Gay Erotic Stories

Scott and Chris

by DrFeltIzAss
20 Jan 2008


While I'm attempting to write a book every once in a while I decide to write an erotic story from my own perspective...with a romantic twist. If you like the story you're free to email me at

Scott and Chris

Scott pushed the door to the men’s locker room open with exuberance after an invigorating workout. Every Tuesday and Thursday we worked on shoulders and arms as well as doing 30-minutes of aerobics. Usually it consists of the treadmill, or the stationary bike. Today, Mr. Energy decides to do the stair stepper, followed by the stationary rowboat. After we finished I was so looking forward to a shower.

As we walked in the locker room I followed him close behind observing the sweat-moistened inverted triangle that appeared at the top of his gym shorts. The triangular point faded at the top indenture of his butt crack while the remainder of his shorts covered what I had always believed to be the nicest, roundest pair of ass cheeks I’ve ever seen on a man.

We had met when his family had first moved to town at the beginning of our senior year in high school. For 13 years we have been each other’s best friends. When I “came out” to my family at age 22 a lot of them had issues dealing with this startling revelation. However, Scott didn’t even think twice about it. He just said, “Man, that’s who you are.” Since then there has been much playfulness between us including a lot of crude straight/gay jokes. He even pretended to be my date one night when he joined me at a gay club with friends. While we were there he grabbed my ass and placed his head on my shoulder when he noticed some obnoxious guy hitting on me.

Even though we had been workout partners for many years where I thought I was acquainted with his many moods, there seemed to be some new aura I was sensing about him today. Scott has always been a very light-hearted, jovial person, but today there was an added sense of mischievousness about him. As we walked to our lockers I sat on the bench to untie my sneakers while he fumbled with the combination lock. “What’s up with you today?” I asked.

Without taking his eye from the rotating dial he responded, “What do you mean?”

“Scott, you’re normally upbeat and you’re always focused on our workouts but there’s something else today. You seem like you’re really excited about something! What is it? Did you and that girl, what did you say her name was, Mindy, have sex in your office or something?”

The crashing sound of metal reverberated off the locker room walls as he jerked his locker open. As he stood holding the door with one hand he shot me a glance over his shoulder. His eyebrows were raised in a sort of “I’ve been naughty” look as the corner of his mouth curved into a smile. I dropped my eyes and smiled too as I removed my socks stuffing them inside my shoes. “You dog,” is all I could think to say. As I stood to open my own locker I asked, “so, now that you’ve bagged the prize what’s next? Are you going to go out with her again or was it one of those ‘wham, bam, thank- you ma’am moments?’”

He had already kicked off his shoes and reached over his head to grab the neck of his muscle shirt. He pulled it off exposing the finely sculpted torso I have so much appreciated looking at when each of our workouts would end. He had just the perfect amount of chestnut colored hair accentuating his pecs and the sexiest happy trail from just above his navel disappearing at the waistband of his shorts. He said while rolling up his shirt and tossing it into the locker, “she seems nice and I’d like to see her again but she’s leaving tomorrow after work for the weekend and won’t be back until next week. So, we’ll see what happens when she gets back!”

I removed my tee shirt revealing the body I’d worked long and hard to achieve. Still, I couldn’t help but compare myself to the god that I thought Scott to be. I grabbed my towel and turned to set it on the bench just in time to see Scott put his thumbs in the band of his underwear and shorts and together in one swoop slid them to his ankles and kicked them free. After all these years of seeing him naked my appreciation of his body always seemed to take my breath away at the first sight of it unclothed. I don’t know what it is that keeps me more motivated to return to the gym, the roundness of his butt cheeks, the tuft of fur that surrounds his crack or the seven-incher that flops around with each movement. Obviously I enjoy the way my own body looks and the way I feel knowing I could never give it up, but being with Scott…..whew!

He hurriedly gathered his towel, shampoo and soap and passed me on his way to the shower. As he passed he reached up clamping my nipple between two of his knuckles and said, “Hurry up lard ass! Grandma was slow, but she was old!”

