Gay Erotic Stories

Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 4

by Pauljames.moody
22 Jun 2008

Arm Pits Athletics Bathroom Tales Bears, Daddies & Cubs Best Friends Black and Beautiful College Days Family Fun First Time Free Form Friends Gay Erotic Stories Gym Workouts Hairy Interracial Jockstraps Man Meets His Man Muscle Novellas Older/younger Orgies Sex On The Ranch Sexual Identity Discovery Tales From School Tales From The Locker Room Threesomes


Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. -------------------------

Logan came bounding into the house acting like he had done nothing worse than spent a little too much time in the bathroom in morning, saying; "Sorry I'm late, Dad. I'm sure I'm in trouble for being late, but it's been a long day so do mind if I just go to bed and we can talk about it tomorrow?"

The little prick didn't even wait for a response from me! He just strutted his tight little ass right past me toward the stairs. I felt a father's rage at being disrespected come over me and before his foot hit the first step I bellowed; "Stop! I want to know where you've been and why you were late. Tonight! Not in the morning after you've thought up some bull-shit excuses; I want to know NOW!"

I was stunned when he didn't even pause... he started walking up the stairs saying; "Really Dad, it's been a long day and I want to go to sleep. I'll tell you what you want to know tomorrow."

I opened my mouth to yell at him again but I suddenly was at a loss for words. He had never acted this way toward me! Dismissive... disrespectful... where did this shit come from?

When I heard his bedroom door close, what started as rage unexpectedly turned to a very calm, very reserved, FURY! That son-of-a-bitch (yes, my son is a son-of-a-bitch, see part 1 for details) was not going to act like this toward his own father! He lives in my house! I set the rules! He broke the rules and then he wants to dismiss me until later! "No fucking way!" I thought.

My hardon was long gone as I calmly walked up the stairs and reached for the door knob. FUCK! The goddamn door was locked! I heard him scrambling around inside. Luckily, this cheap track house has cheap doors, cheap door jams, cheap door knobs (starting to see a pattern?), so I turned the knob hard and pushed hard and the door flew open. Logan had obviously just pulled on his baggies and had a tee-shirt halfway over his head. He was saying; "Sorry Dad, I'll come and talk to you now."

"The time for talk was when I was down stairs and you came in late!" I said rather quietly.

Logan had seldom heard that tone of voice from me and every time he had it resulted in a spanking. The last time I had spanked him was before his mother and I had split, but he hadn't forgotten what that tone of voice meant. He started stammering and babbling; "Dad... I'm sorry... lllllet's talk! Please????"

I grabbed his wrists and moved toward the chair at his desk. He jerked his wrists away from me, saying; "Come on Dad; you haven't spanked me since I was a little kid. I'm grown now. You can't seriously think you're going to whip my butt do you?"

"You think you're grown now? You think I can't whip your ass? Whose house do you think you live in?" I said as I snatched for his arms. I could not believe how he resisted me. Something was up and I was going to find out, but first I was gong to whip his ass and let him know who the boss around this house was.

He twisted free of me again and headed toward the door, saying; "Da'ad, don't do this! I'll go spend the night at Shawn's place and come back to talk in the morning."

The fury hit a hot, feverish high point then and even though he had bulked up with about 50 pounds of muscle in the last three years, I still out weighed him by at least 50 pounds. Granted I'm about 30 percent body fat, but I'm still no slouch. In an instant I was on him... I had him in a head lock and led him back to the chair. I pulled the front of his big tee-shirt up over his head so that both arms and his head were constrained and tangled in the cloth. He was over my knees and I landed a hard slap on each cheek. Acknowledging that he was more grown and that he was a hot little muscle stud who was creeping into my fantasies all too often lately, I decided not to spank his bare butt as I did when he was younger so I slapped him through the cloth of his shorts.

After those first two slaps through his shorts he stopped struggling... something wasn't right. He struggled way too much when he thought I was going to pull his pants down to paddle his bare ass and then gave up his struggle too quickly when he realized that I intended to spank him with his shorts on. In the instant that it took that thought to cross my mind, Logan must have realized that he had made me suspicious by giving up his struggle so quickly and he started squirming again like he was trying to get away.

