Gay Erotic Stories

Master Doctor, Part 1

by Meistersklave
25 Aug 2008


It was a rainy afternoon as Officer Jack made his normal rounds on horseback through Lincoln Park. Another cold gust of wind from the lake flew past him and his horse. If only something a little bit more exciting would happen today he thought. Officer Jack is quite handsome in his leather boots, dark leather pants and then his officers shirt on underneath his black leather jacket and atop his brown locks was his helmet. Around his waist was his officer’s belt and all the usual cop accessories. His six foot frame filled out the uniform for the mounted patrol quite well with his 160 lbs. . Slowly he made his way through this current round, it was nearing the end of Jack’s day.

“Well at least I won’t have any paperwork to fill out when I get back to the station” he thought to himself since it was such an uneventful day. Jack’s horse whinnied a little and he decided to race him through the park today to see how fast his horse, Luna’s Smile really was. The horse had come from the race track at a really good price, hence the racing name. He’d always wanted to rename him but Jack didn’t have the authority to authorize that change … yet. As he raced to the end of the park he saw his partner waiting for him at the park entrance also on horseback. Jack greeted Officer Charles rather friendly. “So what’s up Chuck?” Jack asked him.

“Not a lot. The chief has ordered everyone to go see a specialist for mental health evaluation. Dr. Kelly Princess. Just found out from the guys down at the precinct.” Charles informed Jack of their new doctor’s appointment. “Says everyone has to do this a.s.a.p. and that we have to report tonight after our shift ends. Really sucks because I had plans to go see my kids. Tonight was supposed to be my night with them.” Charles was a little bit taller than Jack was; six foot three, one hundred and eighty five pounds of pure muscle. He was proud of his body and always worked out everyday. His outfit was identical to Jack’s. They made more small talk as they rode back to the station stables.

When they got back to the locker room to change; they both got an intuitive flash that something was a miss. When they walked in they didn’t hear anything but a soft groaning sound and the sound of water. “Yeah you like being our bitch don’t you fratboy?”

Suddenly came to their ears from the direction of the showers. As Jack and Charles got closer to the showers the floor before them was nothing but a cascade of quickly discarded clothing. Pants, socks, jock straps, jackets all just flung off in a great hurry. When they got to the shower they were treated to Derek and Zack fucking a medium sized fratboy. Officer Zack was fucking the boys face while Derek fucked his ass. The boy was blindfolded but otherwise wore nothing else. Both the officers didn’t even pause when they saw Jack and Charles walk in on them. They just kept fucking the boy senseless.

They motioned for them to join them. Both Jack and Charles just turned looked at each other and without another word walked away from the Threesome before them. The Grunting of the men fucking and sucking echoed off the walls. Even though they couldn’t see the fratboy being fucked they just as vividly heard every lurid detail as they changed. “Please sirs fuck my ass some more” the boy begged when Zack’s cock plopped out of his mouth. Both officers at the same time said “Yes, slave.” Then Zack went on to say “We’re going to fuck every fratboy in your house and make them our slaves as well. You’d like that wouldn’t you slave?”

The only answer was more grunting and moaning from the showers before both of them got undressed and redressed to street clothes in record time. “Wow. What was that?” Asked Officer Charles. “I know Zach and Derek and they both have wives and kids!!! How could they be queer?”

Jack shrugged his shoulders and said “Well everyone has their secrets I suppose Charles. Who cares if they like to role play with the horny fags from the college? Not really any of my business.”

They both walked through the Chicago city streets in Springtime on their way to Dr. Princess’ office it was early Saturday night. They each had an envelope with their medical records in it to give to the Doctor when they got there. The Chief had personally compiled all the reports for each officer. As Jack thought of it the Chief had been acting strange lately, asking very personal questions of his men.

“So what do you think of the rookie the department just hired?” Charles asked Jack as they walked into the Doctor’s office.

“He is a nice guy and should fit in great there.” he replied.

“Do you think he’s gay too?” Charles asked then added on “Maybe that’s why the chief hired Jason.”

“Stop projecting your homo fantasies onto EVERYONE in the world, Chuck we saw two straight married guys fucking another guy that doesn’t make every cop gay.” Jack retorted.

“Can I have your paperwork please gentleman?” The Blonde petite female receptionist asked.