We quickly showered and dressed. Soon we were grabbing our gym bags with the musky scent of man sweat emanating from them and heading for the door. We both threw up a hand at Tasha, the young college girl at the office window who was studying to be a sports therapist, on our way out. “Looking good,” she said while smiling at us. Of course Scott never missed an opportunity to acknowledge his admirers. He didn’t say anything in response but instead winked at her and playfully touched his ass. I glanced back at Tasha who gave an “I want you baby” look. It was funny.

Scott and I were parked side-by-side. He drove a new fire engine red Ford-150 pickup that I thought amplified his manliness. He placed his bag in the open bed. Me, I drove a black Honda civic, a semi sporty car but also practical. As I threw my bag in the trunk he leaned against his passenger door and said, “Chris, what are you doing this weekend?”

I took only a moment before responding, “Nothing I can think of. Why?”

“Ever since I purchased my uncle’s house I’ve been trying to get it organized. He left a shit load of furniture in it that I need to decide if I’m going to keep, sale, donate, or burn. Since Mindy’s going to be out of town, I thought, if you were available, you could come over and help me. I might even put you to work with some other stuff. What do you say?”

For the first time I was delighted that I didn’t have any pressing events. “I don’t have anything else that’s demanding my attention, so yeah. Count me in,” I responded.

“Great! Then tomorrow when we come to work on legs why don’t you make sure you pack some extra clothes and just plan to spend the weekend. On Saturday morning I promise to make a mean bowl of cereal for breakfast. Just like mom used to make!”

“Cool,” I said.

“All right, bud. I’ll catch you tomorrow then,” he said as he rounded the truck bed.

I opened my car door and started to get in when a thought occurred to me, “Hey, was your office fuck the only thing that had you all hyper today or was there something else you haven’t told me?”

“There was something else,” he said while opening the cab door, “but I’ll tell you all about it this weekend. See ya!” He quickly hoisted himself into the truck with a huge grin on his face and threw me a salute all before I had an opportunity to object. He cranked the motor and threw it in reverse leaving me standing in my open car door mouth gaping and a look of shock on my face.

“I hate when he does that,” I told myself with a sigh of disgust as I watched his taillights flash as he stopped at the stop sign.

Friday morning I must have definitely woken up on the right side of the bed. As I was preparing for work I packed my gym bag with two extra changes of clothes as Scott had asked me to do. All through the years of our friendship I tried to never let on how attracted I was to him. In my heart I often fantasized about the two of us being together and how awesome I knew we would be. Although I kept it secret he, more than once, was the subject of an exciting masturbatory session. I knew it was a pointless fantasy and I tried to let it go. But, there was a part of me that just couldn’t.

Throughout the day I couldn’t remove the smile from my face. My secretary even commented that I must have gotten laid or something because she hadn’t seen me this excited in a long time. “It’s really nothing,” I told her. “I’m just glad it’s Friday.” That was sort of true. At the end of the day I headed out the door excited to get the weekend started. I drove to the gym and within just a few minutes Scott’s truck pulled into the parking lot. He pulled up beside me, threw it in park and hopped out saying, “Okay! You ready to do this?” I smiled and said, “You betcha!”

After we finished with our leg workout Scott headed toward the locker room instead of toward the aerobic equipment. “Dude! Where ya going?” I exclaimed.

“I thought we could probably just break with the normal routine, head to the house and get to work. That in itself will be enough aerobics.”

“Whatever you say bud, I’m all yours this weekend.”

We proceeded to the locker room, grabbed our bags without changing and headed out. Tasha was busy talking as we left but we still waved. She amazed me because I looked over my shoulder as we exited the building and saw her checking us out without breaking the rhythm of conversation she was having with the customer. Scott threw his bag in the bed and hopped in his truck saying, “I’ll see you at the house.”

Even though Scott left the gym before me, I arrived at his house before him. I probably sat in his driveway for 10 minutes just surveying the 2 ½ story home he had purchased. I remembered how we used to come home from college and would be here at his uncle’s home for a cookout and pool party. I loved this house.

Scott suddenly jetted into the driveway parking behind me. He was driving so quickly and then stopped so abruptly I could swear he was going to hit my car. He jumped out clutching a case of Bud Light. After grabbing his gym bag he said excitedly, “Aight, let’s get this party started!”

