Gay Erotic Stories

How To Do A Lap Dance In The Lap Of Luxury. Part 4.

by Freddy N. Willing
24 Apr 2008

Bathhouse Tales Gay Erotic Stories Straight Men, Gay Sex

How To Do A Lap Dance In The Lap Of Luxury. Part 4.

When the telephone bells chimed, my friends said their good byes and left and I heard Mike saying we had another little party to go to before we left the spa. I told him I would be ready when they were and to knock on my door as they were going by. I was going to tell Mike about the Mexicans arriving and the party I had with some of them but he said Mr. G wanted him and we could talk later.

Both Mr. G and Mike were wearing their white cotton robes when they rapped on the door and I put mine on also. The three of us made small talk as we left our building and moved on to the south building but nothing reminded me about the Mexicans so I did not relate that experience. Suddenly, it came to me where we were going. I was right. Mr. G knocked on the door of the suite that was occupied by the party from Mexico and when Mr. G gave the naked boy who opened the door his name, we were ushered in with many gracious and sincere greetings.

The man I knew only as Juanito’s father came over and he and Mr. G gave each other what is known in Mexico as an abrace or embrace. Using Mr. G’s given name which I will show as R, the older Mexican who Mr. G addressed as F and we were introduced to as Sr. M, told us we were welcome to his apartment and temporary home. It turned out, as it often did with Mr. G, that the two rich men were old friends and business associates if not partners.

Seeing right away that I was a little embarrassed about being there since I had sucked three of the guys off almost in front of him and had been publicly fucked by another one, Sr. M, I am sure thought I wanted to keep the afternoon party a secret, made no sign of recognizing me and to one side he spoke to a man in Spanish and that man went to the four men I had serviced and delivered Sr. M’s message. There was an immediate gathering of all the Mexicans and I knew they were talking about me as I saw them glancing at me and smiling. One of the Latinos, the old man’s son and my favorite and first pick earlier, with what I remember as an especially caliente pinga, put his hand on his tool and gave me a smile of invitation to do an encore.

Sr. M made an eye signal to Juanitio and the son came over to be introduced to our party. The boy shook hands with each of us and he gave me a smile that told me he was pleased that I had picked him to service first earlier in the day, but that he would not reveal our secret of how I had drained him so fully. While I fully intended to tell both Mr. G and Mike the entire story without shame, it pleased me that the boy would want to keep me from being embarrassed in front of my friends.

The spa kitchen had sent over a large Mexican food buffet and there was plenty still on the table for our party to enjoy. The appetizing display was a full range of tacos, burritos, enchiladas and several kinds of roasted meats and fresh vegetables. A good supply of liquors was also available.

Since Mr. G and Mike had recently gotten out of bed, they moved over to where a new trio of spa boys was serving the Latino visitors and soon both had young spaboy cocksucker’s working as the Latinos politely stepped aside for them. I could hear the Mexicans as they voiced their evaluations of Mr. G’s really unusually attractive cock. “Que marveleoso, que marveleoso,” one guy kept saying loud enough to be heard where I was across the room.

Juanito gave me a nod to go into the kitchen and when I met him there he said, “So, your name is Freddy. Well, mi amigo Freddy, I have been thinking all the time since you left that you gave me the best cocksucking I can remember having. I was what you call jealous of my cousin Francisco who fucked you as I wanted very much to fuck you myself.” While talking, the man was holding my hands like he was truly glad to see me again.

I told Juan, as he preferred to be called, that I had hoped that he and I could have had a fucking session but he was busy with his father when we were told to leave so the group could have a siesta.

“I sure wished that you had stayed as my cock was crying to me to get your culo for it to play in,” Juan laughed and I joined him with a good laugh as I tried to imagine the cock pleading for an asshole to fuck. “Now you are here with your friends, I cannot imagine that we could have one quick fuck. Or could we?” Juan asked and he looked at me intently for the answer he so wanted to hear.

“We could if you have a private place where you could let your pinga play in my culo,” I stated and Juan told me we could use his bedroom in the large suite assigned to his father. When we went into his bedroom we found my friend and former fucker, Francisco fucking a spa boy and we had to wait until they finished and left before Juan could lock the door.

When our privacy was assured, Juan had me get on his bed on my hands and knees and he went behind me. I felt the boy open my ass cheeks wide and then he went into my crack with his lips and tongue giving me a passionate rim job. After a few minutes of ass hole licking, Juan pulled my hard cock back through my legs and he made oral love to the knob and the first few inches. I was really pleasantly surprised by his attentions, but I knew that would be almost the same way Juan would foreplay with a girl and there was no gay overtones to what he did.