They both paused and gave her the folders, as they did Jack’s File folder fell to the floor throwing all the paperwork in disarray. As he stooped to pick them up he fell to his knees to better collect them all. Then he saw there were nude pictures of himself in the file. It looked like someone had taken them while he was showering at the precinct house. His face got really red as he collected all the photos and other paperwork back into the file and handed it to the receptionist. He quickly ran to the closest chair and then sat down. What was going on? Jack had to clear his head had to think of why those pictures would be in there. Who took them? Why? His mind raced through all the possibilities trying to figure out who was doing this where they going to blackmail him with them? Why? Who was doing this?

“Charles you may go see Dr. Kelly now” She said from behind the receptionist wall as she buzzed the door open. “You may go lay down in room number five. Jack the Dr. will be with you shortly.”

He barely heard her just looked at Charles’ hot ass in his jeans as he slowly walked down the lobby toward the door. Each perfect sphere of his ass so tight and moving up and down as he walked away… what a minute! What was he thinking? He was straight. Why would his co-workers ass be hot or sexy now? Maybe it was the three-way they walked in on in the showers—that just had to be it. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. He’d just ask for the file and take the naked pictures of himself out of there.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before the receptionist buzzed him in to room number three. As he walked out of the lobby he noticed that the hallway was completely white--white walls, white doors, white floors and ceilings as well. It hurt to look at it at first seeming to bright with the glare of the white light. When Jack found door number three he opened it and was blind when he shut the door. Only complete absolute darkness in room three he couldn’t see anything.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his groin. It was undoing his zipper and button on his jeans. He felt weak suddenly but also slightly aroused. His cock was hardening in his white briefs which the hand fondled as its twin pulled his jeans down altogether. Then his shirt was quickly pulled over his head by the pair of strong masculine hands. Dr. Kelly sure had hands like a man Jack thought. He was left standing in complete blackness now almost naked except for his white cotton briefs which were entirely too little for his tastes, but it did feel good to stand nearly nude in the dark in a very warm room.

He started sweating. ‘It must be at least eighty-five degrees in here’ he thought to himself. The hands were gone now and he couldn’t even see the door he’d just come from or who had undressed him so expertly. He heard a whisper and then suddenly his hands were grabbed from behind and forced behind his back and cuffed together. His heartbeat raced. Now what would happen to him? His mind raced with possibilities when he saw a red light in the distance and a man standing under it’s shadowed light. The man came closer to Jack, as he came closer the red light above him followed him through the room.

As he did he started talking again in a soft whisper of a voice raspy and low, “So how does the officer like losing control?” The shadowed man asked Jack.

“I… I don’t like it at all.” he replied. “I’ve always been in control of everything in my life.”

“Well all of that has now changed. You and every police officer in this city belong to me.” he whispered as he came to stand ten feet away from Jack. He could now see the man in shadow was very tall and also very muscular. Not quite as much as his partner. Oh no! Charles! What has happened to him? Jack wondered.

As if on cue Charles naked form stepped into the light next to the Doctor in shadow he knelt in front of him and said, “As my master commands so is it done.”

“Very good slave. Now strip your partner and fuck him.” he rasped.

“No!!! Charles, think of what you’re doing!” Jack tried pleading with him as he got closer and closer to Jack. Finally when he was in within striking distance Charles smacked him across the face.

“We must never disobey the master.” Charles said in a monotone voice. He then reached over and ripped the underwear off of Jack’s body. Jack’s impressive cock sprang up and out as the underwear that was moments ago constraining it came loose. He was only half hard but still he knew he was being aroused by Charles and his manhandling. He whimpered and begged him some more not to fuck his ass. To which his reply was Charles’ large cock raping his virgin ass with no lube.

The pain was immediate and intense for Jack as his partners large tool violated his ass over and over again. Then the pain slowly slipped into pleasure. Jack started pushing his ass back to meet the on coming thrust of the cock in him. He couldn’t fight the pleasure that he felt at this cock fucking him in the ass. He surrendered to his homosexuality and admitted to himself he liked to see men dressed in leather or less.

“Very good slaves.” The master cooed. He came closer to the duo as Jack was impaled on his partners cock. Then he began whispering in Jack’s ear. “You and all your cop friends are now gay and only wear your uniform when you have to; otherwise you are to be naked at all times and fucking each other. The local fraternities are now or soon will belong to the police. Every college boy in there is an ass for you to fuck whenever you want to. Rape them all if you and your precinct is feeling adventurous. I have mind controlled your chief and he is the one responsible for delivering every officer of his and the city to my ranks of slaves and minions. You are now Slave. You will obey any command I give or any of your masters give you. Does slave understand?”