As we walked through the front door Scott told me to place my bag at the bottom of the steps. Then I followed him to the back of the house to the kitchen where he set the beer on the counter and threw his gym bag like a bowling bowl into the laundry room. “Beer?” he said inquisitively while giving the handgun point toward the case. “Sure,” I said.

He started to open the case and then said, “Why don’t you go in the laundry room and grab us a couple of towels then go out to the lanai. I’ll bring the beer and meet you out there.”

Assuming his thought was eventually to go swimming I grabbed a couple of beach towels and headed out the sliding glass doors that separated the kitchen and laundry room. I really enjoyed it out there because Scott’s uncle, Rob, had enclosed the pool area with a screened in Florida room that gave access to being outside without the problem of irritating bugs. After sitting down on a lounge chair Scott came out carrying two frosted mugs each holding an open bottle of Bud. He reached one out to me, “Here ya go!” He sat on the chair close to mine and poured his beer into the mug. Before taking his first swig he looked at me with pride in his eyes and also detectible in his voice, “man, Chris, can you believe I now own this house?” After his first gulp and wiping the froth from the corners of his mouth he continued, “This place has so many memories for us.”

I looked around the entire lanai shaking my head in agreement. “Yep, I know what you mean.”

All of a sudden Scott snorted while taking his next gulp. He pulled the mug away from his face laughing. “Do you remember that summer when we came home from school? We walked out here and Uncle Rob had thrown us an ‘end of the year, welcome home’ party.” He laughed harder. “He gave you a hug and as he was letting you go he guided you right into the pool…. clothes and all.”

“Yeah,” I said dryly. “That was a riot.”

“We’ve had a lot of fun in this house,” he said sitting his mug on the glass patio table in between our chairs. Suddenly he stood up and said with exuberance, “Hey, let’s go swimming.” Scott started taking off his muscle shirt as I said, “Sounds great to me but I’m going to have to borrow a pair of trunks. I didn’t bring any.”

“Trunks?” he questioned. “Who needs trunks?” He had no sooner said this than he once again placed each thumb in the side of his gym shorts jerking both his shorts and underwear simultaneously to the ground. He simply stepped out of the shorts as he jogged the few short steps to the pool and jumped in.

I simply sat there totally entertained. As soon as his head broke the surface of the water I yelled out, “You’re a freak!”

“Yeah, so are you! Now get in here,” he demanded.

I hesitated for a few seconds although I wasn’t sure why. He and I had seen each other naked more times than I could count but it was always at the gym or at the beach, never in a secluded setting. I simply shook off the thought and jerked my clothes off. I looked for Scott’s location in the pool. As soon as I saw him I ran and jumped, pulling my knees into my chest in order to complete a cannon ball. I angled my body so that as much splash would be directed in Scott’s direction. As soon as I surfaced a water-wrestling match immediately ensued.

Throughout the course of the next few hours it was as if time was turned back as we both acted once again as we had when we first met. It was a combination of water wrestling, lap racing and a semi-boring version of Marco Polo until Scott swam in between my legs stopping in mid-clearance to thrust me into the air. As night’s shadows had already overtaken the pool we decided we were sufficiently water logged and it was time to go inside.

Scott jumped out first. I couldn’t help but to watch as he walked to the chairs dripping. The kitchen light spilled through the sliding glass door casting a soft light on the pool. Scott’s wet body was glistening. Before touching the towel to his wet hair he leaned forward and shook his head vigorously like some shaggy dog. When he finished he raised his eyes up to me. His normally dirty blonde hair when dry suddenly looked darker now wet. He was so damned hot! With punked hair or when finely groomed he was just hot! Add that to the fact that he was naked and I couldn’t help but to sprout a semi hard-on. I was glad it was dark, and I was glad my dick was still submerged.

“What?” He asked as I continued looking at him. His question unlocked my gaze upon him. “Nothing,” I responded quickly.

He grabbed my towel and came over to the side of the pool close to where I was still standing chest deep. He all of a sudden sounded like an army drill sergeant, “It’s time to get out. So, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!”