Before he could do anything else, I seized the waist-band of his shorts and pulled them down to reveal his bare butt. I stopped cold; his ass was flaming red! He had already been paddled! I could see the marks from splayed fingers that were pointing in the opposite direction from how I was sitting and (attempting to) spanking him.

I lowered my hand onto his back and just said; "Oh, Logan. Who did this to you? Why didn't you tell me? Are you hurt? Did you get hit anywhere else?" My genuine concern had to have shown as I quickly released him and turned him over to give him a hug. "Please tell me who did this? I realize the way you were acting that you didn't want to tell me about this, but we can't just let something like this go without getting me involved. Ignoring it will just be an invitation for that person to do it again."

"It wasn't like that!" he said. "We were just messing around like we always do and I got a spanking."

"You were messing around and got a spanking?" I said; "What sort of bullshit is that? You don't just get a spanking to turn your ass flaming red from messing around! That sort of spanking only happens when you're in trouble, like you are now, or when you enjoy it!"

Then it finally sank into my thick skull; he had been spanked by his friends because he enjoyed it... The thought hit me like a ton of bricks. If he liked spankings (just like I did), then I knew what else he would be liking (the apple never falls far from the tree). I flipped him back over and he turned back to look at me saying; "Da'ad, what are you doing?"

Ignoring him, I stuck my nose down close to the crack of his ass and took a big whiff... cum. He had been fucked! I ran my finger across his pucker and held it first to my nose and then to his and said; "Cum! Whose is it?"

Well the studly little fucker shocked the shit out of me when he just took my finger into his mouth and licked it clean. He backed off my finger saying; "Tony's and Shawn's and some of mine; mostly Tony's. Shawn's tastes different."

I was about ready to shit bricks; "You can tell the difference between Shawn's and Tony's cum from the taste... after I've wiped it off of your asshole and some of yours is in you, too?"

"Well yeah, Dad. I've been meaning to tell you that I'm gay for a while now - actually since I turned 19 and am technically 'legal' in the state. The time had never been right though, because I didn't want you to think I was trying to blackmail you or play you off against Mom."

I didn't get it; "Blackmail? Play me off against your mother?"

"Come on Dad from the day she threw you out until Mike moved in all she ever called you when she was talking to me was; 'That faggot father of yours.' I sort of got the impression that she had decided that you are gay. And then right after I moved in, you forgot one of your DVDs in the player in your bedroom and since I was really curious to find out if Mom was right, I got a little snoopy and watched some of it. I jerked off three times in your bedroom and had to run into the bathroom when you got home so you wouldn't catch me. I was surprised that you didn't realize that the DVD was stopped in a different place or that your room smelled like cum. Ummm, it's sort of uncomfortable lying across your lap like this. Can I get up so we can talk more?"

"Uh, sure. Sorry. Go sit on the bed"; I said. I was surprised when he untangled his tee-shirt and tossed it aside and then kicked off his baggies. I had expected him to cover himself up again. My mouth started watering as he stood up. His cock was stiff and sticking out at least eight inches. "Shit son, you've already got me beat in the size department. Did my little swats make you bone up like that?"

He reached down and jiggled his cock a little immediately making me wish it was me playing with it, and said; "Well yeah, I guess so, but lately all it seems to take is a bit of a stiff breeze or adjusting my underwear to make me hard. I was sure that if you spanked me very much that I would probably cum."

My cock started to swell again at the thought of me spanking my son and making him cum, but I wanted to get a few answers more than anything right now. Logan sat on the edge of his bed, but immediately got back up with a pained expression on his face; "Uh, I was going to rub some cold-cream on my butt cheeks to cool them off and I think I need to do that before I sit down... and I don't want to leak on the bedspread. I kind of got filled with cum tonight and didn't have time to get rid of any of it before coming home."

"Get the cold cream and lay down on your stomach." I said; "I'll rub some on those red cheeks of yours."

"Really?" he asked. "You're not going to try to paddle me again?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his question; "No son, a spanking like I should be giving you for breaking the rules is meant to be a punishment - but instead it seems that it would give you an orgasm."