Jack wrestled with himself with what to say; his cock was now completely hard as Charles continued to fuck his ass while ‘Master’ whispered his orders into his ears. He was completely turned on so he replied the only way he could. “Yes master I am your cum slave and will now be naked all the time unless on patrol. I am your faggot, master.” Master slowly circled them and then released his hands from the shackles for now.

“Very good slave! That’s the best answer of any of the other slaves gave. That’s why you get this collar to always wear on your neck; you will never remove this. Does slave understand?”

“Yes my master I will obey your every whim your every command sir!” Jack grunted in between Charles fucking his ass at first slow and easy then harder faster heavier. Finally his cock couldn’t contain his cum any longer and Officer Jack started shooting a fountain of cum as his ass was filled and plowed by his partner who soon afterwards let go of his semen deep inside Jack’s ass. As Charles’ spent cock slowly slipped out of his ass, Master was putting the collar on his newest slave he noticed it. He spun and struck Charles so hard he fell backwards into a heap.

“Stupid slave didn’t have permission to cum yet! Your cocks belong to me or your masters you will not get off unless we allow you to! Do both stupid slaves understand this?!?!”

“Yes, our master we understand and beg for mercy!” they both chanted in unison.

“Now then Collar slave rape your partner and cum in him as many times as you want to. He is now your slave to do with as you will. He can’t even follow his master’s simplest of commands so now the slave will be a slave to a slave. Maybe you can make him listen and obey your commands.”

Charles looked at Jack in horror and then down in submission as Jack came over to him and spread his legs apart so that he could fuck him hard from behind while Charles was on his hands and knees. Without any lube save his precum and ejaculation from earlier he thrust his huge cock inside of Charles’ also virgin ass.

He squirmed in extreme discomfort under Jack as his ass was assaulted. This made Jack smile an evil grin as he fucked him harder and deeper with each stroke of his big cock. Revenge was a cock best served hard and raw he thought as he kept raping and invading his partner’s ass. He pleaded for mercy and begged Jack to stop at which point he only fucked him more but also took his hand and squeezed Charles’ scrotum very hard. “The more the slave complains the worse the pain gets.” Jack said into Charles ear while still fucking him. “So relax slave and take this cock in your ass over and over again and remember you’ll never fuck this master’s ass again!”

“Cum now.” The shadow voice whispered

At this Jack’s cock erupted inside of Charles ass and shot jet after jet of cum from his cock into his partner’s ass. It was complete ecstasy; Jack had never felt better and wanted to do it to him again. He wanted to make him even more of his bitch. Now that he was Charles’ master he’d make him learn true respect for his new master’s wishes. Make him whimper and beg to his master some more. He couldn’t forget either though that he was now a slave as well. Master commanded and the slaves obeyed.

“You have one week to break the fraternity Alpha Sigma. I want every frat boy naked and in chains in my dungeon by next Saturday night. If you fail your master’s wishes you will instead be chained naked in their place. For every ten frat boys you bring me Jack, you may keep one as a slave for yourself. Only you among the police will have any slaves for now. You are now their controlling master of all of the Police of your precinct. They now belong to you. Never forget, you belong to me always.

So that I will control you all, Charles is your first slave, but he is to never see daylight again. So you’ll need a new ‘partner’. The Rookie cop will be your new partner and you will rape him in front of everyone at your precinct when all the cops are there, and make sure to bring me a tape of it. Does my slave understand?” Master’s whispered commands were heard by both of them.

“Yes my master. We will all obey your every word.” Jack replied “My master commands and all his slaves must obey.” He said while he knelt in front of the Doctor on his hands and knees with his Slave/ex partner next to him. As they rested there like that the Doctor/Master walked around his two newest slaves and examined them fully. He poked and prodded them both and smacked their flesh when he felt like it.

Then he fucked Jack without any lube, taking his big pulsing throbbing cock pushing it Into his tight nearly dry ass; only a little bit of Charles’ cum hadn’t dripped out of Jack’s ass while he fucked Charles. Jack Gasped in pain and pleasure, the pain of it was immense and a sudden shock to him causing him to spasm every muscle in his body at first. Then when the cock kept pounding his ass over and over he was overcome by waves of pleasure. Master whispered the entire time into his ear while fucking him.