I treaded water to the side of the pool and quickly thrust myself onto the side attempting to keep my back as much to the light as possible. I thought the lack of light would help to conceal my own 6 ½ inch log that had reached full mast by the time I had jumped out. If he noticed he didn’t let on. He just walked close and threw my towel so that it landed in a clump on my head.

After drying off we both wrapped the towels around ourselves and walked into the house. We grabbed two more bottles of beer from the fridge on our way to the living room. We sat down with the towels still wrapped around us onto the squeaky leather sofa. There were a few moments of awkward silence between us as we both just sipped on our beer bottles. Finally, Scott let out a sigh that would have scared a cat had he had one to scare. He said, “I don’t know about you bud but this day has been long.; a good day at work, a good workout and a few hours of aerobic exercise in the pool. Whew! I’m almost ready for bed.”

I shot a look over to the digital cable box. The bright blue neon numbers showed the time to be clearly 10:15 pm. I suddenly looked back at Scott and said, “What are you, a grandpa? It’s Friday night! It’s 10:15 for God’s sake. What the hell ya want to go to bed this early for?”

“Hey, I’ve got my nightly routine to complete. Since we just got out of the pool I want to take a quick shower to get the smell of chlorine off, then I’m going to shave, floss and brush my teeth. That’s going to take a little while.”

“Whatever bud,” I said in disbelief. “Do you care if I watch a little tube?”

“Nah, that’s fine,” he said, “but why don’t you watch it upstairs? There’s a TV in both bedrooms.”

“Cool,” I said. The sarcastic bitch was coming out in me as I stood, “should I help you up the stairs grandpa or are you feeling spry enough to make it on your own?”

He immediately retorted by flinging a sofa cushion at me and saying, “eh shet ep ya beotch!”

He sprang to his feet in a hunched position and ran at me with arms outstretched looking like a tight-end going for the tackle. His shoulders made direct impact with my abdomen knocking the wind out of me. His arms closed around my body, one of his hands landing squarely on my ass. The inertia was so strong it caused my towel to unknot and fall loose. Scott sunk his fingers in the part of the towel that covered my ass and jerked it off leaving me totally nude. I was so happy that my erection had subsided or else it would have been really embarrassing. Finally he backed off and stood up. He started walking toward me looking at me out of the corner of his eye as he passed. Suddenly he smacked my ass and bolted for the steps.

I immediately, out of reflex, flung my arm trying to return the smack but he was too quick. By the time I had turned completely toward the stairs his body was nothing but a blur. After the fourth step his towel fell free and lay in a pile; however, he didn’t stop to retrieve it.

I darted after him grabbing my gym bag and his towel on the fly. I bounded up the steps, dick bouncing fiercely and balls clanging against my thighs. Of course when I reached the top of the steps Scott was nowhere in sight. I surveyed the dark hall, or at least what I could see of it. Nothing! I took some very cautious and well-chosen steps toward the guest bedroom on my right. I knew he was lurking somewhere in the dark like some puma ready to pounce but I continued on toward the door. There wasn’t a sound.

When I walked in the room I so expected him to jump out at me but again there was nothing. I reached under the lampshade feeling my way to the switch that would turn on the light. As soon as the room was illuminated I could feel his presence coming toward me but with no time to react. I dropped my bag instinctively and was able to turn just in time to see Scott in mid-air flying at me. He hit me knocking me off balance sending me backward onto the bed. He landed on top of me but immediately scrambled into wrestling position with his knees on my shoulders pinning me. His dick felt like warm silk as it lay on my chest.

“What has gotten into you?” I grunted.

“I don’t know. I just feel like a kid again,” he said and then jumped off to the foot of the bed.

“Apparently!” I said and scooted myself into a seated position.

“Aight. I’m off to the shower.” He bounced off the foot of the bed like a trampoline and onto his feet.

I flipped on the tube attempting to watch a rerun of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire, but the sounds emanating from Scott’s shower was making it nearly impossible. He was screeching the words to a song at the top of his lungs. It was so unrecognizable. Finally I heard the water stop running and the shower door slide open. He yelled for me to come to him. I walked in and as he was drying off he invited me to take a shower using his bathroom. I liked his bathroom because there was no bathtub. He had a very roomy shower closet. I asked him to grab me a towel as I hopped in.