Feeling a surge of heat go thru my body, I begged Juan to mount me and give me the hard cock I needed in my colon. A moment later I felt a large cockhead penetrate my anal lips and the entire shaft sank deeply into my love channel and I felt a start of a series of full bore strokes that I knew were meant to please the fucker as well as me, the fuckee.

If I was to search for another fucker that would be close to the passion that the one most perfect fucker I had known, Mr. G, could cause in my love hole, I knew that it would be Juan who would fill the job nicely.

I let myself be taken over completely by my Latino top man and he made me feel that I was the only one in the world that he wanted to make hot love to. I had to close my eyes and enjoy in my mind the true love strokes that were stirring up my inner self to appreciate the act of anal intercourse as it should be felt.

As I felt the fat hard cock in my colon swell up and began to pulsate, I realized we had not used a condom and I told myself that I was glad as only a love act as full of meaning as the one I was experiencing could be fulfilled when the hot cum ejaculation was sprayed in my love tunnel and not in a tube of latex. However, I mentally thanked the spa for it’s rule of a certificate of good health for all visitors.

Juan shot six large blasts of his love soup into my gut and then a series of smaller shots that finally stopped as I felt his fuck tool begin to deflate. My fucker held his cock in my ass as long as he could but the shear weight of it finally made the love pipe slip out with a sound of my ass lips closing around it as it retreated.

We collapsed with Juan on top of me and it was a good four minutes before we had the strength to roll away from each other. I knew I had to get back to my friends and I found my legs were wobbly and hard to control until I had gone several steps.

“Come to live with me in Mexico City!” demanded Juan and I had to tell him I could not. “Then I shall move to Las Vegas but one way or another, I have to be able to fuck you each day or I shall never fuck again.” My new friend went on. I assured Juan that he only felt that way at the moment and I also was very impressed by the sex we had just had but soon it would just be a memory of a day in Beverly Hills in a spa that had everything to make sex a pleasure. “Yes, Freddy, mi amigo, of course you are right. You probably make most men feel like this way I feel, but it is a wonderful feeling I want more of.” Juan spoke as he gazed into my eyes. For just a moment, I wondered how it would be if I left my home in Las Vegas and moved to Mexico City but a flash of intelligent cool thought told me to forget it as I would not fit in Juan’s life in his home.

Juan unlocked the door and we stepped out into the private hallway that connected the four bedrooms in this master suite. Waiting near our door was Juan’s father, Sr. M. After smiling at us as we left Juan’s bedroom, the older man spoke. “I wish to thank you Freddy for the pleasure you have given my son and some of my nephews and other guests. What they experienced was much more than that which they would have had from the impersonal spa boys. For those who have been so lucky as to have met you, this trip is already a trip to remember.”

I could only stammer that I enjoyed myself very much and was very well treated by his party. “Especially, your son, Juanito,” I was quick to add to my other remarks.

“You have said it very well, my dear Papa,” Juan said as he put his arm around my neck like we were two schoolboys. “I wish I could keep Freddy in my apartment in Mexico but he will not go with me and I am broken hearted.”

“Then, perhaps with your permission, Juanito, could I ask a personal favor of your young and handsome amigo. Would there be any chance that our honored guest, Freddy, would be so kind to an old man and honor him with one of the acts of love such as he has given to my son Juanito and my nephews, Francisco, Alberto, Arturo, and Benito? I know I ask too much but from what these boys say I will be missing the highlight of this trip if I do not at least ask for it.” As Sr. M ended his request, his white cotton robe fell open and both Juan and I could see that Juan’s father had a trim naked body with a seven inch cock at full mast.

I could see that the older man had pubic hair with some white, gray and black and his legs looked like an old man’s legs should but that turgid cock seemed to say, “Just look at me and think how sweet I can cum for you.”

As I told Juan to reopen his bedroom door, I took Sr. M’s hand and the three of us went back into the room where I had had my second greatest anal experience.

The three of us, stark naked and sexually aroused, sat on the edge of the bed. Of the three of us, I know I was the most at ease and I got the impression that Juan and his father had never been this naked in front of each other before especially since both were displaying to each other their hard erections.

I got on my knees on the thick carpet in front of Sr. M and I asked Juan to hold his father’s hard cock out of my way as I went into he older man’s groin to lick and kiss and suck on his balls and his anal lips. While the father leaned back to open his legs wider apart, Juan, with his father’s hard prick in his hand, bent over to plant a kiss on the knob. Sr. M moaned. Hair was sparse but coarse in the anal crack but I managed to get my tongue just inside of Sr. M’s anal lips and he must have felt my lips sucking his hole as he moaned even louder. Now Juan was gently stroking the cock that made him and his head touched mine as he planted another kiss on his father’s balls. Sr. M let out a sound of “OOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Dios!”