He giggled a bit at that comment and opened the door on his desk where he keeps his acne medication to pull out a tub of cold cream - as if he needs acne medication... I hadn't seen a pimple on his face since the day he moved in. He handed the tub to me then went back to the bed, pushed the bedspread to the side and lay down on his stomach with his bright red ass poking up. The swelling in my cock turned to a full-blown hardon in a matter of seconds. Logan was distracted pulling some pillows toward him to put under his chest and head for elevation so I quickly adjusted my cock as I stepped toward the bed and sat down beside him.

"Okay" I said; "I'll rub the cold cream on your butt while you answer a few questions. What did you mean about blackmail and how long has this been going on with Tony and Shawn?"

I opened the tub of cold cream, scooped out a generous amount with two fingers and swiped my fingers across one cheek and then scooped out another couple of fingers worth and swiped them across the other cheek. I got even more on my fingers and began spreading it as evenly as I could across his left glute. His reaction was immediate; "Ahhhhh! Oh, that feels nice."

"Okay, start talking." I said.

"Okay, well Mom would always say that she had blackmail material on you and that you would do exactly what she wanted you to do. I figured it had something to do with the fact that you are gay and it kind of made me mad when she would say that. I vowed that I would not use that kind of information to blackmail you or use it to try to get you to do something for me that Mom had already said no to or the reverse."

"Okay, that makes sense and it also makes me very proud to know that you would make that sort of decision and stick to it. Now tell me about Tony and Shawn."

"Well it's a long story that I can fill in more later but the short version is that after Mike moved in I had started going to work out in the weight room at the college. Mom didn't want me at home by myself while she showed houses to clients in the evenings so I went to hang out with Mike and the student athletes working out at the college. One afternoon Mom was late picking me up and then on the way to the college she got a flat tire (Didn't surprise me... the car needed new tires before we split up and she would never take any initiative to care for my BMW that she took from me). So, I had to change the tire for her and she decided to drop the flat off to be fixed, too. Well the tire place said they could fix it while we waited and Mom didn't want to drive anywhere without a spare tire so we waited while the tire was fixed and put back on the car. Anyway, it was more than an hour later than usual when we got to the college and Mom was late for another house showing so she just dropped me off and drove away."

I was spreading more cold cream across the mounds of his ass and trying to resist the urge to dive in an suck the cum out of his ass and only half listening, but enough of what he said registered; "Hmmm. Sounds like her. Go on."

"Well whenever she had dropped me off late before that, she would drive through the staff parking lot to make sure Mike's truck was there, but this time she was rushing too fast and when I got inside Mike wasn't there. I figured that I would go ahead and work out with a couple of the new students, Tony and Shawn, because they were practically always there.

I went to change, but when I went into the locker room I heard Shawn in the shower. It was obvious that he was getting a blow job because he was groaning and saying; 'Suck it man! Aww yeah! Take it all the way!'"

"I knew it had to be Tony blowing him because I already sort of knew that they were gay. I snuck in and watched for minute. Tony was choking and gagging on Shawn's cock and there was no way Tony was going to take it all the way. It looked like Tony had his head positioned so the head of Shawn's dick would just hit his gag reflex and never go down his throat. I knew I could do a better job and boy did I ever want to."

I made a mental note to myself that Logan wasn't describing his first sexual experience, just his first sexual experience with Tony and Shawn. I had one coating of cold cream on Logan's red ass cheeks but didn't want to stop; I wanted to hear more and I had to acknowledge that I wanted to play with his ass some more, too. I just sort of half-whispered; "Go on." as I started on a second coat of cold-cream.

"Well, I was stripped down and as hard as a rock in less than a second and I sort of 'let' them catch me. I ended up sucking them both off and taught Tony how to take Shawn's cock all the way.

Tony's dick is even bigger than Shawn's and it took a bit longer and lot more practice before Shawn was finally able to take Tony's cock into his throat. Shawn and I sort of compete now to see how quickly we can go down on Tony. The winner gets to take Tony's first load so I usually fudge and let Shawn win because then he'll last a lot longer while he pounds out his second load in my ass while I suck Shawn's cock, too."