I could hear him brushing his teeth while I showered but before I had gotten out the bathroom had become quiet. I grabbed the towel he had hung on the rack and wiped off the larger beads of water. I walked into his bedroom as I continued to dry myself. I found him lying on his bed propped against the headboard half under the comforter with his naked leg raised and bent with his hand resting on his knee.

“So, you’re ready to go to sleep then?” I asked.

“Nah,” he responded. “I thought we could talk for a little bit.”

I threw the towel into the bathroom before running and diving onto his bed. I landed on my stomach and propped myself up and said, “Okay, shoot.”

His demeanor changed almost instantly. Instead of being the hyperactive child-like adolescent as he had been for most of the evening, most of his life for that matter, he actually seemed nervous. He took a deep breath and let it out as if he were trying to muster some courage. He closed his eyes squinting them tight and said, “Chris, sleep in here with me tonight.”

I simply glared blankly at his chest. A few moments passed as his request bounced around inside my head. He opened only one eye to look at me for reaction while the other remained tightly shut. The thought occurred to me that it wasn’t as though we had never slept in the same bed together but that was usually when there was a house full of people who needed a place to sleep. With confusion I blurted out, “Say that again!”

He looked down at me with both of those beautiful almond shaped eyes open looking like an adorable, but pitiful, puppy that’s begging for a treat. He repeated, “Sleep in here with me tonight . . . please.”

In disbelief I dropped my head and said, “You want me to sleep . . . in here . . . with you?” Scott nodded his head in affirmation. All of a sudden I became very aware of my heartbeat as the rhythm increased dramatically.

Scott slid further down into the bed until we were lying directly opposite one another. He turned toward me lying on his side. He reached for my head resting his hand on my neck just below my ear. He leaned in closer until our lips were almost touching and his hazel eyes locked on mine. “Yes,” he said and he pulled my face into his as our lips made full contact.

I enjoyed the moment, but only for a few seconds. It felt as though the entire evening had been like a road trip and we were heading in one direction. Now all of a sudden without warning Scott threw the car in reverse, shifted gears and suddenly we were headed into a totally different direction. I wasn’t quite grasping the change. I forcefully pushed myself back from him and stared at him in shock. “Why did you do that?” I asked.

“Chris, it’s actually something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.” He hesitated for a moment in order to let those words sink in. Again I was being introduced to a new aspect of his character, but this part is one that I’ve only dreamed about. I never thought in my wildest imagination that it would ever come true. He looked at me with such gentleness, something I was most definitely not accustomed to. He continued speaking but very quietly.

“Over the last couple of years I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my life, and the things that make me happy. I’ve asked myself if I’m happy going out with all those women having one-night-stands. While it was sort of fun, there hasn’t been anything fulfilling about it. After each conquest I just kept feeding my own ego thinking I was a stud.”

He hesitated for a moment surveying my face for any reaction. Of course I was lying there hearing his words hanging on each as if he were a camp counselor telling a ghost story. He continued, “It wasn’t until you and I would get together at the gym or at home that I started realizing how much my feelings were involved with you. I would get excited just at the thought of seeing you. I’ve even found myself thinking of you during the day. And, here lately, I’ve been having some dreams about you and me being together. I even woke up one night strokin’ my cock because the dream I was having was so intense. It finally hit me that I wanted to be with you, and not just as my friend. I wanted more.”

I was stunned. I couldn’t move. I just lay there looking at him. “Scott, I don’t know what to say. For the first time in my life I’m utterly speechless.”

“That’s okay.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“You tell me.” At this he pulled the covers down to reveal his penis fully hard and extended. After taking in this beautiful sight I closed my eyes and whispered almost breathlessly, “oh, this can’t be happening.”

I opened my eyes because I could sense his face coming closer to mine. “It is,” he whispered as his lips once again came into contact with mine. This time, however, I didn’t flinch and pull away. In my heart my mouth had been so hungry for him for many years. The instant our tongues made contact I felt as though I had been shocked with a thousand bolts of electricity.