I moved up so I could put the father’s hard cock, dripping pre-cum, into my mouth for my part of the sex and Juan moved up so he could nibble and suck on his father’s tits. Sr. M seemed to relax like a rag doll and Juan supported him as he continued to make oral love to both of his father’s breasts. Sr. M managed to reach down and grasp my ears and his groin began to hump as he put his love tool deeper into my mouth and then my throat. I tried my best to keep up a good rhythm by moving my mouth down as my man raised his hot prick into my throat and moving my mouth up as he made a little more than a two inch withdrawal.

Juan, now oblivious of me, was murmuring to his father,”Papa. Te quiero. Desee hacer esto puesto que era catorce anos d Viejo te. Ohhhh, Papa te quiero mucho.” The old man, still relaxed except for his active groin working his cock in my mouth, could only moan and repeat over and over, “Juanito, Juanito.”

To tell the truth, I felt as thou I was in some sort of a religious ceremony and I felt proud that I was the one who started it.

As with all good things, this magic moment also had to pass. Suddenly, the cock in my mouth swelled up and a blast of hot cum went down my gullet and into my stomach. Additional spurts of creamy cock juice filled my mouth and I swallowed each serving. As Sr. M’s cock slipped out of my mouth, I sprawled on the floor at his feet and the father and the son fell back onto the bed. It took me a few moments to recover and when I did, I found Juan’s prick standing up and calling for attention so I spent less than two minutes sucking it until it exploded in my mouth and filled my oral cavity with hot sweet creamy cum which I swallowed as fast as I could. I kind of think Sr. M saw me sucking off his son but I cannot be sure.

With our white cotton robes covering our naked bodies, Juan, his Father and I walked up and down the private hallway for four or five minutes to recover our composure. As we walked, Juan, in his natural curtsey spoke to his father in English so I would also understand. “Pope, I remember when I was fourteen on my birthday and you gave a fiesta to celebrate. There was a young bull you fought and I was so proud of you. That day I wanted you to make love to me like you made love to my mother but, of course there was no chance of you doing that. I dreamed of you in my bed for a few nights and then I found Rosa Marie, Mother’s maid and after we had sex, I dreamed of beautiful girls only. While I dreamed of girls, I knew I loved you without limits. To me, what I did to your pinga was not unnatural but only an expression of the love that I have for my dear Pope. We will not have an opportunity to repeat what I did but I want you and also my new friend, Freddy to know that my kiss on your cock and balls is for love of you and not something I could do for any other man.” Sr. M took Juan’s hands and held them to his heart and then kissed his son on his cheek. The old man did not speak but both Juan and I could hear his love very loudly.

Finally, not knowing how we would explain our absence, we three returned to the living room of the suite to find that nobody seemed to notice we had left the room. In our absence, one of the many nephews of Sr. M had mounted a black spa boy who had arrived a minute after we had left. The Latino put on a great show, I understand, riding the black spa boy like a bull in Mexico mounts and breeds a cow for a bull for the bullfights. I am sure the black did not understand the words flying about over his kinky-hair head but the language spoken by the hard fat Mexican cock in his asshole was understandable universally.

“Was that not the hottest and most sexy moment you have ever seen? The way Benito mastered the black boy was magnificent, don’t you agree?” asked Francisco, Juan’s cousin, as the crowd around Benito dispersed and the black spa boy was being congratulated for giving such a erotic performance. We each stated that we had never seen such a sight before and I guess we were being honest since we had been busy elsewhere when it was going on. Sr. M stated that he was forming a committee to reward the black spa boy and he was putting up the first two hundred dollars and was ready to accept additional contributions from those who had enjoyed the show as much as he had.

That was the high lights of my visit to Beverly Hills and the rest seem to have faded into faint memory. On the trip home I tried to sleep but I kept dreaming of those boney old legs and the pubic hair with the strands of white mixed in with the strands of black and that delicious hard cock that gave me so much exotic joy. Or rather those two cocks that was outstanding to me.

As we parted at my building, Mr. G laughed and said that I must have done something he did not get the chance to see as both Mr. F and Sr. M had told him that they had places for me if I wanted to move to their locations. I replied that I had no idea what caused those compliments but I surely had a great time living for just a few moments in the lap of luxury.


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