"You say that like you really like it." I said.

"Aww man, Dad, some days I just can't enough. I spend the whole day in school daydreaming about getting fucked by every guy in every class. I spend most of the day walking around school with a hardon and since my dick has gotten bigger, I just can't hide it any more. That's why I love Friday's so much now. Shawn and Tony knock off early from their training and we hang out at their place to get our rocks off together. I was late tonight because Tony wanted to cum in me a second time and it took him a while to get off."

"He came three times?" I asked.

"Actually, four times. After Tony fucked me and gave me his second load, Shawn came in my mouth and then they switched places. Tony knows I let Shawn win our little game because I just can't resist shoving his cock in my throat after he fucks my ass. The taste of his cum and my ass on his cock is practically enough to make me cum without touching myself or anything, but Shawn has gotten so he really likes my cum and he knows that I'm always close by the time he and Tony switch places. He just flips over and slides under me from between my legs and after a couple of licks and sucks I give him my load. Lately he's started holding it in his mouth to push it into my ass along with Tony's. He uses Tony's and my cum for lube while he fucks me too. I get so turned on when I've got cum from all three of us filling me up that I usually end up fucking one of them while the other licks the cum out of my ass. Or I guess it's more like, one of them licks the cum from my ass while I hold still and the other fucks himself on my cock. Tonight though, Shawn wanted to get fucked and Tony wanted to fuck me again, so that's what we did, but it took a long time for Tony to cum and I didn't have time either of them to suck it back out of me like they usually do."

I could hardly believe the details he was sharing with me! I could clearly picture Shawn and Tony in my mind, both 18 and first year football players for the college. The college was too small to do much in the way of scholarships, but Mike was able to get them some financial assistance. It helped that they both were strait-A students. The college sports program was finally starting to get some very positive attention because of their very gifted new head coach and the first two African American students he had recruited. As big as those two guys were, I thought that they could only have time for working out and now my son was telling me about the steamy details of the three of them having sex together! I knew I was going to have to get off again tonight before I would be able to sleep. The mental images of Logan's story were better than most of the porn I had ever seen. There was just one more detail I wasn't clear on; "So what about the spanking?"

"Well whenever a smack lands on my ass, I can't help but make my butt jump and I tighten my hole. Plus I discovered that I can have really intense orgasms while being spanked. So, whenever I'm getting screwed, I'm usually getting spanked, too. Shawn was under me sucking my cock while I was sucking his and he kept landing smacks on my ass each time Tony pulled back. Shawn came first, but he kept sucking me and spanking my ass trying to get me and Tony off too. I realized that I probably wasn't to cum again but wanted to get Tony off, so we all kept going. Tony finally shoved in really deep and shot his wad up into me and then he looked down while he pulled out and started freaking out when he saw my butt. He was going to get some ice and cold wash cloth, but then I saw the clock. It was 5 after 10:00 and I knew I was going to be in trouble."

I was just finishing the second application of cold-cream and I could see a little trickle of cum running from his ass hole to his balls. The smell of cum was about to make me loose control as he finished his story; "Shawn knows that I can't hold that many loads in me for very long - I think that's part of the reason he likes to lick his cum out of me so much, so he got a towel for me to sit on and I drove home without my pants on. I didn't put my pants on until I was parked in the driveway."

"Uh huh, and you thought you could just fly right past me and I wouldn't be all over you about it, huh?" I asked.

"Well, sorry Dad. I was hoping to just have a talk with you about me being gay. Instead I ended up telling you about me having sex with Tony and Shawn while you rub cream on my butt. I hope you aren't mad at Shawn and Tony, 'cause they really are nice and smart and athletic and the college really is getting a lot of great things from having them there, and if you're really mad at them then you could probably get them tossed out."

I could see his point about Shawn and Tony, and given my earlier thought that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", I was certain that if Logan had decided that he wanted those two boys, and then there wasn't much that was going to deter him. I would have to think about it later to decide what sort of punishment was appropriate for missing his curfew. "Logan, you've got cum leaking out of your ass."