Cautiously I slowly let my hand glide through the air until I could feel the head of his penis lightly make contact with my palm. I had only touched his dick one other time in our lives but that was purely by accident. It was on one of those occasions when we came home from college and shared a bed. At some point in the night I woke up with my hand firmly holding on to his, again, erect penis. But, we were both wearing underwear at the time. Other than a couple of brushes either in the shower at the gym or while water wrestling earlier in the evening there had never been any direct contact.

His dick was firm, but oh so smooth as I fully wrapped my hand around it. I slowly started to jack him with a loose grip. I let the upper side of my index finger and thumb gently graze the lower ridge of his head and slowly back down until his pubic hair cushioned my descent toward his balls. I let go of his dick in order to completely cup his nuts in my hand. Using my middle finger I tickled the underside of his scrotum down past the taint to the crag of his ass hole and then pulled my hand back up gracefully letting my finger ever so slightly graze his skin as it traced the full extension. When I reached the head’s underside he squirmed.

His kiss was deep but tender. His tongue darted around my mouth gently wrestling with my own. His lips were relaxed and soft. While I was touching his dick he was caressing my ass. We finally broke free of this initial contact and I fully engulfed him in my arms squeezing tightly. Our legs intertwined with one another’s and we both felt the massive lumps of erect dicks as they were pressed between our bodies. While I had been intimate with just a couple of guys in my life, nothing compared to the sensation of Scott and I at this moment.

“How do you feel?” he whispered.

“Like someone told me that I’ve just won the lottery while I was blind, stinking drunk,” I said.

He smiled. “Well, I guess I don’t quite feel as foggy as you but I know what you mean.”

I held on to him for several minutes while neither of us spoke. I wanted to full enjoy this moment. Finally, I let go of him and lay back down looking into his face. “Scott?”


“May I do something I’ve wanted to do for a long time?” I asked with anticipation.

“What’s that?” he whispered?

“Have you ever had a guy blow you before?” A smile immediately appeared on his lips. “No, but I was hoping that would be one of the things we would at least think about.” He paused for a moment before he continued, “I’d like to try that also.”

I leaned in to kiss his lips, then his chin, the bottom of his throat and continued a straight line of kisses all the way down his body. I paused only for a few moments to let my nose rustle through the line of hair that surrounded his navel. He winced as I touched his navel.

“What’s wrong?

“It’s ticklish,” he snickered.

“Your navel? You don’t say.” I touched it again and his body jerked. There was increased snickering. This is information I filed away in memory for ready recall before proceeding on course.

The head of his penis lay just to the left of his navel. While continuing to kiss and nuzzle in the hairy field I reached out to grab his dick kneading the sides with my fingers. Slowly I guided it closer to my face. When I felt the warm, spongy head brush my cheek I turned my head with his dick squarely in front of my mouth like a singer getting ready to sing into a microphone.

For a moment I froze in position. Again, this feeling of awe had overtaken me. Could I possibly be in this situation? Could I actually be getting the love I’ve held in my heart for some many years returned to me? I threw caution to the wind, opened my mouth and sank his dick at least half way down the shaft clamping my lips into place. It was time for my tongue to do some aerobics.

By creating a vacuum in my mouth and holding my tongue with force against his skin I began to move my tongue up and down. It bathed his dick in slick saliva. Scott’s groan of approval suggested he liked the sensation. I moved my tongue to gently tickle the area just under his head and also his urethra before unlocking my lip clamp and sinking his dick deep into my throat. The clean smell of chlorine mixed with the perfumed soap he used in the shower made the experience of burying my nose into his pubes so much more exhilarating.

While continuing to orally jack his meat I reached out and touched the soft, scrotal skin. I let one of his balls slip in between my fingers. It felt like a soft-boiled egg floating in jelly. Soon I was lightly caressing both balls and using my thumb to brush the base of his dick.

I could hear more groans of pleasure coming from the head of the bed. Scott moved his leg and rested it on my shoulder. I slid my hand ever so slowly up the side of his body to his firm pectorals. His nipple felt like a solid bee- bee. As I lightly stroked the tip of it Scott’s back arched into the air.

