well...? Did you win?" I asked impatiently.

"I didn't win the $1000.00 like I thought I would-" he said, losing his handsome smile.

"Oh well, guess all that sex was for nothing." I said, staring at his crotch and wondering if some more sex would help him get over losing.

"I won $2000.00!" he said with a loud hearty laugh.

"You’re lying!" I smiled. He pulled out 20 crisp brand new $100.00 bills.

"Does this look like I'm lying?" he asked, letting me touch it.

"Wow. I guess I did help." I beamed.

"You don't know the half of it." he said happily. "Looks like I got myself a new lucky charm." he grinned.


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