"Yeah," he said; "Tony shoots a lot and even though I want to give the cold-cream more time to work, I'm probably going to have to go sit on the toilet to get rid of some of it."

The smell of cum, the feel of his tight muscular ass cheeks, and the graphic details of his time with Shawn and Tony had me ready to pop off a load and I found myself feeling jealous of Shawn getting to suck all of that cum from Logan's well-fucked hole. Without even a second thought, I said; "I can take care of some of that for you son."

"Oh, thanks Dad, that would be great. Just grab anything from the hamper... Ooohhhh, you mean thaaaat way... Awwww, yeeeeaahhh!"

As he was telling me to get something from the hamper I had leaned down and lapped up the trail of cum from his balls to his ass and in less than a second I was in full-bore 'ass-eating-cum-pig' mode and pushing my tongue as far into my son's ass as I could. Pulling back with my taster covered in the juice from his ass.

I could tell there was a lot of cum inside him and I wanted it all. Having him laying on his stomach wasn't going to cut it for me for very long. I pulled his ass up in the air and flipped over to slide my face under his ass. His balls dangled right over my mouth and not being one to pass up a perfect opportunity, I gave them a tongue bath to get the last traces of cum off them.

His big cock was dripping pre-cum onto my forehead, but I ignored that for now. I reached up to his chest and began pushing upward. Logan got the hint and raised up to position his asshole right over my mouth. I stuck my tongue back into his hole and was rewarded with a huge mouthful of cum gushing out of his ass. I had to swallow fast because there was more and I was going to get it all!

Logan suddenly lifted up and turned around then planted his ass right back on my face. He reached down to push my baggies down. My cock was caught under the waist-band as he pushed them down and when it was finally freed, it sprang upwards flinging pre-cum into his hair and on his face and across my abs. He let out a low moan as he ran his fingers through the cock-snot on his face and licked them. He kept his ass firmly planted on my tongue as he leaned down to lap up the pre-cum from my abs and then locked his lips around the head of my cock. He was digging into my cock slit with his tongue, coaxing more pre-cum from me. It felt like I was oozing pre-cum in a steady flow and he just kept collecting it in his mouth. He swallowed a couple of times and took my cock to the base, but each time he backed off and started digging the tip of his tongue into the slit and scooping out more of my dick-drool.

I've eaten a lot of ass and sucked a lot of cum from ass before, but I could not believe how good Logan's ass tasted to me. Maybe it was the fact that he was my son and I had the hots for the two young studs that had shot their loads into him; loads that I was now eating back out. It got to be too much for me; Logan's graphic description of his experience with Tony and Shawn, having his mouth clamped around the head of my dick and the tasty cum from his ass all combined to send me over the top.

My cock started convulsing in Logan's mouth and he knew what was cumming - me. He started bobbing his head up and down and sucking hard. He wanted the cum from my cock as badly as I wanted the cum from his ass. He reached for my balls and began massaging them and rubbing the inside of each thigh and encircling my cock and scrotum with his fingers.

I'm not usually a powerful shooter. Normally I can get a shot off that will land as high as my chest but most of my cum shoots across my abs and then pools in my navel. Not tonight, though... my first shot of cum came flying out of the tip of my cock so fast that it would have hit the wall at the end of the bed if not for Logan's mouth being there to catch it. He made a surprised sound around my cock, but he didn't back off. He swallowed that shot and kept sucking and took shot after shot of my cum. He seemed to be getting as much pleasure from my orgasm as I was. He was mewling and licking and sucking at my cock with abandon. He continued to bob his head up and down after I finished shooting my load; taking my cock into this throat was obviously just as much of a turn-on for him as it was for me to have my cock buried in his throat.

Within seconds of blowing my load, he was coaxing the last few drops of cum from my cock and I had emptied his ass of cum. I was enjoying my exploration of his velvety tunnel with my tongue when his hole started clenching around my tongue and his balls drew up to the base of his cock. He was about to cum! Being the greedy cum-pig that I am, I wanted that, too.