My adrenaline was rushing ever more as I sucked the full length of his shaft in rapid succession. After what seemed like only a minute I felt Scott’s hand on my shoulder pulling me up from this delightful treat. He pulled me up and like a wild man he locked lips with me again. He said breathlessly, “Don’t make me cum to quickly. This is why I wanted to go to bed early so we could take our time.”

He threw me over onto my back and was kissing me with a lot of heat and passion. His hand was resting on my side. His thumb sought out my nipple and then gave it a couple of quick flicks. Then it happened.

I could tell he was a little nervous by the way he touched me but I felt his hand gently maneuver its way south. As he reached the base of my stomach he lingered to let his fingers knead the smooth muscles of my abdomen. I could feel my dick pulsating with excitement. He stopped kissing me and we both looked down.

He watched as the head of my dick hovered above the back of his hand. In what seemed like slow motion he lifted his hand and placed it on my dick’s softer underbelly. To let the sensation of touching another man’s tool sink in he simply pressed it down sandwiching it between his hand and my warm skin. He had this look of intrigue on his face as he wrapped his fingers around it. As I continued to look down I asked, “How are you doing there?”

With little gasps coming in between his words he said, “This is definitely different.” But, he turned his face to mine and said, “It’s incredible.”

He scooted himself down the bed with his legs half hanging off the end. He propped himself up with one arm while his other hand maintained its hold. His look of amazement was so endearing. He reminded me of a child who was seeing something wondrous for the first time as he used his index finger to trace the outline of my erection.

He said, “This is my first time so you may have to guide me a bit.” Then, without further hesitation in one quick movement he crammed my whole piece into his mouth sinking it into his throat all the way to my nuts. He clamped his limps around the base and slowly glided up. He then repositioned his body so that his tongue had clear access to the soft skin underside. He went down again holding the position and allowing his tongue to press into me with deliberate intent. It was an amazing sensation, but more so because it was Scott’s virgin mouth that was performing this incredible act.

I placed my hand on the back of his head as he continued to pump. I felt as if my whole body was floating while my dick was surrounded in moist warmth. My own groans seemed to be the encouragement he needed to suck even harder. His mouth let go of my hard-on as he started kissing a trail to my mouth. His gasps of excitement seemed to intensify as he reached nearer to my mouth. As he kissed me he forced his hands under my back and into a strong bear hug. Almost instantly he flipped me over so that he was on his back and I was lying on top. I pushed away from him and said, “For a first timer that was awesome!”

“Well, I’ve watched a few porn flicks and paid attention,” he said. “Chris.”


“I want to make love to you.”

The shock had worn off from his initial invitation for me to sleep with him so these words didn’t come as much as a surprise. I sat up straddling his body as he raised his knees supporting my butt. I looked at him with loving awe still not quite able to accept this moment. I dropped forward placing my stiff arms on both sides of his head. As my face hung above his I said, “Well, I don’t get into dry fucks so do you have lube?”

He looked over to the nightstand and with his hand opened the top drawer. In it lay a tube of K-Y and a box of condoms. As he grabbed both he said, “I’m a good little scout. I’m prepared.”

“Not presumptuous were you?” I asked coyly.

“Not presumptuous,” he responded. “Only hoping.”

I remained in the seated position. While he fumbled with a condom packet I used the K-Y to prepare myself for the piece of man-flesh that would soon be exploring my tunnel. When we were prepared I looked into his face and said, “Scott, you know I love you don’t you?”

“Yeah,” he paused. “I know.”

I reached behind me and felt the condom-covered piece that would soon be inside me. With some of the remaining lube on my hand I applied it to the already wet outer surface. I then lifted up positioning myself above him. I relaxed my ass muscles and gently settled myself on his hard rod. As I sensed his head parting my ass lips I gently set myself so that he entered slowly. I was savoring every second. Finally he was fully inside me. Scott closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

I flexed my ass muscles that tightened the grip around his meat. He opened his eyes and smiled at me as he flexed his penis. I felt it move inside me. I smiled back. Then I gently lifted myself up so that he came out nearly half way before I lowered myself back onto him. I continued these movements for a while. A few moments later and I felt Scott’s hand grab my dick as he started jacking me up and down. I told him to stop before I shot my load prematurely.