“You are now your master’s fuck toy. You will do every command your Masters give you. You want to obey every command to the letter. Any resistance or trying to fudge the instructions will only result in a worse punishment. You are to always be nude; only the collar on so the other slaves will see you as their master. All the police are to be slaves to us. They will obey your every word and always seek to please you their master. You will never forget you are my slave and will come to be by my side at my every beck and call. You will always crave and long for my presence and you won’t have me unless I command it. You will memorize every moment with me and think of it when I am not around. I will fuck you anytime I want to. You will dream and fantasize about me every waking moment. Now beg for my cum fuck slave.” The Doctor ordered of Jack the whole time fucking his ass with his enormous penis plunging into and out of his ass.

“Yes sir. Please may I have your big load of hot cum coating my ass sir? Give your slave every drop of your cum please sir. I am incomplete without your cum in me master.” Jack replied without thinking twice.

“Sub slave come over here and suck your master’s cock while I fuck his ass.” The master commanded.

Charles only looked defeated as he crawled over to sit in front of Jack’s cock. Slowly he began licking on Jack’s cock and then softly began sucking his partner’s penis as it slowly drooled pre-cum out of it. Jack only groaned in complete pleasure as his slave and master pleasured him in ways he’d never thought of before today. Somehow it all seemed so natural or second nature to Jack. Not only did he want more, but much, much more.

When he returned to the station he’d make all the cops worship him and quickly plan how they were going to raid and close a whole frat down for a large party weekend. What a way to spend his existence-- a cocksucking faggot slave (and master at times). He was going to really like his new life and he couldn’t wait to make sure that everyone else in the department had their “exam” done by Dr. Kelly. Then the real fun stuff would start; planning out precinct orgies for all the cock hungry men under his command now. He felt his master thrust his cock further inside of him and felt it throbbing in his ass as it was spewing jet after jet of hot cum into Jack’s ass.

His thoughts scattered and he himself was shooting his cum into his slaves eager mouth and down his throat. Sweat poured from every pour on Jack’s body and he whimpered softly as his master’s cock left his ass. He felt hollow with out it there now. He craved his master’s cock in him to fuck him day or night. He could smell his master’s odor but he couldn’t see his master at all in the perfect darkness. He only heard his master zipping his leather pants back up.

“Very good faggots. You both passed your mental evaluation. You are my slave Jack. Charles you are worse than Jack, for you are his slave, you are to never again wear clothes or see daylight ever again! Does the slime faggot understand?”

“Yes my former master I understand you. I am worthless. I am slave.” Charles uttered aloud for both of them to hear.

In the same silky slithering whisper he stood and the red light faded with him. “I will be watching my slaves to see if they obey or need to be punished. You Jack will gather all the fratboys here to my dungeon underneath my offices. All 53 of them or you will be punished severly for your failure. That’s taking off the five you can keep for yourself as your own harem of slaves. I’ll be around boys.”

With that the red light vanished all together and so did their new master. They however both knew what was expected of them. A small black light bulb turned on above them so they could see a little bit of what was around them. All Jack could think was that this was the Marque de Sade’s wet dream--all the different devices and implements to use to torture or control some one during sex. Jack first picked the blindfold off the wall and put in around Charles head.

“You are now no longer Charles. You are simply cum whore. You are the most cock hungry craving faggot that ever existed. You always want to be fucked. You can’t get enough of it. Yet you will have to be a really good slave for master to fuck you. Otherwise you will always be wanting cock or thinking about how good my cum tastes or feels in your ass.” Jack told Charles very quickly as he fastened the blindfold around his head.

“Yes my master.” Was his simply reply and he thrust his ass out and up into the air submissively asking with his body what his mouth couldn’t. Please fuck me master. Oh yes it was going to be a great weekend Jack thought to himself as he smacked his slave hard in the face with his palm. His dick was starting to get hard so as a reward he started to fuck him again; at first teasing him by placing his cockhead near his asshole and then ever so slowly slipping it inside him one centimeter at a time. He was going to be the first slave for Jack but defiantly not his last one.

End of Part 1

Any comments or feedback email me at Thanks.


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Master Doctor, Part 2

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Master Doctor, Part 1

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