I grabbed his hips to pull his ass off my face and aimed his cock for my mouth. It was good that Mike and I had been hooking up with each other recently because I had been getting a lot of practice swallowing cock. Though Logan wasn't anywhere near Mike's twelve inches, he was still big enough that several inches slid into my throat. I left him there for a couple of seconds and he went perfectly still. I figured that the little cock-tease was trying to hold his climax off, but I wanted his cum - NOW.

I reached around his legs and landed a hard spank on each butt cheek. He squirmed and ground his cock into my throat while he pulled up off my cock and moaned; "Ohhhhh shiiiiiit! I'm cuuuummmming!"

I got spurt after spurt of him cum in my throat and then in my mouth once I pulled him back a bit. He was right about the taste of Tony's cum in his ass, it was definitely a different taste than his and different from mine, too. But oh, I could not believe the head rush, the natural high I got from taking my boy's cum into my mouth. Given Logan's earlier story, this was his third or fourth load tonight and he still delivered at least five shots of cum.

I held the last of his cum in my mouth and swirled it around his cock with my tongue. Have I mentioned how much I love cum? I've called cum "manna" many times in the past, but Logan's cum must be the life-restoring elixir from the fountain of youth. I didn't want to swallow. I didn't want to let his cock go... I didn't want this moment to end...

Well so much for my sentimental, sappy moment of bliss from taking my son's load in my mouth and never wanting it to end. I was learning pretty quickly that Logan was just as much a cum-pig as me. He let my now emptied cock slip out of his mouth and he extracted his cock from my mouth while practically begging me; "Can I have some back Dad? Please Dad? Let me have some?"

How can a father resist a plea like that from his own son? Logan spun around and locked lips with me. I just started pushing the rest of his cum from my mouth into his. We slowly rolled until Logan was on his back and I let the last wads of his cum flow from my mouth to his. We must have kissed and sucked each other's tongues for ten minutes before we finally felt satisfied and we pulled apart.

He reached over and pulled the bedspread over us, saying; "Thanks, Dad. I love you so much! Can you stay here and hold me for a while?"

I looked into my beautiful son's eyes and at that moment I knew that there would be no punishment for him breaking his curfew. "Of course, son. I'll be here for as long as you want me to."

Within minutes Logan had drifted off to sleep but I didn't see any reason leave. I reached up and turned out the light. I replayed the evening's events in my mind a couple of times and nearly went to my room to jack off again, but it was late and some of what Logan had told me brought up more questions for me. I was hoping that his candid responses to me this evening would continue tomorrow when I planned to ask more questions that he may not be as comfortable answering.

With plans beginning to gel in my head for getting some of what Logan had been getting from Shawn and Tony, I finally drifted off to sleep.

---------------------- Thanks for reading guys! Stay tuned for more cum eating, cock swallowing, piss drinking, ass eating, butt fucking piggyness from Steve and crew... Feedback and suggestions are welcome at


More Gay Erotic Stories from Pauljames.moody

Steve Is An Incredible - MOTN - Steve - Part 3

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN By Part 3 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. Steve - From part 2: I pulled back off of his


LOGAN BECOMES AN INSATIABLE PIG By Part 1 The chronology of the story has this chapter following STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - Steve - Part 4. Though each chapter might get you off independently, character introductions and plot developments progress from chapter to chapter. So, check out Steve, parts 1 through 4 first if you want to read the chapters in


LOGAN BECOMES AN INSATIABLE PIG By Part 2 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. ------------------------- Logan. Though he had


LOGAN BECOMES AN INSATIABLE PIG By Part 3 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. ------------------------- Logan. The parking

Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 1

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN By Part 1 This is my first attempt to put some of my fantasies into print, so please be kind but truthful with your feedback. Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who

Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 2

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN By Part 2 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. Steve - As I sipped the wine I couldn't help

Steve Is An Incredible Pig - MOTN - Steve - Part 4

STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG By Part 4 Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere. All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. ------------------------- Logan came bounding into the

Steve Is An Incredible Pig MOTN - Mike - Part 1

MIKE PIGS OUT By Part 1 The chronology of the story has this chapter following STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - LOGAN - Part 3 which follows STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - Steve - Part 4. Though each chapter might get you off independently, character introductions and plot developments progress from chapter to chapter. So, check out Steve, parts 1


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