After a few more minutes he said, “I want to change positions.”

“Okay,” I said. “Where do you want me?”

He placed both of his hands on my thighs rubbing them as he said, “I want to be on top of you and looking into your eyes when we cum.”

I thrust myself up slowly letting his dick exit my chute. I climbed off him then lay down on my back. He shifted his position until he was in between my spread legs. I lifted my legs into the air resting them on his shoulders leaving direct access to my awaiting hole. He grabbed his dick guiding it ever closer and gently re-entered. In this position it was a much different sensation than the last as again I felt him fill me up. Once he was completely in he leaned down scooping my body into his arms while his hands wrapped around my shoulders.

While he kissed me deeply he thrust himself in and out of my ass. At first his movements were slow but gradually the speed increased. Finally he jerked his hands and placed them on both sides of my body. As if doing a push-up he thrust himself up all the while thrusting me harder and quicker. My breathing started to intensify as the sensation of his dick rapidly moving in and out of me brushed my prostate sending waves of numbness all over my body.

Scott’s heavy breathing suddenly turned into groans and deep glottal grunts. He was nearing his peak. I reached down and started jacking my meat that now was hard as a brick. My dick’s head was no longer spongy but also very firm. I started jacking very fast.

It was like no sensation I had never experienced before. I could feel his dick inside me expand to its fullest and hardest as he shot his load into the glove that covered it. At the same time his entire body tensed and he opened his mouth to let out a breath that had come from deep within. I looked into his face and saw the expression of ecstasy as he continued to thrust. I closed my eyes to let his image float inside my mind.

In just a moment I could feel the eruption down inside me begin to boil. The speed of my movements increased until suddenly hot cream shot out splattering my chest leaving droplets down to my stomach. I let out a groan and could feel my face contort as the intensity sent chills all over me. I grasped the base of my dick firmly and slowly squeezed my way to the top. Thick cum continued to ooze out puddling on my stomach. It filled my navel until it looked like a creamy lake.

Scott lowered himself to his elbows. As he did I could feel his erection starting to subside and he slowly eased out of me. He lowered himself down and kissed one of my nipples, then the other. He raised himself back over me and said, “Chris, I love you too.”

He then gave me a quick peck and then moved from the bed walking slowly and grabbing the condom so it wouldn’t fall and splatter on the floor. He came back with the towel I had used earlier rubbing his crotch to remove any excess sperm that remained. He came to the bed sitting himself on the edge as he began to wipe up the pool of liquid from my stomach and chest. I placed my hand on his thigh and fixing my eyes on his now limp penis. I looked up into his eyes and said, “You are so wonderful.”

He smiled. When he finished mopping up the remains of our lovemaking he threw the towel to the floor and lay down beside me. Again he kissed my nipple and then reached to grab my hand interlocking his fingers with mine. He said, “Chris, this is why I’ve been so excited for the last several days. When I accepted that I wanted to be with you it was like a wave of something just rushed over me.”

It was my turn to smile, “But, what about Mindy?” I asked.

“Never happened,” he said.


“Nope. Ever since it hit me about wanting to be with you I’ve just been so excited.” I snickered.

A serious look came across his face. He said, “Chris, I want you to think about something. You don’t have to give me an answer right away.”

I was puzzled. What was he about to ask? “Okay.”

“I feel like this house is as much yours as it is mine. We have so many memories here,” he paused. “Would you consider living here with me?”

Us cumming was not nearly the climax that this moment had become. I reached my hand up cupping the back of his head and pulled his face nearer to mine. “Absolutely,” I said without hesitation and pulled him closer until again our lips were locked.


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Scott and Chris

While I'm attempting to write a book every once in a while I decide to write an erotic story from my own perspective...with a romantic twist. If you like the story you're free to email me at Scott and Chris Scott pushed the door to the men’s locker room open with exuberance after an invigorating workout. Every Tuesday and Thursday we worked on shoulders and arms as


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